infegeddon-main · 8 days
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stygiantechpriest · 4 months
Random tidbit about Infegeddon:
The main villain is like... Allied Master computer levels of angry, hateful, and evil
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infegeddon-rp · 2 months
This blog is an Rp/Pov/immersive blog for Infegeddon, of witch is covered with @infegeddon-main
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stygiantechpriest · 4 months
is there a clear villain for Infegeddon and is it the Knights of the Northstar (considering how you described them... I would NOT mess with them)
KOTN are mean, but they are not the main villain
The main villain is an evil cyborg who immortal but kept in constant agony lock away in an underground facility in Greenland.
It just so happens he was able to find the codes to activate the robots, and thus the game starts: as robots claw themselves out from the ground, attacking everything in sight.
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infegeddon-main · 4 days
The first community decision ig
I am currently working on Regiments for the Ko'Tun
So far i have:
1. The Engin
2. The Northbound
3. The Polari
4. The Firehawks
5. The Archivists
7. The Kra'ken (navy)
8. The Steel Eagles (airforce)
9. The Marching marauders (infantry)
Heretics: (as in, no longer aligned with the Ko'Tun)
10. The Thunderblades
11. The Pyraiders
12. The Lazurites
The Ko'Tun need a total of 30 Regiments
Reblog and leave a suggestion, and tag 3 mutuals you think might have suggestions
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stygiantechpriest · 4 months
What is infigeddon my good sir
My video game im working on
Its mostly concept right now
The concept is a post apocalyptic game where every apocalypse happened.
Also, after the world settles into it's new state... Robots start coming out of the ground and attacking everything in sight.
The main factions are based on medieval fantasy, and the game will feature medival fantasy inspired ideas, for example there will be vampirism and Psionic "magic"
I can go further into detail on most of the world i built if you have any other questions!
Oh yeah theres also dragons
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stygiantechpriest · 4 months
To anyone who is interested, i have a discord server for Infegeddon!
I will post alot on the discord server while posting devlogs here!
Please check out the #infegeddon tag for stuff about Infegeddon!
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stygiantechpriest · 4 months
tell me all about them please!! hit me with everything you've got for them
Well, considering how half the Gimmick™ is that it uses medival fantasy tropes, of course there's dragons
Dragons are a loose umbrella term for a variety of genetically modified lizards and amphibians, all of them being quite large.
Subtypes are
Drakes- no wings
Some dragons can breathe out gasses, for instance fire dragons like Arctic dragons and desert dragons can expel flammable gas that they ignite via a flint kept in their gizzard grinding against a natural iron protrusion in their throat. *
Other dragosn might for instance expel poisonous gasses, or even spit out acid or other liquids
There will be science used or this isn't Sci-fi, so for example older fire breathing dragons will actually have spearholes in their necks to achieve better flames.
As far as age goes they grow slowly but don't have a size limit, only stopping if their environment cannot support bigger growth.
The Dragoons use desert dragons as mounts for raiding and also make crude Flamethrowers attached to the Dragon's helms, improving their breath attacks.
The druids also have dragons.
Examples of dragons would be like a swamp dragon thats a gator, a forest dragon thats a gecko, a cave dragon thats an Olm, a river dragon thats a salamander or axalotol, a jungle dragon thats a frog, a desert dragon thats a bearded dragon, a tropical dragon thats a monitor lizard.
Dragons act like the animals they once were, but as they grow they get more intelligent, and they can be tamed!
* i have that big red dragonology book
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stygiantechpriest · 4 months
Welp.... I have no TTRPG night today :(
So if anyone has any questions about Infegeddon please send an ask! I will happily answer!
Infegeddon is a game im working on in unity.
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stygiantechpriest · 4 months
I see that Infegeddon features mutants. that is always nice to have in a setting. I must inquire, though: how are mutants defined in this world, and how are they related to real-life "mutants" or people with visible difference (for example, people with extra limbs or various skin conditions)?
Mutants are defined in the setting as anyone with one of the 'mutations'. The mutants are an umbrella term for a variety of unconnected conditions. Most mutations are borne from diseases and mutagens. Mutations can be like Gills, Tentacles, An acid sac, Stony skin, etc.
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infegeddon-main · 5 days
Infegeddon now has a wiki!
My DMs are open, and Asks are open! Lmk any questions and i will answer them! And also submissions are open aswell!
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stygiantechpriest · 17 days
⭐️ Tell us about your favourite OCs! ^_^
Alright im in a good enough mood to answer this finally
Thane, Mad Artificer: an artificer from Zendikar, went insane, and built mechanical eldrazi, their spark activated when they went insane, their spark was stolen, then they were banished to the blind eternities
Jess, Perfected Pupil: an artificer who was thane's pupil, eventually was revealed to be a phyrexian, and now is Jess, Army Artifcer- non Planeswalker but can access planes through artifice
My headcannon for the Commander is she became a M.E.C between Xcom enemy within and Xcom 2. Wields a sword and big ol shield, wears a knight helm
Machina Furem: a deranged Techpriest ascended himselves to godhood, fledgling machine god
Buffy belmont: a Techpriest who is from Lucius, and uses his shiny head to bounce his psyker powers. Has pysker powers of sunfire
Zipzap Stormscrapper: a rat that was genetically modified by the Cult of the Mechsiah Mechancius apon Bellator machina to be a Genestealer partitrach. Has lightning and rat based psyker powers
The 🅱️ages: 4 demonic entities of chaos:
The Book bage: a Tzeench/Slanessh Bage who is an avid fanfic writer, their powers can manifest fic tropes
The Bonk bage: Tzeench/khorne: 9 hands 8 brass knuckles, wiry and fit, strives for self improvement of both the muscle and the mind, fights like star platinum by throwing alot of quick jabs
The bong bage: nurgle/Slanessh: 7 strands and 6 delivery options, essentially just the ultimate weed dealer
The bomb bage: Nurgle/Khorne, really autistic about nukes and bombs, grows a garden of landmines and bouquets of grenades
My video game
Samuel Guini: a vampire beach bum, pun on Sanguine, is sadly allergic to garlic and can't enjoy good Italian cooking nowadays, survives off of pina coladas and blood
Thane: 8ft tall drauger (undead cyborgs of the Ko'Tun) Ko'Tun that defects from the Ko'Tun after she went berserk.
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stygiantechpriest · 4 months
Random Infegeddon world building.
What couldn't i explain with enough science?
I could get away with dragons... Maybe trolls... Orcs...
What couldn't i do?
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stygiantechpriest · 4 months
Im currently live in the Infegeddon discord working on Infegeddon!
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stygiantechpriest · 4 months
Beloved moots, please send me questions about Infegeddon...
I have so many ideas for it and i would love to talk about it
Like how there's a big rock that causes 1/3rd of people to turn to ash, 1/3rd of people to become revenants, 1/6th of people nothing happens, and 1/6th of people now have force lightning and levitation.
Or how's there's dragons, and dragon riding pyromaniacs called the dragoons
Or hows theres a gun merchant that uses a souped up taco van that plays
As a moving armory
Or a moving repair merchant that uses a hot rodded tools van
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stygiantechpriest · 4 months
if the Knights of the North Star resemble the Brotherhood of Steel, does that mean... airships?
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