#ingenium: in two whole ass scenes
dabihaul666 · 6 years
my issue w stain is that he’s fucking right (ofc like all the villains are) but
he like only likes all might? thats a bit unreasonable imo its not like literally every hero is a corrupted greedy attention slut yknow
like unless ingenium has some dark past we dont know about. and ofc he’s only seen from iidas point of view but he seems like a rather chill normal hero dude 
im just saying. stains obsessed with all might and not only is oneside yandere stain/all might correct, where is the ingenium stain content where is the ingenium shady content
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softer-ua · 4 years
i want horikoshi to have the balls for uraraka to actually get over her crush on deku. id like to see it happen. it would be refreshing, could give her the opportunity to finally grow out of her "poorly developed love interest" box. katsuki's plot has become a major deterrent to her developing relationship with deku whether you see bkdk as romantic or not and deku showing exactly 0 serious romantic interest in her doesn't help.
ppl say there's a double standard when it comes to ppl complaining about her character being focused solely around deku when katsuki is the same, but to me they're not the same at all.
first of all, most of the characters' developments are influenced by deku because he's the MC. that's what he's supposed to do.
katsuki's development in relation to deku makes sense because of their shared baggage and backstory. they've known each other for over a decade and katsuki's treatment of izuku is one of his character's biggest sins. meanwhile for uraraka, deku is a classmate she's known for less than a year.
katsuki does not develop solely around deku. he has a lot of important solo struggles and moments. his toxic relationship with weakness and failure, his friendships with kirishima, kaminari, todoroki, the remedial classes, getting kidnapped, kamino and his guilt over it, his relationships with all might and endeavor, his goals of being number one,etc. in fact i felt that up until the most recent arcs, he improved himself in the background first and foremost, and only recently has the focus shifted to his relationship with deku and what he's doing to improve it. he is also arguably the most transformative character for deku outside of like... all might. the impact these two have on each other is huge (that said i would like to see an arc of them separated)
uraraka is the opposite. up until aoyama pointed out her crush, she was a cool character with tons of potential. she was super transformative for deku as his first friend, the one who made deku into dekiru, and generally recognized him. in the sports festival she denies deku's help and thinks up her own cool strategy, a major moment for both her and bakugou. afterwards... i feel like im watching a pitiful version of sakura. yeah she has her moments with toga, but even those are deeply connected to izuku. and all of it is so one-sided. she does not do anything for him anymore. what better example than the JTA incident. insulting bakugou riled deku up so much he unlocked a whole new aspect of his quirk, and uraraka jumping on him wasn't enough to calm him down. his care for bakugou was greater than his care for her. it's honestly such a disservice to her, because even when she's trying she falls short compared to bakugou, who's one of the most complex and subtly developed characters in the series. todoroki has filled the secondary role she could've had as tertiary protagonist, and momo is a far more compelling female lead, has taken a major role in leading the class.
i cannot think of a single struggle of uraraka's character that was not connected in some way to deku even when that connection detracted from the struggle and made it a joke to watch. her best recent chapter was the one where she was solo saving people. give us more of that instead of forcing a relationship with izuku that's just not there. toga is faaaar more compelling to me than her.
And it's a shame because I think she could've been great.
I full believe that something behind the scenes is at play with Urarakas character
She was one of Horis first characters, she’s been around almost as long as Bakugo has, her character role was supposed to be someone who could keep up with and draw Deku out of his bubble and we can see that in action until just after the sports festival
I don’t think it’s just that Katsuki’s character took a larger role because Hori has said that he’s known that Katsuki was going to be a major influence on Deku and more than an antagonist since DvsK and Uraraka still retained her relevance and role long afte that
Other characters have taken back seats to Katsuki, like literally everyone but specifically Iida, Todoroki, and even Tokoyami have all lost some of their plot time to Katsuki despite being shown to be build a friendship with Deku.
Tokoyami obviously has suffered from that the most, Iida kinda dropped off the radar for a bit but it’s hinted here and there’s that he’s very much around and that he’s been busy taking up the mantle of Ingenium, Todo mange’s to be relevant to Katsuki’s growth as well as Deku’s so he stays in the game
But Uraraka has gotten none of that, the only time she’s shown anymore is to remind the audience that she has a crush on Deku.
She had a whole ass internship with Tsu and Nejire(one of the big three!) with Ryukyu(the number 9 hero!) and we saw like none of it
In fact we don’t see much of Tsu or Nejire when their plot intertwines with Urarakas, but both have received fun character plot boosts or small updates outside of her involvement.
It feels like Hori is avoiding her character tbh, like Uraraka has almost become a negative plot factor at this point.
The only thing I can really say that might explathe wedge is Uraraka disagreeing to go rescue Kacchan after which she kinda doubles down on getting over her crush, but it backfired and made her a little obsessive about it
But that hasn’t had the plot relevance to be the actual reason.
I think someone in the chain of command isn’t happy about Hori having such a focus on Deku and Kacchan at the same time as Uraraka tries to develop as a solo character, and it’s backed her character development into a corner by the default of Katsuki simply being a more important character to the overall story
Like maybe Hori just isn’t allowed to have her actually stop crushing even though it’s where her character is supposed to go and now she’s stuck in supporting cast love interest jail
Mrs.FlipPhone isn’t allowed to pass go or collect 200$, she gonna be poor and single Pringled until someone pays her bail 😔
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hey-hamlet · 4 years
BNHA AU Ideas: True Might
Also on AO3! 
TL;DR:  Powers don't make the hero - passion does. Luckily for Izuku and Toshinori, this is something the quirkless have in droves.
AKA: All Might is a quirkless vigilante, One for All isn't a quirk that exists and 1A gets a whole 3-week buffer before villain's start kicking their face in as opposed to the 3 days of canon.
Basically: Quirkless!Vigilante!All Might and Quirkless!Successor!(gen ed) UA Student!Midoriya. It’s a riot.
Yagi is stupid strong, his only form in this AU is basically Muscle Form from canon, but he’s a little less ridiculously cut. Not quite chubby, but huggable. This is mostly because he A, isn’t a celebrity that needs to have a marketable image and B, he really likes carbs.
He’s not exactly a vigilante by choice, in his day and age quirkless kids weren’t permitted to apply to UA, either gen ed or heroics. When Nezu got the job, that all changed, but it was a solid decade too late for Yagi.
He’s admittedly a little bitter about it, but he refuses to do anything but his best. He might be a little snippier with Pros than he really needs to be but oh well.
Katsuki and Izuku are utterly enamoured with this crazy vigilante that just doesn’t lose, refuses to back down from a fight even when he’s outmatched, and somehow coming out victorious anyway, rescuing everyone. They have a tense relationship, but often find time to get together and just ramble about how cool All Might is, share theories and dissect his fights. It’s not uncommon for Katsuki to have been hurling abuse at Izuku during class, only to show up at his house after school with a backpack full of snacks and a notebook full of questions.
Izuku knows most of what Katsuki does is to keep his status in the school. If he showed pity to a dumb quirkless runt he’d be painted with the same brush. This doesn’t make what Katsuki has done right! Only Izuku doesn’t blame him because he’s way too forgiving.
Izuku is the smartest person Katsuki knows and vice versa – they are each other’s measuring stick. Katsuki shows Izuku bravery, Izuku shows Katsuki determination.
Episode 1 goes as it does but you see a real flash of regret when Katsuki tells Izuku to jump off a roof because they are kinda-sorta friends. Izuku looks so betrayed. We meet the slime villain like before, All Might saves Izuku and 100% doesn’t expect the kid to fanboy about him and ask for two autographs – one made out to a “Kacchan”.
“Can someone quirkless be a hero?” “The whole world will be against you. Most places won't even give you a shot – no matter how good you are. You’re better off picking something else.”
Izuku is crushed but he does understand. All Might leaves and Izuku trails off kinda hopelessly. He follows the sounds of explosions without meaning to.
It’s Katsuki! He’s dying! Like usual at this point lmao. Izuku rushes in much like canon, All Might shows up, pulls Katsuki free and slams a dumpster on the slime villains head before making a speedy getaway. The police rip into Izuku but Katsuki actually defends him. “You were doing fuck all while I fucking died – don’t knock the only asshole who tried.” Izuku quietly slips him the autograph before running off the scene. Katsuki cries because Izuku got that for him even after he was such a fucking bastard that day? He can’t bring himself to be a dick to Izuku again, even only for show.
All Might finds Izuku and he's like “Sorry I was an ass I was being a dick because I had low self-esteem – I’m quirkless. If you’ll have me I’ll make you into the best hero the world had ever seen
Izuku, obviously, says yes please!
Also, hypermobile Izuku with joint braces as support gear because just let me project please my arms are killing me ( I wrote this a while ago and yes. My arms are still killing me - yes even now). He gets them after All Might sees him miss a dodge because his ankles rolled beneath him. They support his joints beyond the normal range of strength, letting him do some crazy pivots and handsprings, making it easy to support all his weight on a single-arm with very little strain. They can also lock in place, lessening muscle fatigue if he needs to hold onto something for ages and preventing injury if he’s pushing against something. Produced by David and Melissa Shield and imported through Nighteye Heroics.
Is support gear illegal for civilians to own? Yes! But medical equipment isn’t so if you can just convince people its medical not support you can get away with a lot.
Yagi has no weapons himself, other than the random shit he picks up and swings at people, and has little support gear other than a communicator, panic button, and a whole lot of zip-ties.
Izuku should probably have weapons but I’m struggling to think of anything other than war fans because how cool would that look? Because Shonen they would also have the ability to create powerful downdrafts that would give a boost to a jump or dodge.
Probably doesn’t get them until later and needs to train with them.
In this AU, One for All isn’t a quirk. Rather, it’s a role, passed from quirkless person to quirkless person, the only people who can’t be hard countered by All for One. They tend to be vigilantes, crime lords or hero managers, doing their part to foil as much of All for One’s plans as they can, through whatever means necessary.
It’s a role with a pretty high fatality rate.
No one knows All Might is quirkless other than those close to him, they instead think he has a strength quirk. He’s the most prolific vigilante in Japan and is almost as much of a household name as canon All Might. More divisive though, with most people decrying his vigilante status when he could ‘easily make a respectable hero’. He’s also pretty brutal with his takedowns of some villains, leading a lot of people to call him an unregulated brute. Still more call him a villain which, legally he would be - were he using a quirk.
Nighteye is his contact in the heroics industry, gives him loads of inside info that’s typically not something he should be passing on. He’s still close with David Shield. Nighteye imports any costume parts he needs from David and leaves them at various pickup points for Yagi.
He went to college with David in America after Nana died; America having a quirk blind admission process helped - but he’d have gotten shit talked a lot if people didn’t just assume he had a strength quirk. Dude was and is crazy big.
David was one of the only people that knew he was quirkless
OH FOR FUN; Nighteye was also going to this American college and that’s where he met All Might. The three of them became the world’s strangest group of friends and may have lowkey done some slightly illegal vigilante work around the campus and surrounding town. They had a reputation for getting no sleep ever and being the most mismatched set of people
Secretly Smart Jock, Business Man with a Touch of E-boy, Science Hipster. They all tumbled into class together with varying levels of alive-ness. Nighteye and David were very much not morning people.
UA! It’s a ride. Izuku fails the practical but he’s not shocked – he was prepared for this.
He actually got like 30 hero points? But they refused to admit him on hero points alone due to his ‘deficiencies’. They don’t exactly tell Izuku this but Aizawa was there and he was furious.
Gets into 1C with Shinsou, Shinsou fuckin hates him on sight for reasons best known to him (It’s bc he was so god damned cheerful he just – assumed Izuku had a quirk. I love Shinsou but he’s more than a little judgemental). Izuku is like smiling through the pain because he just wanted to make a friend his age – Katsuki barely counts.
He sits with him at lunch and makes friends-ish with the hero kids who dragged Katsuki along, meets Ochaco again. She’s upset he didn’t get in – especially after he tells her he apparently got 30 points. The whole table gets mad on his behalf and hes embarrassed and happy.
Like day 2 he’s leaving gym and someone is like “Oh LMAO it’s Deku – he was in the year below me at Aldera. Only fuckin quirkless kid in the whole school; can’t believe he got into UA.” He turns to Izuku. “Who’s dick did you suck to get in you - ?” And Shinsou just decks him. He grabs Izuku – who is super confused fyi – and s p r i n t s. They have to stop after a while because hes having a panic attack and Shinsou doesn’t know what the fuck to do and he’s mad and upset and the sunshine boy is sobbing –
Aizawa shows up, having seen the (end of the) altercation and is ready to expel some gen ed kids he can’t legally expel – until he sees the two kids from the entrance exam he was interested in – including the quirkless kid who should have gotten in. Well he’s much more willing to hear them out.
100% requests expulsion on those 2 2E kids because that’s Discrimination and they should know better as second years. Nezu grants it because those 2 were di ck s
No USJ because no All Might – stuff like that will come,,, later : )
Sports Fest! Izuku and Shinsou kick ass, Aizawa is Watching. All Might may have gotten in as a crowd member with Nighteye and a visiting David and Melissa and they are cheering on their sun son. Also, Nighteye is going to go cheer on Mirio so he just got a pass to attend all 3 days of the sports festival. He’s just buying snacks on the second day because he’s never talked to one of the second years in his life.
Shinsou and Izuku make it to the tournament. Izuku has been training pretty seriously with All Might for a while now and hes a very good fighty boy. Makes it to the 3rd round of the tournament where he loses to Iida. Shinsou makes it second where he loses to Katsuki. Izuku is like “Iida might you be Ingenium’s brother or something?” “Yes, I am!” “OH MY GOD I LOVE INGENIUM ISN’T HE THE COOLEST” “YES MY BROTHER IS AMAZING” Shinsou is just watching while faintly amused.
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mysterylover123 · 5 years
My Top 20 BKDK Moments (So Far)
by mysterylover123
Warning, anime onlys: I’ll be mentioning Manga stuff, though only 2 of them are all that spoiler-y
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3.19 “RUSH!” Provisional License Exam Arc
What Happens: Bakugo asks Midoriya if he’s made ‘that borrowed power’ his own, complimenting him indirectly by saying that of course he passed. Deku gets super excited at being complimented by him.
Why I like it: For all the shit they throw at one another early on, BK & DK do really look up to/respect each other. They won’t admit it easily, but scenes like this (and a later scene in Chapter 194, where Deku compliments Kacchan and he too reacts extremely) showcase that respect. I love it. Also, Kacchan knows Deku’s AM’s inheritor already.
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Chapter 168 “The Strange Tale of Aoyama” Interlude arcs
What happens. Post Internship arc, Bakugo asks Deku if he’s gotten any better since they last talked. Deku says no, and Bakugo reminds him that he said he’d surpass him. This prompts Deku to work harder.
Why I like it: Ideal RivalShipping is about two characters pushing each other to be their best selves. Bakugo is great at getting Deku to try harder, just as Deku prompts his best self.
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Backstory flashback, multiple times. Mostly Battle Trial Arc
What happens: Baby Deku and Kacchan walk through the woods together, talking about quirks, before DK is found to be quirkless. This is one of many scenes of Baby Deku and Kacchan being casual friends.
Why I like it: I love the cute scenes of them as kids, where they seem to be actual friends and hang out together, bonding over All-Might and quirks and heroes. I hope we get to see them hang out like that again as adults some day.
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Chapter 217: End of joint Training Arc
What Happens: Kacchan joins in the AM and Deku talks (for the 2nd time) to discuss what’s happening with OFA. He also works with Deku on trying to master his new ability.
Why I like it: Bakugo is instantly able to help Deku zero in on the information he needs up joining the secret OFA talks, in a way that AM wasn’t able to. He makes a great partner for Deku here, getting right to the point and refusing to waste time.
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Hero-Killer Arc, 2.14-2.19
What Happens: Deku is trying to master OFA. He thinks about how he wants to move, and uses Kacchan’s moves as his model. He’s able to discover Full Cowling like this, which lets him fight Stain and do well in the race - and everyone notices (Iida, Uraraka, Todoroki, Bakugo) that he’s moving like Kacchan.
Why I like it: Deku has lots of moments where he thinks “What would Kacchan do” or tries to model himself on the guy. He admires the crap out of him - but not in the blind way he tries to imitate AM, or Ochaco tries to imitate Deku, or Iida Ingenium. Because Deku doesn’t hero-worship Baku, but sees his flaws, he’s able to imitate him without losing himself.
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Battle Trial Arc, 1.07-1.08
What happens: Midoriya and Uraraka are pitted against Kacchan and Iida in mock battle. Midoriya goes on and on and on about how awesome Kacchan is and how much he wants to beat him - first in a speech to Uraraka, later telling Bakugo to his face.
Why I like it: Deku really looks up to Kacchan, and even at their most adversarial, he still talks about him in positive terms and speaks of him as a cool guy he wants to surpass. Deku doing this is also good for Bakugo, since he’s able to acknowledge his flaws and strengths without kissing his ass like his sidekicks in middle school; Deku beating him upsets his pride and sets off his Character Development.
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3.17 Class 1-A, License Exam Arc
What Happens: Aizawa meta’s about his class with Ms Joke, explaining that Deku and Kacchan are the center of every Class A incident, and despite not getting along, their presence elevates everyone else up.
Why I like it: The staff of UA seem to ship BKDK. They teamed them up to fight AM and encourage them to get along. Aizawa sees clearly how each one inspires everyone else. This speech groups them together as a duo who act in tandem. Twin Stars.
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2.24 “Katsuki Bakugo origin” Flashback
What happens. Baby Kacchan fights off a bunch of older kids, even though he’s in tears. Baby Deku watches him from afar and looks deeply impressed.
Why I like it: Deku seems to have admired Kacchan since he was really, really young. I’m not sure when this scene takes place, but Deku’s big smile and wide, shining eyes when watching Bakugo seem like a mark of affection and love to me.
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3.23 Deku vs Kacchan Part 2
What happens: Post Fight, under house arrest alone, Deku and Kacchan have a very civil conversation, where depending on the translation either Deku brings up Shoot style and asks for advice, or Kacchan offers it on his own. Ends with Deku smiling.
Why I like it: Post-DVK2, they immediately establish that they’re now capable of talking to each other in civil terms. Kacchan gives Deku civil advice, and despite saying ‘it pissed me off’, the whole exchange is beautifully positive.
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1.12 All Might USJ Arc
What happens: Deku jumps in to save Al Might and is nearly killed by Kurogiri. At the last second Kacchan saves him by taking down Kurogiri. Also Later Kacchan is nearly killed and Deku screams in horror.
Why I like it: Bakugo doesn’t have a ton of scenes where he saves Deku, but the few times he does save someone/show concern for them, it’s usually him. This is Baku’s first save, and though he phrases it in rude terms, he still does it. Actions> words.
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Chapter 202, joint Training Arc
What Happens: Deku and AM go off to talk OFA. Kacchan refuses to be left out and joins them voluntarily. Noticing Deku is upset he encourages him in his own way, which AM observes. Once Deku smiles, Kacchan goes back to being his abrasive self.
Why I Like it: Baku is newly nicer (in his Tsundere way) after DVK2. He’s actually able to be kind to Deku and encouraging. This is similar to the advice the OFA users give Deku later, which helps him actually use the power. OFA Co-conspirators FTW.
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3.11-3.12 US of Smash
What Happens: Post All Might’s fight, Kacchan notices Deku’s tears and AM’s words, and puts the pieces together. He asks AM about Deku and when he’s shot down he remains quiet and brooding.
Why I like it: Bakugo changes forever in this section of the story. He realizes the truth about Deku. He blames himself for ending AM. He asks about Deku and shows awareness that something’s up with him. It’s all very self-aware and sweet.
(#8-2, examples of super-mega-ultra concern for each other)
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3.04-3.10 Training Camp and Hideout Raid Arcs
What Happens: While fighting Muscular, Deku learns that Kacchan is in danger. He goes psycho Madman Deku mode for the whole Training Camp Arc, refusing to pause or rest until he’s saved Kacchan. He falls apart when Kacchan is taken, then immediately goes off to save him again even though he could die.
Why I like it. Deku likes saving people in general, but when someone threatens Kacchan, he goes crazy in a way he doesn’t for anyone else. He spends this whole arc hopped up on “Must save Kacchan” juice and keeps pushing and going no matter what. He cares about the guy, no two ways about it.
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3.07 “What a Twist!”
What happens: Bakugo is captured by villains. He’s being dragged through the portal and Deku comes barreling towards him with two broken arms, fully prepared to jump through the portal and die just to save him. Bakugo tells him not to and Deku listens.
Why I like it: Though this arc is filled with Deku being crazy protective of Baku, Baku gets his own fair share in right here. He tells Deku not to basically die protecting him, and Deku listens. Baku basically saves his life here, at the expense of his own.
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Backstory flashback repeated a lot.
What happens: Baby Kacchan slips and falls into a creek. Baby Deku goes down to help him up and asks if he’s ok. This offends Baby Kacchan’s pride.
Why I like it: Bakugo probably never had anyone treat him like a fallible human being until Deku came along. Everyone told him he was amazing and could never be hurt - but Deku doesn’t. That bruises his ego at first, but in reality it’s exactly what he needs: Someone who cares about him and will protect him, while still admiring him. (Plus this scene is cute).
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Chapter 210, Joint Training Arc
What Happens: In an effort to piss Deku off and get him to talk, Monoma using Shinso’s power taunts him about Bakugo, saying that Bakugo shouldn’t be able to smile since he destroyed All Might. Deku’s new quirk goes PsychoBerserker out of control in response.
Why I like it: Deku’s power-ups are often connected with Baku in some way. Like many superpowers, OFA seems to be fueled by emotions. So targeting Bakugo brings out Deku’s greatest powers. In this case, though, it’s not a villain trying to hurt him. It’s someone insulting him. And that means Deku will defend Kacchan’s honor and feelings as well as his safety.
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1.08 “Bakugo’s Start Line”
What Happens: Post Battle Trial Arc, Bakugo is in emotional freeful. Deku notices and chases after him, telling him for no goddamn good reason that he has an inherited power. Kacchan doesn’t believe him and instead pours his heart out to him, crying and promising to beat him.
Why I like it: Buncha reasons. 1) Deku ditches all his lovely friends, including Ochaco, to go comfort Kacchan. Even in the same way Ochaco just ditched Kaminari. 2) Deku tells Kacchan about OFA. He won’t tell anyone else, he just decided comforting Kacchan was more important than his entire reason for being here. 3) Kacchan cries in front of Deku and tells him how he feels insecure. He doesn’t do that in front of anyone else. 4) Warm lighting, deep eye contact, and the beginning of a beautiful rivalry.
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2.24 “Katsuki Bakugo Origin”
What happens: Deku and Kacchan work together to fight AM, after a nasty fight. Deku calls Kacchan out for not being himself. Kacchan sacrifices his body to make sure Deku can escape. Deku socks AM in the face to protect Kacchan. They win.
Why I like it: For a moment that started out so dark (sock to the face), this one gets sweet fast. On Deku’s side: He reprimands Kacchan for not acting like himself, compliments his can-do- attitude, and works together with him, overcoming his fear; he finds the strength to punch AM in the face to save Kacchan, with a callback to ep 2. Kacchan’s strength helps Deku win. On Kacchan’s side: He works with Deku to win, giving him his gauntlet, and sacrifices his safety so Deku can get out, even sounding kinda concerned for him when he gets in danger. They showcase what a great team they could/will make when they work together.
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Chapter 1/Episode 2: Izuku Midoriya Origin/What it Takes to be a Hero
What happens: Deku, in a fit of depression, sees the monster AM saved him from suffocating some kid. He’s freaking out till he sees that it’s Kacchan. He runs into deadly danger to save Kacchan, inspiring AM to save them both.
Why I like it: Because this moment changed Deku’s entire life and Kacchan’s as well. Deku’s legs ‘move’ before he can think. And it’s explicitly because it’s Kacchan in danger; he doesn’t move until he sees Kacchan’s terrified eyes. Kacchan also shows concern for Deku, telling him to get away (he didn’t say that to the pros trying to save him) so he doesn’t die. This is another scene that follows up on an awful fight between the two, and changes both lives forever. Saving Kacchan gets Deku OFA. Being saved by Deku opens Kacchan to his humility for the first time and stops him from hassling Deku. Plus, just a super-snippy moment to me.
BONUS: Anime only, OPS & EDS
OP 1: The Day
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Deku and Kacchan are surrounded by the romantic cherry blossom trees.
OP 3: Sora Ni Utaeba
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Deku and Kacchan brooding on each other.
ED 3: Datte Atashi No Hiro 
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Admitted by the writer to be about Deku’s feelings for Kacchan. Fantasy Deku with his hand over his heart watching Kacchan. BKDK teaming up in Fantasy AU to beat All Might as they look each other deeply in the eyes.
2.24 OG
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Anime-only Kabe-Don scene.
OP 4: Odd Future
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Deku’s head bows when Kacchan is stolen.
ED 4: Update
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“Cause I love, cause I love, cause I love being with you.” While they watch the stars together.
OP 5: Make My Story
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2 halves, one whole.
#1. Deku vs Kacchan Part 2
Chapter 116-121/Episodes 3.22-3.23
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“It’s about your quirk…If your way of looking at him was right, does that mean my admiration was wrong?”
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“No matter how many times I pushed you away, you always keep coming back!”
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“We never talked about our real feelings…”
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“Why was I the reason for All Might’s end?”
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“The only one who can receive Kacchan’s feelings is me.”
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“To me, you were an amazing, inspiring person, who was much closer to me than All Might. That’s why I kept chasing after you” (is it me or does this sound exactly like Hinata’s love confession to Naruto in the Invasion of Pein arc?)
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“This is gross, so I can’t tell you, but…you’re my image of victory.”
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“If the two of you recognize each other, and honestly raise each other up, you can become the best heroes, who both win and rescue.”
What Happens: Deku and Kacchan tell each other how they really feel. Through a fight because Shonen.
Why I like it: AM himself says it. They’re perfectly matched. They need each other to become the greatest heroes. Kacchan knows he can only talk to Deku about how he’s feeling; nobody else can receive his feelings. Deku loves and admires Kacchan as his friend, not his Great Hero like AM. It’s just perfect.
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 050: Hunting Down Villains
Previously on BnHA: Deku and Gran Torino had a fierce fucking fight, during which Deku successfully utilized One for All LIKE A MAN, bouncing all over the damn place and increasing his body’s strength and speed. It was very badass, and he even managed to graze Torino’s cheek, although he was tired out afterward. Over at the Villain Bar, Stain rassled with Tomura and lightly stabbed him a bit to test his mettle, and apparently he was impressed enough to hold off on killing him for now. Then he headed back to Hosu, presumably to fuck up Iida’s shit ffffff.
Today on BnHA: Deku and Gran Torino hop on a bullet train trip to do some training in the city. Iida’s field training mentor Manual warns him not to try anything stupid like hunting down the guy who maimed his brother. Stain and Tomura arrive in Hosu. Tomura is annoyed and craving some mayhem, so he goes and summons THREE FUCKING NOUMUS to go wreck some shit. Deku and Gran’s train is attacked by one and Gran flies off to fight it. Iida spots Stain about to kill a dude in an alley and ignores everything Manual said and goes to confront him, announcing that he’s the hero who’s come to take down Stain in his brother’s stead: Ingenium.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 123 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
apparently we’re already on day 3 of the internship! we’re also just about a quarter of the way through the whole series now which is also cool!
this chapter is titled “Kill ‘Em Dead” so. that promises to be fun
looks like Deku has gotten his ass kicked again. but he wants to keep going!
“time for phase two... the actual internship!” oh yeah, that. I was wondering if he was ever going to actually do something hero-related. he hasn’t gotten much in the way of practical day-to-day experience thus far
off they go to hunt down some villains
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bad villains, really bad villains, talkative villains, mysterious villains, fabulous villains, lame villains, surprise villains, tragic villains... there are a lot
Deku doesn’t think his heart is ready for this. even though he already fought like three of the worst ones out there
even Gran points that out, and says this won’t even come close to how bad that was. well, good
(ETA: this just goes to show that YOU CAN’T SEE THE FUCKING FUTURE, GRAN TORINO)
apparently there isn’t enough crime in this quiet neighborhood, so they’re taking a taxi and then the bullet train
there’s a whole map explaining where they are in Japan, and I’m ashamed that I don’t know enough about the geography of Japan for it to mean much to me. I do know that Shibuya, where they’re headed, is basically the Times Square of Tokyo, though
apparently they’ll be passing through Hosu on their way, which gets Deku thinking about Iida again
he’s thinking to himself that maybe he’ll get in touch with him later, so clearly something terrible is about to happen
“meanwhile in Hosu City” oh lord. bracing myself
the guy Iida’s interning with is apologizing that things aren’t more exciting. but Iida says it’s better that way
because this guy was not, in fact, born yesterday, he finally asks Iida if he’s after the Hero Killer. since it’s pretty obvious that this kid, who recently tied for third place in the sports festival and is the younger brother of a bigshot like Ingenium, probably had a few more exciting prospects than his little agency
he’s telling Iida not to be motivated by personal grudges. I’m sure Iida will take all this to heart and drop the whole thing immediately
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actually that’s interesting to hear that they don’t have authority to make arrests. basically they just capture the bad guys and then let the cops and the courts deal with it from there
(ETA: although the way this rule is applied at the end of this arc is frankly mind-boggling to me. it should have been “thank you, children, for apprehending this serial killer who’s been terrorizing the country, and for saving Apache Chief’s life. we’re incredibly grateful to you and so very sorry that we fucked up so badly our own selves so as to make your actions necessary to begin with.” but nooooo, they get chewed out for having the fucking gall to take action in a life or death situation. and they’re told their actions can’t ever be made public or else they’d have to be punished since they broke! the! rules!! oh gosh. really the cops just didn’t want to deal with this on top of everything else and this was the laziest way they could sweep it under the rug.
sorry for that impromptu rant lol.)
Iida says he appreciates the warning. like I said,this gives me a ton of confidence that he’ll just go ahead and let this go
he is staring off into the sunset and clenching his fist
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this kid got bitten by the vengeance bug real bad
now we’re back on top of that water tower where Kurogiri first met up with Stain
for whatever reason, Tomura has decided to tag along
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“sacrifices” oh lord
Stain says the title of “hero” should be reserved for only the truly great, and that too many of them are just in it for the money and are undeserving
(ETA: Stain’s Annoying Rant Counter: 4)
now he’s jumping off, presumably to go kill some more of those money-grubbing heroes
as soon as he’s out of earshot Tomura immediately starts dissing him
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(ETA: it’s amazing how much I sympathize with Tomura in this arc)
but Kuro says the other cities Stain has appeared in have actually seen drops in their crime rate, and that it seems to tie in with “an increase in hero awareness”
Tomura’s like, great, isn’t that the exact opposite of what we, the evil villains, are shooting for
and he wants Kuro to bring out Noumu so they can go on their own rampage
wtf. Noumu who’s supposed to be in police custody right now?
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oh my god, fuck you and your s-less plurals you stupid misleading sneaky Japanese language
so these guys just have Noumus by the barrel, just lying in wait ready to be used at a moment’s notice, then??
one of the Noumus has FOUR FUCKING EYES because WHY NOT
so basically these guys are their fucking Sentinels
back to Deku and Gran on the train!
it’s going to be nighttime by the time they make it to Shibuya. awesome. Gran is happy because there should be more crime to put a stop to now
oh my god Deku is waiting for Iida to reply to his text. omg. I’m having a “millennial reads a gen z manga for the first time” moment once again
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FIRST OF ALL, I didn’t post the panel right before this, but basically Gran is like, “ON YOUR PHONE AGAIN?! KIDS THESE DAYS,” and OH MY GOD. GRAN IS LITERALLY NINETY PERCENT OF ALL BABY BOOMERS I’VE EVER MET
also, Iida read that shit and didn’t say a damn thing. that’s some shady fucking shit, Iida. up to no good
(ETA: I would also like to take this opportunity to complain about this translation, because in this version Deku has abbreviated the word “you” as “u” and ARE YOU KIDDING ME Deku would never)
oh shit they’re making an emergency stop
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...okay yeah, I would say that is a yes.
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yep. same
oh SHIT, it’s the Noumus. of fucking course they got those guys rather than Stain
so Deku immediately recognizes the familiar exposed-brains-and-vacant-expressions aesthetic, but before he can do anything, Gran shouts at him to stay put. and now he’s springing off into action
fucking shit. even All Might was only just barely able to beat the last Noumu, and that was with him using his full power and then some
oh shit the train hasn’t stopped yet!
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so now Deku, looking out at the city which is aflame, realizes that they’re still in Hosu, and...
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and now we’re cutting back to Iida and his pal. and his pal is telling him to get a move on and that they need to head toward the scene, but all of Iida’s attention seems to have become focused on this random dark alley nearby, and now he’s taking off in that direction
(ETA: what a fucking coincidence though that Stain just happens to be in the alley right next to them though. like, come on)
and it’s Stain... he’s looking towards the explosions? presumably? and complaining to himself that “that idiot” is being too flashy
so the explosions were what was drawing the attention of Iida’s hero pal, but Iida himself probably saw this guy. and just ran over without thinking
I mean, Stain’s clearly about to end this guy though
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the poor hero dude apparently can’t move. just like Kurogiri in the last chapter
and Iida’s appearing in the frame behind Stain now
oh godddd
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now Stain is asking Iida who he is. does Stain not watch the U.A. Sports Festival broadcast along with the rest of the country
wow he’s telling Iida to leave
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I left out “honorable villain” from my previous list of villain types, but this guy increasingly seems to fall under that category
(ETA: nope, already had him covered under “talkative villain”)
hoh boy Iida has his rage face on
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but while he’s busy being dramatic, Stain cuts him off and points his katana right in his fucking face omg
he says he can tell from his eyes that he’s out for revenge. OH CAN YOU. YOU DON’T SAY. THOSE EYES, REALLY? THEY’RE SO FRIENDLY THOUGH
“watch your mouth or your age won’t be enough to save you”
I didn’t mention this before because I was too caught up in everything, but Stain must be the first ever person in history to look at Iida fucking Tenya and immediately think, “child”
maybe it’s the lack of glasses. if Iida still had his glasses on he’d have immediately been pegged as forty and would now be fucking dead
now Iida’s pissed off all over again because Stain doesn’t consider him a threat
look at this fucking monologue
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and Stain is all “oh really? time to die then”
and the chapter ends
why are heroes so brave and stupid
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oh cool, I think this is Iida’s hero pal and I was wondering what his name was
“Manual” omg. like manual as in training manual? instruction manual?
“favorite things: equilibrium.” favorite color: beige. favorite food: oatmeal. favorite musician: phil collins
I actually love him now and I hope we get to see him more and that he somehow manages not to become collateral damage during this arc
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hellyeahnerdout · 6 years
Here’s my Truth or Dare fic!
It was the Friday night after finals week and everyone had decided to let their hair down and have a bit of a celebration party. Mina had somehow convinced Iida to let her supply the drinks, the majority of them being alcoholic of course; and Jiro had set up an awesome sound system in the common room and was currently blasting loud dance music. Everyone in class 1A was already a few drinks in and having a blast.
Uraraka flopped down on the couch a drink in her hand and a smile on her face as she surveyed the lively scene. She couldn’t believe that they were all so close to finishing school. Her smile turned bitter sweet at the thought that in a short time they would all be moving on, either to colleges or getting signed to pro hero agencies.
“Why the long face Ochaco-chan?” Came the singsong voice of Yiyun as she sat down next to Uraraka, a drink in both hands and a bubbly smile on her face. Di Yiyun was a foreign exchange student who had transferred in to UA half way through their first year when her father had become stationed at a small army base in Japan. A shock to the whole school when it had first happened, Di quickly made it known how she had achieved the spot. Even though she was a petite delicate young girl with a truth telling quirk that made her seem the furthest thing from a top pro hero, she had proved everyone wrong. She was deceptively quick and agile from years of acrobatics and gymnastics classes, and from a young age her father had drilled combat training into her, showing her how to use her opponent's strength and size against them. And through her quirk was more suited to gathering intel and helping the police with interrogations, she was quick witted and often thought outside the box which led her to start using it as a way to distract and disorient whoever she fought against. A small touch was all it took and her opposition was forced to answer any direct question she or anyone else asked them for a set amount of time. And she was not above using crass low blow questions to distract and embarrassed her foes. That was something no one ever expected from the normally sweet bubbly little curly haired blonde. All of this combined made her a formidable hero with many sidekick apprenticeship offers already rolling in from high ranking pro hero’s.
“Oh I’m just thinking about how were all going to be graduating soon Yui. It just got me a little sentimental is all.” Ochaco told her friend.
“Oh no! Ochaco-chan, don’t think of it that way! This is a happy thing, a new beginning. Plus its not like we’ll never see each other again. I’ll always be just a quick phone call away, and I’m sure more than a few of us will be working at the same agencies.” She told her with a big tipsy smile before leaning in and half whispering with a slight blush, “Guess what I heard? You, Izuku-kun, and Bakuchan are all being scouted by the same agencies. Aaaaaand, Shoto-kun and I are gonna get offers from a few of the same agencies, including his father's!”
Uraraka laughed at that and asked, “And how did you come by this information?”
“I have my ways.” Yui told her wiggling her eyebrows for emphasis.
The two of them sat together and talked for a while as the party began to wind down, and the majority of their classmates went off to find their beds. The only ones left had all gathered around the common room couches quietly conversing and siping their drinks. The musics had been dimmed to a low background noise and the mood had shifted to something almost somber. Then out of nowhere, Di who had been lounging across Ochaco and Tsu’s laps, quietly but adimantly talking to the green girl, suddenly shot up and proclaimed, “Oh oh oh! Guys we should play this old kids game I used to pay when I was in America! Truth or dare! It’s so much fun.”
“We have that game here too airhead” Bakugou told her gruffly.
“Oh good! Then I won't have to explain it to you Bakuchan.” Yiyun said with a smile. “Come on guys, it will be super fun, pluuuus I can make it so no one can cheat!” She told them waving her finger in the air.
The group let out sounds of agreement and arranged themselves in an oddly shaped circle. The games members consisted of; Uraraka, Midoriya, Asui, Todoroki, Bakugou, Kirishima, Ashido, Di, Iida, Jiro, and Kaminari. Yui made her way around the gathering touching everyone gently on the nose with an accompanying “boop” noise, touching herself last as she sat back down between Tsu and Ochaco.
“I can keep my quirk up for about an hour and a half with this many people, so who wants to go first?” She asked the group.
Denki’s hand shot into the air and he said, “Oh I will.”
“Hold on, I think we should lay down some ground rules before we begin.” Iida spoke up. “First, no dares that force people to have sex or do anything too demeaning. Second, there should be a penalty if someone chooses not to do a dare; I suggest kissing someone the person who gave you the dare tells you to. And third, nothing we say or do here leaves this circle of trust.”
Everyone spoke up in agreement to the rules and the game began.
Denki looked around the group for his first victim, eyes eventually locking on Mina. With a wicked smile on his face he asked her, “Mina, truth or dare?”
“Man you’re gonna make me do something really stupid if I choose dare, aren’t you. So you know what better make it truth.” She said.
“Okay… If I kissed you would you kiss me back?” He asked after a moment of contemplation.
“Yes!” Mina exclaimed instantaneously, eyes widening as her hand shot up to cover her mouth. “Oh shit Di, that quirk of yours works quick.” She complained her cheeks turning pinker than the rest of her face. Yiyun gave her a little shrug and a smirk as if to say “what did you expect”.
Kaminari had a huge grin on his face as he made kissy noise toward Mina. “You like me don’t y-” he was about to ask her before Jiro smacked him on top of his head.
“New rule only one question per person.” She stated.
“I second that!” Mina said. Another round of agreement from the group followed. “Okay, my turn now. Hmmmm, Kirishima, truth or dare?”
“Dare of course! It’s the only manly answer.”
“I dare you to sit in Bakugou’s lap for the next five turns.” She said with a snicker.
“Put your ass on me and I’ll blow you sky high shitty hair!” Bakugou told him threateningly.
“If you don’t do it I vote he has to kiss Bakuchan then!” Yui called out with a laugh. Mina nodded in agreement to that. Everyone burst into giggles as Katsuki and Eijiro turned beet red.
“Fuck it fine, just don’t move around too much idiot.” Bakugou grumbled. Kiri quietly climbed into his lap still blushing furiously. “Don’t get any ideas.” He whispered into Kirishima’s ear.  This made Eijiro blush even more again.
“Oi, are you just gonna sit there flustered or are we gonna continue this game?” Jiro asked.
“Both.” Kiri blurted out, flushing an even deeper red. “Shit! Ummm, quick Di, truth or dare?”
“Truth!” She said with a wide smile.
“Um, do you have a crush on anyone?”
“Man you should have asked her who instead of if. Ribbit.” Tsu told Kiri.
“Yes I do.” She said with a little blush. “Iida, truth or dare?”
“Dare.” He said without hesitation. “I've been on the receiving end of your questions before, and it is not something I would like to repeat.”
Yui laughed at that. “Awww, Tenya-kun, our match at the school festival was fun though. But fine, I dare you to run a lap around the outside of the campus buildings in just your underwear, without using your quirk.” Gasps and laughter filled the room at her suggestion.
Iida straightened up a slight flush coming to his cheeks before he asked a series of questions. “Do I get to still wear my glasses? Can I hide if someone comes along? Will everyone be watching me? And who must I kiss if I refuse?”
“Yes, no, yes, and I think you should kiss Izuku-kun!”
“What why me?” Midoriya asked in alarm.
“Cause I know Iida won’t kiss you, and I think it would be really funny to watch him do my dare.”  She stated frankly.
“Yiyun-chan is correct. I can not bring myself to kiss you Midoriya.” Iida said as he stood up and began to remove his shirt. With a sigh he removed his shoes and socks, unbuckled his pants and let them drop quitely muttering the whole time that this was “just like being in his swimsuit”. The room erupted in cat calls and laughs as everyone got up grabbing their drinks, and followed Iida out to the front of the building.
“Nice bottoms, speedy.” Jiro teased noting the ingenium boxer briefs that he was sporting.
Iida, instead of acknowledging that statement and the following chuckles, took off running on his voyage around the buildings. The night air was rather chill, and everyone knew that it would be at least a few minutes before Iida made it back, so everyone started to huddle together for warmth. Uraraka had convinced Deku to share his sweatshirt, and was happily nestled under his chin with his arms wrapped around her. Di had dragged Todoroki over to stand next to them and waved Tsu over as well.
“Shuoto will keep us warm!” She told everyone snuggling up to his left side where he was emitting a low wave of heat. She opened her arms and let Tsu into the little circle of heat. “I wonder how much longer Iida is gonna be.” She mused out loud.
“Probably not too much longer, but I don’t mind, this is kinda nice.” Izuku said, resting his chin on top of Ochaco’s head. Yui and tsu exchanged a quick glance and smiled at each other knowingly.
Just after that Iida rounded the corner of the building next to them and everyone sent up a triumphant cheer. Shouts of encouragement and claps filled the air and he made his way back toward the group.
“How was the victory lap, Tenya-kun?” Di asked with a laugh as they all followed him back inside, still stuck to Todoroki’s side.
“Brisk, embarrassing,and uncomfortable. Now shall we continue the game.” He said as he got dressed and sat back down. The rest of the students sat back in their seats with Kirishima still in Bakugou's lap, and Di now sitting next to Todoroki on the floor instead of where she was previously. “Well then, Jiro, truth or dare?”
“Let’s keep the dares rolling, give me your worst, class prez.”
“Very well then, I dare you to let Yui-chan pick out the girliest dress that she, Uraraka, or Tsu has, and you must wear it for the rest of the evening; and on the next group outing we go on.”
“Shit, that’s evil Iida. I don’t think I could physically bring myself to do that, so tell me, who do I need to kiss?” She asked thoroughly defeated.
Both Kaminari and Mina let out gasps as Jiro simply shrugged and made her way over to Tsu. “You okay with that Tsu?” She asked before leaning down.
“Yes, we did all agree to the rules of the game.” She answered with a little blush.
Jiro hesitantly closed the distance between their lips and gave her a chaste little kiss. It lasted for no more than a second but even so Denki let out a cheer and Kiri gave a wolf whistle. Kyoka’s face flushed even more as she sat back down and quickly asked, “Uraraka, truth or dare?”
“Oh umm, I guess truth?” She said a little flustered.
“Alright, what’s the weirdest dream you’ve had about someone here?”
“We were all in class and Bakugou had spiders coming out of his eyes. And Senpai, who was a giant flying pork bun, said that the only way to stop it was to have someone kiss him, and he said I should do it. But I said I can’t. So then Deku kissed him instead, and he really kissed him, like they really went at it for a while and everyone was just watching this, and then the spiders stopped after they finished kissing. But because I refused to kiss him I got expelled and spiders started coming out of my eyes, and no one would kiss me, and it was all very weird and scary and I didn’t like it at all.” She told the group as they all sat there in stunned silence. She quickly hid her face in her hands as her cheeks grew pinker than normal.
The silence was finally broken by none other than Bakugou when he burst out laughing and said, “Man round cheeks, you really need to check your imagination. I wouldn’t let Deku’s lips near me even if I had spiders coming out of every hole in my body.”
Everybody else soon joined him, cracking up at the bizarre dream. Uraraka even found herself laughing along too. Finally they all calmed down and she was able to ask, “Bakugou, truth or dare?”
“Eh, give me whatever lame ass dare you can think of.” He told her.
“Okay, I dare you to kiss Kirishima whenever someone says the word dare for the rest of the game.” She stated smugly.
“Why do we always get grouped together for this.” Kiri lightly complained.
“Cause you're always together.” Denki told him.
“Cause you two are so cute together.” Kyoka added.
“Cause you’re the only one Bakuchan likes enough to allow it.” Yui continued.
“Cause you li-” Mina started but was cut off by a very red and flustered Kiri.
“Okay! I get it! Enough!” he choked out.
“Who would I have to kiss?” Katsuki asked begrudgingly with a small blush.
“Deku, of course.” Ochaco stated with and evil grin.
“Fuck fine, looks like I’m kissing shitty hair. Fuck, half and half, truth or dare?” He asked Todoroki before giving Kiri and quick little peck on the lips. Both of them turned bright red. Neither of them had even realized that Kiri’s dare was over, too preoccupied with this new situation.
A small malicious smirk crossed Shuoto’s lips as he began to muse aloud, “Hmmm, should I pick truth or dare. If I pick dare, you’ll probably give me something stupid to do for a dare, but I really think I want to pick dare, dares are more fun. I really like dares. I think I might go with dare.”
Bakugou’s anger grew in him with each word, and by the seventh kiss you could practically see steam rising from him. “You think your really funny don’t you bastard. Fine you want a good fucking dare,” kiss “I’ll give you a good fucking dare!” kiss “Go swap clothes with airhead there, and I mean swap everything underwear and jewelry and all!” He demanded.
Todoroki gave an indifferent shrug and took a stunned Di by the hand and lead her to the bathrooms. They came back to the group minutes later, Di with a bright pink coloring to her cheeks, desperately trying to hold up Todoroki’s way too big jeans. She had rolled up the bottom of Shuoto’s pants to keep from tripping and his shirt and sweater engulfed her small frame, one side falling off her shoulder and the ends of the sleeves flapping uselessly beyond the reach of her hands. She had too much clothing and didn’t know what to do with it; Todoroki had the exact opposite problem. Yui’s white off the shoulder sweater was certainly being stretched to its limit, the sleeves only came midway down his forearms, and the edge barely made it to the top of his naval. The thigh high stockings came to rest tightly just below his knees. Her short pink ruffled skirt managed to cover everything necessary but it was no way decent. And to top it off he was now adorned with a little floral headband and pink ribbon collar necklace. The group went wild with laughter at the sight.
Yui quickly grabbed Todoroki’s arm as he made to sit back down on the floor in his cross legged position like before. Her face flushed brightly as she whispered, “If  you’re gonna sit the same way as before can I be in front of you so no one else sees my panties?”
“Oh yeah, sure. Sorry, I didn’t even think about that.” He responded a small blush coloring his cheeks.
“Thanks.” She told him sitting down first then letting him settle in behind her.
“Man, Todoroki you should wear that more often.” Kirishima teased with a laugh.
“I don’t know, I mean I like it and all, but pink's just not really my color.” Shouto joked back with his deadpan sarcasm. “Asui, dare or truth. Oops sorry, said that wrong, truth or dare?” He asked.
There was two quick kissing noises accompanied by low grumbling from Bakugou, and the sound of snickering from Mina and Kyoka. Tsu ignored them and thought for a moment before choosing dare.
“I dare you to camouflage yourself, sneak into 1B’s dorms, and steal a pair of Monomo’s boxers, and if you can’t complete the dare you have to kiss Iida.”
“How do I know which room is his?”
“Oh! I know which one! Third floor first room.” Di told her excitedly. “I may or may not have gotten the info from Pony-chan so I could do a little prank on him last year. Us transfer students gotta stick together, and she may have wanted a little vengeance from all the weird things he taught her to say.” She explained at everyone’s look of confusion.
“Okay, no problem then, ribbit.” Tsu said getting up and making her way towards the door.
While they waited for Tsu to return, Mina topped off everyone’s drinks. After Denki slyly asked her about it, Yui told them all about what the prank had been and how she pulled it off. Then Iida began to scold her on proper school edicate and how she shouldn’t take class rivalries so far, causing her to go into a fit of giggles. But before he could finish is lecture a triumphant Tsu returned, a pair of hot pink boxer shorts in her hand, her face entirely red.
“What happened, did you get caught?” Uraraka asked worried.
“No, ribbit. He wasn’t sleeping alone, and I don’t want to talk about it.” She stated, tossing the underwear onto the coffee table before sitting down. “Midoriya-chan, truth or dare?”
“Oh, um, dare I guess.” He told her before really thinking about it.
“Good, then I dare you to call All Might sensei and leave him a detailed voicemail about how you just lost your virginity.”
Midoriya let out a shocked noise and couldn’t help the intense blush that came over him. “Oh my god Asui! What kinda dare is that?” He asked all flustered.
“A pretty fucking good one! Finally, greenie over here’s really stepping it up.” Bakugou said barking out a laugh after once again kissing Kirishima a few times.
“You know I can’t do that, right Tsu? Wh-who do I have to... kiss?” Deku asked reluctantly.
Tsu pretended to think it over for a moment, even though she already knew what she wanted to do. “Ribbit. I guess you could kiss Ochaco-chan instead.” She told him with a little smile.
A nervous peal of laughter was ripped from Uraraka throat and her eyes widened. “What?!” She asked dumbly. She had to have heard wrong. Her sweet friend Tsu wouldn’t have set her up like that. Sure all the girls occasionally gossiped about which boy they had a crush on, but she never expected to have that information used against her so blatantly. Tsu just sent her a little knowing smile, not even trying to play innocent. Ochaco looked around the group for help, to no avail. Both Mina and Jiro were snickering quietly and Yui and a huge unashamed smile on her face that just screamed this was all planned out. It wasn't like she wasn’t super excited about this, she had been pining after Izuku for years. Her crush secretly tucked away whenever the two would hang out together. But this, actually being able to kiss him, even if it was just a dare was almost too much for her. Without the added courage of her drinks she was sure she would have fled the room by now. unable to face the reality of something she had fantasised about countless times.
While Uraraka was having her internal dilemma, it was clear to the group that Midoriya was doing the same exact thing. He had that dark aura of overthinking that he constantly got when planning or worrying over something. He began quietly muttering to himself, “Crap, what am I supposed to do I cant call All Might and tell him something so embarrassing, especially when it’s not true, and i'm not sure I can kiss Uraraka in front of so many people, and what if she doesn't want to kiss me, and what if I kiss her weird, what if she doesn't like it and never wants to kiss me again, what if she tells everyone I kiss weird and then no one will ever kiss me again, how can I become the number one  hero if everyone knows i’m a bad kisser…”
Yui leaned over from her spot in Shouto’s lap and gently poked Midoriya on the side of the head. “Hey Izuku, stop worrying and just kiss the girl, it’ll be fine.” she told him gently as he finally snapped out of his trance.
A look of determination came over his face as he nodded and stiffly got up from his seat and walked over to Ochaco. He leaned down and hesitantly put a hand on her shoulder snapping her out of her thoughts and she looked up at him with wide eyes.  “I- Is it okay if I kiss you?” he asked.
She gave him a very small almost indiscernible nod not trusting her voice in the moment.
The room was silent all eyes on the two of them as Midoriya slowly closed the distance between their lips. He had ment it to be a quick little kiss like what Jiro had done to Tsu, but all his thoughts and plans when out the window the moment his lips met hers. Ochaco seemed to melt into him, her hands instinctively reaching up to grasp the front of his hoodie pulling him closer as a small gasp parted her lips against his ever so slightly. His body reacted to her automatically, one hand coming up ro cradle her face the other moving from her shoulder to the base of her neck angling her head for better access as he deepened the kiss. His tongue swept across her bottom lip gently asking to be let in, and she happily accepted, determined to explore every inch of her mouth, searing the feel and taste into his memory. Uraraka made a small noise of pleasure and he just about lost himself, forgetting about everything around him.
Then all too abruptly reality came crashing back in as mina called out “Woo! Get it girl!”
The two of them immediately broke apart, eyes wide, flushed from head to toe, and sporting big happy yet embarrassed smiles. It was adorable to say the least.
“Oi Deku! You done sucking face with round cheeks over there?” Bakugou asked with a snicker.
“No.” he blurted out and flushed again before saying “Yes! Yes I can be done.” He sat down next to Denki on the sofa, still rather stunned, and snuck a quick glance at Ochaco who seemed to be in the same state.
“Well then let’s get on with it nerd. Ask short circuit over there the question, he’s the last one left.” Katsuki urged.
Midoriya nodded his head absentmindedly, and asked “Kaminari, truth or dare?”
“I think we’ve had enough dares for a while.” he said giving a suggestive look at Izuku and Uraraka. “I’ll go with truth!”
“Laaame.” Ashido teased.
“Dude, you picked truth too.” he retorted.
Izuku thought for a moment for a question, but all he could come up with was one, his brain really wasn’t functioning properly right now; if it had been he would have asked some interesting questions about Denki’s quirk and how it worked. But what came out was, “Sorry Kaminari, this is the only question I can think of, are you a virgin?”
Denki flushed and tried to cover his mouth before anything could slip out, but Di’s quirk was too quick and a strangled “Yes.” fell through his lips. He slumped forward and muttered, “That as a low blow Midoriya my man.”
Both Jiro and Bakugou started to laugh, and Katsuki barked out, “You’re so full of shit! Always bragging about getting ass! Ha!”
“Alright alright, let's just forget about this and move along. Jiro, truth or dare?” Denki asked, quick to cover up his embarrassment.
“Give me a dare, Mr. innocence, i'm not revealing anything about myself tonight.”  she told him with a smirk.
“Okay, go around the room and lick everyone.”
“Man, that’s gross, does it matter where I lick them?”
“Dealers choice.”
“Whatever then.” she started and before he knew what had happened she lent over to her left and licked Bakugou on the cheek.
“What the fuck!” he shouted while Kiri laughed in his lap.
Kyoka shrugged and said, “Dares a dare.”
He scowled at her as he gave Eijiro two quick kisses, still forced to complete his previous dare.
She quickly moved around the group liking everyone in various spots. Kirishima, Iida, Tsu, and Shouto all received little licks to the hand; Uraraka, and Midoriya also got licks to the cheek; Mina got a very showy and intimate lick to the side of her neck, causing Kiri and Kami to wolf whistle and Mina to laugh; Yui got a lick to the tip of her nose and she started to giggle. She saved Kaminari for last, she took his hand like she was about to lick it normally but instead lick his index finger in the most sensual way she could, just to tease him, know he would get super flustered. She left him red faced and sputter as the group laughed, and took her seat again before turning to Bakugou and asking, “Truth or dare?”
“Eh, i'm tired of having to do shitty dares, give me a truth.” he said gruffly.
“Alright, do you like kissing Kirishima, and why?”
“Yeah, he’s got soft lips and he really hot.” Katsuki said to everyone's surprise as his cheeks and ears turned red. “Oh fuck you that was two questions!” he yelled at her.
“It was technically one, I just asked for an explanation behind your answer.” she told him smuggly.  
“I- Just- Fuck! Oh whatever, lets just keep playing.” he said quietly. “Ashido, truth or dare?” Bakugou asked and immediately took Kiri’s face in his own hands and pulled him roughly to meet his lips in a searing kiss. “No point in denying it anymore.” he muttered to a shocked Eijiro.
Mina smiled at them and said, “I guess i’ll choose dare.”
This time Kiri wasted no time in pulling Katsuki's face to his and kissing him.
“I think you’ve all inadvertently created a monster.” Todoroki muttered.
Bakugou flipped him off lips still attached to Kirishima’s. Then he said, “Pinky, since this games started to loose its steam, why don’t you do a little stip tease. Or you could kiss sparky over there, I know he’s dying for it.”
“Well someone's in a nice mood now.” she said with a laugh, and got up to walk over to Kaminari. She sat down on his lap, threw her arms around his neck and gave him a big showy kiss on the lips. She quickly hopped off him with a wink and retreated to her own seat. “Ochaco, truth or dare?”
Uraraka had only been vaguely paying attention to the game since her kiss with Deku. She shook her head slightly to snap out of her thoughts and said, “Oh, um dare?”
A wicked smile passed over Mina’s face. “I dare you to do a body shot off of Midoriya!” she exclaimed happily.
“I can do that. If you explain how its done.” Ochaco said with a smile, “If that’s okay with you Deku?”
“Yeah that’s fine.” he said a little too quick.
“Okay! Everyone, grab your drinks off the coffee table.” Mina commanded, and everyone followed. She pushed the discarded and forgotten pair of pink underwear off the table with her foot then said, “Izuku lay down on your back and lift up your shirt!”
He did as he was told with a small blush. Mina ran off to the kitchen to grab what she needed for the dare, and came back a moment later with a bottle of tequila, salt shaker, and a lime wedge. “Okay, so what you do is drink the shot out of Midoriya’s bellybutton, lick the salt off his stomach then take a bite of the lime that he will be holding with his mouth.” Mina explained step by step as she put everything into place.
“That’s what a body shot is? I thought I was going to have to take drink from a shot glass off of him.” Uraraka said a bit surprised.
“That’s the lame way of doing it, this ways more fun.” she explained. “Oh and you’ll want to do it was together as quick as you can.”
Ochaco took a deep breath and steeled herself for the task ahead. She quickly leaned down, not letting herself think about what exactly she was doing and just went for it. Her mouth wrapped around his navle and she slurped up the small amount of alcohol in there immediately moving to run her tongue along the ling of salt that traveled up his well defined abs, the finally moved up to his mouth where she took the lime from his and bit into it. She just a quikly stood up after completing her task, a blush coating her cheeks, and took the lime from her mouth.
Midoriya got up, once again blushing as well, wiped off his stomach, and sat back down next to Denki.
“Well, that was something.” Ochaco said quietly and mostly to herself with a smile as she sat back down as well. “Um, Kirishima, truth or dare?”
“Give me a truth, I don’t feel like moving.” he told her with a big toothy smile.
“Would you want to date Bakugou?” she asked bluntly.
“Hell yeah I would, especially if he keeps kissing me like he has been.” he told everyone without a hint of embarrassment or hesitation.
“Well fuck it, I guess that settles it shitty hair, you’re mine.” Bakugou replied.
“What? Really?”
“Yeah, why not.”
Kirishima broke out into an even bigger smile, practically bouncing in Katsuki’s lap.
“Dare!” Yui shouted at them with a little laugh.
Bakugou gave Kiri the most amazing smirk that was just full of promises before claiming his lips.
“Dude, release your boyfriend and lets get back to the game, then you can continue sucking each others faces.” Denki complained lightheartedly.
Bakugou flipped him off, and Eijiro gave him the ‘in a minute’ finger.
“You were right, we’ve created a monster.” Di told Todoroki with a laugh.
“This right here,” he said gesturing vaguely to the two young men making out, “is all your handiwork.” he retorted.
“Were kissing not deaf.” Bakugou barked at them when he finally pulled back.
Kiri laughed and said, “Hey Tsu, truth or dare?” and gave Katsuki a kiss on the cheek.
“Truth. Ribbit.”
“Who was Monoma sleeping with? I’m really curious.”
“I think it was Kuroiro-san, but i’m not sure, all I saw was white hair, and thats all im gonna say.” she told the group.
“No!” “No freaking way!” “That's ridiculous!” “I thought he had a thing for Kendo!”, Kirishima, Ashido, Kaminari and Di all spoke at once, practically jumping at Tsu for this bit of gossip.
“I said, I’m not saying anything else.” she told them all again. “Now, ribbit, Iida, truth or dare?”
“Im feeling rather adventurous tonight, lets go with dare again.” he told her with bravado.
Tsu thought for a minute, a small blush coming to her face. She looked at Yui for a moment asking a silent question that she knew the other girl would understand. Yiyun got the message and gave her an enthusiastic nod and semi discrete thumbs up. Asui took in a big deep breath and slowly let it out before she turned to Iida and said, “I dare you to kiss me.”
Iida sputtered, turned bright red, and became very stiff. “Asui-san… I-I didn’t know… are you certain you want your dare to be that… I certainly wasn't prepared for that…” he said stumbling over his words.
“Please, call me Tsu-chan, ribbit. You know I prefer that, and yes, that's my dare for you. I’ve been trying to work up my courage to confess to you for a while now class rep.” she told him shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and looking up at him.
“Well, I suppose it is only proper that you call me Tenya then.” he told her still flushed.
A big smile spread across her face. “Okay, I dare you to kiss me, Tenya.”
“Very well… Tsu-chan.” Iida said before slowly leaning down and giving her a gentle kiss on the lips. He pulled back just as slowly a soft surprised smile on his face. Yui let out a happy squeal, clasped her hands together, and started bouncing in her seat from excitement for her friends. Shouto had to placed a hand on top of her head to keep her from moving so much.
Iida cleared his throat and said, “Kaminari, truth or dare?”
“I’m not answering anymore truths tonight, so give me your worst Prez.” he said.
Iida sat there for a minute trying to think to no avail before saying, “I apologise, i’m having a bit of difficulty coming up with a dare.”
“Oh don’t worry! I’ve gotcha covered.” Mina told him as she bounced up and went over to whisper in his ear.
“Oh! Well that is a very interesting dare. Thank you Ashido. Alright, Kaminari, I dare you to strip down to your underwear and go profess your love to Sero.”
“Please tell me I can kiss Mina as my punishment instead.” Denki begged.
“I’m afraid not. If you don't do your dare you'll have to kiss Bakugou.”
Kami groaned and looked to his friend with pleading eyes.
“Don’t even think about it pikachu.” Katsuki said.
“Sorry, bro. Not happening.” Eijiro told him.
“Awww what is this, pick on Denki night?” he complained.
“Suck it up, strip down, and go tell Hanta how much you love him already.” Jiro teased him with a laugh.
Kami stood up and started to grumble under his breath as he quickly stripped down to his heart covered boxers. “Well you guys coming or not?” he demanded as he began to walk to the dorms. Everyone got up and began to follow him to the fifth floor. He trudged down the hall and banged on Sato’s door. “Oi, Hanta, wake up, its important.” he called out.   
There was the muffled sound of a moan and shuffling around in the room before the door was pulled open and a half asleep Sero peaked his head out rubbing his eyes.
“Denki, what the hell man, it’s like two am. What’s going on? And where are your clothes?” Sero asked with a yawn.
“Were playing truth or dare, and my clothes are in the living room. Now shut up, I gotta tell you something.” he said before falling silent.
“Dude, go on.” He prompted rubbing the back of his head, desperate to go back to bed.
“I’m in love with you. Desperately, wildly, head over heels in love with you man. I don't think I could live without you in my life. You’re my soulmate. You’re the first thing I think about in the morning and the last thing I think about at night. I just love you so much. I never want to be without you. I love you, I love you, I love you.” Kami proclaimed overly dramatically.
Sero laughed and said, “Dude, you’re wild, im going back to bed.” and turned around and shut the door.
“Good enough for you guys?” he asked with a raised eyebrow to the group huddled down the hall.
“That was beautiful, and I’m gonna cherish this video for a long time.” Mina told him with a wicked smile.
“No, you didn’t. Tell me you didn’t record that.” He begged.
“Recorded, saved, and uploaded onto my backup device.” she said still smiling.
“You delete that right now Ashido!” he demanded stepping toward her to do it himself if necessary.
“Nope!” she said merrily and took off running back down to the common room, Denki right behind her.
Everyone else took their time getting back down stairs, and thankfully the two had settled down by the time they got there. Kami had even managed to get redressed. Everyone settled back down into their seats, and focused on Denki to continue the game.
“Hey Di, truth or dare?”
“Oh lets do dare this time.” she said excitedly with a big smile.
Kirishima thought for a moment then got a mischievous gleam in his eyes. “I dare you to take back your underwear from Todoroki.”
Her smile faltered for a second before she asked, “Do I physically have to take them from him, or can he just give them back to me?”
“Oh my darling Di, where would be the fun in that, you have to take them.”
“Who do I have to kiss as punishment?”
“I’ll go easy on ya, you can kiss Midoriya.”
“Shit, I can’t do that.”
“Why no-”
“Don’t ask that question. It’s not my reason to tell, and I don’t want to spill someone else's secret.” She told him cutting him off before he could ask. “Can I give Todoroki his underwear back?”
“That’s up to Bakugou, seeing it was his dare that made you swap in the first place.” Kami said enjoying this all too much.
“Hell no.” Katsuki told them.
With a resinged sigh Yui stood up and grabbed Shouto by the hand. “I’m sorry about this Todoroki.” She said her face burning as she pulled him along to the bathrooms. They reemerged a minute later both faces bright pink, with Shouto holding down the front and back of the skirt.
Bakugou, Mina, and Jiro were all in hysterics over this. Katsuki even looked like he was about to tear up from laughing so hard. The rest of the group tried to restrain themselves but ended up laughing lightly as well. Todoroki really did look ridiculous.
“Well where's the proof?” Kaminari asked Yiyun.
“I don’t actually have to show you my panties do I?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Yes you do.” he said smugly.
“Pervert.” Yui teased him. She sighed and pulled out the light blue lace panties she had in her pocket. She held them up for everyone to see her face flushing again as she asked, “Satisfied?”
“Yep!” Denki said still all smiles.
“You’re an ass you know that.” She told him as she put the underwear back in her pocket, but there was no malice in her words.  
“Hey, come on, this was my last chance to see some girls underwear tonight, I had to go for it. Plus, you saw mine, only seemed fair.” Kami said with a laugh.
“Whatever.” She said rolling her eyes at him, but her smile was back to its full force. She quickly skipped over to the kitchen and poured two shots, coming back and offering one to Shouto. “Liquid reinforcements.” she toasted as he took the glass, and they both drank it down. “Plus, who knows, with enough of them, maybe we can forget how embarrassing what I just did to you a moment ago was.” she teased him with a laugh.
“You’re gonna need another one of them before you can sit down aren't you?” she asked him quietly and sincerely. With his quick nod of affirmation she ran back over and just grabbed the bottle of clear liquid, bringing it back with her before pouring them both another shot and knocking it back. She looked up at Todoroki and gave him a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry, i’ll make sure you don’t flash anyone else.” she told him with a flirty wink already feeling the effects of the added alcohol in her system. They both somehow managed to sit down again without incident. Shouto pulled Yui as close to him as he possibly could without letting anything indecent touch, thankful to have her there to keep his modestly intact.
“Okay! Let's continue, my quirk’s almost at its limit, but I think I can stretch out one more round after this one. So, Shouto-kun, truth or dare?” Di asked, twisting her body halfway around so she could look at him.
“As long as I don’t have to get up, i’ll choose dare.” he told her.
Yui hummed to herself for a second, debating what to do. She really shouldn't have had that second shot on top of all the other drinks she had had that evening. Because of it, she was about to do something that would either end really badly or really really well. She hoped for the latter. Pivoting on her butt, she turned herself fully around to face Todoroki, still making sure that she was shielding everyone else from what needed to be covered. She felt her cheeks heat slightly as she smiled up at him with what almost looked to be an innocent smile.
“Don’t worry, you won't have to get up for this dare, yet.” she told him sweetly. Yui beckoned him to lean down so she could whisper the dare in his ear.
The only indication of the nature of the dare that the group got was the slight widening of Shouto’s eyes and the way his cheeks flushed just a little darker. When she was finished speaking he pulled back a skeptical look on his face. “Is that really your dare?”
“Yep, take it or leave it.” she told him with false bravado.
“I’ll do it.” he told her much quicker than she thought he would answer.
A radiant smile spread across Di’s face. She once again quickly turned around to face the group. They were all looking at the two of them with open curiosity on their faces.
“What was-” Izuku began to ask, but was quickly cut of by Yui.
“Nope! Nope nope nope. Neither Shouto or I will be answering that question. But I can tell you that I have stuck to the original rules of our game, and there was never a rule in place saying that the dare had to be announced to the group, so this is a secret dare. And if any of you guys even think about trying to ask either one of us I will shut my quirk down quicker that you can say ‘plus ultra’.” she told them all.
“Awww you’re no fun Yui.” Kami complained.
“Yeah, but you still love me.” she shot back.
“I’d love you more if you’d tell me what you just whispered in Todoroki’s ear.”
“Not gonna happen sparky.”
Shouto cleared his throat, and said, “I believe it’s my turn to ask Midoriya a question. Truth or dare?”
“I’m going with truth, I couldn't handle another dare like the one Tsu gave me earlier.” he said.
Before Shouto could say anything Di turned halfway around in his lap and beckoned him closer so she could whisper in his ear once again. Ochaco watcher her friend do this, a queasy feeling in her gut. This was bad, she knew her friend all too well, and she knew that whatever question she was telling to Todoroki was going to be either really blunt or really embarrassing and more than likely had something to do with herself. To her it really seemed like Yui had suggested this game just to play matchmaker.
Todoroki raised an eyebrow at Yui, but with her encouraging nod asked, “Midoriya, are you in love with Uraraka and do you want to have sex with her?”
Ochaco was going to die of embarrassment, she just knew it. She would drop dead any moment now and her spirit would watch the chaos unfold before her as she slowly drifted away into sweet safe oblivion. She barely had time to glare daggers at Yui and prepare for the inevitable catastrophe.
The room was filled with absolute silence for half a second, all eyes swiftly shifting from Todoroki to stare at the green haired boy in question. The heavy anticipation in the air broke as Izuku blurted out, “Yes! And god yes!”
He immediately stood up, red from head to foot, stiffly bowed, quietly apologising profusely to the group yet completely unable to acknowledge Uraraka, and practically ran out of the room and up to his dorm. It was the most painfully awkward anyone had seen Midoriya in years.
After Izuku’s form disappeared around the corner, all eyes flew to Ochaco who was staring off into the distance in a daze as if her spirit had feld her body. The girls in the room exploded into a cacophony excitement, eager to shake her from her befuddlement.
“You need to go after him!”
“Ochaco, let him know how you feel!”
“Go get him!”
“Oh my god we told you he like you back, now we officially know!”
“Snap out of it, and go to him.”
All of this clamoring barely registered with Uraraka, she was so lost in her own head. She had never thought that her feelings would be reciprocated. She had resigned herself to just be Deku’s close friend, told herself she didn't want to get in the way of his training, of his ultimate goal to be the number one hero. Told herself that he wouldn't feel the same way for her; but there it was. He had just confessed to loving her and wanting her, and she had no idea what to do with that information.
Yui signed and quickly stripped off Shouto’s sweater, placed it in his lap, and got up and made her way over to Uraraka. She knelt down in front of her best friend, took her face in her hands, and forced her to look at her before quietly but firmly saying,  “Ochaco-chan, you need to go up and talk to Izuku-kun. You know how he feels, but he doesn't know how you feel, you need to tell him. This is the opening you’ve been hoping for. Yes I know it’s not quite what you expected, and I apologize for that, I really didn’t think he was gonna respond like that. Now get your tushie up and go talk to your man!”
Yui’s little pep talk was exactly what she needed. She nodded to the smaller blonde in front of her eagerly and said, “You're right I need to talk to him. I’m going to talk to him!” She gave Di a quick hug before jumping up and making her way to Midoriya’s room with a newfound determination to let him know exactly how she felt in every possible way.
Yui stood up with a satisfied smile brightening her face. “ Well my quirk is thoroughly diminished. Sorry to anyone who wanted to keep playing, but I’m done for the night. I’m pooped.” She announced to everyone before turning to Bakugou and Eijiro. “E, Bakuchan, congrats, you’re now my favorite power couple, but for the love of god please get a room.” She teased them with a laugh but a sincere smile, then turned to Iida and Tsu who were sitting just ever so slightly closer together she  winked at them and said, “You two don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Di bid a simple night to both Mina and Kyoka.
She walked over to Todoroki with a devilish smile. “Come on Shouto, you’ve got a dare to fulfill.” She told him as she took his hand and pulled him to his feet. They started to quickly retreated to the dorms, but Yui stopped and and pointed a finger at Denki, “Kami you better not blow my phone up in the middle of the night, I will tell you nothing, and if you try I’ll make you tell me all your dirty dark secrets.” she threatened but patted him on the head the next second and told him to have a good night. Yiyun and Shouto then quickly disappeared upstairs.
“Man for someone who’s ‘pooped’ she sure seemed lively.” Mina said with a snicker.
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captainkirkk · 7 years
ok so. so so so. this will be a long message, because frick on a stick there is so much i want to tell you and thank you for. so brace yoself: i read history has its eyes on you only yesterday, but i've been desparately rereading it ever since, almost non-stop, because holy macaroni if this fic ain't one of the most perfect stories these tired eyes have ever seen. i love SO MANY THINGS i'm not sure where to even start, gosh. okay. okay. let's start at the beginning. (1/?)
WEEPS. You sent me A DOZEN messages, bless you? And thank you!!!
This ask and my response got long, so I’m putting it under the cut. There’s a bunch of headcanons about the ‘see it all in bloom’ universe in here, so if you’re interested, keep reading. 
your headcanons regarding class 3-a’s rise to fame/the july attacks/deku’s leap in the limelight as future number one, i adore it all. it makes sense, it’s exciting even if we don’t get to see it on the page word-for-word/in real time, and it’s inspiring too! but most of all, it fits them all so well – they deserve to be written as great heroes and i’m beyond happy you gave that to them in your story – to ALL of them, including shinsou. cookies for you. (2/?)
secondly, the rankings you picked for them – deku as no.1 of course, and katsuki ACTUALLY BEING CONTENT WITH SECOND PLACE, EFF YEAH! and shouto at no.4, holding neither all might’s nor his father’s former ranks, i appreciate the heck out of this. just… all the kids becoming awesome heroes and having wonderful, fulfilling careers just like they’ve always wanted, i’m here for this and i’m here to STAY. (3/?)
thirdly, katsuki’s character. i will be the first person in this fandom to admit my intense dislike of him, but you’ve written him in exactly the way i’ve always wanted him to turn out – significantly less jaded, noticeably more humble (and sane…), actively working to correct the mistakes of his past by becoming an advocate for quirkless kids and participating in anti-bullying campaigns (as an ex bully-victim, reading this made me want to kiss you) with deku, that felt sweet on the soul (4/?)
and also being married to kirishima, of course. DUH. speaking of which, the ships! THE SHIPS! ALL. MY. FAVOURITE. SHIPS. they were all there, they all got attention, and i love you all the more for it. tododeku especially. i just love how tenderly yet comfortably they were written. in my mind, they’ve always felt like the couple that will get the happily-ever-after kind of romance, like two souls mated in a fairy tale come to life. and they, above all others, deserve that everlasting joy (5/?)
and the parts with toshinoti, how he’s dealing with his new(-ish?) lifestyle and the world is spinning on without him, but also taking care of him, because he’s more than earned it – how all his former friends and students have become family to him and are so eager to remain an active part of his life, how he helps bakugou with teaching (for dummies ;P) and is so painfully proud of deku, it was all so deeply touching and heartwarming, i loved every single one of his scenes to bits! (6/?)
the writing was wonderful forma purely technical point as well: there were some typos but nothing serious, and it all flowed quickly yet smoothly – you stylde felt simple and dynamic, but also somehow profound, perhaps precisely because of its simplicity. i still can’t put my finger on it. i just know i loved it. your ocs were a great addition too! their personalities felt distinct and they left good impressions without overstaying their welcome in a class 3-a-centred story, top job! (7/?)
the whole domestic feel of the fic was wonderful as well! it felt like a true slice-of-life piece, even though the lives in question are filled with action and danger. you captured the nature of the balance between working your (adventurous and stardom-speckled) dream job and living your private life/spending quality off-time with friends very accurately. the final excerpt (the description of the photo) left a sweetly nostalgic sense buzzing in my chest. just… thank you for this story. (8/?)
and now that i’m done singing your praises, time for the payback! i adore this verse, and therefore i naturally have questions. first and most importantly, the tododeku relationship development. could you tell me when and how they got together in this verse, how that whole tidbit with suing endeavour went, and when and how exactly they got engaged? i assume it’s in the 5 months leading up to the reunion, but details please? future wedding details too? give me ALL THE DETAILS. (9/?)
then, ranking details! we know deku’s no.1, bakugou’s no.2, and shouto’s no.4, but the fic mentions the class currently has 6 members in the top 10. who are the rest, and who’s the number 3 hero? please tell me it’s momo. PLEASE. also, have their ranks changed since the time they graduated, or have they remained the same for the last 7 years (i.e. deku’s always been no.1 ever since he entered the ranklist, shouto’s always been no.4, etc.)? and what’s shinsou’s rank? (10/?)
what about teaching details? where’s nedzu if aizawa’s principle? is shinsou a part-time teacher or a guest lecturer? does bakugou now do teaching full time, or does he only do homeroom for one class and keeps hero-ing in the meantime? will he even remain in the ranklist if he stops fighting villains? will he even care? and on a less-related note, are bakushima the only married couple? and when did they get married? was deku best man? my shameless curiosity demands to know everything (11/?)
finally, in case i haven’t tormented you enough, i wanted to ask, how do you envision our heroes’ futures? we know they’re only 25 in the story, and tododeku are about to soon get married. and bakushima are married already, bakugou’s switching careers, yada yada. but if you had to plot a course for the rest of class 3-a’s lives, what would it look like? all might mentioned grandchildren, but would tododeku want that? and where even was/is kouda in this entire fic? xDDD thank you!!! (12/12)
Again: thanks for the comments! I’m so glad you enjoyed this.
The next ‘in bloom’ instalment will focus on Bakugou becoming involved in anti-bullying campaigns. I’m with you, Bakugou makes me very uncomfortable in canon, but occasionally we get these glimpses of character development (esp in the manga), and I just needed to bring that out and expand on it. 
And there will always be typos in my work, unfortunately. I don’t have a beta, and I’m a dumb-ass who always misses my errors. I do my best, but I am only human.
I won’t give you all the details (partly because I don’t have this universe entirely mapped out yet), but you can have some answers:
TodoDeku have a long engagement. They were engaged before we see them in ‘history…’ actually. They’re in no rush, and are very busy with their work lives, and are enjoying the blissfully engaged lifestyle. They’ve been engaged for about a year, and they have some vague plans, but nothing concrete. At the moment, they’re debating the merits of getting married somewhere private in the city vs. getting married on Toshinori’s estate. I’m not sure which one will win out. 
Their rankings have changed A LOT! When he officially entered the rankings when he was 19, Deku only ended up no. 20, because it had been over a year since the July Attacks, and he hasn’t actually done much since then, being busy with exams/graduating/entering a hero agency. A lot of people were upset by this, but it didn’t bother Deku. He was ecstatic to scrap into the Top 20 as it was.
Sorry, no. 3 belongs to Inasa (from the manga). The top 10 has changed a lot, too. There’s actually seven 1a heroes in the top 10 - Uravity was No. 11 but got a jump in popularity recently. In order: Deku, Detonation, Gale (Inasa), Polarise, unnamed number 5, Creati, Red Riot, Ingenium, an unnamed number 9, and Uravity. 
Shinsou is rankless. He’s an underground hero, and I headcanon that those types of heroes are not typically assigned ranks.
Shinsou has his own role at UA. He does a bunch of stuff: watches the entrance exams, works with some of the Gen. Ed kids, oversees possible transfers between courses, and does guest lectures. Aizawa gives him a lot of independent power.
Bakugou co-teaches Class 1-B. He occasionally guest lecturers other classes (like how Thirteen worked one-off with 1-A during the USJ attack). He has enough time to do hero work too, but he has a less intense work-load now that he’s also teaching.
Kirishima and Bakugou are the only married couple at the moment. They got married when they were 23, before TodoDeku had gotten engaged. They were the first couple to start dating in high school, too. They just … clicked, and never looked back.
Do you mean Kouda or Kouta? Kouda is probably off running a rescue animal shelter while doing minor hero work, too. Kouta is doing amateur film work and arguing with classmates when they don’t believe that he knows pro heroes irl.
I almost wrote Jirou and Momo announcing their engagement at the reunion, but at that point, I had been writing the fic for months, and I needed to upload it before I combusted. So. Yeah. They get engaged around the end of the fic.
I haven’t thought too hard about kids but … I can’t get the image of Kiri/Baku adopting an orphaned girl when they’re in their 30s, and Bakugou ringing up Midoriya to ask him to be the godfather, and Midoriya CRYING FOR HOURS. HOURS. He catches the train over at like 11pm, still in his pjs, still crying, and all over twitter there’s pics of Deku crying into a phone, sparking all kinds of terrible rumours, until he uploads a photo of him cradling his goddaughter in his arms a few hours later. 
I also have more headcanons in my history verse tag, if you’re curious. Thanks again!
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phantomrose96 · 7 years
8.25 miles new BNHA same deal as always
-shot of Iida bleeding out in a dark alley- -shot of jarringly happy and peppy s1 Deku fanboying over Ingenium- -shot of Iida bleeding out-
“Look properly at who you want to be!” Look, as much as Iida’s been trying to drop like 193 bad-ass one-liners, Todoroki takes the cake here
Maybe Todo wins because he was also setting his arm on fire at the same time as he was shouting that
These eyebrows have been passed down the Iida family for generations
I’m glad to know Iida has always done...The Thing. The Hand Thing. Chop Chop Chop Motherfuckers
me, taking screenshots of every frame and stuffing them into my wallet: “these are my three sons”
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.^^^Tenya Iida--a man with a plan
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Iida: -takes two bullets knives for Todoroki- Deku, who wanted to be the one to take two knives for Todoroki: :/
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Gran Torino: -calls Endeavor “Todoroki”- Me: No....put that back...that’s not his
Endeavor: Don’t look at your phone! Todo: Why? Cuz you hate Millenials, Dad?!!
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^^^This is the “Just Got Owned By His Son” Endeavor. Reblog for 10,000 more years of Endeavor getting owned by his son
Endeavor, dialing Mama Midoriya: “Hello, Mrs. Midoriya? I’m so sorry to bother you, but it seems my son Shouto has been sneaking out at night to see your son.” Mama Midoriya: “Oh my, that doesnt seem like something my Izuku would instigate. Where?? Doing what??” Endeavor: “Dark alley, murdering villains. That’s not the point.”
Okay the music they play during Endeavor’s fight is fucking bad-ass
That whole fight scene is wild jesus christ Endeavor
Tired hurt Deku getting a piggy-back ride is the kind of pure content I want more of
Todoroki: *Sokka voice* This is some quality rope!
I’m laughing at the fucking. Dragging noises. They’re just. Dragging Stain along. On the ground. Anything could happen. Oops he fell in the sewer. Was no one watching the manholes? Bye Fucker
I swear my favorite goddamn trope is Competent adults: -stumbling onto the scene- these are kids! theyre hurt! what happened!? Competent adults: -noticing the kids have somehow taken down the biggest most evil thing in the world- Okay nani the fuck
Todoroki, with 8 knives impaled in his body: I got minorly injured.
I lied my favorite trope is “Villain of Extreme Evil has taken a liking to the protagonist and gladly saves protag’s ass when no one else can”
Those whole last 5 minutes fill me with chills goddamn
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^^^save them
Gran Torino is in the Next Ep Preview and he straight up calls Todo “The Hand Crusher” and I can’t believe BNHA canon has started shitposting That Scene before I’ve even got the chance
Yeah I’m still gonna be shitposting the Hand Crusher thing fight me on it Gran Torino
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mysterylover123 · 5 years
BNHA Rewatch: Two Heroes
And before we start Season 3, one more road stop: The Big Freaking Movie, Two Heroes, last year’s surprise anime blockbuster and HeroAca’s first excursion onto the big screen. Time to share my thoughts and rewatch this very entertaining film!
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We open with bald eagles, deserts, and cowpoke themes, to make sure we know we’re in America. We fly into “California” which looks more like Las Vegas (not really complaining, I loooove that they picked my hometown state for this) to find young, white schlera eye-having All Might and his hunky bro David Shield kicking ass and taking names. My state’s name, to be precise. 
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Some exposition follows, basically recapping the premise of HeroAca, as I’m reminded of what a stroke of genius Hori had when he decided to make the MC an easy expositor thanks to his geeky knowledge of all things Hero. Deku will always be Captain Exposition.
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Melissa! She’s fun and adorable and amazing, and I just love that the first HeroAca movie chooses to focus on a geeky, kind and energetic lady. 
Deku looking back and forth between Melissa’s breasts and All Might’s crotch belt is peak Bi energy.
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I’m so jealous that Melissa gets to touch Deku’s hand.
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Melissa describing All Might as someone David ‘loves’ is just throwing away all pretence of his heterosexuality, if it ever existed. How the hell did this guy end up with a kid?
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Deku blushing around and enthusing over both Melissa and David is max bi energy.
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Uraraka’s Annoying Crush Counter: 5
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But I’m glad the girls are here! The Bones animators clearly know well what the fanbase wants to see, choosing to give all 6 class 1-A girls at least a cameo in the film, and three of them involved in the main plot. I especially love that, despite being initially pitted against each other, Uraraka and Melissa develop a bit of a womance in the film. OchaLissa ship!
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My one major regret about this film is that Mineta is included in the Main Cast. I wish either Mina or Tsuyu had come along for the ride instead - one, they’re better, more lovable characters who could do the same job he does, and two, then we’d have a nearly gender-even cast! (6 Boys: Deku, Katsuki, Tenya, Shoto, Kiri, Kaminari; 5 Girls: Ochaco, Momo, Jiro, Melissa, Mina or Tsu). 
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Kacchan makes his appearance! This bit was leaked online before the film’s release and drew quite a lot of ire from BKDK shippers and Bakugo fans. I’m mostly annoyed that Deku is acting OOC here; this is Post-Final Exam Deku, post Hero Killer Deku. Would the guy who punched All Might in the face and Bakugo in the face and the Hero Killer in the face be cowering in fear behind Iida, the guy whose life he saved, from the guy he, only a few weeks ago, punched in the face?! Badass Deku Rights!
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Ooh a wild Todobaku moment! I always love when they bicker. Or rather, Katsuki bickers and Shoto ignores him.
OH NO you cannot slap me with the Ingenium OST theme and hardcore feels out of nowhere! God this scene is heartbreaking. I love, however, the cut to the whole of Class 1-A and Melissa when they talk about the future.
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AH Bakugo’s feet! Why are we staring up his crotch? So this movie has a lot of KiriBaku scenes, and I should probably talk about them a little, since their friendship is a big deal in S3. They’re the only major HeroAca ship I’ve never shipped as a romantic pairing, per se. Like, in this scene, I see Kiri as Katsuki’s wingman, his bro, the guy who teases him about his obvious feelings from someone, not as the guy he has feelings for.
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And for Kiri’s sake, I kinda dislike making him basically Bakugo’s sidekick. He willingly hangs out with the guy, when he wants to, in canon, he doesn’t follow him around and become the butt of the joke, and he has lots of other relationships in canon to draw from, so this dynamic between them doesn’t appeal to me.
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Melissa being a quirkless kid like Deku is a great idea for the film, especially since she and David still find a way to help others. They’re a brighter image of the person Izuku could have been. 
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Full Gauntlet is pretty cool
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Everyone dresses up pretty! The movie suits/dresses are awesome and (almost) everyone looks great. Why Deku is wearing a baggy zoot-suity mess is beyond me, but hey, he sheds it pretty quickly so I’m not complaining. 
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If by ‘female assassin’ you mean Beauty Queen. Jiro is gorgeous.
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OK the plot ensues! Darn, I could’ve easily enjoyed a movie that was just everyone hanging out and goofing off...ah well, I still love what we got.
This villain does what neither Tomura nor All for One could ever do! Subdue All Might! My god he’s a criminal mastermind!
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Deku wants to help, and everyone but Shoto basically piles on the bandwagon afterwards. “And me!” “And me!” “Me too!” “And Me” “Nobody cares Mineta.” I like how they bring up the Powers dilemma, since that’s a big deal in Season 3.
I was pretty impressed by the amount of level grinding our heroes had to do to make it to the top floor. 200 freaking floors, that’s impressive.
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Todoroki saved Bakugo! Yay! BTW I love all the tactical planning stuff in this portion, and how lots of characters get to contribute.
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10 little superheroes, trying to save the day. Two got lost and then there were eight.
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8 little superheroes, escaping from the garden. One saved the others and then there were seven.
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7 little superheroes running against the sea, four were trapped by robots and then there were three. (i don’t count mineta). 
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Three little superheroes, reached the top and flew; one had to float them so then there were two. (she’s fine, Bakugo saved her. Save to win!)
Two little superheroes, faced with a gun. One fell out the window and then there was - never mind, she saved him, he’s fine.
That was fun. Anyway, to sum, the group gets split up as they work to get to the top, leaving only Deku and Melissa to reach the final boss dungeon. Highlights include the usual Kamijiro bantering, Todobaku making an awesome combat move, Uraraka standing against the coming onslaught of robots in a weirdly dramatic scene, and Reciproburst.
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Dislikes include Kirishima being portrayed as not much use and kind of stupid (c’mon, he can do better than that!) and Uraraka not getting to kick any real ass other than floating Melissa and Deku. 
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So we make it to Dramatic Plot Twist Tower and find out that David set up the whole thing. I joke, but I actually didn’t see this coming the first time around and was genuinely surprised. I also think it fits really well with the story they’re telling here: about trying to hold onto the past and forgetting to look to the future. I usually measure good plot twists in terms of how they change the story, characters and themes, and this one does.
On the other hand, Sam betraying him is just kind of silly. “Oh no, not...that guy!”
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The villain being named Wolfram makes me wonder if there are any secret Buffyverse fans on Bones’ writing staff. With the next movie’s villain be named Hart?
I love how Melissa is a quirkless character who gets to save the day every bit as much as the powered ones. Also, Deku is freaking awesome in this scene, ngl. It has vibes of his fight with Muscular, that “pinned by an unstoppable wall” thing.
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And this has vibes of Deku vs Overhaul trying to save Eri. OMG S4 IS GONNA KILL ME. Anyway Deku tries really really hard to save David Shield and does lots of cool leaps and gets beaten up while doing it, enough to earn some of Wolfram’s respect, but is unable to. Fortunately...
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Watashi Ga Kita!
But then...duh duh duh! Wolfram has that power-enhancer-plot MacGuffin! Actually, it’s not a MacGuffin now, because now we the audience kind of care about it. It has weight, it’s significant. The characters care about it, but there’s more to it than just being an interchangeable object.
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I LOVE how they animated the metal on this guy. That’s Metalbending. OMG. 
Class 1-A showing up and kicking ass as always. I just wanna quibble for a second with how this movie uses Howitzer Impact: a giant mind-blowing explosion in manga canon, a small underwhelming fizzle here.
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DUH DUH DUH DRAMATIC PLOT TWIST. Again this one floored me the first time around. My jaw actually dropped when AFO’s theme started playing. Holy crap WHAH How what how. I’m not as excited about this plot twist, as it basically just happens for the sake of being shocking, but hey, that is clearly something AFO would do, and I like seeing him and hearing his theme here anyway, so who cares. Just roll with it!
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And now, the reason this movie was made and the premise behind it. We never, in the canon of the manga, actually get to see All Might and Deku fight the same villain at the same time, so the movie I think was made for that purpose: DOUBLE DELAWARE DETROIT SMASH + YSR
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OH YOU SAY RUN. You could soundtrack a scene of people sitting around staring at the wall and turn it into the most epic thing ever. I will never get tired of this beautiful, peerless, impossibly good composition. And this is honestly one of my favorite YSR scenes, because dayum, you can’t get much cooler than the Double DD smash. 
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Visual storytelling here is on point. David Shield’s image of All Might turning into Deku is perfect.
We end on a sunrise, fittingly, and Long Hope Philia sountracked credits - with a small bit of depressing to end on, as we see David is probably gonna get arrested and All Might can’t do nothing about it.
Two Heroes is great. My quibbles with it are all minor. It’s the perfect first movie for BNHA; it is big and bombastic and action-packed, but more important, it gets what MHA is about at it’s core. BNHA is a story about the prior generation of heroes (and villains) passing the torch down to the next one. You know, like how teachers pass info onto their students in Academia. The movie gets that, and it delivers it with aplomb. It’s a great script, every scene and moment is necessary and everything happens in the right place and right order. It’s a thrill to watch, and I can’t even begin to imagine what insane stuff they’re gonna put in Movie #2 BKDK Boogaloo. Starting S3 tomorrow!
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On a rewatch, I’m a little more OK with this scene, because Deku pretty quickly bucks up and takes the challenge - and he doesn’t exactly cower from Kacchan, Iida just gets in the way. I also love that gay sounding “Kacchan, people are watching!” line in the sub. 
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All of Deku’s Love interests where white flowers on their fancy wear.
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NGL this is my favorite part of the movie. That is the sweetest, softest, most endearing smile Bakugo has ever had, and Todoroki seeing it and smirking is just perfect. Baku is peak Tsundere in this scene.
RANKER: The Formal Wear
4. Momo - I like the tiara, and the dress is kind of a nice color.
3. Melissa - pretty but a little birthday cake-y.
2. Ochaco - Very cute and well-tailored. The tights really sell it.
1. Jiro - unconventional is the winner of the day here.
6. Izuku - Deku where the f did you get that suit? Take it off, please. Why is your taste in clothing so bad.
5. Kirishima - it’s ok, but a little generic.
4. Kaminari - the waiter look isn’t half bad on him
3. Iida - sharp dressed, of course. It looks nice!
2. Todoroki - perfectly handsome, and of course his suit is white.
1. Bakugo - that vest tho. damn. 
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