#in truth...the character is a maship between admiral croft and colonel fitzwilliam from p&p
scabopolis · 2 years
Tagged by @strideofpride to share a snippet! I've shared a wee-bit from this fic I'm working on (the first draft is finished! and is 22k words lol) already, but it's either sharing samples of this or the cover letters I'm writing.
An unedited excerpt from my Kate/Anthony fic (goes au mid-ep 2x01, and then zig zags throughout the series beats as I see fit):
“Anthony,” his mother chirps, “we were just about to take tea in the garden. Will you join us?” He reads the tilt of her head and the shift of her eyes to Miss Sharma quite well. Kate is looking at him without any true feeling. Her expression blank like he is a stranger to her. 
“I am sorry,” he answers. “I cannot.”
“Surely you can spare a moment, Lord Bridgerton,” is Lady Danbury’s reply. Ah, so his mother and Lady Danbury are united in whatever today’s scheme is. “It is such a lovely day.”
“That it is, but Parliament cares not for the weather. I have much to read before tomorrow’s session.” 
“At least sit for—” 
“Lady Danbury,” Kate cuts in, not unkindly. “The viscount is quite busy, can you not tell? Perhaps we should allow him to continue with today’s business.” 
Silence hangs in the corridor for only a moment. Miss Edwina clings to the arm of her lieutenant, her eyes on her sister. 
Benedict claps his hands together, bringing all attention to him. “Quite right you are, Miss Sharma. Anthony is quite busy. However, I—,” he affects a comically pathetic expression, “as the second son, am little more than a wastrel with few demands on his time.” He presses a hand to his chest. “Might you save me from my unproductive and idle thoughts?” 
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