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itsashowtime · 5 years ago
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Who said Marriage AU had to be all sunshine and rainbows? 
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bella-nile · 5 years ago
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Here’s my contribution to their happy ever after where they get to be married <3 @itsashowtime
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angelnightrose · 5 years ago
Prompt 1: Marriage AU
It’s time again!! Here we go, Infinitemonth 2019! When I rise from my grave to throw fic at all of you. :3 @itsashowtime
The entire kingdom had been bustling with excitement and celebrations all day. It had been over a year of peace, of prosperity for everyone, of overflowing happiness and love. Even now, long after the sun had set, the castle was still awake and lively as music poured from the halls and people continued to laugh and dance through the night. 
The party’s guests of honor however, were nowhere to be found inside the castle. They had taken their chance and slipped away once things had gotten busier, wanting to spend their night alone with just the two of them instead of in the stuffy, crowded ballroom.
Jougo and Mamoru had slipped past the guards, around the castle walls, and disappeared into the warm summer night. They ran arm in arm to the tree by the lake where they used to spend so much of their time together. Jougo laughed and leapt into Mamoru’s arms, kissing his husband as they spun around in the soft moonlight. 
Eventually Mamoru let Jougo’s feet touch the ground again. Their foreheads stayed gently pressed together, neither of their smiles faltering. Jougo let his fingers brush through the short hairs on the back of Mamoru’s neck. 
The brunette laughed, his voice barely above a whisper as his mind drifted back to a different time, “This is where we met, isn’t it?”
Mamoru’s smile grew, “Yeah, it is. It seems so long ago now, that first night when I woke up here. No memories, no name, nothing but you.” His eyes opened again, taking in the soft caramel eyes looking back at him, “How many nights did we meet here?” His fingers softly brushed against Jougo’s cheek as he continued to reminisce, “How much time did we spend here? Talking, laughing, watching the stars, skipping stones on the lake
Jougo took hold of Mamoru’s hand, giggling as he once again met those emerald and sapphire eyes that shined back at him, brighter than all the stars in the sky above, “Not enough, not nearly enough. I wanted to spend every second I had with you. I still remember how every night as soon as I could get away I ran here just so I could see you.”
Mamoru gave a short, quiet laugh, “And I spent every night waiting for you.”
The pair stood there in silence for a moment, holding each other close and simply enjoying the peaceful night together, the only sounds coming from the chirping of insects and the water rippling along the lake’s surface. 
Jougo elected to rest his head on Mamoru’s chest, and Mamoru softly ran his fingers through Jougo’s hair. It was an action they’d repeated so many times, both in the soft, tender moments like this and during the long, troubled nights that saw them breaking down and wondering if it was all worth it.
For just a moment, everything felt like it had before. No titles or status, no stupid castle politics, no war trying to tear them apart, just two boys falling in love with each other.
Even with every moment of pain they endured, every action or word they wished they could take back and could never truly make right, and everything they had to deal with even now. For them to have made it this far, to have experienced every laugh, every smile, every soft midnight kiss, everything up to this one moment together and every second they would have in the future. They knew it had all been more than worth it.
Jougo stepped back, still smiling and taking Mamoru’s hand in his own, “Come on, I want to show you something.”
Mamoru didn’t even get a moment to respond as he was suddenly dragged away. Jougo looked back at him as he rushed them along, the same bright, excited smile Mamoru had always known painted beautifully across his face. Mamoru too found himself laughing along as well known memories of a time long past greeted him once again.
The open field of the lake’s edge gave way to a well worn forest path as Jougo continued to lead his beloved down a trail that became increasingly familiar as they went. The plants had become overgrown over the years trying to swallow up the pathway before them, but Mamoru could see places where the foliage had been carefully tended to and trimmed away so as to keep the trail clear.
As they neared the trail’s end and the forest began to thin, Jougo suddenly stopped and turned around, overwhelming excitement clear on his face. He beamed as he held Mamoru’s hands and practically bounced on his feet as he gave another instruction, “Okay, we’re almost there but you need to close your eyes.”
Mamoru was a little confused but closed his eyes anyway, he felt Jougo’s fingers entwine with his own and softly smiled. He trusted that whatever his husband was planning wasn’t going to lead him into too much trouble. 
Jougo giggled, reaching up and stealing a quick kiss before he lead Mamoru the rest of the way out of the woods. He stuck his tongue out even though Mamoru couldn’t see it.
“And no peeking!”
Mamoru laughed in response, “I’m not, I promise.”
Jougo smiled and pulled Mamoru along through the rest of the forest, leading him out into an open field. He stopped and let go of his husband’s hands, stepping back and beaming as all the excitement threatened to burst out of him. The anticipation was immeasurable, he couldn’t wait a moment longer for Mamoru to see what he’d done.
“Okay Mamo, open your eyes.”
Mamoru’s eyes opened and all he could do was stare in silent awe as he was met with a sight he was certain he’d never be able see again.
A field of beautiful crystal roses stretched out before him, each flower sparkling in the moonlight. A million memories of the two of them laying among the roses doing everything from making flower crowns, to sharing secrets, and telling each other stories flashed through his mind. Sure they’d spent a lot of their time back then out by the lake or in Mamoru’s old cottage, but here? This place was special for them in a way words could never truly describe.
Seeing it again like nothing had ever changed left Mamoru at a loss for words, “I thought I– This whole place was burned to ashes. How
A proud grin grew on Jougo’s face.
“I found a few that survived and replanted them here. I decided to keep coming back to check on them, sneaking out when you were asleep to make sure they were still growing back and to take care of them. They kind of just took off, and I think they’re even prettier than they were before.” Jougo giggled and took hold of Mamoru’s hands again, “If you think about it, they’re kind of like us in a way.”
Mamoru chuckled softly, tears welling up in his eyes as he let his arms wrap around Jougo’s waist, “Yeah. Yeah, I guess you’re right.” He paused, trying to compose himself as a mix of emotions ran through him, “They’re beautiful Jougo, thank you.”
Jougo reached up and kissed the tears off Mamoru’s cheeks. He felt tears of his own starting as he gently touched his husband’s face. There wasn’t anything he could think of that could even come close to being as perfect as this, standing here in the arms of the man he loved, a field of roses that shined almost as bright as the eyes of the man in front of him stretching out around them. Not a single thing in the world could even hope to compare to the warmth and joy in his heart right now.
This was the life they’d fought for, what they’d cried and screamed and tore each other apart for. So that every day, so that every second of the rest of their lives, would be just as wonderful as these moments right here. So they could spend all the time they had with each other. For now and forever. 
A late summer breeze blew across the field, sending a flurry of bright shimmering petals up into the air around them. The petals sparkled and glittered as they slowly and softly fell back down, like an iridescent halo surrounding them.
Jougo was first to break the silence, “I love you so much. Happy anniversary, Mamo.”
“I love you too, Jougo. Happy anniversary.” 
Mamoru pulled Jougo close and kissed his lips, smiling all the while at the memories of their first wonderful year of marriage, and also at the thought of the many happy years together that they had waiting ahead.
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r0sedrag0n · 5 years ago
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i’ve always wanted to do something for infinite month. i don’t know if this covers any of the prompts, but they’re so cute sitting in front of the fire. 
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spiritsncrystals · 5 years ago
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Infinite Month 2019 Nov8th prompt: Marriage
It's a great time of the year again!
That isn't the fact that my birthday is the 9th it's not as big as this
this year i decided to draw the newly Wed Mamoru and Jougo in their wedding attire from what i wrote last year for Marriage!
https://docs.google.com/document/d/11U9CZ6_x3m-52XvovruqWB7P6EbTcxmsJJ1EkxWTtXM/edit?usp=drivesdk (link to last year's mini fic for Marriage where you can find the description of their attires!) and yes mamoru's taken off his mask revealing his very pretty eyes and is now crying a few tears of joy!
Hope you all Enjoy!
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itsashowtime · 5 years ago
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Guess what time of the year it is? It’s Infinite Month!
Infinite Month is a month where creators get together to celebrate the newly born Yu-Gi-Oh! GX ship named InfiniteShipping (or otherwise ancient-spiritshipping)- the pairing between Johan Andersen and YĆ«ki JĆ«dai’s ancestors, Crystal Protector and Prince Haou.
You may draw, write, cosplay, etc!
How to Participate: Once you are ready to share your work, post on your own blog with the #InfiniteMonth2019 tag within your first five tags (and also tag Lunick at @itsashowtime​!
Due to people experiencing burnouts last year, we are now creating content on only three days:
Nov. 8, Nov. 18, Nov 28
But you are free to post whenever you wish as long as it’s during November! 
The prompts are as follows:
Nov. 8 - Marriage AU
Nov. 18 - Free choice! (refer to 2018 prompt list if you are lost)
Nov. 28 - Death
Q: Am I allowed to draw/write about other shipping alternates such as Vanguard x Haou?
A: Heck yeah you can!
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angelnightrose · 5 years ago
Prompt 2: Dancing
FREE TIME HECK YEAH!! This is an idea I wanted to write for a while and finally managed to finish it. :3  Anyway Infinitemonth 2019 prompt two go. @itsashowtime
A late summer breeze sent ripples across the lake’s surface, disrupting the moon’s reflection on the water. Two boys stood near the water’s edge, a blonde staring out across the lake trying to skip stones on the water and a brunette shuffling on his feet seemingly lost in thought.
Mamoru turned back to his friend, concerned etched on his face and in his voice, “Jougo? Is something wrong? Not to pry, but you’ve been rather quiet tonight.”
This silence was something Mamoru wasn’t used to in the slightest. Usually Jougo was far more animated, talking excitedly about one thing or another, or trying to show him some interesting thing he’d learned. To see him standing off quietly by himself wasn’t normal in the slightest.
The prince didn’t seem to hear his companion, as he continued shuffling around, staring at his feet and muttering to himself. He looked up for a moment only to jump as he noticed Mamoru staring at him.
“Ah! I– Uh– I’m fine. Did you say something, Mamo?” Jougo laughed awkwardly and stuck his tongue out, trying to brush off the situation.
Mamoru’s head tilted in confusion, not at all convinced by Jougo’s response, “I asked if something was wrong. Are you feeling alright, Jougo? Should we head inside? If you need to go home early that’s fine, I’ll understand if you need to rest.”
Jougo quickly shook his head, “No no. I’m fine, really. I promise. It’s just–” The prince suddnely groaned in frustration, sliding to the ground and holding his knees to his chest.
Mamoru sat in the grass next to him, placing a hand on Jougo’s back in an attempt to comfort his dear friend. They stayed there for a moment, Mamoru softly rubbing Jougo’s back until he was ready to talk about whatever was bugging him. Even if he didn’t want to talk, Mamoru would still be here to offer him a comforting hand and a shoulder to lean on. It was the least he could do.
Jougo buried his head against his knees, mumbling something that Mamoru wasn’t quite able to make out.
Jougo lifted his head, resting his chin on his hands and grumbling, “I don’t know how to dance.”
Now Mamoru only felt more confused. He wouldn’t have thought Jougo cared about proper dancing, he wasn’t usually one to be concerned about formal things like that. He would’ve assumed that if Jougo wanted to dance then he just would, not caring about what he was doing and just having fun. Though now that he thought about it there’d never really been an occasion where either of them would have been dancing considering they always met late at night and far from town.
The frustrated prince groaned again, “There’s this big stupid party happening at the castle in a few days. I don’t even want to be there but they’re making me go! They’re going to make me get all dressed up and everyone’s going to stare at me and I’m probably going to be forced to dance with some random noble idiots or something! I hate it. Father’s making me take dance lessons and I’ve been trying but I just don’t get it. Why do you have to move one specific way? And what am I supposed to do with my hands the whole time? It’s so slow and boring!” He sighed, staring out at the lake in defeat, “I wish they’d just listen to me and not have the stupid party at all
Mamoru stood back up, dusting himself off and offering a hand to Jougo with a warm smile on his face, “I’m sorry I don’t have a way to get you out of the party, but maybe I could help you with the dancing part? Would having a partner make practicing easier?”
Jougo stared at the outstretched hand for a moment and then looked back at Mamoru’s face. Even with the mask in the way he could still see the warmth and comfort in his friend’s smile. The prince smiled a little in respone, of course Mamoru would be trying to help him however he could, he shouldn’t have thought he’d try anything less.
Jougo laughed, taking Mamoru’s hand and pulling himself back to his feet, “Okay. It’s worth a shot. I promise I’ll try not to step on your feet too much. Thank you, Mamo.”
Mamoru smiled, “It’s my pleasure, Jougo. You’re very dear to me, if something’s troubling you then of course I want to help. Now then, put your hand on my shoulder
Jougo did as he was instructed, but still looked down at his feet sheepishly. Mamoru carefully put an arm around Jougo’s waist, holding him close, and gently took the prince’s other hand in his own. 
It was only now however that Mamoru realized how close they actually were, and he hoped that his mask did a good job at hiding the blush on his cheeks. 
The blonde stammered a bit, now feeling rather nervous himself, “O-okay. So, uh, it’s actually really simple. Just, um, just follow my lead.”
Mamoru stepped forward and Jougo followed, his feet moving back with his partner’s steps. It wasn’t quite smooth sailing however as Jougo continued to stumble, uttering apologies as he stepped on his friend’s feet and also had his own stepped on a few times. He grumbled in frustration, continuing to stare at his feet and trying to make the proper steps.
Mamoru just smiled and continued to be reassuring though, “You’re thinking about it too much. Don’t watch your feet, Jougo. Just look at me and follow my lead.”
Jougo took a deep breath, he didn’t understand how not looking at where his feet were was supposed to help, but he trusted Mamoru. He looked up and instead focused on the blonde’s face, well what he could see of it anyway. He wished he could see his friend’s face without the mask just once. He could still see Mamoru’s warm and comforting smile though, and that was enough to bring a smile to his own face too as he felt a familiar warmth spread through him.
Once Jougo stopped worrying so much about steps or where his feet were going and let Mamoru take lead the two of them flowed in perfect harmony, the symphony of the calm summer night providing the perfect melody as they both stepped and turned gracefully together. Mamoru led Jougo into another turn and Jougo had to pray that the red on his cheeks wasn’t showing. The way the moonlight shone behind Mamoru, the gold of his mask glittering as the light of the fireflies danced along with them, and his smile. That same kind, sweet smile that always made Jougo feel warm and bright inside when he saw it. Mamoru always did seem to have that effect on him, no matter what troubled the prince it all always melted away with that smile.
Eventually Jougo would reluctantly have to return to the castle. He hugged his friend tight when he left though, thanking him for his help. For a moment he contemplated inviting Mamoru to the party but quickly thought against it. The last thing he wanted was to throw him into that mess. A bunch of dumb, stuck up noble types that only cared to use you for their own gain. Mamoru didn’t belong there, as much as Jougo may have wanted him by his side. He just hoped that when the party happened he could find a way to sneak off quick enough to come see his friend for a while.
The night of the party came, and Mamoru found himself sitting at their usual meeting place, underneath the tree next to the lake. He sat in the grass and watched the ripples along the water’s surface, it was quiet and rather cool for a summer night he noted. Jougo had told him to wait for him tonight regardless of the party happening, he’d said that he was going to try and sneak out of the party as soon as he could. Mamoru had been wary, not wanting his friend to get in trouble, but Jougo insisted that he’d be alright and that coming to see him was way more important than the dumb party.
Still though, it was getting late. Maybe Jougo couldn’t find a way to get out of the party after all. He felt bad for him, it was obvious that Jougo had been far from excited about the evening. The stress had even been managing to bring down Jougo’s normally excited energy, even with Mamoru’s help with the dance practice hopefully easing some of it.
Mamoru sighed, he wished there was a way he could be there to help him, but he figured a random person strolling up to the castle claiming to be the prince’s friend and asking to be let in to an important party wouldn’t have gone over well. Besides, if Jougo had wanted him there he probably would have invited him.
“Mamoooooooo!” A voice ringing out across the field broke Mamoru from his thoughts.
Jougo ran across the open field, stopping and trying to catch his breath as he reached the tree they normally met under. Mamoru immediately noticed the prince’s attire, he was dressed in a more ornate outfit than usual with shimmering reds and golds and a small golden crown sitting on his head. He looked unusually regal and more befitting of his princely title than Mamoru could ever remember him being, in fact the way he seemed to sparkle in the moonlight was

” Mamoru breathed out the word.
Jougo looked up, confusion on his face, “Huh? What was that, Mamo?”
Mamoru blushed and rubbed the back of his head, quickly trying to brush off the little mishap, “Oh uh, the lake is really beautiful tonight.”
Fireflies dotted around the water, giving the lake an almost ethereal glow. Jougo smiled and his mouth fell open in awe, “Wow. It really is pretty tonight.”
Mamoru just watched the way Jougo’s face sparkled. He hadn’t realized he’d said that out loud but he couldn’t help himself, he’d always thought Jougo looked lovely but the way his eyes lit up and how he seemed to glow tonight, it couldn’t be anything less than beautiful. The lake might have been pretty but it couldn’t hope to compare.
Jougo looked at him once again with confusion, “Mamo? Is something wrong?”
Before Mamoru could answer Jougo realized he hadn’t been able to change before running out of the party, he was still wearing the stupid formal outfit and his crown from earlier. His cheeks turned red again as he buried his face in his hands and groaned, “Uuuuuugh. I hate this, I look so stupid.”
Mamoru panicked and blushed himself, shaking his head as he tried to again explain away the situation, “Ah! No, not at all! You
 You look really nice, actually.”
Mamoru mentally slapped himself. Why was he getting so easily flustered tonight? Quick, he had to change the subject, stop talking about how wonderful Jougo looked and how much him just being here made him feel warm and fluttery inside and all the other things he wished he could say and
“So uh, how was the party?”
Okay maybe it wasn’t the best subject change but it worked.
Jougo sighed, “Boring. A bunch of boring people talking about boring things. There was so much talking I wasn’t even forced to dance, I just stood there talking and talking until I found a way out of the ballroom.” He laughed, “Kind of ironic how that worked out. Eh, it probably would have been boring anyway. I liked dancing with you though, it was fun.”
He inched closer to his friend, halfway leaning against his shoulder and touching his hand briefly. A few other words flickered across Jougo’s mind but how or when to say them continued to be lost as they always were.
Mamoru smiled and looked out over the lake, hoping the red on his face had died down a bit, “I had fun too. I think I’d enjoy dancing with you again sometime if you wanted to.”
Suddenly the prince pulled himself to his feet, grinning and offering a hand to his friend. This time Mamoru actually noticed the slight pink on Jougo’s face as he asked his question.
“Um, would now be okay? I–I’d hate for your help to go to waste, and I did actually have a lot of fun with you.”
Mamoru just blinked in response as he tried to process the question. Slowly, he took Jougo’s hand and pulled himself to his feet, unsure if this was some dream he was having or if Jougo was truly asking him to dance here and now. Still, dream or not, he didn’t want to pass up this opportunity.
He put his arm around Jougo’s waist, and Jougo’s hand found its place on Mamoru’s shoulder just as they had the other night. They smiled, both a little sheepish and awkward, but still happy. The magical harmony from before seemed to take over once again as they seamlessly flowed together and the rest of the world disappeared. It was just the two of them, swirled together against the night as a melody only they could hear played between them.
There was a certain understanding between them in that moment, something words could never truly describe. Everything just felt right, like nothing else existed but them. Something spoke to both of them as they danced together, some feeling that had been welling up inside them both for so long whether they’d realized it or not, a question silently hanging between them. 
Their faces moved closer together as they twirled along, their noses practically touching, and if anyone had been watching they might have seen the brief moment their lips met under the star filled sky. They both smiled and continued to dance, happy that they both understood perfectly what the other had wanted to say.
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spiritsncrystals · 5 years ago
Infinite Month 2019- Nov18th prompt: Free choice: Precious.
(i originally wanted to draw something but i didn't exactly have the time to, so i decided I'd write for the prompt Precious instead!!
Jougo sometimes struggled to escape his duties to be with Mamoru, sometimes he found it frustrating to be a prince there was so much expected of him yet he was still only young and that was what frustrated him most, although sometimes he felt like yubel was a bit too overprotective, he knew they meant no ill will by doing so and they did offer themselves forward to be his guardian in the first place but sometimes jougo wished they'd just ease themselves a bit.
However when he was with Mamoru he felt free like a bird, he could just enjoy himself as well as the company of Mamoru, the time they spent together just felt different to the time Jougo spent around anyone else, it felt almost magical in fact almost everything about their relationship was magical, especially mamoru sometimes the time they spent was short but every moment was worth it.
"Hey Mamo-chan" "Yes Jougo?" "Do you ever wish that the time we spend together could go on forever?" this was a question that Jougo would sometimes ask Mamoru the answer would sometimes vary in words but would always have the same meaning "I do, I enjoy your company a lot Jougo, it does feel short sometimes but don't you think if it went on forever we'd eventually get bored?" Jougos response would always have this element of positivity to it that could be treasured "Not with you, someone else maybe, but I don't find you a bit boring Mamo-chan!" from then their conversations would vary each day, sometimes they'd be laughing, other times they'd be cuddling and once they even kissed.
But unfortunately it would have to come to an end when it needed to, if Jougo stayed out for more than he did then people would worry, sometimes he didn't want to go back but he knew he had to "If you go back they'll start thinking something bad happened to you" Mamoru urged him, while he did enjoy Jougo's company he understood that he was the Prince and he had things to attend to besides, he knew he wasn't entirely alone because he had the Crystal Beasts his family to keep him company too. "Will I ever get to see your eyes?" Jougo asked caressing the others mask that hid his eyes from the view of the brunette. It was a pretty mask but the fact that Mamoru was always wearing it sparked curiosity to him. "Maybe one day, when I feel ready to show them, now go already before you get into trouble!" the way mamoru would say that would always keep him eager but the blonde male was right he needed to get going so he gave mamoru a small kiss on the cheek before heading back towards the castle.
He always felt this brief sadness when he had to depart from Mamoru he valued the time they spent together dearly, it was something precious to him, yet at the end of the day Jougo couldn't forget even if he wanted to, that he was still the countries Prince, and he had duties that he had no choice but to attend to.
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spiritsncrystals · 5 years ago
Infinite Month 2019 Nov 28th prompt:Death - Lost song AU
I'm a day late i know but i started this thing later than i should've but i made sure to pour my heart into writing this one!
Why I've done an au for death is because watching the Netflix orig anime Lost Song ended up giving me major infiniteshipping vibes with the relationship between the two characters Finis (who in which Jougo is playing her role in terms what goes on) and Henry Leobolt (who looks a lot like Mamoru but w flatter hair and only blue eyes so therefore mamo is him)
This whole fic is based on probably the most drastic plot important event that happens in the anime that really makes your heart ache and give you surprised pikachu face at the same time. So enjoy! (@itsashowtime)
Why? Why?! How could they lie to him at such an extent. That was no enemy soldier Jougo had been made to kill via the Song of fire,  in fact the person who was currently burning to death was far from being an enemy. It was Mamoru. They had made him burn Mamoru, the person Jougo loved most with all his heart, to his death. 
Hearing the agony in Mamoru’s voice as he screamed  in pain as he burned Shattered Jougo’s heart whole “Why didn’t you say anything before i started Singing Mamo-chan?!” The brunette songster questioned through endless tears of sorrow and heartbreak watching the blonde boy he loved so much burn. Yet what was even more devastating was the response "If i did, things would've been worse for both of us, you shouldn't have to suffer so much because they keep treating you like a weapon!" What Mamoru said about the kingdom treating Jougo as a weapon rather than a person was true, all because he had the power of song. The power in which singing certain songs produced power of some description, the most valuable being the song of healing as it had the ability to heal all and any wounds which could countlessly heal the kingdoms army, however constantly singing these songs came with a dire consequence for the singer with this power, the more they sang these songs, their life would keep deteriorating, pulling at their health until they eventually died from singing them too much. Mamoru had been trying to protect Jougo from that happening to him since the brunette had told him about it, the two had even planned to try and run away but that plan had ended as this, Mamoru burning and Jougo left weeping his heart out.
“But mamoru...you don’t deserve to die! You’ve done nothing to deserve death! This isn’t right at all!” Jougo kept yelling out in disparity, his heart ached seeing this happen and being able to do nothing made it even worse, the scorching crimson flames would continue to consume Mamoru until he would be there no more,but emerald and sapphire gleaming eyes met innocent hazel ones for a final time with a gentle smile "I'm glad you don't have to suffer this yourself Jougo, I'll remember you even at death, because i love you.." after the last few words left Mamoru’s mouth the roaring flames mass consumed him until he was gone leaving behind nothing but his sword and the mask he'd occasionally worn. 
He was gone. Gone for good. That was the reality, that Jougo had widened his eyes to know. 
Mamoru was dead. The fact tore him whole as he slumped to his knees grasping at the only two reminders he had of the boy he loved. Nobody greeted him with any empathy for what had happened, instead nothing but mocking laughter of satisfaction that expressed their pleasure in the fact that he was dead. "Finally the nuisance is dead!" one of the men said "serves him right for trying to go against the kingdom, foolish to even consider the idea in the first place" another said they had no intention of showing any respect to his death at all, only disrespect. "the Songsters' Naive to even believe us, now he just wasted his last song killing him!" those words came mockingly out of the mouth of their general and it broke Jougo whole inside. 
"He didn't do anything to deserve death!!" Jougo yelled in hatred of the soldiers mockery. Those words of the general had made him realise something, now that Mamoru was dead and nobody had any empathy to share for it, this world was now worthless. All it had done was filled him with this void of loneliness, one that would never vanish unless the thing that had created it disappeared too. "What are you gonna do about it? Now that you can't sing you're practically useless, just a naive little boy!" the general sneered. If he sang he'd likely die, yet he wanted to sing one last time, not to heal or just to kill them. To make the world that had made him burn Mamoru to death disappear. 
".. You're wrong.. You're a corrupted man! With no empathy for what you made me do.. I don't care if i die because I'll make sure this world dies with me!!" as the songster spoke these harsh words he gripped tightly onto Mamoru’s sword that had embedded itself into the ground turning to give the general a look of pure detest, yet there was something strange about that look he gave, his eyes were no longer hazel, they'd become a cold harsh golden colour. 
To the surprise of all shortly after, was that a melody came out of his mouth. It was not a colourful melody, it was a bleak dark melody, he was singing and showing no signs of fading life in the process, instead a dark aura produced around him and the sky went auburn, this clearly nothing good, which struck deep fear and panic into many, the more auburn the sky got the sooner the idea of what was happening got clearer but it became fully clear when part way through his song Jougo spoke the words: "Everything should just disappear." 
He was not just bringing about destruction but instead the end of the world. 
As the song progressed, meteors fell bringing destruction and death across the country, he knew one would surely kill him too and he would embrace it. He didn't want to live in such a cruel world any longer and joining Mamoru at death would surely be a blessing to him, as the time drew near for a meteor to hit him he embraced it with a small smile knowing that the song of Morality would grant this small desire of his muttering a few simple yet sweet words to the sky. 
"I love you too, Mamo-chan."
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