#indonesia sprint 2023
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whoregaylorenzo · 1 year ago
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[caption redacted]
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waru-chan8 · 1 year ago
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A happy, wet and exhausted rat but it's my rat
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blackswaneuroparedux · 2 years ago
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A lot of time, people who don’t climb mountains assume is about this great heroic sprint for the summit, and somehow this great ego-driven ambition. But actually it’s the reverse. It’s about supplication and sacrifice and humility, when you go to these mountains. It’s not so much a celebration of oneself but the eradication of one’s self-consciousness. And so on these walks you lose yourself, you become a vessel of energy in harmony hopefully with your environment. One thrives on enthusiasm, curiosity, humility.
Julian Sands
I was saddened to read that the dead remains of Julian Sands were finally found in the San Gabriel Mountains near Los Angeles. I hadn’t realised how deeply immersed he really was in just wearing all weather anorak, a thermos flask of tea, and a laminated Ordinance Map before he set off on an arduous hike or a climb.
As great as a character actor Julian Sands was, he was also an accomplished mountaineer. He once described himself as happiest when “close to a mountain summit on a glorious cold morning”, climbed all around the world, including the Andes and Indonesia’s Puncak Jaya, the highest mountain on an island and the only place in the country where you can find snow. I know it’s an arduous climb having done it myself. It requires a weeks-long hike through remote jungle and some chasms which can only be crossed by Tyrolean traverse ziplines.
Julian Sands was on his way to completing the dream of most mountaineering aficionados: competing the Seven Summits. It’s a considerable undertaking in every way not just the obvious physical costs but also the average cost of completing all seven which can rack up to £150,000.
Sands had done five - Aconcagua, Puncak Jaya (Oceania), Mont Blanc (Europe), Vinson (Antarctica) and Kilimanjaro (Africa) - and had only had Denali (North America) and Everest (Asia) left.
Sands also took on the Weisshorn in the Swiss Alps. Now this is revealing as any experienced or passionate mountaineer would tell you. The nearby Matterhorn may be more famous, but many mountaineers consider the Weisshorn both more beautiful, with its symmetrical triangular pyramid shape and pure white slopes, and more challenging too, combining a long and serious route with delicate rock pitches and steep snow climbing. I know I do. It’s an incredible climb to experience which I did with some army veteran friends of mine.
Sands death is a tragedy as his passion for mountaineering was inspiring. I was nodding my head when I read that Sands once began a telephone interview by saying, “Right now I’m looking across the North Face of the Eiger towards the Jungfrau. Spectacular!” But then he rang the journalist back several hours later from a bivouac to impress upon him that, though he was climbing the Eiger, he was going up the easier Mittellegi Ridge rather than the feared North Face. “Mountain and climbing folk, and a small percentage of your readers, will know the difference.” Yes, I thought, Sands gets it. I bowled over by his humility and his honesty generously bound up with his joie de vivre. These are the values of real mountaineers in seeking to climb the mountains of the mind.
RIP Julian Sands (1958-2023).
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csajokamotoron · 10 months ago
2024-es MotoGP szezon: 42 verseny 9 hónapon keresztül
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A MotoGP 2024-es szezonja új mérföldkőhöz érkezik. A 9 hónap alatt 42 futamot rendeznek a 21 nagydíjon. Ez a MotoGP történetének leghosszabb szezonja lesz. Az idei magas versenyszám magában foglalja a Sprint futamokat is, amelyek 2023-ban debütáltak. Idén 44 futam lett volna, ha korábban nem törlik el az Argentin Nagydíjat. Ebben a szezonban lép be a Kazahsztáni Nagydíj is, amelyet az új Sokol International Circuit pályán rendeznek meg. A GP-re június 14-16. között kerül sor. A MotoGP 2024-es szezonja a hagyományoknak megfelelően idén is a Katari GP-vel kezdődik a Lusail International Circuit-en, amelynek futamain már ezen a hétvégén, március 8-10. között szurkolhatunk. A júliusi Német GP után a szokásos háromhetes nyári szünet következik, majd augusztusban újraindul a bajnokság az Egyesült Királyságban. A MotoGP malajziai fordulójára november 1-3. között kerül sor, majd a szezon a valenciai GP-vel zárul a Circuit Ricardo Tormón. Érdekes lesz látni, hogyan alakul a szezon, tekintve, hogy a versenyzők és a csapatok már tavaly is panaszkodtak a túl sok versenyre. Sok versenyző is hiányzott a fő futamokról a sprint versenyeken összeszedett sérülések miatt. https://csajokamotoron.hu/francesco-bagnaia-megerositette-motogp-vilagbajnoki-cimet/ Ami a világbajnoki küzdelmet illeti, háromesélyes összecsapásnak lehetünk szemtanúi a kétszeres címvédő Francesco (Pecco) Bagnaia, Jorge Martin és a korábbi hatszoros MotoGP-bajnok Marc Marquez között. Mindhárman Ducati gépekkel versenyeznek, amelyek a legjobb motorok ebben a bajnokságban. Martin a 2023-as szezonban végig Bagnaia legközelebbi vetélytársa volt, és a bajnoki cím csak az utolsó fordulóban dőlt el. Eközben Marc Marquez a 2020-as sérülése óta a legjobb fizikai állapotban van, amellett, hogy elhagyja a Hondát, amely nehézségekkel küzd. Rajtuk kívül Bagnaia csapattársa, Enea Bastianini is szerepet játszhat a bajnoki cím eldöntésében, ha nem küzd ő is a trónért. MotoGP Versenynaptár 2024 Március - 8-10. Qatar Airways Grand Prix - QatarLusail International Circuit - 22-24. Grande Prémio Tissot de Portugal - Autódromo Internacional do Algarve Április - 12-14. Red Bull Grand Prix of The Americas - Circuit Of The Americas - 26-28. Gran Premio de España - Circuito de Jerez - Ángel Nieto - 29. Jerez MotoGP™ Official Test - Circuito de Jerez - Ángel Nieto Május - 10-12. Grand Prix de France - Le Mans - 24-26. Gran Premi Monster Energy de Catalunya - Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya - május 31-juinus 2. Gran Premio d'Italia - Autodromo Internazionale del Mugello Június - 3. Mugello MotoGP™ Official Test - Autodromo Internazionale del Mugello - 14-16. Grand Prix of Kazakhstan - Sokol International Racetrack - 28-30. Motul TT Assen - TT Circuit Assen Július - 5-7. Liqui Moly Motorrad Grand Prix Deutschland - Sachsenring Augusztus - 2-4. Monster Energy British Grand Prix - Silverstone Circuit - 16-18.Motorrad Grand Prix von Österreich - Red Bull Ring - Spielberg - Augusztus 30-Szeptember 1. Gran Premio de Aragón - MotorLand Aragón Szeptember - 6-8.Gran Premio Red Bull di San Marino e della Riviera di Rimini - Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli - 9. Misano MotoGP™ Official Test - Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli - 20-22. Grand Prix of India - Buddh International Circuit - 27-29- Pertamina Grand Prix of Indonesia - Pertamina Mandalika Circuit Október - 4-6. Motul Grand Prix of Japan - Mobility Resort Motegi - 18-20. Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix - Phillip Island - 25-27. OR Thailand Grand Prix - Chang International Circuit November - 1-3. PETRONAS Grand Prix of Malaysia - Petronas Sepang International Circuit - 15-17. Gran Premio Motul de la Comunitat Valenciana - Circuit Ricardo Tormo Címlapfotó: motogp.com Read the full article
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waru-chan8 · 1 year ago
Exactly! This circuit is harder on Luca because it affects more to the side of the body where he broke the collarbone. He had to go through Q1 and he got pole. And he has finished in P2.
So yes let's talk about Luca.
He also got Jorge Lorenzo's seal of approval
"Let's not forget Bezzecchi" no let's talk about Luca for FUCKING ONCE
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worldofver · 1 year ago
[MotoGP] Ngomongin Valencia GP
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chaos, crash, perebutan gelar.
Balapan penutup musim 2023 di Valencia GP mungkin adalah salah satu balapan yang sukses bikin sport jantung baik buat tim, fans dari kedua riders yang lagi rebutan juara dunia, atau penonton in general.
Hari jumat (24/11), FP1 diisi sama riders yang crash selama sesi latihan berlangsung. Saking banyaknya, timeline twitter-ku isinya 'rider ok' dan 'rider dibawa ke medical center untuk pengecekan' bikin mikir bahwa sesi latihan aja se-chaos ini, gimana waktu race nanti?
Di sesi latihan sendiri Jorge berada di P2 serta otomatis masuk Q2 setelah nge-towing Pecco (dengan niat ganggu konsentrasi). Dan bener aja, karena terhalang yellow flag akibat Pol yang crash bikin Pecco gak bisa lanjutin hot lap-nya dan berada di P15—membuat dia harus menjalani Q1.
Gak banyak yang diingat saat FP2. Singkat cerita, Q1 sendiri selesai dengan Pecco dan Alex yang lolos ke Q2. Dan saat Quali kedua ini, Maverick Viñales meraih pole position diikuti Pecco di P2 dan Johann Zarco di P3. Kalau Jorge? dia ada di P6.
Sprint race tiba. Pecco bisa menjaga gelar champion-nya kalau dia bisa finish sprint diposisi 1 sampai 6 atau kalau Jorge Martin finish di 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, atau 10.
Sprint ini benar-benar menegangkan karena secara langsung adalah penentuan gelar. Viñales si duta 'pinjam dulu seratus' kita melaju di P1 diikuti Brad Binder dan JORGE! Di mana Pecco? di P5 setelah di-overtake oleh Marc yang all out sejak latihan bebas pertama.
Fabio Quartararo, yang entah kesambet apa, comeback dari P15 ke P6 dan sempet salip-menyalip sama Bez. Beberapa kali nyoba buat overtake Pecco, Fabio lumayan bertahan lama sebelum akhirnya crash juga (dan hampir kena Pecco kalau aja Fabio mundur beberapa meter dikit kala itu).
Kalau kata orang-orang, lemes dikit gak ngaruh.
Akhirnya Sprint dimenangkan oleh Jorge Martin di P1; membuat perebutan gelar juara dunia LAGI-LAGI di pending, lalu diikuti Brad di P2, dan MARC MARQUEZ DI P3! Nangis? Jelas, mengingat minggu ini adalah minggu terakhir dia bareng Honda setelah kurang lebih 11 tahun bersama. Kalau dikutip dari omongan Marc waktu di Motegi beberapa bulan lalu, podium Sprint ini bisa dibilang 'romantic podium' part 2.
Dengan jarak yang hanya terpaut 14 poin tentu membuat perebutan gelar juara dunia ini makin ketat. In my opinion, baik Pecco atau Martin punya kelebihan masing-masing. Pecco dengan kesabarannya selama balapan, sementara Martin yang unggul dari segi kecepatan (dibuktikan dari tiap Sprint dia sering menang dan sering dapet fastest lap). Jika dilihat, memang mereka sama-sama layak mendapat gelar. Tapi apa pun dapat terjadi, kan?
Buktinya ada di hari Minggu (26/11) di mana main race berlangsung. Viñales yang kena hukuman turun 3 grid karena gak ngehirauin black flag with orange disk membuat Pecco secara gak langsung mengambil alih posisinya di grid pertama—seolah-olah dewi Fortuna lagi ada dipihak dia karena rasanya seperti dimudahkan jalan Pecco untuk selangkah lebih cepat dalam meraih gelar.
Balapan dimulai tepat pukul 9 malam waktu Indonesia bagian Barat. Pecco melesat ke P1 diikuti Jorge Martin di P2. Di beberapa Lap kelihatan banget kalau Martin ini pingin cepet-cepet nyalip Pecco, apalagi Martin bisa gaet gelar juara dunia KALAU di race ini dia finish di posisi 1, 2, 3, atau kalau Pecco finish di posisi 6, 11, atau 15. Saking gak sabarnya buat overtake, di Lap 3 ada kontak terjadi antara Martin dan Pecco—bikin Martin nge-wide dan turun ke P8.
Nah di sini blundernya.
Perpaduan gak sabaran pingin memperkecil jarak dan under pressure bikin Jorge Martin gegabah dalam ambil keputusan selama balapan. Selain harus nyalip Marc, Martin harus nyalip Viñales kalau mau ngejar ketertinggalan. Dan MotoGP being MotoGP, selalu bisa ngasih kita kejutan karena di Lap 6 MARTIN NABRAK BAN BELAKANG MARC—bikin Marc kepental, sementara Martin sendiri keluar dari jalur track dan jatoh di gravel. Cepat, grusak-grusuk gak sabaran, gahar di track terkadang dapat menjadi bumerang, and now it costs his champion title chances away from him.
Balapan setelahnya dihiasi dengan riders yang crash. Sebelumnya di Lap pertama ada Bez (kayaknya karena Marc), lalu ada Marc dan Martin, diikuti Enea, Augusto Fernandez, Jack Miller, dan Alex Rins. Yah, yang paling sedih dari daftar riders yang crash ini adalah Jack Miller, sih, karena dia lagi mimpin balapan namun harus jatoh di Lap 19 sehingga kans dia buat jadi pemenang (atau minimal naik podium) hilang.
Akhir kata—kalau ditanya apakah race hari ini seru, jawabannya adalah TENTU SAJA SERU. Pecco mengkalkulasi langkah-langkahnya selama balapan, tahu kapan dia harus menyerang atau engga, dan ngasih liat ke kita gimana mental juara yang dia punya sehingga dia finish di P1 diikuti Diggia (YES!!! HIM!!!) di P2 yang tenang, saking tenangnya dia overtake Johann Zarco yang kaget karena saking fokusnya buat attack Pecco dan akhirnya finish di P3.
Dan yahhhh, selamat buat Pecco! Terima kasih untuk sport jantungnya di akhir musim ini!
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edit: Tadi sempet baca sebuah tweet yang bilang kalau Fabio (Quartararo) demam sampai 40°C, tapi dia belain buat race dan akhirnya finish di P11. Angkat topi setinggi-tingginya buat Taro. Respect!!!
edit kedua: Ada tweet berbahasa spanyol soal Jorge Martin yang bilang bahwa 'dia gak tau kenapa Maverick Viñales merasa perlu ganggu dia' dan 'apa yang terjadi sama Marc Marquez 'has been a career move'. Yang bener aja...
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baliportalnews · 1 year ago
Wabup Ipat Lepas Peserta Java Overland 2023
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, JEMBRANA - Sebanyak 38 Offroader dari komunitas Java Overland 4x4 dilepas Wakil Bupati Jembrana, I Gede Ngurah Patriana Krisna (Ipat) dalam rangkaian Java Overland 2023 yang bertajuk “Push The Boundaries” di Pura Segara Rupek, Selasa (31/10/2023). Sejatinya, total ada 45 offroader yang dijadwalkan ambil bagian dalam event ini, namun sejumlah mobil tidak dapat ikut menjajal alam Jembrana dikarenakan kendala teknis. Selama kurang lebih 3-4 hari, para offroader nantinya akan melalui jalur extreme di Kabupaten Jembrana hingga nantinya finish di Daerah Peh, Desa Kaliakah, Kecamatan Negara. Java Overland 2023 di Jembrana, kata Wabup Ipat semakin menegaskan, Jembrana sebagai destinasi wisata otomotif setelah sebelumnya sejumlah event otomotif nasional juga telah dilaksanakan di Jembrana. "Hari ini kita menyambut teman-teman dari Java Overland yang datang jauh-jauh dari Jawa untuk bisa menikmati suasana alam yang ada di Kabupaten Jembrana melalui event offroad, jadi ini menegaskan bahwa Jembrana memang pantas dinobatkan menjadi daerah wisata otomotif khususnya di Bali," ujar Wabup Ipat. Wabup Ipat yang juga menggemari otomotif ini mengatakan banyak kegiatan otomotif bisa dilakukan di Jembrana. Bahkan, pihaknya mempersiapkan Jembrana sebagai tuan rumah Sprint Rally dan Sprint Offroad yang direncanakan terlaksana pada akhir tahun ini. "Banyak kegiatan otomotif yang bisa dilakukan, selain offroad ada juga motocross, nanti kita siapkan mudah-mudahan diakhir tahun ini bisa menyelenggarakan kegiatan sprint rally dan sprint offroad," ucapnya. Ia pun meminta dukungan semua pihak agar Jembrana semakin mampu memberikan sajian event otomotif berkelas nasional. "Mari kita berdoa ke depan Jembrana benar-benar bisa menyajikan event-event otomotif yang berkelas baik di Bali maupun di Indonesia secara umum," tandasnya. Sementara itu, CEO Java Overland 4x4, Imam Taufik Suryanegara menuturkan jalur offroad di Bali memberikan suasana yang berbeda dari yang ada di pulau Jawa. Nanti, kata Imam, peserta akan berkemah selama melintasi jalur hingga sampai ke garis finish. "Hari pertama kita disuguhkan track rockling di sungai, istimewanya di pulau dewata ini seluruh rangkaian kita lakukan playing camp, jadi teman-teman peserta akan diuji skillnya, kendaraannya maupun mentalnya, mereka akan selama 4 hari di playing camp," ujarnya. Imam pun mengajak penggemar offroad di seluruh Indonesia untuk dapat nantinya ikut serta pada event-event Java Overland berikutnya. "Jadi ikuti terus kegiatan kami dan bagi penggiat offroad di tanah air sekali-kali ikuti kegiatan ini," pungkasnya.(ang/bpn) Read the full article
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stranotizie · 1 year ago
Martin si impone davanti a Luca Marini (Ducati VR 46) e a Maverick Vinales (Aprilia). Quarto posto per Marco Bezzecchi con l'altra moto del team VR 46 Jorge Martin - Afp Lo spagnolo Jorge Martin vince la Sprint MotoGp che precede il Gp di Indonesia. Il pilota iberico della Pramac Racing scavalca Pecco Bagnaia nella classifica generale del Mondiale. Martin si impone davanti a Luca Marini (Ducati VR 46) e a Maverick Vinales (Aprilia). Quarto posto per Marco Bezzecchi con l'altra moto del team VR 46. Bagnaia, campione del mondo in carica, chiude all'ottavo posto con la Ducati ufficiale. Martin corona l'inseguimento nella classifica iridata e ora guida il Mondiale con 7 punti di vantaggio su Bagnaia. La Ducati si può parzialmente consolare oggi con la conquista del titolo costruttori. Domani si corre il Gp.{} #_intcss0{display: none;} Fonte
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prajwalseo · 1 year ago
Sludge Drying Machine Market Outlook and Forecast to 2030
New Jersey, United States – The Sludge Drying Machine Market is the title of another report delivered by IBI. The paper goes through significant development techniques, drivers, potential open doors, key fragments, Porter’s Five Forces examination, and the cutthroat scene exhaustively. This exploration can assist with promoting players, and financial backers; VPs, partners, and new participants get a superior comprehension of the business and figure out what moves to make to acquire an upper hand.
The Worldwide Sludge Drying Machine market size is estimated to be worth USD million in 2023 and is forecast to a readjusted size of USD million by 2030 with a healthy CAGR during the review period. It also shows the importance of the Sludge Drying Machine market main players in the sector, including their business overviews, financial summaries, and SWOT assessments.
Click Here to Download and Understand Latest Key Trends on Global Sludge Drying Machine Market (FREE): https://www.infinitybusinessinsights.com/request_sample.php?id=1344985&PJ08
The Major Players Covered in this Report: Ericsson, Interop Technologies, Nokia Networks, Vodafone Group plc, SAP AG, GTL Limited, Infosys Limited, TATA Communications, Wipro Limited, Cisco, Verizon, Comarch SA, BT Group, T – Systems, Colt, Telstra, Sprint, GTT, Huawei Device
This study also covers company profiling, specifications and product picture, sales, market share, and contact information of various regional, international, and local vendors of Global Sludge Drying Machine Market. The market proposition is frequently developing ahead with the rise in scientific innovation and M&A activities in the industry. Additionally, many local and regional vendors are offering specific application products for varied end-users. The new merchant applicants in the market are finding it hard to compete with international vendors based on reliability, quality, and modernism in technology.
Get This Report (Flat 20% DISCOUNT): https://www.infinitybusinessinsights.com/checkout?id=1344985&price=&discount=20&PJ08
The segments and sub-section of Sludge Drying Machine market is shown below:
The Study is segmented by the following Product/Service Type:
Major applications/end-users industry are as follows:
Regional Analysis for Global Sludge Drying Machine Market:
• APAC (Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, India, and the Rest of APAC; the Rest of APAC is further segmented into Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, New Zealand, Vietnam, and Sri Lanka)
• Europe (Germany, UK, France, Spain, Italy, Russia, Rest of Europe; Rest of Europe is further segmented into Belgium, Denmark, Austria, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania)
• North America (U.S., Canada, and Mexico)
• South America (Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Rest of South America)
• MEA (Saudi Arabia, UAE, South Africa)
Furthermore, the years considered for the study are as follows:
Historical year – 2017-2023E
Base year – 2022
Forecast period – 2023 to 2030
Moreover, it will also include the opportunities available in micro markets for stakeholders to invest, a detailed analysis of the competitive landscape, and product services of key players.
Key takeaways from the Global Sludge Drying Machine market report:
Sludge Drying Machine Market Study guarantees you to remain/stay advised higher than your competition. With Structured tables and figures examining the Sludge Drying Machine, the research document provides you with a leading product, submarkets, revenue size, and forecast for 2030. Comparatively, it also classifies emerging as well as leaders in the industry.
Click To get SAMPLE PDF of Sludge Drying Machine Market (Including Full TOC, Table & Figures): https://www.infinitybusinessinsights.com/request_sample.php?id=1344985&PJ08
Detailed TOC of Sludge Drying Machine Market Research Report:
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whoregaylorenzo · 1 year ago
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MANDALIKA 2023: Marc Marquez using a team member's back to stretch his arm and shoulder on the grid ahead of the Indonesian Sprint
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waru-chan8 · 1 year ago
Martín is really small put together in between Luca and Bezz
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cyberbenb · 2 years ago
Yermak meets foreign diplomats to discuss Zelensky's peace formula
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Presidential Office head Andrii Yermak held a second meeting with foreign diplomats to discuss the implementation of President Volodymyr Zelensky’s 10-point peace formula, the Presidential Office said on July 5.
This follows the first round of consultations that took place on June 30, the statement said.
According to the press release, the event was attended by the ambassadors of the G7 countries, the head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine, and the heads of diplomatic missions of Turkey, South Africa, China, Denmark, Brazil, India, Spain, Indonesia, South Korea, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Poland, Slovakia, Czechia, the United Nations, and the Vatican.
The meeting was said to focus on the issues of radiation, nuclear, food, and energy security, as well as the territorial integrity of Ukraine.
“The support of each of you is very important to us, because now there are people at this table who respect the territorial integrity, sovereignty, and independence of our state, and it is extremely important for us to hear you,” Yermak said in his opening remarks.
During the meeting held at the Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War, special attention was paid to consultations on the release of military and civilian prisoners held by Russia.
To that effect, Major Dmytro Andriushchenko, Commanding Officer of the Azov National Guard Brigade, and State Border Guard Service Lieutenant Oleksandra Kruchenko, defenders of Mariupol and Azovstal who survived Russian captivity and were released in October 2022, attended the meeting at the Coordination Headquarters.
“The release of all prisoners and deportees is one of the points of the Peace Formula initiated by Volodymyr Zelensky, and our state continues active consultations with all interested countries regarding its implementation,” Yermak commented.
According to the press release, representatives of the Main Directorate of Intelligence (HUR) were also present, including its chief Kyrylo Budanov.
The intelligence officers presented the diplomats with the process of retrieving captured military personnel and civilians and briefed them on the situation at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant concerning Russian nuclear terror threats.
Zelensky presented a ten-point peace plan to end Russia’s war in Ukraine on Nov. 15, 2022.
The plan envisages preventing ecocide in Ukraine, punishing those responsible for war crimes, withdrawing all Russian troops from the territory of Ukraine, restoration of Ukraine’s territorial integrity, and the release of all prisoners of war and deportees. The proposals also call for ensuring energy security, food security, and nuclear safety.
On May 21, 2023, the president proposed to hold the Summit of the Peace Formula in July, a “symbolic” time when Ukraine will mark 500 days of defending against Russia’s full-scale invasion.
Dietzen, Druckman: Vilnius NATO Summit – Accelerating Ukraine’s membership and deterring Moscow and Minsk
This month’s NATO summit takes place at a time of both peril and opportunity for the future of European security. The Wagner Group’s June 24 sprint from Rostov to the gates of Moscow dealt a fresh blow to criticism of NATO’s decision to extend a Membership Action
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The Kyiv IndependentMark Dietzen
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turisiancom · 2 years ago
TURISIAN.com - Cekidot! Nih, ada kabar seru dari Kabupaten Bangka! Hari Sabtu, 13 Mei 2023 kemarin, Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno dan Bupati Bangka Mulkan, bareng-bareng melepas peserta Sungailiat Triathlon ke-8. Lokasinya di pinggir Pantai Tanjung Pesona Sungailiat. Kegiatan yang diadakan oleh Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan (Dinparbud) Kabupaten Bangka ini mempertandingkan tiga cabang olahraga sekaligus Yakni renang, balap sepeda dan lari, yang diikuti oleh 250 orang peserta, lho! Dalam event ini, Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno juga turut berpartisipasi, lho! Beliau ikutan nomor Sprint Open Distance dan berhasil masuk finis dengan baik dan lancar. Keren, kan? BACA JUGA: Batik Habangka Akhirnya Lolos ke Ajang API, Gini Ceritanya Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno pun memberikan dukungan penuh atas kegiatan Sungailiat Triathlon 2023. Ia  menganggap kegiatan ini sebagai even sport tourism terpilih dan terbaik di Indonesia. Gak hanya itu, Kabupaten Bangka juga punya desa wisata Desa Tari Rebo yang masuk dalam 75 besar ADWI 2023. Makanya, jangan lupa untuk beli dan dukung produk-produk ekonomi kreatif dari masyarakat setempat, ya! Produk-produk tersebut bisa membuka peluang lapangan kerja yang luas. BACA JUGA: Liburan dulu di Pantai Batu Kapur Bangka Selatan! Sementara itu, Bupati Bangka Mulkan dan Ketua DPRD Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung (Babel) Herman Suhadi juga memberikan dukungan mereka terhadap kegiatan ini. Bahkan, Bupati Bangka Mulkan menyampaikan aspirasi masyarakat Kabupaten Bangka untuk mengusulkan pembentukan kawasan ekonomi khusus. Utamanya, bagi kawasan Lintas Timur Sungailiat menjadi KEK Pariwisata. Nah, acara Sungailiat Triathlon 2023 ini diharapkan dapat menjadi momentum kebangkitan pariwisata di Kabupaten Bangka. Kita doakan saja semoga kegiatan seru seperti ini bisa terus dilaksanakan, ya! ***
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goriaucom · 2 years ago
Alfadila Ramadhan Penyumbang Medali Pertama di SEA Games 2023 Kamboja
PNOM PENH - Kun Bokator tercatat sebagai cabang olahraga pertama yang menyumbangkan medali bagi Kontingen Indonesia pada SEA Games 2023 Kamboja. Adalah Alfadila Ramadhan yang berhasil meraih medali perak dengan catatan 7,67 poin di nomor Men Single Bokator Sprint Form. http://dlvr.it/SnXZnx
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waru-chan8 · 1 year ago
He wanted to make out with the camera but they prevented it
Bez following the camera around help
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5G Services Global Market, Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2020 -2030
Summary - A new market study, titled “ 5G Services Global Market, Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2020 -2030 ” has been featured on WiseGuyReports.
5G Services Global Market Report 2020-30: Covid 19 Implications and Growth from The Business Research Company covers this critical market and the impact on it from the Covid 19 virus. It provides strategists, marketers and senior management with the critical information they need to assess the increasing demand for 5G services as a consequence of the secondary effects of Covid 19.
Reasons to Purchase • Gain a truly global perspective with the most comprehensive report available on this market covering 12+ geographies. • Understand how the market is experiencing rapid growth due to the coronavirus and how it is likely to stabilize as the impact of the virus abates. • Create regional and country strategies on the basis of local data and analysis. • Identify growth segments for investment. • Outperform competitors using forecast data and the drivers and trends shaping the market. • Understand customers based on the latest market research findings. • Benchmark performance against key competitors. • Utilize the relationships between key data sets for superior strategizing. • Suitable for supporting your internal and external presentations with reliable high quality data and analysis • Report will be updated with the latest data and delivered to you within 3-5 working days of order.
Description: Where is the largest and fastest growing market for the 5G services? How does the market relate to the overall economy, demography and other similar markets? What forces will shape the market going forward? The 5G Services market global report from the Business Research Company answers all these questions and many more. The report covers market characteristics, size and growth, segmentation, regional and country breakdowns, competitive landscape, market shares, trends and strategies for this market. It traces the market’s historic and forecast market growth by geography. It places the market within the context of the wider 5g services market, and compares it with other markets. • The market characteristics section of the report defines and explains the market. • The market size section gives the market size ($b) covering both the historic growth of the market, the influence of the Covid 19 virus and forecasting its growth. • Market segmentations break down market into sub markets. • The regional and country breakdowns section gives an analysis of the market in each geography and the size of the market by geography and compares their historic and forecast growth. It covers the growth trajectory of Covid 19 for all regions, key developed countries and major emerging markets. • Competitive landscape gives a description of the competitive nature of the market, market shares, and a description of the leading companies. Key financial deals which have shaped the market in recent years are identified. • The trends and strategies section analyses the shape of the market as it emerges from the crisis and suggests how companies can grow as the market recovers. • The 5g services market section of the report gives context. It compares the 5g services market with other segments of the 5g services market by size and growth, historic and forecast. It analyses GDP proportion, expenditure per capita, 5g services indicators comparison.
ALSO READ:https://www.abnewswire.com/pressreleases/global-5g-services-market-industry-analysis-size-share-growth-trends-and-forecast-20202025_482607.html
Markets Covered: 1) By Communication Type: Fixed Wireless Access (FWA); Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB); Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications (URLLC) ; Massive Machine-Type Communications (mMTC) 2) By End-User: Manufacturing; Energy & Utilities; Media & Entertainment; IT & Telecom; Transportation & Logistics; Healthcare
Companies Mentioned: AT&T; Verizon Communications, Inc.; China Mobile; Vodafone; Telstra
Countries: Argentina; Australia; Austria; Belgium; Brazil; Canada; Chile; China; Colombia; Czech Republic; Denmark; Egypt; Finland; France; Germany; Hong Kong; India; Indonesia; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Japan; Malaysia; Mexico; Netherlands; New Zealand; Nigeria; Norway; Peru; Philippines; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Russia; Saudi Arabia; Singapore; South Africa; South Korea; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Thailand; Turkey; UAE; UK; USA; Venezuela; Vietnam
Regions: Asia-Pacific; Western Europe; Eastern Europe; North America; South America; Middle East; Africa
Time series: Five years historic and ten years forecast.
Data: Ratios of market size and growth to related markets, GDP proportions, expenditure per capita,
Data segmentations: country and regional historic and forecast data, market share of competitors, market segments.
Sourcing and Referencing: Data and analysis throughout the report is sourced using end notes. Major players in the 5G services market are AT&T, Verizon Communications, Inc., China Mobile, Vodafone, Telstra, China Telecom, Deutsche Telecom, SK Telecom, Saudi Telecom Company, and T-Mobile USA Inc.
The global 5G services market is expected to grow from $49.7 billion in 2019 to about $68.6 billion in 2020 as the demand for high-speed and better quality data services is increasing as people are staying indoors and spending more time on the internet for work as well as leisure purposes. The market is expected to stabilize and reach $128.1 billion at a CAGR of 26.7% through 2023.
The 5G services market consists of sales of 5G and its related services. 5G is 5th generation services that evaluate networks to interconnect people, control machines, devices, and objects. 5G services will deliver the high levels of efficiency and performance that will empower to connect new industries and new user experience. 5G delivers the speed as high as 20 Gbps and is likely to refine a broad range of services in industries ranging from transportation to retail, education to entertainment, medical to an automotive and wide array of the internet of things (IoT).
The global 5G services market has been geographically segmented into North America, Western Europe, Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe, South America and Middle East & Africa. Asia Pacific was the largest region in the 5g services market in 2019.
In April 2018, T-Mobile Inc., a mobile telecommunications company based in Germany announced the merger with the Sprint Corporation telecommunication company for an amount of $26.5 billion. The merger is expected to form a new company that would be well-positioned to provide a robust 5G wireless communication service network in order to compete with Verizon and AT&T. Sprint Corporation, founded in 1899, is an American telecommunications company based in Kansas, USA.
The 5G services market covered in this report is segmented by communication type into fixed wireless access (FWA); enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB); ultra-reliable and low latency communications (uRLLC) ; massive machine-type communications (mMTC) and by end-user into manufacturing; energy & utilities; media & entertainment; IT & telecom; transportation & logistics; healthcare.
The high cost of 5G smartphones and related devices is expected to limit the growth of the 5G services market in the coming years. According to executives of leading companies such as Xiaomi, Samsung and OnePlus in January 2020, the price of 5G smartphone chipsets is twice as costly as the price of 4G smartphone chipsets. Consequently, expensive parts result in a high cost of production leading to higher prices of 5G smartphones. This scenario is anticipated to adversely impact the growth of the 5G Services market over the forecast period.
The introduction of AI-powered services is a major trend shaping the growth of the 5G services market. The commercial usage of 5G services is expanding rapidly. The growth in the number of connections and cloud-based AR or VR is generating higher demand for 5G services with greater bandwidth, wide-coverage, and low latency networks. In 2016, Huawei started applying AI to technical work and business processes to serve its customers and as of 2019, Huawei provided more than 5,80,000 cases of technical support on more than 1,700 networks across the globe. Therefore, the introduction of AI in 5G services in order to increase the accuracy and agileness is to act as a major trend for 5G services market.
Rising demand from the Internet of Things (IoT) is anticipated to contribute to higher demand for 5G services in order to deliver high performance and efficiency. According to the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI), the global market revenue for the Internet of Things (IoT) is projected to reach $ 1.1 trillion by the end of 2025. The IoT connections across the globe are expected to increase from 7 billion in 2017 to 25 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 17% during the forecast period. Therefore, growing demand for IoT and the requirement to connect smart devices with high-speed internet boost the revenue for the 5G services market over the forthcoming years.
FOR MORE DETAILS:  https://www.wiseguyreports.com/reports/5278087-5g-services-global-market-report-2020-30-covid
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