#individual tax preparation new york
taxadvisorblog · 1 year
Tax Preparation vs. Tax Planning
Planning and preparation are important factors in most complex projects, and they both play a role in getting your taxes ready to file. What can be confusing, however, is the difference between tax preparation and tax planning. Are they the same thing? What are the differences? Below is a short guide to help demystify the differences between tax preparation and tax planning:
Tax Preparation
Tax preparation is the process of gathering together all of your tax documents and filling out all forms necessary to create your annual tax filing. This can be done at home for most people, but others may require the services of a tax preparer. It’s usually a good idea to work with a local tax preparation services provider since laws differ from state to state regarding taxes.
New Yorkers can look for services that offer local individual tax preparation New York residents trust for guidance. You can search online service providers that offer individual tax preparation New York residents recommend, or you can work with experts in individual tax preparation that are available from software providers like TurboTax and H&R Block.
Tax Planning
Tax planning is the process of analyzing your tax situation to see if there are ways to optimize your withholdings and tax status. In most cases, people with high incomes or many taxable assets will work with a tax planning professional to help them reduce tax debt. Individuals who have high incomes or high-value assets and accounts are often taxed at a higher rate, so tax planning helps them to reduce or eliminate tax debt.
Although some accountants provide tax planning advice, most people who are serious about saving on taxes will want to work with a wealth planner. These professionals can often provide a full financial review of your accounts and assets to create a customized wealth plan that takes into account tax planning strategies. This becomes even more important for business owners and individuals with high-value assets that may be heavily taxed.
Visit this website for expert Brooklyn tax preparation services today!
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Hiya! Howdy! Id love to toss my goofy silly mailman tf2 oc in the ring if there were slots left! His names Brodie :> Heres his toyhouse
Meet YOUR 10th Class Merc. The Courier. His name is Brodie 
From New York! Go Yankees!
Around 32-34
Lets take alook into the past: For a lot of his life he has committed ,,, so much fraud. So much. All of it. Mail fraud tax fraud voter fraud healthcare fraud identity fraud. Even credit card fraud when credit cards came out in 1966.  Frauding it up ever since he was a kid delivering newspapers and snooping in neighbor's mail. 
Eventually his fraudulent lifestyle catches up to him and lands him in prison when he suddenly became the inheritor of a minuscule fraction of Australium. And a certain group of individuals did not take too kindly to some rando getting his hands on the  insanely precious resource.  In order for the Australium to be ‘misplaced’, Brodie had to die. And die he did. Not long after being incarcerated, he was hanged for his many, many crimes. A bit of overkill, really, but it was apparently the only way. Plus a lot of the guards and inmates kept finding themselves in varying degrees of debt so two birds one stone. Miss Pauling herself attends the hanging to make sure Brodie does die and sure enough he is pronounced dead. As dead as it gets. 
Well. Mostly.
As his soul prepares for judgment in hell,  Brodie decides “I am absolutely not ready to be dead yet.” Soo he convinces Satan “hey you guys got the wrong guy. I’m blah blah blah, here’s my ID and credentials n whatnot. Here’s who you’re actually looking for” (a lie obviously) but Satan’s like “Oh shit. Um wow- this, like, never happens. Lemme…fix that real quick.” (This is intentionally left vague and about how much hell tell ya about it with changing details each time)
Back in his body, Brodie sits up, completely nakey, save for the body blanket, and startles Miss Pauling who instinctively has a gun to his face. Quickly thinking, Brodie strikes a deal; “Hey hey! Don't Shoot. Uh, listen.  Technically, I was pronounced dead.  Obviously you can keep whatever I was supposed to inherit, I won't even give it another thought but just lemme go - please?”  Sure enough, Miss P agrees, except now Brodie has to…start over again.  Which isn’t a big *deal*, but it’ll take him a minute to get back on his feet since his last identity is supposed to be cold turkey. 
Though, this gives Miss P an idea.  “Hey, do you want a job?”
So he’s back, babyyy. Brodie is a new man (who legally doesn't exist) and is recruited by Mann Co to be the teams smuggler mailman and a merc when violence is needed!!  Someones gotta deliver the mercs all their niche needs and all that, ya know? Someone who ain't afraid to get their hands dirty or have fingerprints or the same teeth they did before or leave any paper trail!  Someone who isn't afraid to break into the next city over's local zoo and get some baboon uteri and hearts for medic, or do a 24 hr trip to Australia for Saxton hale pain tonic for sniper (so they avoid import fees), wine for spy, copious amounts of Tom Jones merch for scout, crates upon very weighty crates of ammo for Heavy, etc etc. Even just snacks from each mercs country (that Courier def sneaks bites from but dont tell anyone shhhh). Or just the pizza the mercs ordered in town.
Need something delivered? Brodie is your Courier! (He has to as his contract states, lest he break it and is 'super killed'.  No its not explained what that means but Brodie don't intend to find out.)
He's a bit of a goofy guy.  Quick witted when it comes to fraud but would ask Alexa what 4 x 12 is. His undying passion is committing petty crimes and scams and changing people's legal last names to something like "Scrotum". He's very *very* nosy and will read the merc's mail before he even gets it to them. He's got gossip to share. He loves snacks and has an awful diet consisting of gas station foods. Caffeinated soda and donuts are go-to's, especially on the road. His fav mode of transportation is on his motorcycle.
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WOOF thats a long one lol Thank you sm for ur consideration !
Seats Taken: 22/24 (TWO LEFT)
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nichenarratives · 1 year
An Obscure Oneshot
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Inspired by this post.
Knowing his history, Atlas May made his role clear when he employed Mordecai Heller, and had since returned to New York to settle any lingering resentments in the underworld personally. As far as the young tom can tell, that involved an excessive amount of money changing hands, most likely to cover the deficit Mordecai scraped off their books in addition to quelling any vigilante tendencies in regard to the bounty on his head with a generous bonus.
Working at Little Daisy Cafe has been easy, almost too easy for an accomplished mathematician and former associate of one of New York City's most prominent gangs. He's well aware of the excessive amount of money he's being asked to hide within their books too, precisely as he used to do back in New York. Suggestive of an illegal undercurrent operation, it isn't Mordecai's place to pry, only cook their books to make the funds seem legitimate, which he does without question for the man who saved his life six months prior.
It's refreshing to work for a job that doesn't require constant moral debauchery or bloodshed, to be able to focus on numerals and digits in a controlled environment and not concern himself with new aliases or keeping secrets. While the wider employment base aren't aware of his past, the core few that are privy have been amicable and discrete with questions, not that Mordecai has shared any details in response. Atlas has left that divulgence up to his individual discretion and the tom doesn't trust anyone enough to offer details yet.
He's been approached by numerous members of staff since being employed, but most have the decency not to query his past, instead informally introducing themselves, sometimes with a handshake and others because they had a question about their wages. Mordecai stays cordial and polite, not wishing to cause dissent at his new job, answering those who want details without even needing to refer to his ledger.
If anything, it helps to have faces to put beside the names. He should memorise their identities, for formality's sake, and he's met every employee on the payroll besides one to date; Viktor Vasko.
Viktor's official role at the Little Daisy Cafe is 'mechanic', a dubious profession for a small social hub in the center of St Louis. Mordecai assumes he's a private employee added to the cafe's books for tax purposes. He's perhaps Atlas May's chauffeur, or some other personal assistant with enough mechanical knowledge to pass as a tradesman, or it could be the car is used for business purposes and as such, the driver and mechanic is technically a Cafe employee.
There's also a possibility he's involved with illegal business, the illicit activity the monochrome tom believes is generating excess funds. His absent introduction would suggest it too, as it maintains his distance from the actual legal staff like Mordecai - even if he himself is knowingly cooking books. He has no desire to meet the man, however, so he doesn't focus on this unknown individual, until the day they run into one another in the Cafe's back corridors.
Mordecai has recently taken to passing his lunch hour in the Cafe, rather than his office. There's more light, and the quiet tones of a radio beneath a gentle hubbub keep his mind too busy to ruminate on past regrets while he drinks his tea and indulges in a pastry or baked goods. He always leaves his suit jacket and coat behind in his office, not intending to go outside, though makes sure to transfer his pocket knife to a pants pocket out of habit. Always better to be prepared.
Today is the same as those before it; he takes a preferred seat by the window opposite the cashier station, orders a muffin and a tea to be deducted from his wage, and quietly works on a crossword as his lunch hour passes. Remaining polite with and tipping the waitress generously from his coin purse, he stands at exactly fifty-five minutes and heads through the back door to return to his office, to ensure he's back to work by the time his hour ticks over.
He's half way back to his office - a flight of stairs and a short corridor away from solitude - when a door opens to his left, drawing the tom's attention. While inherently curious, he's not a snooper, and as such has never seen behind this door because it leads to the garage; a filthy, oily place, Mordecai has no desire to go in, but slows his pace to glance inside out of pure intrigue. It's also possible Atlas will emerge, and the accountant has been itching to query the Cafe's most recent purchase to ensure it's properly categorised without having to arrange a formal meeting.
The figure that emerges is as imposing as his boss, but the immediate differences stop Mordecai in his tracks. He's not met this man before, meaning he's most likely the elusive Viktor Vasko on his ledger. With unknown information right before him, the detail-oriented feline is inclined to update his intracranial files over a swift exit, awkward interactions with this stranger be damned.
Viktor Vasko is easily as tall as Atlas May, if not possessing an inch extra, though it's difficult to tell with the flat cap in between large ears. Broad shoulders and thick chest fill a white shirt rolled to the elbows, suspenders holding up his pants over shiny shoes. His fur is thick and long, double coat a deeper orange-brown close to his body and fading to vibrant orange at the tips, black markings around his mouth indicative of bobcat or another larger species heritage.
What is most striking however, is the missing right eye, or at least the obscuration of one with a black patch, which melds into the natural dark colouration around the socket. The monochrome short hair doesn't notice it until after Viktor had closed the garage door and turned to face him. Noticing the patch comes with eye contact, a single, bright jade iris locking to intrigued emeralds with such intensity, Mordecai takes an unconscious step away, causing his tail to brush against the wall behind him.
The resplendent feline seems just as intrigued by the new face, though his eyes narrow slightly as, slipping his hands into his pockets, he steps towards the smaller tom, his keen eye scaling the accountant's appearance with a tired glare. He leans a little closer, and Mordecai leans back, shoulders coming to rest on the cool wall, where he stays even as the bobcat rolls his shoulders and adopts a relaxed stance.
Mordecai has engaged with enough mobsters in his time to know the importance of first impressions. He's not scared of this feline per say, but his former physical responses could be interpreted as submissive, something he swiftly rectifies; he steps a leg back to make the leaning stance look more natural, tilting his chin up to maintain eye contact and sure to keep his ears high and alert, though not too attentive, his expression bland to round off his disinterested facade.
The bobcat isn't phased, returning his stare a while before he finally speaks. Viktor's voice is as deep as his tall stature eludes, though the accountant wasn't expecting the heavy, unfamiliar accent or the clipped sentences. "You can run away," Viktor begins, not a hint of humour or warning in his tone, a simple suggestion given out of perhaps expectation the smaller tom will be scared, letting the words hang there a moment before he finishes. "If you vant."
He can see why the colossus doesn't bother to actively try and intimidate him; his stature, build, appearance and accent probably turn most small men into anxious, gibbering messes. Mordecai had dealt with far more intimidating men in the mob attempting to cut him down to size though, so his reaction is muted; a raised brow, a quiet monotone and the illustration of complete calm, almost asking Viktor to try and scare him. "Why should I? Am I in danger?""
Tensions seem to shimmer in the air between them, Viktor and Mordecai both refusing to be the first to look away or answer, determined to come out of this odd introduction with the upper hand. Despite his obvious size advantage and his favourable ground, Mordecai isn't afraid of being attacked; he trusts Atlas not to employ the deranged, and that Viktor would have the sense not to start a fight based on such an idiocratic premise, though glad of the switchblade in his pocket in the unlikely event it should become necessary.
Then finally, after what feels like hours of silence, Viktor lets the smallest of smirks turn the corner of his lip, a subtle and transient smile that's gone as soon as it came. The bobcat then turns and hands still tucked into pockets, wordlessly in the direction of the Cafe. Mordecai watches him go with a bemused blink, unsure what that interaction achieved, but a swift check of his pocket watch and an utterance in Yiddish and he's striding back for his office a few minutes late.
I'm sure it was nothing, he reassures himself as he slips back into his office chair, entirely unaware of how drastically his role at the Little Daisy Cafe - and his relationship with a certain Viktor Vasko - would rapidly develop. Back to work.
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longwindedbore · 11 months
Donald Trump isn’t in a trial for civil fraud because he inflated the value of properties he was buying or selling.
That didn’t happen because the banks did do their due diligence.
Trump is spewing misdirection after each trial session so that the Media prints his infantile outbursts rather than deal with explaining what is actually involved:
Remember that when you, or I, or Ford Motors, or the Trump Organization, want to take out a loan to buy a piece of property that amongst the plethora of documents created are
1. An Appraisal of the Property
2. A balance sheet listing assets and debts.
The bank arranges for an appraisal of the property by a neutral appraiser.
It’s the Buyer (Trump) who prepares the balance sheet under oath and penalty of perjury that the information on that balance sheet is COMPLETE and ACCURATE.
The Bank relies on the appraiser’s judgment and on the LEGAL OBLIGATION of the Buyer to provide an accurate balance sheet.
Blue Sky Laws in every State and Federal level are the THREAT of civil punishment to organizations and individuals for knowingly and REGULARLY falsifying notarized documents involving securities and property transactions.
Blue Sky Law cases occur in State and Federal courts every year. The Defendants are often major corporations. The State and Federal prosecutors have won these cases, won the appeals and fined and/or dissolved corporations.
We don’t hear about these cases because they are too complicated for media outlets to package.
REGULARLY Falsifying notarized balance sheets - by ignoring appraisals by Assessors and others, as well omitting special conditions affecting the value of properties - is the Civil FRAUD that Trump been found liable for in the case of the People of New York State vs the Trump Organization et Al.
The Trump Organization was fond Guilty of Tax Evasion in a Criminal Case in New York last year.
The Trump Organization has been found liable of Civil FRAUD in a Summary Judgment in the current case because in three motions and three appeals they provided no effective defense to the State’s allegations of fraud.
Found liable for fraud BEFORE an allegation in sworn testimony in the Courtroom that the Trump Organization FALSELY put the appraisers name as the source of valuations on properties on the balance sheet.
Found liable for FRAUD before Forbes article referencing Trump documents that the Trump Organization had not provided in their notarized responses to the Plaintiff’s subpoenas.
The New York State AG is considering opening a criminal case.
Hell, Donald Trump had his attorneys sign notarized affidavits that he had turned over all secret documents - repeatedly signed affidavits - in the Federal Documents case.
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ileadtaxllc123 · 1 year
The Role of Accounting and Bookkeeping in Tax Industry
Accounting and bookkeeping are tedious and arduous but are necessary for the company to gain an advantage over competitors and to make decisions. Bookkeeping is the recording of financial details of the company in an orderly manner over some time. Bookkeepers are people who maintain the accounts. Ileadtax LLC is one of the best tax preparation and planning companies based in New York, India, and California. It offers accounting and bookkeeping services and are adviser for many companies. This article discloses the importance of accounting and bookkeeping in the tax industry and how it is useful to a company.
Accounting and bookkeeping are dependent on each other. Bookkeeping is a sub-branch of accounting that organizes and summarizes financial data and it has accurate financial data. Bookkeepers have access to all financial data of the company and can track their transactions. They ensure the data is up to date and is complete. Bookkeeping helps the company with decisions related to investing and operations. IleadTax LLC is a global company that consists of tax accounting experts in India, New York, and California. They provide their tax experts for all companies which are in need. The accounting and bookkeeping services provided contain detailed records of past transactions.
The first step in achieving flawless tax preparation is keeping accurate financial records. The foundation of this process is accounting and bookkeeping. These tasks entail the meticulous documentation of financial transactions, which results in an accurate depiction of earnings, outlays, assets, and liabilities. Having structured financial records is essential for tax season. Identification of deductible expenses is made possible for people and organizations through accounting and bookkeeping. Taxpayers can properly minimize their taxable income by accurately categorizing their costs and keeping track of the necessary supporting records. This may lead to significant cost savings and a better tax situation.
Beyond tax time, accounting and bookkeeping are important. They serve as the cornerstone for budgeting, investments, and future tax planning, enabling both individuals and corporations to make well-informed choices. It's advantageous to obtain professional advice when dealing with the complicated realm of tax preparation. CPAs (Certified Public Accountants) and seasoned bookkeepers may provide priceless insights, ensuring that you successfully navigate tax season.
A thorough and accurate bookkeeping procedure gives businesses a reliable way to assess their success. It also serves as a benchmark for its income and revenue targets and information for general strategic decision-making. A trustworthy source for businesses to gauge their financial performance is bookkeeping.  Accounting and bookkeeping are more than simply administrative duties; they are also effective instruments that can lessen the strain of tax season and enhance your financial security. A sound accounting and bookkeeping system can result in significant savings, compliance, and financial peace of mind whether you're a business owner or an individual taxpayer. So, as tax season draws near, keep in mind that having a solid financial foundation is the key to success. ILeadTax LLC attempts to deliver results that meet the expectations of the client.
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newstfionline · 11 months
Sunday, October 15, 2023
US colleges become flashpoints for protests on both sides of Israel-Hamas war (Reuters) At Columbia University on Thursday, two groups of hundreds of students tensely faced each other in dueling pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian demonstrations, while university officials blocked public access to the New York City campus as a safety measure. Supporters of Palestinians, many of whom wore face masks to hide their identities, held signs in a grassy area near a library that read "Free Palestine" and "To Exist is to Resist." About 100 feet (30 meters) away, students backing Israel silently held up posters with the faces of Israeli hostages taken by Hamas. Amid the growing conflict, tensions between students on opposite sides of the issue have boiled over on some U.S. college campuses. Statements by student groups supporting Palestinians have prompted outrage and fear among Jews and, in some cases, wider rebuke from public officials and corporations. There have been reports of harassment and assaults of both pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian students, deepening grief and putting students of all political stripes on high alert.
Dominica’s Golden Passport (Miami Herald) Dominica is a small country in the Caribbean with an increasingly desirable passport, especially for individuals who are willing to pay big bucks to get a citizenship toehold outside of their country for business, freedom of travel, or tax evasion reasons. A passport from Dominica gets you into most countries visa-free, and given an investment program where a passport can be had for $100,000, some of the country’s newest citizens may not be entirely on the level. An investigation found 7,700 people who purchased passports from Dominica, and they’re such a big business that golden passports alone accounted for 50 percent of Dominica’s government budget.
Ukraine hits Russian navy ships with sea drones (Washington Post) “Experimental” naval drones damaged two Russian military vessels—the Buyan missile carrier and the Pavel Derzhavin patrol boat—over the past two days, Ukrainian intelligence officials said Friday, as Kyiv continued a series of strikes against Moscow’s Black Sea Fleet. The attacks on the Black Sea Fleet, which is based in occupied Crimea, have demonstrated Ukraine’s ability to operate in Kremlin-controlled waters but do not appear to have seriously reduced Moscow’s capabilities.
France is deploying 7,000 troops after a deadly school stabbing by a suspected Islamic radical (AP) France will mobilize up to 7,000 soldiers to increase security around the country after a teacher was fatally stabbed and three other people wounded in a school attack by a former student suspected of Islamic radicalization, the president’s office said Saturday. Counterterrorism authorities are investigating the stabbing, and the suspected assailant and several others are in custody, prosecutors said. The suspect is a Chechen who had attended the school and had been under recent surveillance by intelligence services for radicalization. The government heightened the national threat alert, and President Emmanuel Macron ordered up to 7,000 soldiers deployed by Monday night and until further notice to bolster security and vigilance around France, his office said.
Poland prepares to hold a high-stakes national election (Reuters) Poland holds its parliamentary election on Sunday, with the ruling nationalist Law and Justice party, called PiS, seeking an unprecedented third term in power. Critics say the government has politicized the judiciary, used public media as a propaganda tool and undermined the country's position in the EU. The party says it supports Ukraine in its war against Russia, but not at the expense of Poland’s own interests.
Turkey earthquake: Reconstruction promises and reality (Reuters) Sheltering in a converted shipping container, Ismet Kaplan waits to hear if he's eligible for one of hundreds of thousands of homes President Tayyip Erdogan promised would replace those ruined by modern Turkey's deadliest earthquake in February. Days after the quake and with a national election looming, Erdogan made bold promises. While survivors were still emerging from rubble, he said half the disaster zone would be rebuilt within a year - a total of 319,000 homes. Eight months on, more than a dozen officials, builders and engineers told Reuters that rising construction costs and economic uncertainty have deterred companies from bidding for government reconstruction contracts, making that deadline look hard to reach, especially in the worst-hit areas. With work underway on a fraction of the planned new buildings in the devastated city of Adiyaman, Kaplan fears a long wait together with his disabled wife and other survivors. They are exposed to summer and winter temperatures in the lines of containers set up as temporary housing after the Feb. 6 disaster. "I believe it will take years to move," said Kaplan, whose apartment block collapsed in the quake. His daughter, daughter-in-law and four grandchildren died under falling buildings.
Israeli army to confront resilient foe in anticipated Gaza invasion (Reuters) An Israeli invasion of Gaza will face an enemy that has built a formidable armoury with Iran’s help, dug a vast tunnel network to evade attackers and has shown in past ground wars it can exact a heavier toll on Israeli troops each time. Based on past experience, Israel’s bunker buster bombs and hi-tech Merkava tanks will be up against booby-trapped tunnels, fighters using the underground network to strike and vanish, and a range of Hamas weaponry that includes Russian-made Kornet anti-tank missiles that Israel first reported used in 2010. Hundreds of thousands of reservists are being mobilised by Israel for combat against fighters who one former official in Israel’s Shin Bet security service said could number 20,000. Saleh Al-Arouri, deputy chief of Hamas politburo, told Al Jazeera that before Hamas unleashed its assault on Israel it had a defence plan that was stronger than its attack plan.
Thousands Flee Northern Gaza as Israeli Evacuation Order Stirs Panic (NYT) Panic and chaos gripped the northern Gaza Strip Friday as thousands of people fled south in vehicles piled high with blankets and mattresses along two main roads after the Israeli military ordered a mass evacuation of half of the besieged coastal strip. But rather than finding safety from a feared ground invasion, at least 70 people were killed along the way when Israeli airstrikes hit some of the vehicles fleeing south, according to the Gazan authorities. Some Gaza residents said they feared this could be the start of another permanent mass displacement like the one in 1948, when more than 700,000 Palestinians were expelled or fled their homes in present-day Israel during the war surrounding the nation’s establishment. The majority of Gaza’s population—some 1.7 million of the 2.1 million residents—are among those who were forced to leave their homes in 1948, or are their descendants. In 1948, Palestinians were told they would be allowed to return after a few days or weeks, and they took just a few belongings and the keys to their front doors. But they were never allowed back.
Trapped in Gaza, Palestinian Americans Say They Feel Abandoned (NYT) Duaa Abufares, 24, a psychology student from Clifton, N.J., has been anxiously awaiting word from her father, Fares, each day this week. He had gone back to Gaza to visit relatives in early September. Now, Mr. Abufares, who is a U.S. citizen, is sheltering with relatives amid the sounds of nonstop bombing, and calling his five children back in New Jersey during brief periods when he can access electricity. During a video call with them on Thursday, Mr. Abufares, 50, described seeing the bodies of dozens of women and children killed in an airstrike blocks from his family home. The sudden Hamas attack on Saturday and the subsequent counteroffensive left American citizens stranded in both Israel and Gaza. To assist American citizens who want to leave Israel amid the spiraling security crisis, the Biden administration announced it would begin arranging charter flights to ferry Americans to destinations in Europe starting on Friday. But for American citizens stuck in Gaza, there is no such arrangement. “I feel like I’ve been abandoned by my country,” said Lena Beseiso, 57, who lives in Salt Lake City, Utah, and is caught in Gaza with her husband, two of her daughters and a 10-year-old grandson. “We’re American citizens and we’re not being treated as American citizens.” U.S. officials estimated that 500 to 600 American citizens were in Gaza.
With all eyes on Gaza war, violence is quietly mounting in the West Bank (Washington Post) At least 11 Palestinians were killed by Israeli security forces and dozens injured across the West Bank on Friday, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, as fears rise over mounting violence and instability ahead of an expected Israeli land invasion of Gaza. In scenes rare for the West Bank, Palestinians raised Hamas flags in a solidarity march with Gaza, defying long-standing political divides between the Islamist militant group and the West Bank’s dominant Fatah party. Many in the occupied territory spent the day glued to the news as Israel ordered 1.1 million Gazans under bombardment to evacuate—fueling Palestinian fears of another mass displacement.
Rise in piracy (gCaptain) The ICC International Marine Bureau is reporting a rise in piracy, with 99 incidents of piracy in the first nine months of this year, up from 90 incidents of piracy over the course of 2022. The pirates are pretty good at their jobs, too: The pirates successfully boarded 89 percent of the vessels they targeted, mostly at night. Of those incidents, 21 took place in the Gulf of Guinea, and 33 took place in the Singapore Straits. The latter waterway is a congested and difficult-to-navigate waterway, and obviously being lousy with pirates complicates things even further.
Your Face May Soon Be Your Ticket. Not Everyone Is Smiling. (NYT) You may not have to fumble with your cellphone in the boarding area very much longer. As the travel industry embraces facial recognition technology, phones are beginning to go the way of paper tickets at airports, cruise terminals and theme parks, making checking in more convenient, but raising privacy and security concerns, too. “Before Covid it felt like a future thing,” said Hicham Jaddoud, a professor of hospitality and tourism at the University of Southern California, describing the way contactless transactions have become common since the pandemic. That includes facial recognition, which is “now making its way into daily operations” in the travel industry, Dr. Jaddoud said. Facial recognition systems are already being expanded at some airports. At Miami International, for example, cameras at 12 gates serving international flights match passengers’ faces to the passport photographs they have on file with the airlines, letting passengers at those gates board without showing physical passports or boarding passes. The company installing the systems, SITA, has been contracted to do the same for a number of international gates in 10 other U.S. airports, including Boston Logan International Airport and Philadelphia International Airport. (Passengers can opt out and still present physical documents instead, SITA says.)
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nurealtyadvisors · 1 year
Things to Know Before Buying a Multi-Unit Property
Buying a multi-unit property is a wise investment choice that can provide a steady return on investment and pave the way toward financial freedom. Whether you possess extensive experience in real estate investment or are a beginner seeking to acquire your initial multi-unit property, there are numerous vital elements to contemplate prior to reaching a conclusion.
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Below are the five key things you should know before buying a multi-unit property.
Deep History: Before purchasing any property, it is crucial to gain a thorough understanding of its history and the surrounding area. Whether you are considering a house, a two-family home, a four-family home, an apartment complex, or a vacant lot, researching the area's history will provide valuable insights. By examining aspects such as neighborhood growth, crime rates, nearby amenities, and prospective infrastructure enhancements, you can obtain valuable insights to guide your decision-making process when choosing an investment location.
Follow the Builders: Keeping an eye on new home construction can give you valuable insights into the housing market. Builders often work tirelessly to meet the growing demand for housing, and they possess valuable knowledge about upcoming housing booms. By observing their activities and staying up to date with city development plans, you can identify areas that are likely to experience growth and increased property value. Relying on the top commercial real estate companies in New York can be a smart strategy to spot potential investment opportunities in multifamily properties.
Costs and Expenses: When considering the advantages and returns of owning multi-unit properties, it is crucial to factor in the expenses and costs linked to maintenance and operation. These include property taxes, insurance, repairs, upkeep, utilities, and fees for property management. Additionally, if you are considering purchasing a Multifamily building for sale in New Jersey or any other high-priced area, be prepared for higher expenses. Thoroughly calculate your anticipated expenses and create a detailed budget to ensure the investment aligns with your financial goals.
Choose the Right Tenants: Selecting suitable tenants is crucial when investing in a multi-unit property. Since you will be providing separate facilities for multiple tenants, it is essential to choose individuals who are responsible, reliable, and financially stable. Conduct thorough background checks to ensure they have no criminal records and verify their rental history to assess their reliability as tenants. Additionally, consider their compatibility with other tenants and their overall demeanor. Choosing the right tenants will minimize potential issues and maximize the rental income from your property.
Seek Professional Guidance: Navigating the multifamily property market can be complex, especially for first-time investors. Consider seeking the assistance of Multifamily investment real estate brokers in Yonkers specializing in multifamily properties. These professionals can help you identify suitable properties, negotiate favorable terms, and ensure a smooth transaction.
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nasirfaizicpa12 · 1 day
Brooklyn Tax Preparers
"Brooklyn Tax Preparers" refers to professionals or firms located in Brooklyn, New York, who specialize in preparing and filing tax returns for individuals and businesses. These tax preparers help clients navigate the complexities of federal, state, and local tax laws, ensuring compliance and optimizing tax outcomes. Services provided may include income tax preparation, tax planning, bookkeeping, and representation during audits. Brooklyn Tax Preparers often possess certifications such as CPA (Certified Public Accountant), EA (Enrolled Agent), or other relevant qualifications.
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Guardianship & Real Estate Transfers: Key Elements of New York Estate Planning
Estate planning is a critical aspect of securing your family’s future, particularly in New York, where laws governing guardianship and real estate transfers can be complex. Richard Cary Spivack, a seasoned New York estate attorney, emphasizes the importance of understanding these key elements to ensure that your wishes are honored and your loved ones are protected.
Understanding Guardianship in New York
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Guardianship is a legal arrangement that allows a designated individual to make decisions on behalf of another person who is unable to manage their affairs due to incapacity. This can include decisions about personal care, medical treatment, and financial matters. Here are the essential points regarding guardianship in New York:
Types of Guardianship
1. Guardianship of the Person: This type of guardianship allows the guardian to make decisions about the individual’s personal needs, including healthcare and living arrangements.
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2. Guardianship of the Property: This permits the guardian to manage the financial affairs of the individual, including handling assets, paying bills, and managing investments.
3. Limited Guardianship: In some cases, a guardian may be appointed to make specific decisions while the individual retains some level of autonomy.
The Role of a Probate Attorney
When establishing guardianship, working with a probate attorney is crucial. They can guide you through the legal process, ensuring that all necessary documentation is completed accurately and submitted to the appropriate court. 
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A probate attorney can help you understand what to expect from a probate attorney, including their role in:
Preparing and filing petitions for guardianship.
Representing clients in court hearings.
Advising on the responsibilities and duties of a guardian.
Assisting with the management of the ward's affairs.
Real Estate Transfers in Estate Planning
Real estate is often one of the most significant assets in an estate. Proper planning for the transfer of real estate can prevent disputes and ensure that your property is handled according to your wishes. Here are key considerations regarding real estate transfers in New York:
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Types of Real Estate Transfers
1. Transfer on Death Deed: This allows property owners to transfer real estate to beneficiaries upon their death without going through probate.
2. Inter vivos Transfers: These are transfers made during the owner’s lifetime, which can be beneficial for tax purposes and to avoid probate.
3. Trust Transfers: Placing real estate in a trust can provide greater control over how the property is managed and distributed after death.
The Importance of Proper Documentation
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When transferring real estate, it is essential to have the correct legal documentation in place. A probate attorney can assist in:
Drafting deeds and other necessary documents.
Ensuring compliance with New York’s Real Property Transfer Tax (RPTT) requirements.
Advising on tax implications related to the transfer of property.
Why You Would Need a Probate Attorney
Navigating the complexities of estate planning, guardianship, and real estate transfers can be overwhelming. Here are some reasons why you would need a probate attorney:
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1. Expertise in Estate Law: A probate attorney has specialized knowledge of estate laws and can help you avoid costly mistakes.
2. Personalized Guidance: They can provide tailored advice based on your specific circumstances and goals.
3. Efficiency: An attorney can streamline the process, ensuring that all legal requirements are met promptly.
4. Dispute Resolution: If disputes arise among family members regarding guardianship or property distribution, a probate attorney can mediate and resolve these issues effectively.
5. Peace of Mind: Knowing that a professional is handling your estate planning can alleviate stress and provide confidence that your wishes will be honored.
What Does a Probate Lawyer Do?
A probate lawyer plays a vital role in the estate planning process. Here are some of their key responsibilities:
*Drafting Legal Documents: This includes wills, trusts, and powers of attorney, ensuring that they comply with New York law.
*Managing the Probate Process: They assist executors in navigating the probate process, including filing necessary documents with the court and managing estate assets.
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*Advising on Tax Issues: A probate attorney can provide guidance on estate taxes and help minimize tax liabilities for your heirs.
*Handling Disputes: If conflicts arise during the probate process, a probate lawyer can represent your interests in court.
The Benefits of a Free Consultation
Many probate attorneys, including Richard Cary Spivack, offer a probate attorney free consultation. This initial meeting allows potential clients to discuss their needs and concerns without financial commitment. During this consultation, you can:
Assess the attorney’s expertise and experience.
Discuss your specific estate planning needs.
Understand the costs involved in the probate process.
Finding the Right Estate Planning Attorney in New York
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When searching for an estate planning attorney in New York, consider the following:
1. Experience: Look for attorneys with a strong background in estate planning and probate law.
2. Reputation: Research reviews and testimonials from previous clients to gauge their satisfaction.
3. Communication: Choose an attorney who communicates clearly and is responsive to your questions and concerns.
4. Specialization: Consider attorneys who specialize in estate planning, guardianship, and real estate transfers.
5. Location: Search for estate lawyers near me to find local attorneys who understand the specific laws and regulations in your area.
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Guardianship and real estate transfers are critical components of estate planning attorney new york. Understanding these elements and working with a knowledgeable probate attorney can ensure that your wishes are honored and your family is protected. Richard Cary Spivack offers comprehensive legal services to assist clients with all aspects of estate planning, including guardianship and real estate transfers. For a free consultation, contact Richard Cary Spivack today to secure your family’s future.
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wilsonchanlaw · 9 days
A Guide to MWBE Application in New York
The Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprise (MWBE) program is an essential initiative that fosters equal opportunities for minority- and women-owned businesses across New York State. By securing MWBE certification, businesses can gain access to various government contracts, enhance their visibility, and unlock growth potential. In this blog, we will cover the MWBE application in New York, eligibility requirements, and the benefits of becoming a certified MWBE.
What is the New York MWBE Program?
The New York MWBE program was created to ensure that minority- and women-owned businesses have a fair chance to compete in the marketplace. It provides these businesses with access to contracts from state agencies, public authorities, and private entities. By holding MWBE certification, businesses can strengthen their credibility and increase their chances of securing lucrative contracts.
The certification applies to two main categories:
Minority Business Enterprise (MBE): For businesses owned, operated, and controlled by individuals from recognized minority groups.
Women Business Enterprise (WBE): For businesses that are at least 51% owned, controlled, and managed by women.
Eligibility for MWBE Certification in New York
To be eligible for the MWBE application in New York, a business must meet the following criteria:
Ownership and Control: The business must be at least 51% owned, operated, and controlled by minority individuals or women.
Independence: The business should operate independently and not be controlled by another entity.
Business Size: The company must meet size standards, generally classified as a small business based on its annual revenue.
The MWBE Application Process
The MWBE application in New York is a multi-step process that requires thorough documentation and careful preparation:
Verify Eligibility: Before starting the application, it is crucial to confirm that your business meets the eligibility criteria set by New York State.
Prepare Required Documents: Gather all necessary documentation, such as ownership proof, tax returns, and business financial statements, to demonstrate that your company qualifies.
Submit Application: The application can be submitted online through the New York State Contract System. Be prepared for a detailed review of your business structure, operations, and finances.
Respond to Inquiries: The certification process may include follow-up questions or requests for additional documentation. Respond promptly to keep the application moving forward.
Benefits of New York MWBE Certification
Achieving New York MWBE certification offers numerous advantages:
Access to Government Contracts: Certified businesses are eligible to bid on government contracts that are set aside for MWBEs, ensuring fair competition.
Increased Visibility: Your business will be listed in the New York State MWBE directory, making it easier for state agencies and contractors to find and work with you.
Business Development Resources: MWBE-certified firms can benefit from specialized training, mentorship programs, and other resources that help them grow.
The MWBE application in New York is an essential step for minority- and women-owned businesses looking to expand their opportunities in the public and private sectors. By securing New York MWBE certification, businesses can access valuable contracts, improve their visibility, and gain resources to fuel their growth. While the application process can be detailed, the benefits of certification make it a valuable asset for eligible businesses.
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nfaizicpa · 12 days
Accounting Firm in Brooklyn
Accounting Firm in Brooklyn refers to a professional service provider located in Brooklyn, New York, specializing in various accounting services. These firms offer a wide range of financial services, including bookkeeping, tax preparation, financial planning, auditing, payroll management, and consulting for businesses, individuals, and organizations. Accounting firms in Brooklyn are known for their deep understanding of local market dynamics and regulations, providing tailored advice and solutions to meet the unique needs of their clients in the area.
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mitchellwilliam912 · 2 months
Navigating US Tax Compliance: A Guide for Business Owners
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It was a chilly January morning in New York when Michael, the owner of a growing e-commerce business, sat down with a cup of coffee to tackle his annual tax preparations. The previous year had been a whirlwind of growth, and with it came a myriad of tax compliance challenges. As he sifted through piles of paperwork, Michael realized he needed a clearer understanding of US tax compliance to avoid costly mistakes. Determined to get it right this time, he began researching and consulting experts. Here is a guide inspired by Michael’s journey, aimed at helping business owners navigate the complexities of US tax compliance.
1. Understand Your Tax Obligations
The first step in navigating tax compliance is understanding your tax obligations. The US tax system requires businesses to pay various federal, state, and local taxes. According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), 90% of small businesses report taxes as a significant burden. Key federal taxes include income tax, self-employment tax, and employment taxes (such as Social Security and Medicare).
2. Register for an Employer Identification Number (EIN)
An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is essential for all businesses. The IRS uses this number to identify your business for tax purposes. As of 2022, the IRS reported that over 4.4 million new EINs were issued, reflecting the growing number of new businesses. Obtaining an EIN is a straightforward process and can be done online through the IRS website.
3. Keep Detailed Records
Maintaining accurate and detailed records is crucial for tax compliance. This includes keeping track of all income, expenses, and deductions. According to the IRS, inadequate record-keeping is one of the top reasons small businesses face audits. Using accounting software can streamline this process and ensure that your records are organized and up-to-date.
4. File and Pay Taxes on Time
Meeting tax deadlines is critical to avoid penalties and interest. The IRS reported that in 2021, approximately 5 million businesses were charged late filing penalties. Key deadlines for 2024 include:
January 15: Estimated quarterly tax payment for Q4 2023
March 15: S-Corporation and Partnership tax returns
April 15: Individual and C-Corporation tax returns
Filing and paying taxes on time demonstrates good business practice and keeps you in the IRS’s good graces.
5. Understand Employment Taxes
If you have employees, you are responsible for withholding and paying employment taxes, including federal income tax, Social Security, and Medicare taxes. The IRS requires businesses to report these taxes quarterly using Form 941. In 2023, the IRS collected over $1.3 trillion in employment taxes, highlighting the importance of compliance in this area.
6. Know Your State and Local Tax Obligations
In addition to federal taxes, businesses must comply with state and local tax laws. This can include state income tax, sales tax, and property tax. According to the Tax Foundation, the average combined state and local sales tax rate in the US is 7.12%. Each state has different requirements, so it’s essential to understand the specific obligations in your business’s location.
7. Take Advantage of Tax Deductions and Credits
Tax deductions and credits can significantly reduce your tax liability. Common deductions include office expenses, travel, and employee benefits. The IRS allows businesses to deduct up to $1.16 million in qualifying equipment purchases under Section 179 in 2024. Additionally, tax credits such as the Research and Development (R&D) Tax Credit can provide substantial savings. In 2022, businesses claimed approximately $18 billion in R&D tax credits.
8. Stay Informed About Tax Law Changes
Tax laws are constantly changing, and staying informed is crucial for compliance. For example, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 introduced significant changes, including the Qualified Business Income (QBI) deduction, which can reduce taxable income by up to 20% for eligible businesses. Regularly consulting with a tax professional can help you stay updated on relevant changes and ensure your business remains compliant.
9. Consider Professional Help
Navigating tax compliance can be challenging, and seeking professional help can be a wise investment. According to a survey by the National Small Business Association, 88% of small businesses use external tax professionals. These experts can provide valuable advice, ensure you take advantage of all available deductions and credits, and help you avoid costly mistakes.
10. Plan for the Future
Effective tax planning involves looking ahead and preparing for future tax obligations. This includes setting aside funds for taxes, planning major purchases strategically, and considering the tax implications of business decisions. Long-term tax planning can help you take advantage of new opportunities and ensure the financial health of your business.
As Michael reviewed his newfound knowledge, he felt more confident in his ability to navigate the complex world of US tax compliance. By understanding his tax obligations, keeping detailed records, and seeking professional advice, he knew he could avoid the pitfalls that had plagued him in the past. For business owners, leveraging effective business tax solutions is essential for maintaining compliance and focusing on what truly matters—growing and sustaining their businesses.
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customaccountingcpa · 2 months
Unlocking Financial Success: The Vital Role of a Brooklyn Tax Accountant
Brooklyn, a vibrant borough of New York City, is known for its dynamic blend of cultures, burgeoning businesses, and artistic flair. As the borough continues to thrive, so does its demand for proficient financial services. Among the most crucial of these services is tax accounting. A Brooklyn tax accountant is an indispensable ally for individuals and businesses aiming to navigate the complexities of the tax landscape while maximizing their financial potential.
Understanding the Role of a Brooklyn Tax Accountant
A tax accountant’s primary role is to manage and optimize their clients' tax responsibilities. This involves a comprehensive understanding of federal, state, and local tax laws. In Brooklyn, where tax regulations can be intricate and ever-changing, the expertise of a skilled tax accountant can make a significant difference in financial outcomes.
Navigating Complex Tax Regulations
Tax laws in New York can be particularly complex, with specific regulations affecting both individuals and businesses. A Brooklyn tax accountant stays updated with these changes and ensures compliance, preventing costly mistakes that could result in penalties. They provide guidance on various tax matters, from income and payroll taxes to sales and property taxes, ensuring that their clients adhere to all legal requirements.
Maximizing Tax Deductions and Credits
One of the key benefits of working with a Brooklyn tax accountant is their ability to identify and maximize tax deductions and credits. They meticulously analyze financial records to uncover potential savings that might otherwise go unnoticed. For individuals, this could mean deductions related to home offices, education, or medical expenses. For businesses, it could involve credits for research and development, employee benefits, or energy efficiency. These savings can significantly reduce tax liabilities and enhance overall financial health.
Strategic Tax Planning
Tax accountants in Brooklyn don’t just focus on the present; they also help clients plan for the future. Strategic tax planning involves evaluating financial situations and developing strategies to minimize tax obligations over the long term. This could include retirement planning, estate planning, or structuring business transactions to achieve favorable tax outcomes. By anticipating future tax implications, a Brooklyn tax accountant helps clients make informed decisions that align with their financial goals.
Supporting Small Businesses
Brooklyn is home to a diverse array of small businesses, each with unique tax needs. A tax accountant provides invaluable support to these businesses, handling everything from bookkeeping and payroll to tax preparation and filing. They offer insights into tax-efficient business structures and help with compliance issues, allowing business owners to focus on growing their enterprises. With their guidance, small businesses can avoid common tax pitfalls and leverage opportunities for financial growth.
Personalized Financial Advice
The relationship between a tax accountant and their client goes beyond numbers. In Brooklyn’s diverse and dynamic community, personalized financial advice is crucial. A good tax accountant takes the time to understand their clients’ unique circumstances and financial goals. They offer tailored advice that helps individuals and businesses make sound financial decisions, whether it’s buying a home, investing in the stock market, or expanding a business.
In the bustling and ever-evolving borough of Brooklyn, the expertise of a tax accountant is invaluable. Their deep understanding of tax laws, strategic planning capabilities, and personalized advice help clients navigate the complexities of the tax system with confidence. Whether you’re an individual looking to optimize your tax situation or a business aiming for growth and compliance, a Brooklyn tax accountant is your trusted partner in achieving financial success. With their support, you can unlock the full potential of your financial future in one of New York City’s most dynamic communities.
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yasinzoneofficiel · 3 months
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liataxandmanagement · 4 months
Navigating tax season can be a daunting task, but with the right tax planning services in South Richmond Hill, New York, it doesn’t have to be. Early and effective planning ensures you’re reacting to tax scenarios and actively shaping them to benefit your financial future. Whether you’re an individual looking to maximize returns or a small business aiming to optimize deductions, understanding the nuances of tax laws can lead you to substantial savings.
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rizwanahmedcpa49 · 4 months
Rizwan Ahmed CPA
Rizwan Ahmed CPA is a certified public accountant located in New Hyde Park, New York. Rizwan Ahmed is a CPAdirectory verified CPA, licensed to practice in the state of New York. The requirements for licensure in New York ensure that Rizwan Ahmed maintains the highest standard of knowledge and ethics when operating as an accountant. CPAs may practice as a public accountant, work in private industry, education or government, and are often considered experts in tax preparation. Their overall educational requirements and training in business and knowledge in principles of general law and taxation provide CPAs with the skills to help individuals with both personal and business financial decisions.
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