#indra devi
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las-microfisuras · 1 year ago
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Earl Leaf, Indra Devi guiando unos esforzados Dhanurāsanas. C. 1950. Fundación Indra Devi.
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circulopranico · 4 months ago
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Yoga: Por siempre joven, por siempre sano / Indra Devi / Javier Vergara Editor / 1998
Hoy es el turno de reseñar a una pionera internacional del Yoga. Aclaro que omitiré detalles biográficos porque ya fueron incluídos en una reseña de la primera temporada de Lecturas pránicas; en segundo término puedo decir que este libro está escrito con una prosa cercana, sin pretenciones ni complejos cientificistas, dejando para las generaciones posteriores un prontuario de casos exitosos y testimonios de trabajo corporal en un amplio rango de personas en la segunda mitad del siglo pasado.
Confieso que me resulta interesante visibilizar este libro, en especial para quienes tienen una buena pero vaga impresión sobre nuestra disciplina. Sus relatos francos coinciden con las conversaciones de pasillo que sostengo a diario con los practicantes de Círculo Pránico, en ambos casos veo el mismo influjo positivo que se abre paso gradualmente, sin estridencias ni espectáculos, en el seno de una vida urbana y secular.
En este punto no puedo dejar de sorprenderme... con tan poco se puede conseguir tanto; con una colchoneta más una guía idónea podemos atenuar e incluso sanar un número importante de males modernos. La tensión, el cansancio, la enfermedad y la vejez son cosas del pasado para el estudiantado. Yoguinis y yoguis de diversa naturaleza alcanzan firme y ordenadamente sus propósitos personales, y por ende se vuelven influyentes en sus entornos (si, agentes de cambio).
A pesar de la necesidad generalizada de panaceas, el Yoga requiere inversión de tiempo e inteligencia para que se produzca el triángulo virtuoso de la buena nutrición, buen descanso y suficiente ejercicio físico, base estrictamente necesaria para hablar con propiedad de los alcances y limitaciones del cuerpo físico. Conocemos de cerca experiencias enteramente especulativas sobre la pureza del cuerpo y de la mente, que se quedan exactamente en lo especulativo.
Si, Indra Devi no fue una santa ni mucho menos, tan solo fue honesta consigo misma, usó sus cuitas como laboratorio para las propuestas yóguicas; investigó, practicó, vivenció y compartió el milenario influjo indostán para comenzar nuevamente su vida siempre joven y siempre sana. Y así será recordada.
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zeherili-ankhein · 4 months ago
I just figured out that Mahalaya technically spreads Mita-Varuna propaganda subtly
The "Aham Rudre" thing is basically Devi explaining how all the Gods and the entire Universe exists with Herself. The Rudras, Vasus, Adityas
There's specific mention of: MitraVaruna, IndraAgni and the Ashwins at the very beginning itself
Here's the part:
ahaṃ rudrebhirvasubhiścarāmyahamādityairuta viśvadevaiḥ
ahaṃ mitrāvaruṇobhā bibharmyahamindrāgnī ahamaśvinobhā
So when we make Mahalaya we can spread this more right? Not just hidden in the lyrics
@h0bg0blin-meat seeeeeeeee
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bookishmomsstuff · 2 years ago
Q in Indian women fashion
Indian women’s fashion influences are not only by seeing movie stars but going back in history to the period of the Maharanis(Queens) and the princesses. The invasion of the Indian subcontinent by people from far-off places has influenced women’s fashion trends that have become timeless. Though we could say the fashion world is still evolving, yesteryear trends continue to rule the world of…
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krsnaradhika · 11 months ago
can I ask about what the drama around "palace of illusions" is about and why it's bad?
Hey! Sure thing. Lemme list my problems with the book :-
1) The author presents Karna as some tragic hero compelled to be in the company of Duryodhana who clearly committed multiple murder attempts, went on to sexually harrass his sister-in-law and troubled another woman during the Ghosha yatra. Karna was NOT an outcaste. He was a Suta— meaning one with a Brahmin mother and a Kshatriya father. Adhiratha, Karna's adoptive father, was a wealthy man as he was Bhishma's charioteer. Keep in mind that charioteers used to play important roles in warriors' lives - as advisers, close friends and well-wishers. Krishna was the charioteer of Arjuna. Karna had all the opportunities the Pandavas didnt. He had parents who loved him, while the Pandavas were left halfly orphaned with the death of Pandu and Madri. Veda Vyasa describes Karna as "the trunk of the tree of adharma".
2) The Karna Draupadi ship is bullshit because Karna called the latter a whore during the disrobing sequence as well as presented the idea of "there should be no clothes on servants." Yes, Karna was the one who suggested her public sexual assault. She had blood stains on her garment and was dragged into the court of nefarious men by her hair. People who blame her for the assault inflicted on her are sick and need serious psychological help. You cannot defend attempted rape as one with working braincells.
3) So, shipping a victim with her abuser is not fun y'all. This is not some mentally unstable wattpad dark romance. It's itihāsa. The true history of Bhāratavarsha. Let's draw the line. She was an ekavastraa (meaning a woman in a single cloth, as she was menstruating) during the attempt at disrobing, and the man who called for it shouldn't be hailed. Karna also lied to Parashurama of his caste due to which he got cursed, had an unhealthy obsession with Arjuna and because he wanted to kill him for competition, Drona did not provide him with the knowledge of celestial weapons.
4) It is an ignominy against Lady Draupadi to ship her with anyone apart from her husbands because clearly, the Mahabharata says that she's Indra's wife Shachi while the Pandavas are the cursed five Indras of different kalpas. It is . . . not nice to ship one's wife with another man. It is creepy. Draupadi is one of the panchakanya, one of the five pious women whose names if chanted with sincerity wash off one's sins. She expresses her pride over her husbands multiple times in the text because all of them cherish her to no end. Yudhishthira does not hesitate on the fact that Draupadi is the five brothers' fortune, calls her ‘Kalyani’. Bhima kills Keechaka for her, threatening the revealing of their identities. Arjuna becomes Brihannala and spends most of the time near her during the incognito. In the book, however, the Pandavas do not give a damn about her. Yikes.
5) The book says that Draupadi faced prejudice because of her dark skin. I call bullshit again because Madreya Nakula, Partha Arjuna, Krishnatmika Devi Rukmini according to the Harivamsha, Devi Shri Jambavati (who is said to have a blue lotus like complexion), and lastly Shri Rama and Shri Krishna themselves are dark according to our scriptures. And, none of them faced discrimination because of it. Kanha is in fact called "Bhuvansundar" - the most beautiful one on the earth while Draupadi herself is hailed as one of the most beautiful women canonically.
6) Draupadi was never attracted to Karna. Neither did she pine for him, as the author portrays. Sheesh. Please please, we do whatever with human characters. But with divine ones, you have to be careful with the message you get across. This book is saying that ancient india was casteist and colorist, literally the times when the son of a fisherwoman, Veda Vyasa became a Brahmin and the said fisherwoman went on to become a queen mother of one of the most influential dynasties back then. Krishna was raised a cowherd, though a prince. He went on to become the most erudite diplomat and established Dvaraka, which was en engineering marvel as it was constructed on reclaimed land.
7) According to the author . . . Draupadi felt something more than just friendship for Krishna too. Heavens, I can't do this. Let's normalise a man and a woman being just friends now, shall we? Krishna is Mahavishnu, he's not supposed to invoke romantic feelings in Draupadi who is Shachi, Indra's wife. Indra and Upendra (Vishnu) are brothers, since Vāmanadeva was born of Mata Aditi's womb, who is Indra's mother and of all the Adityas' too.
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talonabraxas · 15 days ago
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Goddess Bhairavi Talon Abraxas
Devi Bhairavi - The Most Powerful Tantric Goddess
Who is Mahavidya Tripura Bhairavi?
Devi Bhairavi, the fifth of Mahavidyas, is the goddess of creation, maintenance, and destruction. The name Bhairavi means “frightful,” “terrible,” “horrible,” or “formidable.” Devi Bhairavi is a fierce goddess whose name brings fear in all three worlds.
Bhairavi is responsible for creating that is followed by destruction. She is also known as Tripura Bhairavi, which is associated with three lokas or three worlds.
She bears aspects of Agni (Fire), Vidyut (lightning), and Surya (Sun), encompassing gods like Indra, Surya, and Agni. She is the goddess of Kundalini, a divine form of energy situated as the base of the spine. This is also why worshiping Devi Bhairavi almost always consists of meditation which will help awaken Kundalini.
The goddess of destruction is the consort of Kala Bhairava, the aggressive form of Lord Shiva hence also known as Kala Bhairavi. Goddess Kali is known as the most primordial form of energy (Adi Shakti). She is worshiped in ten different forms known as Dasa Mahavidyas, the fifth of which is Bhairavi. That is also the reason she shares so many characteristics with Goddess Kali. She glorifies the supreme power of speech, which is empowered by the ferocity of the burning fire, Tejas.
She is a feared goddess by all doers of evil as well as good. Though fearsome, her only motive is to continue the cycle of destruction and creation in this world. She is a mother who has unconditional love for all her children and can go to any limits to protect her beloved. A famous deity in Tantra Vidhya, goddess bhairavi holds a special position in all forms of worship.
Unlike the Trinity-god Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, who control one form of life and world creation, maintenance, and destruction, goddess bhairavi has control over all three aspects of life. She is a fierce form of the goddess, but she has great consciousness, which is remarkable. She dispels negative forces that try to curb spiritual growth.
Devi Bhairavi Mantras to Chant for Transformation: Bhairavi Mool Mantra ॐ ह्रीं भैरवी कलौं ह्रीं स्वाहा॥ Om Hreem Bhairavi Kalaum Hreem Svaha॥
“ॐ” is a sacred sound, known as the primordial sound of the universe in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. “ह्रीं” (pronounced as “hreem”) is a seed (bija) mantra associated with Shakti.
“भैरवी” is a term used to refer to the Goddess Parvati in her fierce form. “कलौं” is a bija mantra often used in tantric practices, associated with time and change. “स्वाहा” (pronounced as “swaha”) is often used at the end of mantras during ritualistic worship.
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depressedhangrybitch · 3 months ago
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Ok so normally i always try to look at things from a very understanding perspective but this post.........goshhh
The height of ignorance is both hilarious and sad to read about like if u are going to diss our scriptures at least do it with research.
First of all, one thing that i want to highlight for people out there is that;
This is not to shit at abhrahamic philosphies but to highlight the fact that these philosphies have different approaches to different things....
For ex: Based on my limited understanding of these philosphies I would say they have a clear cut definition of what constitutes as good or bad, there are rarely shades of grey between them....
Indian scriptures do have millions of shades of grey between them so to your first line stating that:
"Asurs are always depicted as unscrupulous villains" is in itself wrong... because there have been millions of times when asurs came victorious against their battle against devas and some of them did have virtuous qualities like bali, mahishasur (in devi bhagvatam purana) etc.
I dont consider asurs as necessarily bad beings just as i dont consider devas to be necessrily good beings.
Asurs tend to be arrogant when bestowed with a new power and generally...and i do emphasize on generally, they use those powers to wreck havoc.
Similarly, Devas or in most cases, Indra also tend to become arrogant and are always drenched in superiority complexes which is why, there is always a need for the one of the tridevs *cough* narayan *cough* to humble him.
As for indulgng in deceit.....
Both Devas and Asurs tend to do that to get upper hand....
Its just unfortunate that Devas are much more subtle and clever with their deceitful actions than Asurs who are like bull in the china shop.
On top of that, there are many instances when I personally felt a need to wrinkle my nose while i was reading these stories... sometimes at the actions of the Devas....other times at the actions of Asurs.
Shukracharya's story is perhaps one of the great examples of how petty and arrogant devas can be. Just as the story of Shumbh and Nishumbh is a testament to the destructiveness and momentary stupidness of Asurs.
My point is that puranas are basically moral stories from which we need to learn from.... instead of taking sides and completely bypassing the points they are screaming.
And while reading, we need to keep in mind that every character in them needs to be looked at a very neutral scale..
They are neither good nor bad, just people with both qualities in them.
Asurs have some qualitites like their tenacity and resilience that deserves to be admired just as Devas cleverness and cunningness deserves to be admired....
So if u look at these scriptures with a very who is good and who is bad mindset well.... lets just say u completely missed the lessons they were preaching....
Now, lets see the incidents you were talking about.....
The Samudra Manthan's goods were not for Devas to give away let me be clear on that...
Laxmi was not given away....she is not some goods u can barter about with....
She went to narayan because she wanted to marry him.
U know consent is a thing. right?
As for other goods....
I am not trying to be defensive here but Asurs clearly were stupid to get distracted by Mohini avatar.... Devas just happen to be clever and not get distracted by frivolous things and focus on task at hand....
Most importanty, u need to REMEMBER that Narayan is THE PRESERVER OF THE UNIVERSE.
He oversees how the universe works and to prevent it from going into chaos and why would he give the elixir to Asurs when at that time they clearly had bad intentions?
He already has his hands full dealing with Asurs who get boons from Shiva and brahma. I am sure he DOESN'T need more on his platter.
My bro has just gotten married at least give him some time to enjoy his honeymoon......XXXXD
(that was a joke btw)
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Saw this meme on tumblr by @decemberpdf
back to the topic....
Rahu and Ketu were the only ones who were focused on their goal, an admirable quality but they did not have good intentions so...
Narayan chopped them off.....
He does what he needs to do. Its his job.
As for the lakshagrah incident...
Yeah it was shitty when Bhim left his wife and son.... even i dont agree with that point...perhaps one day i might see things from a different perspective but not today....
But it was not because he wanted to leave her but because there were bigger scales at stake. Keep in mind he did not stay with his other wives (excluding draupadi) as well. Now I know that is not a good excuse but they are royals. Royalty marriages were done mainly for political purposes.... hence the polygamy.
What do u think may have happened if Bhima decided to stay?
I can imagine very different scenarios and none of them are favorable.
Bhim was the leading physical force in all of his brothers. If he had stayed.... I am sure I dont need to tell you about how the Bakasura incident may have ended.
Finally get your knowledge right, Hidimbi was a Rakshasi not a Danvi, if i am not wrong.
These two are completely different races.
Ghatotkatch did what he did for his father perhaps out of love perhaps out of duty but he understood his circumstances and was not bitter towards his father.
He is definitely a better person than me...
Eklavya's tale is quite the AMBIGUOUS one...
Some say his thumb was cut due to the far sightedeness of Drona, some say that it was because Drona feared his talent....so i would leave it upto u.
Eklavya's tale can be explained that Drona saw his potential and as an Hastinapur's employee decided to nip the bud before it bloomed by asking Eklavya's thumb.
Keep in mind that Eklavya was a citizen of Magadh which was not an ally of Hastinapur. If Eklavya had flourished, he may have been employed by Jarasandh in future, thus may have become a headache for Hastinapur. Drona may have foresaw this, which is why he did what he did.
He was just an asshole and could not digest that someone was better than Arjuna. But come on, I can't blame him... Arjuna was a loyal and diligent student even more so, than his brothers.
Anyone who is a teacher will understand this that teaching a student who wants to learn is better than the students who want to learn because its expected of them.
yes Eklavya's tale is a tragic one....
Do i hate drona for it? Yes.
But do i understand why he did what he did? Also yes.
Finally ramayan.....ohhh the lack of knowledge the OP shows is hilarious....
Ram is a myriadda purushottam sure..... yes he abandoned and questioned his wife not once but twice..... first time Sita understands and proves herself not for Ram....but for her people. Dont forget she is a queen who has a duty towards her people just like Ram. Second time when Ram banishes her, does she simply take it? NO!!! She fights back and refuses to come back when Ram calls her back.
Even going further by asking her mother to take her back.
The first time it was her duty, second time it was her self respect.
Do i agree with what Ram did? No...
Do i understand why he did what he did? Yes.
In my opinion u can either be a good spouse or a good leader. Never both.
And to question your sources, many dont even consider uttar kanda from where these incidents are, as part of Valmiki Ramayan, which is the OG Ramayan so....
As for your claim...
"ooo but Ravan never touched her sexually or he was a gentleman"
Bitch stfu
Ravan did not touch her, not because he was a gentleman but because he had a curse...some say from an apsara... some say from his daughter in law, that if he touches another woman against their will he would literally die.
Yes he raped the apsara or if u read the daughter in law version, then the daughter in law.
Ram deceitfully killed Bali and he paid for it in his next life as Krishn when he was killed by an arrow in the feet.
Bali was an asshole and he died in an asshole way.
Krishn died the way he did to pay for his 'sins ' in the previous life.
Not even gods can escape their karma.
"All these puranic tales have become a matter of intense debate..."
As they should be....
A society can only evolve if it questions. Even if those questions become controversial or a taboo to speak about. Many practises we do in the name of god or traditons are unhealthy and if u will not question them..Who will? And how will we move past them?
And because people have stopped or were forced to stop reading their scriptures HAS made them easy to manipulate thus came in the things like caste system, boob tax in one indian kingdom (i am forgetting the nae, so dont ask) etc.
I dont advocate for caste system....nor will I ever.
But when time passes and SCRIPTURES become old there is always a POSSIBILITY that they have been tampered with and their right message is distorted and manipulated to suit the agendas of the powerful few.
I am still open to the possibility that there may be more scriptures yet undiscovered about Ramayana and Mahabharat and thus my opinions may also chnage.
Furthermore, there are many things I still can't digest when I read Ramayan and Mahabharat and its Ok....because experience changes perspective. Maybe someday... I will understand some of the decisions of the characters within these epics.
Lastly, the one thing people need to do is that they should read their own scriptures in the original language so they can build their own interpretations and have healthy discussions on them NOT ARGUMENTS.
I know reading the OG scripts are not ideal but if u can try and if u cannot then read from variety of sources.
Do not read translations and if you do pls keep an open mind because translation is a powerful tool and many Indian words are not fully comprehended in other languages especially english.
I have seen many people translating Asurs as Demons when they are not and thus, here comes the abhrahamic influence.
This especialy pisses me off because unlike demons who are almost always evil (again limited knowledge) Asurs are not necessarily evil. They are people with their own qualities and conflicting ideals that contrast the Devas.
I think the battle of Asurs and Devas should be approached rationally. Someone once told me that these two species represent 2 different sides of humans. Sometimes, there is a need for Asurs mentality, sometimes Devas. And they co-exist within us, sometimes battling for supremacy other times working together for a greater goal.
Conclusively, approach a new philosphy with a open mind and if u can with no biases.
PS: Some of my opinions may ruffle some feathers but please try to think openly before u cuss me out.
Finally even after u think i have said something stupid, feel free to correct me.
And if u come at me with baseless accusations and stupid comments because I hurt your feelings or offended you...
then i apologize.....in advance...
Thank u
Also sorry about my language.....
My only excuse is I was ranting.....
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aahanna · 9 months ago
Happy International Yoga Day!
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Today we celebrate the ancient practice of yoga, which has been a cornerstone of Indian culture for over 5,000 years. We honor the "Father of Modern Yoga," Tirumalai Krishnamacharya (1888-1989), who played a crucial role in popularizing yoga worldwide. We also honor the original "Father of Yoga," Patanjali, who authored the celebrated yoga sutras.
_History of Yoga:_
Yoga has its roots in the Indus Valley Civilization, with evidence of yoga practices dating back to 3000 BCE. The word "yoga" comes from the Sanskrit word "yuj" meaning "to unite." Over time, yoga evolved through various traditions, including Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, and Bhakti Yoga.
Patanjali was a Hindu author, mystic, and philosopher who authored the Yoga Sutras, a categorization of yogic thought arranged in four volumes. He is regarded as an avatar of Adi Sesha and is believed to have lived between the 2nd century BCE and the 5th century CE ¹.
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Tirumalai Krishnamacharya:
Born in 1888, Krishnamacharya was a Indian yoga master, ayurvedic healer, and scholar. He studied yoga under his father and later under the revered yoga guru, Rama Mohan Brahmachari. Krishnamacharya went on to teach yoga to prominent students, including B.K.S. Iyengar, K. Pattabhi Jois, and Indra Devi, who spread yoga globally.
Yoga offers numerous benefits, including:
- Improved flexibility and strength
- Reduced stress and anxiety
- Enhanced mental clarity and focus
- Improved overall well-being
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Popular Yoga Asanas:
1. Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
2. Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana)
3. Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)
4. Seated Forward Fold (Paschimottanasana)
5. Tree Pose (Vrksasana)
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santoschristos · 1 month ago
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“Every act of creation is first an act of destruction.” — Pablo Picasso
Devi Bhairavi - The Most Powerful Tantric Goddess
Who is Mahavidya Tripura Bhairavi?
Devi Bhairavi, the fifth of Mahavidyas, is the goddess of creation, maintenance, and destruction. The name Bhairavi means “frightful,” “terrible,” “horrible,” or “formidable.” Devi Bhairavi is a fierce goddess whose name brings fear in all three worlds.
Bhairavi is responsible for creating that is followed by destruction. She is also known as Tripura Bhairavi, which is associated with three lokas or three worlds.
She bears aspects of Agni (Fire), Vidyut (lightning), and Surya (Sun), encompassing gods like Indra, Surya, and Agni. She is the goddess of Kundalini, a divine form of energy situated as the base of the spine. This is also why worshiping Devi Bhairavi almost always consists of meditation which will help awaken Kundalini.
The goddess of destruction is the consort of Kala Bhairava, the aggressive form of Lord Shiva hence also known as Kala Bhairavi. Goddess Kali is known as the most primordial form of energy (Adi Shakti). She is worshiped in ten different forms known as Dasa Mahavidyas, the fifth of which is Bhairavi. That is also the reason she shares so many characteristics with Goddess Kali. She glorifies the supreme power of speech, which is empowered by the ferocity of the burning fire, Tejas.
She is a feared goddess by all doers of evil as well as good. Though fearsome, her only motive is to continue the cycle of destruction and creation in this world. She is a mother who has unconditional love for all her children and can go to any limits to protect her beloved. A famous deity in Tantra Vidhya, goddess bhairavi holds a special position in all forms of worship.
Unlike the Trinity-god Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, who control one form of life and world creation, maintenance, and destruction, goddess bhairavi has control over all three aspects of life. She is a fierce form of the goddess, but she has great consciousness, which is remarkable. She dispels negative forces that try to curb spiritual growth.
Image: Goddess Bhairavi Art by Mahaboka
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jinxstrology · 2 years ago
💫Mythical Astrology💫
A collection of gods and goddesses associated with each sign~ Before you say something, yes! I AM aware that some of these deities are the same entity with different names. I wanted to include all names so readers could recognize the ones they knew :) Talk to me niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice
Amun (Egyptian), Anat (Mesopotamian/Ugaritic/Egyptian), Ares (Greek), Badb (Irish), Belenus (Celtic), Cybele (Anatolian), Durga (Hindu), Hecate (Greek), Hestia (Greek), Indra (Hindu), Ishtar (Mesopotamian), Khnum (Egyptian), Macha (Irish), Marduk (Babylonian), Mars (Roman), Minerva (Roman), The Morrigan (Irish Celtic), Nergal (Mesopotamian), Ra (Egyptian), Sekhmet (Egyptian), Tiamat (Babylonian)
Aphrodite (Greek), Asherah (Semitic), Astarte (Middle Eastern), Ba'al (Canaanite), Bacchus (Greco-Roman), Bast (Egyptian), Cernunnos (Celtic), Dionysus (Greek), Flora (Roman), Frigg (Norse), Gaia (Greek), Hathor (Egyptian), Horus (Egyptian), Indra (Hindu), Ishtar (Mesopotamian), Isis (Egyptian), Jupiter (Roman), Krishna (Hindu), Lakshmi (Hindu), Maia (Greek), Marduk (Babylonian), Mithra (Iranian), Osiris (Egyptian), Poseidon (Greek), Ptah (Egyptian), Venus (Roman), Zeus (Greek)
Apollo (Greek), Artemis (Greek), Dumuzid (Sumerian), Enki (Sumerian), Hermes (Greek), Inanna (Mesopotamian), Janus (Roman), Krishna (Hindu), Mercury (Roman), Odin (Norse), Seshat (Egyptian), Thoth (Egyptian)
Artemis (Greek), Ceres (Roman), Demeter (Greek), Diana (Roman), Isis (Egyptian), Juno (Roman), Kuan Yin (Chinese/Buddhist), Luna (Roman), Mercury (Roman)
Amun (Egyptian), Anat (Mesopotamian/Ugaritic/Egyptian), Bast (Egyptian), Cybele (Anatolian), Devi (Hindu), Diana (Roman), Durga (Hindu), Freyja (Norse), Hathor (Egyptian), Helios (Greek), Hera (Greek), Inanna (Mesopotamian), Ishtar (Mesopotamian), Juno (Roman), Mithra (Iranian), Nanna (Mesopotamian), Nergal (Mesopotamian), Ra (Egyptian), Sekhmet (Egyptian), Vishnu (Hindu)
Anat (Mesopotamian/Ugaritic/Egyptian), Artemis (Greek), Demeter (Greek), Diana (Roman), Hestia (Greek), Inanna (Mesopotamian), Iris (Greek), Ishtar (Mesopotamian), Isis (Egyptian), Kore (Greek), Nanna (Mesopotamian), Odin (Norse), Persephone (Greek), Vesta (Roman)
Aphrodite (Greek), Athena (Greek), Cernunnos (Celtic), Frigg (Norse), Hephaestus (Greek), Isis (Egyptian), Justitia (Roman), Ma'at (Egyptian), Minerva (Roman), Mithra (Iranian), Nemesis (Greek), Njord (Norse), Shiva (Hindu), Thoth (Egyptian), Venus (Roman), Vishnu (Hindu)
Anubis (Egyptian), Ereshkigal (Mesopotamian), Hecate (Greek), Hel (Norse), Isis (Egyptian), Mars (Roman), Njord (Norse), Osiris (Egyptian), Persephone (Greek), Pluto (Roman), Set (Egyptian)
Anat (Mesopotamian/Ugaritic/Egyptian), Artemis (Greek), Athena (Greek), Diana (Roman), Epona (Gallo-Roman), Hades (Greek), Isis (Egyptian), Jupiter (Roman), Mars (Roman), Nergal (Mesopotamian), Rhiannon (Welsh), Thor (Norse)
Agni (Hindu), Aphrodite (Greek), Ba'al (Canaanite), Dionysus (Greek), Ea (Babylonian), Enki (Sumerian), Faunus (Roman), Freyja (Norse), Freyr (Norse), Gaia (Greek), Hecate (Greek), Juno (Roman), Loki (Norse), Pan (Greek), Perun (Slavic), Saturn (Roman), Thor (Norse)
Astarte (Middle Eastern), Ea (Babylonian), Ishtar (Mesopotamian), Isis (Egyptian), Juno (Roman), Nut (Egyptian)
Aegir (Norse), Aphrodite (Greek), Cupid (Roman), Diana (Roman), Ea (Babylonian), Enki (Sumerian), Eros (Greek), Neptune (Roman), Poseidon (Greek), Sedna (Inuit), Venus (Roman), Vishnu (Hindu)
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vishnavishivaa · 6 months ago
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siṃhāsanagataḥ śakraḥsaṃprāpya tridivaṃ punaḥ /
devarājye stito devīṃ tuṣṭāvābjakarāṃ tataḥ // 116 //
indra uvāca
namasye sarvalokānāṃ jananīmabjasambhavām /
śriyamunnidrapadmākṣīṃ viṣṇuvakṣasthalasthitām // 117 //
padmālayāṃ padmakarāṃ padmapatranibhekṣaṇām /
vande padmasukhīṃ devīṃ padmanābhapriyāmaham // 118 //
tvaṃ siddhistvaṃ svadhā svāhā sudhā tvaṃ lokapāvanī /
sandhyā rātriḥ prabhā bhūtirmedhā śraddhā sarasvatī // 119 //
yajñavidyā mahāvidya guhyavidya ca śobhane /
ātmavidyā ca devi tvaṃ visuktiphaladāyinī // 120 //
ānvīkṣikītrayīvārta daṇḍanītistvameva ca /
saimy��saumyair jagadrūpais tvayaittaddevi pūritam // 121 //
kā tvanyā tvāmṛte devi sarvayajñamayaṃ vapuḥ /
adhyāste devadevasya yogicintyaṃ gadābhṛtaḥ // 122 //- Chapter IX, Book 1, Vishnu Purana
Seated upon his throne, and once more in heaven, exercising sovereignty over the gods, Śakra thus eulogized the goddess who bears a lotus in her hand:—
“I bow down to Śrī, the mother of all beings, seated on her lotus throne, with eyes like full-blown lotuses, reclining on the breast of Viṣṇu. Thou art Siddhi (superhuman power): thou art Swadhā and Svāhā: thou art ambrosia (Sudhā), the purifier of the universe: thou art evening, night, and dawn: thou art power, faith, intellect: thou art the goddess of letters (Sarasvatī). Thou, beautiful goddess, art knowledge of devotion, great knowledge, mystic knowledge, and spiritual knowledge[9]; which confers eternal liberation. Thou art the science of reasoning, the three Vedas, the arts and sciences[10]: thou art moral and political science. The world is peopled by thee with pleasing or displeasing forms. Who else than thou, oh goddess, is seated on that person of the god of gods, the wielder of the mace, which is made up of sacrifice, and contemplated by holy ascetics? 
A Mahadevi form a day (2/9)
May Jagadamba in every form protect you and your family!
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h0bg0blin-meat · 5 months ago
Im pretty sure its after jayanti and shukra get married (cuz he literally resurrects bali)
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Jayanti: *entering svarga* huh- *stares and bali and shukra holding the crown and smiling at her awkwardly*
Shukra: …….meri jaan?
Jayanti: I- I want a divorce
Shukra: *drops the crown on bali* NO WAIT-
BUT LIKE HELLO THIS IS SO- (we should make a list of imdra vs shukra and all the details of their bs against each other because 😭😭😭😭)
Also shukra hugging her feet like “NO NO NO NO YOU CANT LEAVE ME” while bali is trying to do damage control like “jayanti devi if you wish for our guru to not crown ir support us I suppose I shall be willing to make that sacrifice” while the asuras are like “ABEY OH RAJA BALI TOO MUCH HELLO??” And jayanti is like “did you kill my family bali???” And hes like “NO?? They weren’t here when we entered”
Que jayanti kicking shukra and screaming “DAD WHAT THE FUCK?????????”
Also Jayanti XD
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kaal-naagin · 10 months ago
Why wouldn't he?His father is after all Nataraj Himself
BRO BRO BRO BRO @h0bg0blin-meat @kaal-naagin @krishna-priyatama @randomx123 @haunteddreamersoul I found this videos of peacock inspired dances on YouTube
And just imagine Kartikeya giving this whole ahh performance for Devsena IN THE Indra Sabha (like some kinda apsara)
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hogwash-deli · 2 months ago
When Vishnu Became Varaha (boar incarnation of Vishnu) to Save the Earth Bhumi
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The Varaha Avatar is one of the most intriguing and revered forms of Lord Vishnu. An incarnation that showcases the deity’s boundless compassion and omnipotence. The story of Varaha Avatar tells of Vishnu’s divine intervention to rescue the Earth (Bhumi) from the clutches of the demon Hiranyaksha, and it is a tale of cosmic struggle, divine strength, and ultimate restoration of order in the universe.
The Cosmic Balance: The Earth in Peril
In Hindu literature, the Earth (known as Bhumi Devi) is often personified as a goddess, revered as the mother of all beings. She is a vital part of the universe’s ecosystem, symbolizing fertility, stability, and the nurturing aspect of nature. However, during a period when the forces of chaos were on the rise, the Bhumi devi found herself in grave peril. The demon Hiranyaksha, whose power was immense and ever-growing, decided to take control of Bhumi. Desiring to dominate the entire cosmos, he dragged the Bhu devi to the depths of the primordial ocean, submerging it and plunging the world into darkness and despair.
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This catastrophic event disrupted the natural order, leaving the heavens in turmoil. The gods, unable to restore the Bhu devi to its rightful place, turned to Lord Vishnu, the protector and preserver of the universe. In his infinite wisdom and boundless compassion, Sri Vishnu understood that only a divine intervention could save Bhumi from the demon’s tyranny.
The Story of Varaha
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The story of Varaha, the boar incarnation of Vishnu, is a crucial episode in Hindu literature, particularly described in the Puranas. Varaha, the third avatar of Vishnu, is depicted as a wild boar that rescues Bhumi devi, personified as Bhumi, from the demon Hiranyaksha, who had submerged it in the cosmic ocean.
Hiranyaksha was the son of the sage Kashyapa and the asura Diti. Having performed severe austerities to Brahma, he obtained a boon that made him invulnerable to death at the hands of gods, men, or beasts. With this boon, Hiranyaksha became a powerful force, and in his arrogance, he pulled Bhudevi deep into the cosmic waters, taking her to the underworld (Patala), thereby disrupting the natural balance.
The gods, including Indra and Brahma, called upon Sri Vishnu to save Bhumi and defeat the demon. To save Bhumi devi, Lord Vishnu manifested as Varaha, a boar with immense strength and power. In this form, Sri Vishnu descended into the cosmic ocean, where a fierce battle ensued between him and Hiranyaksha. Hiranyaksha, full of arrogance, tried to stop Lord Vishnu, but Varaha overpowered him. Ultimately, Vishnu slayed Hiranyaksha with his tusks, rescuing the Earth and placing it back in its rightful position in the cosmos.
The boar form of Sri Vishnu is not a later creation but has its roots in the Vedic texts, such as the Rigveda and Taittiriya Samhita. In early Vedic thought, a boar is connected to the creation myth. The boar form is associated with Prajapati, a creator deity, who is said to have assumed the shape of a boar to lift the Earth from the cosmic waters. Over time, the boar became an avatar of Lord Vishnu, symbolizing his cosmic role in both creation and preservation.
The Varaha Avatar not only represents the physical rescue of Earth but also has deeper symbolic meanings. In the Brahmanda Purana, Varaha is described as possessing cosmic significance. His tusks are linked to the Vedas and sacrificial rites, while his other features represent various aspects of the yajna (sacrifice) process. The narrative connects Varaha with themes of cosmic order, sacrifice, and the restoration of balance in the universe.
In the battle between Varaha and Hiranyaksha, Varaha proves his superiority not just through physical might but also through the divine power of Sri Vishnu. The war is depicted in many texts, including the Lord Vishnu Purana, Padma Purana, and Agni Purana. Hiranyaksha, in his attempts to challenge Varaha, even mocks the boar form, but eventually, Varaha triumphs. After the battle, Sri Vishnu, in his boar form, lifts the Earth and restores it to its rightful place, once again stabilizing the universe.
The Varaha Avatar is a tale of divine intervention, where Sri Vishnu takes the form of a boar to restore balance in the world. His battle with Hiranyaksha represents the eternal struggle between good and evil, with Lord Vishnu emerging victorious in his boar incarnation. Varaha not only rescues the Earth but also embodies the symbolic restoration of cosmic order, demonstrating the protective and sustaining nature of Sri Vishnu in the face of demonic forces.
Bhumi's Gratitude and the Significance of the Varaha Avatar
Once the Bhuni devi was returned to its rightful place, Bhumi Devi, the personification of the Earth, expressed her immense gratitude to Vishnu for saving her from the demon’s clutches. In her appreciation, Bhumi offered Vishnu praises, acknowledging his selfless act of protection. The tale of Vishnu’s Varaha Avatar is not just about defeating a demon; it also emphasizes the importance of devotion, faith, and divine grace in restoring balance to the world. The Varaha Avatar also holds great significance in the broader context of Vishnu’s Dashavatara. Each incarnation of Vishnu is an expression of his divine role as the protector of the universe, and each avatar serves a unique purpose. The Varaha Avatar, with its emphasis on the physical restoration of the Earth, highlights Vishnu’s role in both preserving the natural world and ensuring that cosmic balance is never lost, even in times of extreme adversity. 
The Iconography of Vishnu’s third avatar, Varaha
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The iconography of Vishnu’s third avatar, Varaha, is both rich and vibrant, reflecting the diverse traditions and stories surrounding him. Varaha is often depicted in two primary forms: as a wild boar (zoomorphic) or as a blend of human and boar (anthropomorphic). In the zoomorphic form, Varaha is shown as a mighty boar who courageously rescues the Earth from the cosmic ocean, where it had been submerged by the demon Hiranyaksha. This portrayal highlights his role as a fierce protector, carrying the Earth on his tusks to restore balance. In contrast, the anthropomorphic form depicts Varaha with a human body and the head of a boar. This unique depiction blends human strength and animal instinct, much like Vishnu’s other avatar, Narasimha, who combines the form of a lion and man. Unlike earlier avatars like Matsya (the fish) and Kurma (the turtle), which have only partial animal features, Varaha is one of the first to maintain a fully human torso with a boar’s head, making him especially distinctive.
Varaha is often shown in a powerful, combative stance called alidha, with one leg straight and the other bent. His presence is deeply rooted in cosmic symbolism, as he is frequently depicted standing on the serpent Shesha, which represents the stability of the universe. With one foot placed on Shesha’s hood and his other foot on a turtle, he embodies the balance of all elements in creation. In his four hands, Varaha holds objects filled with meaning: a mace (gada) to symbolize strength, a conch (shankha) representing the eternal sound of the cosmos, a discus (chakra) to vanquish evil, and a lotus (padma), which reflects purity and beauty. Often, Varaha is shown with the Earth goddess, Bhudevi, either resting on his tusks or in his lap, symbolizing his role in protecting and uplifting the Earth, a gesture that connects him deeply to the restoration of cosmic harmony.
In addition to these physical attributes, Varaha’s hand gestures (mudras) further express his divine qualities. The abhayamudra, or gesture of reassurance, is a common feature, representing his promise of safety and protection to his devotees. The varadamudra, a gesture of blessing, signifies his capacity to grant boons and favors to those who seek his grace. Some texts even describe Varaha’s form as golden or resplendent, highlighting his radiant divinity. He is often depicted wearing yellow garments, with the Kaustubha jewel and the Srivatsa symbol adorning his chest, symbols of divine wealth and auspiciousness. Additional weapons like a sword or javelin may also be seen in his hands, emphasizing his warrior-like qualities as he combats evil forces.
At its heart, Varaha’s iconography speaks to his role as a protector, a restorer of balance, and a beacon of cosmic wisdom. His imagery reminds us of the triumph of divine power over adversity, and his presence is closely tied to the preservation of the Earth and all life within it. Varaha is not just a symbol of divine intervention but a reminder of the eternal wisdom, wealth, and protection that sustains our world. Worship of Varaha is often associated with prosperity, spiritual growth, and the restoration of cosmic harmony, making him a beloved deity who brings light and stability to the universe.
The Varaha Avatar of Lord Vishnu stands as a powerful symbol of divine intervention, cosmic balance, and the triumph of good over evil. Through his incarnation as a boar, Vishnu not only rescues the Earth from the demon Hiranyaksha but also reaffirms the eternal principle that the divine will always restore order when chaos threatens the harmony of the universe. The Varaha Avatar teaches us that no force of evil can ever triumph over the protective and sustaining power of the divine.
As we reflect on the Varaha Avatar and its deeper spiritual significance, it also becomes a source of artistic inspiration. The vivid imagery and symbolism of Varaha have long been celebrated in various forms of art, capturing the essence of this powerful incarnation. Whether through statues, paintings, or other artistic representations, these depictions serve as a reminder of Vishnu’s protective nature and the eternal struggle for cosmic balance. For those interested in exploring this divine form through art, there are many beautiful representations of Varaha that can connect us further to the sacred story.
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Read also:
Varaha: The Story Behind the Boar Avatar of Vishnu
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mysticalblizzardcolor · 5 months ago
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Vedic Temples 'वैदिक मंदिर' ॐ
The Hindu Diety Indra with his Consort Indrani (Sachi Devi) on mount Iravatha their elephant on the outer walls of the of Chennakesav temple, Somnathpur near Mysore of Karnataka
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talonabraxas · 1 month ago
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Goddess Bhairavi Talon Abraxas
Devi Bhairavi - The Most Powerful Tantric Goddess
Who is Mahavidya Tripura Bhairavi?
Devi Bhairavi, the fifth of Mahavidyas, is the goddess of creation, maintenance, and destruction. The name Bhairavi means “frightful,” “terrible,” “horrible,” or “formidable.” Devi Bhairavi is a fierce goddess whose name brings fear in all three worlds.
Bhairavi is responsible for creating that is followed by destruction. She is also known as Tripura Bhairavi, which is associated with three lokas or three worlds.
She bears aspects of Agni (Fire), Vidyut (lightning), and Surya (Sun), encompassing gods like Indra, Surya, and Agni. She is the goddess of Kundalini, a divine form of energy situated as the base of the spine. This is also why worshiping Devi Bhairavi almost always consists of meditation which will help awaken Kundalini.
The goddess of destruction is the consort of Kala Bhairava, the aggressive form of Lord Shiva hence also known as Kala Bhairavi. Goddess Kali is known as the most primordial form of energy (Adi Shakti). She is worshiped in ten different forms known as Dasa Mahavidyas, the fifth of which is Bhairavi. That is also the reason she shares so many characteristics with Goddess Kali. She glorifies the supreme power of speech, which is empowered by the ferocity of the burning fire, Tejas.
She is a feared goddess by all doers of evil as well as good. Though fearsome, her only motive is to continue the cycle of destruction and creation in this world. She is a mother who has unconditional love for all her children and can go to any limits to protect her beloved. A famous deity in Tantra Vidhya, goddess bhairavi holds a special position in all forms of worship.
Unlike the Trinity-god Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, who control one form of life and world creation, maintenance, and destruction, goddess bhairavi has control over all three aspects of life. She is a fierce form of the goddess, but she has great consciousness, which is remarkable. She dispels negative forces that try to curb spiritual growth.
Devi Bhairavi Mantras to Chant for Transformation: Bhairavi Mool Mantra ॐ ह्रीं भैरवी कलौं ह्रीं स्वाहा॥ Om Hreem Bhairavi Kalaum Hreem Svaha॥
“ॐ” is a sacred sound, known as the primordial sound of the universe in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. “ह्रीं” (pronounced as “hreem”) is a seed (bija) mantra associated with Shakti.
“भैरवी” is a term used to refer to the Goddess Parvati in her fierce form. “कलौं” is a bija mantra often used in tantric practices, associated with time and change. “स्वाहा” (pronounced as “swaha”) is often used at the end of mantras during ritualistic worship.
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