renexead · 9 years
〄 first three words that come to my character’s mind at the thought of yours
“Who is he?”
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diamondxxdust · 10 years
who cooks normally?:
Most likely they take turns.
how often do they fight?:
Probably a lot, mainly stupid things. 
what do they do when they’re away from each other?:
I feel like Chihoon wouldn’t do anything except for a few texts now and again. Same for Choi.
nicknames for each other?:
Choi to him would be coffee cake, I think Chihoon would call her Elsa.
who is more likely to pay for dinner?:
Most likely Chihoon, or they’d go dutch.
who steals the covers at night?:
what would they get each other for gifts?:
Choi would give him something homemade, and I think Chihoon would give her a book.
who remembers things?:
They both do.
who cusses more?:
what would they do if the other one was hurt?:
Chihoon would help her. Choi would help and then deal with whatever hurt him.
who kissed who first?:
who made the first move?:
who started the relationship?:
They agreed on it.
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indie-chihoon :
Hello. -Smiles-
Hey there. /he returns a small smile/ May I ask your name?
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paradoxvm-blog · 10 years
{ indie-chihoon replied to your post }
"What a depressing way to look at it. Life is full of possibilities and the fact that we could die at any moment, that humans will eventually die, makes it more meaningful. We're all going to die so shouldn't we enjoy life first?"
               ❝ No. ❞
               he answers plainly, nose scrunching is disagreement. ❝ you know, the average lifespan for human beings used to be 500 years. now they're lucky if they hobble up to 80 with tons of health problems and they just become a walking corpse, a fucking zombie. so, no, humans' lives are not ' meaningful '. they've trashed themselves since day one of being created. they deserve nothing but punishment, even after death. someone who's been pissing off higher beings, their superiors, don't deserve to enjoy anything at all. ❞
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"I barely know you. If you want a real kiss you'll have to buy me a drink first." He smirked and looked in the direction of the man the other was talking about, chuckling under his breath as he watched the man sulk away. "But i am glad I was able to assist"
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diamondxxdust · 10 years
Let the past rest.
Forgive and forget. That’s what we must do, something I must do. No matter how much I loved you... I need to forgive you...and hopefully forget you.
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faceoftheunderground · 10 years
Chihoon & Stella
Rainy weather would bum most people out. Since Stella was far from being like most people she was delighted to watch the sky darken and raindrops pound against the window. Before the rain started, she had driven herself down to a large bookstore in the center of Seoul. It was number three on her top places to be during the day. Stella ran her fingers along the spines of the books looking for one to catch her attention. 
There was one that finally stood out. A thick red book with a nothing on the cover. She flipped through a few pages reading a little of it before deciding it was interesting enough to keep. This process occurs a few more times until she had a decent pile of books in her possession. They were starting to get heavy so she just sits on the floor near one of the book cases starting to to read one of her books. Stella got through a good chunk of the book before interruption occurred. It came in the form of a boy tripping over her pile. All she did was look up at his possessions scattered across the floor mixed along with her books. 
"You should have more respect for the books." She muttered starting to reorganize her piles."
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sibyxle-blog · 10 years
[Text] According to google history, I spent most of last night trying to buy an elephant.
Incoming Message:
                        〖 ✉ → Unknown 〗 Umm, okay... That's weird.
Message Sent: ✔
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renexead · 10 years
indie-chihoon replied to your post: "I am bored…"
-Hands him a bottle of vodka-
"What am I supposed to do with this? Clean...?"
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jayyxvonmonroe · 10 years
Pride and Gluttony
Pride: Something that I like about myself.
I'm loyal to those I love.
Gluttony: One of my favorite foods.
Now that I can taste, I'm enjoying pizza a lot.
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lxxjongsuk · 10 years
indie-chihoon replied to your post:I want ice cream.
-Gives a bowl of ice cream-
I'll be so sick but i love you, thank you.
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dreamgodkai-a · 10 years
"How do you accidentally buy sixty birthday cakes?”
His eyes dart over the others. He had to admit what a good question it was. He licked his lips nervously. "Uh, well-- the numbers must have got jumbled when I made the order! I was very sleep. You see my boss is turning 60.. Do you think he'll mind if I brought in them all? What am I going to do with the excess? Ugh, he's going to kill me."
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diamondxxdust · 10 years
"It ain't that kind of a movie."
She furrowed her brows, crossing her arms; “Well... what kind of movie is it?” She wet her lips, wondering what movie it was again. “If it’s not horror I might not see it...I dislike romance movies.”
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guardian-ren · 10 years
If it was raining I would:[x] Give you my jacket.[] Run off leaving you behind.[] Hug you until it stops.[] Push you in a puddle.[] Kiss you in the rain.
-You are:[] Ugly[] Ok-ish[] Pretty[] Funny[] Gorgeous[x] Good looking[] Beautiful[] Perfect-If you kissed me, I would:[] Punch you[] Kiss you back[x] Laugh[] Look at you weird[x] Blush[x] I don’t know[] Walk away slowly[x] You wouldn’t-You are:[] Potential bf/gf material[x] Friend[] Close friend[] Best friend[] Enemy[] Bf/Gf [] My baby [] Dunno[] Ex-You should:[x] Hug me[x] Call me[x] Text me[x] Talk to me more [] Have sex with me[] Come out one time-I would:[] Give you the world[x] Cuddle you[] Marry you on Facebook[x] Party with you[] Bully you-I like your:[] Body[x] Smile[x] Hair[] Laugh[x] Eyes[x] Lips[x] Voice[x] Personality[] Everything[] Ass[]Boobs/DickI’d rate you-[] 1[] 2[] 3[] 4[] 5 [] 6[] 7[] 8[x] 9[] 10When were older-[] We won’t know each other[] We’ll be married[] We’ll be mates[] We’ll be enemies[x] Dont know yetWould I ever go out with you?-[] Yes[x] No[] Dunno[] Already have[] Don’t wanna ruin our friendship[] Any day[] Already amHow much your worth to me:[] A nickel[] 100 dollars[] Thousands[x] Millions[] Billions[] The world
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renexead · 10 years
Favorite time period that you lived through?
"Hm, an interesting thing to ponder. Any time that relied too heavily on men wearing wigs was not really for me, the lice" shuddering he shakes his head. "Then of course before that you had the rats and the plague... The great unwashed, the bad dental hygiene". Chuckling softly he shakes his head, "honestly it amazes me how some can not understand my contempt for the living, when I have seen and smelt far more then I ever wished to and the use of soap is still relatively in its infancy. My favourite time? Before anything was industrialised ... I miss all the green".
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