#including the regional specialties when I was living abroad
miutonium · 1 year
Tell me one of your favorite and least local dish!
Omg nobody asked me this before but djfjslaksla okay so like there's this one dish that i really really like its Chicken Coconut Curry with Green Chilli (or in my native language its called Masak Lemak Cili Api) and oh god Im so obsessed with this dish, if I ever go to a local restaurant for lunch I will order this with sides of white rice and spiced fried chicken. Idk how to explain the flavor but it doesnt taste like a curry really, its more like a creamy tumeric with a heavy hit of chilli (which is why it's yellow). I am a picky eater but I would literally add more rice if my mom ever cooks this at home.
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Seasia cuisine is very flavorful and unique and I cant deny it but sometimes I just don't like some of it.
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Everyone like Sambal Belacan (it's a sambal made of shrimp paste usually mixed with chillies, onions and lime juice) I dont really consider this as a main course dish but more like a side dish where you eat with raw veges and herbs or as an accompanying dish to white rice. I don't want to yuck someone's yum but for me it just smells too strong to me like if you ever smell shrimp paste you understand how overpowering the smell is. It's also usually made raw and not cooked on a stove and personally Im a bit picky when its related to raw food.
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bomberqueen17 · 7 days
there is a cow lying in the park across the street being very idyllic in the morning mist.
last night we finally asked at the front desk if this hotel has a pool. it does. it closes at 9pm tho. the guy gave us directions and we went to find it. it was a four-minute walk at fairly high speed, through several fire doors, down several hallways i would never have guessed were part of this building, and there was absolutely no signage of any kind. but there's an attendant. so it feels to me like. they should want someone to know about this so they can justify the cost of the attendant???
anyway it was a truly wild odyssey. we arrived like ten minutes before closing and the attendant was like "..... can i help you" very weary-politely and we were like "no! we just wanted to find the place!" and he was visibly much happier then and told us all about it.
my new phone is huge and clunky and one of the camera lenses is slightly damaged, but the lens that works is really good so i did take a bunch of good photos and at some point i will organize and present them. today is another outing, however. and i will take even more photos of this outing.
i looked at my credit card statement and in fact they did *not* charge me a hundred quid to not fix my phone, they only charged me for the new phone and then the new-new actually-working phone on top of that.
the cellphone store clerk also asked us, since we'd admitted to being americans, who we were voting for, and when we answered, he said "she's totally going to win! i have asked eight americans recently and seven of them said her!" and dude was like, diplomatically, sir, the sorts of americans who travel to europe are going to be disproportionately the ones who vote like they know there's a rest of the world that exists, so your sample might be skewed. i was still being horrified that an american traveling abroad would admit to supporting That One. blggh if you're going to be a troglodyte stay the fuck home, you don't deserve europe.
i said "politics have been sort of weird here yah?" and he was like "people here aren't political" and i said "what a luxury!"
he also was like "your election affects us though" and i was like "that is a true and reasonable statement."
last night i ordered fish and chips in a restaurant and i had made conversation about how much nicer the weather was than i'd prepared for, for this trip, so the waiter was like ah is it your first fish and chips and i was like oh i used to live here, rather than attempting to explain to him that actually fish fries are a regional specialty in buffalo and they are remarkably identical to the experience here only we have better side dishes XD (srsly britain try german potato salad sometime it's p great as a potato delivery vehicle and it also includes bacon)
i will say when i came here as a teenager i wound up with a really weird accent, but on this trip the combo of traveling with a fellow american and also not being immersed in it to the same extent and also not being seventeen means my normal accent has just gotten slightly stronger i think. i mean also i was here for most of a year then, and this hasn't even been a week, so.
ok time to go out on the balcony and take a picture of this persistently scenic cow.
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Diego Week: College AU
This is the crack fic my heart has always wanted, and @jjba-arni-reblog helped me achieve this horrible horrible dream. 
CW: study abroad, frat boy influences, (references to) Barbie as Rapunzel, and necromancy 
“So I guess this hellhole is our dorm?” Diego scowled as he skeptically took in the shanty little dorm room he would be sharing for the next three months. And this small little Argentinian university room was supposed to house himself and his giant of a roommate. Who was grinning like a happy idiot. 
“Oh it doesn't look that bad! If we just bunk the beds-”
“Trying to crush me in my sleep so early in the semester is pretty pathetic.” Jonathan stopped talking and just gave him a small hurt expression. Damn it, that himbo of a man was soft and clearly did not understand his humor. This was going to be a long semester. 
Diego had chosen to study abroad in Buenos Aires because of the paleontology programs, and similarly his roommate Jonathan had chosen this location for its Incan ruins programs. So at least the university had put two studious boys together. Unlike their immediate neighbors. 
Their names were Dio and Johnny, the latter being American which should be a good indicator of how seriously he chose his education. And Dio didn’t seem too different. After meeting them in the hall, just once, Diego was pretty sure Dio had only come here for Carnival(?) and had themed this entire semester’s wardrobe around a festival.  He had absolutely no desire to be around people like that. 
“Do you have any plans for the weekend?” Jonathan cheerfully asked his roommate. Diego looked at him skeptically. Yes they had lived together for a week, but he wasn’t looking to form any attachments while he was here. 
“I think i'm going to the dig site.” Diego let out noncommittally. Jonathan’s face fell a little bit. He was like a large puppy dog that required compassion to survive. How pathetic. But Diego didn’t want an emotionally disturbed roommate so he continued. 
“Aren’t you from the same uni as that yellow bastard next door?” Diego offered. 
“Yeah! How did you know? Have you talked to Dio? He's a little-” 
“No I haven't and I have no desire to,” Diego breezed past the possibility of being introduced to the yellow monstrosity next door. “Johnny goes to my university, but he is a year younger.” 
“Oh isn't that funny!” Jonathan was laughing. Diego honestly did not understand why. 
“What is funny?” Diego was skeptical about where this conversation could possibly go without getting even more uncomfortable. 
“Just that we’re neighbors with people we go to school with.” 
“That’s not funny, it's just a fact.” Diego pointed out, trying to collect his things to go study somewhere else. 
“I suppose it's more ironic than funny,” Jonathan was either overly friendly or could not read people at all because he continued talking anyway. “But the boys next door are throwing a little party and we’re invited, and well, I'm going and kinda hope you will too?” 
Diego looked at him with his best blank face, “I’ll consider it.” Jonathan looked slightly offended and he didn't want to be totally cruel so he amended, “What time does it start?” 
“I'm going over at 10!” Jonathan cheerfully offered. 
“I'll be there at 11.” Diego said hurriedly as he left. 
Shit, he had just agreed to go to a party. He looked desperate. Diego rationalized that he would simply show up later than he said and that he really ought to go to the party because he might as well party if he wasn't going to be able to sleep anyway. 
It was 11:15 and Diego had chugged three beers and a red bull to prevent a hangover. Currently he was sitting on a beat up sofa Johnny and his flamboyant friend had found on the corner or some street. Next to Jonathan, whom he was rather upset at because he had said it would be a ‘party’ and it was just the four boys with a pack of beers. Which was pretty lame.
“Do you guys even know how to have fun? You two just mess around in the dirt and then spend the entire evening in the library or the dorm” Johnny eyed his lame neighbors as he went to get a beer out of the fridge. 
“Fucking losers” Dio simply noted, sprawled out over ¾’s of the couch lazily. He smirked a little as he heard Jonathan let out a shocked sigh and Diego felt himself getting angrier.
“Well then, Joestar. Why don’t you tell me about all the ‘hot girls’ you’ve ‘smashed’” Diego eyed the younger blonde making sure he noticed his sarcasm. 
“Because as far as I remember, you didn’t. More like you brought them home and they came with me.” he chuckled as Johnny got more and more annoyed with each new sentence “or should I say cumming with me?”
Dio’s laugh could be heard from the couch as Johnny tried not to punch the little bastard, instead hoping to bring out more cruel details about the older man. Jonathan meanwhile, was furiously blushing. This conversation was making him terribly uncomfortable. 
“Hey, dino-fucker, why don’t you go get oiled up and roll around in the sand some more with Jonathan” Johnny said, yet his voice sounded polite as he said the other man’s name, he didn't have anything against Jonathan. Yet.
“Insult what I do one more time kid and I will fucking rip your head off.” Diego stepped closer to Johnny, taking the opportunity to remind Joestar that he, Diego, was a year older than him. Diego would do anything if it meant pissing off Johnny. 
“Alright, let’s not fight there” Jonathan suddenly stepped in, trying his best to stop the angry boys. “Johnny, please do not shame Diego for...whatever he is interested in” he continued, trying not to feel embarrassed having said that.
“Oh and he is into some interesting things too!” Johnny started to flush in anger, surely he knew where this was going. “I know you have some weird ass fetishes yourself, I did hear some rumors about you” Diego said angrily, making Johnny’s blood boil.
“I DON’T have any weird preferences or fetishes!” Johnny groaned, now annoyed at the two of them.
“Not true, you get off from bug bites” Dio spoke out lazily, however Johnny could feel the bastard smirking as he so calmly revealed one of Johnny’s secrets. 
“Which side are you on, Dio?” Johnny now felt angry at his own roommate/friend.
“No one’s. I just like the drama” the older somehow unrelated Brando answered.
“Dio cried after ‘Barbie as Rapunzel’” Jonathan suddenly said, earning a sudden gasp from Dio as the two other men’s eyes widened.
“I did NOT” Dio tried to deny but it was too late. Johnny and Diego burst out laughing, almost falling on the floor at the new gained information.
“Oh my fucking god” Diego screamed through laughter.
       “Either way, it’s not near as sad and pathetic and lonely as liking digging shit up.” Johnny was trying desperately to turn the situation against Diego and Jonathan again. Dio was already a moody guy, he did not want to see him angry. 
       “Now that’s just not true!” Now Jonathan was getting worked up. He actually stood up from the couch, pushing Dio’s legs off of his lap, and pointed to the door. 
       “Let’s go to our room, I have some things that will change your mind about archeology. And I’m sure Diego has some things too!” This was all getting much too friendly for Diego. He really wasn't drunk enough for a ‘I promise the things I find in the dirt are cool’ argument. 
       “I guess…” Diego tried not to sound too terribly enthusiastic. Though he would be lying if he said it didn't genuinely piss him off when people mocked paleontology. Especially that rat bastard Johnny. 
Diego quickly ruffled through his small fossil collection from the dig site, while Jonathan pulled out some photos of a Mayan bloodletting relic. (Jonathan included a disclaimer that it was a photo from his professor’s dig in southern Mexico because it was Mayan, not Incan, but the other boys were too drunk to care about regional and cultural specialties). 
Jonathan was reading some of the Spanish transcripts from his professor’s photos when Diego finally found what he was looking for. A spinosaurus tooth, which was still so sharp it nicked his hand when he pulled it out from the back of the drawer. 
“Shit it cut me” Diego mumbled as he walked to the sink to rinse off the blood. Johnny and Dio were silent as Jonathan finished reading. They all turned to look at Diego blankly. 
“What is it? What did you just read?” Diego was becoming a little suspicious. 
“It was a necromancy ritual often used along with bloodletting…” Jonathan said softly. All of the blood rushed out of his face when he realised the tooth he had dropped wasn't just a tooth, but was not set in the small jaw of a breathing spinosaurus. 
         “What the fuck did we just do…” Jonathan’s eyes were blown wide with terror. 
“We? WE? You, YOU were the one who thought it would be fun to read that piece of shit-” Diego’s tirade was cut off as Dio howled in laughter as the creature lunged towards Jonathan’s leg marking the moment the night officially dissolved into chaos.
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theredpalace · 6 years
Japanese Wizarding World Headcanons
Just a series of ideas I had for my AU and how I think it works in Japan. Credit goes to JK Rowling for creation of the Harry Potter series and I just made these up for funsies
-The wizarding community is governed by the Japanese Delegation of Sorcery, which has a group that decides on finalizing laws and bills regarding wizarding safety and care.
-Muggles...or “Wandless” as they prefer to call them in Japan, are taken care of more subtly  whenever they come across magical locations or phenomenon. This is thanks in part to Obliviators taking on simple day jobs both within JDS and in the Wandless government. If a Wandless observes magic by accident, an Obliviator will calmly take their case, listen to their full story, and have their memories wiped in a tidy manner
-While there is very little importance on pureblood, both the JDS and the Mahoutokoro School of Witchcraft and Wizardry place high value on witches and wizards with talent, often encouraging them to later marry or associate themselves with peers that have similar skills. This makes competition in the school very, very serious
-Mahoutokoro is a day school, with only a small handful of students living on campus in dormitories. These cases are usually for wards of the state, young witches and wizards who are orphans or whose families are unable to care for them.
-Much like their Wandless neighbors, the JDS focuses a lot of its efforts on making everything as simple and convenient as possible. A majority of wizarding patents for inventions and spells come from the JDS Department of Wizard Patents, and as such their department has the second largest number of employees aside from the Wandless Liason Office with their Obliviators. Some of the most celebrated household charms were invented here, including the Degriming Charm and the Anti-rust Jinx.
-The JDS has one of the most difficult Auror programs in the world, rivaled only by MACUSA and the Ministry of Magic. This is mostly due to the fact that Aurors are constantly in the field and abroad, dealing with practitioners of the Dark Arts
-Japan has absolutely ZERO TOLERANCE for the Dark Arts, due to a long history and war that happened during the early years of Mahoutokoro. Using Dark magic at the school results in automatic expulsion and the removal of wand privileges, whereas adults similarly lose their wands and are sentenced to many years in prison. During wartime, the council of the JDS can even vote for a death penalty on these cases
-Almost all Japanese witches and wizards are part of hobby clubs or sports teams, and often save up money donated throughout the year for one group trip abroad to a location of interest to their clubs. Quidditch teams however compete rigorously against teams from other provinces for the right to go overseas and join tournaments outside of Japan
-Mahoutokoro is only one of several Asian schools of magic, but is regarded as the most important due to the intensity of their final examinations and the age of the establishment in question. They do however maintain good relations with the smaller schools throughout the country and in China, Korea, India and various other Islands and countries.
-While it is not illegal to marry a Wandless or adopt Wandless children, both the witch or wizard and the person joining their family from a Wandless background have to swear and sign jinxed papers to secrecy, wherein breaking this causes the secret-breaker to become instantly and irreversibly Confunded. This punishment has been contested for forty decades and continues to be the most heavily debated law in JDS and wizarding history.
-Japan originally had a difficult time passing laws protecting endangered magical species native to their region, due to their importance to wand cores and potion ingredients. Thankfully, famous potioneer and Mahoutokoro headmaster Ishikawa Kabuto published his master work Ingenious Substitutes for Magical Use which singlehandedly cut costs for potion ingredients and saved forty three species from extinction.
-The three main wand cores used in Japan are Occamy feathers, Zouwu tail hairs, and Ryusui (a breed of water dragon) heartstrings. Due to protective laws, these can only be gathered from respective sanctuaries from what the animals drop...the latter being painlessly removed and healed using a simple surgical charm. Wandmakers can use other cores, but they have to submit requests to the JDS so as to make record of appropriate and inappropriate cores
-Although to be an Auror is a challenging job, those who do not have the marks for an Auror can still apply to work with maintaining magical sanctuaries for enchanted creatures. While JDS struggles to keep its plethora of mystical beasts in check, the majority of them live in the four large animal sanctuaries where witches and wizards often go visit like modern day zoos.
-A popular past time for the Japanese wizarding community is finding shrine carts....special food carts that disappear and reappear without any known schedule. Though some claim to know the trick to finding them, no one is entirely certain how they work as the food is sold and served magically with no visible employees. Those who have attempted to run out on the bill have suffered permanent jinxes that make it difficult to sit down
-Because the making of wand is given such reverence of skill, it is considered very bad luck to snap a wand...even for a punishment. The Department of Magical Law has an entire vault where wands taken from criminals and expelled students are kept under heavy guard, each detailed with the name of the owner, the wood, core and length, how old it is, who made it and the last spell used.
-One of the biggest nuisances in the JDS is dealing with Sugata gates....a term used for random spaces that instantly teleport you to a random location throughout the country. The Wandless have often been “spirited away” when encountering these Sugata gates and the JDS has yet to discover a reason to their existence
-The capital of the JDS resides in Kyoto, which had always been the spiritual capital of Japan before the Wandless relocated it to Tokyo. Unbeknownst to the Wandless, this was a move executed by the JDS and the Emperor of that time to safely eliminate suspicion of the JDS working privately with the Wandless leader to assure stability between the Wandless and wizarding world
-Like the Ministry of Magic, the JDS works directly with the leading power of the time to continue obscuring their world from the Wandless. The single exception to this rule was the council of 1931, who in a huge scandal used the Imperius Curse to control the Emperor and members of his cabinet. Several of the council members were under the Imperius Curse themselves, but over half of them did so due to having been converted by Grindelwald a year prior. It was the first and only standing case where an entire council was arrested for Dark Arts, corruption, and obstruction of justice and took sixteen years to finally prosecute them all in court.
-Because of the public disdain for the Dark Arts, one of the most difficult duties of a witch or wizard in Japan is uncovering countercurses and spells to undo Dark magic damage. The exception to this case is former student Kinben Shani, who in spite of her expulsion from Mahoutokoro was very knowledgeable about how to reverse a plethora of curses and often called upon for advice on the subject.
-Rather than using owls, which are not numerous or as common in Japan, they use varying sizes of storm petrels to carry letters. Most families have two or three small ones for letters, while delivery services provide medium sized ones for packages. Mahoutokoro keeps the giant storm petrels for commuting students to and from the school.
-According the the History of Magic they hold for Japanese history, the first wizards ever to write their history were Shinto priests and monks who mistook their skills for sorcery as divine enlightenment. After legendary shaman, wizard, and scholar Wu Xian traveled over from China and educated them otherwise, they agreed to keep their powers a secret, aware they would face persecution if they did not have the safety of the state religion. Wu Xian was one of ten warlocks who founded Mahoutokoro before returning to China.
-Japan’s coastal islands have one of the highest nesting grounds for dragons in the world. The JDS has spires manned 24-7 around the islands to insure they do not fly to civilian areas and maintain their numbers.
-Two subjects taught at Mahoutokoro are not taught anywhere else; Haraemancy (the magical art of purification, specializing in restoring natural habitats affected by pollution, blight or plague) and the Art of Fuujin (a class that teaches students how to seal magical creatures, curses, jinxes, and violent wizards). Both of these classes are only taught to the best students and due to their high demand, they have a limited number of students permitted to attend per year.
-Mahoutokoro robes change color as a student progresses through their academic career, starting with pink for beginners and leading up to gold for fully realized students. These robes are charmed to also detect Dark Magic, and the realized potential for certain areas of specialty, and thus the way they are made are trade secrets known only to a few families passed down through the generations.
-Mahoutokoro remains on very cold terms with the wizarding school Durmstrang, due to their differing views on teaching Dark Arts. This bitter rivalry festered further when the two schools competed in Quidditch with Mahoutokoro taking the win...and half its team suffering from jinxes when the Durmstrang Keeper lost his temper.
-Because children can start learning magic at age 7, there is the choice of advancing to different wands as they age. Whereas most wizards are chosen by a wand before they begin school, a Mahoutokoro student can go through three from beginning to end.
-Family wands are considered to house the spirit of the family member who wielded them, and are regarded as family heirlooms, kept on display or in a house shrine devoted to the family member in question. This results in a great deal of criticism shot at poorer families who have to pass on the wands of deceased elders to their children when they cannot afford new wands.
-The level of skill in Mahoutokoro students ranges in these colors from beginner to graduate; pink (for new students, usually from ages 7-9), red (for underclassmen with basic understanding of the introductory cirriculum), orange (for underclassmen beginning to take on more classwork and courses), green (for students in the middle on their way to advanced courses in their chosen fields), dark blue (for advanced students who have shown proficiency in their skills), purple (for students at the top of their class taking on the most difficult exams) and ending in pure gold, for students who have completed school. Depending on the student and how long they have been there, skilled student can graduate ahead of their peers, or simply gain the golden robes at 17 when they become of age.
-One of the animals that is a protected species, beloved icon of the Japanese wizarding community, and also native only to the forests of Japan is the Greater Fire Salamander. Mistaken initially for a dragon in the early years of history, this gentle lizard nests peacefully in the wetlands of Japan. It only uses fire to cook its meals, having a delicate digestion, and eating giant, magical insects that nest in its habitat. Most of them grow to roughly seven feet long once they reach adulthood, but a few infamous ones have been known to stretch up to twenty feet.
-While their tolerance for the Dark Arts is nil, the JDS has a more lax approach to applying Perpetual Charms and Jinxes on everyday items, and in some cases animals. If a Perpetual Charm is strong enough to power an item for one hundred years, they believe it has become its own being
-One of Mahoutokoro’s lingering social problems lies in its high rate of bullying in the school. Because of the fierce competition for standing out as excellent alumni, many students suffer from bullying by competitive classmates. Though teachers are pressured to cut down on bullying by actively intervening, there have been over a hundred cases of teachers caught ignoring or aiding in bullying.
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simplidistance1234 · 2 years
What are the many MBA programs available through distance learning in India, and how can I apply?
What are the many MBA programs available through distance learning in India, and how can I apply?
MBA programs offered through distance learning are a great substitute for commuter programs. The fact that you don't even need to leave your house is most significant. Online MBA programs are provided by several institutions and schools all around the world. They provide degrees in a variety of pertinent fields in addition to business administration, finance, and marketing. Online MBA programs may be advantageous for students who are unable to pay for on-campus MBA classes in a number of ways.
The ability to study from the convenience of their homes while yet obtaining teaching through technology means is a feature of distance education. The flexibility it offers, the ability to enrol in programs that might not be offered in your region, and the chance to study abroad without having to leave your job are some of the most obvious advantages of distance learning. Many businesses are pushing their staff members—including those who work remotely—to get an online MBA because of these advantages.
MBA Distance Education Types
Distant Learning MBA: Synchronous refers to taking place simultaneously. The phrase "live communication" in this sense refers to instruction that takes place in a physical classroom, online, or through teleconference. One of the most well-regarded MBA specialties is the distance learning MBA with a continuing education emphasis. The synchronous distant learning MBA is the most popular type of online learning and continuing education programs. It is less flexible but allows for greater contact between students and instructors.
MBA with synchronous online learning
What exactly does the term "asynchronous" mean? MBA programs that provide asynchronous distant learning let students study at their own pace. Students can engage with the materials, peers, and professors at their own speed, usually for a longer period of time, even though most asynchronous programs require students to deliver work on time. Students can speak with one another and exchange information with their classmates by using online notifications. On the other hand, some asynchronous courses have audio or video components that can help break up the monotony of this type of learning.
Hybrid Learning Environment for the MBA
A hybrid distance learning system combines synchronous and asynchronous learning. Sessions in a classroom or online chat room when the student is expected to show up at the appointed time. Students may, however, complete the tasks on their own time and submit them through an online forum.
Hybrid program programs are typically offered when training institutions lack the space to accommodate all of their program course loads.
Degree in business administration master's
The most popular kind of distance learning MBA program is fixed-time. For these courses, as mentioned in the title, students are expected to log in to their online training site at a specific time.
They have to complete their pre planned schoolwork at a specific pace. This kind of engagement frequently takes the form of chats and discussion boards. Student participation is encouraged via an online MBA with a predetermined start and finish time.
The format remains synchronous even though they are totally online since live conversations are so important.
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earaercircular · 3 years
Kobe launches first full-circle coffee roaster in Belgian city of Vilvoorde
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The young entrepreneur Kobe Leduc launches the first full-circle coffee roaster in the Vilvoorde-based Kruitfabriek. “After several years of close collaborations at farm level, the time has come to take the step to Europe, to my home town Vilvoorde,” says Kobe. There will be a grand opening weekend on 19 and 20 February.
Leduc’s GAYO coffee roaster has opened its doors in the industrial sheds of the Kruitfabriek[1]. GAYO is named after the most eastern Indonesian coffee region. Entrepreneur Kobe Leduc imports origins via the port of Rotterdam and by-passes the so-called middle men. “By being active on our coffee farms ourselves, we can reorient certain processes and plots towards the specialty market,” says Kobe. GAYO does this with short training courses and awareness campaigns to the farmers in question about specialty coffee and its market.
Coffee roasting
Leduc also specialized in coffee roasting through courses abroad. At the London School of Coffee he followed a specialization in “advanced roasting” taught by the Dane Morten Münchow, founder of the contemporary coffee “flavour wheel” and pioneer in many experiments on sensory perception of coffee.
Best of many worlds
The young resident of Vilvoorde, who lived for 5 years among the coffee plantations, also took the best of the Indonesian, Singaporean and Malaysian specialty coffee culture with him, which provides an interesting cross-fertilisation due to his high interaction with the Australian culture. “I like to combine different styles of burning with my own feeling to create something that is unique and dynamic. I always try to get the best out of every training and methodology, and I am inspired from London to Southeast Asia, even California”, it sounds.
Leduc works with the catering industry for the sale of its specialty coffee, but also focuses on SMEs. “Drinking a delicious coffee at work is always pleasant, isn't it? GAYO also brings coffee, including equipment and all necessary services, to the companies. Through the devices, we even know when to replenish the coffee, saving us budget and allowing us to invest in local coffee producers in Indonesia."
Opening weekend
On February 19 and 20, GAYO and partners are organizing a big opening weekend. Visitors will be introduced to the team, the origins, GAYO School of Coffee, the GAYO Nomad Events Trailer and some other spin-offs.
Alain Trappeniers, Kobe lanceert eerste full-circle koffiebranderij in Kruitfabriek, Made in Vlaams-Brabant, 13-1-2022 https://www.made-in.be/vlaams-brabant/kobe-lanceert-eerste-full-circle-koffiebranderij-in-kruitfabriek/
[1] De Kruitfabriek is an initiative of 4 Fonteinen in collaboration with the City of Vilvoorde and operated and designed by Madlion. Together they will temporarily expand a vacant building into the centre of creativity and new neighborhood life, pending further developments in the new city district on the canal. De Kruitfabriek is a place where everyone is welcome and where there is always something to do. Artists find a studio, music groups a rehearsal space and individuals a (sometimes...) quiet place. Expos, lectures, concerts, parties, markets, ... De Kruitfabriek
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mellyroses23-blog · 5 years
Beautiful Tourist Spots in the Philippines
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   We Filipinos are notorious for having extreme levels of “pinoy pride”. This is the term used to describe how proud they are of anything remotely Filipino. Anything made in the Philippines or done by a Filipino, especially when recognized abroad, sets off a barrage of national pride. In a country as stunning and as naturally endowed as the Philippines, with such a richness of islands and other beautiful destinations here in the Philippines, there really is much to be proud of. (Escalona,2018)
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El Nido 
      It’s difficult for a place as beautiful as El Nido to not top a list like this. With its gorgeous rock formations, pristine beaches, and clear aquamarine waters, El Nido is a place that makes Filipinos beam with pride. Located on the northern tip of mainland Palawan, the municipality of El Nido has been increasingly drawing tourists in year after year, with more travellers, both local and foreign, discovering its beauty. It is largely responsible for why Palawan is recognized (and has been, for the past few years) as the best island in the world. (Fabio, 2018).  El Nido is about 240 kilometers north of Puerto Princesa, the capital city of Palawan province. In terms of marine sanctuary conservation, this town is considered the largest in the country because of its diverse ecosystem. 45 islands and islets surrounds’ in town with geological limestone karst formations, white sand beaches, caves, and waterfalls you have to enjoy and explore. (Mendoza,2018)
    According to Dagot (2019) aside from being paradise which resulted many recognitions, you can explore El Nido by the following things to do: kayaking at the most popular spot, Bacuit Bay, and hit the magical Big Lagoon, the secret Small Lagoon, and Miniloc Island on your adventure. You can also do snorkeling there.
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Coron, Palawan
        Also within the gorgeous province of Palawan is the municipality of Coron. Perhaps the other major factor to thank for Palawan’s “best island” recognition, Coron boasts of similar gems as El Nido — crystal clear waters perfect for snorkelling, powdery white sandy beaches, and inescapable picture perfect landscapes. As in El Nido, travellers can charter a small boat or join organized tour groups for a day’s trip including the most famous islands and lagoons. One stop that should not be missed by anyone visiting Coron is the breathtaking Kayangan Lake, dubbed the cleanest in the country and surrounded by stunning karst walls, truly a sight to behold, both above and below the water. (Galeos,2017). According to Jonas (2018) one of the main draws for visitors is the fleet of Japanese warships at the bottom of the sea in Coron. Here you can find 12 well-preserved World War II wrecks at diveable depths which is pretty incredible. I dove four of the wrecks as part of my Advanced Open Water Certification with Corto Divers.
      Relax in the Maquinit Springs after a busy trip of diving and exploring the beautiful islands of Coron. The water in the springs is warm and cozy at just over 100 degrees F. Located outside of town you can either arrange a local guide or hire a driver to bring you there too. This is a great place for sunset to relax after a busy day exploring Coron Philippines. (Solayao,2018) 
      According to Manley (2018) this is a great place to get certified to dive, there are incredibly unique places to explore while diving in Coron. The shipwrecks are a great place to complete an advanced open water certificate.There is a lot to see on the required dives as opposed to other places where there you may just go through the skills. Here in Coron Philippines on your deep dive training, you can swim around the shipwrecks which are deeper than 35 meters at some points.For the other specialty dives, you can again use the shipwreck to fill your wreck dive training. Coron is also an awesome place for a night dive with lots to see including bioluminescent plankton glowing in the dark. 
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 Tubbataha Reefs 
      Southeast of the island of Palawan, within the Sulu Sea, lies one of the best marine reserves and dive sites in the world, the Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park. Home to thousands of hectares of coral reef (containing about half of the world’s coral species) and an extensive variety of fish, shark, dolphin, and whale species, the Tubbataha Reefs is one of the most sought-after waters for divers. For anyone interested in making the trip, the limited three-month-long dive season runs from mid-March to mid-June, and the only way to explore its spectacular waters is by visiting on a live-aboard boat. (Fernandez, 2018)
      According to Hudson (2018)  diving Tubbataha Reef is sought after for its incredible marine biodiversity, dynamic underwater terrain,  and a wide variety of large marine animals including sea turtles, manta rays, various sharks, including the occasional whale sharks. Amos Rock, or Southwest Rock, is a popular dive site on the North Atoll of Tubbataha featuring various types of beautiful corals and massive gorgonian fans and large fish, such as snappers, mackerels and groupers, and the fascinating Napoleon wrasses. Various reef sharks are also commonly seen here and the night diving at this site offers great macro opportunities.
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Banaue Rice Terraces
      The Philippines is studded with natural beauty from below its seas to the top of its mountains. Another site in the archipelago that Filipinos can rightfully brag about are the rice terraces of Banaue. Over 2,000 years old, these rice terraces are a product of manual hard work by the ancestors of the region’s indigenous people. The picturesque terraces are still valuable to locals to this day, providing them an efficient space to farm. Though the Banaue Rice Terraces are the most prominent, there are several other scenic rice terraces within the mountainous region of the Cordilleras.(Andrew and Anna, 2017)
      The Philippines has all sorts of fascinating places to see and adventures to witness. From absolutely stunning beaches to beautiful mountains to adventurous scuba diving experiences to pulsing city explorations; it’s all there – right on the platter, ready for tourists to be taken.One of the most incredible ones that I have experienced was a journey to Banaue, a small area in the north of Luzon, which is also the island where the capital Manila is located. Banaue is a small mountain area surrounded by deeply vegetated jungles. It’s quite remote, but it has a lot of highlights to see and cool things to do.The main thing that people do when they visit Banaue is go on a trekking tour. You can decide between various options. Most visitors go for a 2 day/1 night tour, which is what I did, as well. Once you get dropped off from the bus (overnight bus from Manila to Banaue), you will be brought to a small hostel, where you can choose from the different options. (Vollmert, 2018)
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Chocolate Hills
        The pride of the Bohol Province (alongside their adorable Tarsiers — the world’s tiniest primates endemic to the Philippines) is easily the rolling landscapes of the Chocolate Hills. They were named so for their color transition between the wet and dry seasons, turning brown during the latter, and closely resembling the famous Hershey’s Kisses chocolates. Over a thousand hills are estimated to be scattered across the 50 square kilometer area. (Ridols,2018)
      Chocolate Hills Adventure Park, also known as CHAP, gives tourists an adrenaline-pumping experience you would not normally expect from the laid-back island of Bohol. It is famous for “The Rush”, a bicycle zip line 150 feet in the air that spans two hills 550 meters apart.  I think the best time to visit would be during the summer so that the hills are really brown. In our case, as you can see below, the hills are quite green and covered in grass. This meant they didn’t quite contrast as much agains the green trees below. (Bell,2017)
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Intramuros, Manila
         Intramuros, nestled within today’s restless Metro Manila, is a walled area that played an important role in the country’s history. It can be said that Intramuros was once the old “Manila” and essentially was the established center during the Spanish occupation. Over half a square kilometer in size, Intramuros today contains traces of the past with its cobblestone streets and conserved ruins and architecture. Visitors can go on walking tours to learn about Intramuros and the country’s history and take kalesa (horse-drawn calash) rides around the historic walled city. (Nicdao,2016)
          According to Santiago (2017) travelling to Intramuros is a great way to appreciate the rich history of the Philippines. Intramuros was built 300 years ago by Spaniards when the Philippines was still a colony of Spain. It is the original Manila enclosed within the walls. While my friends and I are Filipinos, we’re glad that we hired a personal tour guide as it made our trip more convenient and informative. Otherwise, our trip will be merely sightseeing.
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Boracay, Island
       Visitors should never run out of ideas on what to do in Boracay Island. Whether you are a slow traveller wanting to immerse on the island for a long time, or a weekend backpacker who wishes to make the most out of a short stay, Boracay caters for every kind of wanderer. For adventure-seekers in particular, Boracay Island offers not just frolicking by the beach or hanging out in bars, it has an array of thrilling experiences waiting to be experienced. Here’s some to try. (Dumaraos, 2017)
      Perhaps the second most popular Philippine island next to Palawan is the island of Boracay. Known for its powdery white sand, spectacular sunsets, and vibrant night life, Boracay has long been a tourist hotspot Filipinos could brag about. With the long list of activities and water sports available, visitors will never run out of things to do on the island. However, it has recently been shut for six months due to a large-scale pollution problem, which has dramatically affected tourism in the area.  The caves will always have much to offer when it comes to the curious traveller. In Boracay Island, where the longest cave in the Philippines is housed, tourists can immerse themselves on an Indiana Jones tour. Basang Cave in Nabas awaits adventure seekers who love freshwater springs, forests, and wildlife. Cap off your tour with a hearty barbecue lunch. (Valentine, 2018)
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         Gaining more and more popularity in recent years is the country’s “surf capital” of Siargao. Strategically located along the country’s eastern coast, Siargao receives strong winds and currents that flow in steadily from the Pacific Ocean. To the delight of surfers, this gives the island solid swells they can enjoy, including the famous Cloud 9. (Kabias,2018)
          The beauty of surfing on Siargao is that there is a surf break for all levels. Personally, I suck at surfing so I hit up the beginner waves at Jacking Horse. I did enjoy watching the seasoned surfers tearing up the bigger waves out at Cloud 9. This wave barrels and is not only one of the best waves in the Philippines but is ranked in the top ten waves of the world.  The most accessible beginner wave on the island. A great spot for learning how to catch a wave but often crowded with surf lessons and it has a strong tide. Lots of paddling if you aren’t a gun. Some of the local long boarders tear it up here! (Nombres, 2017)
        One of my favorite things to do in Siargao was to wake up for sunrise and chill out on the end of the Cloud 9 pier. Sometimes surfers were tearing it up and watching that was awesome. Other times I watched the sun slowly rise in the distance. Hardly anyone wakes up to head out there except for a few others, quietly enjoying the start of the day at Cloud 9. It could be something to consider when you are thinking about where to stay in Siargao. Somewhere near Cloud 9 pier means you will have your sunrise spot sorted! If you had out here for sunset you will find yourself sharing the hut at the end of the pier with quite the crowd. It doesn’t get the perfect sunrise or sunset due to its location but it’s one of your best bets if you are in General Luna. (Ramos, 2018)
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Mt. Mayon
       A natural wonder locals are truly proud of is Mount Mayon in the province of Albay. Mayon is an active volcano (the most active in the country) that is famous for its seemingly perfect symmetry. Standing nearly 2,500 metres tall, its flawless conical shape captivates anyone who sets eyes on it. And while viewing it from afar is a sensational sight to see, it can also be experienced up close through a multi-day hike. (Eraya,2017)
         Mayon is the most beautiful mountain I have ever seen, the world-renowned Fujiyama (Mt. Fuji) of Japan sinking into perfect insignificance by comparison.  Since I was a kid, I had heard a lot of great things about the Mayon Volcano — active, most active, unstable, volatile, angry, beautiful, grand, great, perfect. I had never been this excited to see this restless terrain.  Mayon Volcano, or Mount Mayon, is well-known around the world as the “perfect cone” volcano, thanks to its almost symmetric conical shape — a unique feature. It is also the most active volcano in the Philippines, having erupted almost 50 times in the past 400 years alone. The site is also a protected landscape and a natural park. (Landor, 2018)
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Hinatuan Enchanted River
        This deep spring river in the province of Surigao del Sur takes its name from the mystical qualities locals believe surround the body of water. With its enchanting shades of deep blues and greens, the river is locally believed to be guarded by fairies and other nature spirits known as engkanto. Contributing to its mystical nature is the unexplained source of its clear saltwater. (Decena,2018)
Hidden in the Philippine jungle is a short stretch of river that seems to pop up out the ground just to send its miraculously clear, blue water out to sea. The Hinatuan Enchanted River in Mindanao, Philippines, is a flawless saltwater river that flows into the Pacific Ocean. It is around 80-feet deep, and just barely long enough to be considered a river, yet the flow attracts visitors from around the world who want to experience the beautiful waters that locals have long thought to be miraculous.  In fact, no one is sure exactly where the saltwater emanates from, although the prevailing theory involves an underground cave system which spits the river out, free of any dirt or silt which would usually cloud such a stream. Whatever the explanation, the clean waters are a natural wonder unlike any other. (Gutierrez,2017)
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       These beautiful tourist spots in the Philippines are all perfect to all people who loves travelling and adventures. All your efforts and money that you will spend in your travel will be worth it because you will feel like you’re in a paradise because of the beautiful scenery in every places. Fresh air, white powdery sand in every beaches, and other beautiful things that created by God. I’ll promise that you will love to go there every vacations to relax and create a good memories with your family and friends.
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paramediks-blog · 5 years
10 Reasons The Quality Of dj nunta Is So Much More Important Than Quantity.
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Supplying live musicians, DJs and AV production services in London and across the world. So if getting a wedding DJ is for you, the next step is to find the right one for the special moment. As stated previously, spinning the ideal tune isn't sufficient. It's your responsibility as a couple to be certain the DJ's character and price point fit your strategy. So even though your Great Uncle's second cousin spins on the weekends, it is to your advantage. A great place to find your DJ is the bridal expo, where it is possible to compare prices and services of the city.
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The DJ is responsible for providing the equipment needed for the wedding all. A CD player in the corner is not sufficient. Ensure that they have the suitable stereo gear such as speakers and a microphone (or two). Some supply special lighting, tents, and other conveniences, so shop around. You may be pleasantly surprised by what they have to offer find out about different types of wedding packages.
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Your DJ should be in touch with you in less than one week after they receive your signed contract and retainer. You may share contact information with your DJ who'll be in touch with you around two months before your wedding day. At this point you may establish a time plan out the events and to meet one on one. You may talk about time lines, formalities, music selections, statements, and more. This session may last an hour around. This make sure your event is a success and will make your event go smoothly.
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We serve the North East area, https://www.washingtonpost.com/newssearch/?query=formatii nunta covering Hartlepool, Teesside, Sunderland, Middlesbrough, Newcastle, Northumberland, Durham, Wynyard, Darlington, Harrogate, Ripon and Thirsk. We are pleased to travel to wedding venues outside of the North East area and so can offer DJ services and wedding disco as much as North Yorkshire, County Durham, Tyne & Wear and Cleveland.
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Your Wedding entertainment will in the majority of cases accounts for nearly 50% of your day and probably will include guests from all age groups. Should you want leaving you to enjoy mixing with family and friends and dance the night away, then Your Wedding DJ is for you.
A normal evening wedding reception at the Glasgow region or 20 Miles radius from 19:30pm until 1am is # 595 till Midnight is # 525 and from 19:30 pm. Including professional audio and disco lighting, myself as the multi award winning Wedding DJ, a meeting in person to go over and share thoughts about your wedding day, (for abroad and international Bride and Grooms a Skype call is offered) unlimited support and tips on the direct upward, your personalised online preparation system for the to update people"Floor fillers" as well as your"Do not you dare" songs.
Presented by full time personality DJ Neil Carter providing an expert service unique to each client's requests. Offering a selection of entertainment services for private parties, wedding celebrations and company events. Situated in Stroud Gloucestershire in excess of seven million occasions and with over 30 years experience, the abundance of industry knowledge is second to none.
It is very important to consider the financial capacities of one to determine one point. If one is seeking to hire an exceptional Disc jockey, they must be ready to devote a good sum of cash when hiring a Deejay. The exceptionally professional DJ with lots of experience in the specialty will cost far more than a novice. What's more, one who will use supplied equipment at the event can not charge a rate that is slightly higher than a DJ who'll come with their particular equipment. The period, which the DJ is hired for, can also be a determinant factor in the costs of the event. Since the probability of hiccups will probably be reduced hiring an experienced Disc jockey and one who has performed at functions will boost one's probability of giving birth to a flawless event.
The problem of whether to hire a wedding DJ or nuptial is very likely to come up when one is planning for their wedding celebration. This choice will be influenced by encounters at nuptials especially if a person thought highly of Deejay which performed in a wedding that is past or this band. Wedding bands have advantages but one should consider the pitfalls that they might pose to their nuptials. For one the rings will cost more than the usual Deejay. While the band might want to take some time off to unwind leaving openings that you will find tough to fill in addition, the Disc jockey will provide continuous entertainment.
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shannrussell-blog1 · 5 years
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About Hollókő
Hollókő is located in the northeast part of Hungary, about a 90-minute drive from Budapest. A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1987, the village and its surroundings offer a unique insight into what life used to be like in rural Hungary before the 20th century. Today, Hollókő has two distinct parts: the Old Village with buildings that are over 100 years old, and the New Village, where most of the town’s population lives today.
Hollókő is often called a “living village”, meaning that unlike other similar villages, Hollókő has never been turned into a museum, and residents still live in the old part of town keeping the traditional customs alive. However, most of the buildings host shops, museums and restaurants serving the many travelers from both Hungary and abroad who visit Hollókő each year.
The Church of Hollőkő. Photo: Budapest Local
Summer in Hollókő. Photo: Budapest Local
Forest trail below the Old Village. Photo: Budapest Local
What to Do and See
Hollókő is a great place to learn about Hungarian history, culture, customs and traditions, to enjoy the beautiful nature, and to explore the region’s unique gastronomy.
The Old Village consists of two streets, Kossuth Lajos Street and Petőfi Sándor Street, where you’ll find 67 houses. Some of these buildings are private houses while others have been turned into museums, shops and restaurants. If you want to learn about the the history of Hollókő and about customs and traditions, make sure you visit the Village Museum, the Post Museum, the Doll Museum and The House Of The Weavers.
Make sure you also peek inside St. Martin Church, a Roman Catholic church that was built in 1889.
Dating back to the thirteenth century, the Hollókő Castle is a great place to enjoy the view over the old village and the stunning Cserhát mountains. The permanent exhibition showcases weapons from the 11th to the 16th century, traditional costumes, an intimate chapel, and a wax exhibition presenting the first lord of the castle and his family.
Wine shop and tasting room. Photo: Budapest Local
Unique souvenirs in Hollókő. Photo: Budapest Local
Where to Eat?
There are plenty of options in Hollókő for a great meal. For lunch in the old village, you should try the Mívesház Vendéglő or the Muskátli Vendéglő. Palócleves is a popular local specialty similar to our traditional gulyás (goulash) soup but this version has a sour taste. Castellum Hotel and its Mikszáth Restaurant offers a more gourmet (and pricy) experience with a fusion between traditional and modern Hungarian cuisine. They also have the best coffee in Hollókő.
At Borpatika (also in the old village), you can try some local wines and also meet the winemaker. There is also a small shop called Gazduram Sajtboltja with delicious artisan cheese and they’re happy to put together a cheese platter for you with a selection of their best cheese.
Original furnace. Photo: Budapest Local
Castle Ruins of Hollókő. Photo: Budapest Local
When to Go?
Hollókő is a great travel destination all year round, however, you’ll have a distinctly different experience depending on the season. Hollókő is highly popular during certain Holidays, including Easter, Pentecost, August 20th and Saint Martin Day, when traditional Hungarian customs are celebration in the old village. The hot summer months are usually not that popular as most travelers prefer visiting the Balaton region. The winter months are usually also quiet except for the Christmas Holidays.
Winter in Hollókő. Photo: Budapest Local
Winter in Hollókő. Photo: Budapest Local
Winter in Hollókő. Photo: Budapest Local
How to Get There?
The easiest and fastest way to get to Hollókő is by car. The approximately 90-minute drive from Budapest will take you through the beautiful Cserhát mountain range.
There are two buses everyday between Budapest and Hollókő. The bus 1024 leaves at 8:30am from the Stadion Bus Station in Budapest and the trip takes 2 hours. The bus 439 leaves at 3:15pm also from the Stadion Bus Station and arrives at Hollókő at 5:25pm. For the way back, you can take the bus 439 at 5am or 7:30am or the bus 1024 at 3pm or 4pm.
Download our Free Budapest Guides to learn how you can make the most of your trip.
Winter in Hollókő. Photo: Budapest Local
Where to Stay?
If you want to spend more than one day in Hollókő (which I highly recommend!), then you have plenty of options for accommodations. You can either stay in one of the guest houses in the old village to find out how people used to live in the early 20th century.
Although the buildings have been renovated to accommodate our modern needs, including indoor plumbing, you can still experience the traditional way of living through the interior with original furniture and decoration. These accommodations all have bathrooms and kitchens, and you can easily do your grocery shopping at a local store nearby. Check out the Kemencés Guest House, the Kaláris Guest House, the Mikula Porta, the Nefelejcs Guest House or the Hollóköves Guest Houses for a one-of-a-kind accommodation.
If you’re looking for a more modern experience, then we recommend Castellum Hotel Hollókő, which opened only a couple of years ago. This hotel features beautiful rooms with modern design, a great wellness section and a top-notch restaurant. Make sure you ask for a room with a view over the old village!
Winter view over the Old Village from Castellum Hotel Hollókő. Photo: Budapest Local
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Explore Hungary’s beautiful wine regions while visiting the best wineries and enjoying wine tastings and a delicious lunch.
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The post Travel Back in Time in the Charming Village of Hollókő! appeared first on Budapest Local.
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sophiecmn772-blog · 5 years
Considering Eastern European Right Wing Populism
A Conversation with Professor Susan Siggelakis
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According to Judis (2016, p. 4) “some European populist parties have been around for decades”. He gives, for example, the French Front National led by Marine Le Pen, but in eastern Europe some of these populist parties are just emerging. In Hungary, populist Prime Minister Viktor Orban took office in 2010 (Bugaric, 2008), and in the Czech Republic populist President Milos Zeman was elected in 2013. In the short time period that these actors have been in office, they have met incredible political success. The following interview discusses some of the broader themes of populism in Eastern Europe, and why it has risen in popularity over the last ten years. 
Professor Susan Siggelakis is a Professor of political science at the University of New Hampshire, Durham campus. Professor Siggelakis holds a Bachelor of Arts from Rutgers University, and a Masters and Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University. Professor Siggelakis specializes in constitutional law, but has followed politics and current events in Eastern Europe through her role as the director of the UNH justice studies study abroad in Budapest program. In addition to several shorter trips, Professor Siggelakis has spent two full semesters in Budapest with her students, including one during the height of the refugee crisis in 2015. The purpose of this interview was to gauge the current political climate as it relates to populism in Eastern Europe, with Professor Siggelakis drawing heavily on her experience from her time in Budapest and her own historical knowledge of the region.   
For more on Professor Siggelakis, visit her faculty homepage.
A full transcript of the interview can be found below.
For the edited audio version, follow this link.  
ST = Myself, Interviewer and student at the University of New Hampshire
SS = Professor Susan Siggelakis, Ph.D., Interviewee
April 15, 2019 - Horton Hall, University of New Hampshire Durham Campus
ST: So, just to start off could you tell me, for those who don’t know you, what your focus of study is and your specialty here at UNH? 
SS: My area is like, constitutional law in the United States and Canadian politics and stuff. So I’m not really a comparative politics person but because of my involvement as a faculty member in the justice studies Budapest program and then I became the director, I became more involved in Hungary. So I spent two different semesters in Hungary and then I’m the director of the program. And so that means I’ve gone there, besides being there for two semesters also had a couple of trips over and back. I did write an article which got published which was about Hungary but it was about a work of fiction and sort of looking at it from a political thought angel so it’s not really topical in terms of politics. So, my level of expertise is just from living there. 
ST: From your experience. 
SS: And reading about it. I try to keep up on the news about Hungary, you know on the web and stuff. 
ST: So, and how familiar are you with the idea of populism in general? 
SS: I mean yea I get it. Sure, Sure. 
ST: Are you familiar with it in the context of Eastern Europe at all or just more in general? 
SS: Well, from what I’ve seen in Hungary, yeah. I mean, I think Orban who’s he Prime Minister he’s a populist and he’s very appealing to the people. You know, he’s pursued… uh a kind of -I wouldn’t necessarily say separatist but his job is to represent the interests of the Hungarian people, not to worry about the EU, not to worry about the people in the Middle East, you know that’s his job.
ST: Yeah! 
SS: And the people respond to it. I mean his party, the Fidesz, they’ve been in power since, god 2006, I mean for a very long time, and they control almost all the majority of the seat in the Parliament. 
ST: Yea and that brings me to one of my questions I had. I know he’s been, Prime Minister right, since 2010 in Hungary and then in the Czech Republic which I’m studying their president – he’s a populist who’s been here since 2013 and then the Prime Minister has been in power since 2017 and they’re both considered populist. 
SS: Yea, and also in Poland, I mean you have similar things going on in a lot of those former eastern block countries.
ST: Yea, so do you have any idea why this sort of short time period recently has been- like what factors have contributed to the populists gaining… 
SS: Well, I’m not a big expert but I would say you know just like the membership in the EU. Speaking for Hungary is that – and even whether you’re in France or England or whatever, I mean all the sudden you’re in this large-scale ruling organization which makes rules that might not particularly fit your particular country and you’re forced to abide by them. So I think it’s just as the EU sort of web or amount, number of regulations has grown over the years there’s a tipping point I think at which people say “you know we have to be able to govern our own affairs the way we want to, even if we are in the EU”. So I think it’s a combination of that and I think it’s a reaction to globalization more generally, the fact that borders don’t matter anymore. I mean look at the debate we’re having. Oh, oh we shouldn’t have borders everybody should be able to come and go. 
ST: And in the EU they sort of can with anyone being in the EU can go… 
SS: Well they can once they get in.
 ST: Yeah! 
SS: If you’re in the Schengen Zone. So, you can be in the EU without being a member of the Schengen Zone. Ok, the Schengen Zone is a treaty obligation that some of the EU countries have signed. So what that means for Hungary, for example, and I’m sure for Czech Republic as well I – so remember in 2015 whe nthe big refugee crisis in Hungary and they were all coming from Serbia, through Serbia and they all wanted to go to Germany, they didn’t want to stay in Hungary, that was their goal. 
ST: Yea and Serbia now has a wall between them and Hungary. 
SS: Well Hungary does. But the point being, Hungary got a very bad rap in that situation because their obligation was to, if you’re in the Schengen treaty, when a person crosses that border into your country you have to establish who they are, you have to – they have to have documentation, you have to have a complete information that you would have for immigration. And most of these people didn’t have it and so Hungary was like well what the hell are we supposed to do. Our obligation is to establish who they are and we can’t do that when we have thousands of people crossing our border. And it was a big crisis and I think they were portrayed, I think very unfairly in the press actually because they weren’t living up to what they were supposed to do. And, all they were like “well why aren’t you letting people just you know live there” and whatever .They were like “we don’t even know who these people are”. They don’t have passports. The don’t have documentation. They don’t have anything, and they didn’t even want to stay in Hungary to begin with. And so the thing is once they get into Hungary then they can travel freely throughout the rest of Europe so if you can, as a refugee it’s worth your while if you can do that, right? Because then you can go anywhere within there. So, that was when Orban really said “we have to” you know “we really have to clamp down, we have to”. And again there were a lot of those border cities like I know there’s the city of Paech which was in the south which was under a state of emergency. I mean it was, it was very bad in the southern part of Hungary, not so much in Budapest. Although, they ended up walking or traveling somehow to Budapest and they occupied the train, like all the international train stations for several weeks and so we couldn’t even travel on international trains. 
ST: and you were there in Hungary? 
SS: We were there in 2015 fall. That was when the big surge came, yea. So that’s when… you know I think Orban was poplar before that but I think that was the beginning of more attention to securing their own borders. I mean that’s not the only aspect of populism, I think that’s one aspect of populism, right? 
ST: yea, it is a big aspect I feel like especially in right wing populism when a lot of their rhetoric has sort of taken on a nationalistic tone. Where the Czech Republic which I’m studying, the President Milos Zeman, he ran on a campaign where one of his slogans was like “no to Islam” and things like that.
SS: Well, one reason you have to think about this in the broader historical context is – you don’t think about this – but Hungary and Eastern Europe was the dividing line between Christian Europe and Muslims throughout the Medieval – in act Budapest was conquered numerous times by, well they called them the Turks but they were the Muslims. And so they see themselves as a Christian sort of back stop and I don’t know if this is true as much in the Czech Republic but I would assume it is because that’s why you had all those castles and you had all these knights and things was to protect against that. It was an invasion, I mean they got all the way to Vienna. So, you have to think about that as sort of the larger tradition or value of Christian Europe which they are saying is under threat now just as it was in the Middle Ages. So if you look at it more broadly I think you can understand it. 
ST: And you said you think it’s been portrayed sort of unfairly? 
SS: Well I’m talking about the Hungarian reaction in 2015. I do think it – I think Orban in general is portrayed poorly by everybody in the West. Like if you read the BBC or any of those things I think he – but you know I mean I’m agnostic about it I’m not a Hungarian citizen. But um for example I went to the October 23rd celebration which, I don’t know if you know, is the anniversary of the Hungarian revolution in 1956 where they tried to throw off the communists and then were put down by Soviet tanks. It’s a huge national holiday. And um so they closed off the streets and they had a big – there’s a museum it’s called the House of Terror which was where the Nazi party would torture all the Hungarians when they occupied Budapest and then when the Soviets took over the Soviets would use it to. It’s a torture house basically and now it’s a museum. And again, for the Hungarian people they’ve always been invaded, right? You have to think about that. Right? You’re in this crossroads of people just like the Czechs right. They were ruled by the Soviets for so long, these foreign powers which dominate them and they want to have their own indigenous country so I think looking at it in the longer history as well as in the more contemporary 20th century history. You would not want to live in Eastern Europe. I mean that was a horrible place to be throughout most of the 20th - when you think about world war one, world war two. I mean it’s just horrible what these people have lived through and so I think you know, trying to establish the integrity of their own country even though as they’re part of this larger European EU sort of center, it’s hard for them. They don’t want to blend. Do they want to be as people are in France? Do French want to be the same as people are in Hungary? no. I mean they want to retain their identity. But anyway, long story short, so at the celebration they closed off street after street after street and they had some old film clippings of the revolution, they had some other speakers whatever and then Orban came on and of course I can’t understand Hungarian very well but I mean the level of support for Orban is extremely high. Now there is dissent in the community, in the nation as well. In fact, even at the Parliament there were several times where I would walk by and there would be a poster or like a banner and it would say Putin, uh who’s the guy from Turkey, Erdogan, Orban, like they were the three thieves or the three whatever and there have been anti-Fidesz and anti-Orban demonstrations, for a variety of different reasons. You probably heard about the George Soros situation? He was a Jew from Hungary and there was a kind of an interesting back story to the whole thing but basically him and his family cooperated with the Nazis and he began this wealthy billionaire and he sort of has advocated for sort of globalist causes and then he has a University that he funds it was called Central European University it was in Budapest and it gave out American college degrees even though it wasn’t on American soil and wasn’t associated with an American University. And Fidesz and Orban they hate Soros. They feel that Soros is trying to undermine the integrity of Hungary and make it just another sort of European sort of globalist kind of place. So there’s a lot of anti- Soros agitation I would say from Fidesz and in fact even if you go in the subways they usually hand out, those little piles you know how the weekly paper some of that’s free and usually it has a picture of Soros and some negative article about him, and some people interpret that as anti-Semitism. On the other hand Hungary also has – in fact just the other day they had a holocaust remembrance day and they had hundreds of thousands of people and you know they have a holocaust museum they have – I mean it’s part of what they’re trying to do. They do reparations like a lot of the European countries. So, you know you don’t know. I think to some extent I can see why certain people in the west portray him very negatively on the other hand there’s also a lot of go do things that are going on as well that the people want. So it’s a question of who the hell am I to sit here and say well you Hungarians shouldn’t want that. It’s not my job, you know so I think that’s how I look at it but. Ithink there is a larger concern among sort of the European Union and the elite that it’s going to fragment the EU. That eventually like with Brexit that these countries are just gonna say that enoughs enough we wanna do more of our own thing and we’ll cooperate on some things but we’re not going to follow all these rules. Like one thing that Hungarians were especially agitated about and said they wouldn’t do was that Merkel’s plan was that there would be a quota of refugees for each country that they would have to take and the Hungarians were like no we’re not doing that, you know. And actually, Budapest is a very diverse city, like if you’re there there’s middle eastern restaurants there’s Asian people. It’s very, very diverse certainly not in the country side I would say but in the city it’s like any other big city. So it’s not like they don’t have legal immigration, they do, but they don’t have – you know as far as I know they definitely are very tight on their immigration. 
ST: Yea, I looked up the statistics for how many registered refugees they have and so in 2017 it said Hungary had fifty six hundred and the Czech Republic had even less at like thirty five but then when you look at countries like Germany they had like almost a million. 
SS: Right, and but Germany’s a lot bigger country too if you think about it and very industrialized. Hungary is a very still very agricultural country so – and you know it’s only the size, if you think about how small Hungary is, Hungary is about the size of Ohio and has about the same amount of population as that. So, you know comparing France or even Germany to Hungary it’s a scale difference. Quite a lot of difference there. So that’s how I see it. I mean, you know I don’t know what’s gonna happen in the long run but I don’t think the populism train is going to stop any time soon. I mean you could ask the question, are human beings suited to an identification with people who are not like them, ultimately right? When you think about it the more you broaden – even if you had friends, the more you broaden your circle of friends the weaker those ties are, right? Your very close friends tend to be like you or have a lot of similarities so I think the Eu is kind of an experiment just like any other global kind of institution I mean there’s always this centripetal tendency for things to fly apart and I think it’s rooted in human nature, people want to be with people like themselves and it’s very hard to change that. That doesn’t make it good or bad it’s just a fact. Czechs want to hang out with Czechs they want to do business with Czechs. That’s my take, I don’t know what’s particularly going on in the Czech Republic though but…
ST: So right now I know in Hungary at least it’s ranked like 74th … 73rd by Reporters Without Borders on like a list of 180 countries as freedom of the press and Czech Republic is listed 35th right now… or 34th. So, I’m wondering if you have any idea about what has happened in recent years to make that ranking go down? 
SS: I think one thing in Hungary was that some of the big players like industrialists who are aligned with- it’s like any kind of consolidation of media, right, that rich people buy the media right, and so because they have less national media so they control the television. I know that. I forget what channel it is but I think it’s channel one or something which many people accuse of being just pro Fidesz pro Orban all the time. So I would just say that the media outlets that they have are not controlled by Orban or the government but they are bought and owned by people who are supportive of them. 
ST: OK, so not by the political parties or the political players themselves? 
SS: Not directly, no no no. But like anything else you might say there’s a close symbiotic relationship let’s put it that way. But now with – especially with the internet and other things there are a lot of dissenting news outlets and things like that but I think the major TV stations at least for news I guess I would say are not excessively critical, that’s my understanding. However, there are some where just like you would be watching TV here there will be a panel like McNeil Lair or whatever, they’ll be arguing back and forth about different things. So, I wouldn’t say that it doesn’t, that it’s terrible. It’s not like North Korea. But some people would say that there’s too much, there’s too much closeness I guess is what they would say.
ST: Are there any like legal protections or laws that sort of thing? 
SS: Well, Hungary has a constitution, a very fulsome const- so they have free rights just like we have, freedom of the press, whatever and there have been lawsuits and just like there would be here that sort of thing. I mean they have courts they have legal processes so it’s not like they can just you know snap their fingers and this is how it’s gonna be. But you know mounting legal challenges are hard and expenses and they take time, you know those kinds of things so in the short run I think you know that’s what you’re getting. And I think a friend of mine there said especially people in the country side they only get one or two channels of TV so that’s what they’re gonna see, you know.
ST: What would you say are the biggest political issues right now, just in your opinion? 
SS: I would say, like I would say the economy in Hungary because they are having a down turn. I would say the economy I would say that, you know, the role of Fidesz. There’s opposition in Hungary to Fidesz, they’re not strong enough to win many seats that’s the problem in the Parliament. I just think sort of the nature of the polity. I think also the birth- what do they call it the birth drain. They don’t have enough population. So what they’re doing, Fidesz has offered like they do I think in Canada, any country does it, but to try to get people to have more kids they have a tax abetment and those kinds of things. So they’re trying to promote people having more kids because you know they have a pretty good social welfare state and you need people to pay into it and if you don’t have people who work and have children then the next generation isn’t paying for that generation. So I think the population boom, bust, cuz in fact in Budapest most people only have one kid. And I think for some reason that’s an – you have to remember it’s not a very long time ago that they threw off the Soviets. 
ST: Yea, 1989. 
SS: Yea into ’90, I mean it didn’t even really happen until ’91, and so people are always insecure, I mean financially. Salaries there are so much lower, like even our secretaries here are like three times the salary of somebody who works in a university. People who teach probably make a third to a quarter of what I make. So people don’t have all the crap that we have and they don’t have the consumer- I mean they’re starting to but you know it’s really a relatively recent kind of thing. People don’t have excess stuff I would say in terms of great wealth. You know there is this group of people who they say are aligned with Orban who are sort of the plutocrats who are the folks who really have made a killing and a lot of it they say it’s because of these dirty deals or cronyism and you know whatever. But I think the average Hungarian you know doesn’t starve to death but they don’t have luxuries that we would sort of take for granted. So I would say it’s always the economy, uh having more children to pay into social, you know all the social programs that they have. Immigration I think it is an issue it’s not as hot probably as it was a couple years ago because they’ve pretty much remedied the situation. I mean even for us to go there as students and as faculty the immigration process is extremely bureaucratic and extremely, uh you have to provide all these different documents. Just like anywhere else I mean I can’t go live in France and just say I want to stay here, right? All these countries have to have these things. So I think that in general it’s not a crisis like it was maybe in 2015 I think that they’ve settled it essentially, but the question is how much is the EU going to force them to do things that they don’t want to do. Like what are the conditions for that. So I think that’s the other issue is our place in the E. how much do we get to control? Of our own society of our own economy of our own way of living. So I would say that’s the big issue and that’s where Orban is very popular, particularly. Because he, again he’s a nationalist, he’s saying Hungary is for Hungarians, you know we’re a Christian nation, we’re gonna keep that going and we’re not gonna compromise and if they do like it you know we may – I don’t know that he’s actually said we may leave but I think that’s sort of implicit. Which you know puts the fear of god into the EU because if the Czech Republic does it, if Hungary does it, you know, then the dominoes are starting to fall already. And then what replaces it could be better could be worse, we don’t know. In terms of economics or military, you know we just we don’t know what it will be because the whole reason that apparently the EU was originally conceived of was purely as an economic relationship between the countries not social relationship and now you have international legal processes like the European arrest warrant. You have you know these sort of fundamental rights approach that every country has to sign on to and so it’s gone beyond the original idea of what – it wasn’t even called the EU, I forget what it was called but it was called the – I forget. When it was started it wasn’t that. So it’s kind of morphed, you know. And then the question becomes how representative is the EU council because the smaller countries like Hungary and the Czech Republic only elect so many people whereas the larger countries elect more people because they have a greater population, right. So the policies of the Eu are more slanted towards like France and Germany than they are towards these other countries, so that’s another issue. But I would saying general the idea of sovereignty is the issue, the main issue for most of these countries. 
ST: For most of those Eastern European countries…
SS: Yea. How much we control and how much controls us from the outside. In fact a lot of these Prime Ministers and Presidents from different countries, I mean they do get together they are allies in certain ways and you know it’s like any other ideology or movement. You know, people in one country see what the other country’s going and say “hey maybe we can do that too”. So I do think that Eastern Europe’s a lot different than Western Europe but you have to look at it in that broader historical context that they’ve had to suffer under for so long and, I do think that the West is overly judgmental because we haven’t had to live like the people in Hungary in the 20th century. We’ve been lucky We haven’t been under anybody’s domination fundamentally and, uh, so we can have a different attitude about the strengths of multiculturalism and globalization but if you’ve lived under these systems of oppression then you know you don’t want that. You don’t want foreign influence you want your own indigenous influences. So that’s my take.
Judis, John B. (2016). Us vs them: The birth of populism. The Guardian 
Bugaric, B. (2008). Populism, liberal democracy, and the rule of law in central and eastern Europe. Communist and Post Communist Studies. 41 (191-203) 
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cliftonsteen · 5 years
Entering China’s Emerging Coffee Market
China might be the fourth-largest country in the world and have the largest population on earth, but it has one of the world’s lowest coffee consumption rates, with citizens consuming an average of just one cup a year. 
While this might not sound promising, coffee consumption rates in China are growing at 30% a year, compared to an international rate of 2%. For producers and roasters looking to enter an untapped market, it offers incredible potential.
For insight into this market, I spoke with Felipe Cabrera, Roaster at Ocean Grounds Coffee, and Natalia Li, Green Bean Buyer for Ingenuity Coffee. Both will be appearing on a panel titled China: The Emerging Market at this year’s Producer & Roaster Forum in Honduras. We discussed China’s recent market developments, why consumption rates are increasing, and what roasters and producers can expect from it all.
Interested in more PRF coverage? Then take a look at Deconstructing Russia’s Coffee Market
Fresh tea leaves are harvested and collected in a basket.
China’s Relationship With Coffee
China has produced and consumed tea for centuries. The country produced an estimated 2.8 million tons of tea in 2018, and currently accounts for almost 40% of the world’s total tea consumption. Up until the 1980s, coffee was treated like an expensive gift, rather than something to be enjoyed. 
It only penetrated the mainstream market in 1999 when the first Starbucks opened in Beijing’s World Trade Center. At this point, the specialty coffee scene was still a long way from becoming established.
Originally from Colombia, Felipe spent several years living in China before taking on his current role at Ocean Grounds Coffee. He says “When I arrived in China… choices in the city were very scarce. Besides a few Starbucks outlets which were considered quite expensive at the time, there were two Western food restaurants… that served basic espresso drinks… Most Chinese coffee consumers, however, were still drinking Nestle or Maxwell instant coffees on campuses, at their offices, and even at home”.
Instant coffee was popular in China until 2012, when imports started to decrease. This was due to an increased interest in ground coffee, with more consumers choosing to visit coffee houses over making instant coffee at home.
This increase in preference could be attributed to the rise of second wave coffee chains, such as Starbucks and Luckin Coffee. Currently, Starbucks owns over half of the share of the Chinese coffee market. Between 2017 and 2018 their revenue almost doubled, and it’s estimated that a new Starbucks store opens every 15 hours in the country.
Guatemalan coffee ready to be sampled at Ocean Grounds Coffee in Beijing. Credit: Ocean Grounds Coffee
Why Is Consumption Increasing?
Between 2008 and 2018, Chinese coffee consumption increased by 1032%, thanks to the growing influence of Chinese millennials. Currently, individuals born between 1981 and 1996 make up over a quarter of China’s population, account for over half of all luxury goods purchased, and hold over two-thirds of all passports. This group tends to have a higher disposable income than previous generations, so they can afford these luxuries.
The millennial penchant for travel means that some will be exposed to Western ideals while overseas, with those in urban areas likely to come into contact with Western lifestyles and media in their day to day lives. Additionally, a significant portion will be students returning from studying in countries such as the UK, Canada, and Australia, who want to maintain the coffee drinking habits they’ve established abroad. 
Felipe tells me “Their purchasing power is quite significant. They don’t hesitate to buy a 30+ Ren Min Bi coffee cup (around US $4.5) at Starbucks or Costa Coffee, or for the coffee connoisseurs to spend 50 Ren Min Bi (approx. US $7) or more”.
By being willing to pay more, this age group is helping specialty coffee emerge as an industry. As they’re increasingly willing to pay higher prices for higher quality, many local roasters and coffee shops have started to take advantage of this.
Natalia tells me that another important factor that is helping the growth of the specialty coffee market in China is the internet. She mentions that the country’s biggest e-commerce shop, Taobao, allows many coffee roasters to sell their specialty coffee directly to the public, using distinct online branding and an online storefront.
Starbucks coffee cups displayed on a table. Starbucks is one of the biggest coffee store chains in China.
Challenges to Entering This Market
Roasters and coffee shops looking to enter the Chinese market need to be prepared for the domination of chain stores. With over 3300 Starbucks stores in existence and Chinese chain Luckin planning on opening 10 000 stores by 2021, they have a strong grip over the market. In 2015, KFC also launched their own affordable coffee offering, which is available in many of its 4500 outlets across the country.
Luckin Coffee has grown exponentially, opening 525 shops in the 9 months since it was founded. Customers can only place orders online before picking them up, using an app linked with WeChat (China’s largest messaging service) to do so. They say this allows them to track customer coffee habits, so they can better meet their needs. WeChat differs significantly from other social media platforms as it can connect with 85 000 other apps, allowing users to shop online, pay bills, and video call someone.
Later this year, Luckin plans on opening a coffee roasting plant in Xiamen, with an annual production capacity of 30 000 tonnes. This facility promises to use environmentally friendly technology for air cleaning and smoke elimination, and will exclusively supply Luckin branches. It’s a joint venture with the Louis Dreyfus Company, a merchant and processor of agricultural goods, and one of the world’s largest green bean merchandisers.
Other specialty coffee chains in China include Fisher Coffee Company, Arabica Roasters, and Ocean Grounds Coffee. The latter specialises in bringing the specialty farm-to-cup experience to Shanghai consumers, by emphasising direct trade and handcrafted beverages.
A second challenge to market entry will be overcoming China’s cultural and language barriers. Felipe says “You cannot succeed here alone. The culture, language and bureaucratic barriers make it quite difficult to step into this market by yourself”. These barriers can include the diversity of taste preferences present. For example, Beijing and Shanghai consumers tend to prefer sweet tastes, compared to those in Guangzhou.
These differences in taste could also extend to how the coffee beans themselves are processed. Felipe explains that “Chinese…consumers greatly welcome fermented notes, as various styles of Chinese food have fermented dishes or condiments”. This could possibly restrict where a roaster or coffee shop sources their coffee, and how it’s processed.
The Chinese coffee market could open up new methods of preparing coffee, unlike those seen in the West. Credit: Ocean Grounds Coffee
Overcoming Barriers to Entry 
Felipe believes that the best way for roasters and producers to access the Chinese market is to team up with people in the industry. “Partner up with a company, agent, representative, or local professional that has presence and experience in [the] Chinese coffee market. They can help you to navigate among the particularities of [the] Chinese market and enter your product here with the right price, volumes and selling approach”.
Pairing up with an established business is important, as Chinese consumers tend to prefer brands that are tried and tested, or recommended by family. Being connected to the right business will help you market and advertise your business or product appropriately, and help you tailor its offerings to the habits of local coffee drinkers.
You’ll also need to use technology in your sales and marketing. “The social media environment here is very different … There is no Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, and there is virtually no reliance on company websites. All promotion must be done through Chinese social media such as WeChat, Weibo, Red, etc. which uses very different methods,” Felipe explains. Understanding this way of marketing and adopting an interface allowing customers to communicate with you via an app could improve your success rate.
While understanding the current market is important, so is predicting future trends. Currently, coffee consumption is concentrated in urban areas, meaning that rural areas could be the next market. Felipe predicts that “Specialty coffee roasting and brewing businesses are going to increase in megacities… where many young adults come to study and work… After some time, these young adults will go back to their hometowns to start families, start their own business[es], or to take care of their ageing parents, and they will bring the specialty coffee culture with them”.
Another change will be highlighting Chinese grown coffee. In 2018, the first International Specialty Coffee Expo and Forum took place; showcasing the Yunnan region’s varietals to international roasters and importers, and educating local industry professionals with talks and seminars. The event’s success, combined with the increasing quality of Chinese cultivated beans, led to another one being planned this year, with origin experiences at farms added to the offering. However, it has been postponed due to the Coronavirus outbreak.
International specialty industry giants have already started to take notice of Chinese coffee, with UK roasters Square Mile officially introducing aerobically fermented Yunnan beans to their menu. This award-winning roastery supplies coffee shops all over London, and is part of Cup of Excellence and the Speciality Coffee Association of Europe, amongst other organisations. Their Ou Yang is a creamy coffee with tasting notes of strawberry jam and lychee. It’s named after the farmer who uses natural double fermentation to create it.
A Chinese village on a hillside. Rural areas might be the next place in China for coffee shops and roasters to expand to. 
With a rapidly growing specialty scene, and a continual increase in coffee consumption rates every year, the Chinese coffee market presents an incredible opportunity that international parties should not pass up on. 
As long as cultural traditions and preferences are taken into account, including China’s ongoing use of technology, local tastes, and the importance of connecting with trusted businesses, then roasters and producers should be able to thrive in this industry.
Enjoyed this? Then Read Exploring Millennial Trends in Specialty Coffee
Written by Tasmin Grant. Feature photo caption: Shanghai City at night.
Perfect Daily Grind
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The post Entering China’s Emerging Coffee Market appeared first on Perfect Daily Grind.
Entering China’s Emerging Coffee Market published first on https://espressoexpertweb.weebly.com/
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michaelfallcon · 6 years
The Making Of A Master: Inside The Technivorm Factory
Only five people in the world, I’m told, possess the lapel pin: a golden hexagon with block serif letters split over two lines. One is the person whose dark glen-plaid blazer buttonhole I’m inspecting right now under institutional lighting in Amerongen, the Netherlands. His name is Frans van Cooten. His title nowadays is director and owner of Moccamaster Sales EU, one of three independent entities overseeing the majority of sales for the manufacturer known as Technivorm—which is also the word, shining in relief, on Van Cooten’s lapel.
2018 was a momentous year for the factory that created the world’s most enduring, stylish, and reputable home filter coffeemaker: the Moccamaster KBG 741. The year began sadly, with the passing of the machine’s inventor and Technivorm’s founder, Gerard-Clement Smit. In January, the engineer died at age 87. Years ago, he had given Van Cooten, his son-in-law, the Technivorm pin—although the first to receive one was Ina ten Donkelaar. She is not wearing it on the bright morning on which she tells me who is in the circle of pin-possessors, but no one doubts how close the brand is to her heart. She was Smit’s partner. Currently, Ten Donkelaar is Technivorm’s CEO and has been with the company, established in 1964, from early on. She remembers when Smit rented a workspace in the tiny village of Elst, in the province of Utrecht, initially producing stepladders and stacking shelves, followed by his first patented coffee grinder in 1965. She recalls when, in 1967, Technivorm moved to the neighboring village of Amerongen, right into Smit’s backyard, which was convenient, yet rough on his prune trees.
An original 1968 Moccamaster.
The rerelease of Technivorm’s first-ever coffeemaker made 2018 more celebratory. Developed in 1968 but launched a year later, the Moccamaster 69, named for its debut year, is smaller than the 741 (brewing up to eight, rather than 10, cups). With a round-edged hotplate tray and a circular heating tower and water reservoir, it very much appears to be of a curves-embracing era. Called the ’68 Jubileum, the rerelease retains those features, making it an unblinking fit into all the mid-century modern design resurrected of late. The limited-edition model has been available in Europe since March 2018. North America has had to be patient, as it is only scheduled for purchase there starting spring 2019.
Ten Donkelaar and Van Cooten receive me at Technivorm’s headquarters and factory in Amerongen. No longer occupying the family’s former garden, they have been situated in an industrial section of town since the late 1980s. Still, in the Netherlands, it’s hard to ever really get away from the pastoral; trees surrounding the premises are lush and across the road, I catch a couple of ponies grazing. In traditional Dutch office etiquette, a receptionist promptly offers drinks. White demitasses arrive, filled with a medium-dark roast provided by two-centuries-old Dutch roasters Smit & Dorlas. When I ask, perhaps a bit insipidly, if a Moccamaster was used, Van Cooten answers with an amiable “Jaaaa.” Downstairs, he volunteers, professional-line Moccamasters brew fresh batches for the factory staff. An 11 AM coffee break is another Dutch labor institution, but the punctuality of a koffiepauze is crucial when a production line is at stake, stresses Van Cooten. A bell goes off to let the workers know when it’s time for, as Ten Donkelaar puts it, “drinking coffee, getting a little baked good, and enjoying a smoke.”
Ten Donkelaar and Van Cooten
But upstairs, we are in what seems to be part boardroom—upholstered conference chairs tucked under laminate tables—and part museum. Exhibited in, on, and around glass-cased shelves are decades’ worth of artifacts: various models and iterations of home and commercial coffee machines, blade coffee grinders, hot plates, water boilers, and dispensers. Plus, there are samples of Smit’s pre-Technivorm inventions from when he was, essentially, a freelancer; highlights include a box of hot rollers and a snijbonenmolen (a string bean slicer, once considered a Dutch kitchen staple). The walls are like an open scrapbook, decorated with vintage corporate posters and multi-language ads from the past. On a stand of its own is a quilt: the batik-effect fabric with images of cups and beans features a dozen blocks, each with a uniquely hued 741 machine. It was occasioned by Technivorm’s golden anniversary, and the quilter was Kathleen Bauer, COO of Moccamaster USA, a second of Technivorm’s three related entities. Bauer is another pin-holder, and her craft brings some palpable Americana to the functionalism-driven European environs.
Moccamaster’s internal functions were uncovered by Popular Mechanics in a “disassembly report” detailing all 137 parts that are elegantly engineered into a single 741. The 2017 review praised it as “many coffee snobs’ brewer of choice,” though the machine’s appeal has undeniably broadened. The MoMa Design Store has sold it since 2016, and in June 2018, “new brides and brides-to-be” among Good Morning America’s staff ranked it their #1 wedding gift.
These days, the brand has distributors worldwide. Nevertheless, all Moccamasters continue to be constructed by hand and individually tested in the Netherlands. The manufacturer prides itself in using, whenever possible, recyclable or fully degradable materials sourced from within Europe, if not the Netherlands itself. New machines come with a five-year warranty, though tend to last far longer, being easy to repair or spruce up with replacement parts.
“We get lots of emails from customers asking, ‘Does the jug for the new 68 also fit in the old one?’ And they’re very happy to hear that it does,” says Van Cooten. The rerelease has a few technical updates, but “on functionality there is no difference.”
“This was the first ’68 model, back then called the ‘69,’” Ten Donkelaar specifies of an antique machine being stored behind glass. “We sold 769,473 pieces.”
The Jubileum ’68
In 2010, after selling off a local horse feed business inherited from his father, Van Cooten founded Moccamaster Sales EU. The move was steered by having agreed with Smit to find new markets for Moccamaster upon joining the enterprise of his spouse’s family. Clementine Smit, Van Cooten’s wife, once worked at Technivorm herself, though now is more likely to be found accompanying Van Cooten to coffee shows and festivals, he says, adding, “she know the product very well—she knows everything.”
Van Cooten and his team concentrated on Germany, Central Europe, and the UK. Scandinavia was not part of their remit because Technivorm had, since the early 1970s, been exporting to the region. It has remained the company’s biggest market for the last 30 years. Moccamaster Nordic, a third entity in the trio, handles these operations. Those strong ties are veritably sealed in a seal. Found on all Moccamasters is a sticker reading “approved” along with the name of the European Coffee Brewing Centre. Founded in 1975 in Oslo, the ECBC is an offshoot of the Norwegian Coffee Association, and testing brewers is its raison d’être.
Van Cooten explains: “In the Scandinavian countries, everyone knows about the ECBC, and our whole range passed this certification of brewing the perfect cup. For the ECBC, it’s not about the quality of the machine or the expected lifespan of the machine—they only certify based on achievement of the best brew, to reach the best extraction out of your coffee.”
To illustrate just how omnipresent, if not ho-hum, the Moccamaster is in the Nordics, Van Cooten asks if I’ve been tuning in to Dutch TV’s Detective Month, which airs crime series.
“If you watch the Scandinavian shows carefully,” he says, “probably at least once a week, you have a shot in the kitchen, no matter where the crime scene is, and they pour coffee with a Moccamaster.”
The younger of Van Cooten and Clementine Smit’s two children seems on track to wear a pin one day too. Rob van Cooten recently completed his third year of business school and has already done sales and marketing work in his father’s office. The elder Van Cooten says his son is interested in pursuing the family trade after graduating and getting some experience abroad. Daughter Floortje van Cooten keeps busy as an Amsterdam-based fashion blogger, though in a recent Father’s Day gift guide took the opportunity to call a Moccamaster the “best present there possibly is.” Her post spotlights a shiny stone gray KBG 741.
As Ten Donkelaar likes to say, the 741 is “an evergreen.” Developed in 1974, it hit the market two years later and today is the most iconic model. The Moccamaster remains one of several select home brewers certified by the SCA, reflecting its esteemed status among, to quote a Sprudge article on the brand’s Cup-one, “prosumer appliances.” It is true that Technivorm and specialty coffee have been friendly for decades. In 1988, the Dutch company became a founding member of the Specialty Coffee Association of Europe, and fast-forward to World of Coffee 2018, the Moccamaster stand was showing off the 741 in its latest colors: pastel green, pastel yellow, pastel blue, and midnight blue.
Globally, Technivorm and Moccamaster have about 200 employees. Amerongen hosts around 150. In August 2017, the European Coffee Trip published a cheerful video taking viewers inside the factory, profiling workers, and zooming in on the production line.
“We hope to build our 10 millionth this year,” Van Cooten said in that interview.
When, 11 months later, I follow up on the stated projection, he replies: “Yes, we did.”
Turns out, the 10 millionth coffeemaker was handed to Gerard-Clement Smit during a company celebration that coincided with the last birthday he lived to experience, in September 2017. The machine is a black and white Jubileum ’68. It is displayed in a hallway on an encased stand, with mini-spotlights flanking the keepsake. Above is a classic portrait of Smit, raising a cup to his smile. Below is the milestone, its numbers printed larger than all the other text, the Technivorm logo included.
“We just wanted to do the rerelease as an honor to Gerard,” Ten Donkelaar shares.
“But the second 10 million will not take that long,” she continues, returning to the brisker pace of business talk. “We are doing some internal movements to get more space for the production line. Last year, for the first time, we realized more than 500,000 machines—that was a lot of coffeemakers. And this year we will even sell more.”
Karina Hof is a Sprudge staff writer based in Amsterdam. Read more Karina Hof on Sprudge. 
The post The Making Of A Master: Inside The Technivorm Factory appeared first on Sprudge.
The Making Of A Master: Inside The Technivorm Factory published first on https://medium.com/@LinLinCoffee
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mrwilliamcharley · 6 years
The Making Of A Master: Inside The Technivorm Factory
Only five people in the world, I’m told, possess the lapel pin: a golden hexagon with block serif letters split over two lines. One is the person whose dark glen-plaid blazer buttonhole I’m inspecting right now under institutional lighting in Amerongen, the Netherlands. His name is Frans van Cooten. His title nowadays is director and owner of Moccamaster Sales EU, one of three independent entities overseeing the majority of sales for the manufacturer known as Technivorm—which is also the word, shining in relief, on Van Cooten’s lapel.
2018 was a momentous year for the factory that created the world’s most enduring, stylish, and reputable home filter coffeemaker: the Moccamaster KBG 741. The year began sadly, with the passing of the machine’s inventor and Technivorm’s founder, Gerard-Clement Smit. In January, the engineer died at age 87. Years ago, he had given Van Cooten, his son-in-law, the Technivorm pin—although the first to receive one was Ina ten Donkelaar. She is not wearing it on the bright morning on which she tells me who is in the circle of pin-possessors, but no one doubts how close the brand is to her heart. She was Smit’s partner. Currently, Ten Donkelaar is Technivorm’s CEO and has been with the company, established in 1964, from early on. She remembers when Smit rented a workspace in the tiny village of Elst, in the province of Utrecht, initially producing stepladders and stacking shelves, followed by his first patented coffee grinder in 1965. She recalls when, in 1967, Technivorm moved to the neighboring village of Amerongen, right into Smit’s backyard, which was convenient, yet rough on his prune trees.
An original 1968 Moccamaster.
The rerelease of Technivorm’s first-ever coffeemaker made 2018 more celebratory. Developed in 1968 but launched a year later, the Moccamaster 69, named for its debut year, is smaller than the 741 (brewing up to eight, rather than 10, cups). With a round-edged hotplate tray and a circular heating tower and water reservoir, it very much appears to be of a curves-embracing era. Called the ’68 Jubileum, the rerelease retains those features, making it an unblinking fit into all the mid-century modern design resurrected of late. The limited-edition model has been available in Europe since March 2018. North America has had to be patient, as it is only scheduled for purchase there starting spring 2019.
Ten Donkelaar and Van Cooten receive me at Technivorm’s headquarters and factory in Amerongen. No longer occupying the family’s former garden, they have been situated in an industrial section of town since the late 1980s. Still, in the Netherlands, it’s hard to ever really get away from the pastoral; trees surrounding the premises are lush and across the road, I catch a couple of ponies grazing. In traditional Dutch office etiquette, a receptionist promptly offers drinks. White demitasses arrive, filled with a medium-dark roast provided by two-centuries-old Dutch roasters Smit & Dorlas. When I ask, perhaps a bit insipidly, if a Moccamaster was used, Van Cooten answers with an amiable “Jaaaa.” Downstairs, he volunteers, professional-line Moccamasters brew fresh batches for the factory staff. An 11 AM coffee break is another Dutch labor institution, but the punctuality of a koffiepauze is crucial when a production line is at stake, stresses Van Cooten. A bell goes off to let the workers know when it’s time for, as Ten Donkelaar puts it, “drinking coffee, getting a little baked good, and enjoying a smoke.”
Ten Donkelaar and Van Cooten
But upstairs, we are in what seems to be part boardroom—upholstered conference chairs tucked under laminate tables—and part museum. Exhibited in, on, and around glass-cased shelves are decades’ worth of artifacts: various models and iterations of home and commercial coffee machines, blade coffee grinders, hot plates, water boilers, and dispensers. Plus, there are samples of Smit’s pre-Technivorm inventions from when he was, essentially, a freelancer; highlights include a box of hot rollers and a snijbonenmolen (a string bean slicer, once considered a Dutch kitchen staple). The walls are like an open scrapbook, decorated with vintage corporate posters and multi-language ads from the past. On a stand of its own is a quilt: the batik-effect fabric with images of cups and beans features a dozen blocks, each with a uniquely hued 741 machine. It was occasioned by Technivorm’s golden anniversary, and the quilter was Kathleen Bauer, COO of Moccamaster USA, a second of Technivorm’s three related entities. Bauer is another pin-holder, and her craft brings some palpable Americana to the functionalism-driven European environs.
Moccamaster’s internal functions were uncovered by Popular Mechanics in a “disassembly report” detailing all 137 parts that are elegantly engineered into a single 741. The 2017 review praised it as “many coffee snobs’ brewer of choice,” though the machine’s appeal has undeniably broadened. The MoMa Design Store has sold it since 2016, and in June 2018, “new brides and brides-to-be” among Good Morning America’s staff ranked it their #1 wedding gift.
These days, the brand has distributors worldwide. Nevertheless, all Moccamasters continue to be constructed by hand and individually tested in the Netherlands. The manufacturer prides itself in using, whenever possible, recyclable or fully degradable materials sourced from within Europe, if not the Netherlands itself. New machines come with a five-year warranty, though tend to last far longer, being easy to repair or spruce up with replacement parts.
“We get lots of emails from customers asking, ‘Does the jug for the new 68 also fit in the old one?’ And they’re very happy to hear that it does,” says Van Cooten. The rerelease has a few technical updates, but “on functionality there is no difference.”
“This was the first ’68 model, back then called the ‘69,’” Ten Donkelaar specifies of an antique machine being stored behind glass. “We sold 769,473 pieces.”
The Jubileum ’68
In 2010, after selling off a local horse feed business inherited from his father, Van Cooten founded Moccamaster Sales EU. The move was steered by having agreed with Smit to find new markets for Moccamaster upon joining the enterprise of his spouse’s family. Clementine Smit, Van Cooten’s wife, once worked at Technivorm herself, though now is more likely to be found accompanying Van Cooten to coffee shows and festivals, he says, adding, “she know the product very well—she knows everything.”
Van Cooten and his team concentrated on Germany, Central Europe, and the UK. Scandinavia was not part of their remit because Technivorm had, since the early 1970s, been exporting to the region. It has remained the company’s biggest market for the last 30 years. Moccamaster Nordic, a third entity in the trio, handles these operations. Those strong ties are veritably sealed in a seal. Found on all Moccamasters is a sticker reading “approved” along with the name of the European Coffee Brewing Centre. Founded in 1975 in Oslo, the ECBC is an offshoot of the Norwegian Coffee Association, and testing brewers is its raison d’être.
Van Cooten explains: “In the Scandinavian countries, everyone knows about the ECBC, and our whole range passed this certification of brewing the perfect cup. For the ECBC, it’s not about the quality of the machine or the expected lifespan of the machine—they only certify based on achievement of the best brew, to reach the best extraction out of your coffee.”
To illustrate just how omnipresent, if not ho-hum, the Moccamaster is in the Nordics, Van Cooten asks if I’ve been tuning in to Dutch TV’s Detective Month, which airs crime series.
“If you watch the Scandinavian shows carefully,” he says, “probably at least once a week, you have a shot in the kitchen, no matter where the crime scene is, and they pour coffee with a Moccamaster.”
The younger of Van Cooten and Clementine Smit’s two children seems on track to wear a pin one day too. Rob van Cooten recently completed his third year of business school and has already done sales and marketing work in his father’s office. The elder Van Cooten says his son is interested in pursuing the family trade after graduating and getting some experience abroad. Daughter Floortje van Cooten keeps busy as an Amsterdam-based fashion blogger, though in a recent Father’s Day gift guide took the opportunity to call a Moccamaster the “best present there possibly is.” Her post spotlights a shiny stone gray KBG 741.
As Ten Donkelaar likes to say, the 741 is “an evergreen.” Developed in 1974, it hit the market two years later and today is the most iconic model. The Moccamaster remains one of several select home brewers certified by the SCA, reflecting its esteemed status among, to quote a Sprudge article on the brand’s Cup-one, “prosumer appliances.” It is true that Technivorm and specialty coffee have been friendly for decades. In 1988, the Dutch company became a founding member of the Specialty Coffee Association of Europe, and fast-forward to World of Coffee 2018, the Moccamaster stand was showing off the 741 in its latest colors: pastel green, pastel yellow, pastel blue, and midnight blue.
Globally, Technivorm and Moccamaster have about 200 employees. Amerongen hosts around 150. In August 2017, the European Coffee Trip published a cheerful video taking viewers inside the factory, profiling workers, and zooming in on the production line.
“We hope to build our 10 millionth this year,” Van Cooten said in that interview.
When, 11 months later, I follow up on the stated projection, he replies: “Yes, we did.”
Turns out, the 10 millionth coffeemaker was handed to Gerard-Clement Smit during a company celebration that coincided with the last birthday he lived to experience, in September 2017. The machine is a black and white Jubileum ’68. It is displayed in a hallway on an encased stand, with mini-spotlights flanking the keepsake. Above is a classic portrait of Smit, raising a cup to his smile. Below is the milestone, its numbers printed larger than all the other text, the Technivorm logo included.
“We just wanted to do the rerelease as an honor to Gerard,” Ten Donkelaar shares.
“But the second 10 million will not take that long,” she continues, returning to the brisker pace of business talk. “We are doing some internal movements to get more space for the production line. Last year, for the first time, we realized more than 500,000 machines—that was a lot of coffeemakers. And this year we will even sell more.”
Karina Hof is a Sprudge staff writer based in Amsterdam. Read more Karina Hof on Sprudge. 
The post The Making Of A Master: Inside The Technivorm Factory appeared first on Sprudge.
from Sprudge http://bit.ly/2FVbQrE
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newstfionline · 6 years
Thrill-seeking runners take sport—and spending—to rural China
Christian Shepherd, Stella Qiu, Reuters, August 30, 2018
LONGYANGXIA, China (Reuters)--At dawn, high on the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau, a Buddhist monk in saffron robes chants blessings over limber athletes preparing to run 100 kilometers across sand dunes, rivers and ravines.
The crowd of sporty, middle-class urbanites had spent thousands of yuan to travel to Longyangxia Reservoir in northwestern Qinghai province for an “ultramarathon”--a drastic change from a decade ago, when few Chinese raced even in cities and gear might include jeans and flip-flops.
Governments and companies in such far-flung mountainous regions have high hopes that this relatively small but fast-growing crowd of trail runners can bring big bucks that will boost business prospects.
“When I arrived, I thought Longyangxia was quite remote; the scenery was beautiful but it was isolated and economically lagging,” said Ying Miyan, chairman of China’s largest salmon fishery, Qinghai Minze Longyangxia Ecological Aquaculture Co., which is sponsoring the Super Salmon 100km Ultra-Marathon Challenge there.
Longyangxia, a sleepy waterfront town of about 3,000 people, has in the last decade poured more than 1.6 billion yuan ($233 million), much of it from private investment, into bike tracks, scenic areas and refurbished hotels in an attempt to lure sporty travelers.
Ultramarathons, which are many times longer than the traditional 42.2-kilometre marathon, are usually “trail” runs, sending racers across countryside terrain.
Officials in Longyangxia declined to be interviewed. But the Super-Salmon trail race, in its first official year, brought in just over 500 runners, filling the town’s lone hotel for 300 yuan per night, with some guests staying for a few days after the event.
Ying’s company provided salmon for the athletes to eat, prize money of up to 15,000 yuan, and presented the male 100km winner with his body weight in salmon as an additional reward.
State media articles have called efforts to use sporting events to attract tourists a success, saying they have brought 10,000 visitors to the lake so far this year, already double the total for 2017.
The National Sports Bureau recognized Longyangxia as a “sports and leisure specialty town” in 2017, Qinghai’s only town on the bureau’s list of 100.
Beijing has called for 1,000 such towns to be created by 2020 in a nationwide drive to develop sustainable industries in the hinterlands, but doubts remain over whether all the projects will pay off.
The benefits to Longyangxia, for instance, are still mostly aspirational; in early August, the town center was a ring of empty buildings and an unoccupied karaoke hall, while the market street was a pile of rubble.
Yu Yanmeng, a race organizer from Beijing-based adventure sport company Xinzhi Exploring Group, said its events rarely make money. But the company hopes that will change as numbers grow.
China’s General Administration of Sports forecasts 10 million runners will take part in domestic races annually by 2020, when the size of the industry will exceed 120 billion yuan.
Abroad, Chinese racers will be the fifth-largest nationality at this year’s Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc, the Tour de France of trail running, which has set up a special welcome party and commentary for them.
Many trail runners build their lives, and spending habits, around the sport.
He Runyu, an energetic business management professor at Beijing’s Science and Technology University, became serious about long-distance running around the same time he gave up meat and drinking.
He now averages about 10 races a year, just for fun.
“I need to look forward to it to enjoy it,” he said. “You need a place with good scenery that challenges you; every time something new.”
He estimates he spends tens of thousands of yuan every year on running. At the Longyangxia race, he had to drop out with an ankle injury, but put more than 3,000 yuan into the trip.
“Everyone always thinks that running is really cheap. Before I started I thought the same, but I realized running is very expensive,” he said, adding that the main cost was the travel itself.
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10 Things You Didn't Know About Affiliate Marketing
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A great many people have known about affiliate marketing, regardless of whether they haven't really begun doing it. Affiliate marketing is fundamentally alluding individuals to different items and administrations around the web. For every deal you create through your affiliate connect, you gain a commission. The extent of the commission relies upon the items themselves, who is offering them and the rate offered by the merchant to the affiliate.
Be that as it may, what is really engaged with affiliate marketing? What do affiliates do once a day? How would they acquire cash and how would they realize what to do?
1. A Case Of A Fruitful Site
There are a few different ways of marketing items and administrations on the web. Numerous affiliates make a blog first and offer items and administrations through their blog. Martin Lewis has an extremely effective site called moneysavingexpert.com. This is likewise an affiliate site. By making substance and helping individuals choose which administration to utilize: which charge card offers to pick, the best loan fee and so on moneysavingexpert.com profits by sending site guests to different offers. In the event that a deal is made through this site, the connection this credited to it and a commission is made. By making content, offering quality and helping individuals settle on sensible decisions, the site has assembled a notoriety and turn out to be more common after some time. Google positions the site exceedingly in the web crawlers and a large number of individuals utilize it to settle on obtaining choices consistently.
2. How Might I Begin As An Affiliate?
Affiliate marketing is gigantic. There are a great many individuals as of now making their primary wellspring of pay from the web. To begin as an affiliate you have to take in some essential methodologies and construct different strategies for producing movement from the web to those offers. A lot of affiliates begin with a straightforward blog. Numerous voyagers 'blog' about their movements. On the off chance that you don't have an enthusiasm or enthusiasm to blog about, you can begin by following an online course which will help. See my profile for more information on this.
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3. To what extent Does It Take To Bring home the bacon?
A few people go into affiliate marketing with the aim of making a second wage. A few people need to profit. Contingent upon how much time you can commit to your affiliate business, and that you are so committed to it, is a major factor in deciding your outcomes. Results change from individual to individual. With an expansive promoting spending plan and the correct plan of action, a few affiliates have supplanted their living in 6 a year. For others, it can take a very long time before it replaces their current wage. Contingent upon your approach, promoting spending plan, and plan of action, it can take between 3 months and quite a long while to fabricate it to a point where it can supplant a current wage.
4. Would anyone be able to Do It?
An awesome aspect regarding affiliate marketing is that the innovation is presently accessible to enable anybody to construct their own particular online business. For whatever length of time that you are set up to learn and execute that information, any individual who can work an email can utilize online stages and devices to construct their own particular online business. The primary concern you require is the craving to learn. Affiliate marketing isn't for everybody, however. It takes a great deal of diligent work and it can take a long time before you are compensated monetarily.
5. What Are The Traps Of An Affiliate Business?
You have to commit some an opportunity to your affiliate business for it to work as long as possible. A few people go into affiliate marketing supposing it is some enchantment pill which will pay them quickly in real money. Much like an occupation, you can't hope to get out more than you put in. Affiliate marketing is execution related. This implies you don't get paid except if you can effectively offer items and administrations on the web. On the off chance that you don't recognize what you are doing it can take a very long time to do this. You can't be a tinkerer and hope to gain the huge cash. The huge income is made over long periods of diligent work. Try not to hope to accomplish this with just a little measure of info.
6. What Are The Best Things About Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing offers a fantastic measure of adaptability and flexibility. You can work an affiliate business from anyplace on the planet giving you have a workstation and a web association. You can pick your own particular hours and develop it around existing work. Numerous individuals come into affiliate marketing since it offers this sort of adaptability. They can pick their needs throughout everyday life: invest more energy with family, pick your working hours, travel and work abroad. No all the more driving to work or working extended periods of time for a supervisor you don't care for.
Affiliate marketing likewise offers mind-blowing adaptability. A business which is nearby is constantly constrained to the general population who can go to that business. An online business can be worldwide. Utilizing advanced items in conjunction with a worldwide achieve, you can scale utilizing devices and programming to achieve a large number of individuals through computerized innovation. By utilizing mechanization a significant part of the work required for an online business can be pre-constructed. By building mechanization into the plan of action, you can concentrate your exercises on contacting a bigger gathering of people through substance creation and paid to publicize.
7. For what reason Am I Battling With My Affiliate Business?
Many individuals battle with their affiliate organizations. This can be for various reasons. Right off the bat developing an affiliate business requires some investment. You have to commit a great deal of time to an affiliate business in any case. Just when you come to a 'tipping point' do you truly begin to see your improvement. Numerous affiliates just don't understand how much function is included. They think little of how much time they have to commit to their online business to influence it to work.
Paid publicizing can enable you to develop your affiliate business rapidly. In any case, it costs cash and you require the correct items as well. You can't publicize little esteem things with paid promoting. You won't produce enough benefit to taking care of your publicizing costs. You require a scope of items and an email rundown to publicize through.
Content marketing takes any longer to work, contingent upon your picked region of business. On the off chance that you locate an undiscovered specialty to advertise your blog in, you can gain some quick ground. Be that as it may, with a focused specialty, you will battle to get saw over the various substance which you should contend with. There are a few reasons why you may battle. The fundamental one is the absence of information. Get the correct training first and your affiliate business will move significantly speedier.
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8. What's The Best Affiliate Model To Utilize?
There are various affiliate models, all offering something other than what's expected to suit the person. A few affiliates target seek movement and intend to get their substance found on Google. Some make their own particular items and offer them straightforwardly to clients. Be that as it may, having a scope of items which you can offer again and again to existing clients is an incredible model for long haul achievement. Offering a solitary thing on the web is constrained. It implies you can just make one commission from every deal. By picking enrollment items to advance which additionally offer back-end deals and an inherent the business group, you can profit by month to month commissions and up-offer commissions for the lifetime of any given client. Offering participation items is unquestionably a distinct advantage with regards to affiliate marketing since you make a payment from every client, as opposed to a solitary commission. In any case, a great model to pick is one in which you have an enthusiasm for and can continue improving the situation the long haul. Picking items which you have no enthusiasm for is a foolish arrangement. Consider what you might want to do online to produce a salary. On the off chance that you run with your enthusiasm, your business will last any longer, and be more effective.
9. Can I Simply Offer My Own particular Items?
Numerous affiliates make their own particular items to offer on the web. Nonetheless, when you are beginning it is a smart thought to take in the nuts and bolts of marketing first. That way you can begin gaining all the more rapidly from your affiliate business. I invested a long energy making my own items when I initially found affiliate marketing. Be that as it may, I didn't offer anything in view of a few reasons. Right off the bat, I didn't inquire about whether my items would have a sufficiently major request. Furthermore, I didn't know how to showcase them. By joining a program which encourages you how to showcase items first, you can begin profiting all the more rapidly. Try not to sit around idly making items in the event that you don't know how to offer them. Marketing is a substantially more vital expertise for profiting on the web. When you know this ability, you would then be able to apply it later when marketing your own items and administrations. Likewise, your own particular items will be restricted in go. By utilizing a current item run, you can profit by items which are as of now offering. You can pick a program which offers high ticket commission, month to month participations, back-end deals, and an inherent deals group. Building your own particular items which offer these things not a probability for a great many people when beginning.
10. What's The Purpose Of Affiliate Marketing?
A few people battle with the idea of affiliate marketing. They think it sounds as well as 'deals'. When I comprehended affiliate marketing I promptly thought that it was engaging basically on the grounds that I required an adaptable method to work around my agreement to work. I needed to drop what I was doing at a minutes see if the telephone went. This implied different employments were unbalanced to juggle around. Nobody needs to utilize a 'flaky' worker. I needed to work from my workstation and affiliate marketing gave me that chance. For some individuals, this is the motivation behind why they pick affiliate marketing. They can procure a pay from their workstation, pick their working hours and not have a supervisor or place of business. You don't need to pitch specifically to anybody or even converse with a client. There is no stock to hold. Added to this, the adaptability of affiliate marketing which gives you a chance to scale up to a worldwide gathering of people and convey items on autopilot makes it the best flexible
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