#indias most popular tech site
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(CNN) — Jack Latham was on a mission to photograph farms in Vietnam — not the country’s sprawling plantations or rice terraces but its “click farms.”
Last year, the British photographer spent a month in the capital Hanoi documenting some of the shadowy enterprises that help clients artificially boost online traffic and social media engagement in the hope of manipulating algorithms and user perceptions.
The resulting images, which feature in his new book “Beggar’s Honey,” provide rare insight into the workshops that hire low-paid workers to cultivate likes, comments and shares for businesses and individuals globally.
“When most people are on social media, they want nothing but attention — they’re begging for it,” Latham said in a phone interview, explaining his book’s title.
“With social media, our attention is a product for advertisers and marketers.”
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In the 2000s, the growing popularity of social media sites — including Facebook and Twitter, now called X — created a new market for well-curated digital profiles, with companies and brands vying to maximize visibility and influence.
Though it is unclear when click farms began proliferating, tech experts warned about “virtual gang masters” operating them from low-income countries as early as 2007.
In the following decades, click farms exploded in number — particularly in Asia, where they can be found across India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, the Philippines, and beyond.
Regulations have often failed to keep pace: While some countries, like China, have attempted to crack down on operations (the China Advertising Association banned the use of click farms for commercial gain in 2020), they continue to flourish around the continent, especially in places where low labor and electricity costs make it affordable to power hundreds of devices simultaneously.
‘Like Silicon Valley startups’
Latham’s project took him to five click farms in Vietnam.
(The click farmers he hoped to photograph in Hong Kong “got cold feet,” he said, and pandemic-related travel restrictions dashed his plans to document the practice in mainland China).
On the outskirts of Hanoi, Latham visited workshops operating from residential properties and hotels.
Some had a traditional setup with hundreds of manually operated phones, while others used a newer, compact method called “box farming” — a phrase used by the click farmers Latham visited — where several phones, without screens and batteries, are wired together and linked to a computer interface.
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Latham said one of the click farms he visited was a family-run business, though the others appeared more like a tech companies.
Most workers were in their 20s and 30s, he added.
“They all looked like Silicon Valley startups,” he said. “There was a tremendous amount of hardware … whole walls of phones.”
Some of Latham’s photos depict — albeit anonymously — workers tasked with harvesting clicks.
In one image, a man is seen stationed amid a sea of gadgets in what appears to be a lonely and monotonous task.
“It only takes one person to control large amounts of phones,” Latham said. “One person can very quickly (do the work of) 10,000. It’s both solitary and crowded.”
At the farms Lathan visited, individuals were usually in charge of a particular social media platforms.
For instance, one “farmer” would be responsible for mass posting and commenting on Facebook accounts, or setting up YouTube platforms where they post and watch videos on loop.
The photographer added that TikTok is now the most popular platform at the click farms he visited.
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The click farmers Latham spoke to mostly advertised their services online for less than one cent per click, view or interaction.
And despite the fraudulent nature of their tasks, they seemed to treat it like just another job, the photographer said.
‘There was an understanding they were just providing a service,” he added. “There wasn’t a shadiness. What they’re offering is shortcuts.”
Deceptive perception
Across its 134 pages, “Beggar’s Honey” includes a collection of abstract photographs — some seductive, others contemplative — depicting videos that appeared on Latham’s TikTok feed.
He included them in the book to represent the kind of content he saw being boosted by click farms.
But many of his photos focus on the hardware used to manipulate social media —webs of wires, phones and computers.
“A lot of my work is about conspiracies,” Latham said. ” Trying to ‘document the machines used to spread disinformation’ is the tagline of the project. The bigger picture is often the thing we don’t see.”
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Click farms around the world are also used to amplify political messages and spread disinformation during elections.
In 2016, Cambodia’s then-prime minister Hun Sen was accused of buying Facebook friends and likes, which according to the BBC he denied, while shadowy operations in North Macedonia were found to have spread pro-Donald Trump posts and articles during that year’s US presidential election.
While researching, Latham said he found that algorithms — a topic of his previous book, “Latent Bloom” — often recommended videos that he said got increasingly “extreme” with each click.
“If you only digest a diet of that, it’s a matter of time you become diabetically conspiratorial,” he said.
“The spreading of disinformation is the worst thing. It happens in your pocket, not newspapers, and it’s terrifying that it’s tailored to your kind of neurosis.”
Hoping to raise awareness of the phenomenon and its dangers, Latham is planning to exhibit his own home version of a click farm — a small box with several phones attached to a computer interface — at the 2024 Images Vevey Festival in Switzerland.
He bought the gadget in Vietnam for the equivalent of about $1,000 and has occasionally experimented with it on his social media accounts.
On Instagram, Latham’s photos usually attract anywhere from a few dozen to couple hundred likes.
But when he deployed his personal click farm to announce his latest book, the post generated more than 6,600 likes.
The photographer wants people to realize that there’s more to what they see on social media — and that metrics aren’t a measurement of authenticity.
“When people are better equipped with knowledge of how things work, they can make more informed decisions,” he said.
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“Beggar’s Honey,” co-published by Here Press and Images Vevey, is available now.
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mariacallous · 1 year
In the early weeks of 2023, as worry about ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence tools was ratcheting up dramatically in the public conversation, a tweet passed through the many interlocking corners of Book Twitter. “Imagine if every Book is converted into an Animated Book and made 10x more engaging,” it read. “AI will do this. Huge opportunity here to disrupt Kindle and Audible.”
The tweet’s author, Gaurav Munjal, cofounded Unacademy, which bills itself as “India’s largest learning platform”—and within the edtech context, where digitally animated books can be effective teaching tools, his suggestion might read a certain way. But to a broader audience, the sweeping proclamation that AI will make “every” book “10x more engaging” seemed absurd, a solution in search of a problem, and one predicated on the idea that people who choose to read narrative prose (instead of, say, watching a film or playing a game) were somehow bored or not engaged with their unanimated tomes. As those who shared the tweet observed, it seems like a lot of book industry “disruptors” just don’t like reading.
Munjal is one of many tech entrepreneurs to ping the book world’s radar—and raise its collective hackles—in recent months. Many were hawking AI “solutions” they promised would transform the act of writing, the most derided among them Sudowrite’s Story Engine (dubbed in a relatively ambivalent review by The Verge’s Adi Robertson as “the AI novel-writing tool everyone hates”). Story Engine raised frustrations by treating writers as an afterthought and, by its very existence, suggesting that the problems it was trying to bypass weren’t integral to the act of writing itself.
Last month, Justine Moore, a partner at Andreessen Horowitz, provided a sort of bookend to Munjal’s “AI-animated books” proposal. “The three largest fanfic sites—[Archive of Our Own], Fanfiction.net, and Wattpad—get 3 billion-plus annual visits in the US alone,” she wrote. “Imagine how much bigger this market could be if you could chat with characters vs. reading static stories?” The thread was likely a reference to Character.ai, a startup that lets users chat with fictional heroes and villains; Andreessen Horowitz led a $150 million funding round for the company in March. The comment also came after the revelation that large language models (LLMs) may have scraped fanfiction writers’ work—which is largely written and shared for free—causing an (understandable) uproar in many fan communities.
Setting aside the fact that fandom role-playing has been a popular practice for decades, Moore’s statements felt like a distillation of tech’s tortured relationship with narrative prose. There are many kinds of fanfiction—including an entire subgenre in which “you” are a character in the story. But those are still stories, sentences deliberately written and arranged in a way that lets you lose yourself in an authored narrative. “Imagine having such a fundamental misunderstanding of the appeal of reading fanfiction—let alone reading fiction more broadly,” I wrote in response to her thread. What’s so wrong with people enjoying reading plain old words on a page?
The tech world has long been convinced that it understands the desires of readers better than they do themselves. For years, VCs have promised to upend books and the structures around their creation and consumption. Some came from within the publishing industry, but like their counterparts “disrupting” other sectors, including film and TV, many more did not. And for the most part, despite tech’s sometimes drastic (and often negative) effects on other industries, book- and reading-related startups failed to alter much at all. People are still buying books—in fact, they’re buying more than ever. Pandemic lockdowns brought a perhaps unsurprising boom in sales, and even though numbers slipped as restrictions lifted, print sales were still nearly 12 percent higher in 2022 than they were in 2019, and sales of audio books continue to increase dramatically year over year.
One reason books haven’t been particularly disruptable might be that many of the people looking to “fix” things couldn’t actually articulate what was broken—whether through their failure to see the real problems facing the industry (namely, Amazon’s stranglehold), or their insistence that books are not particularly enjoyable as a medium. “It’s that arrogance, to come into a community you know nothing about, that you might have studied as you study for an MBA, and think that you can revolutionize anything,” says writer and longtime book-industry observer Maris Kreizman. “There were so many false problems that tech guys created that we didn’t actually have.”
Take, for example, the long string of pitches for a “Netflix for books”—ideas that retrofitted Netflix’s original DVDs-by-mail model for a different medium under the presumption that readers would pay to borrow books when the public library was right there. Publisher’s Weekly keeps a database of book startups that now numbers more than 1,300; many of them are marked “Closed,” alongside a graveyard of broken URLs. There were plenty of practical ideas—targeting specific demographics or genres or pegged to more technical aspects, like metadata or production workflows. But many more proposed ways to alter books themselves—most of which made zero sense to people who actually enjoy reading.
“I don’t think they’re coming to that with a love of fiction or an understanding of why people read fiction,” Kreizman says. “If they were, they wouldn’t make these suggestions that nobody wants.”
The “10x more engaging” crowd has come in waves over the past two decades, washed ashore via broader tech trends, like social media, tablets, virtual reality, NFTs, and AI. These tech enthusiasts promised a vast, untapped market full of people just waiting for technology to make books more “fun” and delivered pronouncements with a grifting sort of energy that urged you to seize on the newest trend while it was hot—even as everyone could see that previous hyped ventures had not, in fact, utterly transformed the way people read. Interactive books could have sound effects or music that hits at certain story beats. NFTs could let readers “own” a character. AI could allow readers to endlessly generate their own books, or to eschew—to borrow one particular framing—“static stories” entirely and put themselves directly into a fictional world.
AI isn’t remotely a new player in the book world. Electronic literature artists and scholars have worked with various forms of virtual and artificial intelligence for decades, and National Novel Generation Month, a collaborative challenge modeled after NaNoWriMo, has been around since 2013. Even now, as much of the book world loudly rejects AI-powered writing tools, some authors are still experimenting, with a wide range of results. But these bespoke, usually one-off projects are a far cry from the tech industry’s proposals to revolutionize reading at scale—not least because the projects were never intended to replace traditional books.
“A lot of interactive storytelling has gone on for a very long time,” says Jeremy Douglass, an assistant professor of English at the University of California, Santa Barbara, citing everything from his early career work on hypertext fiction to the class he’ll teach next year on the long history of the pop-up book to centuries-old marginalia like the footnote and the concordance. “These fields are almost always very old, they’re almost always talked about as if they’re brand-new, and there haven’t really been a lot of moments of inventing a new modality.”
To VC claims that AI will totally alter books, Douglass takes what he calls a “yes, and” stance. “What people are actually doing is creating a new medium. They’re not actually replacing the novel; they created a new thing that was like the novel but different, and the old forms carried on. I’m still listening to the radio, despite the film and game industries’ efforts.”
Tech entrepreneurs rarely pitch “yes, and” ideas. In their view, new technologies will improve on—and eventually supplant—what exists now. For all of his interest in the many forms of interactive fiction, Douglass doubts that most books would benefit from an AI treatment.
“There are extremely pleasurable aesthetic systems that aren’t intentional,” he says. “But how often when I’m reading The Autobiography of Malcolm X or The Joy of Cooking do I think, ‘If only a chatbot could augment this on the fly’? And it’s partly the fact that some communication is deeply intentional, and that’s part of the pleasure. It’s handcrafted, it’s specific, there’s a vision.”
That isn’t to say that Douglass thinks there’s zero appetite for AI in literature—but it’s “probably a very small slice of the pie. So when you say ‘all books’? Almost certainly not. For the same reason that we’re not reading 100 percent pop-up books, or watching all of our books on YouTube, or anything else you can imagine. People are doing that too, but it’s extra.”
The exact size of that small pie slice remains to be seen, as does the general public’s appetite for instant novels, or chatting with characters, or hitting a button that will animate any book in your digital library. But those desires will likely need to come from readers themselves—not from the top down. “If you just give the tools to everybody, which is happening in spite of venture capital, as well as because of it, people will figure out what they want it for—and it’s usually not what the inventors and the investors think,” Douglass says. “It’s not even in their top-10 list of guesses, most of the time. It’s incredibly specific to the person and genre.”
The recent history of publishing has plenty of examples in which digital tools let people create things we couldn’t have predicted in the analog days: the massive range of extremely niche self-published romance, for example, or the structural variation and formal innovation within the almost entirely online world of fanfiction.
But when the tech industry approaches readers with ways to “fix” what isn’t broken, their proposals will always ring hollow—and right now, plain old reading still works for huge numbers of people, many of whom pick up books because they want to escape and not be the main character for a while. “That’s a good thing,” Kreizman says. And as AI true believers sweep through with promises that this technology will change everything, it helps to remember just how many disruptors have come and gone. “In the meantime, tech bros will still find VCs to wine and dine and spend more money on bullshit,” Kreizman predicts. But for the rest of us? We’ll just keep on reading.
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kamreadsandrecs · 1 year
By Elizabeth Minkel
In the early weeks of 2023, as worry about ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence tools was ratcheting up dramatically in the public conversation, a tweet passed through the many interlocking corners of Book Twitter. “Imagine if every Book is converted into an Animated Book and made 10x more engaging,” it read. “AI will do this. Huge opportunity here to disrupt Kindle and Audible.”
The tweet’s author, Gaurav Munjal, cofounded Unacademy, which bills itself as “India’s largest learning platform”—and within the edtech context, where digitally animated books can be effective teaching tools, his suggestion might read a certain way. But to a broader audience, the sweeping proclamation that AI will make “every” book “10x more engaging” seemed absurd, a solution in search of a problem, and one predicated on the idea that people who choose to read narrative prose (instead of, say, watching a film or playing a game) were somehow bored or not engaged with their unanimated tomes. As those who shared the tweet observed, it seems like a lot of book industry “disruptors” just don’t like reading.
Munjal is one of many tech entrepreneurs to ping the book world’s radar—and raise its collective hackles—in recent months. Many were hawking AI “solutions” they promised would transform the act of writing, the most derided among them Sudowrite’s Story Engine (dubbed in a relatively ambivalent review by The Verge’s Adi Robertson as “the AI novel-writing tool everyone hates”). Story Engine raised frustrations by treating writers as an afterthought and, by its very existence, suggesting that the problems it was trying to bypass weren’t integral to the act of writing itself.
Last month, Justine Moore, a partner at Andreessen Horowitz, provided a sort of bookend to Munjal’s “AI-animated books” proposal. “The three largest fanfic sites—[Archive of Our Own], Fanfiction.net, and Wattpad—get 3 billion-plus annual visits in the US alone,” she wrote. “Imagine how much bigger this market could be if you could chat with characters vs. reading static stories?” The thread was likely a reference to Character.ai, a startup that lets users chat with fictional heroes and villains; Andreessen Horowitz led a $150 million funding round for the company in March. The comment also came after the revelation that large language models (LLMs) may have scraped fanfiction writers’ work—which is largely written and shared for free—causing an (understandable) uproar in many fan communities.
Setting aside the fact that fandom role-playing has been a popular practice for decades, Moore’s statements felt like a distillation of tech’s tortured relationship with narrative prose. There are many kinds of fanfiction—including an entire subgenre in which “you” are a character in the story. But those are still stories, sentences deliberately written and arranged in a way that lets you lose yourself in an authored narrative. “Imagine having such a fundamental misunderstanding of the appeal of reading fanfiction—let alone reading fiction more broadly,” I wrote in response to her thread. What’s so wrong with people enjoying reading plain old words on a page?
The tech world has long been convinced that it understands the desires of readers better than they do themselves. For years, VCs have promised to upend books and the structures around their creation and consumption. Some came from within the publishing industry, but like their counterparts “disrupting” other sectors, including film and TV, many more did not. And for the most part, despite tech’s sometimes drastic (and often negative) effects on other industries, book- and reading-related startups failed to alter much at all. People are still buying books—in fact, they’re buying more than ever. Pandemic lockdowns brought a perhaps unsurprising boom in sales, and even though numbers slipped as restrictions lifted, print sales were still nearly 12 percent higher in 2022 than they were in 2019, and sales of audio books continue to increase dramatically year over year.
One reason books haven’t been particularly disruptable might be that many of the people looking to “fix” things couldn’t actually articulate what was broken—whether through their failure to see the real problems facing the industry (namely, Amazon’s stranglehold), or their insistence that books are not particularly enjoyable as a medium. “It’s that arrogance, to come into a community you know nothing about, that you might have studied as you study for an MBA, and think that you can revolutionize anything,” says writer and longtime book-industry observer Maris Kreizman. “There were so many false problems that tech guys created that we didn’t actually have.”
Take, for example, the long string of pitches for a “Netflix for books”—ideas that retrofitted Netflix’s original DVDs-by-mail model for a different medium under the presumption that readers would pay to borrow books when the public library was right there. Publisher’s Weekly keeps a database of book startups that now numbers more than 1,300; many of them are marked “Closed,” alongside a graveyard of broken URLs. There were plenty of practical ideas—targeting specific demographics or genres or pegged to more technical aspects, like metadata or production workflows. But many more proposed ways to alter books themselves—most of which made zero sense to people who actually enjoy reading.
“I don’t think they’re coming to that with a love of fiction or an understanding of why people read fiction,” Kreizman says. “If they were, they wouldn’t make these suggestions that nobody wants.”
The “10x more engaging” crowd has come in waves over the past two decades, washed ashore via broader tech trends, like social media, tablets, virtual reality, NFTs, and AI. These tech enthusiasts promised a vast, untapped market full of people just waiting for technology to make books more “fun” and delivered pronouncements with a grifting sort of energy that urged you to seize on the newest trend while it was hot—even as everyone could see that previous hyped ventures had not, in fact, utterly transformed the way people read. Interactive books could have sound effects or music that hits at certain story beats. NFTs could let readers “own” a character. AI could allow readers to endlessly generate their own books, or to eschew—to borrow one particular framing—“static stories” entirely and put themselves directly into a fictional world.
AI isn’t remotely a new player in the book world. Electronic literature artists and scholars have worked with various forms of virtual and artificial intelligence for decades, and National Novel Generation Month, a collaborative challenge modeled after NaNoWriMo, has been around since 2013. Even now, as much of the book world loudly rejects AI-powered writing tools, some authors are still experimenting, with a wide range of results. But these bespoke, usually one-off projects are a far cry from the tech industry’s proposals to revolutionize reading at scale—not least because the projects were never intended to replace traditional books.
“A lot of interactive storytelling has gone on for a very long time,” says Jeremy Douglass, an assistant professor of English at the University of California, Santa Barbara, citing everything from his early career work on hypertext fiction to the class he’ll teach next year on the long history of the pop-up book to centuries-old marginalia like the footnote and the concordance. “These fields are almost always very old, they’re almost always talked about as if they’re brand-new, and there haven’t really been a lot of moments of inventing a new modality.”
To VC claims that AI will totally alter books, Douglass takes what he calls a “yes, and” stance. “What people are actually doing is creating a new medium. They’re not actually replacing the novel; they created a new thing that was like the novel but different, and the old forms carried on. I’m still listening to the radio, despite the film and game industries’ efforts.”
Tech entrepreneurs rarely pitch “yes, and” ideas. In their view, new technologies will improve on—and eventually supplant—what exists now. For all of his interest in the many forms of interactive fiction, Douglass doubts that most books would benefit from an AI treatment.
“There are extremely pleasurable aesthetic systems that aren’t intentional,” he says. “But how often when I’m reading The Autobiography of Malcolm X or The Joy of Cooking do I think, ‘If only a chatbot could augment this on the fly’? And it’s partly the fact that some communication is deeply intentional, and that’s part of the pleasure. It’s handcrafted, it’s specific, there’s a vision.”
That isn’t to say that Douglass thinks there’s zero appetite for AI in literature—but it’s “probably a very small slice of the pie. So when you say ‘all books’? Almost certainly not. For the same reason that we’re not reading 100 percent pop-up books, or watching all of our books on YouTube, or anything else you can imagine. People are doing that too, but it’s extra.”
The exact size of that small pie slice remains to be seen, as does the general public’s appetite for instant novels, or chatting with characters, or hitting a button that will animate any book in your digital library. But those desires will likely need to come from readers themselves—not from the top down. “If you just give the tools to everybody, which is happening in spite of venture capital, as well as because of it, people will figure out what they want it for—and it’s usually not what the inventors and the investors think,” Douglass says. “It’s not even in their top-10 list of guesses, most of the time. It’s incredibly specific to the person and genre.”
The recent history of publishing has plenty of examples in which digital tools let people create things we couldn’t have predicted in the analog days: the massive range of extremely niche self-published romance, for example, or the structural variation and formal innovation within the almost entirely online world of fanfiction.
But when the tech industry approaches readers with ways to “fix” what isn’t broken, their proposals will always ring hollow—and right now, plain old reading still works for huge numbers of people, many of whom pick up books because they want to escape and not be the main character for a while. “That’s a good thing,” Kreizman says. And as AI true believers sweep through with promises that this technology will change everything, it helps to remember just how many disruptors have come and gone. “In the meantime, tech bros will still find VCs to wine and dine and spend more money on bullshit,” Kreizman predicts. But for the rest of us? We’ll just keep on reading.
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freesports2022 · 2 years
The 7 Greatest Free Sports Streaming Sites Of 2022
Another factor that SonyLIV has that other websites don’t is its premium design and clean interface, it goes completely with the site’s HD graphics. You can only access the location in India, Canada, and the United States, but with the use of a VPN server, you’re free to stream anyplace. Popular sports activities on the location are Baseball, Basketball, Football, Tennis, Hockey, Soccer, and Boxing. Jessica Kormos is a writer and editor with 15 years' experience writing articles, copy, and UX content for Tecca.com, Rosenfeld Media, and many others. Jeremy Laukkonen is automotive and tech writer for quite a few main trade publications.
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businessa · 16 hours
What is the Fees for Full Stack Developer Course 
In today’s competitive job market, acquiring the right technical skills is crucial for career growth. A Full Stack Developer course in pune is one of the most sought-after programs, offering individuals the knowledge needed to develop both the front-end and back-end of web applications. If you’re considering upskilling yourself or switching to a career in tech, you may be wondering, What is the fees for the Full Stack Developer course at SyntaxLevelUp? In this blog, we'll explore the cost details and key aspects of enrolling in the Full Stack Developer course at SyntaxLevelUp.
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Why Choose Full Stack Development?
The Full Stack Developer role has gained significant popularity due to its versatility. A Full Stack Developer is proficient in both front-end and back-end development, which means they can handle various aspects of a project, from designing the user interface to managing servers and databases. Employers value this versatility, making Full Stack Developers highly desirable in the job market.
Overview of the Full Stack Developer Course at SyntaxLevelUp
SyntaxLevelUp is a reputable training provider known for offering specialized IT courses, including the Full Stack Developer course in pune. Their curriculum is designed to provide in-depth knowledge in technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js, Node.js, MongoDB, and more. With experienced instructors, hands-on projects, and real-world case studies, SyntaxLevelUp ensures that students gain the skills necessary to succeed in today’s tech environment.
What You Will Learn:
Front-end technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js
Back-end technologies: Node.js, Express.js, and RESTful APIs
Databases: MongoDB, SQL, etc.
Version control: Git & GitHub
Deployment: Docker, AWS, and CI/CD pipelines
Problem-solving and coding best practices
This comprehensive course ensures that by the end of the program, you can work on a wide variety of projects, ranging from small web apps to complex systems.
What is the Fees for Full Stack Developer Course at SyntaxLevelUp?
One of the most common questions is, what is the fees for the Full Stack Developer course at SyntaxLevelUp? Fees for such courses can vary based on the depth of the curriculum, the duration, and whether it's a self-paced online course or instructor-led. While the exact fees for SyntaxLevelUp’s Full Stack Developer course in pune can be confirmed directly from their official website, typical Full Stack courses in India generally range from INR 30,000 to INR 1,00,000.
Factors affecting the course fees include:
Duration: Longer, more comprehensive courses may have higher fees.
Mode of Delivery: Online self-paced courses might be more affordable than instructor-led sessions.
Additional resources: Some courses may offer certifications, job placement assistance, or additional learning resources that affect the total cost.
It's advisable to visit SyntaxLevelUp's official site or contact their support team for precise details regarding the current fees and any discounts they may offer.
Value for Money
Investing in a Full Stack Developer course in pune is not only about the money; it’s about gaining a versatile skill set that opens doors to multiple job opportunities. With the demand for Full Stack Developers on the rise, the ROI (Return on Investment) of this course is high. Companies across various sectors are looking for individuals who can build and maintain web applications, making this a valuable career option.
Final Thoughts
If you’re looking to embark on a journey in web development, the Full Stack Developer course at SyntaxLevelUp is a fantastic choice. While the fees may vary depending on different factors, the career opportunities it unlocks are worth the investment. Be sure to inquire about the exact fees for Full Stack Developer course at SyntaxLevelUp by visiting their website or reaching out to their team directly for the most accurate information.
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digitalgla · 3 days
Machine Learning in Nagercoil
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JClickSolutions Offers Machine Learning Training in Nagercoil: Preparing the Next Generation of Data Innovators
Machine Learning (ML) is one of the fastest-growing and most impactful fields in technology today. It powers everything from personalized recommendations on streaming platforms to self-driving cars, making it a crucial tool in industries like healthcare, finance, retail, and more. To meet the increasing demand for skilled machine learning professionals, JClickSolutions is offering a cutting-edge Machine Learning training program in Nagercoil. This program is designed to equip aspiring data scientists, software engineers, and tech enthusiasts with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in this exciting field.
Why Learn Machine Learning?
Machine Learning is a subset of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that focuses on building algorithms and models that allow systems to learn from data and make decisions without being explicitly programmed. With advancements in computing power and the availability of vast amounts of data, machine learning is becoming the backbone of many modern applications.
Machine learning is used in numerous ways, such as predicting customer behavior, detecting fraud, diagnosing diseases, and even personalizing user experiences in apps. As businesses increasingly look to use data to improve their operations, the need for machine learning professionals has skyrocketed. According to industry reports, jobs in machine learning and AI are among the fastest-growing and best-paying roles in tech today.
What Makes JClickSolutions' Machine Learning Program Unique?
JClickSolutions has built a reputation as a leading IT training institute in South India, and its Machine Learning course in Nagercoil is no exception. Here’s what makes this program stand out:
1. Comprehensive Curriculum
The course is designed to give students a solid foundation in machine learning concepts, algorithms, and tools. It covers both the theoretical aspects of ML and the practical implementation of models. Key topics include supervised and unsupervised learning, neural networks, deep learning, reinforcement learning, and natural language processing. Students will also gain hands-on experience with popular machine learning frameworks and tools like Python, TensorFlow, Scikit-Learn, and Keras.
2. Hands-on Projects
At JClickSolutions, the focus is on practical, real-world learning. Throughout the program, students will work on multiple projects, allowing them to apply the concepts they've learned to solve real-world problems. These projects are designed to help students build a strong portfolio, showcasing their machine learning skills to potential employers. From building predictive models to creating classification systems, the hands-on nature of the course ensures that students are industry-ready upon graduation.
3. Expert Instructors
The course is taught by experienced professionals who have deep knowledge and experience in the field of machine learning. They provide personalized guidance, ensuring that each student fully understands the material and can apply it effectively. With their industry expertise, instructors also offer valuable insights into the latest trends and best practices in machine learning, helping students stay ahead of the curve.
4. Flexible Learning Options
Recognizing that students and working professionals have different schedules and commitments, JClickSolutions offers flexible learning options. Participants can choose between on-site classes in Nagercoil or opt for online learning. This flexibility ensures that no matter where you are or what your commitments are, you can still pursue your machine learning education at JClickSolutions.
5. Career Support
Beyond just teaching technical skills, JClickSolutions provides comprehensive career support to help students transition from the classroom to the workforce. This includes resume-building workshops, interview preparation, and job placement assistance. The institute’s strong network of industry connections ensures that students have access to a wide range of job opportunities upon graduation.
Why Nagercoil?
Nagercoil is emerging as a hub for technology and innovation in South India. By offering Machine Learning training in Nagercoil, JClickSolutions is providing local talent with the opportunity to acquire in-demand skills without the need to relocate to larger cities. With tech companies increasingly recognizing the value of data-driven decision-making, the demand for machine learning professionals in the region is growing rapidly.
Final Thoughts
As the world becomes increasingly data-driven, the demand for machine learning professionals will only continue to rise. The Machine Learning training program at JClickSolutions in Nagercoil is designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in this dynamic and rewarding field. Whether you're a student looking to build a career in data science or a professional looking to upgrade your skills, this program offers everything you need to excel in machine learning.
For more information or to enroll in the program, visit Software Internship Training | Placement Centre Course Nagercoil (jclicksolutions.in) today!
#Machine Learning in Nagercoil
#Machine #Learning #in #Nagercoil
#Jclicksolutions Machine Learning in Nagercoil
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seolinkbox · 5 days
Guest Posting Submission Sites List India | seolinkbox.in
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In the competitive world of SEO, guest posting has become an essential strategy for building backlinks, enhancing brand visibility, and improving search engine rankings. Whether you're a business owner, blogger, or SEO enthusiast, finding the right Guest Posting Submission Sites List India can be a game-changer for your digital marketing efforts. seolinkbox.in brings you a comprehensive and regularly updated list of 1000+ Guest Posting Submission Sites List India, making it easier for you to publish high-quality content and gain authoritative back links.
Why Guest Posting is Crucial for SEO
Guest posting is one of the most powerful ways to increase your website’s domain authority, drive organic traffic, and build relationships with industry influencers. When you post valuable content on reputable websites, it not only helps you gain exposure but also drives quality traffic to your site. Search engines like Google reward websites that earn back links from authoritative sources, making guest posting a must for anyone serious about SEO.
Benefits of Using seolinkbox.in for Guest Posting
At seolinkbox.in, we understand the importance of a well-curated Guest Posting Submission Sites List India. Here’s why you should use our platform:
Diverse Range of Niches: Our list includes guest posting sites from various niches such as tech, health, travel, education, and more, ensuring that you can find the perfect platform for your content.
High Authority Websites: seolinkbox.in only features websites with strong domain authority (DA), making sure your guest posts have a significant impact on your SEO efforts.
Regular Updates: We constantly update our 1000+ Guest Posting Submission Sites List India to include new and reliable platforms, ensuring that your outreach efforts stay relevant and effective.
Easy Navigation: Our user-friendly interface allows you to quickly find the best sites for your specific niche and submit your guest posts with ease.
Top Categories Covered on seolinkbox.in
Our Guest Posting Submission List spans across multiple categories, including:
Technology: Get your tech articles published on leading Indian tech blogs and websites.
Health & Wellness: Share valuable health insights on well-established health blogs.
Finance: Offer your financial advice to a broader audience through reputable finance blogs.
Lifestyle: Submit lifestyle articles to high-authority lifestyle websites and magazines.
Travel: Promote your travel stories on popular Indian travel blogs.
How seolinkbox.in Simplifies Guest Posting in India
Using seolinkbox.in, you can access a Guest Posting Submission Sites List India that has been meticulously curated to help you maximize your SEO outcomes. Our platform saves you the hassle of manually searching for guest posting opportunities, allowing you to focus on creating high-quality content. With seolinkbox.in, you can:
Increase your website’s organic traffic
Build authority and trust within your niche
Improve your search engine rankings
Establish long-term relationships with industry leaders
Get Started with seolinkbox.in Today!
If you're serious about improving your SEO through guest posting, look no further than seolinkbox.in. Our extensive Guest Posting Submission Sites List India is designed to cater to all your guest posting needs, helping you stay ahead in the ever-evolving digital landscape.
Look seolinkbox.in.in today to explore our 1000+ Guest Posting Submission Sites List India and start boosting your SEO strategy! Visit Us: https://seolinkbox.in/
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propertyscroll · 10 days
Find the Best Property Listing Sites in India: A Comprehensive Guide
Are you in search of the best property listing sites in India to buy, sell, or rent properties? With the Indian real estate market booming, it’s more important than ever to use the right platform that can showcase your property to a larger audience. Whether you're a buyer, seller, or real estate agent, choosing the right property listing site can make all the difference. In this blog, I’ll walk you through some of the top property listing websites in India.
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Why Choose Property Listing Websites?
In today digital world, more people prefer browsing real estate online before visiting in person. With property listing websites, you can search for homes, plots, apartments, commercial properties, and more with ease. These platforms provide you with detailed information, images, and even virtual tours, helping you make informed decisions from the comfort of your home.
Now, let’s dive into the best property listing sites in India that can help you find your dream home or help you sell your property faster!
1. Property Scroll
If you're looking for a user-friendly and reliable platform to list your properties, Property Scroll is the perfect choice. This website is quickly gaining traction in India, thanks to its easy-to-navigate interface and extensive property listings. Whether you are searching for a flat, a villa, or commercial space, Property Scroll ensures that buyers and sellers have a smooth experience.
Key Features:
Free Listing Options for new users
Verified property listings to ensure reliability
Easy-to-use filters for specific property searches
Regularly updated listings, ensuring up-to-date market data
Property Scroll is an emerging name in the real estate listing market, and it’s definitely worth checking out if you want fast and effective results.
2. 99acres
One of the biggest players in the real estate industry, 99acres has a massive database of properties for sale, rent, and lease. It is one of the most highly searched property listing sites in India, boasting millions of monthly visitors. Whether you're looking for residential, commercial, or industrial properties, 99acres provides an array of options.
Key Features:
Detailed listings with HD photos and virtual tours
Thousands of verified listings across the country
Neighborhood insights and nearby amenities
Customized alerts for new property listings
3. MagicBricks
MagicBricks is another highly ranked real estate platform in India. Known for its intuitive interface and extensive listings, this site is a favorite among homebuyers, sellers, and real estate agents. It has everything from affordable housing to premium villas and office spaces.
Key Features:
Property evaluations and price trends
Extensive listings in both metro and rural areas
Buyer’s guide for first-time property investors
Real estate news and market updates
4. Housing.com
Housing.com has quickly become one of the most popular real estate websites in India. With its innovative features such as 3D models and real-time tracking, it’s a great choice for tech-savvy buyers and sellers. Their platform offers a clean and streamlined interface that’s perfect for discovering both residential and commercial properties.
Key Features:
3D visualization of properties
Comprehensive neighborhood data
Verified listings to avoid scams
Mobile-friendly experience for on-the-go users
5. PropertyWala
PropertyWala is a solid option if you are looking to list properties with high-quality visuals and detailed descriptions. This platform allows users to post photos, maps, and videos, giving potential buyers a clearer idea of the properties.
Key Features:
HD images and video uploads for property listings
Maps and detailed locality insights
Low-cost listing plans for budget users
Fast and easy listing process
6. NoBroker
If you're tired of dealing with brokers and their commissions, NoBroker is a great platform. This innovative website eliminates the middleman by allowing buyers and sellers to connect directly, which is a huge advantage in saving on brokerage fees.
Key Features:
No middlemen, no brokerage fees
Direct communication with property owners
Extensive search filters and alerts
Verified listings to avoid scams
Conclusion: Choose the Right Property Listing Site
Finding the best property listing site in India depends on your specific needs—whether you're looking to buy, sell, or rent. Platforms like 99acres, MagicBricks, and Housing.com are great for extensive listings and market analysis, while NoBroker is ideal if you want to avoid paying brokerage fees. For a fresh, user-friendly experience, Property Scroll offers a great mix of functionality and convenience.
With Property Scroll, you can explore a variety of property types, whether you’re looking for residential homes or commercial spaces, all with transparent listings and a straightforward process.
So, what are you waiting for? Start exploring your options today and make your next property transaction a breeze!
Q1. What is the best property listing site in India for affordable homes? For affordable homes, Housing.com and 99acres offer excellent filters to find properties within your budget.
Q2. Is Property Scroll good for commercial listings? Yes, Property Scroll offers a wide array of commercial property listings alongside residential options.
Q3. Can I list my property for free? Yes, platforms like Property Scroll and NoBroker offer free listing options for sellers and landlords.
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retechie · 22 days
Why a Refurbished MacBook Air is a Smart Investment
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The MacBook Air is renowned for its portable size, strong performance, and elegant appearance. However, buying a brand-new MacBook Air can be expensive, especially for students, freelancers, or those on a budget. This is where the option of purchasing a refurbished MacBook Air becomes an attractive alternative. A refurbished Apple laptop provides the same premium performance at a fraction of the price, making it a smart investment for tech-savvy buyers.
In this blog, we’ll explore why choosing a refurbished MacBook Air is a wise decision, what to look for when buying one, and why it’s a great way to save money without compromising on quality.
1. Cost-Effective Alternative to New MacBooks
One of the main reasons why a refurbished MacBook Air is a smart investment is the price. Compared to new computers, refurbished Apple laptops are substantially less expensive, often saving up to 50%. This makes them an excellent option for anyone looking to own a high-performance device without the hefty price tag. Whether you're a student, professional, or casual user, a refurbished laptop allows you to access Apple’s premium features at an affordable cost.
Furthermore, reconditioned laptops are growing in popularity in India, where sites like Retechie provide a large selection of reconditioned Apple laptops to suit your demands.
2. High Quality with Rigorous Testing
Many people hesitate to buy a refurbished laptop because they worry about quality. Before being resold, refurbished MacBook Air computers are put through a thorough testing and repair process. This ensures that they meet high performance standards and are restored to a near-new condition.
As a matter of fact, reconditioned Apple laptops are frequently identical to new ones. Apple and certified resellers like Retechie carefully inspect, clean, and repair these devices to ensure they function flawlessly. Buyers can expect the same reliability and durability they would get from a new MacBook Air.
3. Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Choice
Investing in a reconditioned MacBook Air benefits the environment in addition to your pocketbook. You may prolong the life of an electronic gadget and cut down on electrical waste by opting for a reconditioned laptop. In a world where sustainability is becoming increasingly important, buying a refurbished Apple product is an eco-conscious decision.
Opting for renewed laptops and used laptops supports the circular economy by reusing and recycling valuable tech, thus minimizing the need for manufacturing new devices and reducing carbon footprints.
4. Access to Premium Apple Features
A refurbished MacBook Air retains all the premium features that make it one of the most sought-after laptops. From its Retina display and compact size to its powerful performance and long battery life, the MacBook Air is made to be the best.
When you buy a refurbished Apple device, you get access to these top-tier features, including macOS, Apple’s secure and efficient operating system, and the seamless integration with other Apple devices. Whether you're using the MacBook Air for work, study, or entertainment, you’ll experience the same user-friendly interface and robust performance.
5. Warranty and Support
When purchasing a secondhand laptop, one of the main worries is the absence of warranty. However, when you purchase a refurbished laptop, especially from reputable sellers like Retechie, you often receive a warranty. You may rest easy knowing that your gadget is safeguarded in case of any problems.
Buying a refurbished MacBook Air with a warranty ensures that your investment is secure. You get the same after-sales support and protection as you would with a brand-new device, making it a risk-free option.
6. Ideal for a Range of Users
The refurbished MacBook Air is an ideal option for a wide variety of users, including:
Students: A refurbished MacBook Air is perfect for students who need a lightweight, portable laptop for note-taking, assignments, and online research.
Professionals: For freelancers or professionals who require a high-performance laptop for tasks like video conferencing, presentations, and multitasking, the MacBook Air offers reliable performance.
Casual Users: Even if you're using your used laptop for basic tasks like browsing, streaming, and social media, the MacBook Air delivers a premium experience.
7. Wide Availability in India
The market for reconditioned laptops is expanding quickly in India. This is a result of people being more conscious of the advantages of reconditioned electronics, such as their cost and sustainability. Platforms like Retechie offer a wide selection of refurbished laptops in India, including refurbished MacBook Air models, catering to different needs and budgets.
By buying a refurbished laptop in India, you can enjoy the quality of Apple’s technology without the premium price tag. Retechie is a trusted platform that ensures every device is certified, tested, and restored to optimal condition, providing customers with peace of mind and value for money.
8. How to Choose the Best Refurbished MacBook Air
When selecting a refurbished MacBook Air, there are several factors to keep in mind:
Condition: Verify that the gadget is both functionally and physically sound. Sellers like Retechie provide detailed information about the device’s condition, so you know exactly what you're buying.
Warranty: Seek for a warranty-backed reconditioned laptop. This safeguards you in the event that problems develop after purchasing.
Specifications: Make sure the specifications meet your needs. For basic tasks, an older model may suffice, but for heavier tasks, choose a model with at least 8GB of RAM and an SSD for faster performance.
A refurbished MacBook Air is a smart investment for anyone looking to enjoy Apple’s premium quality at a more affordable price. With rigorous testing, warranties, and eco-friendly benefits, these devices offer a reliable and cost-effective alternative to buying new. Whether you're a student, professional, or casual user, a refurbished Apple device can meet your needs while saving you money.
Explore Retechie to find the best deals on refurbished MacBook Air models and other refurbished laptops in India. You may choose the ideal laptop to fit your needs both financially and lifestyle-wise thanks to a variety of approved devices and possibilities.
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Top Business Locations in Pune: A Guide for Entrepreneurs
 Pune, often referred to as the "Oxford of the East," has rapidly emerged as one of India's most dynamic cities for business. With a booming IT sector, a robust manufacturing base, and a growing startup ecosystem, Pune offers a variety of business locations that cater to different industries and business needs. In this article, we will explore some of the top business locations in Pune, highlighting their advantages and what makes them ideal for entrepreneurs and companies.
1. Hinjewadi IT Park
Overview: Hinjewadi is one of the most well-known IT hubs in Pune, home to numerous tech giants and multinational corporations. The Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park in Hinjewadi houses major IT companies, making it a prime location for businesses in the tech industry.
Advantages: Proximity to skilled talent, excellent infrastructure, and connectivity via the Mumbai-Pune Expressway are significant advantages. The presence of multiple coworking spaces and tech incubators also makes it an attractive location for startups.
Key Industries: IT, Software Development, BPO, KPO.
2. Baner and Balewadi
Overview: Located in the western part of Pune, Baner and Balewadi have rapidly developed into thriving business districts. These areas are popular among startups, SMEs, and IT companies due to their modern infrastructure and residential proximity.
Advantages: Excellent connectivity to the Mumbai-Pune Expressway, availability of premium office spaces, and a vibrant social scene with cafes, restaurants, and retail outlets. The presence of coworking spaces like WeWork and SmartWorks adds to the appeal.
Key Industries: IT, Consulting, Startups, Real Estate.
3. Kharadi
Overview: Kharadi is another major IT and business hub in Pune, known for its modern commercial buildings and business parks like EON IT Park. It has become a preferred location for IT companies and business process outsourcing (BPO) firms.
Advantages: Proximity to Pune International Airport, good connectivity to other parts of the city, and a range of residential options for employees. Kharadi's business parks offer state-of-the-art facilities, making it ideal for global companies.
Key Industries: IT, BPO, Healthcare, Finance.
4. Viman Nagar
Overview: Viman Nagar, located close to Pune Airport, has grown into a prominent business location, particularly for the retail, IT, and hospitality sectors. The area is known for its high-quality commercial spaces and shopping malls.
Advantages: Excellent connectivity to the airport and major highways, a high concentration of shopping centers, and proximity to residential areas. The presence of several luxury hotels makes it convenient for business travelers.
Key Industries: Retail, Hospitality, IT, Education.
5. Magarpatta City
Overview: Magarpatta City is a self-sustained township that integrates commercial, residential, and recreational spaces. It is home to the Magarpatta IT Park, which hosts numerous IT and software companies.
Advantages: A well-planned, eco-friendly environment with all necessary amenities within reach. The integrated township model offers convenience for businesses and employees alike.
Key Industries: IT, Finance, Real Estate.
Conclusion Pune's diverse business locations cater to a wide range of industries, making it an attractive city for entrepreneurs and companies looking to establish or expand their operations. Whether you are in the IT sector, retail, manufacturing, or real estate, Pune offers the right mix of infrastructure, talent, and connectivity to support your business. For Westfield 03, understanding these key business locations will be crucial in selecting the best site for future endeavors and ensuring long-term success in the competitive Pune market.
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indiaontherisein · 2 months
What is Driving Infrastructure Development Across India?
Government programs, investments from the private sector, and advances in technology are the main drivers of infrastructure growth in India. The development of transportation networks, such as roads and trains, is a major undertaking since these are essential for bringing distant places together and stimulating the economy. Smart city initiatives that seek to improve sustainability and living standards have urban development as a primary focus. Investments in digital infrastructure and renewable energy are also promoting long-term growth. This infrastructure boom is mostly being driven by public-private cooperation as well as increasing funding and legislative support.
India's Top News Blogs
Top News Blogs in India offer in-depth coverage on an extensive range of topics to help you keep informed. By promptly updating readers on current events, these blogs make sure they are always aware of any new developments. These blogs offer a wealth of information for anyone trying to feel the pulse of the country, covering everything from politics to entertainment. Examining the Diverse Legacy in Culture News
Highlighting the nation's rich legacy and varied customs, Culture News is a vital component of the Indian blogosphere. Readers can gain a deeper grasp of India's varied culture by reading these blogs, which explore historical insights, festivals, and cultural events. These blogs preserve the core of Indian culture, whether it is via traditional artistic expressions or modern cultural movements.
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Recent Developments in Entertainment: What's Hot?
The latest entertainment news blogs are a go-to resource for people who are curious in what's going on in the world of glamour. These platforms cover a extensive range of topics, including music, celebrity rumors, Bollywood and local movies. Their purpose is to keep fans informed about the newest buzz in the entertainment world by providing updates on film releases, star interviews, and popular subjects. Entertainment Blogs: An Information Center for Fans
Pop culture, music, and film enthusiasts are the target audience for entertainment blogs. Reviews, suggestions, and insights into the entertainment industry are provided by these blogs. These blogs offer a multitude of information and interesting stuff for fans of entertainment, regardless of whether you're interested in behind-the-scenes tales or film reviews.
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Indian Political Blogs: Observational Views
Comprehensive analysis and criticism on the political scene of India may be found in Indian political blogs. These blogs discuss anything from political scandals to elections and changes in policy. They assist readers in navigating the complicated world of Indian politics and keeping up to date on important subjects by offering a variety of perspectives and in-depth conversations. Most recent news about science and technology: breakthroughs and discoveries
Innovative inventions and scientific developments are the main topics of the Latest Science and Technology News websites. Tech trends, space survey, and scientific advances are just a few of the subjects they cover. These blogs offer readers with views into the future of science and technology, as well as info on how technology is changing and how it moves society.
Keeping Up with the Games on an Online Sports Blog
For sports enthusiasts who want to keep up with player updates, match analysis, and score updates, an online sports blog is the ideal place to go. Numerous sports, such as football, cricket, and more, are covered by these blogs. Their provision of in-depth analysis and perspectives on matches, competitions, and athletic events keeps fans interested and up to date. Top Travel Blog Sites: Find Your Next Place to Go
The Best Travel Blog Sites are a countless source of ideas and useful advice for everybody who loves to travel. Readers can plan their following vacation by perusing these blogs, which offer personal involvements, travel itineraries, and destination guides. Travel blogs offer useful information for organizing excursions that will be remembered, covering both well-known and obscure locations.
India's Amazing Infrastructure: Highlighting Successes
Featuring ground-breaking advancements in energy, transportation, and urban planning, The Infrastructure Marvel of India showcases the nation's magnificent infrastructure achievements. These blogs celebrate accomplishments that further the development of the country by examining the engineering and architectural marvels that define India's contemporary landscape. India's Infrastructure Development: An Ongoing Process
India's infrastructure growth is a continuous, dynamic process. The most recent advancements in infrastructure projects, such as new roads, bridges, and urban amenities, are discussed in blogs on this subject. They talk about how these developments are influencing the future of the nation and fostering economic expansion, demonstrating the dedication of the country to constructing a strong infrastructure network.
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harshal1346545 · 3 months
5 Reasons Why You Should Visit Bengaluru (Bangalore) in 2024
Bangalore, the Capital of Karnataka, commonly known as Bengaluru, is a wonderful and much-frequented city in southern India. It's known by many the "Silicon Valley of India," a term derived from its bustling technology enterprises. However, Bangalore has more to offer than just computer systems! Here are 5 reasons you must consider Bangalore on your travel list in 2024:
1. Pleasant Weather All Year Round
The lovely weather is among the most noteworthy features of Bangalore. This South Indian city is one of the few that keeps cool and comfortable temperatures most of the time as opposed to the unceasing heat in most other parts of the country. The plateau on which the Bangalore city is located is about 1000 meters high, which is why the temperature here is always nice and cool, and it is also very near to both the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal which help to make it more malleable. This is for the most part, because the municipality is situated on a plateau, up to the level of approximately 1000 m above the sea, and it is relatively close to both the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal. This prevents the extremes of temperature from happening and affecting living beings.  
Visitors will have the most enjoyable time in Bangalore during the former part of the year, i.e., between November and February when the weather resembles the spring or sometimes a little cold. Observers of the monsoon rains from June to October will not escape rain as these months are the rainiest. Performing this change (weather) longer for the recent years in Bangalore is seen, with the summer and wintertime getting warmer. As for the months of March to May, they may get a bit of time to get used to and get in the spirits for the grown-ups, but those younger ones will have no trouble encountering hot weather.
2. A Foodie's Paradise
Firstly let me tell you about this awesome city called Bangalore that indeed is a food paradise! It is an adorable blend of native and also international cuisine. In case you are a person that likes going on adventures, you should definitely check out the street food scene in Bangalore. Cutting across our city's suburbs like a forest, the moong itself is full of trees that got stripped of leaves, and they become as bare as if deforestation took place. Several foreign companies have their Indian branches located in Bangalore. More casual dining restaurants such as fast-food joints, cafes, and even some of the more snobbish ones where it is possible to taste dishes that are as varied as Indian curries and Italian pasta.
3. Culture and History Beyond the Tech
Peek-a-boo, no, it's not like that, hold on, and look at the city of Bangalore earlier than simply through the perspective of startups and skyscrapers. It is home to the history of the place and its rich culture. Art exhibitions, historical monuments, and traditional festivals are everywhere and one can visit them throughout the year. This is how you can learn about a city's diverse landscapes using art pavilions, historic sites, and places for that kind of art that is part of the city called walking tours.
4. A Welcoming City for Everyone
One of the reasons many people visit Bangor is because of its multi-ethnic population. It is the hub of Indian diversity, with people from different parts of the country and foreign tourists who became settlers some time ago. The congenial mood prevalent is a quality that sets Bangalore apart; it is a perfect destination for people from all walks of life.
5. Breathe Easy in the Garden City
Bangalore is labeled as the Garden City' mainly because of how nature-friendly it is. The town has numerous parks and green spots that are ideal for a calm getaway from the bustling life. Two very popular green areas include Cubbon Park and Lalbagh Botanical Garden, which are visited by nature enthusiasts.
Looking for a Quick Stay? Hourly Hotels in Bangalore
If you're just visiting Bangalore as a transit passenger or you would need a place for a short nap between flights, you can also think of booking a room at hourly hotels in Bangalore . These hotels are usually committed only during the hours you prefer making a reservation for a room for the time you think you would need.
Planning Your Bangalore Trip
Right from the weather to the tasty food and the thrilling of the city, this is the place that will give you all you wish for! Bangalore has become a city that keeps surprising tourists and never letting them down with its festivals. Tasting some authentic Indian food from local street vendors, music from various streets, up to visiting some serene gardens, are but a few of the options to choose from.
What do you love about Bangalore?
Is there anything, in particular, you have always wanted to experience in Bangalore? Tell us about it below in the comments!
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abhijitdivate1 · 4 months
The Role of Digital PR in Building Brand Awareness
The Role of Digital PR in Building Brand Awareness
In the digital age, the landscape of public relations (PR) has evolved significantly. Traditional PR strategies have merged with digital marketing tactics to create Digital PR, a powerful tool for building brand awareness and engaging with audiences online. This article delves into the role of Digital PR in enhancing brand awareness, explores case studies from various industries, examines the impact of digital marketing on decision-making and strategy, and highlights future trends and advancements in the field.
The Role of Digital PR in Building Brand Awareness
Digital PR involves using online channels and tools to manage and enhance a brand's reputation. This includes activities such as content marketing, influencer partnerships, social media engagement, and online media coverage. Digital PR helps brands reach a broader audience, build credibility, and foster trust among consumers.
Key Strategies in Digital PR
Content Marketing: Creating valuable and relevant content that addresses the needs and interests of the target audience. This can include blog posts, articles, infographics, and videos.
Influencer Partnerships: Collaborating with influencers who have a strong online presence and can promote the brand to their followers.
Social Media Engagement: Actively participating in conversations on social media platforms to engage with audiences and build relationships.
Online Media Coverage: Securing coverage in online publications, blogs, and news sites to increase visibility and credibility.
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Case Studies from Different Industries
Marketing Industry
In the marketing industry, Digital PR has proven to be a game-changer. For instance, HubSpot, a leading inbound marketing software company, has effectively used Digital PR to build brand awareness. By creating high-quality content and leveraging guest blogging opportunities on reputable sites, HubSpot has positioned itself as a thought leader in the marketing space. Their strategic use of social media to share insights and engage with their audience has further strengthened their brand presence.
Technology Industry
Tech giant Apple has also harnessed the power of Digital PR to maintain its brand image. Apple's product launches are not just events; they are meticulously planned PR campaigns. By generating buzz through online media coverage, influencer endorsements, and engaging content, Apple ensures maximum visibility and anticipation for its products.
Fashion Industry
In the fashion industry, brands like Fashion Nova have utilized influencer partnerships to build brand awareness rapidly. By collaborating with popular social media influencers and celebrities, Fashion Nova has created a strong online presence. Their strategy of featuring user-generated content on their social media channels has also helped in building a loyal community around their brand.
Impact of Digital Marketing on Decision-Making and Strategy
Digital marketing, including Digital PR, has a profound impact on business decision-making and strategy. Here are a few ways it influences brands:
Data-Driven Decisions
Digital marketing tools provide a wealth of data and insights about consumer behavior, preferences, and engagement. Brands can analyze this data to make informed decisions about their marketing strategies, product development, and customer service.
Real-Time Feedback
Through social media and online reviews, brands receive real-time feedback from their customers. This allows them to quickly address issues, improve their products or services, and enhance customer satisfaction.
Enhanced Targeting
Digital marketing enables precise targeting of specific audience segments. Brands can tailor their messages and campaigns to resonate with different demographics, increasing the effectiveness of their marketing efforts.
Competitive Advantage
By staying updated with the latest digital marketing trends and technologies, brands can gain a competitive edge. Implementing innovative strategies and staying ahead of the curve can help brands stand out in a crowded market.
Future Trends and Advancements in Digital PR
The future of Digital PR is promising, with several trends and advancements on the horizon:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning
AI and machine learning are set to revolutionize Digital PR. These technologies can analyze vast amounts of data to predict trends, optimize content, and personalize marketing efforts. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants will enhance customer engagement and support.
Voice Search Optimization
With the increasing popularity of voice-activated devices, optimizing content for voice search will become essential. Brands will need to focus on conversational keywords and natural language processing to ensure their content is easily discoverable through voice searches.
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)
AR and VR technologies will offer immersive experiences for consumers. Brands can use these technologies for virtual product launches, interactive advertisements, and enhanced online shopping experiences.
Blockchain for Transparency
Blockchain technology will play a significant role in ensuring transparency and authenticity in Digital PR. It can help verify the credibility of influencers, track content distribution, and protect intellectual property.
Digital PR is a vital component of modern brand-building strategies. By leveraging online channels and tools, brands can enhance their visibility, credibility, and engagement with their target audience. Case studies from various industries demonstrate the effectiveness of Digital PR in building brand awareness. As digital marketing continues to evolve, brands must stay abreast of emerging trends and advancements to remain competitive and relevant in the digital landscape.
For more information and certification in our Digital Marketing Course, visit the EXCELR website or contact us at 1800-212-2121
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valuewisers · 4 months
Startup Hiring: 5 Hacks Every Founder Should Know When Recruiting
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Best Consultancy in Gurgaon | top 10 job consultancy in Gurgaon
Recruiting the proper skills is one of the most crucial aspects of constructing a a hit startup. However, the hiring procedure can be daunting, specially for startups that want to compete with installed businesses for top expertise. This weblog explores five crucial hacks each founder must know when recruiting, with a selected attention on leveraging the understanding of top recruitment corporations and location companies in India.
1. Define Your Startup's Unique Value Proposition
Understanding Your Value Proposition
One of the primary steps in attracting pinnacle expertise is surely defining and speaking your startup's specific fee proposition (UVP). This isn't just about the services or products you offer to customers however also approximately what you could offer capacity personnel.
Make certain capacity hires recognize the scope for private and expert development inside your employer.
Work Environment: Emphasize your administrative center tradition, whether or not it is collaborative, revolutionary, flexible, or driven by way of a strong feel of network.
Crafting the Message
Ensure that your job postings, organization internet site, and social media profiles mirror this UVP. Consistent messaging throughout all systems enables in attracting candidates who resonate along with your startup’s ethos.
2. Leverage Top Recruitment Agencies in India
Why Use Recruitment Agencies?
They carry understanding, huge networks, and a deep information of the task market. Here's how you could leverage them efficiently:
Time and Resource Efficiency: Outsourcing the recruitment procedure allows you to awareness on different important factors of your enterprise at the same time as professionals take care of the hiring technique.
Choosing the Right Agency
When selecting a recruitment employer, consider factors which includes their specialization, popularity, and achievement rate. Top recruitment organizations in India, like ABC Consultants, Michael Page India, and Randstad India, have a proven song record and cater to diverse industries, which include tech startups.
Building a Partnership
Establish a robust partnership with your chosen organization. Clearly speak your hiring wishes, company tradition, and the specific abilities and attributes you're looking for in applicants. Regular remarks and open communique can help the organization higher understand your requirements and improve the pleasant of candidates they present.
Three. Utilize Top Placement Agencies for Specialized Roles
Understanding Placement Agencies
Placement organizations typically focus on matching candidates with particular activity roles based totally on their skills, qualifications, and career aspirations.  Leveraging those agencies can be mainly useful for hiring specialized or high-level positions.
Benefits of Placement Agencies
Expertise in Specific Domains: Placement corporations regularly have recruiters with understanding especially industries or activity functions, making them well-prepared to pick out and appeal to pinnacle talent for specialised roles.
Targeted Searches: They can conduct focused searches to discover candidates with the precise talent sets and enjoy you want, saving you time and assets.
Streamlined Process: Placement companies take care of the preliminary screening, interviews, and history tests, ensuring you handiest meet candidates who are a very good healthy in your startup.
Examples of Top Placement Agencies
Some of the top placement organizations in India encompass TeamLease Services, Kelly Services India, and ManpowerGroup India.
Four. Leverage Social Media and Professional Networks
they allow you to reach a massive target audience, exhibit your employer culture, and at once engage with potential applicants.
LinkedIn: Create a strong LinkedIn organization web page and actively publish approximately process openings, agency updates, and enterprise insights. Join applicable corporations and take part in discussions to boom your visibility.
Facebook and Twitter: Use these platforms to share activity postings and corporation news. Facebook groups and Twitter chats can be effective for achieving unique groups.
Instagram: Showcase your corporation lifestyle thru images and stories, highlighting crew occasions, workspaces, and worker testimonials.
Networking and Referrals
Professional networks and worker referrals are useful assets for locating top skills. Encourage your modern personnel to refer potential applicants and reward successful referrals. Attend enterprise occasions, conferences, and meetups to increase your network and hook up with capability hires.
Five. Optimize Your Hiring Process
Streamlining the Hiring Process
An green hiring method can appreciably enhance your potential to draw and preserve pinnacle talent. Here are a few recommendations to optimize your recruitment method:
Clear Job Descriptions: Write clear, exact job descriptions that define the function, responsibilities, required skills, and qualifications. This facilitates entice the proper applicants and units clear expectations.
Efficient Screening: Use applicant monitoring systems (ATS) to manipulate programs and streamline the screening method. Automated equipment permit you to filter applicants based on unique standards, saving time and making sure consistency.
Structured Interviews: Develop a based interview procedure with standardized questions and assessment criteria.
Timely Communication: Maintain everyday conversation with applicants at some stage in the hiring system. Prompt responses and updates display professionalism and appreciate, improving the candidate enjoy.
Assessing Cultural Fit
While technical talents and experience are essential, cultural in shape is equally vital. Assess candidates' alignment along with your startup's values, paintings ethic, and team dynamics. This can be achieved through behavioral interviews, cultural healthy checks, and crew-based totally critiques.
Providing a Positive Candidate Experience
A nice candidate revel in can enhance your recognition and attract top skills. Ensure that the hiring technique is obvious, respectful, and engaging. Provide optimistic remarks to candidates, no matter the outcome, and make the onboarding technique clean and inviting.
Hiring the right expertise is a important determinant of a startup's fulfillment. By defining your specific fee proposition, leveraging top recruitment companies and placement businesses in India, using social media and expert networks, and optimizing your hiring process, you could appeal to and maintain the high-quality applicants on your startup.
In the aggressive panorama of startups, having the proper recruitment techniques in area could make all the distinction.  Remember, the adventure to constructing a a success startup starts offevolved with hiring the right people who proportion your vision and ardour.
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digitalgla · 3 days
Data Science in Nagercoil
Jclicksolutions Offers Comprehensive Data Science Training in Nagercoil: Empowering the Next Generation of Data Scientists
The importance of data in today’s digital world cannot be overstated. From predicting market trends to optimizing business operations, data-driven decisions are at the heart of modern businesses. To meet the growing demand for skilled data professionals, Jclicksolutions in Nagercoil is offering a robust Data Science training program that equips students and professionals with the skills needed to harness the power of data.
Why Data Science?
Data Science is one of the most sought-after skills in the tech industry. It involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting vast amounts of data to extract actionable insights. Whether it’s improving customer experience, optimizing supply chains, or personalizing marketing campaigns, businesses across all sectors rely on data to drive their decision-making processes.
The field of Data Science is vast, encompassing a range of topics like data analysis, machine learning, statistical modeling, data visualization, and predictive analytics. It’s a discipline that merges programming, mathematics, and domain expertise to solve complex problems. As companies continue to generate massive amounts of data, the need for professionals who can analyze and interpret this data is on the rise.
Why Choose Jclicksolutions for Data Science Training?
JClickSolutions has built a strong reputation as a premier IT training provider in South India. Their Data Science course is designed to equip learners with both foundational knowledge and advanced skills, ensuring they are job-ready upon completion. Here’s what makes this program stand out:
Comprehensive Curriculum: The Data Science course at Jclicksolutions covers all key aspects, including data collection, data cleaning, machine learning algorithms, statistical analysis, and data visualization. Students are also introduced to popular tools like Python, R, SQL, and libraries like Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib, which are essential for data analysis and manipulation.
Hands-on Projects: Practical experience is a key focus of the course. Students work on real-world datasets, building machine learning models and using data visualization techniques to derive insights. These hands-on projects help learners apply theoretical knowledge to real business problems, building a strong portfolio of work.
Experienced Instructors: Jclicksolutions has a team of industry-expert instructors with years of experience in Data Science and analytics. These instructors provide personalized guidance, mentoring students through complex concepts and real-world challenges.
Flexible Learning Options: The program is designed with flexibility in mind, offering both on-site and online classes. This allows students and working professionals to learn at their own pace, without disrupting their current commitments.
Career Support: Jclicksolutions goes beyond just teaching technical skills. They provide dedicated career services, including resume building, interview preparation, and job placement assistance. Graduates from the Data Science program are well-prepared to enter the job market with confidence.
Data Science in Nagercoil: A Growing Opportunity
Nagercoil is emerging as a promising destination for IT and technology-driven careers. With businesses increasingly recognizing the value of data, the demand for skilled data scientists and analysts is growing. By offering Data Science training in Nagercoil, JClickSolutions is helping local talent tap into this exciting and lucrative field without having to relocate to larger tech hubs.
Why Learn Data Science?
The future is data-driven. Industries such as finance, healthcare, e-commerce, and marketing rely heavily on data to make strategic decisions. By mastering Data Science, you position yourself at the forefront of technological innovation and business transformation. Data Science professionals are among the highest-paid in the tech industry, with strong job prospects in India and abroad.
Jclicksolutions’ Data Science training program in Nagercoil is an ideal opportunity for anyone looking to pursue a career in one of the most exciting and fast-growing fields today. With its practical, hands-on approach, expert guidance, and career support, the program ensures that participants are well-equipped to meet the demands of the industry. Whether you're a student, a working professional, or a tech enthusiast, this program will provide you with the skills and confidence needed to succeed in the world of Data Science.
For more information or to enroll, visit Software Internship Training | Placement Centre Course Nagercoil (jclicksolutions.in) today!
#Data Science in Nagercoil
#Data #Science #in #Nagercoil
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infowindtech24 · 5 months
Top Node.js Development Companies in India – April 2024
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One of the best tech stacks for creating a wide range of apps is Node.js. Its outstanding capabilities make it the perfect option for a wide range of online applications. For instance, quicker client-server communication results in more responsive Node.js real-time apps. With the support of the JavaScript engine, the top node js development company in India can develop cutting-edge cross-platform apps with a solid and scalable architecture. To properly profit from this well-liked JavaScript runtime, however, you need a strong team that is motivated by confidence, enthusiasm, and years of practical experience.
What kinds of services are there?
When you work with a qualified NodeJS developer, you can expect a range of services. Reputable firms provide a range of NodeJS development services, including a robust web app and site-building, cloud-based app development, CRM, ERP management system development, NodeJS integration, and migration. Moreover, a reliable supplier needs to provide thorough post-development support.
Ask concerning the NodeJS Frameworks
Frameworks enable a technology’s functionality and capabilities to be expanded. This backend software is subject to the same criticism. To expedite the completion of your project, choose a NodeJS developer familiar with these frameworks. The Express framework should be known to all Node.js developers. Assess the candidate’s proficiency in Hapi, Total JS, Koa.js, and other languages before employing an Express JS developer. Each of these enhances the capability of Node JS.
To what extent are you acquainted with Node.Js Libraries and Frameworks?
It is crucial to assess how well-versed the engineers to hire are in popular node js development company frameworks, libraries, and other topics. This enables you to evaluate the skill and proficiency of the Node JS development team you choose by using the best web application development solutions that process large amounts of input and output in real time.
Your development team may use the 50,000+ code modules in the Node package manager (NPM), which are added to, altered, and maintained by a vibrant community, to quickly and affordably create a highly scalable, reliable, and resilient web application. However, your team of the best nodejs development company India professionals can only provide the best results possible with the frameworks, libraries, and modules at their disposal if they possess the necessary knowledge.
Consequently, before hiring a Node.js development business, carefully consider the specialists’ level of knowledge and practical experience with the tech stack and any associated modules, frameworks, and libraries.
What are your skills in Node JS Development?
It would help if you looked for these abilities in a NodeJS development business before working with them. Each creator may have different skills in these areas. But if you want your project to be finished correctly, ask your developer to have these attributes:
An advantage is knowing Agile diagrams and Scrum.
Proficiency with GitHub and effective coding
Knowledge and comprehension of complex code designs
Extensive background in testing.
What about knowledge that isn’t just related to HTTP Protocols and DevOps?
Look for a Node JS developer with expertise in areas other than DevOps and HTTP. Work with Node JS developers who understand peer-to-peer communication and XMPP server/client. Do not forget about DevOps certification, either. It allows for scalability across several applications and load balancing.
What kind of Node.Js projects have you previously worked on?
The most important thing to know before hiring a Node JS development team is this: You may assess the team’s capacity to provide the desired level of value for your Node.js project by looking at their prior work experience. Assessing the experts’ experience with non-blocking I/O models, NPM bundles, microservices, event-driven asynchronous callbacks, database structures, MVC components or modular architectures, JavaScript, TypeScript, external libraries, and middleware services is essential if you want your project to succeed 200%. You may learn a great deal about a professional’s talents and areas of experience by assessing their prior work or projects.
Developers using Node.js must handle user authentication for a variety of users and scenarios. Therefore, for the benefit of your app’s security and privacy, you should work with software developers who are knowledgeable about these subjects.
What’s your availability, and how quickly can you finish projects using Node.Js?
When engaging a specialized development team, two important factors you should always pay attention to are availability across time zones and turnaround time for Node development services. A mismatch in available labor hours and project completion time might have a significant negative effect on your return on investment. Thus, consider these factors while choosing a candidate for Node.js development.
NodeJS is quite strong for quick deployments. It is very adaptable in terms of speed, scalability, and success because of its 1.3 million+ package modules, large library, event-driven structure, asynchronous callback function, non-blocking I/O operations, and modular design. How well your Node.js developers use these built-in tech stack elements to meet your project’s deadline will depend on their skill level and experience.
How do you address performance and scalability problems with Node.Js apps after Deployment?
Applications written in Node.js may encounter issues with scalability and performance if appropriate post-deployment maintenance procedures are not followed. As a result, the Node JS developers you choose to work with need to have established, performance-tested app maintenance and support procedures in place. The usage of microservices, thorough documentation, actual code restructuring, caching tactics, load balancing approaches, and performance tuning techniques are among the best practices for maintaining Node JS. Create a strong Node JS development team with developers who understand these best practices and can manage large surges in traffic, data loads, etc., without experiencing any downtime or other associated issues. Boost your Node.js project with industry-leading knowledge to get ten times your investment back.
A summary of Node.js development costs
A server-side development tech stack called Node.js gives web apps an exceptional degree of uniqueness by providing flexible, dynamic, and real-time capabilities. The tech stack is the preferred option of major global businesses, including many Fortune 500 organizations, due to its capacity to meet the demands of contemporary users.
The open-source JavaScript runtime’s immense popularity has resulted in a sharp rise in development expenses. Even if the tech stack contributes to a 58% reduction in development expenses, the main cause of high project estimations is the developers’ salaries.
With all due luck, this blog answers some of your inquiries. Examine each of the aforementioned points before hiring developers for your project. This will help ensure that there are no unforeseen issues during the project.
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