#inate powers of andor or Martha
ainelane · 3 years
Do you guys understand how much of an amazing thing it is that SparkPlug earned the respect of all the champions and even the gods. Hell most people who talk about spark at least have a favorable view of them. He built a city for ianite made it a kingdom and a trade hub that dianite would be proud of. And one day he's gone his son has to take his place and everything falls apart. I need a mianite fan fiction about helgrind called something like 'In the Shadows of a Giant' about how having to fill the shoes of his father while being abandoned by his mother pushed him to this point and resentment of both. So imagine you're from s2 world and you see sparklez. Who looks like spark young and youthful and the guy who seemed like he would have the ability to fix everything immediately starts stealing and killing and pretending he has no idea what he did wrong
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