inknbread · 6 years
when i grow up im gonna make a movie adaptation of the museum of anything goes remember that because in about 20-30 years time maybe 40 if i leave it fucking long enough youll see something along the lines and think "well at least he fucking did it" and we can all die with a little more hope in the future than we started off with. because (i know it has been said, but) the span of everything so far comprehendable is so massive compared to the stars and bangs and the singularity of us as individuals, based on one's memory or ability to write down an event or film it paired with the capability of being able to read and listen and watch and maybe process it to emotion. if that's one fucking life then i can't understand why i can sit down without crying or waste a second on something so obviously trivial but labelled a curricular requirement. i can't process why so many people can't grasp simple moral concepts and /or the masses can't change despite having a fucking lifetime to do it because of probability and chance you'll emerge as a dickhead . so why even think i could amount to anything less than a creator if its all i fucking want to do because for this blink i choose to create, that's my function im pretty set on that one , despite my flesh and neuro-jacked head not being your own we've all got to hope that at least everyone can get it at least everyone gets the most out of this cyclical shit-show.
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