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Proud GenX parent moment
My 15 yr old just asked me to help him figure out how to download and run Zork so he can play it offline. We got him set up with a DOS emulator and a copy of the game and he's off to explore The Great Underground Empire!
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🎤The global gathering of the Audio-Visual Tech industry is INFOCOMM! If you belong to the same sector, you need to have an exhibit here with our designed and built trade show booth. To know more about the show and our offerings, click at expostandservice.us .
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Outdoor LED Flood Lights – When to use and how to choose?
Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp & wechat: +86 18038197291
What is an LED flood light?
LED floor lights are artificial lights to cover a large area outside. There are going to be events that happen outside where it's going to get really dark outside, but there need to be ways of covering fields with light at any time of the day. The usage of this is very obvious if you want to go to outdoor events.
One of the more obvious uses is sports such as Football and soccer. A lot of the important games happen during the night time since people will be off work and have more time to appreciate the sport. Football is almost never played when it's bright out. However, coaches, players, team coordinators, officials, and many other people there need to see everything and can't miss anything. The light is artificial, so the brightness isn't going to have the same effect that it would have on your eyes in other instances. So far this has become the most optimal way to enjoy events that happen late at night.
The main goal is to see when it's dark out, so using more traditional kinds of light simply wouldn't work at all. They're one of the few kinds of light that can have an effect at a very high elevation. These lights are also able to carry a massive amount across the field without needing to use that many lights compared to traditional ones. These lights can also last a long time without having to worry about power. You'll really only have to replace the batteries a couple of times a year and that's if you use it often.
What are the differences between floodlights and regular lights?
For one thing, regular lights are much more specific in terms of the area they cover. Or they need to be put in a room where they are able to illuminate the room that they're in. Regular lights also don't have as much of an effect in general because the lights aren't as powerful. The source of the power is also different because they aren't using LEDs in most cases. The light bulbs inside of the light go out faster but in some cases, there are modified lightbulbs that can sometimes last longer than the typical light bulb
LED lights use LEDs to be able to power the light. This is a much cheaper and more power-efficient way of covering space across large acres of land. In general, this is the optimal way to cover any kind of large area where there's an audience that wants to look at something nice happening. The LED floodlight is going to cost a lot more, but the usage of what you're getting is going to be well-worth whatever kind of price that you are going to pay. Overall, the two lights may serve the same purpose on paper, but they're completely different in practice.
The number of floodlights compared to the number of regular lights that you're going to have is going to be completely different. In a place like a school, you're going to have hundreds or potentially thousands of lights for a school, but many of them have less than 100 for the floodlights. This is because the school is going to be spending less time on their acre of land than teaching kids in school. In some cases, some schools have paid more for their floodlights than what they paid for the thousands of regular lights in a classroom.
When to use a LED floodlight?
The obvious time to use this would be for a football game. Many high schools and Colleges need to have these lights working every week to be able to illuminate so the audience can see everything that's going on. This is an absolute necessity since some of these football games are going to be happening at pitch-black hours where none of the people are able to see anything that's going on at all. The audience is also going to view this from a horizontal perspective which is going to make it really easy to see anything important happen.
You could also use this at a music event that happens at night. Sometimes it's the people who want to be seen at night, but more often than not, they just want the performer to be seen while they are jamming to the music that they have appreciated. These floodlights can also be used to artistic effect to create a tone of expectations before they go in. It's one of the most essential functions to work since it can make or break the experience for the audience that's taken the time out the go there. If these lights don't work, it may not be worth the time that they're putting in.
One of the most important times a group of people would want to be able to use these lights is for political or religious rallies. In this case, the speakers are going to be talking about things that truly affect the outside world. The tone for when people go there should always be serious and create a feeling that people should listen to what they have to say. The main speakers may bring on guests that also may want you to look at them which is why lighting in this case is so important. It could also be the case why these figures wear make-up when they give these speeches.
How to choose the right outdoor LED floodlights?
When you're going to get any piece of technology, it's important to examine the price first. You need to remember that you're planning on getting these lights to use for a long time and this isn't something that you should be ready to cheap out on. One of these lights is going to cost you around $500 USD. That's a lot of money, but most people who are going to buy these lights have the intention of making their money back with them. However, you really shouldn't pay any more than that.
Wattage is also really important when getting these lights. Typically, these lights are going to be around 100 watts. This is the perfect blend between being able to light up an area and not having it so bright that the lights burn out. You can give or take with the wattage when it comes to the lights but it's not something that you should push to the point where it's hard to see the people who are going to be on the field. Try different wattages of LED lights out and see which result is the best for you
Color temperature is also really important when getting any kind of light. Lightbulbs are incredibly hot which is why people will often tell you not to touch them because you can burn yourself,. In fact, if you were to put an egg on a lightbulb, it would begin to scramble since it's so hot. You should want your LED light to be warm because that means it's producing heat. However, the light can't be so hot to the point where it's being inconsistent. The whole point of this would be to have consistent lighting.
How many watts should an outside LED flood light be?
The most ideal wattage for outside LED lights is 80 watts. This is seen by some to be on the lower end, but you should be as moderate as possible when you're going to get a wattage for a light. Typically, lower wattages of lights have more consistent lighting and last for longer amounts of time. Going about it this way may not be for everyone, but even small wattage increases may create a worse light over time. You should want to preserve that light as much as possible, so make sure to stay close to 80 watts.
Some wattages go to 100, in fact, most of the outside LED lights are going to be 100 since it's just easier for the manufacturers to use that wattage. Of course, that wattage might be too high for what you're going to use this light for, but that's fine in the short term. The light may not last for years at a time, but you're still going to achieve the same effect. Since you're going to be using so many lights, it may be worth using lower wattages being the audience is going to have the same effect on whatever is being looked at on the field.
You don't want to go too low as well because that can also create its own set of problems. In something like a sports game, you don't want one team to have an advantage in a match that makes it harder for one team to see the other team that's outside. What's best is for both teams to be able to see each other at the same brightness. Whenever you need more power of the light, you won't be able to get that out of the lights you go, like a 30 LED outside light.
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InfoComm Las Vegas Exhibitor List 2024
InfoComm attracts attendees and exhibitors from around the world. This global participation contributes to a diverse and dynamic exchange of ideas and technologies. Reach out to your target audience with our InfoComm Exhibitor List 2024!
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3D in review: is it just a fad, or is it here to stay?
A few years ago 3D was hailed as “The next big thing.” Now it is time to review what’s happening in the realms of 3D Stereoscopic imaging. As part of InfoComm UK Webinar series, I will present a session on 3D on November 14 at 1:00 pm (London time). Over the past 4 years I have been so fortunate to present a number of educational sessions for the world’s leading AV organization, InfoComm…
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L'esperienza ventennale ha portato Crestron alla fiera InfoComm® 2023 che ha introdotto grandi novità nel settore tecnologico. Ogni area dello stand era orientata alle soluzioni, come "Soluzioni di telecamere per tutti gli spazi", "Strumenti di gestione e controllo", "Apprendimento attivo" e l'elenco continua.Tali soluzioni includevano non solo l'integrazione (e il perfezionamento) delle offerte Crestron esistenti, ma anche nuovi dispositivi, dispositivi che, di fatto, rappresentavano linee di prodotti completamente nuove sviluppate sulla base di feedback e ricerche del mondo reale.Molti di questi sono stati presentati al Crestron Modern Work Summit di maggio, ma questo evento ha offerto ai partecipanti la possibilità di provare i dispositivi di persona. E quell'esperienza di persona ha richiesto un layout molto ponderato da parte del team di mostre di Crestron.Le nuove soluzioni includono:Crestron Flex Pods: questa soluzione audio hub-and-spoke è incentrata su Crestron Flex Pods Hub, un ricevitore wireless connesso a un dispositivo UC e comunica in modalità wireless con un massimo di quattro Crestron Flex Pods che possono essere posizionati in tutta la stanza. Ogni pod è dotato di un microfono e di un sistema di altoparlanti migliori della categoria con funzionalità come la cancellazione dell'eco, la compensazione automatica del guadagno e la riduzione del rumore. È una soluzione scalabile e flessibile per una varietà di applicazioni: stanze che svolgono più funzioni, spazi in cui non è possibile far passare i cavi e così via.Crestron Videobar 70: non è una soundbar o una videobar, ma una vera e propria barra di collaborazione con quattro telecamere guidate dall'intelligenza artificiale che lavorano insieme per inquadrare un collaboratore che parla fino a 30 piedi.Crestron Desk Q e Crestron Desk Touch: man mano che sempre più organizzazioni adottano programmi di lavoro ibridi, ne consegue che passeranno a un modello di condivisione della scrivania che riduce l'ingombro. Quel modello, ovviamente, viene fornito con esigenze di pianificazione. Crestron ha escogitato non una ma due soluzioni: Desk Touch, ideale per uffici semi-privati, cubicoli e persino spazi in piedi, e il compatto Desk Q con prenotazioni basate su codice QR per aziende su larga scala.Nell'hotel: un'area dedicata alla tecnologia dell'ospitalità - in poche parole, soluzioni per il settore alberghiero. "Abbiamo mostrato una camera per gli ospiti premium coinvolgente che ha permesso ai visitatori di sperimentare il soggiorno perfetto in una stanza alimentata dalla tecnologia Crestron", afferma Michelle Guss di Crestron, vicepresidente dell'ospitalità. Quando un "ospite" entrava nella stanza con la propria chiave magnetica, l'illuminazione, le tende, l'audio e il clima si regolavano automaticamente su impostazioni predeterminate, creando un ambiente accogliente e riposante. I touch screen e le tastiere Crestron hanno semplificato il controllo dello spazio e migliorato l'esperienza con l'accesso diretto al servizio in camera, alle prenotazioni del ristorante o persino chiamando il parcheggiatore direttamente dal touch screen in camera.Le soluzioni citofoniche (alcune create in collaborazione con i nostri partner) hanno completato l'esperienza di lusso. Queste soluzioni per l'ospitalità non sono solo vantaggiose per l'utente finale, ma questi sistemi fanno miracoli anche per gli operatori alberghieri. "Abbiamo delineato la nostra integrazione con i sistemi di gestione delle camere degli ospiti e il nostro approccio semplificato all'integrazione con i sistemi di gestione delle proprietà, offrendoti una supervisione continua di ogni camera", afferma Guss. "Abbiamo incluso di tutto, dalle soluzioni per il risparmio energetico come i sensori di presenza Crestron e i controlli climatici alle richieste di assistenza semplificate".Oltre ai prodotti sopra menzionati, molti altri punti vendita hanno notato il nuovo touch screen wireless Crestron TST-1080 che è stato lanciato alla fiera. È una soluzione di controllo a casa sia in ambienti commerciali che residenziali. "Le persone erano assolutamente entusiaste di questo particolare dispositivo", afferma Kennedy.Per ricevere qualsiasi informazione in merito all'ecosistema Crestron, progettazione e realizzazione di un sistema domotico avanzato, non esitare a contattarci.Orizon S.r.l. - Domotica San Donà di Piave - System Integrators per l'automazione dei sistemi intelligenti domotici, multimediali e professionali come il Building Management System, connessi all'IOT. Fonte: Crestron Read the full article
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Do you want to exhibit your brand at INFOCOM 2023 and leave a lasting impact? If yes, then congrats! You have almost made it, as you at Expo Stand Services.
We have years of experience and expertise in creating impactful and magical exhibits. Wondering why we are so confident? Then visit https://www.expostandservice.us/infocomm-orlando/ and you’ll get to know about us and the show as well!
Don’t forget to connect with us after that…!!
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Info comms ✨🪄✨
#hogwarts legacy#open commissions#infocomms#art#art digital#harry potter#comms info#chibi commission
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InfoComm 2025 Orlando se celebrará en junio próximo y el registro ya está disponible
Del 7 al 13 de junio se celebrará la feria tecnológica de la industria audiovisual más grande del continente americano. Organizada por AVIXA, InfoComm 2025 ofrecerá un renovado piso de exhibición, amplio programa de formación y visitas al backstage de algunas de las atracciones de Disney. Continue reading InfoComm 2025 Orlando se celebrará en junio próximo y el registro ya está disponible
#AVIXA#AVoIP#broadcast#Cirque du Soleil#Disney#Drawn to Life#Florida#IA#Industria audiovisual#InfoComm 2025#InfoComm 2025 Orlando#integración audiovisual#Integrated Experience Tours#Inteligencia Artificial#Spotlight Stage#Walt Disney Theatre
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Open commissions ✨
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🌙 ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ important
theo ◈ he/him trans ◈ oct. 27 ◈ aspiring astrophysicist
🕯 ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ about me
brian murphy fan ◈ dark academic ◈ studyblr and dungeon master ◈ ⚣ aroace ◈ riz gukgak kin
🗝 ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ interests (underline = current favs. not a link)
astrophysics ◈ particle physics ◈ theoretical physics ◈ dungeons and dragons 5e ◈ dropout.tv shows and cast ◈ ensemble stars music!! ◈ octopath traveler 2 ◈ etc.
☕ ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ goals
tripsci + lit (2025) ◈ STEM TD2 research (2025) ◈ infocomm exco (2025) ◈ actualplay + study vlog (?) ◈ cambridge natsci (2029) ◈ move to uk/eu (?) ◈ researcher & professor for astrophysics (?)
📰 ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ subjects im studying
english (1st lang), chinese (2nd lang), math, ad. math, physics, biology, chemistry, english literature.
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You can have the best display for this Coolest Pro AV Gathering on the Planet, INFOCOMM, by hiring us for your trade show booth designing and building company.
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The exhibition - Infocomm 2024 will be held on 12 June - 14 June 2024 in Las Vegas. Hereby sincerely welcome to visit our booth #W753
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WhatsApp & wechat: +86 18038197291
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InfoComm Las Vegas Exhibitor List 2024
InfoComm attracts attendees and exhibitors from around the world. This global participation contributes to a diverse and dynamic exchange of ideas and technologies. Reach out to your target audience with our InfoComm Exhibitor List 2024!
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Tokyo Revengers: Vanta—The 1st Iteration.
Disclaimer before you go through my near endless amount of complete nonsense all for a passion hobby of world-building for my Tokyo Revengers OC World, Known as Tokyo Revengers: Vanta or their shorter name, TRVanta or just Vanta:
This is the first iteration of Vanta lore that I have worked on and refined within a 2-month time frame and some lore may or may not be changed in the future. Also, some parts of the lore may not be in chronological order or there for extra details and tidbits to give my OCs more life to them.
Aside from that, time to start the yap fest.
For an Introduction to our dear Main Character of the series, Shimamoto Koji. He seems like your run-of-the-mill teen going about in his middle school year, being the president of the School’s Infocomm club and pretty harmless aside from his sly and playful demeanor with a tinge of a dog’s carefree attitude…Well almost, besides the fact that he’s pretty noticeable yet invisible. Looking like a mummy all wrapped up in gauze with an eye and strands of his messy hair sticking out. You may ask him what’s under that bandage of his but until now no one knows what goes on under there.
And then we have Yamakawa Hisora, Koji’s best friend. Pretty popular half-gaijin schoolboy—A mix of Japanese & Canadian blood and a knack for theatre acting. Of course, he’s in the drama club, no surprise. But it is surprising how the schoolgirls fawn at the “exoticness” of being a mixed blood but meanwhile, Koji’s out here being an Okinawan & American mix. And yeah, Hisora being the extrovert just decided to befriend Koji and now they’re the best of homies.
(Fun fact: Hisora was Koji’s first-ever friend)
Yeah okay enough of the slice-of-life crap, this is a Tokyo Revengers OC world, reminder. Those two are gang members in the upcoming gang Tokyo Manji Gang. Under the 5th division led by captain Yasuhiro Muto and vice-captain Haruchiyo Sanzu. I thought that it’d make the most sense because I intentionally sort of “manifested animals in a human form”, so Koji’s aggressive behaviour during gang hours mirrors that of a dog, specifically a K9 police dog unit. Hisora being based on falcons, I found out about a thing called Falconry which it sort of has the same outcome as police dog training in the sense of sniff out the bad people or traitors. And the traitor thing? Well from my research the 5th Division is like the public morality council where those under that division can just whoop people’s asses and even fellow Toman members to without repercussion.
Keeping it brief here so in layman terms Muto is the pet owner and Koji and Hisora are the pets that attack when Muto goes “sic ‘em” if yk what I mean.
On top of having to settle gang stuff, Koji’s always on the phone. It was because of some that had been keeping poor Koji on a tight leash. “S-san” or as the man behind the phone calls himself. Getting his little lackey Koji to sniff out the wanted in the delinquent world with his investigating abilities shown unintentionally by Koji when he had accidentally solved a murder on a message board, 2chan.
And with the recent slew of wanted people and higher demand by S-san, Koji isn’t gonna be able to track them down by himself, he’s gonna get some help with good old friends of his—The Pharaoh’s Kids.
Koji and Hisora aren’t the only animal-like ones in the gang world that other delinquents know about. They actually made a name for themselves in a group the other delinquents lump a group of exceptional peers in—Nicknamed “Pharaoh’s Kids”, They’re a set of 6 animalistic fighters that are assigned and thus represent a respective Egyptian God.
The first two as you already are familiar with, is Koji, who represents Anubis and Hisora, who represents Horus, under Toman to keep it short and sweet.
The other 4 include, but not in order of power:
Miyazaki Junshin, representing Set/Seth. Valhalla member.
Fujita Hitsuto, representing Khnum. Black Dragons member.
Furutani Arakawa, representing Sobek. Tenjiku member.
Saratani Seki, representing Bastet. He’s not under a gang, refuses to join one despite exceptional fighting skills.
The reason and workings as to why the represent the Egyptian god they represent, here’s what I wrote over on discord:
>Koji: Canines, and sometimes police dogs.
~E.g. fights on all fours, heightened sense of “smell”, overall dog-based behaviour.
>Hisora: Falcons/peregrine falcon (that’s how Hisora has his colour palette)
~E.g. like falcons, Hisora dashes (more to “diving” to target and aims for the head for maximum stun
>Junshin: SPECIAL CASE, not a certain animal, but based on certain nocturnal species due to “set animal” being an unidentified animal that resembles a few modern animals REFER TO IMAGE 1 AND 2
E.g. functions way more at night, can sense things like Koji, stubborn asf in battles in general (stubbornness is depending on who you are/your strength)
>Hitsuto: Sheep, goat, ram, sometimes horses are used as refs
E.g. thick head, so uses his head to bash into people. Horse kicks a lot aside from fighting in a choreographic manner. May cause broken bones.
>Arakawa: crocodile
E.g. Grasp strong enough to break turtle shells, TANKY AS HELL, usually remains still and eventually attacks in a single swift swing.
>Seki: Cat, any feline in general
E.g. has rings that work as cat claws to “scratch” or flank opponents as a means to weaken them, also ambushes without notice by making use of his “lack of presence” sometimes.
(Author’s note: if there is “>” it’s lifted from my discord chat logs unless stated otherwise.)
Back to the topic in hand. If you did also question why they’re lumped in together despite them all in different gangs and looking like they just won’t want to interact with each other because, well, rival gangs, is actually because they USED to be in a gang together, excluding Seki, who formerly was identified as a female during the time and is an acting “external help” which made Seki part of PKs (Pharaoh’s Kids).
~The PRE-storyline (part 1)~
>Rei (Seki before he realised he’s trans), was on the verge of getting SA’d, by the gang leader of the gang Koji, Hisora, Junshin, Hitsuto and Arakawa were in.
>Koji did NOT accept it and got really mad and went haywire, resulted in the gang leader in the ICU due to how hard Koji bit down on the jugular, partial skin was ripped out by just his teeth
>So he was sent to Juvie as the rest watched—It was before Koji decided to play a “little game” with the rest of the PKs, calling one by one to tell about his idea and ultimately telling each and every one to start “hiding”, like hide and seek but by joining an existing gang. Hisora ofc, wanted to wait for Koji and the two talked again and discussed it a few times and both settled on Toman.
Keeping it as brief as possible, these wanted delinquents that S-san has assigned Koji to seek the head of was Zwischenzug, a polar opposite of the Pharaoh Kids yet two sides of the same coin with are Yuichi, who just keeps coming back non stop despite being caught, Mamoru, Setsuna and the Abe Brothers.
(Author’s note: There is a major change between Zwischenzug and Pharaoh’s Kids’ dynamic. Do not use the current Zwischenzug lineup as lore ref until U update it. And reminder, Like the PKs, Zwischenzug is not a gang/group of delinquents that made a gang BUT a just a ‘category’ other delinquents decide to lump them in to. Will also elaborate on the captures in future iterations.)
In a watered down version, Koji now has to go “seek his hiders” who were told to seek refuge at the gangs of their choice (or not). The order of getting each Pharaoh’s Kid does not really correlate to the order of the major gang fights shown in the OG series. Excluding Hisora since he’s already been on Koji’s side through his Juvie time, it’s Hitsuto, Junshin, and Arakawa in that order.
Hitsuto’s a hard head hothead, who started to vow his loyalty to Black Dragons (not really) recently but Koji managed to talk through his thick skull. He’s still in Black Dragons (up until Christmas Conflict Arc where he’s outed as a traitor and his ass got jumped)…despite Koji somehow surviving non stop headbutts and bludgeons. Guess Koji was too stressed and pissed to die.
Junshin was a LONG fight. The day before Bloody Halloween, Junshin was easy to get convinced to meet up with Koji but only at night, since Junshin’s is more active at night and he could sneak out of his mansion more easily rather than in broad daylight. Junshin gets pretty pissed at how suspiciously pushy Koji was and it snowballed into a fight under the highway. These all stretched through the night and until sunrise. Remembering that they need to take part in a gang fight without a drop of sleep, they meet again at the abandoned car lot only to fight their tired asses off (again). Koji of course, has a higher disadvantage because he isn’t used to chronic lack of sleep like Junshin. It was a stalemate, but Junshin gave in to help Koji out due to the influence of Baji’s death and Kazutora’s arrest.
Just as Koji thought “hey, I have more people on my side, maybe I get get Arakawa in no time”, him and Hisora gets jumped AS WELL for vehemently refusing to do what their ‘Master’ Muto said, resulting in a leg fracture on Koji and an arm fracture on Hisora. Lmao, that costed the two an arm and a leg (mb I had to). AND YET THESE STUBBORN MFS went against their superiors wishes and still showed up to the Tenjiku fight anyway. For Arakawa obviously.
Arakawa…OH ARAKAWA... He may be a dumbass but he isn’t stupid. He’s way more stubborn and stronger than the previous two. From what seems like just a rough play to him while taking down weak Toman members down one by one. He’s pretty much like the only one who takes the least seriousness in this situation. That of course costed him A LOT when he went overboard in beating and choking the living hell out of Koji.
And what do you know, Arakawa had awakened the full extent of Koji’s anger that manifested and clouded Koji’s mind, stripping Koji of his last bit of humanity and bringing the animalistic manner to the max…Arakawa accidentally got Koji to repeat the old incident. Feeling true fear of a prey when Koji’s bite outnumbered Arakawa’s exceptional tanky body and arm strength. If it weren’t for the interruption of the Blue Ogre, Koji would have just have killed Arakawa and lose vital information Arakawa may have held. This arc was the moment Koji’s mauled-up body was shown on full display, scar covering a good quarter of his body.
And at the point? Where’s Seki? Well, no one knows where Seki is…yet. Hold on. Seki starts with an S. Could he…could he be THE S-san?
Rather thought-provoking for the bandage-faced boy. Maybe if he finds Seki whom he suspects as S-san, not only he can catch more wanted people, he can finally reason with and get answers from S-san!
Oh Koji wasn’t just a background character inside the juvie walls, no. Don’t believe it? Ask Kazutora Hanemiya. He seems to recognise the dog boy well, or “Nikuman”, he calls Koji. They came across each other at one point.
(Yeah this section of the lore is all made because of one shitpost idea I did)
PRE-Storyline (part 2)
>ANYWAY BACK TO MAIN THING, Juvie was where Koji came across Kazutora, the two were acquaintances. They’d just talk to each other when they happen to pass by each other YOU GET THE DEAL. Then the way Kazu was the first to saw Koji’s feral mode was when a fight broke out due to inmates bullying him about the biting, gagging and taunting about it, etc.
>Kazu was at the corner and watched SHIT GO DOWN and saw the whole thing, even aftermath where he saw bite marks on hands, legs and even the damn NECK bite.
>Aftermath resulted in Kazu being lowkey scared of him but still tried to talk to him
> Wasn’t enough because Koji was bailed out by his adoptive mom (that Koji always sees as his actuall mom and openly calls her mummy, WE LOVE YOU MRS. SHIMAMOTO) after Hisora and the rest convinced her || mom and openly calls her mummy. WE LOVE YOU MRS. SHIMAMOTO!!!) after Hisora and the rest convinced her.
This all happened during the Valhalla arc of the original series and Koji & Hisora bumped into one of the Toman. However after the Valhalla Arc which got Kazutora in Jail, that didn’t stop Koji from squeezing some leads and information out of him. Of course it’s for a price still, you’re not gonna get info that easily from Mr. Hanemiya.
In order to get that sweet reward, Koji has to defeat banchous from schools around the hood—One school banchou defeated will get Kazutora to gain respect for the legitimate strength rewards Koji with tidbits of info in tiny crumpled up/folded papers that Kazutora will sneakily slide through the glass pane. All of these infos pieces together will reveal whereabouts about a certain someone that knows a lot about Seki. This person is Ian Rivera ( @chejirevv’s OC), and as it turns out, had been trying to get Seki into Valhalla but it was like herding cats all until Valhalla was destroyed.
Arakawa has heard of Jou Moriatsu (a mutual on discord’s oc) and told Koji that he set up a meeting with him on behalf of Koji and yeah, Koji now has more help but he did that by surprisingly, promising Moriatsu to be his friend. Hisora was NOT too happy about it, jealous even.
As it turns out, once the final PK was found, Seki is ultimately not S-San due to contradicting views and personality that Koji thought, which led Koji to a dead end. From the news of S-san, Seki decides to make a somewhat exception and helps out Koji. Now with the PKs back together and Koji’s growing skepticism towards the man behind the screen, S-san with each capture of the wanted delinquents, Koji now has a NEW bounty hunt on his hands—finding the identity of the man who tormented him and put him on a leash for all of his teenage years.
No development in this lore yet but the rough walkthrough is that S-san is actually a guy named Satoshi Kimura who hated delinquents because of a major event between (holy fucking shit) Satoshi’s and Koji’s older brothers and the fact that Satoshi was blamed for his older bro’s death. He just lead Koji on and turn his head on him and get Koji himself accused and get kicked out of Toman, Hisora too because he’s “in cahoots’.
And then Satoshi gets defeated.
No concrete lore yet for this part too but during the time frame between 2006-2008, it was finally the time Koji had some damn peace and the PKs being art students get in the same art-centric High School (except for Junshin who’s in University and Arakawa, who’s taking a gap year.)
JK Satoshi was petty enough at Koji to join and gaslight the Yakuzas to be on his ass but Koji pulled an uno reverse and Satoshi is finally killed.
That’s right, the thing Koji has for Mitsuya.
Ending the 1st iteration of Vanta’s compiled lore on a lighter (and fruitier note), let’s get to it.
It was fine at first, just the typical nice classmate who’s, deservingly, the president of the Home Economics club who just sits in front of Koji. They didn’t talk much besides when the Home Economics club needed some aid from the Infocomm club for photo taking, up until they recognised each other when Mitsuya was trying to find the bathroom and came across Koji next to a tree without the Kitsune Mask that he constantly wears during gang hours, recognising that gauze-covered face of his.
So then the two began talking more often than not, sharing artistic interests. Koji began to just felt something different in him, mistaking it as his intuition telling him that Mitsuya was “using” him in a sense, he just hates him at how much Mitsuya began to get “distracting” to him. It was eyebrow-raising for the lavender boy at how strange and sudden Koji’s hospitality towards him changed, but still staying with him.
On Koji’s side, it didn’t occur to him that there even was a term to describe how he sees Mitsuya the way girls see him until he found the term. He was skeptical as usual at first, thinking about the time where he went to a middle school event where all the girls were dressed in cute maid outfits and charming the other boys (excluding Seki, or “Rei” at the time), but Koji just wasn’t swooned by the actions one bit, just seeing it in a platonic manner or “just a strange girl thing”.
“Gay? Ew, I’m not that.”
Then he began to think of that word more and more in proportion to Koji now realising the strange feeling towards Mitsuya was actually Koji crushing on him and he, for the lack of a better word and sorry for being corny, became a Tsundere. Even if his frisked cheeks aren’t visible because his face is covered, his left ear sticking out was a dead giveaway to blushing because Koji’s blush can spread from his cheeks to his ears.
Yes Koji at one point got really emo because he thought he was out of Mitsuya’s league after accepting that he’s gay and that Hakkai would win but yeah turns out Mitsuya wasn’t even into Hakkai and that Hakkai and Hisora was in cahoots behind his and Mitsuya’s back tryna get the two together.
It’s getting kinda long but basically their relationship is slow burn-y, and with their gang life being in the mix between the two. A few angst here and there where Mitsuya gets really pissed at how Koji keeps pushing away yet he’s body language is yelling and begging for safety and assurance.

This is where, aside from Koji’s mom, before(?) the Tenjiku Arc where Koji’s strutting around without the gauze rolls and slightly after the a Christmas conflict, Koji has no choice but to reveal his mangled look to the boy he likes and surprisingly Mitsuya took it well and they had a heart-to-heart talk, leading to the two getting WAYYY more close.
They eventually confess on 26/08/2006 but the angst does not end there with how they’re now also hiding their relationship because they’re in a delinquent world and not some sunshine and rainbows world.
(Author’s note: Good lord Mitsuya x Koji is literally either
And ESPECIALLY the second one in terms of slow burn and angst and no Koji and Mitsuya didn’t break up they’re just angsty as fuck)
Too lazy to type so have discord and insta story screenshots

Total Yapping word count: ~3232 words
Aaaand with that I end my yapfest here. I’m done…for now lol. Sorry if it’s rushed, I did this in 3 days and 1 hour per day because I just started my year 2 and there’s already homework *cries*
The compiled lore is purely written on my trusty iOS notes app mb y’all and double mb because the lore is LONG long imo.
Tysm if you took the time to read it, I really appreciate it because I have been working on the lore seriously for 2 months and polishing things here and there!

@star2fishmeg @chejirevv @anemptypuddingcup @sharpkiwislayer @kayjayxx @w975x
Dm for add or removal!!
#tokyo revengers#tokyo revengers oc#oc x canon#mitsuya takashi#tokyo manji gang#tokyo revengers mitsuya takashi#takashi mitsuya#tokyo revengers mitsuya#tokyo revengers toman#tr oc#tokyo revengers fanfic#Tokyo Revengers lore#tokyo revengers vanta#schizoposting#I am the yap king#yapfest#oc lore#pharaohs kids#zwischenzug#Spotify#SoundCloud
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[ad_1] Reliance Jio Infocomm chairman Akash M Ambani | Image: PTI3 min read Last Updated : Oct 15 2024 | 12:41 PM IST Speaking at the inauguration of the India Mobile Congress on Tuesday, the leaders of Reliance Jio and Bharti Airtel called for the government to embrace a holistic artificial intelligence (AI) strategy and ensure all potential satellite communication providers are subject to the same rules as traditional telecom operators. Reliance Jio Infocomm chairman Akash M Ambani and Bharti Enterprises chairman Sunil Bharti Mittal outlined their suggestions for the evolving sector in their address to a major gathering of national and global delegates from the telecom sector, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi and telecom minister Jyotiraditya Scindia. Click here to connect with us on WhatsApp Market leader Reliance Jio wants the government to adopt a holistic AI strategy focused on self-sufficiency. "AI is absolutely critical for realising our dreams of a viksit Bharat by 2047. Therefore, India under your leadership should urgently embrace AI with a holistic strategy driven by maximum Atmanirbhar efforts," Ambani said. He stressed that Jio remains committed to democratising AI and offering powerful AI models and services to Indians at affordable prices. "Towards this end, we are laying the groundwork for a national AI infrastructure," he emphasised. Ambani noted that India needs to accelerate talent generation on a scale necessary to make the country a global leader in AI. Addressing the concern over how AI might affect the job market, he remarked that some existing jobs will evolve while many new and exciting opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship "will be created rapidly, just like during the adoption of the computer and the internet." Additionally, Ambani urged the government to expedite the draft of the 2020 data centre policy. "Indian data should remain in Indian data centres. Therefore, Indian companies ready to set up AI and machine learning data centres should receive all necessary incentives, including incentives for power consumption," he added. Satcom debate Bharti Airtel has called on the government to ensure that all potential satellite communication providers operate under the telecom operator framework. Drawing the Prime Minister's attention to the ongoing global debate on how fast-growing satellite communication services can coexist with terrestrial networks, Mittal highlighted that telecom companies worldwide have played a crucial role in connecting the globe. Referring to Indian telcos, he noted that they would extend satellite services to the remotest parts of the country. However, Mittal stressed that satellite companies aiming to serve "elite, retail customers" in urban areas must take a telecom licence like everyone else. His comments appear directed at foreign entities such as Starlink and Project Kuiper, which are seeking entry into the Indian market and whose applications are currently being reviewed by the government. "They must adhere to the same conditions, including buying spectrum like telecom companies, paying the licence fees, and securing their networks. This is a simple solution that can be adopted on a global scale, and India can lead the way," Mittal said. The government is currently in the process of opening up satellite communication services and has already granted GMPCS licences to Bharti Group-backed Eutelsat OneWeb and Reliance Jio’s satellite arm, Jio Space Limited. However, applications from foreign entities have faced hurdles due to technicalities and security concerns. Starlink is the satellite internet constellation operated by SpaceX, the American spacecraft manufacturer and satellite communications company owned by US tech billionaire Elon Musk. Project Kuiper, a subsidiary of Amazon, was established in 2019 to deploy a large satellite internet constellation to provide low-latency broadband connectivity. First Published: Oct 15 2024 | 12:41 PM IST
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