#infinite realms remix 2025
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five-rivers · 1 month ago
This fic is for the @infiniterealms remix event! Please enjoy!
“Stop it,” whispered Star, putting her foot on top of Paulina’s.  “If you were going to freak out this much, you should have stayed home.  Or at least not come to breakfast.”
“I don’t miss school.  Or breakfast.”  It was too important.  The time before class was when rumors and information about what happened outside of school came to light.  
Today, knowing the rumors would be vital.  
She picked at her nails.  They were new, the acrylics freshly applied, but they weren’t quite as even as they usually were.  Not up to her usual standards.  But she had to do it, just like she had to come in today.  
Star put her hands over Paulina’s.  They were shaking, too.  “It’s going to be fine,” she said.  “You just have to be, like, zen about it.”
“He didn’t even have anything on him.”
“I know.  But we’ll work something out. Just- Just stop talking about it.”
Paulina took a deep breath and closed her eyes. 
Star and Paulina watched Valerie stalk across the courtyard, head held high, lunch tray exactly parallel to the ground.  Despite not being in any sports, she moved with a tight, athletic grace.  She drew eyes.
“She’s been getting full of herself lately,” said Paulina.  “Like, she thinks she’s better than us.  We’ve got to do something.”
“Aw, Pauli,” said Star.  “Do we have to?”
“Like, yeah?  Unless we want to just, you know, give up.”
“Give up what?”
“Uh, being on top?  Duh.”
“I don’t know.”
“Listen, Star,” said Paulina, turning to face her.  “I know you used to like her, but you’ve got to get over it.  She’s the one who ditched us.  And no one ditches us.”
Star looked down at her lunch, then nodded.
“Anyway,” said Paulina, flipping her hair over her shoulder.  “I’ve got an idea.”
Paulina’s eyes drifted to where Valerie sat eating breakfast.  She was wearing long sleeves, pants, and a hoodie.  She hadn’t worn skirts or short sleeves since… 
It was whatever.  It wasn’t like Paulina cared.  She was only looking because sometimes Valerie talked to the loser trio.  
“We can check his locker,” Star was saying.  “We’ve got the key.  We just have to wait for a good time.  We can take one more day.”
Paulina nodded and smiled shallowly.  “Maybe.”  Her smile quickly fell away, but as more people entered the cafeteria she covered up her general… mood… by examining her nails and checking her reflection in her new makeup mirror.  
“That was great,” said Paulina.  “Did you see the look on her face?”
“Mhm,” said Star, smiling tightly.  
“It’ll keep her from looking down her nose at us,” said Paulina.  She flipped open her makeup mirror, to check and make sure her lipstick hadn’t smudged.  But what she saw wasn’t her face.  It was something terrible.  Something rotting and skull-like.  
She shrieked and dropped the mirror, breaking it.  
Suddenly, the hallway was empty and cold.
“Bullieeeeees…” groaned a sepulchral voice.  “Bullieeeeeeeeeeeeees…  You will regreeeeeeet…”
Paulina shivered.  
“You alright?” asked Kwan.
“Just a chill.”  She shot a smile at him.  “They’ve changed the air conditioner settings or something, it’s like it’s blowing on me.”
The others started joking about how underfunded and cheap the school was.  This allowed Paulina to turn her attention to the doors just as Sam Manson came in.  
Even under these circumstances, Paulina couldn’t help but curl her lip at Manson’s appearance.  Everything she wore was just so– so ugly.  Even the way she dyed her hair was crude.  The color was totally fake and flat.  Her skirt looked like someone had taken a pair of scissors and a spray can to it.  The less said about her grungy, safety-pinned jacket the better.  
But more than that, seeing Manson reminded Paulina of the last time she’d had the displeasure of speaking to her. 
It had been two days since they’d pranked Valerie, and those two days were the worst.  Everything that could go wrong, did.  She always had a backup outfit at school - no one was perfect, but she could look that way - but her spare skirt caught on the door of her locker and tore.  And then there were… things.  Things lurking in mirrors, or out of the corner of her eye.  The feeling of something just outside the door whenever she went to the school bathrooms… 
And Star was having some kind of problem with missing textbooks or whatever.  It wasn’t important.
But Paulina knew exactly how to deal with this.  Or, rather, exactly who could deal with this.  It was just a matter of getting in touch with her knight in shining armor.  
She knew just how to do it, though.  She’d done it before.  For one reason or another, Phantom always showed up most often around the loser trio.  Probably because they sucked so much that they just, like, attracted ghosts who wanted to kill them or something, and Phantom had to spend all his time protecting them instead of dating Paulina, like he deserved.  
Whatever it was, it meant that she could get a message to Phantom through them.
She waited for the right time to approach them - not because she cared about them, but because she could practically feel her reputation taking a hit just from being around them - and then put on her best smile and dragged Star along behind her.
“What do you want?” snarled Manson.
“Rude,” she said.  
Manson’s eyes narrowed.  “Get on with it.  We want to get to class.”
She tittered in a way that she knew irritated Manson.  “So, you guys see Phantom all the time, right?”
“N-not really,” said Fenton, not looking at her.
“As much as anyone,” said Manson.  
“Well, you see,” said Paulina, twirling a lock of hair around her fingers, “I was wondering if you could give him a message from me?”
“You want to invite him to your birthday party through us again?”
“No,” said Paulina, rolling her eyes.  That hadn’t worked well enough for her to want Manson in her house ever again.  “It’s just, I’ve been having a bit of a ghost problem.”
“Me, too,” said Star, quickly.
Fenton looked up, brows pinched together.  “You have?”
“It’s Poindexter,” said Manson.  “You remember.  From what they did with Valerie.”
“Oh,” said Fenton, expression shuttering.  “Tuck, are you sure you have the right combination?”
“Dude, just use your key.  You have it, right?”
Fenton started to search his pockets and backpack.
“It isn’t just anything,” said Paulina, “it’s, like, a huge problem whenever I’m at school.”
“Then stay home,” said Manson.  “Or be less of a b–”
Fenton opened his locker with a bang, shoved back in the gadgets that tried to spill out, and started exchanging books.  
“Sorry,” said Manson, clearly feeling anything but.  “We’ve got class.”
Paulina growled a little inside.  If it hadn’t been for Manson, then it never would have gotten this far.  Phantom would have fixed everything.  
When Foley arrived, he looked…  Normal.  He clearly hadn’t heard anything.  He wasn’t upset enough.
Either way, he sat down next to Manson and they started talking.  
“Come on, Pauli, let’s go,” said Star, tugging Paulina’s arm.  
“Uh, what?”
“You said you’d help me do my hair before class,” lied Star.  
Paulina wasn’t the kind of person to give up, and she wasn’t going to let Manson get in the way of making this stupid ghost go away and bother someone who actually deserved it.  Like Lester, maybe.  He was so annoying, and he’d had the guts to ask her to the last dance.  So gross.  
So, she waited until Fenton was alone and cornered him.  
“Phantom and I don’t talk to each other,” he said, not looking directly at her, which was so annoying.  He was supposed to have a huge crush on her.  This was supposed to work.  “I can’t help you with that.”
“But he’s always around you.  I just need you to pass on one message.”
“I can’t help you,” repeated Danny.  “My parents are ghost hunters, Paulina, they chase after Phantom and shoot at him.  He doesn’t want to talk to me.  I’m pretty sure Phantom has some kind of truce with Sidney, anyway.”
“You know, the ghost that’s haunting you?  Sidney Poindexter?  You’ll be fine, you just have–”
“That gross nerd?”  Paulina needed to get rid of this ghost even more!  She shuddered.  
“Okay, fine,” said Star, who Paulina had almost forgotten was there, “so he doesn’t talk to you - like, who would–”
“Gee, thanks.”
“But you’ve got, like, stuff from your parents, right?  Ghost hunting stuff.  You could give that to us for, like, protection.”
Fenton backed away.  “I really can’t.”
“Sorry,” said Star as they left the cafeteria.  “But this’ll probably be the best time, before classes start and while those two are still in the cafeteria.  You still have the keys?”
“Yeah,” said Paulina, touching her purse.  “Yeah.  Yeah, of course I do.  I’m not stupid.”
“I didn’t say you were,” said Star.  She sped up, lengthening her stride.  “God, this would have been so much easier if he’d just been, like, a halfway decent person and helped us.”
One of the classroom doors next to them opened and Mr. Falluca walked out.  Paulina froze for a second, but Mr. Falluca wasn’t even looking at them, instead focused on the stack of papers in his hands. 
“Don’t just stand there looking guilty,” hissed Star.  “Come on, Pauli.  We have to keep going.”
Paulina swallowed and nodded.  
“Come on Fenton.”  This time, she’d caught him before school, when no one would see.  “How often do your parents check your stuff?  We won’t need it for long, you know?  If they notice, can’t you just say a ghost stole it?”
“Okay, how about this?  I don’t want to give you anything.”
“What?” demanded Paulina.  “Why not?”
“You know that I dated Valerie, right?”
“And then she dropped you like a bag of moldy potatoes,” said Paulina.  “Your point?”
“My point is that I still like her.  And what you did to her….  Look.  Just apologize to her.  Really apologize, like, make amends and stuff, and you’ll be fine, okay?”
The hallway Fenton’s locker was in was empty, although there were sounds coming from a few of the classrooms.  
“Okay,” said Star.  “Keys.”
Paulina nodded, then dug them out of her purse to hand to her.
“Keep an eye out.”  Star turned towards Fenton’s padlock.  It was one of those weird ones that had both a combination lock and a backup keyhole.  “God, why does he have so many keys?”
“I don’t know, just hurry, okay?”
“Yeah,” muttered Star.  “Don’t worry, everything will be over soon.”
“Hey!” shouted Star.  “Fenton!”
He stopped, looking back over his shoulder warily.  
“If you don’t help us,” said Star, out of breath, “then–” 
“Then we’ll tell everyone about your ghost detector,” finished Paulina.  They’d scraped together every rumor about Fenton they could to come up with this.
“My… what?” said Fenton, blankly.  
Paulina had to give him credit, he was a good liar.  “You don’t expect people to believe you go to the bathroom that much, do you?  And always right before a ghost attack?  We know your parents gave you something.  Help us, or we’ll tell everyone about it, and about how you’ve been keeping it to yourself so you can hide like a coward.”
“I– What?  I don’t– I don’t have anything like that!”
She took back what she said about him being good at lying.
“If I can notice it,” said Paulina, “other people will believe it.  You think you’re at the bottom of the social ladder now…” she trailed off, threateningly.  Maybe if she hadn’t been so stressed, she would have tried a bit more honey, but sometimes vinegar was all you had.
A number of complex expressions chased across Fenton’s face, but they ended with something hard.  
“No,” he said, and then he turned away and left.  
“Ha!  Got it.”  Star dropped the lock in her pocket before pulling open the locker. 
“What does he have?” asked Paulina, looking over her shoulder.  “He has to have some kind of, like, shield or something.”
“I don’t know,” said Star, pushing textbooks to the side.  “You’re seeing what I’m seeing.  Here.”  She pulled a backpack - not Fenton’s normal one - off the hook.  “See what you can find in here.”
She pulled open the zipper, and inside was… money?  A cheap flip phone?  Lipstick?  Two changes of clothes, one for a girl?
Paulina wondered what Fenton was into, but it didn’t matter now.  She unzipped the smaller pockets and started rifling through those.
“What now?” asked Star.  
It had been a few days since they’d last talked to Fenton, and, therefore, a few days since they’d spread around the rumor, but Fenton had been… unmoved.  
Which meant that Sidney Poindexter was still a problem.
With an act of will, Paulina smoothed out her expression.  “If we can’t get what we want by asking nicely, we’ll just take it.”
“But, like, how?  He’s not coming to us.”
“Not yet,” she said.  She thought about it.  “Mama always said, if a man’s hiding one thing, he’s hiding a bunch else, too.  We’ll slip him a note saying, like, if he doesn’t want his real secret to be spread around, he’ll show up.”
“And give us what we want?”
“No,” said Paulina.  “I don’t think that he’ll give once he’s seen us.  He’s got to carry his stuff on him, right?  So we’ll just take it then.”
“Beat up Fenton by ourselves?” asked Star, dubiously.  
“Or threaten him,” said Paulina.  “We both bring something to threaten him with, okay?”  Her Papa had a stun gun, and she was sure Star could scrounge up a baseball bat or something. 
And, besides, she wanted to get Fenton back.
“There’s nothing in here!” hissed Star, frustrated.  She slammed the locker closed, making Paulina jump.  “What the hell.”
Paulina grabbed her wrist and dragged her into the nearest bathroom.  “Can you not?”
“Can you not?  It’s your fault we’re even in this situation!”  
“My fault?  What about what you did?”
Fenton was already there, leaning against the guardrail, when they reached the bridge in the park.  During daylight, it was a popular spot for couples, but it was creepy and abandoned at night
“Oh, no, not this again.  Haven’t you had enough fun with your stupid ghost detector rumor?”
“It’s not about fun, Fenton,” said Paulina.  “Now, give it over.”
“Or what?”  He stood up and walked a few steps closer to them, a strange expression on his face.  “I don’t think you actually know anything, or you would’ve used it already.”
“Or this,” said Paulina, pulling out the stun gun.  
“What the–  Is that a taser?” asked Fenton, raising his hands and stepping back.  “Are– Are you robbing me?”  He glanced sideways at Star, apparently only then noticing her bat.  
“Consider a donation to a worthy cause,” said Paulina.  “Hand over your ghost stuff.”
“I don’t have any,” said Fenton.  
“When you’re out here in the middle of the night?” asked Paulina, raising an eyebrow.
“Look, you wouldn’t even be haunted if you–”
Paulina saw red and hit the trigger.  The electrodes flew from the end of the stun gun, right on target.  Fenton yelped and fell to the ground, seizing.  
It was… satisfying, for lack of a better word.  She’d just been so– So frustrated, lately.  All of her normal ways of blowing off steam at school had been blocked by that horrible ghost.  
She pulled the trigger again.  
But, before she could, Fenton had swiped away the electrodes, and now he was pulling himself up with the railing, hand over his face.  What Paulina could see of it though–
Star came in, swinging her bat.  She cracked Fenton right across the jaw and he tumbled over the railing and off the bridge.  There was a loud cracking sound.  Fenton hitting the pavement of the walkway below.  
There was no other sound.  
Paulina breathed in, breathed out.  
“What did you do that for?” she asked.  
“You didn’t see his face,” wailed Star.  “He looked like– like he was going to kill you.  I didn’t hit him that hard!”
Paulina shook her head and went down under the bridge.  Star followed close behind.  Fenton was… lying there.  Broken.  
But still breathing.  
“We’ve got to search him,” said Star.  
“For his stuff.”
“Oh, right.”
“And then we’ve got to…”
“I know,” said Paulina.  Then, dreamlike, she asked, “Can I borrow your bat?”
“We both did things,” said Paulina, finally.  “The important thing is that we’re in this together, right?”  Her voice trembled.  “Right?”
Star nodded.  “Right.  So– So, we can, like, we have his house keys, too.”
“Yeah,” said Paulina.  The Fentons had to have something in their house, even if their kid was apparently a moron who went around with absolutely nothing.  
“And no one’s even noticed he’s gone yet,” continued Star.  “We’ve just…”  She stopped as she put her hand in her pocket.  “I’ve still got his stupid lock.”
“Who cares?”
“His friends will notice if it’s gone.  And we’ve got to get to class, anyway.”  Star seemed to be calming down again.  Good.  She was surprisingly useful in a… situation.
In Paulina’s trunk was a thick canvas tarp.
She didn’t know why, exactly.  It had come with the car.  
Star went over it, pulling off tags.
Paulina broke two nails getting it back to the trunk.  
They drove to the river.  
“They’ll assume it was a ghost,” said Star.  “Especially if they don’t find him.”
Paulina had just nodded.  
Paulina followed Star as they left the bathroom.  It was fine.  They were going to put the lock back on the locker and it would all be fine.  
But someone was standing in front of Fenton’s locker.  
They turned, slowly, as if they were a character in a lame horror movie.  But Paulina couldn’t move.  Couldn’t breathe.  Couldn’t think.  
Fenton’s eyes met hers.  
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thesilentbard · 15 days ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Danny Phantom Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Danny Fenton & Tucker Foley & Sam Manson, Danny Fenton & Tucker Foley Characters: Tucker Foley, Danny Fenton, Sam Manson Additional Tags: brief appearances by - Freeform, Protective Jazz Fenton, Meddling Clockwork (Danny Phantom), Implied/Referenced Suicide, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Mild Gore, Canon-Typical Violence, Time Loop, Ambiguous/Open Ending
This is a remix fic for Infinite Realms 2025! See original fic, Time and Time and Time Again.
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infiniterealms · 1 month ago
Infinite Realms: A Danny Phantom Remix Event
Remixing time!
Hello everyone! I'm very excited to announce that the time for remixing is upon us!
The initial twelve fics will be posted over the next day or so, and I will add them to this pinned post as they're up.
What is a Remix?
Have you ever read an amazing fic and wanted to have a go at it yourself, but felt too shy or like you’d be doing something wrong? Have you ever seen the Two Cakes comic and wistfully remembered a oneshot someone wrote that you wish you could continue? Do you want to show an author you love their work to the point of your own creation, but you don’t know how to make fanart?
This is your opportunity to give something new a try!
When you remix a fanfiction, you write a piece based directly off the fic. There are many ways to do this, and the ones accepted in this event are as follows.
POV Flip - Retelling the same events from a different character's point of view.
Role Reversal - Swapping the roles of two key characters. An example would be remixing a fic where Valerie hunts Danny, by turning Valerie into the hunted and Danny into the hunter in your version.
Sequel/Prequel - The events leading up to or following the fic. This should overlap with either the first or last scene of the original.
Genre Change - Changing the fic to a different genre. An example could be changing a modern day canon setting to medieval fantasy or to a space opera.
For Want of a Nail - One small detail at the beginning of fic is changed, causing things to happen differently.
One Crucial Detail - Focus on what you think is the most important detail of the fic for a character’s point of view, and let everything else fall away.
Guidelines for Remixing
There are no sign ups or restrictions on who can participate. All skill levels are welcome!
For this event, we will be doing gen fics only. This is to create a space where everyone can enjoy the pieces regardless of shipping preferences. Potential future iterations of this event may include a shipping option.
Other types of remixes are okay if the author of the oneshot specifies that in their fic description.
Three things cannot be changed - who the characters are, the basic setting, and the basic plot.
Please keep your pieces rated T and under, and use all appropriate trigger warnings.
No direct plagiarism - you need to write things in your own words for the fic to be included in the collection. It’s okay to quote some dialogue or a key sentence or two, especially if you’re writing overlapping scenes, but your fic should mostly be your own words.
In the spirit of the event, crossovers should be avoided unless the author specifically states on their fic that they would be okay with them. In future years we may introduce a crossover category, but for now, avoiding crossovers makes your pieces more accessible to everyone in the fandom.
This event is designed for writers. However, if artists wish to participate, then they can also feel free to do so. Pictures will be reblogged to the @infiniterealms tumblr, and should follow the same posting requirements as written fics (listed later in this post).
There is no limit to how many pieces anyone writes.
There are no word count restrictions.
The event officially ends on the last day of February, but I hope you all enjoy learning more about remixing thanks to this event and maybe give it a try again in the future!
Posting Requirements
To have your remix featured on this blog and/or included in the ao3 collection, please...
...for tumblr posts
Mention the @infiniterealms blog
Use the hashtags Infinite Realms and Danny Phantom
@ the author of the original piece
Link the original piece at the start of your post
...for ao3 uploads
Tag your fic with Infinite Realms
Add your fic to the Infinite Realms Remix 2025 collection at this link
When uploading your fic, tick the checkbox that says "This work is a remix, a translation, a podfic, or was inspired by another work" and fill in the relevant information
Initial Fics to Remix
Will be updated as they're posted! All 12 should be up by the end of February 1st, so watch this space.
On the Line by @lexiepiper
Bitter and Heavy Truths by @haleswallows
Touring Babel by @princessfanonanona
LOST! do not approach, may bite by @lavendarlily
down and down and down we go by @camels-pen
Time and Time and Time Again by @coyotecrackers
First Contact by @hannahmanderr
Foreworn by @jackdraw-spwrite
nervous by @five-rivers
oh, mental breakdown, we're really in it now 😔 by @oofouchstovehot
Please check the notes on the fics before you remix them, as some authors have also stated a few preferences. Thank you!
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jackdraw-spwrite · 1 month ago
I've finished my initial fic for the Infinite Realms 2025 Remix event! @infiniterealms
Please feel free to remix this fic to your heart's content, all I ask is that you @ mention me if you do, so I can read and enjoy!
Words: 2428 Characters: Valerie Gray (post PP timeline), Valerie Gray (post AGIT timeline) Warnings: Implied character death
Valerie might be juggling a job, school, and a second job hunting ghosts, but she’s got it handled. Heck, she’s doing great!
And then someone who looks exactly like her crawls through her window at 2 AM. .
Valerie woke to the sound of her window sliding open. Before more than incredulity could fire through her mind – seriously? Someone was burgling her? – the figure slapped a hand over her mouth and lifted the other hand to her mouth in a shushing motion.
Her mouth.
Valerie’s mouth.
It was a doppelganger.
Read it on AO3
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