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Türkiye’de kanımca en güzel ve en anlamlı müzik yapanlardan @inhoodies’in Coo Coo adlı şarkısını çok beğendiğimi daha önce belirtmiştim. Kendisinin yönettiği video da şahane. Bu da video hakkında bir bilgi. Teşekkürler Murat! https://youtu.be/urYt2RP0cf0 #hayvan #şiddet #müzik #inhoodies #coocoo https://www.instagram.com/p/BmIVbdwBbES/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vloo9ov9zp7o
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@inhoodies 💘💘 @studio_zorlupsm #zorlupsm #inhoodies (Zorlu Performans Sanatları Merkezi)
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gnomish dictionary + theological angels and demons + natural sattelites
Abachance Abominin Aegaeone Aeshar Afranc Aftsmack Agalthaig Agrath Aintha Aithon Aivalas Alfuita Allierc Aloriax Amrospeak Analtha Angermaphil Anniniel Appindow Archold Arfaltha Arrann Autive Awarface Baality Baccolod Baidhwioth Balike Bandrin Barble Bartion Bathos Bearth Bebhion Bedhirsty Belwen Berrown Besirp Bifriel Billum Bitted Bloomy Booked Botter Breake Bridhrada Bromathrin Brondowy Caithwadhra Canderity Caniol Carator Cauthas Cauthma Celadown Celech Chanand Chanthol Charos Chiniont Ciclean Clamrine Clearly Cloathri Clumrog Colwink Contion Convense Courin Craimra Cretus Crisin Crising Crogwiaith Crusail Crystelum Cuibranc Cularity Cultha Curdly Currelay Curusta Cwanos Cwimpere Cwimpinnin Cwiriol Cylight Cômina Dantmentha Daphsiel Daracthang Darann Dauthroge Deneren Deparand Destle Dextenc Diavourse Disary Discalf Dished Dismander Distead Drammath Drathinn Drauthlog Drawinweg Driptha Druithor Duilence Dulleda Duruthos Dwalin Eithri Elebriend Electha Elfinion Empard Enchance Enesses Entidy Equeducate Ermagron Excaven Excavraning Exceedome Expectha Expresent Fadrion Fairillocer Falmiog Falogli Falosiven Fascular Fathangla Feasuranc Fegraidhron Felcothron Fengement Ferden Fernmen Feroctha Fescention Fidhon Flords Flutery Fodilfuior Foetust Follent Forcômin Foredhin Fortholm Fresireak Fuglarging Fugril Funchbacks Gadril Gathwir Gations Gerence Germilanke Gerson Gibberiol Gilare Glainallir Glaube Glenta Gnomede Goched Gofita Gofitag Goloritan Gomodeus Govege Govers Gracthistal Grambring Grancolos Grange Granni Graust Gravisin Grazon Greckon Gretus Gronner Grotection Gruithickle Gruluge Gullow Gulwed Gungry Gwadhin Gwaliaq Gwally Gwalweg Gwanwed Gwartha Gwercup Gwethral Gwilitable Gwiros Gwiruimothe Hairil Hairthicket Haltha Hanness Harpetusta Hatted Haunch Hauralled Hauringri Havenuel Helleyak Helothli Hement Hemham Herdhuis Hievern Hosias Huisthment Hunged Hyperdairin Icthann Ilbaron Illing Imateding Incipalyke Inculucket Inflan Inflative Inhabite Inhabodron Inhoody Irthista Julindi Juttock Kabiel Kumbryone Labounts Laddin Laibin Lainbow Lalmire Lapparth Larith Lathli Laugril Lautha Lavron Leansperiol Leaship Leaven Lemfingwil Lephys Lepthada Litable Liviuq Locherhood Logrith Lomathrint Longlon Lothrog Luibriel Madhos Magnifere Magonfused Magruit Manethe Marace Marative Martially Mation Mavlid Mavrad Measunded Megath Memona Meraphsiel Merathon Merlatical Metalgrin Mimand Minartha Mingoresta Mirand Mirant Mirwed Morpula Mumlosg Mumole Musiah Nafoltha Naithri Narvice Nauglassed Neckon Ninual Niwing Nobleness Noontion Nufril Nuimon Nuntal Nusicalon Nusinn Obserine Occast Orcuild Orninuous Orothwen Ouriontory Outhol Pandra Pauntle Pedeimotisc Pelegrin Peline Pigtain Pilful Piliant Pilight Pluciful Poplarage Popleave Poriod Porthi Prettleness Probin Provide Qaphan Raggedreate Raggonfirm Rahash Reakfascorn Reathwar Resent Ressiol Ression Revenu Revern Revivenu Robairiol Robautha Rother Rounders Runchestanc Sacthos Salverber Satant Scapetus Scaptha Scolorias Scovas Seable Seawakery Secrealm Separe Seritony Servillied Shorwegweth Shoulden Silenger Silwed Silwegwen Simindrin Siming Skillowelt Slivideril Smeluctable Smodra Snarlieglos Sonoth Sorroughts Sortha Spartha Specthing Spirall Spirilweth Spirin Sprist Sprive Squaffable Steltherin Stence Stephase Sticle Straceful Stranc String Strippink Suaverb Suileg Suspecien Swarriel Sweekness Sweleg Swomail Tarves Taudiblin Tefreekneer Teless Tentide Ternmen Thaidron Therongi Thlashful Thonin Thrinopy Thrintha Thronoe Thuddense Tificulare Timpan Timpeleth Tiscrity Towartha Towerc Tracks Trilinghos Uivrada Ulcruithog Ulnaither Umbell Unature Uningrilen Unsping Uporos Urioth Varinc Venous Vigorgoth Virtha Waithon Warfay Wheart Wheavity Whispect Whithring Widhrade Willedge Wistrain Yriendsca Zimiel
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@muratviia ft. @inhoodies "Human Drama" isimli single için yaptığım kapak çalışması #singlecover #illustration #illustrationart #illustrator #cover #art #cyberpunk #humanoid #cyborg #artsy #artwork #vinylrecords http://bit.ly/2L2qxvC
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Birazdan radyodayız. @inhoodies 🌟 (Radyo ODTÜ 103.1)
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One of the most creative and talented musicians emerging from the #independent #music scene in #Turkey. I love his new song “Coo Coo”. Please check his instagram account and support him! Thank you @inhoodies 🙏🏽⬅️ ・・・ Coo Coo . #inhoodies #coocoo
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Demonation Festival'in 2. günü @inhoodies ile başladı. Ara ara buradan bildirmeye devam ederiz ama gelseniz daha iyi olur tabii. #inhoodies #demonation #demonationfestival (at Babylon Bomonti)
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Moving atmospheric lyrical poetry from Turkish based singer-songwriter Inhoodies. Gospel is a emotional ballad with immense vocals paired with gorgeous guitar melodies. Check it out above and get to know this talented artist better!
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Stop hiding behind your fake shiny bright colors, NOW! / Parlak maskenin ardından çık. @inhoodies #saklanmayason stophiding #inhoodies #watercolor #illustration #ozlemoz
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Double trouble 👯 #doubletrouble #firstofthemonth #badbitches #inhoodies #perfectweather #mahmainbitch #lehgo
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One of the most creative and talented musicians emerging from the #independent #music scene in #Turkey. I love his new song and the remix album. Check his instagram account and follow him! Thank you @inhoodies 🙏🏽 #Repost @inhoodies ・・・ Coo Coo Directed by In Hoodies Animated by Mertcan Mertbilek & Yasemin Yasu Premiere on June 7 @ Bant Mag. Havuz / Bina Out on June 8 . #inhoodies #coocoo @epic.istanbul
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#Repost @inhoodies ・・・ Making of “Circling The Cage” Pt. 1 & Pt. 2 ⬅️ #music #inhoodies ————————- In Hoodies, bu hafta yayınlanan yeni kısaçaları “Circling the Cage”de yer alan yeni şarkılarını 24 Mart Cumartesi @saloniksv’deki konserinde çalacak. Duymadık demeyin. Doğal ortamlarından koparılıp hapsedilen hayvanlarda görülen davranış ve duygu bozukluklarını gündeme getiren bu video için teşekkürler @inhoodies!
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