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indiemags · 7 years ago
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What is Indie?
Indiecon 2018 - Indie nations
Oliver Gehrs – DUMMY  “Being independent means being free.”
Jana Al Obeidyine – a Dance Mag  “Indie is being true to yourself despite the adversity.”
Davide Cazarro – NANG Magazine  “A sprawling and layered term, an opportunity, an aspiration, a promise
 a chimera?”
Mike Koedinger – Maison Moderne/Paperjam  “It’s primarily about freedom of expression, and less a matter of size.”
Sissel Hansen – Startup Guide  “Indie means trying new things, being unconventional and sticking to your own vision.”
Meg Miller– Eye on Design  “Free to be experimental, thoughtful, and dynamic with the contents of your publication, in pursuit of making something valuable and considered above all else.”
Iris Lee– ArtQpie Library  “Small scale but big impact.”
Laurel Schwulst – Beautiful Company  “I think it's short for independent.”
Monika Szewczyk – South as State of Mind  “Quote from The Life of Brian: ‘We are all indie-vidiuals’, defined by our alliances.”
Florian Mecklenburg & Karoline Buurman – NXS  “Being independent from any safe and proven formats and aesthetics.”
Indiecon 2017 - Indie first
Justinien Tribillon – Migrant Journal  “Being independent means highlighting stories and showing perspectives that are not bound to financial interests or sensationalist requirements.”
Ryan Fitzgibbon – hello mr.  “Indie means finding your motivation in challenging the status quo.”
Steve Watson – Stack  “Indie is unstoppable.”
Jeremy Leslie – magCulture  “Indie is anything you dream.”
Ibrahim Nehme – Outpost  “Indie is disconnecting from the system to find freedom.”
Stefanie Lohhaus – Missy  “Passionate, content-driven journalism. Avantgarde. Taking Risks both content and layout-wise. Being radical.”
Megan Le Masurier – University of Sydney  “Indie is the desire for a Utopian space, creating what is missing.”
Nelson Ng – LOST  “Indie is about having a strong belief in something.”
Yaonyou Yuan Di “Indie is without any interruption.”
Rose Nordin – OOMK “Indie is in line with D.I.Y – making projects happen with little resources and with a lot of personal investment.”
Kati Krause – ANXY  “’Indie’ is a carte blanche for radical creativity, for making magazines that verge on art. It means trying out subject matters and storytelling that readers didn’t even know they were interested in. It means forging audiences rather than following them.”
Besa Luci – Kosorvo 2.0  “Indie means being self-aware and self-critical.”
Joachim Baldauf – VORN  “Real Indie for me is non-capitalistic. Not focused on money, but spirit.”
Steve Anglesey – The New European  “Indie is the Second Annual Report album by Throbbing Gristle (1977) – self-written, self-recorded, self-performed using self-built equipment, self-published because no major would have dared; created for no-one but the artists, yet manage to inspire and connect a network of individuals.”
Heike Grebin – Troppo-Automated “Limitations make you creative – hopefully.”
Andreas Trogisch – Troppo-Automated “You get the idea and you do it.”
Timo Rychert – Troppo-Automated “The moment you find out what Indie is, it stops being Indie.”
Sara Schurmann – VICE / F Mag “For me magazines are „indie“, when the editorial team developed the idea independently and not on behalf of a client. Which doesn’t mean you can’t work with or for publishing houses.”
Susanne Eigenmann – Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft  “Indie is authentically, surprising and likeable.”
Teresa BĂŒcker – Edition F  “Indie is about being stronger together.”
Indhira Rojas – ANXY  “Indie is creative freedom, freedom to invent and make things on your terms and follow that vision. It's taking the risk to pursue your ideas outside of traditional frameworks, and in that process finding your own path.”
Indiecon 2016 - Indienet Pioneer Communities
Danny Miller – Weapons of Reason  “I don’t have a definitive answer for this.”
Ricarda Messner – Flaneur  “Doing whatever you want to do.”
Agnese Kleina – Benji Knewman  “Inventing your own universe and rules.”
Joachim Baldauf – Vorn  “Real Indie for me is non-capitalistic. Not focused on money, but spirit.”
Steven Watson – Stack  “Indie is unstoppable.”
Fabian Weiß “Indie is doing what you like and listening to your heart.”
Sebastian Pranz – Froh  “Indie is creating alternative public spheres!”
Penny Martin – The Gentlewoman  “A lifetime membership of the London Library and a taxi account.”
Rosetta Mills – The Lifted Brow  “Making a thing you love with good people, for good people who will love it.”
Jeff Taylor – Courier “Today’s ‘indie’ crews have found multiple models that help them launch titles for far less money than before, and in the process, are creating a wave of fresh, unique titles.”
Veronica Ditting – The Gentlewoman  “Indie is an outspoken and personal voice.”
Sam Cooney – The Lifted Brow  “Indie is making meaning rather than money.”
Fabian Ebeling – Die Epilog  “Doing (almost) whatever you want.”
Klaus Neuburg – Froh  “Doing it anyway.”
Timo Durst – PFDFNDR “Indie is intrinsic.”
Max Weinland – PFDFNDR “Indie is autocracy.”
Richard O’Mahony – The Gentlewoman  “The opportunity of a lifetime.”
Sebastian Zimmerhackl – Selam X  “Through the wall.”
Michael Hopp – Hopp und Frenz  “Indie is print without regrets.”
Nelson Ng – Lost  “Indie is about having a strong belief in something.”
Indiecon 2015 - Indie forever
Philipp Köster – 11 Freunde  “Indie ist: Sich selbst ausbeuten, statt sich von anderen ausbeuten zu lassen.“
Ryan Fitzgibbon – Hello Mr.  “Finding motivation in the attempt to prove everyone wrong.”
Jeremy Leslie – Magculture  “Complete Control.”
Kai Brach – Offscreen  “Being able to decide today what the magazine will look like tomorrow, without asking anyone for permission.”
Ole Jendis – Impulse  “Indie jetzt grĂŒnden – der wahrscheinlich verrĂŒckteste und beste Zeitpunkt zugleich.“
Tristan Rodgers – MC1R  “The freedom to do everything you like to do and having it under your own control.”
Mathias Zeiske – Edit  “Getting to choose the people you depend on.”
Anke Eberhardt – CUT  “(i)nspiring, (n)iche dedicated, (d)eadline heavy, (i)nsane, (e)xceptional”
Julia Kahl – Slanted  “Independently created and published publications.”
Jan Spading – zmyk  “Sich unabhĂ€ngig entscheiden zu können, von wem oder was man als Magazinmacher abhĂ€ngig sein muss und will.“
Steven Gregor – Gym Class Mag  “Indie is a frame of mind. It’s an intention
 a voice different from the norm. Indie is risk. It’s Shia LaBeouf’s rattail, not Kim Kardashian’s butt. Indie has nothing to do with fancy paper, typefaces or printing techniques. And it most certainly has nothing to do with small business models.”
Mads Pankow – Die Epilog  “To us indie means independent from the market, trying to make a magazine that reflects a unique point of view, without thinking about the target audience. Only if you keep straight to your own perspective you will find an audience which appreciates it.”
Dolf HermannstĂ€dter – Trust  “Overrated.”
Ibrahim Nehme – The Outpost  “Indie is a blueprint of the world you want to live in – made with no budget.”
Juliane Schiemenz – Reportagen  “
 wenn du Sachen anders machen kannst als die anderen – und davon trotzdem deine Miete bezahlen. // - und davon trotzdem deine Miete bezahlst. // wenn du Sachen anders machst als die anderen - und davon trotzdem deine Miete bezahlen kannst.“
Daniel Beskos – mairisch Verlag  “Working with people you like on magazines and books that are well done and worth being published."
Alexander Scholz – HOLO “A trade-off: the joy of answering to no one, the horrors of bearing all the risk.”
Chris Köver – Missy  “Wenn die Sache wichtiger ist als das Geld, das man damit verdient.“
Sebastian Pranz – Froh  “Indie is creating alternative public spheres!”
Indiecon 2014 - Was ist indie
Gabriele Fischer – brand eins  “Wenn die Idee stĂ€rker ist, als die Vernunft.“
Steve Watson – stack  ”Publishing because it matters, not because it pays.”
Kai Brach – Offscreen  “Etablierte Weisheiten ĂŒber Bord zu werfen.“
Stephan Busse – dpv  “Zu machen, worauf man Lust hat - und dann erst die Erwartungen anderer zu erfĂŒllen.“
Ale Dumbsky – READ “Indie ist ein dreichsnkliges Dreieck. Idiotie, Verantwortung, Romantik.”
Nikolaus Förster – Impulse  “Wenn die Lust auf Freiheit einen ĂŒberwĂ€ltigt - und sich auszahlt.“
Oliver Gehrs – Dummy  “Wenn man Themen bringen kann, die Anzeigenkunden meiden.“
Josephine Götz – PĂ€ng!  “Anzeigen zu verkaufen, wĂ€hrend die Mitbewohner nebenan Sex haben.“
Michael Hopp – H&F “Wenn es mit uns selbst zu tun hat - und damit mit anderen.“
Ole Jendis – Impulse  “Mit den eigenen Ideen Leser zu begeistern und an sich zu binden.“
Fabian Knöbel – Analog Sonntag  “Indie-Projekte sind do-it-Projekte mit offenem Ausgang.“
Kati Krause – All Seasons Mag  “Indie ist Mut dazu, nicht von jedem verstanden zu werden.“
Volker Lilienthal – IJK “Immer wieder Pionierarbeit mit Kraft und Fantasie.“
Katarzyna Mol-Wolf – Emotion  “Indie ist authentisch, immer ein bisschen Rock'n Roll und nachhaltig erfolgreich.“
Horst Moser – Cut  “Indie c'est moi.”
Dirk Mönkenmöller – The Weekender  “Machen zu können, was man will.“
Boris Rosenkranz – NDR  “Indie ist das Gegenteil von Langeweile.“
Andreas Volleritsch – Neubau Design  “Indie ist immer mit Liebe und Leidenschaft gemacht.“
Marc Winkelmann – enorm “Indie ist Selbstverwirklichung durch Selbstausbeutung.“
Oliver Wurm - 547490 “Machen, zweifeln, sorgen, durchziehen, freuen. In der Reihenfolge.“
=== The Independent Magazine Festival is a project by Die Brueder Publishing. Indiecon 2018 online: www.indienations.de, instagram.com/indiemags, facebook.com/indiemags, twitter.com/indiemags
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