feyyrunes · 22 days
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got more commissions from @namizu for my surana sisters worldstate~~
delphinia surana, youngest, inquisitor
kamelia surana, middle child, warden
kalina surana, eldest daughter, who will be my rook!
tyvm <3
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minwooks-moved · 2 years
. anyways actual gm 👍
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inaposter · 2 years
i keep reading my own name as inaposter as in like imposter and not like ina poster as in one that posts ina
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soudybrown · 4 years
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#UmbeaHeist Part 6 #PenziBandia Kwenye part 5 nilisema nakuja Na Picha Ya Agi na Shemela wetu Mwarabu Orijinali, Ila nimejitafakari nimeona haina Haja ya kuchapisha picha ya Shemela Jeneli Kwa wanaomjua wakiangalia hii Picha wataelewa hiyo Camera ina maanisha Nini 😂😂 Mashari aliyopewa fundi Ni kuwa asithubutu kumla Denda Agi, asimshike shike Maana Agi na Jeneli wanategemea kubariki Ndoa yao Hivi Karibuni Ndugu Wa Agi na Wa mchumba wake wakapewa Taarifa kuwa wasije kushtuka watakapomuona Agi Akiingia mjini na fundi Inasemekana Baba Mdogo Wa Agi alipinga lakn hakufua Dafu mbele ya wengi Basi Bana unaambiwa Siku ya Kwanza Post ya Penzi Bandia kuwekwa Mtandaoni Fundi Gereji alishtuka Sanaaaa... Lakin baadae akaona mi komenti inatiririka utitiri Kama Dagaa Wa Mchele, Wiki Ya Kwanza ikapita, wiki Ya pili Ika Katika Wajumbe wakamwambia tusitishe mpaka Tupate hela nyingine tutaendelea Hawakujua kuwa fundi kanogewa na Vibe la mikomenti, lakini pia fundi alikua ameumia kuachana na Shilole Kama shilole alivyoumia kuachana na Uchebe . Akaambiwa "Fundi Bana tutaendelea Mwezi ujaoooo' Fundi akawaambia nyie vipiiii? Acheni hizo, fantashiruuuu mm hiyo Pesa mnayosema natoa swadaka kwenu, tuendeleeni hivyo hivyooo Weeeee Ndo ma Utamu yamekuja mpaka Leo tunaona Page ya Fundi inapost Nyimbo za Kina Sabah Muchacho Ma Taarabu . . . Swali Je Fundi amelipwa Kiasi Gani? Na Amesamehe Kiasi Gani? Inasemekana eti...Kuna Siku Uzalendo Ulitaka Kumshinda Uchebe (Sio Rahisi kuvumilia kukaa na Pisi Kali Kama Agi) Shemela Orijinali Akashtukia Chezo 😂😂😂 . . Narudi Na Part 7 Zipo Mpaka 30 . . . . Follow @gnmcargoltd @qqtrends4u @TrendyMediatz @MakorokochoTv https://www.instagram.com/p/CGx6d0hheJT/?igshid=11b6nl19mh4ei
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ARCI Panel Discusses How to Stop Cheating in Horse Racing
New Post has been published on http://lovehorses.net/arci-panel-discusses-how-to-stop-cheating-in-horse-racing/
ARCI Panel Discusses How to Stop Cheating in Horse Racing
Photo: Anne M. Eberhardt/The Horse
Increased out-of-competition drug testing, investing inextrainvestigatorswithresearch into emerging threats are the most effective ways to catch—and, more importantly, deter—cheating in horse racing.
That was theparamounttake-home message from the drug-testing forum on opening day of theassociationof Racing Commissioners International’s (ARCI) 83rd annualconventionon Equine WelfareandRacing Integrity, taking place at in Charleston, South Carolina.
The panel featured:
Scott Stanley, PhD, of the University of California, Davis, K.L. Maddy Equine Analytical Laboratory, which conducts that state’s horseracing testing;
Anthony Fontana, PhD, of Truesdail Laboratories, in Irvine, California;
Speaking via teleconference, George Maylin, DVM, PhD, the longtime director of thenovelYork Equine Drug TestingwithResearch Laboratory, in Morrisville; and
Brice Cote, aformerStandardbred driveranddetective incurrentJersey State Police’s racetrack unit who heads the integrity efforts at The Meadowlands, Tioga,andVernon Downs harness tracks.
Evenifthe panelists expressed varying beliefs on the prevalence of rule violators, theyallemphasized the importance of out-of-competition testing—taking samples from horses in between races—asoneway to detect substances that don’t appear in traditional blood or urine tests from samples taken immediately aftertherace but still couldHavinganimpact ononehorse’s performance.
"The only way we're going to stop this is by intelligence-based policingandout-of-competition testing," Cote said.
After the forum, Stanley said, “Most jurisdictionsHavevery good drug testing. We do robust testing,andmost of the labs are accreditedAswell. Now we look at big challenges.andwhen you look at big challenges, you canMakingthose mountains into molehills, or youmaycapturethem offtheatatime andGettingthem knocked down. We are doing both. We are taking the ones thatHavelegitimateconcerns for the industry,enjoycobalt when that came up. We found that, setthethreshold, established rules,withmade thatgoaway—quickly. Steroids (and) anabolicandcorticosteroids, those now are well-regulated. This are big wins for the industry. They weren’t low-hanging fruit either. We still havesome oneschallenges thatHavenow climbed the tree, they’re higher up.withwe need to knock those off.”
Stanley discussed the potential of “biological passports”—which are in their infancy of development for horses—that could beoldin out-of-competition testing. The testing would providethebaseline result to which subsequent testing (both pre-raceandbetween races) could be compared.
“If they change abruptly,whetherthe biomarkers tell us this horse was giventheanabolic agent, we don’tmustdetect it,” he said of the exact substance. “We’d becompetentto say, ‘This horse cannot naturallymakethis profile. It has to be enhanced.’”
Added ARCI president Ed Martin, “Informed testing, focused testing,withtargeting testing is something we need to put more emphasis on. Out-of-competition testing should be expanded, but it’s real value doesn’t come until you’ve expended the research dollars to becapableto detect the substances not being detected in the existing out-of-competition testing.”
Also on Tuesday,thepanel of administrative veterinarians discussed keeping horses’ treatment recordswiththe trust issues thatemanateamong equine practitioners, horsemen,withregulatorsWhento proper use.
Scott Palmer, VMD, Dipl. ABVP,novelYork’s equine medical director, said regulators getting horses’ treatment recordsmaybenefit horsemenwithveterinarians because of the research made possible. Hedistinguishedthat methylprednisolone acetate (also knownOnceDepo-Medrol) was the most popular corticosteroidwornin joint injections up until 2012. It wasn’t known at the time, but researcherHavingsincemandatorythat the medication could pool in other tissueandstick around longer whenformerin hockswithstifles, Palmer said.
“We discovered that Depo-Medrol could be found in the joint inthebloodattemptofonehorseAslongOnce100 days after the administration period,” he said. “The idea that yougoingon the (Racing MedicationwithTesting Consortium) guidelinesandsee21 days for Depo-Medrol istherisky business. It wasn’t accurate, because there was suchthevariation in the amount of time that the Depo-Medrol would be discoverable inapost-race blood test.”
Palmer said that, with what wasmandatoryfrom knowing the location of injectionswiththe timing of administration, veterinarians were cautionedapproximatelyusing Depo-Medrol in themomentplace. He said that today innewYorkprovidedtheveterinarian uses Depo-Medrol, the horse must be tested for the substance before running.
“That’sthegood example how we canusethe research findings from the medical records, the treatment records to protect peopleandhelp createabetter regulatory policy,” Palmer said.
Additionally,amorning panel brought various perspectives on howto elevatethe good in horse racing while not ignoring issues facing the sport.
Committee recommends banning clenbuterol for Quarter Horses
Meanwhile, the Quarter Horse Racing Committee voted 5-3 to recommend amending the ARCI model rule to prohibit the bronchodilator clenbuterol in Quarter Horsewithmixed-breed races, with testing in blood serumwithplasma, urineandhair permitted. The recommendation now goes to the Drug Testing StandardsandPractices Committee for consideration,momentthe Model Rules Committeeandultimately the ARCI board,ifapproved at each step.
Clenbuterol istheuseful therapeutic medication to treat respiratory ailments, butsometrainersHavingbegun abusing it due to its ability toproducemuscle mass. This sparked American Quarter Horseorganization(AQHA) officials to request that it becompletelybanned in their breed. The abuse is not seen with Thoroughbreds, for which such muscle build-up could impede running that breed’s longer distances, officials said.
The AQHA officials requested that the rule be breed-specific. “We don’t feel it is ourassignmenttocaptureit away from other breeds,” said Janet VanBebber, the AQHA’sparamountracing officer. “But we readily acknowledge that there is abuse within our breed of the sport.”
The three racing jurisdictions voting against the recommendation said they thought it should be banned foreverybreeds.
Wagner to players: ‘Regulators do striveto receiveit right’
Judy Wagner, outgoing ARCI chairwithhorse racing’s “First Lady of Handicapping,” hadonemessage for her fellow horseplayers.
Wagner is the 2001 National Horseplayers Championship winner, the horse-players’ representative on the board of the National Thoroughbred Racingassociationwiththe vice chair of the Louisiana Racing Commission. With her one-year termWhenARCI chair ending Thursday, she’ll hand the baton to chair-elect Jeff Colliton of the Washington Horse Racing Commission.
“Asanhorseplayer—and this isanmessage that I wantto getacross to horse players: Regulators do striveto receiveit right,” she told the audience. “We reallyavaricetoMakethe players, everybody in the industry, feel that weHaveaindustry of integrity.
“Let handicapperscomprehendthat theyHaveoneproduct that theycanrespect; they don’thave tohandicap the rumors that this trainer is doping horses or whatever.withsaying that, Iwantthat we could educate the public that there isandifference between D-O-P-Ewithlegal medication to help the horse. There isaplace for therapeutic drugs.”
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feyyrunes · 27 days
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a few people on twitter have asked if my warden kamelia ever finds her sisters again and the answer is YES, kamelia tracks them down after she irish goodbyes into the fade, then upon getting out finds Ina (who was scribing for a private Tevinter house before setting it on fire and escaping, where she joined the Mourn Watch) and Finn (who was rescued by the Dalish).
thank you so much to the amazing @buriedgalleon for this piece of the surana sisters' reunion roughly ~8 years after the blight <3
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feyyrunes · 17 days
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Kalina surana, my canon warden Kamelia’s older sister, who will be my rook!
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