Dating Bucky Barnes
Warning(s): None
-dating bucky sometimes felt like an uphill battle, for both of you
-bucky was scared to touch you in the beginning of your relationship since he still thought of himself as a threat
-slowly but surely you helped him realise that he wouldn't hurt you and that you weren't scared he would
-one time he caught you staring at his arm and now he always teases you about it
-you had asked him if he liked the 21st century more than the 20th, he would always answer with "i don't care what century i'm in as long at it has you in it." which led to you playfully hitting him while trying to calm the hot feeling on your face
-when bucky had nightmares it almost seemed as if just your presence calmed him
-even though it was still so early in your relationship bucky was sure you were the one he was going to marry
-he would let you braid his hair and he would usually forget his hair was so styled-for lack of a better word-and ended up going to training with them in
-once it went a step further and he wore the braid out to a mission, he only found out after his target started laughing at his hair
-bucky liked to give you that angelic smile of his while winking at you, for no apparent reason might i add, so prepared to be attacked
-he liked when you called him james. it made him feel mature, he also liked it just because it came from your mouth
-so yeah, it may sometimes be an uphill battle, but it is the best battle you’ve ever been through
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so like remember how i say i'm back for good and then disappear for a year, i'm back to inevitably do that again. so i cant wait to slay a little bit while i'm here until i get sucked back into a black hole
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Tumblr Alternatives
I wanted to write this so everyone can at least have somewhere their work can be visible. so I compiled what I think are the best alternatives to Tumblr
For Artists
New Grounds
Although a bit messy when it comes to formatting New Grounds allows nsfw content in any form. Also, if you are a regestered 18+ member you can include adult content in your filtered searching.
Another thing i like about new grounds is the fact it is self sustained which I personally think makes it less susceptible to a decision like Tumblr's.
Anyone can play a role here at NG, whether you're submitting original content or writing a review to give some constructive feedback. Feedback is the fuel that keeps us going.- New Grounds About Page
Deviant Art
Deviant Art is probably an obvious choice for a lot of people, it's well formatted, allows nsfw content and has a pretty safe community compared to Tumblr.
If I were an artist I would probably move to Deviant Art simply because of the mobile app which makes things so much easier and accessible.
We believe that our community is our most important resource and we strive to act in ways that nurture and encourage its growth, development and ultimately its ongoing success. We err on the side of the artist -Deviant Art's About Page
Art Station
(copy and pasted from their about page)
ArtStation provides you with a simple, yet powerful way to show your portfolio and be seen by the right people in the industry. It's super fast and sleek. Showcase images, videos, Marmoset and Sketchfab 3D scenes, 360 panos and more. Add your work and production experience.
Blogs enable you to share your work in progress, articles and be seen. Analytics lets you see who's checking out your portfolio. You can even sell your digital assets and soon, prints
For Writers
Archive Of Our Own
Archive Of Our Own is where I feel most writers will fit best. AO3 is welcoming to any fandom, kink (sexual or nonsexual) and ship. If you write any form of fanfiction (oneshots, series, headcanons, reactions, preferences, etc) your work will be safe here.
Share your own fanworks
Get notified when your favorite works, series, or users update
Participate in challenges
Keep track of works you've visited and works you want to check out later - AO3
Pillowfort is a beta blogging platform similar to Tumblr. I apologize for not having much info on it but their servers are currently down while their fixing and preparing things for the tumblr users moving to their website so I don't have access to an about page
Pillowfort Offers:
•Control over who sees, shares & comments on your posts
•Nested comment threads
•User-created communities
•Blacklisting & private messaging - Pillowfort's Twitter Page
Now I know a lot of you probably won't like this but wattpad is a great place when it comes to writing, it's community is fairly safe with just a few trolls every now and again
Whatever you’re into, there is something you’ll love on Wattpad.
And if you can’t find exactly what you’re looking for, you have the power to create it yourself. -Wattpad About Page
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