#indian wedding ceremony music
dynamicroadshowuk-blog · 10 months
Exclusive Indian Wedding Ceremony Music
Indian wedding ceremony music is an essential part of the joyous celebration and mood or ambience in any Indian wedding ceremony music. You can create a memorable experience for you and your guests with the right music. You can hire the right professionals to play traditional music with Dynamic Road Show. Contact us today.
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roohofficial · 2 years
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Musicians in Dubai
If you're in the mood for some great music, you should definitely check out Rooh Band. They're a group of musicians based in Dubai who are absolutely amazing. Their music is a perfect blend of traditional and modern styles, and they always put on a great show. If you're looking for a fun and entertaining way to spend an evening, Rooh Band is definitely the band for you.
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livesinfantasyland · 4 months
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Sangeet Night
A Sangeet ceremony is an important part of Indian weddings – it’s like a pre-wedding reception where friends and family ceremonially welcome the couple into their lives and wish them the best for their future. This welcoming celebration often includes lots of dancing and music, religious traditions, ethnic games, ceremonial attires, delicious food, and more! A typical Sangeet ceremony involves music and dancing, typically in the form of a dance-off between the bride and groom’s families. There are also religious rituals such as a havan or puja to bless the couple and their upcoming union, as well as traditional games they can engage in together. The dress code is usually festive – bright colors and traditional sarees or lenghas for women, while men usually wear kurtas or Sherwanis.
Mehndi Ceremony
Haldi Ceremony
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justlemmeadoreyou · 5 months
okay just an idea but like hb a one shot of harry and yn having an Indian wedding??
i mixed it up a bit! hope you don't mind but I added some dancing in between! hehe
words: 2.2k
warnings: cute fluff, alludes to smut!
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The sound of jubilant music and joyous laughter filled the air as Y/N took Harry's hands in her own, gazing at him with all the love in her heart.
It was the day they had been dreaming of for what felt like an eternity - their beautiful Indian wedding celebration. After months of careful planning and preparation, it was finally time to declare their everlasting love and commitment in front of their closest family and friends.
As Y/N looked into Harry's bright green eyes, she felt herself getting choked up with happy tears. He was the most gorgeous sight she had ever seen in his ivory sherwani with delicate embroidery and a baby pink safa atop his unruly chestnut curls. A radiant smile lit up his entire face as he mouthed "I love you" to her.
Y/N hoped her own appearance took Harry's breath away just as much. She was draped in a stunning red and gold lengha with the most intricate designs she had ever seen. Golden jewelry adorned her neck, wrists and fingers, while a striking tikka rested on her forehead. After hours of professionalmehndi application, her hands and feet were works of art covered in the most beautiful henna patterns.
Their wedding mandap looked like it was straight out of a dream, covered in layers of vibrant red fabric and masses of exotic flowers. The entire venue was bursting with rich colors, from the ornate rugs underfoot to the twinkling strings of lights hanging overhead. Harry and Y/N had spent endless hours with the planners to ensure every last detail was absolutely perfect for commemorating this special day properly.
As the ceremonies began, they went through each traditional rite and ritual with profound reverence and care. When the time came to exchange floral varmala garlands, Harry could barely contain his boyish grin as he struggled slightly to get the hanging blooms around Y/N's neck. She laughed lightly as she did the same for him, feeling like her heart could burst with love and happiness in that moment.
The ceremonies paused briefly for the jaimala, a ritual where the couple tried to be the first to successfully garland each other. Amid a chorus of cheers from the guests, Y/N and Harry playfully danced around for several minutes, narrowly missing each other until finally Harry swept in and captured Y/N's neck with the floral necklace.
She gasped in delight as he pulled her in close, pressing their foreheads together tenderly. "I've got you forever now," he murmured, just for her to hear. Y/N felt herself melt at the warmth and adoration in his voice as she reached up to cradle his face in her hands.
"And I've got you," she whispered back reverently. "Always and forever."
Harry leaned in to capture her lips in a soft, lingering kiss, forgetting about their audience for a brief moment. A joyous howl went up from the guests that broke them apart with sheepish grins. Their loved ones had anxiously awaited this special union, and they were determined to savor every second of it.
The rest of the rituals and pheras passed by in a beautiful, colorful blur. Y/N felt herself getting choked up again as they took their sacred vows, promising to love, honor and cherish one another until their very last breaths. Harry gazed at her adoringly, stroking her cheek tenderly with his thumb as they repeated the powerful words.
"You are my soulmate, my partner, my everything," he said throatily, his eyes shining with unshed tears of happiness. "Thank you for making me the luckiest man in the world by becoming my wife."
Unable to contain herself a moment longer, Y/N let a few tears slip free as she beamed at her new husband. She leaned up on her tiptoes to wind her arms around his neck, pulling him in close.
"There is no one else on this earth I would rather spend my life with than you," she said in a trembling voice thick with emotion. "I am so grateful to now be your wife, and to finally be able to call you my husband. I love you endlessly, Harry."
The tenderness of their embrace was only broken by the sound of loud cheers and clapping as their guests celebrated the joyous union. It was official - Harry and Y/N were finally married, bonded together for all of eternity.
As the ceremonies concluded, everyone made their way to the outdoor reception area where the real festivities could begin. Servers circulated with trays of delicious Indian delicacies, from vegetable samosas and pakoras to spicy curries and flaky, buttery naan bread. One of the first dances kicked off with Harry and Y/N taking center stage, all gazingadoringly at each other as they swayed to the romantic hindi music.
"My beautiful wife," Harry murmured in her ear as they slowly revolved on the dance floor. "I don't think I'll ever get tired of calling you that."
Y/N's face lit up in a bright smile as she gave him an eskimo kiss. "And I'll never get tired of being called your wife, my husband."
Eventually it was time for the grand sangeet celebration, filled with vibrant musical and dance performances from all of their loved ones. It brought tears of laughter and joy to Harry and Y/N's eyes as they watched silly skits, entertaining dances, and heartfelt songs dedicated to their everlasting love.
When their own performance came around, Y/N's heart was pounding in her chest with excited nerves. For months they had been secretly rehearsing an intricate choreographed dance routine to a romantic hindi mashup. As the first few notes of the song rang out, Y/N locked eyes with Harry, giving him a breathtaking smile. There was nowhere else she would rather be than on that dance floor with him, her husband, her forever love.
Harry smiled back like she had hung every star in the night sky, his eyes shining with pure adoration. Even after months together, Y/N's beauty and the depth of love she had for him still managed to take his breath away.
Their dance was utterly captivating and joyous, filled with playful movements and longing gazes as they spun and twisted around each other. At one particularly romantic section, Harry couldn't resist gathering Y/N up into his strong arms, dipping her low as she arched back in a graceful curve. They hovered like that, faces mere inches apart, both of them breathing heavily with beaming smiles.
"I love you so much," Harry mouthed to her fervently before pulling Y/N back up to crush his lips against hers in a heated, passionate kiss.
A roar of approval and applause sounded around them from their cheering guests. They didn't care one bit, choosing instead to lose themselves in their tender liplock for a few heated moments before finally pulling apart, dizzy and breathless with elation.
"And I love you eternally, my husband," Y/N whispered ardently, tracing the line of Harry's parted lips with the pad of her thumb.
The incredible night seemed to whirl by in an unstoppable blur of celebrating, feasting, singing and dancing after that. Every time Y/N locked eyes with Harry, she felt her heart overflow with the depths of her love and commitment for this incredible man that was now her spouse. His radiant smile and looks of pure adoration warmed her down to her very soul.
As the hours ticked by, Y/N felt herself growing weary but still riding cloud nine from the blissful events. Harry seemed to sense her fatigue, coming up behind her to wrap his arms around her waist and press a soft kiss to her temple.
"What do you say we get out of here, wife?" he murmured in a low rumble against her skin. "I've got plans for celebrating our new marriage in private…"
Y/N immediately felt a rush of heated desire course through her veins at his suggestive words and tone. She grinned and turned in his arms, pressing a sensual kiss to his parted lips.
"Whatever you say, husband," she replied huskily.
The two of them slipped away from the raging celebration largely unnoticed, both too eager to begin their new life together as spouses. Every second felt so surreal and dreamlike to Y/N, a real-life fairy tale come to life. She felt so incredibly blessed and overflowing with love.
Once they made it back to the privacy of their honeymoon suite, Harry effortlessly swept Y/N up into his arms like she weighed nothing. She let out a surprised giggle, winding her arms around his neck as he carried her over the threshold. His lips instantly crashed into hers in a searing kiss filled with fiery passion and overwhelming love.
They stumbled their way across the romantic suite, shedding clothes and flowers as they went, unable to get enough of each other. Whispered words of adoration and biblical devotion were exchanged between heated kisses and roaming caresses.
Finally, Harry laid Y/N down on the plush bed covered in fragrant rose petals, hovering over her in breathless awe. His talented fingers deftly undid the remaining jewels and ornaments adorning her body until just her beautiful bare skin remained.
"You are the most gorgeous creature I've ever laid eyes on," he rasped out, trailing reverent kisses along the delicate golden patterns of her mehndi. "My breath was taken away the second I saw you today."
Y/N felt a fresh wave of desire crash over her at his words, a soft whimper escaping her parted lips as his mouth continued worshipping every inch of her. She pulled him back up, crashing their lips together in a tangled dance of tongues and teeth while her nails raked deliciously down the taut muscles of his back.
"And you looked positively sinful, my love," she panted heavily between fevered kisses. "Like the most delectable dream come to life right before my eyes."
Harry growled low in the back of his throat, rolling them over until Y/N was straddling his hips. He looked up at her with hooded, lust-blown eyes, skimming his large palms reverently over the curves of her body.
"You're going to be the most beautiful sight to wake up to for the rest of my days," he said in a gravelly rumble.
Y/N could only whimper and capture his full lips in another bruising kiss as she rolled her hips wantonly against his nude form. The friction and delicious heat between them quickly became maddening with need. Soon they were joined together, moving in an ancient rhythm of love and desire.
All the emotions of the joyous day came pouring out in their lovemaking - the uncontainable happiness, the bone-deep reverence, the overwhelming passion, the profound intimacy. Harry and Y/N clung to each other like they were the only anchor in the raging sea, breathing celestial words of worship and forever into kiss-swollen mouths.
"Mine…my husband…my eternal love…" Y/N chanted like a prayer as her nails dug deliciously into the strong muscles of Harry's shoulders.
"My gorgeous wife," Harry groaned back in adoration, capturing her lips in a searing liplock as their arching bodies found blessed release and sublime rapture together.
The newlyweds laid spent and utterly sated in the tangled cocoon of the sheets afterward, both glowing with the afterglow of their sacred union.
"To have and to hold, for better or worse, for richer or poorer…" Harry murmured, reciting the marriage vows as he nuzzled his face into Y/N's neck, placing tender kisses along her fluttering pulse point. "In sickness and health…until death do us part."
Y/N turned her head, finding his mouth with her own to kiss him deeply and devotedly. "I am yours, and you are mine," she whispered the solemn promise against his parted lips. "From this day forward, until our souls leave this earth."
Harry let out a trembling exhalation at the powerful words, gathering his wife even closer to his body. He felt utterly undone and overwhelmed by the depths of his all-encompassing love for her. After years of searching, he had found his soulmate, his twin flame, his everything.
"I've never felt more complete, more whole, than I do in this very moment with you," he said in a hushed, reverential tone. "My love for you defies articulation, Y/N. You are my heart, my light, my forever."
Their mouths collided in a searing, all-encompassing liplock then, pouring every ounce of their overwhelming love and commitment into the heated embrace. In that singular, blissful moment, there was nothing else in the entire universe except the profound, everlasting truth of their fated union.
As the newlyweds eventually drifted off in a tangle of sated, sleepy limbs, Y/N felt like the luckiest woman in the world to call this incredible man her husband. And Harry felt like the most blessed man alive to have Y/N as his wife, bound together for eternity through their sacred vows and unbreakable love.
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bloody-vino · 2 years
Richard Madden x Indian!Fem!Reader
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GIF by lulu-tan79
Richard Madden, a successful Scottish businessman, attended his friend's Indian wedding in Singapore. Little did he know that he was about to meet the love of his life. He saw Y/N, a beautiful Indian woman in a green lehenga, and he was smitten. Richard and Y/N started talking and found they had an instant connection. They talked about their interests, their cultures, and their families.
Y/N was raised in Singapore, but her family was originally from India. She was intrigued by Richard's Scottish culture, and he was fascinated by her Indian background. They exchanged numbers and started dating. Richard took Y/N to his homeland, Scotland, and showed her the beauty of his culture. Y/N, in turn, took Richard to India and introduced him to her family's customs and traditions.
However, Y/N's family didn't approve of their relationship. Y/N's father was worried that if their relationship failed, he would lose his job since Richard was his boss. He scolded Y/N and told her to end the relationship. Sara, Y/N's father's friend, constantly talked negatively about Richard and their romance, further adding fuel to the fire.
Despite the family drama, Richard and Y/N's relationship continued to flourish. They shared many comical moments as Y/N struggled to understand Richard's strong Scottish accent. Richard would often tease her, and they would end up laughing for hours.
One day, Y/N's father got angry and created a scene, insulting Richard and asking him to stay away from his daughter. Richard lost his temper and got into a heated argument with Y/N's father. Y/N, caught in the middle, tried to intervene, but her father raised his hand to hit her. Richard, seeing this, went berserk and got into a physical fight with Y/N's father. The scene attracted many onlookers, but Richard didn't care. He would never let anyone harm Y/N, no matter what.
After the fight, Y/N's father realized his mistake and apologized. He saw how much Richard loved his daughter and how much she loved him. Richard and Y/N's relationship was accepted by the family, and they got married in a beautiful ceremony that blended both Scottish and Indian cultures.
As they exchanged their vows, Y/N struggled to hold back her tears, overwhelmed with happiness. She knew that Richard was the one for her, and she was grateful for their comical moments, their love, and the fact that they had overcome so many obstacles to be together.
Richard took Y/N to Scotland, where she experienced his traditional Scottish food, haggis, and tried her best to understand his accent. She found his accent very attractive but often misunderstood what he said, leading to comical moments.
On the other hand, when Richard went to India, he struggled with the spicy food and the heat. He often wore traditional Indian attire, which Y/N found amusing but endearing. She loved seeing him embrace her culture.
Y/N's family eventually warmed up to Richard after seeing how much he loved and cared for her. They also appreciated his efforts to understand their customs and traditions. Clara, Y/N's father's friend, even apologized for her negative behavior towards Richard and Y/N's relationship.
During their wedding ceremony, Richard surprised Y/N by wearing a traditional Indian sherwani. Y/N was speechless, and tears flowed down her cheeks as she realized how much Richard had embraced her culture. The ceremony was a beautiful blend of Scottish and Indian traditions, and they exchanged vows promising to love and cherish each other, in sickness and in health, till death do them part".
As the night went on, the couple danced to a mixture of Indian and Scottish music. Richard tried his best to keep up with the traditional Indian dance moves, but Y/N found it endearing how he would often mess up and make her laugh.
Later that night, as they retreated to their honeymoon suite, Y/N felt a rush of emotions. She was happy to have found the love of her life in Richard, and grateful for the many comical moments they had shared throughout their relationship. As she looked into his eyes, she knew that she had made the right decision in choosing him as her partner.
Richard took her in his arms, and they kissed passionately. The heat between them was undeniable, and they explored each other's bodies with a hunger that only true love could bring.
As they lay in bed, spent and satisfied, Y/N whispered to Richard, "I love you". He smiled at her and said, "I love you too, my beautiful Indian bride".
From that day on, Richard and Y/N lived happily ever after, embracing each other's cultures and creating a beautiful blend of Scottish and Indian traditions. They were grateful for the obstacles they had overcome and the love they had found in each other.
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Hi Ambrose <333 can you talk to me about some Marathi wedding traditions? (Its for very important prongsfoot research 🙏🙏 thank youu)
Ooh yay Marathi weddings! I love them! Let's get started right away!
First things first: Indian weddings are almost festivals in their own right. There is a lot going on during wedding season, and it all condenses down into a very chaotic week that makes you feel like you're stuck in a whirlwind you never want to get out of.
I'm going to go off of my experiences with Big Fat Indian Weddings (which: I've seen many of those, each and every wedding I've been to has had around 2500 guests), so buckle up.
There are many rituals and events in an Indian wedding, and you can pick and choose which events you want, or you can have all of them, it's entirety up to you. There used to be regional traditions to weddings before, but now they are blending together, for example: Sangeet is a typically Punjabi affair when it comes to weddings, but every Maharashtrian celebration I've been to has held a Sangeet.
I'm going to give a sort of overview of all the things that take place and in which order, so here goes:
The Lagnaach Bedior: before any festivities begin, the horoscopes (Patrika) of the bride and groom are matched before any events. The family of the bride and groom get together and call on a family priest who checks their Patrika and details them out, offering advice for any difficulties that they may face in married life.
Then comes the Muhurta Medha; where the families of the bride and groom to be plant a tree as an auspicious beginning.
The wedding season starts with— you guessed it— an engagement ceremony. In Marathi, it is called Sakhar Puda (Sakhar– sugar, puda– packet) or Vangnishchay (verbal agreement). The bride is gifted with packets of sugar, clothing and jewellery, and the groom is given coconut, gold/silver coins, and clothes as well. The sugar signifies a sweet beginning of the marriage. Engagement rings, while not traditionally a Hindu thing, are also exchanged by the bride and groom to be.
Sometimes, a family may choose to have a pre- Sakhar Puda mehendi ceremony, it's not very common. A mehendi ceremony is when women who are invited to the wedding (hint: a lot of women) get together for a day to get their hands stained with mehendi. The bride is the star of the show, and her mehendi usually goes up to her biceps, and even her feet are stained. This is in general a very relaxed setting, with lots of cushions to lounge on and lots of food and refreshments (as is typical of any Indian get together lol food is important). A mehendi is always held before the main ceremony of marriage vows, though.
After the Vangnishchay comes the Muhurta— the priest is called once again, and this time a specific time is fixed for the beginning of the ceremony of vows. And then, the preparations begin in earnest, months before the wedding day.
Five Savashani (a married woman; the Hindi word is Suhasini) are invited by the bride’s mother on an auspicious day. They make turmeric powder and Sandege (pulses and spice powder) in mortar and pestle to be used later in the wedding, and Papad is rolled for eating. The women then hold a Rukhwat by decorating artistically and exhibiting bridal lehengas and sarees, jewellery, kitchen utensils, sweets and all sorts of bridal trousseau as a part of the wedding rituals of Maharashtra.
Next: the Sangeet! Sangeet is held anywhere between two days to a week before the ceremony of vows. There is food, lots of music and dancing to both traditional wedding songs and Bollywood songs, and it's generally a time for people to come together and have as much fun as possible. They're possibly my favourite part of weddings. (They're also not traditionally Maharashtrian, they're Punjabi, but lots of families still do it.)
Sometimes, the pre wedding mehendi is done right alongside the Sangeet, and other times it is done a either the day after Sangeet or after Kelvan (explained below). Again, lots of women come together and draw mehendi designs on their hands. Bridal mehendi goes all the way up to the biceps, and the feet are also decorated. It's very fun.
After the Sangeet comes the Kelvan, where the parents of the bride and groom to be invite each other's family for a meal. Gifts are given and aarti-puja for the Kuldevta (family deities) is performed, and in general it is a very simple yet beautiful affair. This is typically done two or three days before the wedding. The Kelvan ceremony invite also includes close family and relatives from both sides. The idea behind the ritual is to show respect and know each other better.
The day before— or sometimes the morning of, depending on the auspicious time— the ceremony of wedding vows, a Halad Chadawat is held. The bride and groom's respective families rub turmeric powder and water into their skin with the help of freshly picked mango leaves. It's a playful event, with lots of laughter and pranks. Halad (turmeric) is used for cleansing and purifying one's body before entering into a holy matrimony. It symbolizes the happy start of a new life together, and is said to protect the couple from any bad omens that may harm them before the wedding.
Now comes the actual wedding. This one's a doozy muahaha!
The day begins with a Puja of the Lord Ganpati, who is always honoured and worshipped at the beginning of any venture (there is a myth behind this, if you want to know). After the Ganpatidev Puja, the Kuldevta is also invoked to bless the couple.
The groom enters the venue of the wedding with a procession on the back of a horse, sometimes with a sword and scabbard strapped to his waist. The Seemant Puja is performed. The bride's mother washes the groom's feet and gifts are given to the groom's family by the bride's family.
The bride, wearing either a red or a yellow wedding Shalu (a type of saree) and with a Mundavalya (a string of pearls or flowers) tied across her forehead, performs the Gaurihar Puja with her parents. Rice is placed on the idol’s head as mantras and shlokas are recited. Prayers to the Goddess Parvati for a happy and prosperous married life are said.
The Antarpat ritual is the main one. A silk shawl is hung between the bride and groom while the Brahmin chants the mantras.
After the Antarpat comes the Sankalp, where the silk shawl is removed after the mantras are finished. The guests showers the newly married couple with Akshata (unbroken rice grains) to bless them with a happy marriage.
The Kanyadaan follows: here, the father of the bride gives her hand to the groom, who ties a mangalsutra around her neck and applies sindoor (red powder) to her forehead. The bride presses chandan (sandalwood) to the groom's forehead in return.
For the Saptapadi, the couple takes seven rounds around the holy fire. The bride is required to touch seven betel nuts placed on top of small mounds of rice with her right foot. Once the seven rounds are done, she places her foot on a grindstone, while the groom holds her hand or foot, symbolizing that she needs to be strong and he will always support her.
The bride’s father along with the couple pray to god for blessings in the Karmasamaapti (meaning "end of the act")
A grand feast fit for royalty follows the wedding ceremony, and there is again a lot of dancing and music. A separate Reception is also held, which is just another party so that the bride and groom— who had been busy with the wedding itself— can mingle with everyone who had attended.
And this is it! That's your traditional wedding! It's a lot of fun, and i absolutely love attending functions like these!
I hope you got what information you wanted, and my asks are always open for any questions anyone may have. Go ahead, people, don't be shy! If anything is missing or I've gotten something wrong and you notice it, please go ahead and correct me or add on, it'll be much appreciated.
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Jon sings a song for Martin on their wedding day.
(aka still thinking about these boys and The Amazing Devil songs, this time the song is "Fair")
you can also read the full fic on ao3 here!
It’s what my heart just yearns to say In ways that can’t be said It’s what my rotting bones will sing When the rest of me is dead
It’s what’s engraved upon my heart In letters deeply worn Today I somehow understand the reason I was born
Jon and Martin have agreed that they don't want anything complicated for their wedding. They've planned a simple ceremony on the rooftop of Gerry's bookshop (it's convenient, to have a friend who owns a building that already has a rooftop garden), with just their small circle of friends, drinks and dinner ordered from their favorite Indian restaurant to follow. Nothing fancy.
(Jon had suggested at first that they just go to the courthouse and have the judge say the words. Quick, efficient, and then they could be married .)
(He still has trouble sometimes, having faith in the future, not being worried that anything good will be snatched away from them if they don't hold onto it tight enough.)
(Now, when Jon imagines Martin standing across from him in the garden, with Tim and Sasha and Gerry and Danny all there to witness, his breath catches in his chest, and he knows that he was right to let Martin persuade him.)
He and Martin have agreed that they don't want anything fancy.
But Jon can't stop thinking that he still wants to do something special. He's not sure what it would be—but he wants to do something that can express even a fraction of what this day and Martin mean to him. 
It comes to him on an otherwise bad day. He's in bed, has been all day, the pain in his legs and his back too much to even consider getting up. It still happens, sometimes, even though his physical therapist has said that he's made vast improvements since his and Martin's somewhat bloody and violent arrival. It turns out that in this world, he is once more completely human–-with all the aches and pains and lack of supernatural healing that come with it.
So he's in bed, listening to music to try and take his mind off the wreckage that is his body. Old, familiar albums, ones he's listened to a thousand times over since they've arrived. And then he hits a song that he's listened to so many times and always loved (and always cried at, privately, when he thinks Martin isn't looking) and it all just—clicks.
Cos outwardly he says I try so hard to make you laugh at me And she, she does, she laughs as though she not heard the joke ten thousand times before And he adores her, he watches her get dressed as though she’s hurtling through time Oh darling please be mine
The song is soft and tender, and the singer's voice cracks in places, dips to barely a whisper in others.
She promises to fight them all when it all becomes too much And he, he curses at the world for leaving him behind and he’s falling out of touch And she is stronger than he’s ever been he knows And she brushes her hand through his hair, he’s got so much fucking hair
And he holds her close just to keep the world at bay
Jon thinks of how he and Martin hold each other—
on the good days, when Jon can spend hours counting the freckles on Martin's face, when Martin runs his fingers softly through Jon's hair, and they actually allow themselves to believe the miracle of the fact that they are here, together—
and on the bad days, when the world is too much, too loud, when Martin retreats into the soft seclusion of their bedroom, and Jon sits next to him in silence, their fingers intertwined as a reminder that he's not alone; or when Jon wakes from a nightmare and Martin holds him close until he stops shaking—
And when they’re sure no-one can hear them She’ll turn to him to say, she’ll turn to him and say
And Jon sings along softly to the next words, and he knows what he wants to do for Martin on their wedding day.
It’s not fair, It’s not fair how much I love you It’s not fair, cos you make me laugh when I’m actually really fucking cross at you for something
And he’ll say Oh how oh how unreasonable How unreasonably in love I am with everything you do I’ll spend my days so close to you cos if I’m standing here maybe everyone will think I’m alright
He finds a guitar in a secondhand shop, on a shopping trip while Martin is at work, and he persuades Tim to let him store it at his place and practice there a day or two a week, under the guise of Jon finally teaching Tim how to cook.
(They try one lesson, just to keep up the excuse. But Tim is impatient and Jon is exacting, and they end up ordering takeout for dinner that night.)
Practicing is slow going. Jon had learned to play guitar, once upon a time while he was at university. He never played it well—he'd always been more of a singer than an instrumentalist, and when he and his uni friends had started a band they had quickly determined that he was a better front-man if he didn't have to worry about slinging a guitar around his neck—but he learned a few basic chords, and some the muscle memory is still there, even after all these years.
His burned hand causes him some trouble. His dexterity is not nearly what it was, and the scar tissue has affected the nerve endings in his fingers, so the strings feel foreign and strange against his fingertips. 
Strumming comes easier, though it's not entirely painless. Fingerpicking is the difficulty, and there are a few times, as he practices, that he nearly throws the guitar across the room in his frustration.
But Jon has always been stubborn, and he is determined to get this right. And so he keeps trying.
The end result he gets to, when he finally decides he's satisfied, is not nearly as smooth or flawless as he would like. There's a little stiltedness to it, as he persuades his hand to move through the picking pattern. But the notes are in order, and the rhythm is passable.
And this song isn't about the guitar anyway, he tells himself. For this song, it's the words that really matter.
I’ve seen enough he says I know exactly what I want And it’s this life that we’ve created, inundated with the fated thought of you And if you asked me to, if you asked me I would lose it all Like petals in a storm, cos darling I was born
To press my head between your shoulder blades at night when light is fading Just to let you know I’m old, waylaid and feels like I am wading into carpet burns and carousels oh Christ you’ll be the death of me And calm throughout his melodrama she will turn and say ‘dear heart It’s me, its me You don’t need to pretend to be someone you’re not Cos it’s not like I’ve never heard you fart and snore And for some god forsaken reason I’m still here love like I’ve always been before
And he’ll say It’s not fair, It's not fair how much I love you It’s not fair cos you make me weep when I’m just trying to watch The Office with my yoghurt And she’ll say Oh how, oh how unreasonable How unreasonably in love I am with everything you do I’ll spend my days so close to you cos if I’m standing next to you then maybe everyone will think I’m cool
The day comes, and Jon isn't sure what he's more nervous about: the wedding itself, or the song. The preparations on the day are at once full of excitement and oddly unceremonious—he and Martin are banned from the setup process by joint decree of Tim and Sasha, so they spend the morning together on the sofa, pretending to read, then they help each other get dressed. Jon only gets a little choked up as he helps Martin tie his tie, and tucks a sprig of honeysuckle into his lapel.
The ceremony is short and simple. Gerry officiates. They exchange rings, and vows. They both cry.
And then Tim gets up, and brings Jon his guitar. A momentary confusion flickers over Martin's face before his eyes widen in realization, and he presses a hand to his mouth as Sasha brings a chair over for Jon to sit. 
He had thought of what he wanted to say, before he started the song—but he finds on looking at Martin that he can't get the words out. Or that is, he knows that if he says what he's feeling now, he will not be able to sing afterwards.
So instead he just says, "Martin, I'd like to play you something."
And Jon leans forward, stretches his fingers of his right hand to loosen them, and begins to play.
He manages to make it through the song with his voice mostly intact, but only by focusing on the chords and his fingers, only watching Martin out of the corner of his eye. He cracks a bit on this life that we've created —and he sees Martin's breath hitch at that one, too.
In the last verse, he lets his voice go soft, and he finally looks up and meets Martin's eyes. He's holding himself together admirably, but his eyes are swimming with tears, and his lips tremble a little even as he's smiling.
How unreasonably in love I am with everything you do, Jon sings, looking at Martin, and he can feel his voice start to go. I’ll spend my days so close to you comes out with a wobble, and by the time he gets to the last few lines, he's whispering.
cos if I’m stood here Then I’m stood here And I’ll stand here I’ll stand here with you
Jon lets the last note ring from the guitar for a moment, and then Tim is there, ready to take the guitar from him so he can stand and catch Martin in a tight hug as he comes to meet him. 
They hold each other tight, Jon's face pressed into Martin's suit jacket, and he can feel Martin's chest hitch in a sob to match his own. It's an embrace that contains everything that Jon was trying to say with the song, and more—all the wonder and joy and relief at the enduring fact that they are here, now, together.
"Thank you," Martin says, when he can finally speak. "Thank you, Jon, that was—" He takes a breath. "That was perfect."
How unfair, how unfair they’ll sing as they dance across the darling rooftop wreck He’ll trip and she’ll pretend not to have seen, Burying her head into his chest and clinging to the moment, ‘where have you been?’ She’ll whisper ‘I’ve waited oh so long for you to come’ And as the stars above them hum and hear them he’ll turn to her and say ‘that’s what she said’ It’s not fair, it's not fair how much I love you It’s not fair cos you make me ache you bastard
Martin and Jon dance together in Gerry's rooftop garden, illuminated by the soft warm glow of string lights and candles. The others have gone downstairs, ostensibly to begin putting away the leftover food ("wouldn't want these naan to go stale, would we?" Tim had said loudly, but he had winked at Jon as he followed the others to the stairs), and left the two of them alone, with only the sounds of the city and the soft music from Gerry's old boom box for company.
Jon leans into Martin, savoring the warmth of their hands pressed together against their chests, the way that Martin's suit smells faintly of laundry soap and the cologne that he knows that Martin saves for special occasions—jasmine and lemon and rose.
"I can't believe you sang a song with a "that's what she said" joke in it at our wedding," Martin says softly, and Jon laughs.
"I knew you'd like that part."
They dance some more—not doing any steps, really. Just swaying together, close and in time.
"I meant it all, you know," Jon says after a moment. "All the other parts." 
He looks up at Martin, taking in all the details of his face: the beautiful deep brown of his eyes, the slight flush in his cheeks from the excitement of the day.
"I love you, Martin. I can't wait to spend the rest of my days standing next to you."
Martin's hand tightens across his back, and he pulls him closer, tucking his face tight against Jon's neck.
"Me too," he whispers. "I love you, Jon."
They continue to dance, there on the rooftop under the stars, with their friends' chatter floating softly up through the open window downstairs, and Jon's heart swells with the knowledge that whatever might come next, they will meet it together.
And he’ll say Oh how, oh how unreasonable How unreasonably in love I am with everything you do I’ll spend my days so close to you cos if I’m stood here Then I’m stood here And I’ll stand here I’ll stand here with you
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allthemadmen · 11 months
I went to Staten Island, Sharon To buy myself a mandolin And I saw the long white dress of love On a storefront mannequin Big boat chugging back with a belly full of cars All for something lacy Some girl's gonna see that dress And crave that day like crazy Little Indian kids on a bridge up in Canada They can balance and they can climb Like their fathers before them They'll walk the girders of the Manhattan skyline Shine your light on me, Miss Liberty Because as soon as this ferry boat docks I'm headed to the church to play bingo Fleece me with the gamblers' flocks I can keep my cool at poker But I'm a fool when love's at stake Because I can't conceal emotion What I'm feelings always written on my face There's a gypsy down on Bleeker Street I went in to see her as a kind of joke And she lit a candle for my love luck And eighteen bucks went up in smoke Sharon, I left my man at a North Dakota junction And I came out to the Big Apple here To face the dream's malfunction Love's a repetitious danger You'd think I'd be accustomed to Well I do Accept the changes At least better than I used to do A woman I knew just drowned herself The well was deep and muddy She was just shaking off futility Or punishing somebody My friends were calling up all day yesterday All emotions and abstractions It seems we all live so close to that line And so far from satisfaction Dora says "Have children" Mama and Betsy say "Find yourself a charity" Help the needy and the crippled Or put some time into ecology Well, there's a wide, wide world of noble causes And lovely landscapes to discover But all I really want to do right now Is find another lover When we were kids in Maidstone, Sharon I went to every wedding in that little town To see the tears and the kisses And the pretty lady in the white lace wedding gown And walking home on the railroad tracks Or swinging on the playground swing Love stimulated my illusions More than anything And when I went skating after Golden Reggie You know it was white lace I was chasing Chasing dreams Mama's nylons underneath my cowgirl jeans He showed me first you get the kisses And then you get the tears But the ceremony of the bells and lace Still veils this reckless fool here Now there are twenty-nine skaters on Wolmann Rink Circling in singles and in pairs In this vigorous anonymity A blank face at the window stares, and stares, and stares, and stares, and stares And the power of reason And the flowers of deep feelings Seem to serve me Only to deceive me Sharon, you've got a husband And a family and a farm I've got the apple of temptation And a diamond snake around my arm But you still have your music And I've still got my eyes on the land and the sky You sing for your friends and your family I'll walk green pastures by and by
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Hire Live Singers for Events and Live Music Bands
Organizing a wedding can be a stressful, never-ending task. But the one thing that can lighten up the mood and make things better is music. So, whether you are planning a big fat Indian wedding or a simple, private affair, we got you covered on the entertainment part that you will cherish forever. Here’s all you need to know about hiring the best performers for your wedding, live singers for wedding, Hindi, Punjabi and English live music bands, and online concert ideas.
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Musicians For A Special Occasion
Want something different for your wedding function? Then, you should go for instrumentalist musicians for wedding. They can add a touch of class with their stylish act during your nuptials. Or if your partner is a Bollywood movies lover, then Bollywood celebrities singer for wedding events will add the much-needed element of thrill and make your wedding a memorable affair.
Singers For House Party In Mumbai
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If you are planning for a house party in Mumbai, then you must look for some exciting ideas that you can implement in your party to make it memorable for you and your friends. There is one idea that you may have not thought of, that can really spice up your next house party in Mumbai. Yes, you got it right, hire live singers for house party from BookMySinger.com and get the best of entertainment that can make your party epic. We have a wide collection of singers with different genres of music that can match with your taste of music, whether it’s a soft melodious song or the rhythmic Bollywood number, our singers will deliver what you exactly want for your house party in Mumbai. No matter whether it’s a small get together or a rocking bash, our talented singers will create the right mood and the desired atmosphere that will make your guests sing along and enjoy the entire night. Book live singers from BookMySinger.com and make your house party in Mumbai a grand success!
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Wedding Events Online
Nowadays, many couples prefer to go for online wedding events. So, here too, there are many choices like singers for virtual wedding and live bands for virtual wedding. They can live stream the song and send it to the online wedding event. Your online relatives and friends will feel as if they are physically present at the event and enjoy the merry-making. You can also book musicians instrumentalist for virtual wedding for some lovely background music.
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Wedding Festivals
Every culture has its own wedding traditions and music is an important part of every wedding ritual. So, for a Punjabi wedding, you can book singers for punjabi wedding and bands for punjabi wedding to give the necessary Bhangra rhythm to your special day. You can also hire singers for mehndi and live bands for mehndi to add color to this pre-wedding ceremony.
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Wedding Occasions
For various occasions during your wedding festivities, you would want different singers and bands. So, whether you are looking for a Female Singer for Wedding function, or a singer for mayra bhaat, or live bands for mayra bhaat, you will find specialized performers online. Singers for engagement and live bands for engagement can create romantic tunes while instrumentalist musicians for engagement will provide a classy musical background.
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For Rajasthani and Marwari wedding, you can hire live bands for rajastani marwari wedding and instrumentalist musicians for rajastani marwari wedding. You can also Book Singers for Rajasthani Marwari Wedding to make your cultural wedding authentic.
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Sindhi weddings are full of merry-making. So, you can hire singers for sindhi wedding and live bands for sindhi wedding to enhance the mood. You can also invite Bollywood Celebrities Singers For Sindhi Wedding to add glamour to the occasion.
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Gujarati Wedding and Others
Gujarati weddings are full of colors and festive spirit. So, whether you are planning singers for gujarati wedding or live bands for gujarati wedding, they will bring the much-needed vibrancy to your cultural celebration. For haldi ceremony, which is a pre-wedding ritual, you can hire singers for haldi and live bands for haldi to set a joyous mood. Instrumentalist musicians for haldi will belt out soothing melodies.
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Reception and Sufi Evenings
The reception party is the last and the biggest event of a wedding festivity. So, you need to hire the best entertainers. For a rockin’ reception, you can book singers for reception and live bands for reception. Instrumentalist musicians for reception can play classy music in between the dinner or the speech.
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Sufi Nights
Hire a singer for sufi nights or live bands for sufi nights to put their soulful performance on the stage. Your guests will thank you for arranging such a mesmerizing show. Bollywood celebrities singers for sufi nights will add the much-needed glamour and glitz to your evening.
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ucanji20 · 2 years
Why Indian Weddings are incomplete without dance?
When we say Indian weddings are so much fun, we mean it and you would agree too. From dressing up in the brightest and blingiest outfits to elaborative ceremonies and functions, and of course the food, Indian weddings are a lot of fun. But what makes Indian Weddings stand out among the crowd is the mad dancing. “Shadi Wala Dance” is actually a thing in India which is specially choreographed. While the bride and the groom are surely a centre of attraction at weddings, the second most awaited moments at the weddings are the dance performances of family & friends. To help you get started, team Ucanji with their skilled dance choreographers have a list of Bollywood Wedding Dance videos and choreographies that may help you nail your performance.
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The most popular dance forms that are performed at every Indian wedding are Bhangra and Bollywood.
Well of course Bhangra because Indian weddings are incomplete without some full-on energetic Bhangra moves. Although it’s a traditional dance form of Punjab, entire Northern India dances to the beats of Punjabi dhol and rhythms. Bhangra Dancing is all about having fun and stomping one's feet to the rhythm of the music. A chance to dance to the distinctive rhythms and melodies of Punjabi music is an integral part of the experience. Bhangra beautifully mirrors the liveliness and dynamism of the people of Punjab, and a Bhangra performance during a wedding turns into a mass performance with every guest joining in.
Bollywood has a massive impact on everything Indian, especially weddings. Every wedding will have at least one filmy performance on ‘Bole Chudiyan’ or any other fancy Bollywood song. Dancing to the famous hook steps of Bollywood Songs has now become a wedding ritual. Whether you are a newcomer or a Bollywood dancing aficionado, our online dance class is the perfect place for you to explore your talent. Learn from our expert dance choreographers all basic to advance level Bollywood dancing. So, the next time you are at a wedding function, you can ace the dance floor with your perfect Bollywood dance moves.
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Importance of Dancing at Indian Weddings
Indian Weddings have a ceremony completely dedicated to singing and dancing, that’s how much we Indians love to dance. The Sangeet ceremony is the most important part of the wedding, yes, more than the actual wedding pheras. No, not really but it’s the lifeblood of a wedding. Friends and family begin their performance rehearsals as the big day draws near. Under the guidance of skilled choreographers and interesting dance choreographies, learning wedding dance performances gets easier with Ucanji.
Every Indian wedding is different from one other depending on the cultural background of the bride and the groom. There are Punjabi weddings, Rajasthani weddings, Gujarati weddings, South Indian weddings, and many more. Each has different traditions. But one thing that binds them all together is the dancing ritual.
Weddings in India have transformed from being austere and all about traditions to glamorous and cinematic. Gone are the days when the sangeet ceremony used to be all about traditional “Shadi ke geet”. Now the sangeet ceremony is a planned event of the extravagant musical affair, which isn’t restricted to just females. It has earned its place as a pre-wedding event where the entire family from both sides dance their heart off. Wedding Dance is a thing now and learning wedding dance online is the latest trend.
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Indian Dancing can be as extreme as anything else in India. Dancing in India roots in the ancient form of art that represents the broader spectrum of Indian Heritage. The conclusion is that Indians love to dance. It’s an integral representation of Indian Culture and Indian weddings are the epitome of India’s cultural beauty. 
SOURCE URL:  https://www.reddit.com/user/Ucanji/comments/y9ong5/why_indian_weddings_are_incomplete_without_dance/
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ghoriwalasohanlal · 19 hours
Why Delhi Wedding Bands Are the Heartbeat of Indian Weddings
Indian weddings are grand, vibrant, and steeped in tradition, often marked by their lively celebrations and exuberant festivities. At the heart of these celebrations lies the musical ensemble that truly sets the tone for the occasion: the wedding band. In Delhi, wedding bands are not just a part of the celebration; they are the very heartbeat of Indian weddings, bringing energy, joy, and a unique flavor to the festivities.
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The Role of a Wedding Band in Delhi
A band for wedding in Delhi does more than just play music; it creates an atmosphere of celebration and joy. From the moment the groom arrives in his majestic baggi for marriages to the final dance of the evening, the wedding band plays a crucial role in every phase of the celebration. Their rhythmic beats and melodious tunes ensure that the guests are not just spectators but active participants in the joyous occasion.
Enhancing the Celebration
The arrival of the groom, often in a beautifully decorated baggi, is one of the most anticipated moments of any Indian wedding. As he makes his grand entrance, the wedding band plays traditional and contemporary music, adding an element of excitement to the moment. The lively beats of the dhol wala in Delhi resonate through the air, creating an electrifying atmosphere that draws everyone in.
A wedding band also plays a pivotal role during key moments of the ceremony, such as the baraat (the groom's procession) and the saat phere (the seven vows taken around the sacred fire). The band enhances these rituals with their music, making them even more memorable. Whether it's playing traditional folk songs or modern hits, the band sets the mood for each event, encouraging guests to dance and celebrate.
Bringing Together Tradition and Modernity
Delhi wedding bands beautifully blend traditional and modern music styles, catering to the diverse preferences of guests. They often play a mix of Bollywood hits, Punjabi folk songs, and classical tunes, ensuring that there's something for everyone. This diversity in music creates a festive atmosphere where guests of all ages can join in the celebrations, whether it's through dance or simply enjoying the performance.
As couples increasingly seek personalized experiences for their weddings, many bands in Delhi offer customizable music playlists. This allows couples to choose songs that hold special meaning for them, making their wedding even more unique and memorable.
Sohan Lal & Sons Ghoriwala: A Legacy of Excellence
Founded in 1955, Sohan Lal & Sons Ghoriwala has been a prominent name in the wedding services industry, providing exclusive services to a wide clientele. Our team has dedicated itself to making every event truly special with our premium offerings. We understand the importance of creating an unforgettable experience, and our wedding band is a testament to that commitment.
We offer a range of services including a Band Troupe, Fireworks Service, Musical Services, Events Decoration, Flower Chattar, Fancy Lighting, Ghori, Baggi, and Dhol. Our expertise lies in seamlessly integrating these services to enhance the overall ambiance of your wedding.
The Importance of a Dhol Wala
The dhol wala in Delhi is an integral part of any wedding band. This traditional percussion instrument not only adds a unique rhythm to the celebrations but also embodies the spirit of Indian culture. The energetic beats of the dhol get everyone on their feet, encouraging guests to dance and partake in the festivities.
At Sohan Lal & Sons Ghoriwala, our dhol players are skilled artists who know how to engage the crowd. Their infectious energy and ability to read the audience create an immersive experience that resonates with everyone present. The dhol has a way of bridging generational gaps, bringing young and old together in the joy of dance.
Creating Lasting Memories
The memories created during a wedding last a lifetime, and the music played by the wedding band is often what guests remember most vividly. The sights and sounds of a wedding band, with their colorful attire and lively performances, leave a lasting impression on everyone present.
A well-chosen band can elevate the mood and create an ambiance that is both joyous and memorable. At Sohan Lal & Sons Ghoriwala, we take pride in our ability to curate experiences that align with the dreams and aspirations of the couple. Our team works closely with you to understand your vision, ensuring that every detail is meticulously planned.
In conclusion, wedding bands in Delhi are more than just a source of music; they are the heartbeat of Indian weddings, infusing energy and excitement into every celebration. From the joyous arrival of the groom in his baggi for marriages to the unforgettable moments on the dance floor, the music played by the band creates a tapestry of memories that couples and their guests will cherish forever.
As you plan your wedding, consider the invaluable role a band can play in enhancing your celebrations. With over six decades of experience, Sohan Lal & Sons Ghoriwala is here to provide you with top-notch wedding services, ensuring that your special day is nothing short of extraordinary. Let us help you create an unforgettable experience that reflects your love story and brings your vision to life.
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roohofficial · 2 years
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Live Music Band for Wedding
For those who are looking for a live music band for their wedding, look no further than Rooh Band! We are a professional and experienced band that can provide you with unforgettable memories of your big day. With our vast repertoire of songs, we can cater to any taste and style. We understand the importance of your wedding day and will work with you to ensure that everything is perfect. Contact us today to find out more!
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thereaderpoint · 5 days
Why Choose Seven Seas Hotel for Your Wedding?
Planning a wedding is one of the most exciting and memorable experiences in life, and finding the perfect venue is crucial. If you’re looking for the best hotel in Delhi for a wedding, look no further than Seven Seas Hotel. Nestled in the heart of the city, this luxurious 5-star hotel offers everything you need to make your big day unforgettable. From stunning ballrooms to elegant accommodations, Seven Seas Hotel is truly a gem among wedding hotels in Delhi.
Why Choose Seven Seas Hotel for Your Wedding?
Seven Seas Hotel is known for its grandeur, luxury, and world-class services. Whether you’re planning an intimate gathering or a lavish affair, we have the facilities and expertise to make your dream wedding come true. Here’s why Seven Seas Hotel is the best hotel in Delhi for weddings:
1. Stunning Wedding Venues
Seven Seas Hotel boasts some of the most exquisite venues in the city. Our grand ballrooms are perfect for hosting elaborate wedding ceremonies and receptions. With their spacious design and opulent décor, they provide a luxurious setting that adds a touch of elegance to your special day. Whether you’re looking for a traditional Indian wedding or a contemporary celebration, our venue can be transformed to fit your vision.
Our ballrooms are equipped with state-of-the-art lighting, sound, and audio-visual systems to ensure that every moment of your wedding is perfect. From the engagement ceremony to the reception, we provide everything you need to make your event memorable.
2. Luxury Accommodations for You and Your Guests
One of the key aspects of a successful wedding is making sure your guests are comfortable and well taken care of. Seven Seas Hotel offers luxury hotel stay in Delhi, providing premium rooms and suites that are ideal for your out-of-town guests. Each room is designed with modern amenities and elegant furnishings, ensuring a comfortable and lavish stay.
For the newlyweds, we offer specially curated honeymoon suites that provide privacy, romance, and indulgence. You’ll start your new life together in the lap of luxury, surrounded by stunning views and first-class service.
3. A Destination Wedding in the Heart of Delhi
Imagine saying your vows in one of the most vibrant cities in India. Seven Seas Hotel offers you the perfect blend of tradition and modernity, making it an ideal choice for a destination wedding in Delhi. Whether you’re from Delhi or coming from another city or country, our team will ensure that your wedding is an unforgettable experience.
We specialize in organizing destination weddings that incorporate the rich culture of Delhi while offering the convenience of a luxury venue. From mehendi and sangeet to the wedding ceremony and reception, we handle every detail so that you can enjoy your special day without any stress.
4. Customizable Wedding Packages
At Seven Seas Hotel, we understand that every wedding is unique. That’s why we offer customizable wedding packages to suit your preferences and budget. Whether you want a grand celebration or an intimate gathering, we’ll work with you to create the perfect package that includes catering, décor, music, and more. Our dedicated wedding planners will assist you in every step, from the initial planning stages to the day of your wedding.
We also offer a variety of cuisines, including Indian, continental, and fusion dishes, to cater to your guests’ diverse tastes. Our in-house catering team is renowned for its delicious and artfully presented meals, ensuring that your wedding feast will be a culinary highlight.
5. Unmatched Services
Seven Seas Hotel prides itself on providing impeccable services. Our experienced staff is trained to handle every aspect of your wedding, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience. From valet parking and guest coordination to décor and event management, we’ve got it all covered. You can relax knowing that our team is working tirelessly behind the scenes to make sure your day is perfect.
6. A Prime Location in Delhi NCR
Situated in the bustling and well-connected area of Delhi NCR, Seven Seas Hotel is conveniently located for guests coming from all parts of the city and beyond. If you’re planning a wedding with many guests from Delhi and neighboring regions, Seven Seas is an ideal wedding hotel in Delhi NCR. Its central location ensures easy access for all your guests, and the surrounding areas offer plenty of attractions for them to explore before or after your wedding.
Making Your Dream Wedding a Reality
Your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life, and at Seven Seas Hotel, we’re here to make it extraordinary. From the moment you step into our grand hotel, you’ll be greeted by a team of professionals who are passionate about turning your dreams into reality. Whether you’re envisioning an elaborate royal wedding or a modern, chic celebration, we will work closely with you to bring your vision to life.
Seven Seas Hotel is more than just a venue; it’s an experience. From the lavish décor to the gourmet food and the luxurious accommodations, we provide everything you need to make your wedding a one-of-a-kind event. Our attention to detail, personalized service, and commitment to excellence set us apart as the best hotel in Delhi for weddings.
If you’re searching for a luxury hotel for a stay in Delhi that offers top-notch wedding services, look no further than Seven Seas Hotel. With our elegant ballrooms, luxurious accommodations, customizable wedding packages, and prime location, we are the ideal choice for your destination wedding in Delhi. Trust us to make your wedding day as special and memorable as you’ve always imagined.
At Seven Seas Hotel, your dream wedding awaits!
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urbanphulkari06 · 5 days
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epicfx · 8 days
Capturing the Essence of Tradition: The Role of an Indian Wedding Videographer
Indian weddings are a magnificent blend of color, culture, rituals, and traditions, making them one of the most unique celebrations in the world. With a rich history of ceremonial rites and rituals that can span multiple days, an Indian wedding is not just an event—it’s an experience. Capturing this experience requires a special kind of expertise that only an Indian wedding videographer can provide.
An Indian wedding videographer understands the importance of the traditions, the emotional moments, and the key events that make each ceremony unique. Whether it’s the vibrant Mehendi ceremony, the poignant Bidaai, or the dynamic Baraat, a videographer specializing in Indian weddings ensures that every detail is preserved in cinematic beauty. This guide delves into the role of an Indian wedding videographer, what to expect, and how to choose the right professional to document this once-in-a-lifetime event.
Understanding Indian Wedding Traditions
Indian weddings are renowned for their rich cultural significance. These multi-day events include a wide array of traditions and customs. Each region in India has its own distinct set of practices, but some of the most commonly celebrated ceremonies include:
Mehendi Ceremony: A pre-wedding function where intricate henna designs are applied to the bride’s hands and feet.
Sangeet Ceremony: A lively, music-filled night where friends and family celebrate through song and dance.
Baraat: The groom's grand arrival, often on a horse or in a luxurious vehicle, accompanied by family and friends.
Varmala Ceremony: The exchange of garlands between the bride and groom, symbolizing their acceptance of one another.
Saat Phere: The couple takes seven sacred vows around a fire, promising to be together through all phases of life.
Bidaai: The emotional farewell when the bride leaves her family to join her husband.
Each of these moments holds significant emotional weight for the couple and their families. Capturing them on video allows these memories to be cherished forever. However, the depth and complexity of Indian wedding traditions require a videographer with an intimate understanding of both the technical aspects of videography and the cultural significance of these events.
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Why You Need a Professional Indian Wedding Videographer
While many couples choose to invest in wedding photography, videography adds a dynamic layer to your wedding memories. A video captures the motion, the sounds, and the spirit of the day in a way that photography alone cannot.
Cultural Understanding
An Indian wedding videographer has a deep understanding of the cultural nuances that make each event special. From knowing when the bride will make her grand entrance to the significance of certain rituals, a professional videographer will be prepared to capture the right moments without interrupting the flow of the event.
Capturing the Emotions
Indian weddings are emotional rollercoasters. From the heartfelt vows to the laughter and joy shared during the Sangeet, a videographer can document these fleeting moments in real-time. The tears, the laughter, the hugs—videography ensures that nothing is missed.
High-Quality Cinematic Production
Gone are the days of shaky, home-made wedding videos. Today’s Indian wedding videographers are experts in their craft, using professional-grade equipment, drones, and creative editing techniques to deliver a cinematic masterpiece. Many videographers also offer highlights reels, extended versions, and customized editing options to suit the couple’s preferences.
Multi-Day Coverage
Indian weddings often span multiple days and locations. A professional videographer is equipped to handle the various logistics and to be present for all events—whether it's the Mehendi ceremony, the pre-wedding rituals, or the grand reception.
Creating a Lasting Legacy
A wedding video is more than just a recap of the day. It becomes a lasting legacy that can be passed down through generations. When children and grandchildren watch these videos, they not only see the wedding day but also understand the traditions and values that are integral to the family’s heritage.
Choosing the Right Indian Wedding Videographer
With so many options available, finding the right videographer can seem daunting. Here are some key factors to consider when selecting your videographer:
Experience with Indian Weddings
Not all videographers have experience with Indian weddings. Look for someone who has an extensive portfolio of Indian wedding videos. This will ensure they understand the flow of the event and the key moments to capture.
Style of Videography
Wedding videos come in various styles, including cinematic, documentary, and traditional. Cinematic videography is more stylized, with an emphasis on storytelling, editing, and artistic shots. Documentary-style videography focuses on capturing events as they happen in real-time, often with minimal editing. Choose a style that resonates with you and your partner.
Technical Skills
Ensure your videographer has the right equipment, including high-quality cameras, drones, stabilizers, and microphones. Indian weddings can be loud and chaotic, so the videographer should have the technical skills to adapt to different lighting conditions and environments.
Personal Connection
It’s important to feel comfortable with your videographer, as they will be spending significant time with you on your big day. Meet with them beforehand to discuss your expectations and see if your personalities align.
Cost and Packages
Most videographers offer a variety of packages, including highlights reels, full-length videos, and multi-day coverage. Be sure to review their pricing and see what’s included in each package. While videography is an investment, it’s one that’s worth making for such a special occasion.
What to Expect from an Indian Wedding Videographer
An Indian wedding videographer will work with you from the planning stages to the final product delivery. Here’s a breakdown of what to expect:
Initial Consultation
You’ll have a consultation with the videographer to discuss your vision, the schedule of events, and any special requests you have. This is also the time to share any must-capture moments or traditions that are important to you.
Pre-Wedding Shoots
Some videographers offer pre-wedding shoots, such as an engagement video or a “Save the Date” video. These videos are often used to announce the wedding to friends and family and can be a fun way to get comfortable in front of the camera.
Full-Day Coverage
On the wedding day(s), the videographer will be present to document all the important moments. They will likely have a team to cover different angles and ensure that no detail is missed.
Post-Production and Editing
After the wedding, the videographer will edit the footage to create a beautiful final product. This process can take several weeks, as it involves selecting the best moments, editing for sound and visual quality, and adding music and effects.
Final Delivery
Once the editing is complete, you’ll receive your final video. This can include a highlights reel, a full-length video, and any other special features you’ve requested.
Frequently Asked Questions about Indian Wedding Videographers
How early should we book an Indian wedding videographer?
It’s recommended to book your videographer 9-12 months in advance, especially if you’re getting married during the peak wedding season. Indian wedding videographers tend to get booked up quickly due to the multi-day nature of the events they cover.
What is the average cost of an Indian wedding videographer?
The cost can vary depending on the location, the number of events, and the experience of the videographer. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere between £2,000 to £6,000 for a comprehensive package.
Do Indian wedding videographers cover all the events?
Yes, most videographers offer packages that cover all the key events, including the Mehendi, Sangeet, wedding ceremony, and reception. It’s important to clarify what’s included in your package before signing a contract.
Can we choose the music for our wedding video?
Most videographers will allow you to suggest songs for your wedding video, especially for the highlights reel. However, the final decision will often depend on the videographer’s editing style and licensing considerations.
How long does it take to receive the final video?
It typically takes anywhere from 4-12 weeks to receive the final wedding video, depending on the videographer’s schedule and the complexity of the editing process.
An Indian wedding videographer plays a crucial role in capturing the magic and tradition of one of the most important days in a couple’s life. From documenting the vibrant celebrations to preserving emotional moments, videographers ensure that the wedding memories are cherished for generations to come. By choosing a videographer who understands the cultural significance of Indian weddings and has the technical expertise to deliver a high-quality product, you can rest assured that your special day will be beautifully documented.
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anbuthalapathy · 8 days
Planning Memorable Wedding Events in Chennai
Chennai, a vibrant city on India’s southeastern coast, is known for its rich cultural heritage, beautiful architecture, and bustling urban life. It’s also becoming a popular destination for weddings due to its blend of traditional and modern venues, talented wedding planners, and a wide variety of services. Whether you’re planning a traditional South Indian wedding or a contemporary celebration, Chennai has everything you need to create a magical and memorable event. From exquisite venues to professional services, organizing wedding events in Chennai is a seamless experience for couples looking to celebrate their big day in style.
Choosing the Perfect Venue
The most crucial aspect of planning a wedding is finding the right venue. Chennai offers a wide range of options to suit various wedding styles and budgets. For couples looking for a traditional ceremony, there are stunning temples, heritage halls, and palatial wedding venues that reflect the city’s deep-rooted culture. Venues like Chennai Trade Centre, ITC Grand Chola, and Leela Palace offer grand spaces for lavish weddings with modern amenities.
If you’re looking for a more intimate setting, Chennai also has beautiful boutique hotels and beachfront resorts. Places like Taj Fisherman’s Cove or Radisson Blu Temple Bay provide serene coastal views and luxurious settings perfect for destination weddings.
Incorporating South Indian Traditions
Chennai weddings are often steeped in tradition, particularly for South Indian families. Traditional Tamil weddings are known for their vibrant ceremonies, rich rituals, and cultural significance. From the colorful Kanchipuram silk sarees to the elaborate Kalyana Mandapams (wedding halls), the city provides everything needed for a classic Tamil wedding.
Most wedding venues in Chennai are well-versed in these traditions, ensuring the rituals are followed to the letter. Professional priests, decorators specializing in traditional floral arrangements, and caterers offering authentic South Indian cuisine make it easy to plan a culturally immersive wedding event.
Services to Enhance Your Wedding
Chennai is home to a large number of talented wedding planners, photographers, and caterers who can bring your vision to life. Whether you want a traditional wedding or a modern celebration, these professionals work to ensure that every detail is executed flawlessly.
For instance, wedding planners can help you manage everything from venue selection to decor, music, and guest coordination. Chennai-based wedding planners are adept at managing both intimate gatherings and large-scale events, making sure your day runs smoothly.
Catering is another highlight of Chennai weddings. Known for its diverse and flavorful cuisine, caterers in the city offer everything from authentic South Indian feasts to international menus. You can incorporate traditional Tamil Nadu dishes like Idli, Vadai, Sambar, and Payasam to please guests looking for a traditional spread.
Wedding photography is also a booming industry in Chennai, with talented photographers offering pre-wedding shoots, candid wedding photography, and cinematic wedding videos to capture your memories beautifully.
Modern Wedding Trends in Chennai
While Chennai respects tradition, it is also a hub for modern wedding trends. Couples are increasingly opting for theme-based weddings, beachside events, and destination-style weddings. Many venues now offer complete wedding packages, including event coordination, décor, and accommodation for guests.
Destination weddings at beachfront resorts along the scenic East Coast Road are gaining popularity, as they provide a unique and picturesque backdrop for wedding events in Chennai. Combining the city’s rich cultural heritage with modern elements ensures that weddings in Chennai are both stylish and unforgettable.
Chennai offers an incredible variety of options for wedding events, from luxurious hotels to traditional wedding halls. With its rich cultural traditions, professional services, and stunning venues, the city makes for an ideal destination to host a wedding that reflects both tradition and modern flair. Whether you’re planning an intimate gathering or a grand celebration, weddings in Chennai are sure to leave lasting memories for both the couple and their guests.
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