dmt-mdma-thc · 5 years
I've learned that you can make mistakes and you can do everything in your power to try and fix those mistakes and to move on from them, but if someone else doesn't want that same thing..it will never be fixed.
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psykiskt-instabil · 7 years
Tagged by @beheren0w
Rules: list 10 songs you´re obsessed with at the moment and tag 10 people.
Just like Honey - The Jesus and Mary Chain
Thirteen - Elliot Smith
Mary Jane´s last dance - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
We´re only in it for the Drugs No.1 - Ebba Grön 
A lack of understanding - The Vaccines
Love my way - The psychedelic Furs
Dead Souls - Joy Division
All this and more - Dead boys 
Break on Through (To the other side) - The Doors
She's the Prettiest Girl at the Party, and She can Prove it with a Solid right Hook - Frank Iero and the Patience 
I tag - @kcattattack, @radiohoved, @morrissey4life, @inevermeantanything, @pinmedownandtakemybreathaway, @st0ned-roses, @ignorant-boy-beautiful-girl, @bonamorrissey, @real-to-reel and @jcamilov06
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headphoneraichu-blog · 10 years
tagged by elite4lucian <3
RULES: answer the questions below. Tag at least 10 followers.
• Name: HI IM TESSA :3  
• Nickname: Tess by my close friends, and rarely Tessie by my twin sister. • Birthday: 1/29/1999. • Gender: female. • Sexuality: bisexual. • Height: 5 feet, 5 inches. • Time zone: UTC-06:00. • What time and date is it there: 11:46 AM, 8/24/14. • Average hours of sleep I get each night: that’s a difficult question; it really depends on how late I stay up playing Pokémon and watching battle videos XD uh… I’d say 6-8 hours or so. • OTPs: garyXash because why not? • The last thing I Googled was: *glances at history* it appears I googled “Heracross” last. *forever dork* • First word that comes to mind: lunch. • What I last said to a family member: "damn, I forgot Absol!” (someone on Facebook decided to ruin my day by asking what Pokémon only have one stage X3). • One place that makes me happy and why: hmm… that’s a rather difficult question… I guess I don’t have one :c • How many blankets I sleep under: one giant fluffy blue blanket. • Favorite beverage: butterfinger candy milkshake. • The last movie I watched in the cinema was: let’s see… XMen: Days of Future Past, as I recall. • Three things I can’t live without: internet, video-games, and a pencil. • Something I plan on learning: I’d love to learn how to draw digitally. • A piece of advice for all my followers: don’t ‘fall in love’ with anyone the second you meet him • You have to listen to this song: Radioactive by Imagine Dragons; love it 10 people I tag are… ayame-rikimayu, 9bit, inevermeantanything. yellow-luxray, digital-dynamics, shinigamipink, nintendog-s, alex-timelord, and yellowfur
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