#in their V1 outfits i have to add so what the fuck
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sir-adamus · 9 months ago
it's always morally correct to block jaune harem weirdos
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First things first, I’d like to thank not only God but also Jesus. Secondly, I feel like I’m about to faint. Thirdly, hELL TO THE FUCK YEAH!!!
I’ll go in order of the team itself, that means we’re starting with Ruby!
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First thing I noticed is the fact that Ruby has gloves now. Not just any gloves, fingerless gloves. Call me a dork but I find that incredibly badass, and having them makes sense because, you know, Atlas is freezing. Secondly the baby has shorts now, thank GOD. Anti upskirt technology can only take you so far and now this is an actual practical combat skirt. Also belts. Lots of belts happen. Ruby’s wearing some sort of undershirt under her corset now! That’s awesome, she won’t get cold from that open section of her clothes anymore! Her boots look a lot more practical to, no more stupidly long laces that’d make taking them on and off really hard, especially in the snow. Also she’s wearing tights again like in V1 which is a nice callback to that! I do NOT however like how the shading is very heavy around her right eye because I have the feeling that implies something really awful since nobody else had shading that strong or concentrated. Ruby please keep both your eyes this volume I beg of you-
What I also don’t like is apparently her hair looks like that not because of wind but her hair does change this Volume which is going to kill me because due to either my Asperger’s or ADD (I’m not sure which is the culprit) significant changes in appearance give me headaches and/or anxiety, I felt it to some degree with the software shift but Ruby was the one that didn’t trigger this because she looked pretty much the same and her hair has been the one constant in design and now she’s Cloud Strife and it’s very upsetting to my subconscious
Ahem, anyways, onto Weiss!
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Okay there are a lot of more important elements then this but I’m weak so first things first; SHE’S REPLACED ALL THE SAPPHIRE IN HER OUTFIT WITH RUBIES
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THAT ISNT SUBTLE RT AND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH FOR IT The second biggest change is her hair which is now in a braid. This is gonna take some getting used to and is going to make drawing Weiss so much harder oh my god I CANT DRAW BRAIDS RT WHY DID YOU MAKE MY FAVORITE CHARACTER EVEN HARDER TO DRAW?? Okay moving on, I find it interesting that she’s not wearing tights or leg coverings of any kind, then again she’s an Atlas native so she can handle that. Also I love her boots, you can’t see a lot of them ‘cause rose petals and Ruby but they look suuuper cool! I love Weiss’s puffy sleeves and ESPECIALLY love how her emblem is on her shoulder now instead of a target on her back, nice symbolism hinting at the direction she’s gonna go this volume. I’m not sure how I feel about the gloves, it’s probably the fact they’re black that’s making me feel a tad uncomfortable, those things give me war flashbacks of Iris Heart... Weiss has belts for days. Belts for weeks. Belts for millennia.  Where’s her Scarf? D:
Okay onto Blake
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Okay i’ll start with the elephant in the room, I’m actually not particularly fond of her haircut, I mean for starters it doesn’t make sense for her to get a haircut considering where they’re going is colder and she would need the extra warmth. I don’t quite know why I don’t like it, probably a combination of my natural dislike of significant change and the fact that it seems Blake has lost those adorable curls on the sides of her hair, you know the ones. 
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Most likely it’ll grow on me when we see it in maya, I mean they wouldn’t have made this design choice if it actually looked bad in show and some of the fanart has made me like the idea more and more, I trust the CRWBY on this one. Blake doesn’t know how belts work but that’s fine sweetie Weiss has enough correct belts for all of us Okay her shirt is actually gonna be a big problem for Cosplayers, not because it’s complicated but because the design is meant to have a broken zipper, if the bottom part of your zipper unclasps then that’s it, you’re stuck in that shirt for the rest of your life because you can’t unzip it, you can pull the zipped up bits apart to try and get out but that’ll just leave you with wherever the zipper pull is completely and utterly stuck forever and at that point you just need to cut yourself out of the shirt. Bottom line, Blake honey please fix your zipper just looking at it gives me anxiety. Okay that’s just Yang’s V5-6 collar. Moving on. Her bLEGS have evolved to the point that her shoes are also her pants and that’s concerning.
And last but not least, onto Yang!
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The first thing that set off alarm bells in my brain was SHE HAS THE OTHER HALF OF EMBER CELICA NOW?? HOLY SHIT???  The second thing that made the alarm bells get louder was HOLY SHIT HER BANDANA AND ORANGE GLOVE IS BACK BABY BEEHAW BITCHES The third thing that made my alarm bells explode was HOLY SHIT BOMBER JACKET WHAT She’s got her emblem as her belt buckle and honestly that’s genius since we’re leaning a lot more into the beehaw side of things and cowboy’s had big ol’ belt buckles Yang please don’t tell me you still have the semi boob window in the middle of Atlas honey you’re going to catch a cold Look at this new shirt and pants my dad got me- PSYCHE ITS A JUMPSUIT YOU WERE FOOLED HUH HUH HUH HA her pants radiate so much final fantasy energy its unreal. she can zip her pants into bootyshorts at any time. she spent too much time around tai. Tons of pouches and pockets for cosplayers which is awesome!
All in all, I have pretty mixed feelings about this, the only design that I love is Yang’s, it’s a really nice mix of her old look, her newer look, and a completely new style! Weiss’s actual outfit is really cool but it still feels super weird for her to have a braid, I love Ruby’s outfit but her significant hair change causes me significant discomfort, aaaand Blake’s outfit doesn’t really tickle my fancy that much. I’ll get used to all of it eventually but as of now it’s just... Yeah this is gonna be a difficult adjustment but it’s gonna happen.
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athena14044 · 3 years ago
SO MANY guest appearances until She-Hulk v1, my despised
I'm formatting this section differently because she wasn't in anything super consistently. Everything is divided into worth reading and not worth reading based on my personal enjoyment
Worth Reading
Incredible Hulk #417-418 - With zero context the opening of 417 looks like Doc Samson is breaking up with Bruce and I refuse to be told otherwise. Also why was Death of the Endless at Rick Jones' wedding
Nova v2 #11
Fantastic Four v1 394-395, 400 - SUE TAKING DOWN A CELESTIAL SO TRUE QUEEN
Thunderstrike v1 #16, 21 - TITANIA REMATCH
Fantastic Four Unplugged - Jen was only in #2 but I read all 6 issues. Only #1 and 6 were good. #4 had potential as a Mole Man story if only it weren't just the background for Lyja stalking Johnny
Fantastic Force #12-18 - The way Franklin calls her Aunt Jennie 🥺
Incredible Hulk #441-442 - MOLECULE MAN MY BELOVED
Avengers Unplugged #4 - Absorbing Man and Titania's wedding. why was that actually really cute
Avengers v3 #1-4, 1999 Annual, 27-32 43-44, 46, 54-76
Fantastic Four v3 #6, 22-23, 27, 42-44, 50
Heroes for Hire v1 #17 - I enjoyed Jen's date with Luke Cage, also TITANIA REMATCH
Nova v3 #1 - Jen was barely in this but it was pretty good and it made me want to read the next issue so
Generation X #59 - this was cute
Wolverine 1999 Annual - I don't like Wolverine but this was funny
Marvel Double Shot #1-4 - the story in #1 where the woman writes letters to thor i am actually crying oh my god oh my god
Thunderbolts v1 #44
New Warriors v2 #10
The Thing and She-Hulk: The Long Night - bug vampires are fun
Captain America v3 #50 - FUCK
The Order v1 #3-6 - didn't expect to like this but it was pretty good
Not Worth Reading
Nova v2 #10 - I didn't actually read this I just looked at the pictures. Jen had a cute outfit though.
Doc Samson v1 - written by dan slott need I say more. actually no I will say more. the whole story revolves around violence against women and Jen is reduced to a victim. also samson's interactions with dee dee creep me out, starting with how she's named after delilah despite being like half doc samson's age, especially since her full name being delilah was a big name drop at the end. Like. the narrative whiplash of going from samson saying she should go back to school, to dee dee saying he sounds like her mom, to the reminder he asked her to pose for nude photographs in a magazine, to her saying "see you in therapy," to the reveal that her full name is delilah. so much to unpack all in the space of like 3 panels. what the fuck was that slott.
Fantastic Four v1 #416 - I do not know what is happening with Onslaught and I do Not care to find out
Fantastic Four v2 #7 - it was probably a bad idea to read any of heroes reborn on its own without context but at this point in time I can't bring myself to read through it normally
Iron Man v2 #11-12 - why is all of the art in heroes reborn so ugly
Captain America v2 #12 - see above
Heroes Reborn: The Return #4 - see above
Heroes for Hire v1 #8-9, 12-14, 19 - This wasn't bad, I just personally did not enjoy it 😔 it was all over the place
Contest of Champions II #1-2, 5 - Much like the first contest, it is a an excuse to make the heroes fight each other, except they're trying too hard to add more context instead of just accepting it as simply an excuse to make the heroes fight each other
Incredible Hulk 2000 Annual - god there were some. Choices. in this that I'd prefer to never think about again. who let this go to print.
Hulk v1 #11
Avengers Annual 2001 - I had to use a sketchy website to access this so everyone pray that I didn't get a computer virus 🙏🙏
Warlock v5 #8
Black Panther v3 #22-23 and Deadpool v3 # 44 - literally no idea what was happening here
Maximum Security #3
Incredible Hulk v2 #32
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If you made it this far please enjoy this panel of Thor and Namor that made me laugh because I don't have anything else to offer this time (Avengers v3 #60)
It just occurred to me that I could be posting about my attempt to read all of She-Hulk’s appearances so let me get caught up to where I am currently
Savage She-Hulk, 1st time with the Avengers, Contest of Champions, Secret Wars, Time with the Fantastic Four, Secret Wars II
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