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Mesmerizing peaceful nature 📷-- @ankityogi9 #Naturebeauty mesmerizingpeaceful nature #centralpark #CentralParkJaipur #park #jaipurpark #jaipurphotography #plantphotography #parkchair #grass #parkplants #rajasthan #IndianPark #parkstools #Greenery #rangrajasthanke #greenery #botanyphotography #plantphotography #floraphotography #flora #trees #naturephotography #naturelovers #nature Maulsari, Maulsiri plant, Bakal trees, Bakul plant, Bohl, Bukal leaves,bakul fruits,bakul,Anangaka, Bakula, Chirapushpa, Dhanvi, Gudhpushpa, Kantha, Karuka, Kesha, Mukula, Padyamoda, Sharadika, Sindhugandha, Simhakeshaa, Sthirmukhgandha, Surabhi Tailanga, Varalahdha, Visharada, Maulsiri, GUJARATI: Babhuli, Bolsari, Varsoli, Vovoli, Bakul, Bolsari, Maulsarau, Maulser, Maulsari, Alagu, Ilangi, Kesaram, Kosaram, Magil, Magilam, Vagulam, Pogada,Pagademara, Bakhor, Bakula, Barsoli, Ovalli, Owli, Vavoli, Wovali, Wowli, Elengi, Ilanni, Iranni, Makuram, Bakulam, Bakulapuspa,Munemal,Affengesict,karanicum, BURMESE: Kaya, Enengi, Pikul,Spanish-Cherry, West Indian Medlar, Bullet Wood,Bulletwood,plants,trees,trees,central park jaipur,rajasthan,india,botany (at Jaipur, Rajasthan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTw0IsEs-nr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Indian Parking Problems and Solutions!
“As per a survey, more than 40% of urban roads in Indian cities are blocked on a regular working day, owing to parking issues of the cars.”Owing to the rapid growth of metropolitan cities, every year we see an exorbitant number of vehicles hitting the roads. These result in a lack of parking spaces and traffic congestion. The parking spaces available in the cities are rapidly falling short of the recent requirements and this needs to be addressed at the earliest.
Vehicle parking has become an issue of high-priority action at local as well as strategic levels. If there are well-planned space-optimized multilevel parking solutions available, then these issues will reduce to a great extent. Architects and developers across the country have already started considering this issue right from the planning and designing stage of the residential and commercial projects.
So, in this article, we will take you through the major parking issues in India and also look at the probable solutions to combat them. Let’s get started.
Rising Parking Problems in India
On-street parking: Owning a car isn’t a big deal for people nowadays, but finding a parking lot is a treasure hunt. Also, everyone is in a hurry and parking on the streets is completely free, So, people tend to avoid paid parking and park anywhere on the roads. This results in delays to destinations, congestion, and heavy traffic.
Clogged roads and saturated parking spaces: People looking for parking their vehicles often need to wait in long queues along roadsides leading to clogged roads. This issue results in incidences of disputes and quarrels amongst the owners, overcharging for parking, and even deformation of cars.
Parking issues during special occasions: On special occasions like festivals, parties, marriage functions, concerts, fairs, etc., having unending traffic along the roadside is a common scene in India. There is immense pressure on the parking lots and in most cases, these spaces aren’t enough. This again leads to cruising, long queues, chaos, and quarrels.
Resulting noise and air pollution: People honking their horns, and even yelling at others for parking spaces, causes a lot of noise pollution. Besides, long waiting for parking leads to air pollution.
Best Solutions to combat Indian Parking Problems
Proper Planning of Areas: Though this is not as easy as it seems, the authorities responsible for town planning should properly plan and allocate dedicated areas for large parking areas across the cities. Besides, wherever possible, they need to set up strict rules to put an end to parking woes, e.g., charging people for parking on streets.
Better Infrastructure with Multilevel Parking Systems: It is essential to modernize the infrastructure wherever possible and utilize the spaces to make better parking options available. Architecting multilevel car parking systems is the need of the hour.
Renewed Government Policies: This might sound a bit absurd, but it is high time when the government needs to bring strict policies for buying a vehicle. The people buying a car should be allowed to buy it only when they have a dedicated parking space.
Renovation of Older Buildings and Projects: Older buildings and projects located in the heart of the metropolitan cities, which were constructed more than 10 years ago, need to be redesigned wherever possible. Usually, such projects do not have proper spaces for parking vehicles. Before 10 years, people did not have so many vehicles, but today this is not the scenario. So, it is a must to have multilevel car parking systems in the buildings nowadays to cater to the rising parking issues.
Robust Public Transport System: Looking at the bigger picture, reducing the number of vehicles on road can be a promising solution to reduce parking problems in India. Here, an efficient public transport system can play a key role. It is also an economical option.
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#india#drink water#watersolutions#onlineshoppingindia#shopping#buyfromindia#indiatrip#indian#nehru#indianparks#ndmc
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@mtdasd #minoiaboardcoitaly Ultima gita giornaliera prima del weekend a Livigno! Vi portiamo a Cervinia nel grande comprensorio sciistico del Cervino, dove le emozioni cominciano subito e non finiscono mai! "Cervino Ski Paradise", difficilmente il nome del comprensorio avrebbe potuto essere più azzeccato. Nel paradiso dello sci ai piedi del Cervino la neve è garantita dalle quote elevate e dalla posizione centrale nelle Alpi! Gli amanti dello snowboard e del Freeski possono praticarlo non soltanto sulle ampie piste del comprensorio o in neve fresca, ma possono approfittare del fantastico e ben attrezzato snow park di Cervinia, meglio conosciuto come “IndianPark”, che con i suoi kicker, le sue paraboliche e i suoi rails è tra i più imponenti delle Alpi. VI ASPETTIAMO GIOVEDÌ AL MANHATTAN BAR O TUTTI GIORNI IN NEGOZIO! #senonvieniseiunpinguino🐧 #minoiaboardcoitaly #minoiaboardcoteam #minoiaboardcoitalysince1977 https://www.instagram.com/minoiaboardcoitaly/p/Buay_lGBzf-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1h679vkysh4en
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#redflowersfrangipani 📷-- @ankityogi9 #Champa plant, #RedChampaflowers, #Frangipani, #Plumeriaalba, #nationalflowerofLaos, #dok champa, Champa red , #Plumeria Alba, #Frangipani, #Temple Tree Khairchapha, Gul-e-chin, Dalama Phula, Kadusampage, Aholo Champo, Red Perungali, Arbataganneru, Jaipur plant, Rajasthan, India, Flowering plant, Champa leaves, Champa leaf, Blossom, Blossom flowers, Botany, #Botanyphotography , #Flora, #Park plant, #CentralParkJaipur, #CentralPark, Jaipur park, Rajasthan Park, #IndianPark, Garden, #Redflowers #nature #naturephotography #naturelovers #plant #plantphotography #plantlover #flowerphotography #flowerlovers #flowers #botany #botanyphotography #botanylovers #parkplants (at Central Park Jaipur) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRwPjHxhFvo/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Pennisetum 'Rubrum' (Purple Fountain Grass, Red Fountain Grass). Also known as Purple Fountain Grass, Red Fountain Grass, Burgundy Fountain Grass. A large clump of 'Rubrum' swaying in the breeze can be quite an eye-catcher! 'Rubrum' is a perennial from South Africa, treated as an annual in northern growing areas.Girija Common name: African fountain grass, Tender fountain grass, Fountain grass, Purple fountain grass Botanical name: Cenchrus setaceus Family: African fountain (Grass family) Synonyms: Pennisetum spectabile, Pennisetum setaceum, Pennisetum parisii Fountain grass is a very showy ornamental grass with graceful, arching leaves, and erect or nodding rose-colored flower spikes up to 12 in long. Fountain grass grows in dense, symmetrical clumps that can get 3-4 ft tall and 2-3 ft across with a fountain of feathery plumes flowing out of the foliage. 'Cupreum' has reddish stems and leaves, and copper-colored plumes. 'Rubrum' and 'Purpureum' are larger, to 5 ft tall, with dark purple leaves and burgundy-red, nodding plumes to 15 in long. 'Eaton Canyon' is a miniature, to 30 in high, with burgundy-red foliage and plumes. These cultivars generally do not set seed, and therefore are good choices for tropical and subtropical climates where the species could become invasive. #Africanfountaingrass, #Tenderfountaingrass, #Fountaingrass, # Purplefountaingrass #Cenchrussetaceus #Poaceae #Grassfamily #Pennisetumspectabile, #Pennisetum setaceum, #Pennisetum parisii, #fountaingrass, #Park, #Park plants, #Park grass, #Garden plants, #plant, #Rajasthan, #India #blossom, #plantphotography #plantlover #nature #naturephotography #naturelovers #botany #botanylovers #botanyphotography #subhashudhyanajmer #subhashudhyan #IndianPark #rajasthanpark #parkplants #parks # 📷--- @ankityogi9 (at Rajasthan, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CT-EnHrs5hM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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झुमका लता Common name: Soi Fah Passion Flower • Hindi: झुमका लता Jhumkalata • Manipuri: ꯔꯥꯙꯤꯀꯥ ꯅꯥꯆꯣꯝ Radhika nachom • Bengali: Jhumkalata Botanical name: # Passiflora ‘Soi Fah’ Family: Passifloraceae (Passion flower family) Soi Fah passion flower is a fast growing perennial vine, and is a hybrid of unknown origin. It employs tendrils to grab hold of adjacent shrubs, structure and other supports to lift itself to heights of 8-12 ft. The large serrated leaves grow 5-6 in wide by 6 to 8 in long. They typically have three to five lobes and are arranged alternately on the stem with flowers and branches emerging from the axil. All of the passion flowers have beautifully complex blossoms and Soi Fah Passion Flower is no exception. These have 2-3 in diameters and are composed of 10 white tepals arranged in a shallow bowl shape above which is arranged fringe of purple and white #filaments, called the corona. In the center is the white fleshy stigma surrounded by five stamens. #plants #plantphotography #plantlover #botanylovers #botanyphotography #botany #nature #flowers #naturephotography #naturelovers #Jhumkalata #SoiFahPassionFlower #Passionflowers #Passiflora #rajasthan #india #blossomflowers #blossom #flowerphotography #flowerlovers #flowers #purpleflowers #purple #passionvines #IndianPark #nursery #nurseryplants # 📷---- @ankityogi9 (at Rajasthan, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CT9ygBIM2dg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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जिन्निया (Zinnia) एक खूबसूरत फूल है जो अक्सर बाग बगीचों में देखा जा सकता है। यह एक तेजी से बढ़ने वाला फूल है जिसकी बागवानी बहुतायत से की जाती है। #Zinniaelegans elegans known as youth-and-age, #commonzinnia or #elegant zinnia, is an annual #flowering #plant in the daisy family #Asteraceae. #floraphotography #flowerphotography #flowers #blossomflowers #blossom #plantphotography #plantlover #plants #nature #naturephotography #CentralParkJaipur #jaipur #rajasthan #redflowers #parkflower #parkplants #IndianPark #india #botany #botanylovers #botanyphotography #mesmerizingflowers #be#colourfulflowers 📷-- @ankityogi9 (at Jaipur, Rajasthan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTps1kchoy2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Visto il sound del landing di sto passo vado a "Stampellà di qua e di là" #noma #indiansnowpark #italy #alps #cerviniavalt #breuilcervinia #nitro missing my straightforward :( #anarchiainlombardia #pignobg #R4Fproject #ini #nofilter #action #spalmanutella #snowboard #italianstyle #peaceandchicken #paceepollo #aostavalley #lovevda @snowparksitalia @snowboarding_italia @neveitalia Big thanks to @computer_snow for the clip (presso INDIANPARK snowpark Breuil-Cervinia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtUT20UBZyz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qpoixhsvmozk
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