lafcaesque · 3 years
am going to try something....poke this post for a one liner
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wanderinghellkitten · 5 years
((Did someone say brooding teenaged kitty hellcat?))
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((@ranpirds​ , aka @inadcquacy, edited this from a picrew thing they made like... weeks ago, and I’ve just had it sitting in a hard drive somewhere.))
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johnny-writes · 6 years
| @inadcquacy liked for a starter
Mana was a strange thing. It allowed people to make things some would consider miraculous. But one of the most unstable things mana could do would be teleporting someone.
While looking for caches of exspheres that her team missed, Presea stepped on a faulty teleporter. While being dragged by the flow of mana, she closed her eyes and, when she reopened again, she found herself somewhere different.
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She walked through the dimly lit halls, while calling for her friends and dragging her ax through the floor, “Lloyd! Colette!”
Although she still had issues to choose which emotions to feel, she felt she needed to feel fear at that moment, because she could comprehend that fear was the most logical reaction to her situation: it involved lack of control and uncertainty.
But her enhanced senses could feel someone was there.
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eisritter · 4 years
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“Hello there, young miss.” The other looked like a teen, but Eula knew that looks could be deceiving. That and the strange wings she possessed looked rather pretty too. Regardless, as a knight it was her duty to help. “I’m Eula, a Knight of Favonius. You look lost, may I help you?”
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wanderinghellkitten · 6 years
@monstersofftheranch replied to your post: “What do you mean, ‘do you really want to punch...                
   Charlie: “Why punch? We have claws for a reason Hailey.”   
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“Why? Because I do not have claws, I have one fist that shatters stone and one that is little better than a human limb.”
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wanderinghellkitten · 6 years
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wanderinghellkitten · 5 years
2000th post
So... This kinda means something to me. I’m honestly amazed that I made it this far. To cut a long story short, that’s 200 pages on the blog, a goal I honestly thought I’d never reached.
So since I forgot to celebrate the anniversary of this blog like an idiot, I thought I’d make a post here and be honest with my feelings instead of being a tsundere idiot. I’ve taken some liquid courage (and decided that alcoholic beverages really aren’t for me) so... As is traditional, it’s time I made an appreciation post.
I wanted to do more than just 9 people but I think it’d be a little bit over the top of I just... listed everyone I follow. Here goes.
Amber @twinfoxtails is my wonderful senpai who inspired me to start this blog. When I first thought about starting a blog for Hailey, I thought that ocs couldn’t do well for themselves. And then I found Eri. And I went through pages and pages of funny or heartfelt or just generally well-written stuff. I was honestly pretty inspired... and I can’t stress enough how inspirational you are for me. So more than anything else, if I’d never seen Eri’s blog, Amber, Hailey would never even have been here, and I wouldn’t have met all the wonderful people in this list, and all the people who aren’t, who are just as wonderful.
Chiru @nekofantasia is the second active blog I followed. I liked your Chen at once, which is saying something, since she’d always been a character I’ve been more or less indifferent too. I enjoyed seeing the Chenanigans. I enjoyed seeing you mess around. Hell, I even enjoyed the ramblings about how terrible your teachers are, and I enjoyed seeing you ramble about androgynous girls on your personal. You were the first person who followed me back, and that feeling of “oh wow someone cool and pro and amazing noticed me” is honestly what helped me kick off at the start.
Dawn @uncorruptedchampion/ @misplacedmuses is a big bulli but heccin great either way. Honestly, I love your writing and I cannot stress that enough. Yours is my favourite out of everyone I’ve seen, and that seriously means something. And dammit, without you this blog would have died so many times down the middle. There were so many times that I thought I wasn’t going to be able to carry on and then you’d do like a short thread with me and... everything got better. I’ll never get sick of reading your writing, even if I don’t really have the time to read every single post.
Kako @soulwitch/ @volatilepaths is someone I’ve admired for a long time but only really got to talk to recently. You... are also a bulli, but screw that I love talking to you. Your floods are amazing and I love looking through them thinking “oh geez, that’s a lotta stuff.” The amount of effort you put into Redbellion is truly inspirational. tying all those little plots together for a myriad of people and still getting it done, telling a story with input from so many contributors, creating a varied cast who laugh and cry, fight and die... I haven’t been giving it as much attention as it deserves, but it’s truly amazing.
Angel who’s got so many blogs that I can’t even tag them all so I’m gonna tag her art blog @angelsreprisal is someone who should go to bed! Do I need to say anything for you? I think we both know everything I’d ever want to say. Including how smug I am that you lost the last bet. So I’ll send you a Meebo later instead >:3
Kana @inadcquacy (or @ranpirds if you want their art blog) is a heccin wiznerd. Your art is still just fantastic, and you drew Hailey so well the first time that I’m still not gonna change the art for the bio unless you specifically revamp it and tell me to. I miss your Flan (although I don’t miss editing backgrounds for your Alice blog) and Hailey misses her too. A lot. Like seriously. Good luck with Abby.
Bunny who no longer rps anymore is a gay ass nerd whom I’m literally talking to on discord right now sssssss. You and your Tewi really... were great. And those reactions too, they gave me a right laugh. You always make me laugh, you’re a nerd. You know everything I’d like to say to you as well, so... Kurumi, Yuki, Aya, Youko, Karen and so many more >:3
Johnny @johnny-writes is a writer who has devoted a lot of time to what he does. Whether it be for his phd or his rp, he always puts in effort and time, takes care of the details. I’m gonna miss seeing you around, buddy, but good luck with your paper. Perhaps I’ll see your name on a fancy research paper with a Dr. in front of it someday, eh? (although your field of study and mine don’t exactly align)
Fox @shootingxstardust is a dangus nerd. What am I gonna do with you, huh? Random memes, Godzilla, semi-lewd materials, bad puns, randomly calling me in the morning to ask me what I think about your sister’s voice... Hang on, I’m allowed to talk about that, right? You’re fun. You’re chill. I’m sorry to hear about your dog. Good luck with... everything.
Oh look that’s everyone done! It only took me getting drunk off my face to be honest with my feelings and not be a tsundere git! Everyone else... I heccin love you all, you’re great, but these nine I had to specifically mention for putting up with my dumb mediocrity all the time. If you’re reading this, have a good day. Feel free to laugh about the fact that I’m such a tsundere I actually had to get drunk to be honest sssssss.
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wanderinghellkitten · 5 years
((So Kana (@inadcquacy) and I were talking about those videos where people throw slices of cheese at cats and apparently that was a concept worth a doodle. I was sent this pic a few hours later with absolutely no context other than ‘did this between some other stuff’. Which was an adventure in and of itself.))
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wanderinghellkitten · 6 years
What’s your mental age?
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No comment from the hellcat. Maybe she doesn’t care about this sort of thing?
Tagged by: @johnny-writes
Tagging: @uncorruptedchampion, @nekofantasia, @twinfoxtails, @inadcquacy
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