allyalbonart · 8 months
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Look at the teeny jar of jam and how cute it is! I treated myself to the @bonnemaman_us advent calendar at Christmas and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. They were so cute, I had to take some photos of them in the hope one day I can paint them and do them justice!
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Thank you for the Visit, Teddy and Caleb<3
I am reading on a park bench at Colt State Park when a spaniel puppy named Hudson walks up, his owner attached saying “He just has to say hi.” The moment I see him I realize this is my dog son Teddy saying hello through Hudson. We laugh, talk, etc. Finally, the women and her dog continue on their way. I turn my head in the opposite direction, and see a man and his German Shepard also walking away from same distance on the other side. I, in the middle on the park bench, keep turning my head back and forth, watching as the spaniel and the shepard are walking away into the blue sky in opposite directions. Those moments of life that feel like art are the most inspiring. 
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