#indian afternoon routine
wynnyfryd · 8 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 48
part 1 | part 47 | ao3
cw: mentions of smoking/sexual activity
Chapter 11
For two and a half months, Steve’s life goes perfectly. He didn’t realize how far into a pit he’d fallen until Eddie showed up to help Robin and the kids lift him out, but the difference is jarring. Golden hour sunlight after catching a matinée.
Steve spends two months blinking.
He sloughs off his sadness like a snake shedding skin; spends the winter getting back to being Steve, restocks his favorite hair products and restarts his fitness routines — morning runs through the woods, afternoon pick-up games with Lucas and some of his teammates when the weather doesn’t suck. Weightlifting in the evenings because Eddie says he likes how Steve’s arms look when they get a little big, says it’s more fun to pin him down when he knows it’s just for show.
And he tries new things, too, just because Eddie likes them or because the kids think they're cool. He reads a Vonnegut novel. He eats Indian curry. He even learns a song on guitar.
...Sort of.
(Actually, that whole thing goes pretty horribly and takes for-fucking-ever. Eddie spends an afternoon patiently encouraging him and doing his best not to tease while Steve clumsily moves through a beginner chord progression, and then breaks down wheezing when, after the sixth attempt with no improvement, Steve puts the guitar down in a huff and threatens to demote his pinky finger from his hand if it doesn't start cooperating. Eddie laughs so hard he tips face-first into Steve's crotch, and it takes them a sticky-spitty-sweaty half hour to get back to the lesson.)
Anyway, he likes the way their lives entangle. As easy as weaving his hands through Eddie’s hair.
He gets invited to band practice; he sits in on D&D. Sometimes he watches sports with Wayne when he's got a day off, then he heads out with Eddie for long joyrides through the countryside.
Eddie blasts his metal music when they get out to the backroads, and he talks too loudly over the bass and laughs even louder and rants about nothing and smokes cigarettes while he headbangs to his favorite guitar solos — almost lights his hair on fire on more than one occasion, fucking dumbass — and he does this silly, lewd shit that makes Steve's chest just ache. Makes it clench around the word that's been burning a hole in his tongue since New Year's Eve. Eddie wags his brows and palms himself through his jeans and asks if Steve wants to take another joyride when they get home, and Steve thinks:
God, I love you.
I love you.
How could I not love you?
And really, how could he not? And how much longer can he keep not telling him so? When it feels like the word is going to burst out of his chest Alien-style any second.
When it feels like Eddie's the reason he even has a home to get to.
Slowly — so slowly, hours spent thrifting and bartering and keeping an eye out for free stuff left out on the curb, even more hours sanding and painting and caulking and sweating to death between trips to the hardware store — they redo Steve's whole trailer. Floor to ceiling, wall to wall, they exorcise the haunted tin can. They make it his; they make it theirs.
Eddie injects life into every inch of the space, fills it with weird art and funky lamps and a big, comfy leather couch that he likes to bend Steve over. Comes inside him in every room when they get done working on it as a reward; gasps in Steve's ear about how he always wants to be inside him: in his home, in his body, nestled deep inside his heart. "Keep me right here, baby," he breathes as he fucks Steve against a wall, his left hand gripping Steve's chest while he fills him from behind.
It’s perfect.
It's perfect.
Everything is beautiful and nothing hurts unless Steve asks.
And then, because this godforsaken town and everyone in it are fucking cursed, one day it isn’t anymore.
part 49
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 11 months
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"INDIANS BAN MOUNTIES FROM THEIR FALL FAIR," Toronto Star. October 16, 1933. Page 1. --- Detachment of Three Officers to Present Themselves at Moraviantown ---- Special to The Star London, Ont.. Oct. 16. - Word comes from Moraviantown that the Indians are in defiant insurrection against the Royal Canadian Mounted police. This afternoon the Indian fair opened there for a four-day show and nailed to the masthead is a formally adopted resolution in which President Emmerson Snake and his fellow directors declare the place closed to the "Mounties."
Inasmuch as one of the routine duties of the police is to visit and supervise all Indian fairs, including Moraviantown, a detachment of three officers will present themselves this afternoon and if necessary storm the bulwarks.
The trouble is an aftermath of last week's investigation of charges against the Indian agent
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tortoisebore · 1 year
What would a lazy domestic Sunday be for Sirius and Remus?
LOVEEEE domestic sundays eeeeeeee
so each day of the weekend has a very particular purpose & they do not deviate from said purposes. like if something about this routine changes it's bc someone died or the world shifted a degree off its axis
saturdays are for brunches and grocery shopping and maybe the farmers market if they're feeling particularly grown up and willing to mingle with the old, weird jam guy. perhaps a stop for afternoon coffee and a stroll through the park or running those errands they've been putting off all week. there's usually some kind of get-together with friends in the evenings, either for late dinner or out to bar hop or the club if everyone's feeling up to it (aka if sirius can pout enough to convince remus to come)
but sundays are strictly at-home days. like they do not leave the house on sundays.
remus usually wakes up before sirius but he lets him sleep as long as he wants and either dozes or reads until he wakes up. obviously they're nearly instantly having a nice little fuck bc sleepy morning sex is top tier, then they're either showering together or splitting off for a minute if remus needs coffee immediately
they'll do some kind of homemade brunch moment that consists exclusively of either cereal or a three-course, intricate dining experience on the days sirius is feeling ambitious and doesn't wake up starving. some sundays remus will come into the kitchen to find every single counter covered with dishes and flour and fruits he doesn't even recognize and he's all "baby can we please just make pancakes" and sirius is all "food should be an experience remus, god, there's more to life than just whatever's fast and easy and convenient, you know" and then remus goes "you've gone through two boxes of fruity pebbles in the last week" and then he's banned from the kitchen until further notice
after breakfast/brunch they'll choose some records to play and do a little tidy of the house, finish all the dishes & sweep up whatever messes they've been putting off all week, do a few trips to the basement laundry & organize the closet bc it's always a disaster by the weekends, what with both of them rushing off to work in the mornings.
after that it's veg time, so they'll either catch up on whatever show they're currently watching or remus will cut off to read or work while sirius naps or watches a movie. they'll reconvene for dinner bc sundays are takeout days, so they'll sift through their drawer of menus from all their favorite local places and usually settle on either thai or indian, but they've been becoming increasingly obsessed with this new moroccan place a few blocks over and order from there at least twice a month.
after dinner it's show/movie time. around oscars season they both become insufferable and insist on watching every film nominated in every single category and spend weeks and weeks making their combined list of anticipated winners in all categories. they're both self-proclaimed film buffs and everyone makes fun of them for it bc they debate about cinematography and screenplays despite having absolutely zero relevant knowledge to form any kind of educated opinion about either
after movie time they're most likely fucking on the couch, maybe they'll be ambitious and take it to the kitchen under the guise of post-movie snacks or the shower if they want to be productive and keep the mess to a minimum
remus is normally ready to call it quits around 10:30 and heads off to bed with a book he most likely won't get even two pages into before falling asleep. sirius will either have a bit of alone time for a while or just be like "eh, might as well" and go to bed with him. they'll have a cute little tooth brushing moment and then sirius will steal whatever sweater or hoodie of remus' is closest before going to bed.
and remus doesn't get it bc he does it even in the summer, when their room gets a little too hot for comfort. the first summer they lived together he was like "baby you're going to be way too hot in that" bc sirius came to bed drowning in remus' big green wool sweater. and sirius was all "what do u mean" and remus goes "its like 85 degrees out and our AC is shit and you're wearing wool" but sirius is stubborn and he's all "okay and??? 😠" and remus is like "ugh he's going to wake me up in the middle of the night bc he's going to get too hot and have to wrestle that thing off."
but then he wakes up the next morning and not only is sirius still wearing the sweater, but he's also burrowing into remus' side and the sleeves of the sweater are pulled down over his hands like he's cold, which should be impossible. and remus is so hot he's ab to start sweating bc it's sweltering in their room and sirius is plastered to him like an evil little furnace but he'd rather cut off his own arm than tell sirius they can't cuddle in the summer (mostly because he likes it, but also bc he likes his eyebrows on his face and he's not convinced sirius wouldn't enact revenge with a razor while he was asleep)
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bywons · 3 months
hii can i know your daily routine from morning to night. i also want to know how you manage writing and how you manage your tumblr. i want to know what major you study. i want to know because i am new to tumblr and managing time is hard for me. if you feel this ask uncomfy, you can ignore me.
afraid you asked the wrong person for this cuz my daily ( mostly evening & night ) routine is VERY different from each other throughout the whole week because of my tuition classes/study schedule TT but no probs, i'll try to give u my routine in the best way possible ^^
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6:00 — 6:30 am : wake up time boooo. although this time varies during exam season or when i pull an all nighter/ sleep late cuz i was watching a series, this is the usual time i wake up, or at least try to every single day ><
6:30 — 7:30 am : brushing teeth/skincare etc + morning workout & pilates. i usually try to do the first part is lesser time so that i have more time to workout & stretch ^^
7:30 — 8:05 am : break/creativity period. here i give myself a 35 minute break for relaxation or checking social media / practicing my italian lessons ( im vv beginner >< ) or draw or write short essays/poems or plan out my day which is the MAIN task i usually do
8:05 — 9:05 am ( 30 min gap 4 chai + breakfast break ) , 9:35 — 10:35 am, 10:35 — 11:45 am, 12:05 — 1:05 pm : with breaks, these timing are for my studying, and i follow my study routine for the day >< [ WHEN I DON'T ATTEND SCHOOL ]
1:05 — 3:15 pm : shower + lunch >< [ WHEN I DON'T ATTEND SCHOOL, i return at 3pm from skl ]
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3:15 — 5:00 pm : relaxing & writing for blr/watching shows ( or i sleep TT ) >< ONLY IF i don't have tuitions, when i do, i head out for them around 4:30 — 5:00 pm according to the timing of my classes.
(after break 4 evening snacks/chai) 5:30 — 6:30 pm, 6:30 — 8:30 pm, 9:00 — 10:00 pm, with breaks again, i follow my study schedule ><
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10:00 — 10:30 pm : have dinner
10:30 — 11:00 pm : ghost around my home / free time TT
within 11:30ishpm : finish skincare,brushing, and take my meds
after that o clock : 😴 but if i pull an all nighter or watch a series with my mum that's another story lol
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well i'm still in school so i don't have any major, but we indian students are given to choose between 3 streams — science, commerce & humanities. as for me i am a science student ^^ i have bio, chem, phy, maths, psych, eng !!!
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again, a hard question to the wrong person cuz my schedule is not constant TT but as u can see there are breaks between my study sessions! i tend to manage my time and do stuff between those breaks, and when life gets too hectic, i take hour long breaks and write for blr! keep in mind, that you NEED TO BALANCE life & social media. find the right time for each of your important sectors like studies, work, hobbies & schedule them out equally! that also doesn't mean you have to follow them blindly, make sure to take breaks, do things that you enjoy & love life & most importantly, your precious self ^^ MWAH. hope i helped ya <333
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pleistocene-pride · 6 months
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Chrysiridia rhipheus better known as the adriandolo, the lolonandriana, or the Madagascan sunset moth, is a species of moth of the family Uraniidae which is endemic to Madagascar. Here these sunset moths are found throughout the majority of the island with the exception of the southern deserts, with adults routinely migrating in the thousands between groves of there host plants: shrubs and trees in the genus Omphalea. Adult moths are also attracted to white and yellow flowers to feed on there nectar, particularly the flowers of the common mango, loquat, Sydney blue gum, Indian almond, Cussonia, and tea tree. Unlike most moths, the sunset moth is day flying utilizing the sunlight to showcase its bright aposematic colors to warn predators of its toxicity. At night they roost in large groups in the canopy some 300ft (100m) off the ground. With a wingspan reaching some 2.8 to 4.3 inches (7 to 11cms) in length, the sunset moth is black in coloration with iridescent red, blue and green markings. There is a fringe of white scales on the wing edges, wider on the hindwings with these wings sporting 6 distinct tails. Breeding occurs year round, with females laying some 60 to 110 eggs late in the afternoon or at nightfall on there host plants. After 3 to 4 days the eggs hatch and the larvae begin to feed upon the host plant. The caterpillars are whitish yellow with black spots and red feet and are covered in club-ended black setae. They are selective at first only eating parts of the leaves to avoid the plants toxic latex. But after 3 to 4 days of growth they begin to also eat the flowers, fruit, tendrils, petioles and young stems as they begin to incorporate the toxins into there body and create silk to deal with excess latex, said silk enable them to stick to and climb various surfaces. After spending 2 to 3 months as a caterpillar the larvae then spins a cocoon out of silk, where they will spend 17 to 23 days as a chrysalis before emerging as an adult.
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mariacallous · 2 years
On the afternoon of February 14, Junaid Khan, 32, and his nephew Nasir Khan, 25, left their small village of Ghatmeeka in India’s northwestern state of Rajasthan to attend a family function. They didn’t come back.
“When they didn’t return the same night, we got worried,” says Arshad Khan, 44, Junaid’s brother-in-law. “Their phones were switched off as well. We searched for them the whole day.”
Two days later, the men’s bodies were found inside a burned-out vehicle in the village of Loharu, around 240 kilometers away in the neighboring state of Haryana. On their way home after midnight, members of a far-right extremist group had allegedly abducted, tortured, and killed the men, who are Muslims, on suspicion of smuggling cows—animals that are considered sacred by Hindus. Consuming beef and transporting cattle is not illegal, but several states have passed restrictive laws over the past few years, essentially criminalizing a profession that is dominated by Muslims.
“Why did they have to be killed? What was their fault?” Khan says. “Who will look after their poor families now?”
Among the group suspected by police of murdering Junaid and Nasir is 28-year-old Monu Manesar, a high-profile YouTuber who has built a huge following online with his videos of cow vigilantism. Manesar, who is reportedly now on the run, is one of a large ecosystem of sectarian influencers on Indian social media who have benefited from the country’s nationalistic turn under Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Human rights advocates say that their content—which is prevalent across Western-owned platforms—is exacerbating social division, and even leading to vigilante attacks on religious minorities.
“We have laws against hate speech that are being used selectively,” Aakar Patel, chair of Amnesty International India says. “Hate speech is allowed both by the government and the social media companies.”
In an email statement, YouTube spokesperson Jack Malon says that YouTube has suspended monetization on Manesar’s channel for violating its creator responsibility policy. “We also removed 9 videos from the channel in question for violating our harassment policies,” he said.
For the past five years, Manesar—a leading member of the Bajrang Dal, a far-right Hindu group—has been part of a team of cow vigilantes along the Rajasthan-Haryana border, and has uploaded videos of their attacks, predominantly on Muslims, to YouTube. His posts often begin with a car chase in the dark and end with group members posing with a cow they have “rescued.”
Manesar and his group have made no secret of the violence they subject their victims to. In June 2016, he was one of a number of people who appeared in a video in which two Muslim men were stopped in Badarpur border, South East Delhi, and forced to eat a concoction of cow dung, urine, milk, and curd. The men had been accused of smuggling beef. The video went viral on Twitter.
In one of his videos on YouTube, Manesar's team is even seen shooting at a truck driven by someone they accuse of being a cow smuggler, in an attempt to deflate its tires. 
In January this year, Manesar and his team caught three Muslim men they accused of being cow smugglers. They livestreamed on Facebook as they interrogated the men. One of the men, 22-year-old Waaris Khan, died from internal injuries the same day. His family says he was lynched, but police say he died in an accident. The Facebook Live video has since been deleted.
Manesar also has posted routinely on Instagram—where he has 42,000 followers—including images of people he’s alleged to be cow smugglers, often visibly injured. In April 2022, he posted a video on his Instagram account showing a group of men assaulting a Muslim scrap picker with sticks. The caption reads, “These are the scrap-pickers that throw stones at our soldiers and Hindutva supporters.”
Meta did not respond to a request for comment.
Khan said that people in his region are aware of Manesar’s social media. “It is supposed to send a message to us,” he says.
In October 2022, YouTube awarded Manesar a silver play button for crossing 100,000 followers. YouTube’s literature says that Creator Awards are not automatically given when subscriber targets are hit, but are granted at the discretion of the company, which reviews channels before handing out the rewards. YouTube did not respond to a request for comment on Manesar’s award.
Comments under Manesar’s videos are mostly adulatory, thanking him and his team for his “service.” He has also had official endorsements. He’s posted pictures of himself with police officers and bureaucrats. In October 2021, Haryana police included him in a special task force to prevent cow smuggling. Three huge rallies were organized by right-wing organizations on February 19, 21, and 22.
On February 24, thousands of people took to the street in Rajasthan and Haryana to demand justice for Junaid and Nasir Khan. The police filed a complaint against more than 500 people for blocking the highway and suspended internet service in the district for three days, citing the possibility of communal tension.
Human rights groups say that sectarianism has flourished in the political environment created by Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party. The party has routinely equated national and religious identities, accusing people who criticize its politics of being anti-Hindu, while itself being accused of promoting hate speech against Muslims. In January, the government forced social media platforms to block clips of a controversial BBC documentary about Modi’s alleged involvement in intercommunal violence in 2002.
The government has banned hundreds of YouTube channels for spreading “fake news” or promoting “anti-Indian views.” But at the same time, there has been a proliferation of channels that broadcast extreme nationalist rhetoric.
In June 2022, a report by the NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights found that sectarian content was widespread in India. “The most troubling abuse of YouTube in India involves the targeting of Muslims by backers of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party and other right-leaning Hindu nationalist groups.” The report concluded. “Religious intolerance long predated the arrival of YouTube in India, but widespread social media use has intensified the hostility.”
In December 2022, an investigation by The Caravan found dozens of Hindu nationalist YouTube channels that were broadcasting extremist content, with viewing figures in the hundreds of millions. Senior BJP leaders had been interviewed on some of the channels, which were “rapidly out-performing mainstream news channels in terms of their reach.”
Amnesty International’s Patel says that the proliferation is partly due to the growth of the platforms and the number of people now using them, “and partly because of the fact that hate speech has been condoned. If you make heroes out of people who abuse minorities and are violent, you will encourage more people to follow that path.”
Some nationalist and sectarian YouTubers have built massive followings, including Vikas Pathak, who had more than 800,000 followers on his Hindustani Bhau channel before it was suspended in 2020, after he posted a video in which he threatened to sexually assault a YouTuber from Pakistan. Days after his suspension, he managed to start another channel, which has 83,000 subscribers. He also has 2.2 million followers on Instagram.
Prem Krishnavanshi, a YouTuber from Uttar Pradesh with just over 87,000 subscribers, has built a career on pop songs aimed toward supporters of Hindutva, or Hindu nationalism. The lyrics of one of Krishnavanshi’s songs, released in 2019, roughly translates to, “You are not humans, you are butchers. Enough of Hindu-Muslim brotherhood.”
“The anti-Muslim online hate industry is booming and the companies are benefiting from it,” says Alishan Jafri, co-author of the Caravan report.
Malon, the YouTube spokesperson, says that the company removed more than 156,000 videos in the third quarter of 2022 for violating hate speech policies.
“Beyond removing harmful content, we also leverage our recommendations system and monetization tools, to promote a healthy ecosystem,” the statement read. “YouTube has always had clear community guidelines that outline what is allowed on the platform and we remove flagged videos and comments that violate our policies. These policies are global, meaning we apply them consistently to all creators on the platform, regardless of their background, political viewpoint, position or affiliation.”
Malon also says that creators can be penalized for abuse or violence that occurs off its platform.
As of February 28, Manesar’s YouTube channel was still active. He has added about 7,000 subscribers since the Khans’ deaths. 
India is YouTube’s largest market, with 467 million users—nearly twice as many as the US. 
Prateek Waghre, the policy director of the Internet Freedom Foundation, a digital rights group, says that YouTube’s recommendation algorithms may be partially to blame for the spread of this sectarian content. “YouTube has not been particularly open about its recommender system,” he says. “But the algorithm typically prioritizes engagement. If you watch a certain type of content, it will look to feed a similar type of content.”
Waghre says that detecting hate speech is complex in India, where people often switch between languages. But, he says, social media companies tend to be slow to react when alerted to potentially dangerous content. “Even inaction is a form of action,” he says. “Until it becomes a significant PR crisis, they tend not to take action. Sadly, this is consistent behavior across platforms. These companies need to think about how they perceive their neutrality.”
But Waghre also says he suspects that social media companies are nervous about going after nationalist figures, in case a backlash threatens their business interests. “If you take action against a popular right-wing figure, there is a good chance you might be targeted in some way or the other,” he says.
Patel says that more violence is inevitable as hate speech continues to spread, online and offline. “I am 53 years old,” he says. “I have not seen tensions running so high permanently through the country.”
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stevejhones6801 · 12 days
Discover the Benefits of a Yoga Retreat in France with Indian Classic Yoga
A yoga retreat is a special vacation where people go to relax, exercise, and focus on their health. It usually takes place in a peaceful location, far from the noise and stress of daily life. During the retreat, participants do yoga, meditate, eat healthy food, and sometimes go on nature walks. It’s a time to recharge the mind and body. Many people find that attending a yoga retreat helps them disconnect from the pressures of modern life. It allows them to focus solely on their well-being. Whether you’re looking for relaxation or self-reflection, a retreat is the perfect way to unwind.
Why Choose France for a Yoga Retreat?
France is famous for its beautiful countryside, delicious food, and rich culture. These are just some of the reasons why people love visiting France. Imagine doing yoga while enjoying the fresh air, green fields, and quiet villages. The combination of yoga and the French landscape creates a perfect setting for relaxation and self-discovery. Whether it's the sunny beaches or the serene countryside, France offers many ideal spots for a peaceful retreat. The beauty of France enhances the entire experience. The country’s charm provides an unforgettable backdrop for your wellness journey.
Indian Classic Yoga: Bringing Yoga to France
Indian Classic Yoga is a company that focuses on offering authentic yoga experiences. They believe that yoga is more than just exercise; it's a way to improve your life. Indian Classic Yoga organizes retreats in France that are designed for beginners and experienced yogis alike. Their teachers are highly skilled and guide participants through yoga sessions that help them relax, stretch, and feel better. The company is dedicated to preserving the true essence of yoga, ensuring participants get both physical and mental benefits. They offer a holistic approach to well-being. With Indian Classic Yoga, your retreat is a true journey toward self-improvement.
The Benefits of Attending a Yoga Retreat in France
Yoga retreat in France is an excellent opportunity for people to connect with nature and themselves. You can spend your days practicing yoga and meditation in scenic locations. The retreat also offers a chance to meet new people who share the same interests. Whether you're looking for inner peace or just a break from your busy routine, this retreat can provide that and more. Beyond yoga, the environment and the activities included in the retreat make it a well-rounded experience for personal growth. It’s a chance to reset and refocus. By the end of the retreat, you’ll feel renewed, both physically and mentally.
What to Expect at a Yoga Retreat?
At a yoga retreat, you will usually start your day with a morning yoga session. Afterward, there may be workshops on mindfulness or personal growth. The afternoons often include free time to explore the local area, read, or rest. In the evenings, another yoga session or meditation will help calm your mind before bed. Meals are typically healthy and vegetarian, giving your body the energy it needs to feel refreshed. Many retreats also provide personalized guidance for participants, helping them get the most out of each yoga session. It's a complete package for wellness. Each day is designed to promote balance between activity and relaxation.
Enjoy the Culture Alongside Yoga
One of the best parts about a yoga retreat in France is the opportunity to experience French culture. Indian Classic Yoga offers trips to local markets, visits to nearby towns, and even cooking classes where you can learn how to make healthy French dishes. This blend of yoga and culture makes the retreat even more special. Experiencing the art, cuisine, and history of France while deepening your yoga practice adds an extra layer of enjoyment. You get to embrace both the spiritual side of yoga and the cultural charm of France. The cultural immersion will leave you with wonderful memories to treasure.
Why a Yoga Retreat in France Is Worth It?
Choosing to go on a yoga retreat in France means investing in yourself. This retreat will help you return to your regular life feeling rejuvenated, calm, and focused. You will learn more about yoga and how it can positively impact your daily routine. Plus, you’ll have wonderful memories of your time in France to carry with you. The physical and mental relaxation you’ll experience at the retreat can have lasting benefits in your everyday life. It’s a unique opportunity to grow, both inside and out. The lessons learned during the retreat can positively influence the rest of your life.
How to Join Indian Classic Yoga’s Next Retreat?
If you’re interested in joining a yoga retreat, Indian Classic Yoga makes it easy. You can find more information about upcoming retreats on their website, where they provide details about dates, locations, and prices. Don’t miss the chance to experience the beauty of France while improving your mind, body, and soul through yoga. Taking the step to join this retreat could be the start of a transformative journey for you. You’ll leave the retreat with new skills, memories, and a refreshed spirit. This is your chance to combine self-care with the beauty of French landscapes, all guided by expert yoga instructors.
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freshvilletea · 19 days
Spice Up Your Day with Fresh Ville Kadak Masala Tea
Fresh Ville Kadak Masala Tea is a bold and flavorful blend that brings together the warmth of traditional Indian spices with the strength of black tea. This rich tea is perfect for those who enjoy a robust, spicy drink. Enjoy it in the morning to kickstart your day or as an afternoon pick-me-up. Fresh Ville Kadak Masala Tea not only energizes but also supports digestion, making it a delightful addition to your daily routine.
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guranshsingh · 28 days
Arena of Debate, By Guransh Singh
In the arena of words, we stand tall, Voices echo, hearts exhale. Arguments clash, like waves on the shore, Each point a battle, each rebuttal a roar! Sleepless nights, thoughts jumbled, Seeking truth, in the debater’s mind. Victory sweet, yet scared, In every loss, a tear falls!
Hi Readers,
You would not usually find me writing about my debates, but these debates are special! Let me take you on a journey through the most challenging Debate Tournament I have ever experienced.
It was a regular Tuesday afternoon. I was sitting in my favorite corner of the library, surrounded by stacks of books and the comforting hum of silence. My phone buzzed with a new email notification. I opened it, expecting another routine message. Little did I know, this email would change everything.
“Congratulations! You have been invited to participate in the Indian Premier League Debate Tournament.”
I took it in normal, not fully aware of the magnitude of this invitation. After all, I had participated in numerous debates before. What could be so different about this one?
You might wonder, what is so special about this tournament? After all, WSC, WSDC, and MUNs are way tougher and have participants from across the world. I have participated in various international and national competitions, but in India, if you are not a native, Indian debaters are very aggressive to win. Everyone aims for the first spot. Schools pressurize them to mold better debaters, and this might work. India is always in the Top 10 Countries despite the fact we are not native to English.
Teams for debaters are not chosen; they are made. I could have anyone chosen by my mentor. I happened to have two members who were not good debaters.
Day 1: The Struggle
Day 1 was the worst. We did not perform well, and the results were to be announced the next day. The tension was palpable. My teammates were nervous, and I could see the fear in their eyes.
Day 2: The Downfall
Day 2 went bad as well. It was a good two days for me, but not for the team. We struggled, we fought, but it seemed like the odds were against us.
Day 3: The Heartbreak
When Day 3 arrived, we were all tense. The results will be anounced today! Pakced in suits we enterd the hall,
The anouncer begain!
“Ladies and Gentleman Please settle down we are starting with qualifications,
Teams “Vivaad Ke Baazigar” has sadly not made it to Day 3
DinDoniaters have made it to day Now after the 35 teams which have qualified, We will share the best speaker standings. We have Guransh Singh as the Best Speaker for the first 3 Days, Ratings will change after the tournamnet is over!”
Everyone was sad. It was their first tournament, and I was a senior to them seeing them cry was disapointing.
Yet, amidst the disappointment, I received the Best Speaker award in the tournament.
To cheer up with a silly joke, I began
“Winning isn’t everything. It’s the journey, the effort, and the bond we create that matters. You all did your best, and that’s what counts.”
One of my teammates, with tears in her eyes, replied, “Thank you for believing in us. This experience has taught us so much.”
We ate the cupcakes my teammates bough with pure joy!
All my debates ended like this, with lessons learned and bonds strengthened.
Thank you for reading. This journey was more than just a competition; it was a testament to resilience, teamwork, and the spirit of never giving up.
I hope this story resonates with you. Have you ever faced a similar challenge? How did you overcome it?
By Guransh Singh
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physicalhealth · 2 months
Discovering Yanam Beach and the Statue of Dupleix in Pondicherry
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Nestled on the southeastern coast of India, Pondicherry, now known as Puducherry, is a charming town that seamlessly blends French colonial heritage with traditional Indian culture. Among its many attractions, Yanam Beach and the Statue of Dupleix stand out as must-visit spots, offering visitors a unique glimpse into the town’s historical and cultural richness.
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Yanam Beach: A Coastal Gem
Yanam Beach, situated in the Yanam district of Puducherry, is a picturesque and serene beach that provides a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. Known for its tranquil ambiance, clean shores, and gentle waves, Yanam Beach is an ideal destination for those seeking relaxation and natural beauty.
The Scenic Beauty of Yanam Beach
Upon arriving at Yanam Beach, visitors are greeted by a vast expanse of golden sand, stretching as far as the eye can see. The beach is lined with swaying palm trees, providing ample shade and enhancing the scenic beauty of the area. The gentle waves of the Bay of Bengal lap against the shore, creating a soothing soundtrack that complements the peaceful environment.
One of the most striking features of Yanam Beach is its cleanliness. The local authorities and community take great pride in maintaining the pristine condition of the beach, making it a pleasant spot for tourists and locals alike. The clear waters and unpolluted sands make it a perfect place for sunbathing, beachcombing, or simply enjoying a leisurely stroll along the shoreline.
Activities at Yanam Beach
While Yanam Beach is a haven for relaxation, it also offers various activities for those seeking a bit of adventure. The calm waters are ideal for swimming, and the beach’s gentle slope makes it safe for visitors of all ages. For those interested in water sports, kayaking and paddleboarding are popular options, allowing visitors to explore the coastline from a different perspective.
In addition to water-based activities, Yanam Beach is also a great spot for birdwatching. The surrounding area is home to a variety of bird species, making it a paradise for ornithologists and nature enthusiasts. Early morning and late afternoon are the best times to spot these feathered inhabitants as they go about their daily routines.
The Statue of Dupleix: A Tribute to Colonial History
A short distance from Yanam Beach, the Statue of Dupleix stands as a prominent landmark and a significant historical monument. This statue is dedicated to Joseph François Dupleix, a French governor who played a crucial role in the history of Pondicherry during the 18th century.
Historical Significance
Joseph François Dupleix was appointed as the Governor-General of French India in 1742. Under his leadership, Pondicherry flourished as a major trading center and a stronghold of French colonial power in India. Dupleix was known for his diplomatic and military skills, which helped expand French influence in the region.
The Statue of Dupleix was erected in 1870 to honor his contributions and legacy. It is a reminder of the town’s colonial past and the lasting impact of French rule on its culture and architecture. The statue stands tall at Place du Panthéon, now known as Goubert Avenue, overlooking the scenic promenade and the azure waters of the Bay of Bengal.
Architectural Details
The statue itself is an impressive work of art, crafted with meticulous attention to detail. Made of bronze, it depicts Dupleix in his military uniform, symbolizing his role as a leader and protector of French interests in India. The pedestal on which the statue stands is adorned with intricate carvings, adding to its grandeur and historical significance.
Surrounding the statue is a beautifully landscaped garden, providing a serene setting for visitors to relax and reflect on the historical importance of the monument. The garden is well-maintained, with lush greenery and colorful flowers creating a picturesque backdrop for the statue.
Visiting Yanam Beach and the Statue of Dupleix
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For those planning a trip to Pondicherry, visiting Yanam Beach and the Statue of Dupleix should be at the top of the itinerary. Both sites offer unique experiences that showcase the town’s natural beauty and historical heritage.
Getting There
Yanam Beach is easily accessible from the main town of Pondicherry. It is located approximately 30 kilometers north of the town center, and visitors can reach the beach by car or taxi. The drive to Yanam Beach is scenic, with views of the coastline and lush landscapes along the way.
The Statue of Dupleix is located in the heart of Pondicherry, along Goubert Avenue. It is a prominent landmark that is hard to miss, situated near the beach promenade. Visitors can reach the statue by foot, bicycle, or auto-rickshaw from various parts of the town.
Best Time to Visit
The best time to visit Yanam Beach and the Statue of Dupleix is during the winter months, from November to February, when the weather is pleasant and ideal for outdoor activities. The cool breeze and moderate temperatures make it a perfect time to explore the beach and enjoy the historical sites without the discomfort of heat and humidity.
Pondicherry, with its blend of French and Indian cultures, offers a unique travel experience that is both enriching and relaxing. Yanam Beach and the Statue of Dupleix are two gems that highlight the town’s natural beauty and historical significance. Whether you are looking to unwind on a serene beach or delve into the colonial history of the region, these attractions provide a perfect balance of both. So, pack your bags and set out to explore the enchanting town of Pondicherry, where every corner has a story to tell and a beauty to behold.
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sarabherbs · 2 months
The Marvelous Makardhwaj Plant: Unveiling Its Secrets for Health and Wellness
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Makardhwaj, a revered name in traditional Ayurvedic medicine, is known for its potent therapeutic properties and holistic benefits. This remarkable plant has been used for centuries to enhance vitality and support overall well-being. In this blog, we will delve into the fascinating world of Makardhwaj, exploring its history, benefits, and how it can be incorporated into your daily routine for optimal health. We'll also highlight how SarabHerbs®, a leading provider of herbal supplements, offers premium products harnessing the power of Makardhwaj.
A Glimpse into the History of Makardhwaj
Makardhwaj is named after the legendary Indian alchemist and physician Makardhwaja, who is credited with discovering its powerful effects. Traditionally, Makardhwaj has been used as a rejuvenating tonic, known for boosting energy, enhancing mental clarity, and promoting longevity. It holds a significant place in Ayurvedic practices due to its adaptogenic and aphrodisiac properties.
The Nutritional Profile of Makardhwaj
Makardhwaj is packed with essential nutrients that make it a valuable addition to any health regimen. Rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, this plant supports various bodily functions. Key nutrients found in Makardhwaj include:
Vitamins: A, B-complex, C, and E
Minerals: Iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc
Antioxidants: Polyphenols and flavonoids
These nutrients contribute to Makardhwaj's ability to enhance immune function, improve cardiovascular health, and protect against oxidative stress.
Health Benefits of Makardhwaj
1. Boosts Energy and Stamina
Makardhwaj is renowned for its ability to increase energy levels and enhance stamina. Its adaptogenic properties help the body adapt to stress, improve physical performance, and reduce fatigue. Regular consumption of Makardhwaj can lead to increased vitality and improved endurance.
2. Enhances Mental Clarity and Focus
The plant is known for its positive effects on cognitive function. Makardhwaj enhances mental clarity, concentration, and memory, making it an excellent choice for those seeking to improve their cognitive abilities and overall mental health.
3. Supports Immune Function
Rich in antioxidants and essential nutrients, Makardhwaj strengthens the immune system, helping the body ward off infections and illnesses. Its immune-boosting properties make it a valuable ally in maintaining overall health and well-being.
4. Promotes Healthy Aging
Makardhwaj contains compounds that combat oxidative stress, a major contributor to aging and degenerative diseases. By neutralizing free radicals, it helps protect cells from damage, promoting healthy aging and longevity.
5. Balances Hormones and Enhances Libido
Traditionally used as an aphrodisiac, Makardhwaj helps balance hormones and improve sexual health. It enhances libido, supports reproductive function, and helps maintain hormonal equilibrium.
How to Incorporate Makardhwaj into Your Routine
There are various ways to incorporate Makardhwaj into your daily routine. Here are some simple methods to enjoy its benefits:
Makardhwaj Tea
Prepare a soothing cup of Makardhwaj tea by steeping the dried leaves or powder in hot water. This invigorating beverage can be enjoyed in the morning or afternoon for a refreshing boost of energy.
Herbal Supplements
SarabHerbs® offers high-quality Makardhwaj supplements in capsule form, providing a convenient and effective way to incorporate this powerful plant into your daily regimen. These supplements are carefully formulated to deliver optimal benefits.
Smoothie Boost
Add a teaspoon of Makardhwaj powder to your favorite smoothie recipe for an extra dose of nutrients. The mild flavor of Makardhwaj complements a variety of fruits and vegetables, enhancing the nutritional value of your smoothie.
SarabHerbs®: Your Trusted Source for Makardhwaj Products
SarabHerbs® is committed to providing premium herbal supplements that harness the power of nature to support health and wellness. Our Makardhwaj products are carefully crafted to ensure maximum potency and efficacy. We prioritize quality and sustainability, sourcing our ingredients from trusted growers and adhering to strict manufacturing standards.
Why Choose SarabHerbs?
High-Quality Ingredients: We use only the finest, sustainably sourced Makardhwaj to create our products.
Expert Formulations: Our products are developed by experts in herbal medicine, ensuring effective and safe formulations.
Commitment to Health: SarabHerbs® is dedicated to promoting health and wellness through natural, plant-based solutions.
Experience the Benefits of Makardhwaj with SarabHerbs
Discover the incredible benefits of Makardhwaj with SarabHerbs®' range of herbal supplements. Whether you're looking to boost your energy, enhance mental clarity, or support your immune system, our Makardhwaj products can help you achieve your health goals. Embrace the power of nature with SarabHerbs® and experience a healthier, more vibrant you.
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tejastravels · 2 months
Corporate trips transcend mere breaks from the daily grind. They offer opportunities for team building, relaxation, and rejuvenation. Recently, WSP Consultant India Pvt Ltd embarked on such an adventure, selecting Tejas Tours & Travels for impeccable travel arrangements during their three-day journey from Bangalore to Chikmagalur.
WSP Consultant India Pvt Ltd, a private Indian consulting firm, is dedicated to delivering sustainable value to its shareholders and exceptional services to its clients. With an international presence and local dedication, WSP operates across the globe.
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Day 1: Departure from Bangalore
The adventure commenced with meticulous planning and precise corporate booking handled by Tejas Tours & Travels. Early morning, the WSP team gathered at the company premises, eager for the days ahead. A sleek, luxurious 45-seater Benz bus awaited them, promising comfort and style. As the journey began, the mood was set with plush seating, ample legroom, and state-of-the-art amenities. The bus traversed scenic routes from Bangalore to Chikmagalur, transitioning from urban landscapes to verdant countryside. The journey was marked by camaraderie and anticipation.
Day 2: Exploration and Activities in Chikmagalur
The second day dawned with the team arriving in Chikmagalur, a haven of coffee plantations and natural beauty. The day, meticulously planned with a blend of exploration and team-building exercises, was part of the comprehensive corporate tour packages offered by Tejas Tours & Travels. The morning included a fascinating tour of a local coffee plantation, where employees learned about the coffee-making process from bean to cup, enjoying the aromatic freshness of the plantation. This was followed by an invigorating trek through Chikmagalur's lush hills, providing physical activity, breathtaking views, and a chance for team bonding. The evening gathered everyone around a bonfire, with shared stories and laughter echoing through the air. Engaging team activities fostered unity and collaboration. The professional planning and personal touch by Tejas Tours & Travels made this day truly special.
Day 3: Relaxation and Return
The final day emphasized relaxation and reflection. The team enjoyed a leisurely breakfast, taking in the serene surroundings of their resort. As the afternoon approached, it was time to bid adieu to Chikmagalur. The return journey to Bangalore was as smooth and comfortable as the onward trip, thanks to the luxurious Benz bus provided by Tejas Tours & Travels. The team arrived back in Bangalore, enriched by the experiences and memories of the past three days.
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The Benefits of Corporate Tours
Corporate tours like this one offer numerous benefits. They enhance team bonding, improve morale, and provide a break from routine work life. Engaging in activities outside the office environment fosters better communication and collaboration among employees. Moreover, the relaxation and enjoyment experienced during such trips contribute to increased productivity and a positive work atmosphere.
Tejas Tours & Travels: Your Partner in Corporate Booking
Tejas Tours & Travels stands out for their exceptional service in corporate booking and customized corporate tour packages. Their attention to detail ensures every aspect of the trip is meticulously planned and executed. From luxury vehicles to curated activities, they offer a seamless travel experience catering to all corporate needs.
Conclusion: A Journey of Comfort and Collaboration
The 3-day corporate trip from Bangalore to Chikmagalur, organized by WSP Consultant India Pvt Ltd in collaboration with Tejas Tours & Travels, demonstrated the power of well-planned travel arrangements. The luxury Benz bus provided comfort and style, while the curated activities enhanced team spirit and enjoyment. This trip not only offered a break from routine but also fostered a sense of unity and collaboration among the employees, making it an unforgettable experience.
Stay Connected with Tejas Tours & Travels for All Your Travel Needs
Visit our website:
Call us: 9980277773
Let's plan your next journey together.
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hotelandresorts123 · 2 months
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Hotel in Coimbatore with Swimming Pool
Coimbatore, known as the "Manchester of South India," is a vibrant city renowned for its textile industry, bustling markets, and pleasant weather. Whether you're visiting for business or leisure, finding the perfect accommodation that offers comfort, luxury, and top-notch amenities is crucial. Among the plethora of options, Lemontree Hotels stands out as the quintessential choice for travelers seeking a hotel in Coimbatore with a swimming pool.
An Oasis of Comfort and Luxury Lemontree Hotels in Coimbatore embodies a blend of elegance, modernity, and warm hospitality. Located strategically to provide easy access to the city's business hubs, shopping districts, and tourist attractions, this hotel ensures that guests enjoy both convenience and comfort.
The Inviting Swimming Pool One of the standout features of Lemontree Hotels in Coimbatore is its splendid swimming pool. Nestled in a serene corner of the property, the pool offers a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. Whether you want to start your day with a refreshing swim, unwind after a long day of meetings, or enjoy a leisurely afternoon with your family, the pool area is designed to cater to all your needs.
The pool is meticulously maintained to ensure crystal-clear waters and a clean environment, making it safe and enjoyable for guests of all ages. Comfortable loungers are placed around the pool, allowing you to relax and soak up the sun or read a book in the shade of an umbrella.
Exquisite Accommodation Lemontree Hotels in Coimbatore offers a range of well-appointed rooms and suites, each designed to provide a relaxing and rejuvenating experience. The rooms are tastefully decorated with contemporary furnishings and equipped with modern amenities such as high-speed internet, flat-screen TVs, and plush bedding. Large windows in each room offer stunning views of the cityscape or the pool area, adding to the overall charm.
For those seeking an elevated experience, the hotel’s suites provide additional space, luxury, and privacy. With separate living areas, workspaces, and upgraded amenities, the suites are perfect for both business and leisure travelers.
Culinary Delights Dining at Lemontree Hotels is a delightful experience. The hotel boasts multiple dining options, each offering a unique culinary journey. The multi-cuisine restaurant serves a delectable array of dishes, ranging from local South Indian specialties to international favorites. Expert chefs use the freshest ingredients to prepare each meal, ensuring a memorable dining experience.
For a more casual setting, the coffee shop provides a cozy atmosphere where you can enjoy a cup of freshly brewed coffee, light snacks, or a quick meal. The hotel also offers in-room dining services, allowing guests to savor delicious food in the comfort and privacy of their rooms.
Wellness and Recreation Beyond the inviting swimming pool, Lemontree Hotels in Coimbatore offers a range of wellness and recreational facilities to enhance your stay. The fully-equipped fitness center is ideal for guests who wish to maintain their workout routine while traveling. For those looking to relax and rejuvenate, the hotel’s spa offers a variety of treatments and therapies designed to soothe the mind and body.
Business and Event Facilities Lemontree Hotels is well-equipped to cater to the needs of business travelers. The hotel features state-of-the-art conference rooms and meeting facilities, making it an ideal venue for corporate events, seminars, and meetings. The professional staff is dedicated to ensuring that every event runs smoothly, providing support and services tailored to meet your specific requirements.
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jungle-safari-india · 3 months
Plan A Memorable Trip To Kaziranga
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Kaziranga National Park is a scenic place in Assam that is famous all over the world because of its huge population of Indian Rhinos. This park has a lot of flora and fauna species and many people come here every year to see them. But, some of them do not enjoy it to the fullest because they don’t know how they should plan their trip. So, I am sharing an example itinerary that you can make to have a memorable holiday in this park. 
Kaziranga is famous among people because of its green vegetation, varied wildlife, beautiful scenery, and pleasant weather. By creating an itinerary like this, you’ll surely enjoy a nice adventure in this area. This will be a short duration package of 2 days and if you plan this then you can enjoy this park to the fullest. 
DAY 1 
The first day of your trip will start when you will reach the nearest railway or airport. After reaching there, just go to your pre-booked resort and have your lunch in the afternoon. You can spend this day relaxing after your long journey or if you want then you can also go sightseeing. You can also spend the day enjoying the recreational activities at the resort. If you have much free time then try to go towards the tea estate and ya, don't forget to taste the real tea of Assam. After a day of exploring Assam, relax for a peaceful night inside your resort and be excited for the next day.  
DAY 2 
Wake up early on the second day of your trip and find yourself in the beautiful and peaceful surroundings. Book a morning thrilling jeep safari ride and after getting up get ready to go for that morning safari. During your thrilling ride in Kaziranga National Park, you can spot various types of wild animals like Rhinos, Tigers, Wild Boars, etc roaming freely in their natural habitat. This safari will let you explore the morning routine of wild animals. After an adventurous ride, come back to your resort and check out to go towards your next location. Your short and adventurous trip to Kaziranga will end here. 
If you make a short itinerary like this then you can explore the nearby areas and also you can enjoy some time in the area. Also, you will be able to enjoy a thrilling and adventurous safari inside Kaziranga. This trip would be best for those who want to enjoy the beauty of the area in a short time. If you want to book an itinerary like this then check these Kaziranga Tour Packages. 
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varanasiexcursion · 3 months
Unveiling Varanasi: A 3-Day Itinerary for the Spiritual Explorer
Explore the city of Varanasi, that has a connection with the history, spirituality, and the divine Ganges River, attracting those looking for a really immersive experience. This Varanasi itinerary is meant to show you the best of Varanasi, from seeing the magnificent Ganga Aarti to visiting historic temples and hidden gems.
Day 1: Embracing the Temples and Ghats
Sunrise Boat Ride: Enjoy a peaceful Ganges boat ride to start your day. Witness the city spring to life on the ghats (riverfront steps) as the sun collections, casting a pink and orange glow across the sky. See the pilgrims going about their daily routines; it's a wonderful and humble sight.
Dashashwamedh Ghat and Aarti: Soak in the mesmerizing Ganga Aarti at one of the most renowned ghats, Dashashwamedh Ghat. This the evening prayer rite is a fascinating display of devotion, with rows of priests offering lamps, or diyas, to the river.
Temple Trail: Visit the Lord Shiva-focused Kashi Vishwanath Temple to totally lose yourself in Varanasi's spiritual core. The temple's stunning design and vitality are amazing but be prepared for crowds. Sankat Mochan Hanuman Temple and Durga Temple are additional sites to explore; each has a distinct atmosphere and tale to tell.
Evening Stroll and Lassi Break: Soak in the sights and sounds of Varanasi as you wander through the city's narrow alleyways as evening falls. Stop by a nearby store to have a herbal cup of lassi, an Indian summers beverage made without yogurt.
Day 2: Discovering the Layers of Varanasi
Sarnath Excursion: Enjoy a morning visiting Sarnath, one of the holiest Buddhist destinations for pilgrims and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Discover the Sarnath Museum, which has a collection of Buddhist sculptures and antiques, as well as the Dhamek Stupa, the site of the Buddha's first sermon.
Visit the recently built Kashi Vishwanath Corridor, a beautiful corridor leading to the Kashi Vishwanath Temple, if time permits. Admire the architectural marvel and take in the temple's nicely organized doorway.
Assi Ghat and Sunset Aarti: Attend Assi Ghat in the afternoon, because it's a more laid-back and youthful ghat. Enjoy a boat trip, have a conversations with locals, or spend time people watching. See the sunset aarti at Assi Ghat in the evening for an experience that's more intimate than at Dashashwamedh Ghat.
Day 3: Discovering Undiscovered Treasures and Taking in Culture
Explore the Ghats Further: Go beyond the famous ghats to see hidden gems like Kedar Ghat, renowned for its sunset views, and Manikarnika Ghat, noted for cremation rites. Every ghat presents an alternate perspective on the life-death cycle of the city.
Shopping Silk Sarees: Varanasi is well known for its lovely silk sarees. Stroll around the busy alleyways close to the ghats to find a wide variety of colors and textiles. Go a saree workshop to observe the weaving process and indulge in some retail therapy.
Evening at a Local Cafe: End your journey to Varanasi with a delectable dinner at a nearby cafe. Enjoy a cup of chai or some real Banarasi food as you take in the lively ambience of the city.
The city of Varanasi leaves an indelible mark on the soul. This itinerary gives you an idea of its varied beauty, but the real magic is to get lost in its winding streets, interact with the residents, and experience the spiritual pulse of the city for yourself. So gather your possessions, accept the unknown, and set out to visit the fascinating city of Varanasi.
VISIT OUR WEBSITE- www.varanasiexcursion.com
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dreamstravel19 · 4 months
Crafting an Effective Study Time Table for UPSC Preparation
Preparing for the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Civil Services Examination (CSE) is a monumental task that requires a well-structured study timetable. An effective timetable not only ensures comprehensive coverage of the vast syllabus but also enhances productivity and keeps you on track. Here’s a detailed guide to help you create an effective study timetable for UPSC preparation.
1. Understand the UPSC Syllabus and Exam Pattern
Before you start, familiarize yourself with the complete UPSC syllabus and the three-stage exam pattern:
Preliminary Examination (Prelims)
Main Examination (Mains)
Personality Test (Interview)
Knowing what to study is crucial for efficient timetable for UPSC preparation.
2. Assess Your Current Schedule
Identify Available Study Hours
Calculate the number of hours you can dedicate to study each day, considering your other commitments like work, college, or personal responsibilities.
Peak Productivity Hours
Identify the hours during which you are most alert and productive. Allocate your most challenging subjects or topics to these time slots.
3. Create a Balanced Timetable
Daily Time Table Structure
Morning Session (5:00 AM - 8:00 AM):
5:00 AM - 6:00 AM: Current Affairs (Read newspapers like The Hindu or The Indian Express, and follow daily current affairs updates)
6:00 AM - 8:00 AM: General Studies (GS) Subject 1 (e.g., Polity or History)
Break (8:00 AM - 9:00 AM): Breakfast and short break
Mid-Morning Session (9:00 AM - 12:00 PM):
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM: Optional Subject
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Revision of previously covered topics
Break (12:00 PM - 1:00 PM): Lunch and relaxation
Afternoon Session (1:00 PM - 4:00 PM):
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM: General Studies (GS) Subject 2 (e.g., Geography or Economics)
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM: Practice answer writing for Mains
Break (4:00 PM - 5:00 PM): Tea and relaxation
Evening Session (5:00 PM - 8:00 PM):
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM: CSAT preparation (Aptitude and Reasoning)
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM: Revision and self-assessment (mock tests, previous year papers)
Break (8:00 PM - 9:00 PM): Dinner and relaxation
Night Session (9:00 PM - 11:00 PM):
9:00 PM - 10:00 PM: Optional Subject (Continue from morning session)
10:00 PM - 11:00 PM: Light reading (Magazines like Yojana, Kurukshetra) or General Awareness
Weekly Time Table Structure
Monday to Saturday: Follow the daily timetable rigorously.
Morning: Revision of the entire week’s study
Afternoon: Full-length mock test (Prelims or Mains)
Evening: Review mock test answers and identify weak areas
4. Incorporate Regular Revision
Daily Revision
Spend at least 1-2 hours daily revising previously covered topics. Consistent revision is key to retaining information.
Weekly Revision
Dedicate Sundays to revising the week’s study material and taking mock tests to assess your progress.
5. Balance Study and Breaks
Short Breaks
Incorporate short breaks of 5-10 minutes after every hour of study to refresh your mind.
Long Breaks
Take longer breaks of 30-60 minutes after every 2-3 hours of study to relax and rejuvenate.
6. Stay Healthy and Active
Physical Activity
Include some form of physical exercise, like yoga, walking, or a workout session, in your daily routine to stay fit and active.
Healthy Diet
Maintain a balanced diet to keep your energy levels up. Avoid junk food and stay hydrated.
Adequate Sleep
Ensure you get at least 6-7 hours of sleep daily to keep your mind and body rested.
7. Adapt and Adjust
Be flexible with your timetable and make adjustments as needed. If you find certain topics require more time, allocate additional hours accordingly.
Regularly assess your progress and tweak your timetable to focus more on weaker areas or subjects you find challenging.
Crafting an effective study timetable for UPSC preparation is essential for managing the extensive syllabus and staying on track. With a well-structured plan, consistent effort, and regular revision, you can maximize your productivity and enhance your chances of success. Remember, discipline and dedication are the keys to cracking the UPSC exam. Stay focused, stay motivated, and keep pushing towards your goal.
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