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bybritta · 2 years ago
Happy International Women's Day!
Etwas verspätet… denn eigentlich wollte ich gestern darüber schreiben, was mich am Weltfrauentag beruflich bewegt. Aber dann habe ich die aufgebrachten Kommentare unter Beiträgen zum Thema Geschlechtergerechte Sprache gesehen. Und die ganzen Posts von Eltern, die das mit der Vereinbarkeit besser hinbekommen. Und von erfolgreichen female-startups. Und über Gehalt ohne Gender Pay Gap. Und…
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angelcloves · 2 years ago
"Eda takes them to the Knee for a low-stress outing."
Lol, nothing says low stress like taking your children to a frozen wilderness crawling with terrifying people eating monsters, and that's not even going into how the previously mentioned location also happens to be where one of the two children was originally abducted from.
I think it would be a great idea to do something with that! I know you were saving the "Hunter feels inaquately able to protect himself and grows paranoid that Eda is threatening him when she tries to reassure him" stuff for chapter 24, but I think it makes more sense narratively to move it here to this chapter.
Hunter can feel unable to protect himself because Luz had to save him from The Owl Beast and feel threatened by Eda via her taking him to the Knee. (Which I assume Eda isn't aware is the place Hunter got trafficked into the circus from, so it's still totally unintentional on her part.)
Maybe you could even work The Doctor into this chapter! Didn't we decide that he's a local to this area at some point? So he should be around, it's his backyard after all. XD You can have Eda beat him up as payback for selling Hunter to the circus in the first place. That way his character doesn't just drop off the map, he actually gets what's coming to him for being such a douchebag.
(Oh! And afterwards as he tends to his own wounds, he can call his old friend The Ringmaster up and report to him that he knows whose keeping his stolen headliners from him. Further setting up The Ringmaster making a reappearance in the carnival chapter.)
i didnt even think about all of this. i was going to write it as an actual low stress outing. lots of blankets and warm clothes and hot cocoa so the kids can get their exercise and play in the snow while connecting with the titan. i was gonna try and set it someplace relatively low and touristy on the mountain so things would be safe. willow was gonna tag along. everyone was going to be safe. but i really like the angle of hunter not being comfortable. maybe he mentions it to willow because he sees how happy luz is to go. willow promises to keep him safe. etc etc. but im not sure im going to bring the doctor back into the fold. it was kind of a one time character to drive home hunters misery
but i was even thinking about maybe replacing this chapter altogether. theres an opportunity for hunter to discover a glyph on his own by paring him off with willow and having him using his light glyphs and holding one right under one of willows leaves and seeing the plant glyph in the veins. he needs to build his confidence some too before i start breaking him down again. i just dont know if i have that ebb and flow with him the way things are. but well see what works
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moneymovespress · 21 hours ago
This Mutant Algae Might be removed to solve the climate change crisis
A novel strain of cyanobacteria, informally called “Chonkus,” has been identified in hydrothermal waters off Italy’s Vulcano Island, Sparking Interest for ITS POTENTS POTENTES POTENTES POTENT SARBON CAPURA Discovered during a marine study aimed at collecting water samples from the shallow volcanic vents of vulcano, this large cyanobacteria, formally designed as strain utex 3222, displays inaque…
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fmarkets · 1 year ago
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Blank Checks Company Faces Financial Struggles with Contracted Corporate Results in Third Quarter of 2023 https://csimarket.com/stocks/news.php?code=INAQU&date=2023-11-17211252&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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b0ringasfuck · 2 years ago
Rube Goldberg inaquality
Il Financial Times che con un complicato sistema di specchi e leve vuole convincerci che a partire dagli anni '90 le diseguaglianze in UK sono diminuite.
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directorinakisblog · 2 years ago
Inaque update ver.1.0
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sietovka · 3 years ago
Mariana Enriquez Svoj podiel noci niesť
Mariana Enriquez Svoj podiel noci niesť
Štyri emóciami a strachom nabité dni som strávila s impozantným románom Svoj podiel noci niesť od argentínskej spisovateľky Mariany Enriquez, ktorú publikovalo vydavateľstvo Inaque.sk vo výbornom preklade Evy Palkovičovej. Šesť kapitol – šesť dverí priamo do srdca temnoty. V diele sa objavujú prvky gotiky, surrealizmu, autorka necháva postavy čítať poéziu, diela známych autorov, všetko umne…
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danielareadsbooks-blog · 6 years ago
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,, Vždy je jednoduchšie ľutovať niekoho za to, že sa rozhodol inak, ako sa snažiť pochopiť, prečo to spravil". . Autorka knihy kritizuje dnešný feminizmus a to poriadne. Na jednej strane myšlienky s ktorými súhlasím a na druhej strane sa zamýšľam ako to asi myslí autorka. Je to také 50 na 50, ale jednoznačne jej kritika má určitý význam a vytvára možnosti sa pozrieť a vnímať feminizmus z inej strany. #dannyreadsdetails#citaminaque#inaque#preconiesomfeministka#feminizmus#kniha#dnescitam#lifestyle#instaknihovna#book (na mieste Presov) https://www.instagram.com/p/BssrnpjnuzE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nlpwmsoi1848
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doubleddenden · 4 years ago
Jesus, just the SMELL alone made them nut
my aligator etoufee feels so inaquate in comparison
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deadscottblog · 5 years ago
I don't want to get old... . 21 years to 50 doesn't seem like a lot when I feel time speeding up it drives me batty .. my sis once said i was going through a quarter life crisis feeling inaquate doesn't help but that's my issue to deal with
Anyone else feeling time skipping through their fingers?
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wlnedark · 8 years ago
Stars go supernova in the hollow of your ribs. A heavy, burning weight in the center of your chest. Is this what divinity feels like? The weight of nebulae swirling in you, stars being formed and destroyed? The vacuum of black holes, pulling everything in, letting nothing escape? After all, who said divinity was easy?
Shattered Stars 1/24/17
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haveursay · 3 years ago
Anthony BLinkin recent visit to South Africa was a total waste of time and money as he stands and delivers a speech that was carefully pieced together from what seemed to be put together from newspaper headlines. He has a very narrow and one-sided version of the countries recent history and is ignorant to the history going back to the beginning when it was colonized by European countries. His narrow and selective narrative was delivered to please the hearers who are currently in power. No mention of the corruption, crime, state capture, dysfunctional government who have totally lost any and all empathy for its citizens. He failed to include the truth of what this government, who he has partnered with, is currently doing to destroy this country at every opportunity as they continue to enrich the cadres and line thier pockets to the detriment of the very same poor people who fought for democracy. The fact is that there is far more suffering, poverty, inaquality, crime against children and women as SA is the rape capital of the continent. Blinken totally failed to include the current failures of this so called heroes of anti apartheid who have caused more damage, pain and suffering than the so called white supremists who built this country into a powerhouse of economic power and industrialized it despite the fact that these same white people were Europeans. Setters who like the USA came from Europe. Blinken who is white, fails to address his own government who still today keep the indigenous tribes of America in reservations and has carried out far worse atrocities during thier capture of thier land. He also fails to acknowledge the atrocities of the slave period in the USA in which far worse treatment of Africans were committed. Chained, beaten, sold like property. The view point of Blinken and the total US government is warped and pathetic at least. BLM, recent white on black shootings which continue to happen in the USA today show that the white government in America is still very much racist. Apartheid in America and even in European countries is very much alive and well. But, like Blinken it's too easy to point finger at a tiny insignificant country at the tip of Africa and shift focus to hide your own currant racism. You have all turned your backs on the white settler in SA who never treated blacks half as bad as the federal government did and does. You are all wearing masks and hide what you really feel in your hearts. As Blinken gave his speech this was abundantly evident that he like all the EU countries say what you believe to be popular and not what is true. Black prison population in the US is double that of white prisoners this despite black minority. You build a wall to keep South Americans out. The UK spends millions to ship blacks back to Africa. Russia openly shows its hate for black people. European governments spend millions trying to accommodate black people all the while telling the world that they are equal, when in reality they are monitored by these say so called promotional programs. I could go on and on about this bullshit that you and Blinken try to sell. Enough said..... I welcome the opportunity because I'm not afraid of the truth.
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fmarkets · 1 year ago
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INAQU Records Significant Drop in Business Activities Amidst Q2 2023 Earnings Season, Reveals Insight Acquisition Corp Analysis $INAQU #Nasdaq
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sietovka · 2 years ago
Prvý africký lesbický román, ktorý búra tabu okolo ženskej sexuality
Prvý africký lesbický román, ktorý búra tabu okolo ženskej sexuality
Román Pod konármi udaly, označený za jeden z najlepších afrických románov roku 2015, je príbehom o dospievaní, inakosti, o nigérijskej histórii a kultúre. Je taktiež hlasom v boji za rodovú rovnosť, za práva LGBTI+ komunity, za oslobodenie od politického a náboženského útlaku v Nigérii, rodisku spisovateľky Chinelo Okparanty. Pokojne ho môžeme označiť za revolučný, nakoľko je to prvý africký…
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ireemarslan · 5 years ago
Padlet is the easiest way to internet based on work
Dear everyone:
Our new topic is padlet. Do you know what padlet is? Padlet is an application to create an online bullet in board that you can use to display information for any topic and easily create an account and build a new board. Moreover if you want you can add images, links, videos, etc…
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This week, me and my friends ( Aysu – Burak ) created as Wall in padlet. We focused on the process which is very crucial when do searching work especially internet based work. This process has four steps.
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For example, our topic was gender inaquality. We individually listed what we know about it in different column. Second one is determining what ı dont know and what ı want to learn. Third one is searching on internet. Your job is really easy with this steps because you know what you want to learn and you dont waste your time among information which is not necessary for you. Fourth and the last one is writing information which you find.
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These are also the title of our column in padlet. If you click there you can easly see our Wall and our working process.
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unamericanyouth · 7 years ago
i've felt inaquate when it comes to intimacy for a while, especially after experiencing all the sexual trauma from my past, but i think i'm realizing that i'm not bad at intimacy i just don't express it conventionally.
i'm sick of feeling like i'm not good enough or i'm not loving correctly. i'll window shop things that are uniquely you, send you a song just cause the cover art looks like a dream you had, write a poem about the shape of your eyes, sit on the floor instead of beside you and take pictures of the way your hair looks in sunlight, make sure your glass is always full, ask how you slept in the morning.
my love doesn't have to look like anything. my love just has to feel good. for both of us.
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