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12 ASCENSION CHAKRAS WORKSHOP Expanding Consciousness Please R.S.V.P. before or on Thursday, 30 May 2019 See "BOOKINGS" for contact details My Journey with the Ascension Chakras began way back in around 2008. I attended a Diana Cooper Seminar in Jo'burgh. It was her "2012 and Beyond" tour and during the workshop she 'activated' our consciousness to the newly Ascending Chakra system. It has changed me, my Life and (obviously) my perceptions! It goes without saying that it has also empowered me beyond my wildest imaginings, and I would absolutely LOVE to share this experience with you, through my own experiences and research into these critical points of energy. “In Golden Atlantis we had twelve chakras, carrying much higher light and wisdom than we currently have. When they are open the twelve strands of DNA start to be activated.” 2012 and Beyond - Diana Cooper In this workshop I will be taking you through each of the 12 Chakra Points. You will work on connecting and becoming familiar with their new resonance, as well as get to learn their new colours, responsible Archangels and more. You will also be making an adaptation of Buddhist Prayer Beads to help you memorise the chakras and their colours. DETAILS Cost: R300 (a 50% deposit before or on R.S.V.P. date secures your booking) Time: 10h00 - 14h00 Date: Saturday, 1 June 2019 Venue: Indigo Spirit 13 Stellenhof Street Van der Stel STRAND BOOKINGS Nico Redelinghuys: 082 081 0690 or [email protected] #ascensionchakras #12chakras #chakraworkshop #chakraworkshops #twelvechakras #indigospiritworkshops #spiritualblog #chakrasandspirituality #yourascensionjourney #chakras #spirituality #spiritualityawake #spiritualitynotreligion #chakrabalancing #12chakrabalancing (at Indigo Spirit) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx4wR2kHmKf/?igshid=1s9fel91da2v2
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