rcjoice · 8 months
❛  do you want to tell me about your day?  ❜
caring prompts
there's a snort of laughter that comes out before he can even think to stop it. that was rude, wasn't it? "well, no, not really." talking about it made it feel real, and making something feel real was not in his forte. "would you like to tell me about yours? might make me feel better." he gives her a sheepish grin, shrugging a little bit. "i mean, if you wanna. you don't have to say anything. we can just sit here." that'd be nice, wouldn't it? just to enjoy each other's company and pretend nothing like his day wasn't utter dogshit. "come on, tell me about what you did today. i'm sure it's a lot better than what i did. and i like listening to you talk more than i like hearing myself talk. and you know i love hearing myself talk."
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moonphascs · 8 months
[ scars ] sender gently tracing receiver's scars. for Peeta
caring prompts
they had spent too many nights like this, sitting under the glittering sky, recounting the hours of their lives. good, bad, beautiful, ugly. any moment that was his, was hers, too. every moment that he had experienced, he wants her to live in, too. to share his memories was to share himself, and what did lucy gray deserve other than every thing he had to give? they end up here more nights than not, baring their souls to each other, because who else understood what it was like? they both face a reality neither will every fully recover from. the scars on their hearts and on their flesh reveals that while time heals wounds, it did nothing to break down the ugliness of those memories. it's one of these nights that he feels ghostly fingers run along a nasty scar that run up his forearm. one that was given to him in his games, one that showed he had made it out in (mostly) one piece. she's cold, barely there, but still he feels the softness radiating off her in waves. softness that spoke an easy whisper of care, of reverence almost. they both wore scars like shameful crowns, a sign of what they've survived. "do yours still hurt sometimes?" was she at least free in this lifetime?
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nepoboyfriend · 9 months
@inbreeze: "sorry, did you want to be alone?"
someone left the door to the green room wide open. it was probably him, he forgets sometimes. adam's having doing his pre-show routine. huffing on a vape (menthol - they don't let him smoke in the building) and pacing around in a circle absentmindedly. it keeps him focused.
but he doesn't mind company. exhaling, he shrugs through the cloud of haze. "nah, i'm doing fuck-all right now. you can hang out here if you want."
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bonsaibadass · 9 months
🥋 @inbreeze, we shouldn't stick around here.
if she had known that the entirety of cobra kai would show up here she would've told anthony to catch a ride from one of his friends. unfortunately, she made a promise to him. and she's been trying to make a better habit of keeping those. she shakes her head in somewhat of a response, refusing to pull her eyes away from the book on her lap. she wasn't going to give them the time of day. " i'm not worried about it. " lies. the girl is always bothered by their presence. she's just gotten better at hiding it. " i told anthony he could spend some more time here with his friends. he rarely ever leaves his room to go outside and get some fresh air. so... can we just stick around for another hour or so? i'm sure it'll go by fast. "
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