#infant cpr classes
jaspercole93 · 1 year
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Same Day CPR Certification With Flexible Hours, And Affordable Pricing
Are you looking for the Same Day CPR Certification? Look no further! Our program offers convenient same-day certification courses, providing hands-on training in CPR techniques, AED usage, and first aid. Get certified on the same day and be equipped to respond effectively in emergencies. Don't wait, enroll now and become a certified life-saver!
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babynightnurse · 1 year
The Essential Partnership: Baby Night Nurse and Lactation Consultant
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Navigating the first year of parenthood can be an exciting roller-coaster ride. New parents experience unparalleled joy, along with some natural challenges. To help ease this journey, professional help, such as a baby night nurse and a lactation consultant, can provide invaluable support.
Defining the Role of a Baby Night Nurse
A baby night nurse, also known as a newborn care specialist, provides care for newborn babies during the night. This includes feeding, diaper changes, bathing, and assisting with establishing sleep routines. The benefits of having a baby night nurse are profound. They enable new parents to catch up on much-needed rest, reduce the stress of nighttime care, and offer knowledgeable advice on baby care. The aim is to support parents and make the transition into parenthood as smooth as possible.
Understanding the Role of a Lactation Consultant
A lactation consultant, on the other hand, is a certified professional who helps mothers with breastfeeding. They offer guidance, teach techniques, and provide solutions to common breastfeeding problems such as latching difficulties, painful nursing, or low milk supply. They play an essential role in successful breastfeeding, which is not only beneficial to the baby's health but also strengthens the mother-child bond.
The Symbiotic Relationship Between Baby Night Nurses and Lactation Consultants
While a baby night nurse and a lactation consultant have distinct roles, they complement each other perfectly when it comes to comprehensive newborn care. The baby night nurse ensures the baby's routine is well-managed and the parents are rested, while the lactation consultant focuses on optimizing the breastfeeding experience.
This professional duo can collaborate effectively, ensuring that feeding difficulties are promptly identified and addressed. Their teamwork reduces stress for the parents, providing a safety net of support that promotes the well-being of both mother and baby.
Choosing the Right Lactation Consultant and Baby Night Nurse
Choosing the right professional support is crucial to ensure your baby's first year goes as smoothly as possible. When selecting a baby night nurse service, look for agencies with highly trained and certified professionals who can adapt to your family's unique needs.
Similarly, when looking for a lactation consultant, it is essential to ensure they are certified by a reputable organization, such as the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (IBLCE). An experienced lactation consultant who can understand and cater to your specific breastfeeding challenges will make a significant difference in your breastfeeding journey.
Remember, it's not only about their credentials but also about their approach. Both professionals should exhibit a caring, patient, and understanding demeanor. You should feel comfortable asking questions and seeking help, creating a trusting relationship for optimal care.
The first year of your baby's life is filled with beautiful milestones and some challenges. With the right support, these challenges can be managed effectively, allowing you to enjoy the joys of parenthood fully. The tandem of a baby night nurse and a lactation consultant can be your pillar of strength during this time, providing comprehensive care for your newborn and invaluable support for you. This essential partnership can truly be a game-changer, making the first year of parenthood a rewarding and memorable journey.
Remember, seeking help is not a sign of weakness; it's about ensuring you and your baby have the best care and support during a significant period of your lives. Embrace the assistance of these professionals and cherish the beautiful journey of parenthood.
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cprclassesnearme · 1 year
How to Perform Infant CPR: Important Things You Need to Know
CPR Classes Near Me is always available for you and train you to become an Expert Life-savior for Newborn children with its effective life-saving CPR techniques. For you, it’s quite important to provide the best possible help to your loved ones.  
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bumblybeemika · 2 years
Hey bro, u ok? You look a little pale…
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poppy5991 · 1 month
Ways members of class 1a would fail their simulated field triage/first aid exam in 2nd year according to me:
Bakugo: got impatient and moved a victim with a spine injury w/o immobilizing
Izuku: panicked, placed the tourniquet below the bleed instead of above then cried bc his fake patient died
Ochako: brilliant, she actually passed
Shoto: didn’t check the scene was safe, incapacitated by falling debris before reaching the victim
Kaminari: short-circuited the AED battery with his quirk
Sero: misplaced a chest shield seal and tried to seal the remainder with his tape
Momo: misplaced her gloves, made new ones with her quirk, but they were latex and not nitrile causing an allergic reaction
Tsuyu: did fine until transport then bloodborne pathogen exposure bc she picked up a victim with her tongue
Mineta: groped the victim
Hagakure: scared parents by beginning CPR on infant without announcing her presence first
Shinso: calmed victim with brainwashing instead of psych first aid
Tokoyami: triaged someone as dead when they were not dead
Jiro: relented and removed a tourniquet when victim screamed in her ear
Koda: triaged greens as reds bc he was overly worried
Kirishima: got too enthusiastic about packing a wound and blocked the airway with gauze
Mina: got distracted singing Another One Bites the Dust and gave ineffective CPR
Shoji: splinted the wrong limb
Ojiro: accidentally ripped a warming blanket in half and forgot to put a new one on shock victim
Iida: tried to decon a shrapnel/hazmat victim before applying first aid measures
Sato: forgot to use a CPR barrier mask when performing mouth to mouth
Aoyoma: distracted by his reflection, used an adult triage algorithm for a peds victim
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reignsbaby · 3 months
This is for @diorianna
Hope you enjoy love!!!
(Also let’s pretend that Roman only has 3 kids in this)
Longing for Love
——Joe P.O.V.——
I never thought my life would include a messy divorce with children involved but here I am…and it’s so difficult. I’m fighting for my kids, my home, my life all of it. It all just keeps getting more stressful as days go on. My grey hairs are popping through more and more. I had to find someone to help me. I began to reasearch nanny’s and baby sitters. When my eyes fell upon Y/N I felt something jolt inside me. The smile, so perfect and beautiful, the doe eyes entrancing me further…but I stopped myself. I was a soon to be divorced dad of 5. No woman her age would want me like that. But she did seem pretty genuine and open to really any hours available. So I decided to shoot her an email
—— Y/n P.o.V. ——
I groaned as my phone dinged roughly five times. There’s no way it’s time for me to get up yet…who the hell is texting me this early? I thought as I rolled over in my bed, I picked my phone up off the nightstand before sitting up in bed. It was notifications from my nanny/babysitting app I have.
Joe Anoa’i: Hello my name is Joe
Joe Anoa’i : I’ve never contacted someone on here before so bare with me please 😅
Joe Anoa’i: I have 3 kids, 1 is a teen so I don’t really need help with her as much, she might need help with homework or something here and there but she’s mostly with her mom, but I do have twin boys who are 3 years old.
Joe Anoa’i: I’m unsure the hours, I am really struggling currently as I’m going through a very rough divorce on top of this
Joe Anoa’i: I’m also on the road a lot, when I have my kids, they come with me so I can assure I spend gas much quality time with them as possible.
I took a look at Joes profile and I immediately noticed how good looking he was. But I pushed that aside it was time to be professional.
Good Morning Joe! I appreciate your interest in my services! I am a part time student who full time works as a nanny/babysitter, I would like to tell you a little bit about myself as I find that important for potential clients. I am 24 years old and I have always loved children, I as of now prefer to watch others children since I want to get my degree! I go to school online so I have open availability! I have been babysitting for roughly 7 years, and I’ve nannied for families for 2 years! I have taken many classes and sat in seminars to ensure that I can be a positive role model for children as well as a safe person for them to rely on. My classes and certifications will be listed below:
• CPR And AED Certified (I also have a portable aed machine I keep with me at all times)
• Water Safety Certification
• infant care certification
• professional nanny certification
• Childhood nutrition
• Fitness education
• Foreign language (6 years of Spanish, 3 years of French, I speak Spanish and French fluently)
• Special Needs Care Classes
• Positive Discipline Training
I would definitely be interested in helping you out! I do require at least one in person meeting prior to discussing any services and creating a buisness contract. If meeting in person doesn’t work (with your busy work schedule) I am also willing to do a zoom call and talk to you over that! Thank you for your interest and I hope to hear from you soon!
I sent the email and rolled over to go back to sleep. I couldn’t help but think about how handsome Joe was…I pushed it out of my mind and slowly fell back to sleep.
——Joe P.O.V.——
As I ran on the treadmill the ding of a notification interrupted my music. I looked down seeing it was a email from the nannying site. I opened it, reading Y/N’s message and smiling. She said she’d help! And she’s got so many qualifications…man she’s a well rounded individual.
—Time skip because it’s needed now—
——Y/n P.O.V.——
It was a hot day and the first thing the boys wanted to do was swim, I loved Joe’s twins and they were so well behaved. And Joelle was home too which made for nice conversation, she’s such a sweet girl I felt bad that she had to be as old as she was while her parents went through a divorce, my parents were divorced, and it sucked to be her age through all of it too. I walked upstairs, knocking on the door of the boys room. I opened it hearing then giggle. “You boys finish your assigned reading for the day?” I asked and they both nodded with big smiles on their faces. “Well good……I guess it’s pool time then!” I said excitedly and they screamed jumping up and down and making me shush them. “Boys your dad is still sleeping you have to keep it down…he had a long week.” I said and they looked up at me covering their mouths before giggling. “I’m awake.” I heard his deep raspy voice say from behind me, shivers ran up my spin as I slowly turned to look back. My eyes trailed from his thick muscular legs up to his naked torso and chest. My eyes finally connected with his deep chocolate doe eyes making my face flush. “Oh Mr.Anoa’i I didn’t realize you were up! Sorry boys I yelled at you for no reason then.” I said with a small laugh. “How many times I gotta tell ya call me Joe. It’s okay I’d rather you keep these rowdy boys of mine in line then let them wreak havoc like I know they can.” He said as he moved into the room, quickly swooping each boy up onto his shoulders. They giggled and squealed making me smile. “Daddy! Guess what! It’s pool day!” One twin squeaked out surrounded by laughs. “You gotta swim with us please daddy!” The other twin said making me smile. “They sure do drive a hard bargain huh?” He said turning and looking at me. “Yes they do.” I said with a smirk. “Well I guess I have no choice then. I’ll go get my suit on. You two get yours on.” He said setting them down and they nodded. “Last one down to the pool is a rotten egg!” He said before bolting from the room. I quickly grabbed the suits from their dresser handing them each one before exiting the room and closing the door. I needed to check on Joelle.
I knocked softly on her door, hearing her softly tell me to come in. I opened the door peaking my head in seeing her writing stuff down. “Hey Joelle, I just wanted to check in and see how you are doing.” I said with a soft smile closing the door behind me. She looked over sighing before I saw her lip wiggle. “Oh no I’m sorry hun I didn’t want to make you cry:” I said walking over and giving her a hug. She cried softly shaking her head: “I’m so stressed out!” She sobbed out and I rubbed her back letting her calm. “Let’s talk about what you are stressed about.” I said and she let out a shaky breath and nodded. “I’m trying to get a really good score on this anatomy test, I have all A’s but this class I have an A- and I want to get it up so bad. And then I have the varsity swim tryout tomorrow too…and with everything going on with my parents it’s hard to focus, I want to stay here but I know mom is coming tonight and that’s gonna be a huge deal if I even mention it. But I want quiet, and I love my brothers but they are kids and they are loud.” She said and I hummed nodding. “You got practice cards for the exam?” I asked and she nodded. “Okay, well I can help you study, and I can help you as best as I can with practicing for the swim tryout too. I think you need some fresh air for a reset though. Have you had anything to eat today yet?” I asked and she shook her head. “Okay, get your cards, and get your suite on, I’ll make you some lunch and we’ll sit by the pool and study.” I said and she smiled nodding. “You go ahead and get your suit on and I’ll go ahead and make you some food. Meet me down by the pool. I’ll help you out as much as I can.” I said and she smiled. She gave me a big hug. “Thank you for everything Y/n. I don’t know what I would do if you weren’t here.” She said and I smiled. “It makes me happy to help and it’s also my job. I don’t want you struggling through a bunch of stuff at once. You already have enough going on with your parents.” I said and she nodded. I stood giving her another hug before walking out. I walked down the stairs, taking stuff out to make sandwiches, I made Joelle, The boys, Joe and myself a sandwich, I then cut up some fruit and veggies and put them on a tray. Joelle walked down there stairs while I was cutting the boys sandwiches up. “I made you a sandwich hun. And I cut some fruits and veggies too. Let’s go outside.” I said and she nodded opening the door for me as I brought all the food out. “Boys I made you sandwiches come eat! Joe I made you one too.” I said and set them down on the table. The boys quickly got out running over to grab a sandwich. “Hey beautiful, how’s it going?” Joe asked getting out walking over to Joelle kissing her in the top of her head. “I’m a little stressed dad. Y/n’s helping me though.” She said smiling at me and I nodded. “If you need my help babygirl you know all you have to do is ask. Can I help with anything?” He asked as I ogled his body as he hopped out of the pool with ease. The water making his entire body glisten under the sun. “I might need your help with practicing for my swim team tryout tomorrow, and also I want to stay here overnight to get good rest, can you somehow try to convince mom to let me stay?” She asked and I could see him tense slightly. “Whatever you need babygirl I got you.” He said with a soft smile and she smiled back with a nod. Joelle sat down on one of the chairs organizing some school work. I walked over with her sandwich and sat down on the other chair. “Okay let’s get started.” I said and she nodded taking a bite out of her sandwich.
We studied for a good portion of time and she was acing everything. “Okay how do you feel now?” I asked setting down her note cards. “Much more confident now onto the swim try out.” She said and I nodded. “Alright babygirl what do you need me to do?” Joe asked and she thought for a moment. “Well I need to stay under a certain time so can you time me?” She asked and he nodded. “Y/n can you give me a countdown? She asked and I nodded. We walked over to the far end of the pool and she got set up. “Alright. Ready, set, GO!” I said and she dived into the water effortlessly, swimming with all of her willpower to the other end. As soon as she touched the end she looked up at Joe. “18.5 seconds.” He said and she groaned. “What do you need to be at?” He asked her. “I need to be below 16 seconds.” She said and he nodded. “Okay well you aren’t that far off…let’s just focus and push, do you need me to talk to you while you swim?” He asked and she thought for a moment. “Yeah maybe.” She said hopping back out of the pool. She walked around to the end of the pool again getting ready. “Ready?” I asked and she nodded. “Ready. Set. GO!” I said and she dived in once again. “Come on! Push! You got this! Push! Faster! You are almost there!” Joe said as he cheered her on. She touched the wall looking over at him breathing heavily. “You were so close honey. 16.5 that time.” He said and she groaned. “Uhm would it helped if I raced you? Maybe when you are next to competition you push harder.” I said and she looked over at Joe and he shrugged. “I don’t think that it would hurt to try.” He said with a smile and I nodded. She came back over to the side I was on and we both got ready. “Ready. Set. GO!” Joe said as we both dove into the water. I swam as fast as I could and I could tell she was going to beat me. Which was good. I finally touched the wall and she quickly looked up and over at her father. “You got….13.8 SECONDS!” He said and I cheered clapping for her. “Yes!!! Thank you both for helping.” Joelle said with a big smile and I nodded.
——Joe P.O.V.——
As Joelle hopped out of the pool, I watched as Y/n slowly got out. I couldn’t help but watch the droplets of water cascade down her body. My mind thinking of all the things I’d love to do to her. But I was older than her, and divorced, messily divorced which she’s seem parts of. Which I’m sure isn’t a great look for me. But there’s also something so entrancing about watching her with my kids. She’s so nurturing and loving. And the kids seem to love her too. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Joelle. “I think mom’s here.” She said and I looked down at my watch. She was 2 hours early. I’m sure there’s some fucking reason for it. I walked into the house and over to the door. I opened it seeing my loving ex wife standing there. “You are early…what a lovely surprise.” I said with all the sarcasm I could muster. “It’s not like you have anything to hide. I already know you are probably sleeping with that skank you call a “nanny” you mad I interrupted you finally getting some?” She asked and I rolled my eyes and shook my head.
——Y/N P.O.V.——
I told the kids to go get their stuff ready upstairs as I walked into the house with their wet towels. I began walking to the laundry room before I heard the bickering. “Oh please Joe. I know you like that whore I’m sure you haven’t kept your hands off of her.” I heard his ex wife say. “Are you fucking crazy? You are here to pick the kids up that’s it. I’m not going to fucking argue with you. I don’t know why you care so much anyway. YOU asked for a divorce not me.” I heard Joe say and I bit my lip. Was she talking about it me? I wondered as I threw the towels in the washer throwing some soap in before starting it. “Because I don’t want my kids being watched by some slut who’s probably trying to fuck their father in front of them.” She said and my jaw dropped. She was talking about me. I slowly walked into the hallway not stepping out from behind the wall. “You are going to stop talking about Y/n like you even know her. And you need to stop projecting so much. Just because you cheated and then asked for a divorce and then the guy you cheated with broke up with you doesn’t mean that you have any right in how I’m living my life. And for your information Y/N and I have not slept together so let’s get that straight right now.” Joe said making me blush. “But you want to don’t you? You want to fuck someone younger. Manipulate her just like you did to me.” She said and my eyes went wide: “I’m seriously done having this conversation with you. You are just trying to embarrass me and yourself at this point.” Joe said and she laughed. Something in me decided to make me step out from behind the wall. Joes eyes made contact with mine and he sighed. “Y/n I’m sorry her behavior is unacceptable. I didn’t want you to hear any of that I apologize on her behalf.” He said and I smiled softly. “I don’t! I’m sure he’ll knock you up just like he did me. Don’t believe his fucking lies he’s an asshole.” She said looking over his shoulder. “It’s honestly disgusting to me that you’d talk about anyone in that manor in front of your own children.” I said and she scoffed. “Oh what like they don’t hear you two moaning all night anyway?” She said making me laugh. I walked up closer to the door and Joe watched me carefully. “Let’s get one thing very very clear. I’ve never slept with Joe. I’ve never slept with anyone who I work for. So the fact that you think you can step up here and talk about me as if you’ve known me for years is astronomical to me. You should be THANKFUL I’m here. Helping your children, making sure they are getting their school work done. I just helped Joelle prep for her anatomy exam she has tomorrow and her elite swim team tryout she also has tomorrow. And Joe has been right there doing what he can as their father to help too. But seeing that YOU stepped out, YOU made this more stressful for YOUR OWN KIDS! Not HIM! So don’t go around blaming everyone else for your mistakes. You don’t want to see anyone happy or succeed because you are miserable and that’s your own wrong doing. Not anyone else’s.” I spoke with confidence before walking away. She was speechless. I walked upstairs knocking on the loud door seeing them come out with their bags packed and ready. “Alright mommy’s downstairs, go ahead I’ll see ya boys in a few days!” I said with a smile ruffling their hair. I knocked on Joelle’s door before opening it. She was shoving things into her bag aggressively. “Are you alright Joelle?” I asked softly and she shook her head as I heard her sniffle.
I walked up and sat on her bed opening me arms and she looked up crying and falling into my arms. “I’m sorry you have to be in the middle of that hunny, It’s not fair to you.” I said rubbing her back. “No it’s not. But I know it’s not dad. It’s just her I don’t understand why she hates you, or dad, when she’s the one who made a mistake.” She said shaking her head and I shrugged. “Honey the last thing I want to do is make it seem like your mom is a bad person. I know she loves you and your brothers and I think that she’s just upset and hurt that she did loose your dad and she made that mistake. It’s hard…I’m sure. Especially with how long they were married. Even though she made a mistake, it still hurts loosing him I’m sure.” I said and she sighed. “I wish she was more like you. I wish she was you. I wish you were her. You know I heard her saying all those things about sleeping with my dad. I know you haven’t, but if you like him…I think it would be good for him to have you in his life. You keep him happy. I haven’t seen him like that since way before the divorce even. He’s so much more in tune us kids now too.” She said making me smile. “Well honey as much as I do have interest in your father I think he may believe I’m too young for him and that’s okay. It won’t make me care about you and your siblings any less.” I said and she nodded: “Just promise me you’ll stay in touch even if you find someone else to take care of.” She said and I smiled. “Oh hun, if it ever were to come to those terms of course I’ll stay in touch I want to see you succeed to your fullest potential. Now pack the rest of your stuff. You’ve gotta go.” I said and she nodded. I helped her pack the rest of her stuff into her bag and we walked out of her bedroom. We walked down stairs and she turned and hugged me, her mother glaring from the door. “Hey you are gonna do amazing tomorrow okay?” I said and she smiled nodded. She walked out the door, Joe closing it behind her. He sighed his head dropping as he looked down at the floor. “Joe I-.” Before I could finish he put a finger up. “Don’t. Don’t do what I know you are about to do.” He said and I blushed softly. “I was just gonna apologize.” I said and he shook his head turning around looking at me. “No. You don’t have to do that. You were in the right. I never should’ve let her continue disrespecting you. I apologize. She was so out of line.” He said and I shrugged. “I don’t care what she says about me. I care about what those kids hear. Joelle was up there in tears. That’s not okay to me.” I said and he nodded his eyes brimmed with tears. “I-I know. I just…I don’t even know what the fuck to do.” He said putting his head in his hands. “Would you like a hug?” I asked softly and he nodded walking over pulling me in for a big hug. He was like a giant compared to me but u tried my best to wrap my arms around him. He cried just like Joelle oddly enough. “I just never thought my life would come to this you know? I’ve been cheated on, went through a divorce and now she’s got this fucking vendetta out against me for god knows what, and my fucking children are being affected by it.” He said and I sighed. “You don’t deserve this.” I said and he shook his head. “I just want my kids to be happy. They are always happy when they come here and you’re here.” He said and I let him go finally sensing slight resistance. “Joe maybe it’s better if I find a different family to nanny for. I can’t live with subjecting the kids to this life if I’m what causes that.” I said and his face dropped. “Joe, maybe it would be best for me to nanny for a different family. I don’t want to cause the kids more stress and harm.” I said shaking my head and he pulled his head away looking at me fear writing like the front page cover of a newspaper. “Y-you can’t go. The kids love you, I love you, I-.” He stopped as it sunk in what he just said. “Y-you what?” I asked softly, looking up at him as tears brimmed my eyes. His hands slowly came up to caress my face before he pulled me in for a soft loving kiss.
I closed my eyes taking in the feeling of his soft sweet lips against mine. I relaxed against him as our lips moved in sync with each others. We pulled away for air and I finally opened my eyes looking up at him. His dark brown doe eyes bored into mine. “I said I love you. I fucking love you Y/N. And I know it’s probably wrong but fuck I can’t hide it anymore. You are so perfect.” He said rubbing my cheek softly making me smile. “I love you to Joe.” I said with a smile and his smile somehow grew wider. He kissed me again with more passion this time. His hand ran up to hair gripping it softly, his other arm snaking its way around my waist pulling me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck softly moaning into his mouth. “Let me show you? Please?” He asked lowly and I nodded. His strong arms reached down to the back of my thighs hoisting me up onto his waist. He kissed my neck softly making my head lull back as he walked us up the stairs. “God I didn’t think you’d feel the same about me.” He said softly as we made our way to his room. He closed the door behind us, bringing us to the bed before sitting down. “I found you attractive the moment I saw you..” I whispered in his ear making him groan.
His hands traveled up my thighs, gripping my ass softly before continuing up to my waist. His hands slid under my shirt, pulling it up and over my head. His eyes traveled down my body. “God you are fucking gorgeous.” He whispered making me blush and cover my face. “What? There’s no way you aren’t used to compliments.” He said kissing down my neck slowly. “I don’t..g-get many.” I whispered out as he flipped me around laying me down softly in the bed. His soft lips trailed down my body his eyes closed with each kiss. His large hands caressed my thighs trailing down to my waistband. He delicately pulled my pants off, my underwear following right after. “Please take your clothes off.” I whimpered out and he smiled. “I got you baby.” He said lowly his lustful eyes gleamed in the setting sun. He pulled his shirt off with one hand. My eyes tracked down his gorgeous body. Loving the site. So fucking hot. His gorgeous tan skin, accompanied with his dark and prominent tattoos. I swore he was sculpted by a god. He pulled his pants down his v-lines peaking out of his boxers. My eyes traveled to his thick hard on prominent in his tight briefs. “Oh wow…I-I’ve never seen one so big before.” I said making him chuckle. “Can I touch you?” I asked softly looking up at him. “Of course you can baby.” He said lowly making me smile. I sat up crawling over to him. I kneeled as I leaned forward kissing his soft lips. His hands traveled down to my hips gripping them softly. I ran my hand down his chiseled upper body, wanting to memorize every ounce of muscle I could feel. Finally I met the fabric of his waistband. I slipped my fingers into his waist band reaching for his hard member. My hand just barely being able to wrap around it.
I slowly began to stroke him, his deep moans making the fire inside me blaze higher. He pulled away from the kiss pushing his forehead up against mine. “As much as I love you touching me. I’d prefer to also be pleasuring you.” He said and I smiled nodded. “How about you ride my face? Would you like that?” He’s asked and I nodded softly. Before I knew it he was laying down and I was being pulled up to his face. His muscular arms pulled my thighs down as he began to skillfully work his tongue against me. I moaned softly as my eyes rolled from pleasure. I quickly went to work taking his member out of his boxers, pushing them down his legs. I took in the sight of his thick cock, wondering how it was going to even fit. I had never seen someone so well endowed let alone had one inside of me that large. I gripped his member softly before slowly licking around the tip. His thighs twitched with anticipation as I began to lick and suck him. My tongue running along the veins feeling them throb. I moaned around him as he hit a pleasure filled spot. He slowed for a moment trailing his tongue around before triggering my moan again. He smiled against me as he focussed on that spot. I moaned around him my legs beginning to shake from pleasure. I sped up my motions bobbing my head around him adding my hand stroking him with what I couldn’t fit in my mouth. I was so fucking close. He pulled me up slightly making me whine as his mouth was now detached from me. “I want you to dum for me baby. I’m so close. I want you to cum in my face baby lemme taste you.” He growled out before going right back to work he quickly found my spot again making me moan around him even more. Before I knew it my eyes rolled back, my thighs squeezed his face and I basked in the feeling of pure pleasure, feeling what felt like jolts of lightning flow through my body. He slurped against me making me whimper. I continued to suck as I felt his cock twitch.
His warm essence filled my mouth as he groaned. “Fuck baby that was amazing.” He growled out making me hum. I finally sat up removing myself from on top of him. “Come lay down, let me take care of you.” He said and I laid down as he sat up. Somehow still hard he lined up with my entrance bending down and kissing me softly. I still involuntarily tensed making him pull back and look at me. “What’s wrong sweetheart?” He asked and my face flushed hotly. “I-I just haven’t done this in a while you are really big, I won’t lie and say I’m not nervous.” I said and he bent down against kissing me softly. “Honey, if you don’t want to do this we don’t have to.” He said softly and I shook my head. “No no I want to! I do! I’m just a little nervous that’s all.” I said and he nodded. He kissed down my jawline over to my ear. “I’ll be as gentle as you want me to be my love.” He said softly in my ear making me moan out. “You ready?” He asked and I nodded softly. He kissed along my neck slowly easing himself inside of me. I gasped loudly as he was finally in. “Too much?” He asked and I shook my head quickly. “No! Please don’t stop.” I moaned out gripping his biceps as he began to thrust into me. He felt so much bigger inside of me. I moaned loudly gripping onto his back. His slow deep thrusts gave me all I needed and more. “You like that baby? You like the way I fuck you?” He asked lowly in my ear making me moan louder. “Yes! Oh fuck I love it please don’t stop!” I screamed out making him growl. “God you feel like fucking magic you know that?” He panted out making me whine. He sat up pulling my legs over his shoulders making me gasp out. He sped up his thrusts the new angle making him feel like he was inside my stomach. I knew I was close already. But I wanted him to use that strength. “Harder baby! Fuck me harder please!” I moaned out as he growled. He picked began to slam into me the sound of skin slapping together filled the room. “You like it a little rough don’t you baby?” He said with a smirk making me whine with a nod. “Yesss I love it rough.” I moaned out making him groan. He brought his hand up my belly, then chest, resting it at my neck making me moan. His other hand reaching down and rubbing slow circles around my clit as he pounded into me. “Oh fuck I’m gonna cum! Please! Please don’t stop!” I moaned out gripping his biceps digging my nails in. “Cum for me baby. Come all over me.” He moaned out and I my moans began to get higher as I felt myself start to shake. My toes curled, my eyes rolled back and the knot inside me tightened before releasing completely. Falling over the edge my body shaking softly. My body felt heavy as I still was reviving from my orgasm. I heard him growl before pulling out quickly, shooting his load all over my stomach. I breathed heavily my eyes closed from exhaustion. “You sit tight baby I’m gonna go get a washcloth and towel to clean up.” He said and I nodded holding my thumb up to him making him laugh.
——Next Day——
I was sleeping peacefully wrapped in Joe’s warm and cozy arms when all the sudden his phone started ringing. Joe jolted, quickly reaching for the smartphone on the nightstand. “Hello?” He said rubbing his eyes and sitting up softly. “Babygirl slow down. What’s wrong?” I heard him say and that quickly woke me up. It had to be Joelle. “We are on our way. Don’t worry about it.” He said getting out of bed. I hopped out of bed as well grabbing some leggings and a shirt. Slipping my pants on first, I looked over at Joe as he pulled some jeans on watching me change. His eyes traveled down to my naked chest as I slid my shirt on. “So what’s going on?” I asked and he snapped out of his trance. “Joelle is freaking out because she has that swim tryout and her mother is nowhere to be found but the twins aren’t at school she called the school and they said her mother picked them up.” He said and my jaw dropped. “So she left Joelle knowing that she has the varsity swim tryouts out?” I asked and he nodded. “She was torn up about it. We gotta go bring her.” He said and I nodded. I grabbed my purse jogging downstairs, I grabbed a cold purple Gatorade from the fridge, along with a beef stick and cheese stick. I’m sure she’s hungry and she needs some electrolytes to keep her focused. Joe came downstairs looking down at my hand smiling. “Bringin her a snack?” He asked and I nodded. “God I love you.” He said kissing my forehead as we walked out the door. “I love you too honey.” I said with a smile as we got into the car.
Once we got to the school Joelle quickly ran out and got in the car. “Thank you guys for coming.” She said softly and I handed her the snacks and drink k brought. “You’re the best Y/n.” She said ripping the packaging open and eating her snacks as we quickly made our way there. Once we were there we parked. “Alright babygirl good luck.” Joe said and she hugged him tight. “Could you guys come in and be there for me while I tryout?” She asked and Joe looked over at me. “You won’t feel like your friends think it’s lame your parents are there?” He asked and I smiled at the fact that he called us her parents. “No not at all I think it’ll help me actually.” She said and we shrugged. “Okay we are more than willing if you want us to hun!” I said and she smiled widely. We all got out of the car and walked in. We walked down to the pool and she walked over to the registration table and we walked over to the bleachers. Joelle got through registration and was givin a number to pin to her swimsuit. Joe smiled as he looked at her number. “96 god sign that was my number throughout college football.” He said making me smile. She was racing 3 others. As the line up, Joe reached over and grabbed my hand. I looked at him and he looked nervous as he was locked in on his babygirl. The shot went off and in they went. Joelle swam as hard as she could. Leading by a far amount but the time she touched the wall. “Yes that’s my girl.” I heard Joe whisper making me smile. “Alright. 96, incredible time. 13.3 seconds. Congrats you’ve made it to varsity.” The coach said and she quickly looked over at us with the biggest smile. I gave her a big smile back putting my thumb up making her smile. She got out of the pool going over and talking with the coach. She flagged us over and we walked over. “Nice to meet you both. You’ve got a very very talented girl on your hands, I think she can be something very very successful.” The coach said making me smile. “We are so proud of her. All her accomplishments this included. Thank you for noticing her potential.” Joe said and I nodded. “It’s hard to not notice it. Now you go home kid. I’ll see yah Monday bright and early for practice okay?” The coach said and Joelle nodded with a smile. She went to change coming out of the locker room a few minutes later. We walked outside and Joe turned and hugged Joelle tightly. “I’m so so proud of you.” He said and she smiled. “Sooo did you ask Y/n to be your girlfriend yet or were you just holding hands in the bleachers as a joke?” Joelle asked with a giggle. “It wasn’t a joke we are dating.” Joe said making me smile. “This is so sweet!” She said hugging me. I can’t believe that being a nanny turned into me meeting the love of my life!
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jessread-s · 3 months
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Thanks to the author for providing me with an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review
A heartwarming hate to love romance. 
“Rule Breakers Fall Hardest” follows Rosie Thomas as she enters a fake marriage to help Daire Hendricks, her former childhood crush, get custody of his child. Despite their hatred for each other, the benefits of their arrangement are worth it. But what neither of them expects, is when playing house starts to feel a little too real.
The circumstances leading up to Rosie and Daire’s nuptials make their love story unique. I admire Daire’s commitment to being a father and Rosie for helping him be a part of his child’s life. Their fake marriage gave them the opportunity needed to work through past misunderstandings and repair their relationship. Smeltzer does a great job establishing that they still feel deeply for one another and their forced proximity allowed those feelings to flourish. I love how they supported each other as their new lives took shape. I lived for the moments when they became a team, like when they formed a united front to break the news about their hasty trip to the alter to their parents, worked their way through an infant CPR class together, and went shopping for the baby together. They showed up for each other, whether that be at hockey games or wedding dress appointments. Admittedly, I thought that the way Daire’s custody battle was resolved was a little too convenient, but I adore the little family Rosie, Daire, and Sammy became!
Cross-posted to: Instagram | Amazon | Goodreads | StoryGraph
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lennat2 · 1 year
I'm watching There is Something Wrong With the Kids
The CPR scene made me facepalm so hard.
They tried an infant Heimlich maneuver on a ten-year old! (Ok, not a real ten year old, a monster disguised as a ten year old, but still.) They didn't even point him downwards. And then they tried to do chest compressions but didn't clear his airways or even give any breaths! They didn't even try to open his mouth to see the obstruction. They gave up after less than a minute!
You guys, please learn CPR. Don't learn it from TV. The classes are fast and cheap, just go to one. It could save a life.
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pulsecpr · 4 months
Mastering Basic Life Support Exams A and B: Your Guide to Success
Mastering Basic Life Support Exams A and B: Your Guide to Success
At Pulse CPR and First Aid School, we understand the importance of excelling in your Basic Life Support (BLS) certification exams. Whether you're preparing for Exam A or B, our comprehensive guide will help you master the essential skills and knowledge needed to pass with flying colors. Let's dive into what you need to know about the American Heart Association's Basic Life Support Exams A and B.
Understanding Basic Life Support Exams A and B
The American Heart Association (AHA) offers two primary versions of the BLS exam: Exam A and Exam B. Both exams assess your ability to perform high-quality CPR, use an AED, and manage choking scenarios. Here’s a breakdown of what each exam entails:
Exam A Overview
Number of Questions: 25
Focus Areas:
Adult, child, and infant CPR techniques
AED usage
Team dynamics in resuscitation
Responding to airway obstructions
Importance of early defibrillation
Effective communication during CPR
Exam B Overview
Number of Questions: 25
Focus Areas:
Similar to Exam A with slight variations in scenario-based questions
Emphasis on teamwork and detailed understanding of CPR cycles
Handling special circumstances like drowning or medication patches
Key Topics Covered in Both Exams
CPR Techniques
Knowing the correct ratios and techniques for chest compressions and rescue breaths is crucial. For instance, the standard ratio for 1-rescuer adult CPR is 30 compressions to 2 breaths. For infants, it's also important to remember specific guidelines, like using two fingers for compressions if you are alone.
AED Usage
Understanding how to properly use an AED is a critical component. Remember to:
Turn on the AED as soon as it arrives.
Apply the pads correctly on the victim's bare chest.
Follow the AED prompts accurately.
Team Dynamics
Effective resuscitation often involves teamwork. Key elements include:
Clear roles and responsibilities
Knowing your limitations
Mutual respect and effective communication
Responding to Airway Obstructions
Both exams test your ability to respond to choking incidents. For instance, if an infant is choking and becomes unresponsive, start CPR and check the mouth for the obstructing object before giving breaths.
Importance of Early Defibrillation
Early defibrillation can significantly improve survival rates during cardiac arrest. Both exams emphasize the importance of using an AED promptly and following its instructions to restore a normal heart rhythm.
Tips for Success
Study Regularly: Consistent study sessions can help reinforce the material.
Practice Hands-On Skills: Practical experience is invaluable. Use manikins to practice CPR and AED usage.
Review AHA Guidelines: Ensure you are familiar with the latest AHA guidelines for BLS.
Take Practice Tests: Familiarize yourself with the exam format by taking practice tests for both Exam A and Exam B.
Why Choose Pulse CPR and First Aid School?
At Pulse CPR and First Aid School, we are dedicated to providing top-notch training that prepares you for real-life emergencies and certification exams. Our experienced instructors, hands-on training sessions, and supportive learning environment ensure you gain the confidence and skills needed to excel.
Enroll Today
Ready to ace your Basic Life Support Exams A and B? Enroll in our BLS certification courses today and take the first step towards becoming a lifesaver. Visit our website or contact us to learn more about our classes and schedules.
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saul-okayman · 5 months
First aid instructor said my infant cpr was the best in the class 💅
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girl4pay · 2 years
reading the pamphlet they sent about this first aid class tearing up at the infant cpr section i cannot do ANYTHING on my period stg
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jaspercole93 · 1 year
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Protecting Little Lives: Infant CPR Classes for Parents and Caregivers
Are you a new parent looking for the best way to protect your baby in an emergency? Look no further than CPR Classes Near Me! Our Infant CPR Classes provide the perfect supportive environment to learn and practice essential life-saving techniques so you can respond calmly and confidently in any critical moment. Get empowered today - join our Infant CPR classes now!
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Required for using the birth center: nine hour largely bullshit or self-researchable birth class. Little of value gained. Also required was an extra hour of things already covered by the nine hour class.
Not required or even offered by the birth center: Infant CPR/SFA. Not even a schedule of upcoming Red Cross trainings.
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darvingigev · 1 day
Comprehensive Emergency Medical Training in Pine Valley
Pine Valley, a small town in Southern California, is a community that values preparedness and safety, especially when it comes to life-threatening medical emergencies. Palm Desert Resuscitation Education (PDRE) is a frontrunner in providing CPR training in Pine Valley, ensuring that individuals are equipped with the knowledge and skills to respond quickly and effectively to cardiac and respiratory emergencies. CPR in Pine Valley is an essential skill that anyone can learn, whether you're a healthcare professional or a layperson.
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PDRE offers CPR Certification in Pine Valley, following the latest guidelines from the American Heart Association (AHA), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and American Red Cross (ARC). These courses ensure that participants are fully prepared to administer life-saving techniques, including chest compressions, rescue breaths, and AED (Automated External Defibrillator) use. CPR Classes in Pine Valley are hands-on and interactive, providing a realistic approach to emergency situations. Participants gain the confidence needed to act swiftly in real-life crises, whether at home, work, or in public places.
In addition to CPR, PDRE also offers First Aid Certification in Pine Valley. First Aid is crucial for handling various medical emergencies, from cuts and burns to more severe injuries such as fractures and allergic reactions. This training teaches individuals how to manage situations until professional help arrives, making it a vital skill, particularly in rural areas like Pine Valley, where emergency services might take longer to arrive.
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For healthcare providers, (Basic Life Support) BLS in Pine Valley is a more advanced level of training that includes CPR, AED use, and team-based resuscitation techniques. BLS Certification in Pine Valley ensures that medical professionals are ready to handle emergencies in clinical and pre-hospital settings. This certification is required for many healthcare workers, including nurses, doctors, and emergency responders.
For advanced healthcare professionals, (Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support) ACLS in Pine Valley focuses on managing severe cardiovascular emergencies such as heart attacks and strokes. ACLS Certification in Pine Valley provides in-depth training on ECG interpretation, airway management, and drug administration, essential for treating patients in critical conditions.
For those working with infants and children, (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) PALS in Pine Valley is essential. This certification focuses on pediatric resuscitation, helping healthcare providers respond effectively to emergencies involving children. PALS Online in Pine Valley offers flexibility for busy professionals, allowing them to complete the course at their own pace.
Lastly, (Neonatal Resuscitation Program) NRP in Pine Valley is a specialized program for those working in neonatal care. It provides training in neonatal resuscitation, preparing healthcare professionals to manage newborn emergencies during the critical moments after birth.
Website: https://yourcprmd.com/sandiego/pine-valley-cpr-classes/
9500 Gilman Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92093
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heartshield1 · 3 days
Red Cross Training Near You: CPR & First Aid
When it comes to life-saving skills, there is no greater knowledge than being able to administer CPR and first aid. Whether you're a healthcare provider, teacher, coach, or simply someone who wants to be prepared in emergencies, getting certified in CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and first aid can make all the difference. Heartshield, an esteemed training provider in Fort Wayne, Indiana, offers comprehensive Red Cross-certified CPR and first aid training. The courses are designed to equip you with the skills and confidence to save lives in critical situations.
Why CPR and First Aid Training is Essential
Emergencies can occur anywhere, and knowing how to respond quickly and effectively can be the difference between life and death. For instance, every year, thousands of people in the U.S. suffer cardiac arrest, and immediate CPR can double or even triple their chance of survival. Whether you're at home, at work, or out in public, having CPR and first aid skills ensures you're prepared to handle unexpected emergencies.
CPR Certification in Fort Wayne by Heartshield
Heartshield offers CPR classes in Fort Wayne, Indiana, through partnerships with the Red Cross. The training provides participants with the knowledge to perform CPR on infants, children, and adults. These classes focus on recognizing the signs of cardiac arrest and teaching chest compressions, rescue breathing, and the use of an AED (Automated External Defibrillator).
The CPR certification in Fort Wayne is ideal for a wide range of individuals, from healthcare professionals to the general public. The courses are flexible, with options to take classes either in-person or via a blended learning format that combines online study with hands-on practice.
Red Cross First Aid Training
In addition to CPR, Heartshield offers Red Cross first aid training. The course covers various emergencies, such as burns, cuts, fractures, and allergic reactions. It focuses on equipping individuals with the skills to handle a wide array of medical issues until professional help arrives.
The Red Cross first aid course includes practical lessons in assessing the situation, using first aid kits effectively, and managing wounds and injuries. At the end of the course, participants will earn a Red Cross first aid certificate, which is recognized nationwide and is valid for two years.
Why Choose Heartshield for Red Cross Certification?
As a trusted provider of Red Cross CPR and first aid training in Fort Wayne, Heartshield ensures that its courses meet the highest standards. The instructors are experienced professionals who offer a supportive learning environment. They provide personalized guidance to ensure that each participant fully understands the life-saving techniques taught in the course.
Moreover, Heartshield understands the busy schedules of its participants and offers various course schedules to fit around personal and professional commitments. Whether you’re looking for CPR classes in Fort Wayne or need Red Cross first aid certification, Heartshield's flexible offerings make it easy to find a course that suits you.
First Aid and CPR Certification for Workplace Requirements
Many workplaces require employees to be certified in first aid and CPR. Having staff trained in these skills not only ensures safety but also builds a more responsible work environment. Heartshield provides corporate training programs for businesses in Fort Wayne and the surrounding areas. These programs ensure that employees are fully trained to handle emergency situations at work.
What to Expect in the Courses
The CPR and first aid courses provided by Heartshield are hands-on and engaging. Participants can expect to practice chest compressions, use real AED devices, and simulate various first aid scenarios. The Red Cross first aid training also includes learning how to handle environmental emergencies, such as heatstroke, hypothermia, and poison exposure.
Upon successful completion, participants will receive their CPR certification and first aid certificate, which is necessary for many professional roles, including healthcare workers, lifeguards, and childcare providers.
How to Register for Heartshield Classes
Signing up for CPR classes or Red Cross first aid training with Heartshield is simple. Participants can register online through the Heartshield website or visit one of their training centers in Fort Wayne. The course fees are affordable, and Heartshield often offers discounts for group bookings, making it a convenient option for organizations and families.
Heartshield’s CPR and first aid training courses in Fort Wayne, Indiana, provide individuals and businesses with the crucial skills needed to respond effectively during emergencies. With Red Cross-certified instructors and flexible course options, Heartshield ensures that its participants gain confidence in their abilities to save lives. Whether you're seeking certification for workplace requirements or personal preparedness, Heartshield’s Red Cross CPR and first aid courses are the perfect solution for anyone looking to make a life-saving difference.
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cprcourseonline · 5 days
How to Find BLS Certification Classes Near You
How to Find BLS Certification Classes Near You
How to Find BLS Certification Classes Near You 1
Introduction 1
Understanding BLS certification 1
Steps to find BLS certification classes near you 2
Conclusion 4
Basic Life Support (BLS) certification is crucial for healthcare professionals, first responders, and lay rescuers who want to be prepared to effectively handle emergencies. BLS certification is widely recognized and necessary for various healthcare and emergency response roles. Finding a reliable BLS certification class near you can take time, especially with the myriad of options available.
However, the blog guides you through finding BLS certification classes, covering resources and tips to find a class that meets your needs.
Understanding BLS certification
Before discussing how to find BLS certification classes, it's essential to understand what BLS certification entails. BLS certification training includes learning CPR and how to use AEDs. It also covers how to clear airway obstructions for adults, children, and infants, team effort during resuscitation, and how to respond effectively to various medical emergencies.
Steps to find BLS certification classes near you
Following the below-mentioned steps will help you find BLS certification classes near you:
Utilize online search engines:
One of the simplest ways to start your search for BLS certification classes is by using online search engines. Websites like Google can list training centers and organizations offering BLS courses. Use search terms like “BLS certification classes near me,” “BLS training classes,” or “BLS courses in your city” to get relevant results.
Select the appropriate location (city or province) to improve the results.
To make sure the course schedules and availability are up to date, look for updated information.
Visit the official websites of certification bodies:
Look for reputed organizations that provide BLS certification training. Their websites often have a “Find a Course” feature that allows you to search for classes based on the location.
Visit the healthcare websites.
Select “training and certification” option.
Use the search tool to find BLS courses in your area.
Use the course locator tool to find BLS certification classes nearby.
Contact local hospitals and healthcare facilities:
Many hospitals and healthcare facilities offer BLS certification classes to their staff and the general public. Contacting local hospitals can provide information on upcoming BLS sessions and registration details.
Call the hospital’s education or training department directly.
Ask if they offer discounts or specialized rates for community members or groups for BLS training.
Check community colleges and universities:
Community colleges and universities often include BLS certification in emergency medical services programs. Even if you’re not enrolled as a student, many institutions offer continuing education courses open to the public.
Visit the website of local colleges and universities.
Look for sections dedicated to continuing education or professional development.
Contact the admissions office or course coordinators for more information.
Explore online course directories:
Websites and others list various training courses, including BLS certification. These platforms let you filter results based on location, course type, and date preferences.
Use filters to specify your location and desired time frame.
Read reviews and ratings of the courses to ensure quality training.
Inquire at local fire departments and EMS agencies:
Fire departments and emergency medical services (EMS) agencies often provide BLS training to their personnel and sometimes to the public. Contacting these agencies can help you find high-quality, hands-on training from experienced professionals.
Call the non-emergency number of your local fire department or EMS agency.
Ask about the schedule, cost, and availability of BLS certification classes.
Join professional associations and networks:
Joining professional associations related to healthcare and emergency response can provide you with information on BLS certification classes. These associations often host training sessions, workshops, and conferences for BLS certification.
Use social media and online forums:
Social media and online forums can be important resources for finding BLS certification classes. Join groups or forums related to healthcare, emergency response, or professional development to get recommendations and information from peers.
Join social media groups related to health care or emergency medical services.
Participate in discussions on forums or specialized healthcare forums.
Evaluating BLS certification classes
Once you have a list of potential BLS certification classes, it’s important to evaluate them to ensure they meet your needs and standards.
Recognized institutions:
Ensure the course is from recognized organizations before enrolling in it.
Check the qualifications and experience of the instructors. They should have extensive experience in emergency medical services or healthcare.
Read the course syllabus to ensure it covers all essential BLS skills, including CPR, AED usage, and airway management.
See whether you prefer in-person, online, or hybrid classes. Each format has its advantages and may suit different learning styles.
Compare the costs of different courses. Some organizations offer discounts for group bookings or early registrations.
Select a class that works with your schedule and is conveniently accessible. Flexibility in timing can be crucial if you have a busy schedule.
Obtaining BLS certification is crucial if you are involved in healthcare, emergency response, or simply looking to be prepared for medical emergencies.  Many resources and organizations are offering BLS certification classes. You can find a BLS certification class that suits your needs by using online search engines, visiting the official websites of certification bodies, contacting local hospitals and healthcare facilities, or checking community colleges and universities. Evaluating these classes based on instructor qualifications, course content, format, cost, location, and schedule will ensure you get high-quality training that prepares you to handle emergencies and save lives effectively.
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