#indian game development companies
sirenjose · 9 months
Analysis of Ganji Gupta
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Ganji was born in India during a time when Britain still ruled over it.
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Britain came to India after a sea route connecting Europe to India was found, and Britain initially came due to the economic prospects of trade, but eventually this turned into the desire to acquire territory.
The British presence in India began with the establishment of the British East India Company (the British government having no authority over them at this time). Initially, the focus was trade and acquiring goods such as silk, cotton, spices, and more. Trading posts were established and British communities developed, but eventually they started to meddle in Indian politics and transformed from a trading company to a ruling one. It was at this point that the British attitude towards Indians degenerated (a sense of superiority vs inferiority formed, biased views regarding non-western cultures arose, British disdain increased, and so on). Racism, frustration from the British forcing their own way of doing things (including the English language) on them, policies benefiting the British, and so on contributed to the Indian Rebellion of 1857 (aka Revolt of 1857, First War of Independence, or Sepoy Mutiny).
As a result of this rebellion, the British East India Company was replaced by the British Raj, which was when the British Government took direct control from the East India Company, with Queen Victoria later proclaimed Empress of India. Britain continued to focus on profit and change beneficial to themselves, which led to subjugation and exploitation, and their views of Indians did not improve (still viewed themselves as superior, believed in stereotypes as well as believed Indians were in need of British guidance and governance to civilize them and bring them modernity).
This background is important for Ganji as it is clear this is what he experienced, especially due to Ganji’s 1st letter.
Ganji we know grew up with a talent for cricket, which was the “British national sport”.
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 His 2nd deduction implies he was a “prodigy”, with many people who knew him recommending him to participate in the regions “open tournament”. We know from Ganji’s trailer that he received “Love, Happiness, Hope and Pride” from playing cricket, showing how much he enjoyed the sport and how much it meant to him.
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According to this same deduction, combined with Ganji’s backstory, we knew he was a “kind, obedient, and friendly” person, “mild-mannered” (aka gentle and not given to extremes of emotion, which is curious considering later on in Ganji’s story), quiet, and well-behaved. One of Ganji’s backstories states this event (where he was recommended to participate in the Open) took place when he was 16 years old.
During this competition, we know he was skilled enough to earn 12 consecutive wins. The next game after those 12 was a semi-final with the British Royal team. It does not say if Ganji won or lost that match, nor if he won the competition in general, but we do know he was skilled enough to receive an invitation from the Royal team to join them and an offer to help him train. As the deduction uses the word “exception” and applauds him for his performance, I’m assuming he did manage to at least defeat the British team and could’ve won the competition too, but it’s impossible to say for sure right now.
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We do know that Ganji saw this invitation as a “good chance” and he “looked forward to a better future”. As a result, he left India with the British Royal team, where he stayed at the Queen’s Guard’s manor. Unfortunately for Ganji, it isn’t until he has arrived that he realizes the truth: “he discovered that no one here cared about him at all, and that he was just a toy that was called away for entertainment when the Guard had a little fun. No one knew where he came from, and no one had seen his family. He was struggling alone in this strange place”.
This was echoed in Ganji’s trailer, which says: “Yet when I was brought here I finally realized, These gentlemen simply needed a proper toy to play with. The funny thing is they were far from gentlemanly themselves. All they longed for were our submission and servitude”.
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The terms “submission and servitude” tell us how Ganji was treated while in Britain at the Queen’s Guard’s manor. This is further emphasized by Ganji’s deduction 5, which states Ganji was only given 1 day to train, while 2 others (Oliver and Willie) were given 3 days to train. As that deduction says, despite how Ganji hoped for a better future from this opportunity, the “other sided” ended up only being a “mirage”.
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Considering Ganji’s earlier invitation and how he is now being treated combined with only being given 1 training day, it seems the British didn’t want Ganji to be outstanding, which potentially could relate to the feelings of superiority discussed earlier. They didn’t want to feel inferior to someone like Ganji, and thus could further explain why they didn’t give him much training time. In the trailer, we see him picking up balls, and if this was all he was allowed to do, that’d further hurt his ability to train and improve. Lastly, Ganji was only allowed to train on Sundays, and back then, this was seen in Britain as a day of rest, when people didn’t work. This could’ve included cricket as well (there are instances of people being prosecuted for playing cricket on Sunday), which shows how much the Royal team tried to hinder Ganji’s ability to train, meaning he likely wasn’t being trained very professionally.
(If the room we see Ganji in before the fire in his trailer is the one he was given upon arriving at the manor, the state of the room could further show how the Royal Team felt about Ganji. The only identifiable items in the room are the cricket ball, as cricket is what he enjoys, and a blurry picture that we can see Ganji in, which could potentially have been of his home and thus ties to his desire to return to it.)
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This fits with Ganji’s design notes which say “his social status and the agenda of politicians did not allow him to have obvious extraordinary talent”. It is because of this the design notes say Ganji’s gentle personality was forced to change into “a personality that takes strong measures to fight against fate”. (It is also right after this that it mentions Ganji being “manic”.)
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Going to Ganji’s 1st letter, it further reveals how people thought and felt about Ganji and others like him. The part where the author says they need to “take the lead so that the rest of us may get the chance to educate the foolish” fits with how we earlier discussed the British felt they had to govern and civilize the people of India for their own good. This is emphasized with how later the letter says “If it weren't for your insight, he would have spent his life in the mud without ever being touched by the empire's light” and Ganji getting “the chance to lead a civilized life”.
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This letter describes Ganji as a “gift” with his “only desirable qualities” being his “average cricket skills and humble personality”. Their sense of superiority is clear hear considering they call Ganji’s skills “average”, yet we know he was talented considering he at least managed to receive 12 consecutive wins in the competition, while the comment about Ganji being “humble” could tie in to how Ganji in his trailer says they just wanted “our submission and servitude”.
Despite how badly Ganji was treated, the one exception was the son of the owner of the Queen’s Guard’s manor. We know he was friendly to Ganji based on Ganji’s deduction 6, which is title “relieved” and shows that the kid thought Ganji was “brilliant” and asked Ganji to play with him. It is possible Ganji is the one who feels “relieved”, and that could be due to actually finding someone friendly in this place. In the JP and CN versions, it potentially has the kid use the term “big brother” for Ganji, so altogether, the kid was likely being honest about his feeling regarding Ganji’s skills and honestly just wanting a real playmate (rather than a toy like the others saw Ganji as).
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In this same deduction, it mentions a “well-made board” that has Ganji’s name carved in it. As this is the deduction that involves the son of the manor owner of the Queen’s Guard, it is possible this board was a gift from that kid, and that board may have actually been a bat for cricket.
Going back to Ganji’s 1st letter, it mentions a “Duke Elgin” and a “Viscount”. Based on the mention of “the Viscount’s prominent father” and how this Viscount “demanded” Ganji to “take classes with him instead of just playing cricket with him”, it’s possible the “Viscount” could be the son of the owner of the Queen’s Guard’s manor. We know this boy asked Ganji to play cricket with him due to how cool and talented he thought Ganji was, so it could also fit he might also ask Ganji to take classes and spend other time with him. I’d like to imagine Ganji enjoyed spending time with the boy, as taking classes and playing cricket with him was likely much better than being treated as a toy by the others or languishing along in his poor room.
Ganji continues to play cricket, despite his anger, though he does form a relationship with this boy. If Ganji was 16 during the Open when he was invited to join the Royal Team, and Ganji is at least 21 in game (as he can drink Demi’s dovlin), he was likely subjected to the mistreatment of the Royal Team and owner of the Queen’s Guard’s manor for a fair number of years at least. As we know, he was never able to meet his family while he was at that manor and he was forced to “struggle alone in this strange place”. The “last straw” came one day when he received news “bad news” about his hometown, with his deduction 7 saying he’d received a letter saying “Go home and save them!”
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It is soon after this that a fire breaks out and burns down the manor of the Queen’s Guard. The only survivor was the owner’s son and Ganji.
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This is also the same time that in his backstory trailer it says “Stop being nice to everyone. I need a new identity. I want to go home. Perhaps that is the only place where there's still hope”.
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This matches with Ganji’s last deduction, which is “a letter to home” that he wrote to his mother, saying that “everything’s fine with me. I’m coming home soon”.
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Right after the fire starts in one of his backstories, it says Ganji became a “manic patient, often falling into uncontrollable irritability”, so it seems the fire and around this time is when he is first said to be manic. His deduction 9 has a diagnosis saying “Mania, easily irritated. Avoid looking at fire. Suggest locking all windows and doors and staying at home alone”. It is because of his worsening mania that is says people stayed away from him and called him a “thug”, but Ganji only cared about going home.
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Once again returning to Ganji’s 1st letter, the end of it talks about getting info on Ganji’s “hometown and the extraordinary spice extraction”. The mention of spices fits our earlier discussion on Britain’s interest in India in part for its spices. This info about Ganji’s home and spice extraction is apparently helpful to whoever this “sir” is and an “upcoming mission” he will be going on. This same “sir” is apparently someone responsible for the idea to bring Ganji to England (though for now I’m thinking he isn’t the Queen’s Guard’s manor owner, who I think is the Viscount’s father).
Considering the talk about Ganji’s hometown and the obvious interest in its “spice extraction”, this could mean this “sir” is someone behind whatever “bad news” came from Ganji’s hometown, and likely the “bad news” and “upcoming mission” had to do with their clear interest in its spices. And if they wanted info on Ganji’s hometown, that could mean one of the few reasons they invited Ganji over was for that info so they could exploit his hometown for the “spice extraction”.
(One side note about Ganji’s 1st letter, but in the CN and JP versions, it says this “Sir” is someone who is recovering their health in “Delhi”, which further shows it’s not the owner of the Queen’s Guard’s manor, who we know was in Britain. It’s possible, if this is someone capable of going on missions and is mentioned regarding “we need… people like you to take the lead” that this “sir” is someone higher up in the government regarding rule of India, who could order a mission to Ganji’s home for it’s “spice extraction”).
Next is Ganji’s 2nd letter, which unlike his 1st (which happens before the fire) his 2nd happens after the fire. We hear he tried to board a freighter. Likely he was attempting to stowaway to return home, but he was caught and taken away by someone working for Duke Elgin. Ganji was placed in a detention center, where he was examined. They mention a “strange scar on his forehead”, which potentially came from the fire that burned down the Queen’s Guard’s manor. We do see Ganji with the owner’s son while the fire burns the manor, so if he had to go in to rescue him, that could have been when.
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Considering how they say Ganji, besides his scar, seems “as strong as ever” to me kind of feels like they’re still talking about him like an object or one of their possessions.
After this, the letter mentions how Ganji would be “quiet during the day” but would go “mad” at night, with him “either holding his head between his hands while slamming it against the wall with a pained expression plastered across his face or attempted to snatch the candles used by the guards to keep the place lit up. He only settled down once we locked him in the darkness of the dungeon. But once the next day arrived, he was back to normal again”. It was due to this behavior that the author states he went to purchase “strong sedatives” (to be used on Ganji if he went out of control). During this time while the author was away, Ganji was able to escape despite the guards around him. Despite this, the author believes Ganji will return as they still had several of his possessions, including “medical records, an invitation, and that "treasure" of his.
It says the part with the signature had been “burned off”. If Ganji was messing with candle fire while in the detention center, it’s possible he did something similar to this letter if he got ahold of it (unless it’s nothing important).
The mentioned “treasure” is likely the note from home that reads “Come home, child”. Considering it says “child”, there’s a chance this could’ve been written by his mother. We know Ganji’s written to her himself before, so him receiving correspondence from her would make sense.
Another treasure we know Ganji owns is his accessory Cozy Fleece, which is a sheep toy “given to Ganji when he was young” and said to be “one of the several treasures in his luggage”. This was likely another item given to Ganji by his mother, when he was still home, and thus why he treasures it. Another potential treasure could be Ganji’s bansuri accessory, which has the description that mentions its music helps to recall his hometown.
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As for the medical records, it says that the patient is suffering “severe homesickness” and displays “impulsive behavior during times of extreme depression or anxiety”. This means that Ganji’s “mania” is caused by his “severe homesickness” in moments when he’s suffering from “extreme depression or anxiety”. That could mean, with Ganji already being homesick for years before the day the fire started, Ganji’s “last straw” when he received bad news about his hometown now makes sense why the fire likely started then. That “bad news” triggered his anxiety and severe homesickness, depressed him when he realized he was stuck at this manor with no quick way home, before then making him impulsive and “manic” in his desire to go home as soon as possible. Whether or not it was on purpose or an accident, it is possible one of his “impulses” resulted in the fire starting, or a confrontation that triggered his irritation causes it to accidentally begin. Maybe a bit of sanity returned to him afterwards, and that could be when he rescued the boy as we see him with the boy during the fire in Ganji’s trailer. But for now, information is scant on the specifics of this event.
Potentially after escaping detainment could be when we see him living by himself like in his other backstories. It’s possible he was in hiding from those that had captured him. We don’t know for sure whether he returned to them for his treasure (it’s possible with how important his note from his mom likely was). We know from Ganji’s backstory that it says he “lived in a cold room with little furniture for years” and “seldom stepped outside during the year”. He had no friends, always looked solemn, and people found it “difficult to get to know him”. Ganji is described as “peculiar and lonely”, and someone his neighbors “loved to gossip about”.
His backstory mentions “random loud noises coming from his room”, which could tie to the behavior he displayed at night in the detention center, when he’d hit his head against a wall.
Regarding Ganji hiding in his room all the time, this connects back to his deduction 9, the diagnosis that suggested “locking all windows and doors and staying at home alone”.
The part about “avoid looking at fire” implies, whether or not he did it and whether it was on purpose or accident, it implies he’d been deeply affected by the fire that burned down the manor. Maybe because of all the feelings (and irritation) he had from how long he spent there, being mistreated and never being allowed to train. Maybe because of the boy he’d formed a relationship too and how this fire took away his home and family, just like Ganji was without his home and family. Maybe any conflict he had if he was somewhat responsible, whether accidentally or on purpose, as his trailer does mention wanting those “gentlemen to repent for their sins” but also because this was a place he’d had such high hopes for regarding his future and now it’s turning to ashes, as well as was a place he’d suffered alone, away from his family, for a long time, but more conflict because Ganji was deep down still a “kind” person (and maybe regretted not saving more people, or regretted if he had a fit of anger and its consequences that day that causes all these events). Just another boy, like the son of the owner of the Queen’s Guard crying at the sight of his home on fire, that was crying out for his family and home as it was threatened or attacked but Ganji unable to do anything about it.
The backstory continues by saying he kept his appearance “hidden” whenever he went out, which could relate to if he was in hiding from the people who’ve been trying to capture him in his letters, or to the mistreatment he potentially receives if people knew where he was from, or to hide the scars on his face from people if he knew how they’d react upon seeing it (as they did describe his face as “horrifying”). It also fits with how his trailer said he needed a “new identity”.
Despite how they treated him, Ganji was said to give “softly spoken words of appreciation to the neighbors’ trivial kindness”, which seems to connect to Ganji’s original personality (as he was described as kind, friendly, and mild-mannered before he came to Britain).
Others debated the reason for Ganji’s behavior, suggesting “regret” (tied to the fire that ended his training with the Royal Team, as other people wouldn’t know the full truth about his feelings towards the Royal Team) or “cautiousness” (from living in a foreign country). Unfortunately for Ganji, everyone decided that Ganji had “a lot of secrets” and “might bring trouble to the town and decided to stay away from him”.
The last thing we hear about Ganji is he still dreamt of returning home, and eventually received an invitation from the manor, offering a “huge reward”, enough for Ganji to use to go home, and he “decided to take the risk”.
Side note regarding Duke Elgin.
I couldn’t find any “Duke” Elgin, but I did find an “Earl” of Elgin. The 9th Earl of Elgin, Victor Bruce, was the Viceroy of India.
I don’t think this is the exact same “Duke Elgin” but it could be a basis for the character (for Netease when designing this).
These were individuals appointed by the British monarch. They represented the British government in India and exercised authority over British India on behalf of the British crown. Victor Bruce served as Viceroy during 1894-1899m which was a particularly troubled period in Indi’s history, and his tenure was not seen as a successful one. During his administration, there was economic and social unrest, a famine, bubonic plague, and the Tirah campaign (Afridi Frontier Rising). This campaign took place in Northwest India and involved the British seeking to restore control over the area after an uprising occurred (with 1 of the challenges they faced being the mountainous terrain).
I don’t think this is exactly where Ganji is from, but this event, as well as all the other issues occurring at the time, could relate to or be a sort of basis (to Netease) for whatever did actually happen to Ganji’s hometown.
Apparently the “bansuri” is a flute connected to north Indian music (with the venu being connected to the south), which could mean (with how the Tirah Campaign happened in the Northwest) Ganji could be from somewhere in the North part of India.
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triviareads · 2 months
ARC Review of Marriage and Masti by Nisha Sharma
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Rating: 4/5 Heat Level: 3.5/5 Pub Date: August 27th
A Twelfth Night-inspired romcom; Veera Mathur drunkenly marries her friend and crush Deepak Datta, and they agree to stay married as platonic friends until they meet their respective career goals.
My review:
Nisha Sharma finished her If Shakespeare Were An Auntie series strong with a friends-to-lovers romance done RIGHT. It has the perfect amount of pining and angst without veering into pathetic territory, and the way Deepak and Veera's romance develops post-marriage feels so natural and QUITE swoony.
Veera's in a bad place after being forced out of her family business by her own dad before they merge with Deepak's company. She's aimless and trying to raise capital with her twin sister for their next venture when she's yacht-wrecked in Goa. Enter Deepak, who was juuuuust dumped by his influencer fiancée via "get-ready-with-me" video (I did laugh; THERE'S your "com" in the romcom) and he rescues Veera, except they have a few too many and wake up married the next morning.
Here's the thing: Veera and Deepak have a history. Their friend groups merged a couple years back and they really hit it off, something we see via flashback text message conversations (similar to Tastes Like Shakkar which I loved), and you really see how Veera developed feelings for Deepak, as well as her hurt when she found out Deepak was engaged to someone else without telling her. Somewhere along the way, probably after his engagement, Deepak realizes he has feelings for Veera too and he takes the opportunity to play the long game after their accidental marriage. I like how neither Deepak nor Veera are in a place where they're like, super tragic about their love being unrequited which is how a lot of friends-to-lovers romances don't end up working for me. They never take it out on the other person, and though Veera especially hesitates even after they have sex and Deepak has kind of made his feelings known, it doesn't feel contrived.
I think Indian weddings are seen both in India and abroad as this enormous to-do (if recent events are any indication) and sort of the be-all-end-all, but there is so much more to a marriage than the wedding. And because Veera and Deepak basically elope, we don't get the wedding and instead, we see all these lovely, meaningful post-marriage Indian (specifically Hindu-Punjabi) traditions like the Aunties blessing their home and the Grihapravesha pooja to welcome Veera to Deepak's family home. And some of these moments are so so romantic— I DIED when Deepak pleats Veera's dupatta and helps her with her baliyan earrings before their wedding reception, and the way they observe, but also subvert the patriarchal tradition of Karva Chauth (where married women fast for their husband's well-being) in such a sweet way.
A couple other things worth noting— there is a lot of boardroom drama; the plot is centered around Deepak getting enough votes to become CEO, and Veera finding closure and moving forward after being shunted out of her family's company by her own dad. And a part of that, interestingly, is going no-contact with a family member, something that is still looked down upon in =South Asian communities, but I appreciate the nuanced way it was handled in this book, and by the end, you can see Veera is 100% valid for doing what she does. I also liked how the story deals with Veera feeling like the odd one out after both her friends coupled off which is very relatable.
The sex:
Deepak has strong "don't worry baby I'll take care of you" energy and I have to say, I'm a fan. It starts off strong with a sleepy sex moment (HOT; I love when two characters are just too exhausted to not give into their impulses), but my favorite scene is definitely before their belated wedding reception, and Veera is feeling anxious so she asks for "stress relief"— Obviously Deepak is more than happy to oblige, and there are so many details I loved, like the chime of her anklets against his back, and the way her lehenga is half off and exposing her partially. Again, Nisha Sharma is doing the most to eroticize Indian clothes and jewelry and I'm HERE for it.
There's also this mild brat/bossy dynamic which kind of peaks when Veera and Deepak go all the way the first time. It was surprising in a good way, and I just wish Nisha had expanded on it some more.
Look, it's hard to find South Asian romances with this level of heat (and believe me, I've looked) and Nisha Sharma did a great job of interweaving the romance and culture in a really lovely way that I'd recommend to anyone looking for a romcom-esque romance novel.
Thank you to Avon Books and NetGalley for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.
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boxeboxer · 1 year
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Origin: krtrim (computational phantom)
Status: posthuman, piloting a standard Class-1B civilian 2028 CHOSHI-II vessel (modern Delhi variant) distributed by OURO
Nationality/Ethnicity: Indian, currently resides in southeast Britain. ORANGE color ID
Age: 33KR (date of genesis January 4th, 2019)
Occupation: simple electronics assembler for Loxton-Duchêne
Deepali Nibhanupudi is the surrogate daughter of Mona Nibhanupudi, and goes by the alias Deepali Nagarkar to avoid association with him. She is considered the first and therefore oldest krtrim ever created.
Mona formally trained Deepali in kalaripayattu as a form of discipline throughout her youth. Though Class-1B civilian vessels only stand at five feet (152cm) tall and have smaller proportions than a human her height, she is a formidable threat with her extensive martial arts background. She is quick to think on her feet and highly observant. However, her timid and often pushover nature make her unassertive, and she only exercises violence if the situation is dire enough.
Deepali is quiet, and does not usually speak until spoken to. Her shyness gives her the appearance of stoicism, though in the presence of those she trusts, she is possesses a charming wit and bright personality. She is deeply loyal to those she cares about, even it means risking her own life. She enjoys painting, knit sweaters, and playing word games like Sudoku or Scrabble.
For what is believed to be sentimentality, Mona kept Deepali for himself shortly after creating her. While other krtrim were advertised as workers to be sold off to corporations, Deepali was raised like a human child. Despite her reserved personality in adulthood, Deepali was very mischievous in her youth, which created tension between her and Mona's strict parenting regimen. Though she expressed her desire to go out into society to make friends, Mona banned her from ever leaving his custody, and she grew to resent him as time passed. In the rare times he was present, Mona would either subject her to training or tests of her cognition. The rest of the time he was largely absent, often traveling for business related to OURO.
After his death in 2029, his estate was ceased by interpol, causing her to flee into the surrounding city. Upon entering the streets she was marked for repossession. She finds and befriends another krtrim named Viggy, a former rickshaw driver, who is also on the run after the company he worked for disposed of all its krtrim staff. Together they try to escape to Bangladesh, but are ultimately caught by OURO authorities. Viggy is killed, and Deepali attempts to commit suicide. She is captured before she can go through with it.
Upon learning of her connection with Mona, Deepali is spared from repossession and instead interrogated for information. Robopsychologist Dr. Emelie Yadavalli is assigned to probe her mind to see what she knows. Deepali’s mental health spirals as she’s questioned on her purpose and the validity of her memories, developing rapid onset magnetic actuator deviancy (ROMAD), also known as Corruption. When OURO concludes that she has nothing to offer them, they plan to retire her permanently, but Emelie decides to buy her vessel-hood out of pity. She rehabilitates her, and once the war is over, she allows her to live on her own devices in Europe.
For the next 10 years, Deepali works as a simple electronics assembler for OURO’s Auxiliary branch in southeast Britain. She lives in a small apartment on the outer edges of Auxiliary by the coast.
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masllp · 24 days
Accounting Outsourcing India: Why MAS LLP is Your Ideal Partner
In today's fast-paced business environment, companies are increasingly turning to accounting outsourcing as a strategic move to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and focus on core business functions. India, with its vast pool of skilled professionals and cost-effective services, has emerged as a global hub for accounting outsourcing. MAS LLP is at the forefront of this trend, offering top-notch accounting outsourcing services that cater to the diverse needs of businesses worldwide. Why Choose Accounting Outsourcing India? Cost Efficiency: One of the most significant advantages of outsourcing accounting services to India is the substantial cost savings. Indian service providers offer high-quality services at a fraction of the cost compared to Western countries. This cost advantage allows businesses to allocate resources more effectively and invest in growth initiatives.
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Access to Skilled Professionals: India boasts a vast talent pool of accountants, chartered accountants, and financial analysts. These professionals are well-versed in global accounting standards, ensuring that your financial records are accurate and compliant with international regulations. Focus on Core Business Activities: By outsourcing accounting functions, businesses can free up valuable time and resources. This allows management to focus on core business activities, such as strategic planning, marketing, and product development, which are essential for long-term success. Scalability and Flexibility: Outsourcing accounting services to India offers businesses the flexibility to scale up or down based on their needs. Whether you require full-time accounting support or specific services like payroll processing or tax filing, Indian outsourcing providers can tailor their offerings to suit your requirements. Why MAS LLP is the Right Choice for Accounting Outsourcing India MAS LLP has established itself as a leading provider of accounting outsourcing services in India. Here’s why partnering with MAS LLP can be a game-changer for your business: Comprehensive Service Offerings: MAS LLP provides a wide range of accounting services, including bookkeeping, payroll processing, tax preparation, financial reporting, and more. Their comprehensive service offerings ensure that all your accounting needs are met under one roof. Experienced Team: The team at MAS LLP consists of highly qualified professionals with years of experience in the accounting industry. Their expertise in handling complex accounting tasks ensures that your financial records are in safe hands. Advanced Technology: MAS LLP leverages the latest accounting software and technologies to deliver accurate and timely services. Their use of advanced tools ensures that your financial data is processed efficiently and securely. Customized Solutions: Understanding that every business is unique, MAS LLP offers customized accounting solutions tailored to your specific needs. Whether you’re a small business or a large corporation, they have the expertise to cater to your requirements. Commitment to Quality: MAS LLP is committed to delivering high-quality services that exceed client expectations. Their focus on accuracy, compliance, and timely delivery has earned them a reputation as a trusted partner in the accounting outsourcing industry. Conclusion In an increasingly competitive global market, outsourcing accounting functions to India is a strategic move that can provide significant benefits. With MAS LLP as your partner, you can rest assured that your accounting needs will be handled with the utmost professionalism and expertise. Whether you’re looking to reduce costs, improve efficiency, or focus on core business activities, MAS LLP offers the perfect solution for all your accounting outsourcing needs. For more information on how MAS LLP can assist your business with Accounting Outsourcing India, contact them today.
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leam1983 · 8 months
Skull and Bones - Misnomers
I kind of tuned out of Ubisoft's "quadruple-A" bloatfest the moment I realized that the scenario was hellbent on taking its analogy between the 1750s' trading companies in the Indian Ocean and modern megacorporations to the stupidest of all next levels imaginable.
See, the game performs one tiny historical travesty that I'd normally forgive, except every kid and their mother grows up learning that what helped to develop the Americas was a group of monopolies referred to as trading companies - not megacorps.
Megacorps are a new concept, historically speaking. I've also seen people confuse them with trusts, but they don't quite fit. Trusts are essentially company-centric unions, if I had to bastardise a concept, focused and designed to promote the companies operating a particular market and to serve their interests. They weren't monolithic. A trading company was a single entity, with the root of the misuse of the term "megacorporation" lying in the fact that trading companies had many similar concepts. Trading companies fostered their own company culture and identity, they had their own standing fleets and included ships designed in order to protect the trade assets sailing across the Indian Ocean and Caribbean.
Megacorporations, on the other hand, are conglomerates by necessity. They're symbiotic massings of smaller companies, granted some rights typically reserved for individuals out of the notion that what hurts the gestalt hurts the worker. There's reams of Leftist and Social-Democratic theory out there that proves this assertion is a crock of shit and hurts most workers. As we currently stand, megacorps do not yet have standing armies - thank God - and are yet to replace legislative bodies. Considering, the analogy Skull and Bones tries to make is incomplete, poorly expressed and misleading.
Pirates weren't Punk. Dig a little and you realize most of 'em wheeled and dealed with impunity, going from Corsair to Pirate and back and forth all depending on who paid the most.
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andthebubbles · 8 months
Character Development Questions ask game
A simple 2 + 3. 😌
(for this ask game thing)
i hear i had a choice to do this for a/b!anthony and/or canon!anthony but lbr everyone knows canon!anthony (for these two questions esp (in hindsight i realised that some of the other questions listed might be interesting for canon!anthony bc they're kinda headcanon-ey)) and canon!anthony isn't really... mine per se, SO.
this is for a/b!anthony! :3
2. What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like?
With Violet: I think he liked her, I mean he (atm) last saw her when he was 2 years old. And he's her firstborn, so. She probably spoiled him a healthy amount :P But then when Benedict was born, she probably paid him more attention for a while so Anthony went through a (imo) very natural jealous stage
ETA: after he meets her again and she realises who he is, I think she's just gonna smotherrrr him with affection and not want to let him out of her sight, and he's just gonna be like, uhhhh (and... etc, lost as well, and... lots more things I haven't considered yet bc i'm not up to it. but he's ... probably gonna be so angry at his adoptive parents for a while? but he also doesn't really have anyone to turn to, exactly? like, he hardly knows violet, and him and benedict are... also going through it...... in a different way.................. lmao)
With his adoptive mum... who iirc I am calling Jo??? I haven't even written her yet bc I haven't got up to her or written the flashbacks haha: I think he really loves her. And she really loves him. (This is before he finds out that they (she and his adoptive dad) kinda hid him from his real parents.)
Ummm I think she took care of him really well when they were on the ship, she was the cook so... I think she had him in the kitchen with her, and once he stopped being upset about his real mum and dad/forgot about them, he started helping out. And his mum also sorta picked up recipes from the different countries they travelled to and started cooking different cuisines because Anthony tried food from whatever country they docked in and then decided that he wanted more of that when they left (e.g. he likes Indian food).
I think the day he forgot his real parents and called her mum, she would've been really happy. (This is after they tried to return him to Edmund, but Edmund got the note too late of where the ship would be docking on the way to finally leaving England for a few years, so from Anthony and his adoptive parents' perspective, Edmund didn't want him because he didn't show up, so his adoptive parents were quite angry/upset for him/'well we'll take care of him then!' and Anthony ofc was distraught when Edmund didn't turn up to take him home (because it's just further proof that they didn't want him/preferred his new baby brother (happily, he kinda forgets this trauma, but he gains a fear of abandonment :P)))
I think Anthony finds out fairly soon that his mum is trans (like when you're all sleeping in one big room (I presume) in hammocks, and Anthony is probably sharing a hammock with his mum, welllll) but he doesn't realise until he's 5 or 6 that if both his (adoptive) parents are biologically male, then he must be adopted
Ummm. When he realises that his parents have this goal of saving enough money so that they can stay in England permanently and have a shop (that sells art supplies), he starts working on the ship (when he's about 7 i think)
(Somewhere along the way, the art shop idea evolves... because they're trying to make it profitable, and Anthony's adoptive dad is an artist (painter (for the ships) originally) so it becomes a publishing company for children's books mainly, with illustrations by his dad)
His mum is good with money. And hmm maaaybe with languages too since they're translating some of the fairytales from different countries by themselves. But I'm not sure about that yet. I haven't really thought about it because I haven't gotten up to it :P But yeah his mum IS good with money/business-minded/kinda ends up running the shop
Iirc I think I said somewhere in one of the earlier chapters that she's the best out of the three of them re sailing/rowing and Anthony learnt both of those things from her (and from other people on the ship ofc)
At some point when they're back in England, his mum sees the ~missing posters for Anthony Bridgerton with a reward if he's found, and she (and his dad) know that he's a Bridgerton (because 2y/o Anthony told them) but ofc Anthony has since forgotten. And since there's a monetary reward for finding Anthony, plus Edmund didn't show up all those years ago, his mum's just like, we are NOT giving up our son for money/to people who don't even really want him!!!
Later on, Anthony starts asking questions about his biological parents, and his mum says they adopted him from an orphanage in London as a baby and that his real parents didn't want him (1/3 true (from their perspective) lol). And later when they're living in England permanently and Anthony starts looking for info on his biological parents in the orphanages, she gets kinda pissed off/scared about it/scared he'll find out he's a Bridgerton somehow, so Anthony learns not to tell her about it (or his dad) and continues looking in secret
Re Anthony going to Harrow, I... think it was probably his mum who was very determined that he get a good education. Like, to her, education is important, and she kinda instilled that in Anthony. (I think Anthony must've had some lessons from someone educated on the ship, maybe a passenger, orrrr... huh idk, HUHHHH no i just had a thought, maybe his mum is a bit more on the middle/upper middle class side than working class?? but she (well, probably he* at that point) wanted to marry a working class guy so her family disowned her, maybe... ANYWAY (that could work actually!! Basically I need Anthony attending Harrow on a scholarship))
(just gonna say that upper middle class people (or middle class people) from places that aren't london/kent/(bath?) don't know/haven't heard of the bridgertons~)
Anywayyyy, so re Harrow, because his mum was so keen for him to attend, he doesn't tell her he's getting bullied. I am not sure if he holds it against her....... because he knows that this is important too. Hmmmm. Idk
Anyway. Fast forward to Oxford. He does love her. And thennNNNNN when he finds out he's a Bridgerton (and that she didn't tell him he's in a relationship with his biological brother when he introduces Benedict to his family HAHAHHkfjdhfkkfkgf but like, how can you tell that without giving the entire thing away? skjngkSJDNKGJ)
3. What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like?
With Edmund: idolised him, just like in canon. Idk why but I headcanon lots of piggyback rides/lil Anthony sitting on his shoulders skfjgnk. (maybe it was mentioned in the book? iirc it was?? hskjfkf) And... Edmund trying to teach him things like how to be a good person/a gentleman even when he was like, 2 years old, and them spending a lot of time together. And then Benedict is born and Edmund is a bit busy with him for a while, naturally, so then Anthony gets kinda clingy with him/wanting more of his time again. Normal stuff imo.
I think... maybe the day he lost (?) Anthony/Anthony went missing, ... I have written a bit of this, but I got bored lol, so maybe I should change it, but they were kinda near the docks looking at the (at the time) biggest ship built so far, or at least, just a very big ship. Maybe Anthony had a ship phase and Edmund indulged him :3
With his adoptive dad who I STILL haven't named skjfngkfg: he's a painter for the ships, which is why he (and Jo) was even at the London docks (because the London docks don't take passengers afaik...). Anyway, Anthony obviously loves him too. They're just really nice people?? Apart from the whole... sorta stealing Anthony bit... lol
Umm so yeah he starts out as a painter but he draws/paints/watercolours on the side, and he's very chill. Once they get the shop in England, he can like, lose daysss in the studio just painting something.
Idk why but I feel like he's painted lil Anthony's face before like you do with kids, where they get like a tiger's face, and then Anthony goes around pretending to be a tiger for a day
(I think when they go fishing, they go as a family (all three of them))
I feel like his adoptive dad's a bit more chill about Anthony asking about his biological parents (his mum's more like, omg stop asking!!) but still also guarded.
Anyway, yeah! I don't have much about him yet apparently SKJDNKGJFKG
ETA: Anthony is probably gonna resent his adoptive parents later for... well, several things lmao, but probably the main thing will be for... well, lying to him, not so much keeping him from his real parents. After all he doesn't know them. But he hates that he was lied to :( (Also maybe there'd later be some regret that because he was lied to, he never got to talk to/get to know Edmund?)
Thank you for the ask!! This was really fun 💙
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colscortex · 3 months
Col’s OC Masterpost!
Hi! I’m Col and I post a lot of random art on my account! Occasionally I will make content of my own characters and OCs, which is what this masterpost is for! My characters will be organized alphabetically by their first name, so you can find them easily. I hope you enjoy! They’re my little guys :)
Dividers used!
A-Cheng - Honkai: Star Rail
Party: N/A
She/Her || Adult || Xianzhou Native (Chinese)
A-Cheng is an experienced union leader and slam poet on the Luofu. Known for her scathing and direct writing, she often appears on newspapers for criticizing working conditions and advocating for the struggles of various worker groups. What people don’t know is that the lonely writer has quite the sense of humor and can be found playing games and humoring the local kids in their latest adventure. Recently, her poems and performances gain significant traction on Jarilo-VI.
Posts: 1 2 3
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Krish - Honkai: Star Rail
Party: Zhu Ling, Mahinur, Spica, Yves
She/They/He || Adult || Vajran (South Indian)
[Description coming soon]
Posts: Coming Soon!
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Rashi Achari - Persona 5
Party: Maki, Chiyo, Idriis, Momoka
She/Her || 15 years old || South Indian
Rashi is an exchange student attending Shujin Academy. Tired of the confines of life in India she wished to study abroad so she could explore fashion that interested her. Now half awakened, she traverses Mementos with her troublemaker friends while also trying to maintain her scholarship and guise as a rule-abiding student.
Posts: 1 2
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Yara/Ram - Masks
Party: Chat, Piper, Puck, Daja
Any Pronouns || 17 years old || Robot
Yara is a bionic super weapon developed by the multimillion dollar company, Omnicorp. She was forced into a mech suit that went out of control and went on a rampage. After escaping from the suit, she joins the party. Right now, her main mission is to figure out how to navigate both their unstable form and how to live the normal teen life she yearned for in the lab. Currently in the campaign, Yara was fatally shot and regenerated into a new form and goes by Ram.
Posts: 1 2 3 4
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scarlettblogs · 3 months
Outsource Bookkeeping Services to India: A Smart Business Move
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In today’s competitive business environment, companies are constantly looking for ways to streamline operations and reduce costs. One effective strategy is to outsource bookkeeping services to India. This approach not only provides access to skilled professionals but also offers significant cost savings. Let's explore why outsourcing bookkeeping services to India can be a game-changer for your business.
Why Outsource Bookkeeping Services?
1. Cost-Effectiveness
Delegating your bookkeeping tasks to an external provider can result in significant financial savings. By choosing to outsource bookkeeping services to India, businesses can reduce overhead expenses associated with hiring in-house staff, such as salaries, benefits, and training costs. Indian firms offer competitive pricing due to lower labor costs, providing high-quality services at a fraction of the cost.
2. Access to Expertise
India is known for its vast pool of highly skilled and qualified professionals. When you outsource bookkeeping services, you gain access to experts who are proficient in international accounting standards and practices. These professionals are equipped with the latest tools and technologies to ensure accurate and efficient bookkeeping.
3. Focus on Core Business Activities
By outsourcing bookkeeping services, companies can focus more on their core business activities. This allows management and staff to dedicate their time and resources to areas that directly impact growth and profitability, such as sales, marketing, and product development.
Benefits of Outsourcing Bookkeeping Services in India
1. High-Quality Services
Indian bookkeeping firms are known for their commitment to quality. They employ stringent quality control measures and adhere to international accounting standards. This ensures that the financial records are accurate, reliable, and compliant with regulatory requirements.
2. Scalability
Outsourcing bookkeeping services in India offers flexibility and scalability. Whether you are a small business or a large corporation, Indian service providers can scale their services to meet your specific needs. This flexibility is particularly beneficial during periods of growth or seasonal fluctuations in business activity.
3. Time Zone Advantage
The time zone difference between India and Western countries can be leveraged to your advantage. By outsourcing bookkeeping services to India, you can benefit from round-the-clock operations. Work can be completed overnight, providing you with updated financial information by the start of your business day.
How to Choose the Right Bookkeeping Service Provider
1. Experience and Expertise
When outsourcing bookkeeping services, it’s crucial to choose a provider with extensive experience and expertise in the field. Seek out companies that have a history of success and favorable reviews from their clients. Ensure they have experience in your specific industry and are familiar with relevant regulations.
2. Technology and Security
Ensure the service provider uses the latest accounting software and technologies. Data security is paramount, so choose a provider that implements robust security measures to protect your financial information from unauthorized access and cyber threats.
3. Transparent Pricing
Opt for a service provider with a transparent pricing model. Avoid firms with hidden fees and unclear contracts. A clear understanding of the costs involved will help you make an informed decision and avoid any unexpected expenses.
4. Communication and Support
Effective communication is essential when outsourcing bookkeeping services. Choose a provider that offers reliable customer support and maintains clear and consistent communication channels. This guarantees that any problems or questions will be handled quickly and efficiently.
Outsourcing bookkeeping services to India is a strategic decision that can offer numerous benefits, including cost savings, access to expertise, and improved focus on core business activities. By carefully selecting the right service provider, businesses can enjoy high-quality, scalable, and secure bookkeeping services. Embrace this opportunity to enhance your business efficiency and drive growth.
In summary, outsourcing bookkeeping services to India is not just a cost-saving measure; it is a smart business strategy that can lead to improved operational efficiency and long-term success.
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softgentechnologies · 6 months
Mobile App Development Services in Lucknow
Mobile application development is indeed the process of creating software applications specifically designed to operate on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. It involves a series of steps, from conceptualization to deployment, aimed at creating a functional and user-friendly application that meets the needs of the target audience.
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Why Choose Lucknow for Mobile App Development
Lucknow, the capital of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, is emerging as a leading hub for mobile app development. It boasts a vibrant tech ecosystem, with a growing number of startups, established IT companies, and skilled professionals. The city's favorable business environment, cost-effective resources, and access to top-notch talent make it an ideal location for mobile app development. Additionally, Lucknow's rich cultural heritage and modern infrastructure provide a unique backdrop for innovation and creativity in app development.
Our Expertise in Mobile App Development
Our team of seasoned professionals excels in developing mobile apps across various platforms, including iOS, Android, and cross-platform solutions. We specialize in creating user-centric, visually appealing, and high-performing applications that cater to diverse industry verticals. From brainstorming the initial concept to delivering a polished, market-ready app, our expertise encompasses every stage of the development lifecycle.
Our Development Process
iOS App Development: We specialize in developing custom iOS applications tailored to meet the unique requirements of businesses in Lucknow. Our team of skilled developers uses the latest technologies and follows best practices to create high-quality iOS apps that provide an exceptional user experience.
Android App Development: With expertise in Android app development, we create feature-rich and user-friendly applications for the Android platform. Whether it's a consumer-facing app, enterprise solution, or mobile game, we have the capabilities to develop innovative and scalable Android apps for businesses in Lucknow.
Cross-Platform App Development: Our cross-platform app development services enable businesses to reach a wider audience by developing apps that work seamlessly across multiple platforms, including iOS and Android. Using frameworks like React Native or Flutter, we ensure consistent performance and user experience across different devices.
Custom App Development: We specialize in developing custom mobile applications that address the unique needs and objectives of businesses in Lucknow. Whether you need a mobile app for e-commerce, healthcare, education, or any other industry, we have the expertise to bring your vision to life.
UI/UX Design: Our team of experienced designers creates intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces (UI) that enhance the user experience (UX) of mobile apps. We focus on creating designs that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and easy to navigate.
Integration Services: We offer integration services to connect mobile apps with existing systems, such as CRM, ERP, or third-party APIs. This enables businesses to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and provide a seamless experience for users.
Testing and Quality Assurance: We conduct rigorous testing throughout the development process to ensure that mobile apps are bug-free, secure, and perform optimally. Our QA team performs various tests, including functional testing, performance testing, and usability testing, to deliver high-quality apps that meet industry standards.
Deployment and Support: We assist businesses in deploying mobile apps to app stores and provide ongoing maintenance and support services to ensure that apps remain up-to-date, secure, and perform optimally.
Our Team in Lucknow
Dedicated Professionals
Our talented team in Lucknow comprises experienced developers, innovative designers, and proficient project managers dedicated to delivering excellence.
Creative Minds
We foster creativity and innovation within our team, encouraging out-of-the-box thinking and inventive solutions for app development.
Collaborative Approach
Collaboration is at the heart of our team, ensuring seamless coordination and communication throughout the development process.
Contact Us
If you're ready to embark on an exciting mobile app development journey with us or have any inquiries, feel free to reach out to us through the following channels: Email: [email protected], Phone: +91 8188886786, 0522 3510038 Alternatively, you can visit our office located at 68B, Smriti Vihar, Sector K1, Ashiyana, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh to discuss your project requirements in person.
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She was demure and elegant in a flowing gown – he looked dapper and debonair in a tailored navy suit.
So pity the poor bride and groom whose lavish Caribbean nuptials were overshadowed by such glamorous guests.
Then again, if you will invite Prince Harry and his actress girlfriend Meghan Markle to your wedding, what do you expect?
All eyes were on the young lovers as the prince attended the wedding of friend Tom ‘Skippy’ Inskip at the weekend in Montego Bay, Jamaica. 
Not having seen each other for a fortnight, Harry, 32, and 35-year-old Meghan used the trip as an excuse for a romantic reunion – and their affectionate behaviour set tongues wagging that it might not be long before they, too, are walking up the aisle.
For Meghan, the surroundings are not entirely unfamiliar.
In 2011, she married her first husband – film producer Trevor Engleson – at a resort just 60 miles along the coast. So, is she feeling the love second time around? 
We reveal exactly what the young couple got up to on their romantic West Indian weekend...
He flies in economy, while she takes a private jet
Harry arrived in Jamaica on Wednesday to join the groom’s party ahead of the big day – he was one of 14 ushers.
The royals don’t use private planes for personal engagements, so he took a Virgin Atlantic flight from Gatwick to Sangster International Airport in Montego Bay.
The prince did splash out on a premium economy seat, costing upwards of £2,000 return.
Meghan flew in the following day from Toronto, where she’s filming US legal drama Suits, in a private jet that belongs to a friend.
Ever the gentleman, Harry picked her up from the airport, greeting her with a kiss before they drove back to the hotel together.
The luxury resort where JFK stayed
With 110 acres of lush tropical gardens, suites designed by Ralph Lauren and its own private bay, the wedding reception venue is the perfect backdrop for royal romance. 
The Round Hill Resort was built in the 1950s as a series of luxurious cottages for rich and famous visitors. Guests have included JFK and Jackie Kennedy, who spent their honeymoon here.
Grace Kelly, Fred Astaire, Clark Gable, Sir Paul McCartney, and Emma Watson have also stayed.
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A hotel worker revealed that Meghan and Harry stayed in a £5,000-a-night premium luxury villa, the resort’s most exclusive accommodation away from prying eyes, which comes with its own housekeeper, two pools and a games room with a bar and pool table.
Ever watchful of their safety, security guards were stationed in rooms nearby.
Guests have breakfast served on their balcony, and options include Jamaican delicacies such as ackee (a fruit like a lychee), saltfish with fried dumplings and callaloo (a leafy green vegetable).
It’s quite a change from Meghan’s first trip to the island during her low-key wedding in 2011.
She and her husband-to-be stayed at the four-star Jamaica Inn in Ocho Rios, where they indulged in drinking games and wheelbarrow races before saying their vows.
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The (other) very happy couple 
It takes a brave bride to invite glamorous, leggy Meghan to your wedding. But flame-haired Lara Hughes-Young didn’t seem bothered about being outshone.
Lara, 30, a software developer at global technology company ThoughtWorks, knows Harry through her new husband ‘Skippy’, who went to Eton with the prince.
She’s the granddaughter of late Conservative MP Michael Hughes-Young.
Her father holds the title Lord St Helens – making her official title the Honourable Lara Inskip.
She is said to have been ‘singing Meghan’s praises’ since meeting her last year.
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They may have been the focus of attention on the day, but Megan and Harry were far from the only notable guests at the wedding.
Harry’s aunt Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York, was on the list, accompanied, insiders say, by her daughter Eugenie.
After the ceremony, a smiling Fergie, wearing a black minidress with a jewelled neck, was seen posing for photographs with Pastor Conrad Thomas, who officiated the ceremony.
Archie Soames, one of the ushers, is the great-grandson of Winston Churchill. Maid of honour Alice St Clair Erskine is an actress who portrayed the Duchess of Cambridge in the 2011 American TV show William and Catherine: A Royal Romance.
Olympic sprinter Usain Bolt is rumoured to have popped in for the party.
Trying not to upstage the bride
For the ceremony, Meghan chose a £1,200 floral print maxi dress by Canadian designer Erdem. 
Harry opted for a bespoke navy suit, believed to be from his favourite Savile Row tailor Gieves & Hawkes, and teamed with a yellow rose. 
Meghan accessorised her elegant attire with a nude clutch bag and a pair of £249 gold-rimmed sunglasses by Dior to shield her eyes from the hot Jamaican sun.
The bride did her best to stay in the spotlight in a breathtakingly simple white satin gown with a plunging neckline and full, flowing skirt – a direct contrast to Meghan’s high-necked style.
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Meghan's tender touch for her prince 
Meghan placed a protective arm on Harry’s back as she steered him out of the church and guests say the pair were very tactile throughout the reception as she was introduced to his old friends. 
At one point they were seen deep in conversation, as a jacketless Harry drank a beer and Meghan an Aperol spritz cocktail as she continued to rub his back.
Minutes later, she moved even closer, gazing into his eyes and putting her arms around his neck.
‘They are both head over heels and don’t care who sees it,’ said an onlooker.
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ilam-india · 1 year
Indian Government's Focus on Expanding Regional Connectivity Expected to Boost Aviation industry Jobs?
The Indian aviation industry has been witnessing unprecedented growth in recent years, with the Indian government focusing on expanding regional connectivity by launching new airports and routes across the country. This move is expected to have a significant impact on the aviation industry in India, leading to the creation of new job opportunities in aviation management.
The expansion of regional connectivity is a game-changer in the Indian aviation industry. It is not only creating new opportunities for airlines but also for individuals who want to build a career in aviation management. With the development of new airports and the launch of new routes, there is a growing need for aviation management professionals with Degrees like a BBA in Aviation Management, MBA in Aviation Management, and Airport Management who can oversee the planning, development, and operations of these facilities. The roles in aviation management include airport manager, air traffic controller, ground operations manager, and aviation consultant, among others.
The expansion is also expected to create an environment of competition in the aviation industry. With the launch of new routes and airports, airlines are competing for market share, leading to an increase in demand for skilled and knowledgeable aviation management professionals. This could result in higher salaries and better benefits for those working in the field, as companies compete to attract and retain top talent.
Moreover, the expansion of regional connectivity is not just limited to new job opportunities in aviation management but has also led to a boost in tourism and economic growth in the regions where new airports and routes have been launched. The availability of air connectivity to remote and underdeveloped regions of India is providing a much-needed boost to the local economies, creating new opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs.
However, the expansion of regional connectivity comes with its own set of challenges, such as the need for significant investment in infrastructure and technology, and the development of new approaches to airport security and air traffic management. But these challenges also present opportunities for innovation and process improvement, which can further enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the aviation industry in India.
The expansion of regional connectivity in India is a positive development that is creating new job opportunities in aviation management, boosting tourism and economic growth, and driving innovation in the aviation industry. As the Indian aviation industry continues to grow, there will be ample opportunities for skilled and knowledgeable professionals to make meaningful contributions to this exciting and dynamic field. If this does not convince you to be part of the Aviation Management Industry, Please call us we will lead you to the careers of Tomorrow. Source URL: https://www.ilamindia.in/blogs/indian-government's-focus-on-expanding-regional-connectivity-expected-to-boost-aviation-industry-jobs.php
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aastha2002 · 1 year
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Indian Politics Are Being Revolutionised by the Rise of D2C Brands
With the advent of Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) companies in recent years, India's political environment has undergone a substantial change. In order to gain an impact in the Indian market, these firms have disrupted conventional retail patterns by using e-commerce platforms and creative marketing techniques. This blog examines the many D2C brand characteristics in India and how they are influencing the political landscape of the nation.
1. Indian D2C Brand Growth: Upending Traditional Retail Models
Established businesses and physical shops have long dominated India's conventional retail market. The development of D2C brands, however, has put this conventional wisdom to the test. Bypassing middlemen, these companies offer their goods straight to customers, doing away with the necessity for physical shops and middlemen. D2C companies can now provide competitive prices, high-quality products, and individualised customer experiences thanks to this disruption.
2. Building a Successful D2C Brand in India: Market Entry Techniques
In India, creating a successful D2C brand demands a clear approach. The essential components of a successful direct-to-consumer brand are covered in this part, including knowing your target market, developing an engaging brand narrative, spending money on digital marketing, and building a solid online presence.
3. Leveraging E-commerce Platforms
Boosting D2C Brands' Growth in India ,E-commerce platforms have changed the game for direct-to-consumer firms in India. These platforms give access to a sizable user base and an infrastructure that is already in place. In order to promote growth, broaden their audience, and improve their online sales channels, this section examines how D2C firms might use e-commerce platforms.
4. Creating an Effective D2C Marketing Strategy: Reaching and Engaging the Indian Consume
For D2C firms to succeed, marketing that reaches and engages Indian consumers is essential. This section explores the many marketing techniques that direct-to-consumer (D2C) firms may use to successfully engage and reach Indian consumers. It addresses social media marketing, working with influencers, producing content, and customer relationship management.
5. Understanding Consumer Behaviour in India
Important Findings for D2C Brands, D2C brands need to have a thorough grasp of customer behaviour if they want to flourish in the Indian market. Key perceptions into the Indian consumer mind are examined in this part, along with preferences, purchasing trends, and cultural quirks. With this insight, D2C firms may modify their offerings and marketing strategies to appeal to their target demographic.
6. Scaling Operations: Indian D2C Brands Overcoming Challenges
D2C brands have a variety of operational scaling problems as they expand. The difficulties that D2C brands frequently encounter in India are covered in this section, including inventory control, logistics, providing customer service, and preserving product quality. Also considered are ways to meet these obstacles and guarantee sustainable growth.
7. Branding and Storytelling
Effective branding and storytelling are essential for D2C firms to stand out in a crowded market. The significance of developing a strong brand identity, telling an engaging brand narrative, and developing an emotional bond with customers is emphasised in this section. In order to show effective branding techniques, examples of D2C brands that have been successful in India are presented.
8. Navigating Supply Chain and Logistics
Logistics and the supply chain are essential to D2C operations. The difficulties D2C brands confront in managing their supply chain, including sourcing raw materials, warehousing, inventory control, and last-mile delivery, are covered in this section. We talk about ways to make these procedures more efficient and make sure everything runs well.
9. Embracing Digital Payments
India had a rapid digital change, with the adoption of digital payment methods rising. The importance of accepting digital payment options for D2C brands is discussed in this section. It analyses prominent payment systems in India, focuses on the benefits of digital payments, and tackles any security issues with online transactions.
10. Customer Experience and Retention
In order to create loyalty and promote repeat business, D2C businesses must focus on providing pleasant client experiences. The tactics for offering great customer service, personalisation, and post-purchase involvement are covered in this section. It also emphasises how crucial evaluations and comments from customers are to developing D2C firms' reputation and trust.
The emergence of D2C businesses in India has completely changed the political landscape by giving customers a huge selection of options, individualised experiences, and affordable prices. D2C firms have disrupted conventional retail models and established themselves as a niche player in the Indian market by utilising e-commerce platforms, adopting creative marketing methods, and analysing customer behaviour. The D2C movement is anticipated to have a significant influence on Indian politics as it develops, impacting consumer preferences and the way political campaigns are run.
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eninrac-consulting · 1 year
Hydrogen Market & Opportunity in India
Positive market momentum for hydrogen with 200+ projects announced globally – GW scale projects fast catching the pace as well
There has been a great buzz around entire H2 value chain projects across the globe with around 17 giga-scale production projects (i.e., >1 GW for renewable and over 200 thousand tons per annum of low-carbon hydrogen) already announced. Europe, Asia and Oceania are the leading regions comprising bulk of hydrogen value chain projects. With focus upon greener source of energy generation and reducing carbon emissions in transport projects it is quintessential to look H2 as a tenable alternative. 
Currently, of the total projects close to 55% are housed in Europe. However, the demand centers are spread well across not only in Europe but also in countries like that of Japan and South Korea. The focus for Asian countries lie upon the road transportation applications, green ammonia, LH2 & LOHC projects, while Europe seems to have championed multiple integrated hydrogen economy projects. The major driver has been the development in cross industry and policy co-operation from which India can draw a leaf in order to build an even environment for H2 development in the country.
Why green H2 is pegged as a game-changer in India?  
India has been no different when it comes to investments for H2 from the world in terms of sentiments to say the least. With companies like Reliance, Adani, IOCL and NTPC all geared up with ambitious green H2 plans, India certainly looks poised for a carbon free transition. Also, with National Hydrogen Mission the country aims to become the largest exporter and producer of green H2. Strategic collaborations, massive technological investments and ideal policy & regulatory interface for Indian firms is shaping the green H2 market in the country to acquire a fast pace by 2025. This shall be inline with projections that by 2050, 3/4th of all the hydrogen produced shall be green produced by renewable energy and electrolysis. 
For India, the scene shall be dominated by low-cost renewable projects like solar PV electrolysis or wind-based electrolysis could see the green hydrogen cost as low as $1.5/kg to $2.3/kg which shall increase the competitiveness by 2030, respectively. Thus, India shall be the destination next for global investments for green hydrogen projects.
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twnenglish · 2 years
Best Logistics Companies In India For eCommerce Businesses 2023
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Logistics companies manage, store, and move goods from manufacturer to consumer. It is a cost-effective way to move and store goods from producer to buyer.
Logistics firms are growing rapidly. By 2025, they will generate 30% of logistics revenue. E-commerce relies on India-based 3PLs.
They manage most online company shipping and logistics. Logistic partners manifest orders, create AWBs, pick up and deliver products. Companies can store things before and during delivery.
Indian logistics and supply chain providers will solve all your industry's transportation problems. Logistics businesses used responsiveness and competence to meet rising demand. Here are India's Top eCommerce Logistics Firms in 2023.
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You might discover it easier as your business expands to rely on many logistics suppliers or those that offer more specialised services, depending on the industry in which your firm operates. Understanding how to choose the best logistics provider for your business and who the leading supplier in India is is crucial. Your decision about a logistics partner could make or break your company's performance and rate of expansion.
So, it is always a good idea to be aware of who the company's main rivals are based on predetermined criteria. E-commerce logistics has developed into a vital link between businesses and customers in various parts of the nation. Over 100 million people in India utilise online stores, therefore eCommerce logistics companies need to step up and improve the range and calibre of services they offer.
Where possible, they must employ more cutting-edge technology and put customer satisfaction ahead of all other considerations. Stronger management systems must be implemented by businesses in order to handle unsuccessful deliveries, returned goods, and declining RTOs. With maintaining cheap prices and excellent client happiness, all of this is accomplished.
No matter the size of your e-commerce, you will need the assistance of an Indian eCommerce logistics company to provide services to your customers. According to the size of the logistics business, the services it delivers, and the resources it has, the top logistics businesses in India are mentioned below.
Indian Logistics Companies Overview
The number of logistics businesses has been growing and developing quickly. By 2025, they are projected to contribute an astounding 30% of the income in the logistics industry. E-commerce depends on Indian 3PL (3rd Party) logistics companies.
They manage the majority of shipping and logistics functions for online businesses. When an order is placed, logistics partners handle its manifestation, AWB (airway bills) generation, pick-up, and delivery to the customer. They may also be used by businesses to hold inventory both before and after processing orders.
As your company grows, you could find it more convenient to rely on a variety of logistics suppliers or ones that offer more specialised services, depending on your industry. Understanding the best logistics providers in India and how to select the right one for your company are therefore crucial. Your logistics partner could make or break your company, affecting how you develop and grow.
Because of this, it is always a good idea to be aware of the leading companies in the field. A powerful force that connects businesses on one side of the country with customers on the other is e-commerce logistics. eCommerce logistics companies have had to up their game and expand the quality and scope of their services given that over 100 million Indians shop online.
Wherever possible, they must use more cutting-edge technology, and they must put order fulfilment first. Also, businesses must have enhanced management practises for handling returned items, failed deliveries, and RTOs. keeping costs low and client satisfaction high.
2023's Top Logistics Companies In India For Online Stores
1. Blue Dart
Founded in 1983, has 275,000 employees worldwide and 12200 in India
A worldwide carrier, BlueDart has a huge network of resources both in India and beyond the globe. You can give customers the option to select their preferred delivery day and time using scheduled and slot-based delivery.
The Blue Dart API can also be used to request specialised services like delivering weather-resistant packaging or computerised, automatic proof-of-delivery updates. For delivery payments, they offer cash-on-delivery, online payment (both prepaid and postpaid), and a number of wallet options.
2. Delhivery
Founded in 2011 and employing more than 10,000 people
One of the biggest and most well-known logistics companies in India is called Delhivery. They oversee logistics for more than 7,500 Indian e-commerce businesses. They are well recognised for its on-demand delivery services, which include scheduled deliveries in addition to next-day and same-day delivery.
Delhivery also provides COD services, reverse logistics, and exchange logistics. They are prepared to handle a variety of goods, including hazardous, priceless, and bulky ones. The selection of the order, packaging, creation of the shipping labels, and delivery are all expedited by the Delhivery API connection.
3. FedEx
Was founded in 1971 and now employs 450000 people worldwide
Before extending its logistics services to eCommerce businesses, FedEx established a name for itself in the global market. FedEx is prepared to handle high-value commodities, large or lightweight goods, and even risky goods like dry ice and lithium batteries because to its qualified workforce and state-of-the-art transportation services. Also, they help with cross-border and intrastate customs clearance.
The FedEx API can be included into your business's systems to enable delivery to more than 200 countries across the world while keeping customers informed of the status of their orders in real time. The FedEx API description lists a number of wonderful features, such as returns management and expedited delivery. To understand how to connect FedEx with your current hardware and software, consult the FedEx API reference.
4. Ekart Logistics
Founded in 2009 and employing more than 500 people
Ekart started out as a Flipkart project and has now grown to offer logistical services to a variety of other eCommerce companies. They have become more well-known as a result of their affordable costs and quick delivery in some areas. In 13 sites across the country, same-day delivery is offered, and 50 locations nationwide offer next-day delivery.
E-commerce businesses can use the Ekart Tracking API to help them find complete logistical solutions. The Ekart Tracking API delivers real-time information on the whereabouts of all your items during their delivery route and enables automatic shipping label production.
This makes it possible for e-commerce businesses to determine the number of their delayed transactions, whether the SLA standards are being met, and much more. Ekart Logistics also aids in effective refunding and reverse logistics.
5. DHL
The corporation, which was founded in 1969, has 285,000 employees worldwide and 21,000 in India
Another well-known global logistics firm with a sizable presence in India is DHL. Due to their extensive distribution network, they can optimise supply chains and logistical options both domestically and internationally. Companies are familiar with DHL Logistics' warehouse services. They can minimise their environmental impact and eliminate waste during the distribution process thanks to its highly connected network.
Almost 800 fulfilment centres are operated by DHL globally. This suggests that regardless of where customers live, orders may be delivered to them more quickly than ever before. DHL supports online retailers in reducing logistics costs by choosing distribution centres and warehouses close to the client.
6. Ecom Express
 Founded in 2012 and employing roughly 36000 people
This reputable company provides comprehensive eCommerce logistics services to several significant online merchants. They offer additional protection and surveillance, making them a popular alternative for companies that deal with valuable goods like jewels.
Weekend and holiday hours are available at Ecom Express, which guarantees that orders for express delivery will be fulfilled 72 hours after manifesting. Similar to this, they offer doorstep QC (quality inspections) and a guarantee that the item will be returned within 72 hours when it comes to returned items and reverse logistics.
7. Shadowfax
Founded in 2015, with approximately 150000 employees
For hundreds of enterprises, both nationally and globally, Shadowfax coordinates logistics. They offer pickups from stores and warehouses in addition to in-transit storage for the first and last miles of delivery. Shadowfax provides hyperlocal and accelerated delivery options and is well renowned for its quick services.
Additionally, they provide cash-on-delivery (COD) services and accept cashless payments for doorstep deliveries.
8. XpressBees
Founded in 2015 and employing about 30000 people
In the logistics sector, XpressBees, which was established about the same time as Shadowfax, is still operational. To enhance delivery effectiveness, they have built over 100 distribution centres throughout India that collaborate with more than 2800 offices.
XpressBees provides expedited shipping for a variety of shipments and goods, including large items like machinery and prescription prescriptions. They can also help with cross-border delivery customs clearance.
GATI first entered the logistics sector in 1989, which was almost 40 years ago. Its corporate headquarters are in Mumbai. One of the first logistics companies in India, it provides service to more than 17,000 pin digits. You will also need to decide which of Gati's numerous packages you want to use if you choose them.
Different-priced bundles of several services are made available in order to appeal to various enterprises. Among the Gati services are express delivery, automated proof of delivery, scheduled and time-based delivery, delivery of heavyweight items, and specially designed weather-resistant packaging.
10. India Post
With 416083 employees worldwide and in India as of 1854, this company
India Post has played a vital role in providing global logistics services since 1854. Almost 100 countries are served by this government-run postal service in India. India Post has a long history of providing logistical support to specific clients.
However, with the growth of eCommerce, India Post has embraced the revolution in eCommerce logistics. As a well-known international carrier, India Post can help its clients navigate the import and export customs processes.
India Post is well-suited to carry heavyweight cargo like machinery, diamonds, and even HAZMAT like lithium batteries or dry ice because of the wide spectrum of industries it services, from medicines to aviation.
India Post is therefore a well-liked option for businesses that sell a smaller or more specialised range of goods. Your online store will be able to easily print shipping labels, show customers estimated arrival dates when they place orders, and help you handle refunds thanks to the India Post post office API.
11. DTDC
It provides services to 10,000+ customers throughout 17,500+ pin codes, with big eCommerce businesses making up 75% of its clientele. Customers have access to DTDC's storage, COD (cash-on-delivery), and other straightforward and adaptable payment alternatives.
For several orders at once, the DTDC Tracking API can offer real-time tracking updates. Additionally, it assists with managing Non-Delivery Reports (NDRs). Moreover, the DTDC API may offer thorough information on courier performance.
Express delivery, hyperlocal delivery, scheduled and slot-based delivery, same-day delivery, and next-day delivery are some of its popular quick delivery choices. The adaptability of DTDC is enhanced by its ability to transport a wider variety of goods, including big goods, high-value commodities, and even dangerous or risky materials (HAZMAT).
12. Dunzo
Well-known eCommerce companies like Titan EyePlus and Zhivame frequently choose it. Less than 3000 cities and more than 27,000 zip codes nationwide can receive deliveries.
The collect-on-delivery service allows customers to make a variety of payments at the time of delivery, including cash on delivery, demand draughts, and some forms of digital payment. For mid-to-heavyweight shipments, Dunzo offers higher levels of protection, as well as doorstep QC (quality inspections) for return orders.
You may begin by focusing on logistics companies offering express, scheduled, or hyperlocal delivery. Based on the prices charged, you may then further reduce the list. Establishing the details of how these unique quicker delivery services will be provided and at what rate in terms of service, ideally in the form of an SLA, is also crucial (service level agreement). 
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Open Ai case study (will Ai replace humans)
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*Form last few months people are talking about chat gpt but no one talking about "OpenAi" the company which made chat gpt*
After Open ai launch chat gpt, chat gpt crossed the mark of 1 million users in 5 days and 100 million at 2 month its very hard to cross thise numbers for an any other  company but Open Ai is not a like any other company it is one of game changer companies
How? You will get soon
One of the big company in the tech industry Microsoft itself invested $1billion in 2019 and On January 23, 2023, Microsoft announced a new multi-year, multi-billion doller investment in open Ai, reported to be $10 billion  . The investment is believed to be a part of Microsoft's efforts to integrate OpenAI's ChatGPT into the Bing search engine.
After thise announcement  launch of Chat gpt
even threaten the shark of the industry Google, Google is ruling this industry since 2 and half decades
But after the announcement of Microsoft
the monopoly of Google has been threaten by the direct competitor of the company
The CEO of Google sunder pichai even announced "code red" Whenever there is a major issue at Google, Google announcess"Code Red." In the company When you hear that at Google, it means "all hands on deck," thise is time to work hard
But thise is still the tip of the ice burg
Open Ai is making more project like chat gpt or better than that
*Point which I am going to cover in this post*
1.what is open ai?
2.active projects of open ai.
3.how open ai making revenue?
1.What is open ai ?
OpenAI is an American based AI research laboratory .OpenAI conducts AI research with the declared intention of promoting and developing a friendly AI. OpenAI systems run on an Azure-based supercomputing which provided by Microsoft.OpenAI was founded in 2015 by a group of high-profile figures in the tech industry, including Elon Musk,Sam Altman, Greg Brockman, Ilya Sutskever, John Schulman, and Wojciech Zaremba. Ya you heard right Elon Musk the man who says against Ai in his interviews and already invested $100million at open Ai in its initial days 
It's like saying smoking is injurious to health while smoking weed
However, Musk resigned from the board in 2018 but remained a donor
Musk in another tweet clarified that he has no control or ownership over OpenAI .
It's not because the "ai is dangerous" thing it becouse conflict between co founder and other reasons
The current CEO of Open ai is sam altman and current CTO of the company is Mira murati ya a one more Indian origin person who is running big tech company
The organization was founded with the goal of developing artificial intelligence technology that is safe and beneficial for humanity, and the founders committed $1 billion in funding to support the organization's research.
First of all you should understand that Open ai is not a company like others
It's doesn't start like others
No one made this company in their basement or something the story of open in not inspiring like others but it's valuable it's an example of
what's happens when the top tech giant's and top tech scientist create something together
2. Active projects of open ai
GPT-4: OpenAI's most recent language model, which is capable of generating human-like language and has been used for a wide range of applications, including chatbots, writing assistance, and even creative writing.
​DALL-E: a neural network capable of generating original images from textual descriptions, which has been used to create surreal and whimsical images.
CLIP: a neural network that can understand images and text together, and has been used for tasks such as image recognition, text classification, and zero-shot learning.
Robotics: OpenAI is also working on developing advanced robotics systems that can perform complex tasks in the physical world, such as manipulating objects and navigating environments.
Multi-agent AI: OpenAI is also exploring the field of multi-agent AI, which involves developing intelligent agents that can work together to achieve common goals. This has applications in fields such as game theory, economics, and social science
Developers can use the API of openAi to create apps for customer service, chatbots, and productivity, as well as tools for content creation, document searching, and more, with many providing great utility for businesses
We can Develop and deploy intelligent chatbots that can interact with customers, answer questions, and provide personalized recommendations based on user preferences.
3.how open ai making revenue ?
OpenAI is a research organization that develops artificial intelligence in a variety of fields, such as natural language processing, robotics, and deep learning. The organization is primarily funded by a combination of private investors, including Microsoft and Amazon Web Services, and research partnerships with various organizations.
OpenAI generates revenue through several means,
including: AI products and services: OpenAI offers a range of AI products and services to businesses and organizations, including language models, machine learning tools, and robotic systems.
Research partnerships: OpenAI collaborates with businesses, governments, and academic institutions on research projects and consultancies.
Licensing agreements: OpenAI licenses its technologies and patents to third-party companies and organizations, allowing them to use OpenAI's technology in their own products and services.
Investments: OpenAI has received significant investments from various companies and organizations, which have provided the organization with funds to support its research and development efforts
When the open ai started by Elon Musk and other founder in 2015 the open ai started as non profit organization
but right now open ai is not properly non profit organization
It has it's for-profit subsidiary corporation OpenAI Limited Partnership (OpenAI LP)
and it's non profit organization called OpenAI Incorporated (OpenAI Inc.)
If it's continuous like thise open ai will play good role in technology
but the main question is
Will Ai replace humans?
It is unlikely that AI will completely replace humans in the foreseeable future. While AI has made significant advances in recent years, there are still many areas where humans excel and where machines struggle to match human performance.
AI is particularly good at performing repetitive tasks and processing large amounts of data quickly, but it lacks the creativity, empathy, and emotional intelligence that humans possess. Additionally, AI is only as good as the data it is trained on, and biases in the data can lead to biased AI systems.
Furthermore, many jobs require human-to-human interaction, which AI cannot replicate. For example, jobs in healthcare, education, and social work require empathy, understanding, and interpersonal skills, which machines are not capable of.
Overall, it is more likely that AI will augment human abilities rather than replace them entirely. As AI technology continues to develop, we may see more and more tasks being automated, but there will always be a need for human oversight and decision-making.
But there is a chance that Ai will definitely replace you
If you did not upgrade your self
If you still in bottom of your company ai will definitely replace you and I am not just talking about company I am talking about overall in general aspects it might be artist,coder,writer, editor,content creator, labour, farmer's ect.
If you are not upgrade your self you will gona replaced by Ai and machine,s
So upgrade your self using ai and make your place in the upcoming world of Ai and machine
"Ai will never replace humans but the humans who use ai they replace humans who don't use Ai"
There is evil side of Ai also but if we can create Ai than we can also create things to deal with ai
It could be anything it could be regulation's or any terms and conditions
but the point is we can use Ai to do are thing
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r0hitdhiman · 2 years
Is it worth hiring a social media agency in Mumbai?
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No one can deny the influence of social media in today's digital environment. Indians use social media for an hour and a half on average. It is the ideal platform for connecting with the target market and developing a brand. Previously, brands published content on social networking platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter.
Social media has changed the game and is now the most effective instrument for expanding a company. You require the aid of professionals to develop a successful approach. It's time to hire a social media agency in Mumbai if you haven't already. But first, let's talk about social media marketing and Social Media Marketing Agencies.
What is social media marketing?
The term refers to utilising social media channels strategically to drive traffic, boost revenue, and establish a brand. An experienced team will publish material with careful preparation to boost interaction. Brands use social media advertising to broaden their audience and increase revenue by picking the attention of their target market. Paid advertising is a fantastic approach to getting more attention. Small businesses can, however, use free advertising techniques to increase traffic while keeping the cost of their marketing strategies within reason.
What are the techniques used for social media marketing?
A brand can use these insights to increase profitability and brand visibility. The most common techniques used for social media marketing strategies are:
Collaboration with influencers
Publishing viral content
Community development
Planning and data mining
Social engagement
Contests, polls, and surveys
Social analytics and reporting
What are the benefits of social media marketing?
Businesses of all sizes benefit from greater reach thanks to social media. The value of the digital marketing sector in India is estimated to be over INR 17,000 crore, with the number of internet users rising daily. As a result, a business has countless opportunities to flourish and be promoted on social media. Applying social media marketing tactics strategically and at the appropriate moment can be beneficial in a variety of ways, including:
Wider reach
A brand can invest in paid advertising on a social media agency platform to reach a broad audience, which is complicated with the aid of conventional advertising media.
Better customer service
A brand ensures they are always accessible to its clients while utilising the communication power of social media. Personalised responses and superior customer service attract delighted customers.
Increased conversions
A start-up can gain recognition by working with Mumbai's top social media agency. As a result, website traffic will increase, which will quickly result in higher conversion rates for new and small businesses.
Compared to traditional advertising, social media marketing is more affordable for connecting with the audience and boosting sales. A low-cost approach might be to hire a company to execute the process since creating a social media profile is free. You can employ paid advertisements or unpaid strategies to enhance visibility and drive sales, depending on your budget.
Where to Find Social Media Agencies?
I have found the best place where countless agencies are listed, helping to save time and choose from the list of social media agencies in Mumbai & according to your region only on Agencynetwork.org.
As a consolidator of agencies, Agency Network provides IT services to its clients across six countries (India, Canada, UK, Australia, USA, and UAE).
So, on Agency Network, you can look out for 
Digital marketing agencies 
Advertising agencies
Creative agencies
Films and video agencies  
Software development agencies 
and many other IT-related service companies/agencies
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