#in the same very casual way I obsessed over The 36 Questions musical a few months ago
buysomecheese · 2 years
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50 Things I’m Convinced Tay & Joe Do - Part 2
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1. Joe standing in front of the mirror and checking his outfit for the hundredth time before visiting her parents. He’d then constantly walk up to her, asking “Does this look alright? Or is it too much?“ and Taylor would just laugh at his nervousness but find it very cute that he cares so much about what her parents think.
2. Taylor always wearing glasses around the house and him telling her everytime how sexy her PJ and glasses attire is to him
3. Taylor excitedly pointing to the window and saying “Horses” whenever they pass a herd of Horses while driving through the English countryside.
4. Joe always looking at her food with a touch of disappointment on his face and murmuring “should’ve gotten what you got, love” every single time they order Chinese food, which is slowly driving her insane.
5. Taylor making Joe watch “The Sense of an Ending” for the eleventh time because she’s so proud of his accomplishments and wants him to be ’proud of his craft’ which he always comments with rolling eyes but a smile on his face.
6. Taylor giggling hysterically whenever Joe is seen on screen and holding his hand throughout the entire movie while squeezing it whenever his charm or acting skills are impressing her a bit more.
7. Joe always agreeing to watch his movies with her because her excited giggles and proud smiles are what gets him through every rough day even after a failed audition.
8. Joe always kissing her fingertips whenever they sit in the car and she complains about her cold hands.
9. Joe pressing his nose into her hair while mumbling a loud “no no no no no” after the alarm goes off in the morning.
10. Joe laughing and saying “s’ fine. Mummy’s just having a lot of fun” when Olivia starts meowing because she got scared by Taylor’s moans coming from the bedroom. Taylor would just start laughing from underneath him in bed, slowly coming down from a mind-blowing orgasm and mumbling “we have to shut the door next time, baby.“
11. Joe sometimes stepping up right behind her to place his hands on her back while she’s rinsing off the dishes and Taylor mumbling a quiet “Yeah go on, I could use a massage, baby.” which is always quickly followed by “No, Joe. Not on my boobs.” and his mischievous laugh in her neck.
12. Taylor always sending him random selfies, wether she’s grumpy and on the plane or just woke up on the other side of the globe because he told her once how his day always lightens up when he looks at his phone and sees her face.
13. Joe becoming really shy and not able to react cool anymore whenever she’s bragging about how he’s the “most amazing guy in the world“ in front of her entire family on a holiday.
14. Taylor standing in front of the patio door of her Rhode Island home, trying to get Olivia inside before it starts to rain even harder. „Olivia. C’mon. It’s raining!“ She’d yell, has no clue how to get the stubborn cat inside. Joe would walk up to her and slowly open the door a bit more to step outside “m’ getting her. One wet pussy in this household is enough.“ he’d say with a mischievous smirk on his face before getting hit by his girlfriend, who can’t believe how cocky he is at times: "You did not just say that, Joseph.”
15. Joe sometimes whispering a low „you’re the love of my life, do you know that..“ while laying awake in the middle of the night, holding her in his arms and listening to her soft snores and starring at her for minutes.
16. Joe and Taylor watching BBC documentaries until the middle of the night and having deep conversations and discussions about it afterwards.
17. Joe sometimes smiling at her in the middle of a serious discussion about a certain topic that was part of the documentary and answering with a quiet “god, you’re so smart. you have no idea how sexy that is.”
18. Taylor constantly burning her fingers while cooking and Joe always yelling a concerned “be more careful, baby. please.“ from upstairs.
19. Taylor’s heart melting when she enters the living room after preparing some food for her godson and finding Joe and him cuddling together on the couch and reading a book together.
20. Taylor always wearing his clothes in the house when he’s gone a for a few days for work. Even though his sweatpants are way to big for her, she’d always find a way to make’m fit while having a chilled day at home with the cats.
21. Joe calling Tay “the master of cheese“ because she always adds an extra layer of cheese on her pizza whenever they’re at home.
22. Tay and Joe watching “The Voice Kids UK“ on TV and Joe mumbling an impressed “we should really produce kids, baby.“ after hearing all these talented children sing which causes Taylor to giggle quietly, cuddle closer to him and daydream about the future.
23. Tay and Joe having these little inside jokes that are literally annoying everyone around them. Wether it’s on a night out with friends or at her parents house for dinner: One look is always enough to make the two burst out in laughter without anyone else getting the joke.
24. Taylor always bending up to him, pressing her face in his neck and kissing his warm skin softly before giving him a long hug.
25. Joe having a light obsession with her hair. He’d play with her ponytail whenever she’s sitting next to him, take every opportunity he can to run his big hands through her hair or kiss her head over her bangs because she just smells too good for him to stay away.
26. Joe and Tay both having these random habits that are a result of spending too much time together. For example, her starting to pick at Joe’s plate in the restaurant and putting some of his food on her plate as soon as the meal has arrived and everyone of her friends and family looking at her with a questioning look while she’d just casually answer with "he doesn’t eat eggplant.“ and Joe thankfully starting to eat his food afterwards.
27. Joe saying random phrases at times, like: „Der kaffee schmeckt koestlich. German. For ‚the coffee is delicious“ while packing his suitcase and her always repeating every single one of his remarks.
28. Joe feeling Tay get a bit jealous deep down inside whenever he talks about a romantic scene he was shooting on set and Taylor acting as if she couldn’t care less.
29. Joe and Tay being not just lovers but best friends. So much, that he even feels comfortable to ask her questions about the female body he always had because growing up with two brothers did not help him to develop a basic knowledge about the female emotions. He’d ask things like “Does it feel weird to have a tampon inside you?“ or "Is it annoying to have to wear a bra in public all the time?” which always makes Taylor laugh.
30. Joe always taking notes in his head about the moves and actions that bring her the most pleasure while making love. Like, every change of position, every pressure on his fingers, every kiss behind her ear that would bring her closer to climax would be saved in the back of his head. And over time, he knows exactly what buttons to push to make her come undone in his hands after only a few minutes.
31. Joe loving to wash her hair whenever they take a shower together
32. Taylor treating him like a baby whenever he’s sick. She’d cook him soup and tea, check on him every ten minutes, put on his favorite movies and mumble a casual “my poor baby.“ while Joe has cuddled his head into her neck and her stroking his scalp while laying in bed with him.
33. Joe convincing her how freeing it feels to sleep naked with nothing on but some underpants and her discovering that feeling of freedom in her bedroom of not having to put on some pyjamas to sleep but instead sleep skin on skin right next to him.
34. Joe feeling depressed all day long whenever he had the pleasure to fall asleep with her in his arms and having to wake up alone because she had to catch an early flight.
35. Joe trying to hide it, but finding it extremely cute whenever she couldn’t sleep at night and wakes up with puffy eyes and little curls all over her head.
36. Taylor always admiring how intelligent and well educated he is whenever he starts to explain her something about the economical outcomes of England becoming independent again and leaving the EU.
37. Taylor being dead serious while telling her mom that her future grandkids are destined to be blonde weirdos with huge foreheads and an indefinable accent.
38. Joe always providing her with her whip cream and chocolate when she’s on her period which leads to Tay mumbling an agitated “thanks for supporting my disgusting eating habits.“ while having her mouth full of whip cream and laying in front of the TV like a pregnant woman.
39. Taylor being super moody somedays and picking stupid fights over every stupid little thing.
40. Joe always being the one to end an argument even though he’s just as stubborn as her, but he simply cannot take a few hours of being in the same house as her and not loving up on her in any way.
41. Taylor discussing with him if “Taylor Alwyn” sounds good or not and Joe confessing to her that he sometimes dreams about introducing her as “Mrs. Alwyn” to strangers.
42. Joe receiving some messages from his family and friends on her birthday saying “Happy Birthday to your girlfriend” and he replied to every single one of them with “What girlfriend?”
43. Taylor fixing his hair almost every morning because the longer it gets, the more he complains.
44. Taylor playing him all the songs she wrote for him on piano while he just sits next to her, listening to her for hours.
45. Joe surprising her on set while Tay is shooting a music video and bringing Andrea and her their favorite Starbucks drinks which gives him extra mother-in-law points.
46. Joe chatting with Andrea while Tay is shooting some scenes and him constantly gushing about how amazing she looks, how nervous she has been all morning and what a talented actress she’d be while Andrea just looks at him in awe, thinking about how in love this guy must be with her daughter.
47. Taylor imitating his accent at times and saying “Baby, would you like some more wootaah?” and him just overhearing it because she starts doing it all the time that he basically got used to it.
48. Joe casually pinching her bum whenever she walks by just to hear her squeak.
49. Joe eating the most sugary and unhealthy chocolate peanut butter cereal for breakfast every morning and Taylor watching him while wondering how he can still be in such a good physical condition without suffering from diabetes or obesity.
50. Joe hating to wake her up in the morning when she’s sick but has to catch a flight to work on some very important and album related things. He’d carefully crawl into bed to her once again and kiss her face at least ten times before whispering a soft “it’s time, baby.” in her ear, pulling her inside his warm arms after hearing her complain already and mumbling “I know, baby. I know. I love you so much.” in her hair to make waking up for her while being super sick just a little better.
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icarusaturn · 5 years
Learn about me!
1. Your name?
Maria Lawson
2. Nationality?
3. Age?
4. Birthday?
November 12, 2003
5. Zodiac sign?
6. Gender?
7. Sexuality?
8. Your looks ( add a picture or describe them)
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9. What do you/did you study?
I’m still in high school, but I’d like to study something either about language, music, or helping people/animals
10. What’s your current job like/what do you have?
I work during the summer at a Dairy Queen, a lot of my friends work there so it’s usually pretty fun
11. Your birth order?
Second, third if you count my sister
12. How many siblings do you have?
2, one brother and over half sister
13. Do you have good relations with your family?
Mostly yes
14. How many friends do you have?
Many but only around 5 close friends
15. Your relationship status?
16. What do you look for in an SO?
Honest, kind, loves animals and kids, up to adventure, loves music, loves nerdy things, open to trying new things, good sense of humor, respects boundaries & privacy, not pushy
17. Do you have a crush?
18. When did you have your first kiss?
8th grade
19. Do you prefer a serious/meaningful relationship or casual dating/one night stands?
I won’t mind either a serious relationship or casual dating
20. What are your deal breakers?
No common sense, being an asshole, pushy, no respect, derogatory towards others, no self respect, being overwhelming and or annoying, hates animals/is rude to animals, can’t be independent, lazy
21. How was your day?
22. Favorite food and drink?
My favorite food is probably chicken or bacon cheeseburgers for meat, otherwise I love any sort of fruit. My favorite drink besides water (lol) is lemonade
23. What position do you sleep in?
Usually I sleep on my stomach or my side
24. What was your last dream about?
One of my friends’ sister was working at a Barnes and Nobel
25. Your fears?
Being betrayed, being lied to, everyone secretly hating me, being left alone, being forgotten
26. Your dream?
I want to be successful and happy with a good place to live and good friends
27. Your goals?
The same as my dream
28. Any pets?
Yeah, one cat named Sabrina
29. What are your hobbies?
Art, theater, band, choir, speech
30. Any cool places in your area?
I live in a small town, so there’s many unique things about it
31. What was your last awkward situation?
I was in the car at the local grocery store and someone I didn’t like parked next to me
32. What is your last regret?
My last relationship
33. Language(s) you can speak?
Only English, although I’m trying to learn sign language
34. Do you believe in astrological stuff? (Zodiac, tarot, etc. )
It’s very interesting so yes, I’d also like to learn more about it
35. Have any quirks?
I have synesthesia, the type where I can hear colors
36. Your pet peeves
Lazy people, people touching my stuff without permission, when someone keeps trying to talk to me while I’m listening to music, annoying loud people, obnoxious rude people, people who blurt things while someone else is trying to speak, people who think they’re better than everyone else, liars
37. Ideal vacation
Anywhere where whoever I’m with and I can do what we please whenever we please
38. Any scars?
A few from childhood and some more recent ones from self harm. I’m in a safer space and state of mind now, so there’s no need to worry
39. What does your last text message say?
I just signed up, did it work?
40. Last 5 things from your search history?
Marvel characters
Color block hoodie teddy fresh
Griz and Norm frozen
Everything I wanted lyrics
Kirishima shirt
41. What’s your device background?
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42. What do you daydream about?
Movie/show scenes, memories, possible future outcomes, music
43. Describe your dream home
A house in the city with a bay window, an atrium, a claw foot bathtub, and a modern vintage look/feel, clean with nerdy decor
44. What’s your religion/thoughts on religion
I don’t have a religion because I don’t know much about it, but either way I don’t want to attend any holy services, because I’d like to prioritize other things. I do believe that everyone has their own rights to what they believe in, to me it’s like saying people should be able to eat, it’s common sense
45. You Personality type?
Campaigner personality ENFP - T
You can read about it on 16 personalities
46. Most dangerous thing you’ve done
When I was around 12 I flew with my brother alone on a plane
47. Are you happy with your current life?
For the most part yes
48. Some things you’ve tried in your life?
I’ve tried competitive dance, baking, hiking, and woodworking to name a few
49. What does your wardrobe consist of?
The usual stuff, t shirts, hoodies, jackets, sweaters, casual & fancy clothes, dresses, lots of shoes, jeans and leggings
50. Favorite color to wear
Yellow or blue
51. How would you describe your style?
Trendy nerd
52. Are you happy with your current looks?
Yeah mostly
53. If you could change/add something to your appearance - impossible or not - what would it be?
I want freckles lol
54. Any tattoos or piercings?
I have 4 lobe piercings, 2 on each side, and my left ear helix so 5 in total. I’m planning on getting many small tattoos and my septum pierced. Nothing drastic, all simple and small
55. Do you get complimented often?
Yes, almost every day with my hair and a lot with outfits
56. Favorite aesthetics?
Nature, vintage, character inspired
57. A popular trend that you dislike
There were these weird wavy eyebrows, not a fan 😂
58. Songs you’re currently obsessed with?
All of the Frozen 2 soundtrack, For The First Time in Forever and Let It Go from Frozen, Are You Bored Yet by Wallows, Amerika by Young the Giant, Maniac by Conan Gray, Come Around by Papa Roach, Same Damn Life by Seether, and Soarin by Bazzi
59. Song you wouldn’t normally admit you like?
I like mostly everything, so I would admit to liking mostly any song someone brings up
60. Favorite genre?
Pop or show tunes/ movie tunes
61. Favorite song/band/ genre?
My favorite song right now is a tie between Show Yourself and Into The Unknown from Frozen 2 or Are You Bored Yet by Wallows
62. Hated popular songs/artists?
6ix9ine, lil pump, artists like them
63. Put your music on shuffle & list first 5 songs
Prom Queen by Molly Kate Kestner
I’m Born to Run by American Authors
Holding on to You by Twenty One Pilots
Trip Switch by Nothing but Thieves
Swimming Pool Summer by Capital Cities
64. Can you sing/play any instruments?
I sing Soprano 1 and play Flute
65. Do you like karaoke?
66. Own any albums?
No vinyls or cassettes or DVD’s, it’s all on my Spotify lol
67. Do you listen to the radio? What stations?
I only listen to Spotify
68. Favorite movie/series?
My favorite movies are Frozen, Frozen 2, The Lion King, or any marvel movie past iron man lol
My favorite series are My Hero Academia, Voltron and friends
69. Favorite genre movies/ books/ etc.
Action, comedy, and fantasy
70. Your fictional crushes?
None lol
71. Which fictional character is you?
A mix of Elsa and Anna and Bakugou and Kirishima
72. Are you a shipper? List your otps if so
I don’t ship many things but I love Tododeku and Kiribaku
73. Favorite Greek god?
Apollo, Athena is my favorite goddess
74. A legend from where you live that you like?
There’s no legends where I live, but I like state legends like the legend of Paul Bunyan
75. Do you like art? What’s your favorite work or artist?
I like more modern artists, like ones on tumblr lol. These are a few artists I really like
@elentori-art @tecochet @cherriielle
76. Can you share your other social media?
I have Instagram, Twitter and the like but my Pinterest is maria_1820
77. Favorite youtubers
Colleen Ballinger, Joey Graceffa, Trainer Tips, David Dobrik, Molly Burke, Shane Dawson
78. Favorite platform
Everything but Facebook lol
79. How much time do you spend in the internet?
All of the time 😂
80. What video games have you played? Which ones your favorite?
I’ve played the sims and Mario kart and I like the sims more lol
81. Your favorite books?
We are the Ants by Shaun David Hutchinson and the My Hero Academia series
82. Do you play board/card games?
Not really
83. Have you ever been to a night marathon in cinema?
84. Favorite holiday?
85. Are you into dramas?
Medical/police/firefighter dramas lol
86. Would you use death note if you had one?
I’d like to say no but I probably would
87. What changes would you make in the world no matter how impossible, if you had the power to?
I would have everyone have a good house and money
88. (There wasn’t a question here so I made one up)What was your first word?
Besides mama, my first word was eat
89. If you turned into a paranormal being, what would it be?
A Phoenix
90. What would you want to happen to you after your death?
I’d want my body donated to science
91. If you had to change your name what would you pick?
I like my name so I wouldn’t change it
92. Who would you switch lives with for a week?
Maybe a guy to see what it’s like
93. Pick an emoji to be your tattoo
94. Write 3 things about yourself + only one of them must be true
I love acrylic nails
I’ve never been on a train
I met Dan and Phil
95. Cold or hot?
Cold because I could put on a sweater
96. Be a hero or be a villain?
97. Sing everything you want to say or rhyme?
Sing everything because I sometimes find rhyming annoying
98. Shape shifting or controlling time?
Shape shifting
99. Be immortal or be immune to everything aside from natural death?
Immune to everything but natural death
100. Book or movie?
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I made some asks! Have fun!
1. Are you more emo, scene or punk?
um i think emo but only in music taste, i dress quite casual and stuff like that
2. Favourite band?
right now paramore!!
3. Any New Year's resolutions?
ye several, for example seeing at least 10 artists live, some different drugs and have over 800 songs on my playlist,, i like to keep my resolutions as actually possible goals, so that’s that
4. Favourite music video?
ooh maybe hard times? call me basic but i love it.. or like the short video of forest by tøp, where he walks on a street, ye that ones special too
5. Favourite song?
nooo don’t make me choose i love so many?? but like turn it off, graveyard whistling, ouch, avalanche, sudden desire, let’s go (khalid), ribs and like teen idle be kinda hitting rn ngl
6. Panic! At The Disco or Fall Out Boy?
um old panic, i don’t listen to fall out boy as much as i used to
7. Favourite album?
fight me but vessel and the black parade hasn’t got any bad song, and they will always have a very special place in my heart,, but right now? like nothing but thieves’ self titled, after laughter, amo and melodrama
8. Do you own a pair of fingerless gloves or skeleton gloves (or the combination)?
no but i wish i did
9. Do you own any band merch? If so, from what bands?
some, from tøp, paramore and bmth, but i only use my purple paramore hoodie
10. Got a jacket with pins?
i had one but then i took of my pins so not anymore i guess
11. Have you got dyed hair? What colour?
ye i dyed it black a few months ago, so it’s black/brown-ish rn
12. Any hair dying or haircut plans for 2020?
absolutely i’m going to cut it really soon, and i’ll probably dye it quite soon as well
13. Crush on any band member?
uh hayley williams i’m free on wednesdays please h it me up on a wednesday what are you doing next wednesday i’m free on wednesday hayley please
14. Killjoy name?
oo i haven’t thought of one yet
15. Are you into The Used?
16. Do you want any tattoos? Of what?
i’ve got one small, but i’d like a few more, like a matching with my sister and stuff but i don’t know any other specifically, just that i want it
17. Can you play any instruments? Which?
mm i’m actually quite good at piano, been playing a few years now
18. Favourite My Chemical Romance song?
oof there’s so many slapping songs, but like one from each album would be honey this mirror isn’t big enough, helena, teenagers/disenchanted, sing/planetary go,, and i am aware that’s basic but like there’s a reason why just those songs have become popular? they’re so damn good (and don’t at me with sing hate, it is a masterpiece and do not deserve the slanter i see on the tl)
19. Do you think Twenty One Pilots are emo?
as a former tøp stan myself can i say quite firmly that they’re definitely emo, but we need to re-evaluate what emo actually means, bc like in terms of the 00’s emo music? no, they’re not emo. they’re not like the emo trinity (lol), BUT they’re the perfect description of a modern emo band? so, no tøp isn’t emo in the old fashioned way, but yes they’re emo in a newer context,, and their stans are definitely emo i mean like come on
20. Are you into Taking Back Sunday?
21. Do you wear any make up?
yeah but just casual, i’m always so amazed by people who wear lots of cool makeup every day, i could never
22. Do you have black painted nails?
lol ye always
23. Have you got any band posters? Of what bands?
mm i’ve got one with paramore that i like, and one with blackbear which is only because i likes the color schemes of it, i don’t listen to him otherwise
24. Do you want any piercings?
not right now
25. What's your opinion on All Time Low? Sleeping With Sirens? Pierce The Veil?
they’re cool i guess but i’ve never looked into them any further
26. Do you think it's just a phase or that you'll be emo/punk\scene forever?
oh the music will always live on with me, but how i think and express myself around the subject “being alternative/emo/pop-rock/whatever” will probably change as i grow into another phase of my life,, and like i’m okay with the thought of living my life in phases, and i’ll probably not be too ashamed of my current self a few years from now
27. Favourite magical/mythical creature?
i don’t really know any :(
28. Are you into Black Veil Brides?
29. Do you like any newer emo/scene/punk bands? Which?
no not really i’m a quite boring music person in the sense of that i only listen to like the same five bands for a whole year,, so all the bands i’m listening to currently are releasing new music, but were created a while ago
30. What's your favourite music genre besides emo/punk\scene?
probably indie rock
31. Are you into Mindless Self Indulgence?
32. Favourite Fall Out Boy song?
uh like i’m a slut for folie so like 27 or the shipped golden standard, but dance dance has always been a personal favorite
33. Are you mostly into the so-called "emo trinity" or "emo quartet" or do you listen to a lot of other bands too?
sigh i listened to both the trinity and the quartet a lot in 2018, i was a big fan of this whole trinity/quarter thing, but now do i just occasionally listen to some of them, but they’re definitely the roots of my emo path in this life
34. What's your opinion on Waterparks? Palaye Royale? I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME?
ooh idkhow are both emo/alt/pop-rock and quite new!! i forgot them earlier in this post! ye i love idkhow and their music, but i don’t really listen to waterparks or palaye royale
35. Are you into Bring Me The Horizon?
sure as hell am baby, love them
36. Favourite solo project by a emo/scene\punk band member?
right now is hayley williams solo project petals for armor a huge favorite of mine
37. Are any of your friends IRL emo/scene\punk?
um like kinda yes? or some of them have got the style but not the music, and some have got the music but not the style, so i guess it all adds up to a yes
38. Are you into drawing? If so, show some of your art!
ah i really wish i was creative but unfortunately am i not
39. Favourite colours and colour schemes?
red+black or pastel colors, i shift a lot based on mood, but my go to color schemes are dark blue and black bc i’m always comfortable in them
40. What are some of your favourite lyrics?
damn such a good question, i’ll make a separate post for it and continuesly update it with new lyrics!!
41. The Black Parade or Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge?
sorry but i’m a tbp fan, and you can’t convince me otherwise,, like i love revenge a lot but the black parade just hits different y’know?
42. What's your opinion on Paramore? Green Day? Blink-182?
well my biggest obsession right now is paramore so in short; i absolutely am in love with hayley, taylor and zac, the whole concept of paramore and of course their music+other content, even though they’ve gone through rough (or should i say hard) times
and i’ve listened some to green day, they’re really great and i like them, but there’s too much to get into and i’m not ready to be that much of a huge green day stan yet (will probably never be either) but i can absolutely casually enjoy their music and jam with their songs, without having to get into it any deeper
and for blink-182, i feel like they’re a bit too far away from my preferred genre right now, i will maybe listen to them in the future, probably not, but you never know anything for sure
so that’s all,, i love answering questions like this even though no one will ever read it and i’m cringe i know alright but it makes me feel happy so i’ll keep doing it
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frywen-babbles · 7 years
Rules: fill this out and tag at least one person you’d like to know more about! Or just fill it out! Or don’t! Answer only some of them! Make up your own questions! “What kind of requirement is that”, you ask? A reasonable one! Who am I to tell you what to do? Anything goes!
(Original questions authored by @cavern-of-bells , thank her!)
Tagged by @belxsar , thank you for the tag!
1. What kind of food can’t you stand?: I’m with you @belxsar , eggplant is horrible. It tastes too bitter, as does zucchini. Overcooked bell peppers are also disgusting.
2. If you could choose one minor inconvenience to never have to deal with again, what would you pick?: Packing. I’d love if everything important just packed itself without having to worry about fitting everything in and stressing about forgetting something important. I hate packing.  
3. Have you got any useless talents?: I don’t think my talents are useless, but I think lots of people think my profession is useless.  
4. If you could be really really good at one thing, what would it be?: Time management.  
5. Name a few people you think are extremely good-looking: Otome men?
6. What was your favorite way to pass the time as a kid?: Reading. I was obsessed, I could read several books per day if I just had the time.  
7. What is something you’re proud of?: My kids.  
8. What’s one character flaw in people that you just can’t tolerate?: Bigotry. In all of its forms, whether it’s terfs, racists, homophobes or neo-nazis.
9. Do you consider yourself to be more of a leader or a follower?: A follower. I only take the lead if no-one else will.
10. What kind of student are/were you?: A decent one? I tried to do my homework on time and had decent grades.  
11. Butterfly effect question! Has there ever been a seemingly minor decision you’ve made (at the time) that ended up having a profound influence on your life?: Yes. I went to watch Oscars with some friends and ended up falling in love.
12. Name your most irrational fear/aversion: Like funny irrational or terrifying irrational? I’m scared to put my hands over railings if I’m holding something on my hands or if I have rings because I’m sure I’ll drop everything.
13. Are there any fictional characters you find especially relatable?: From SLBP I find Mitsunari really relatable. I just try to appear nice and hide my tsun.
14. If you drink, what kind of drunk are you? Alternatively, what sort of person are you at parties?: I’m a sociable drunk. I’m one of those introverts that turn into extroverts when they drink. If I can’t drink myself nice, I usually sit in a corner, avoid loud music and prefer talking to 2-3 people.  
15. Do you fall in love easily? Or does it usually take a long time for you to trust someone?: I have crushes fairly easily, but I’ve fallen in love head over heels just once. Usually, it takes longer time, but I guess that one time was special?
16. Would you rather have one close friend or 100 casual friends?: One close friend. I’m too introverted to have a large social circle, but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy talking to lots of people.  
17. Do you consider yourself to be more of a slob or a neat-freak?: I’m both. I’m a horrible slob who likes to keep all closets and drawers neat.  
18. Describe a place (imaginary or real) that you would find incredibly cozy: The Shire from Lord of the Rings.
19. Do you have kids? If not, do you want them someday?: I have just the perfect amount of kids.  
20. What was your favorite book as a child?: I don’t remember what was my absolute favourite, but the book that I loved and what had most impact me as a person must have been Dealing With Dragons and the entire Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede.  
21. Name one thing you just don’t get what all the hype is about: Game of Thrones and other overly violent and dark fantasy series. Give me back Buffy or The Legend of the Seeker or Xena. I had nightmares for a month when I tried to watch GoT.  
22. Name one thing that you think is tragically underrated: Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse -series. It’s hilarious and filled with weird pop culture references.
23. If you had to be glued to a person for a month, real or fictional (who you have never met), who would you choose?: It doesn’t matter, I would SUFFER no matter who it was (and probably the other party would too, I’m a really nasty person when I’ve had too much socialising). I can’t even stand hubby for a month.  
24. What’s something you’d like the chance to do someday?: Travel more.  
25. Do you typically speak your mind when you have a controversial opinion? Or do generally prefer to not rock the boat?: I just loathe silently (but probably not discreetly) everyone around me.
26. What’s the dumbest fad you’ve been caught up in?: All the fads I’ve been caught up in were awesome, I have no regrets <3
27. What’s something you thought was cool as a kid/adolescent, but now cringe at yourself for?: Sexist jokes.  
28. What’s a trait you consider to be very admirable?: A passion to want something to happen so much you’re willing to put everything else aside. Like a passion to organise cons. It takes a huge amount of energy and time and still some people do it over and over again without any pay, just because they want other people to be able to enjoy themselves.
29. Is there a particular kind of item people always tend to give you as gifts? (For instance, people always get you things with ducks on them because you like ducks, etc.): I get things with cats on them a lot, I think?
30. Do you speak multiple languages? Which ones?: My mother tongue and English. I barely survive shopping in Swedish and know very little Spanish, Japanese and German.  
31. Would you rather live in the big city or the countryside?: Big city, the countryside is awful, everyone knows each other. And all the gossip. Nope.  
32. Has there ever been something you were certain you’d hate, but ended up loving?: Winx club. But I didn’t think I’d hate it, just that it wouldn’t be interesting. I teased hubby when he watched it but ended up being totally addicted instead.  
33. Do you mind being the center of attention, or do you prefer the spotlight to be on someone else?: I love being at the centre of the attention but at the same time, I’m terrified of it.
34. Favorite holiday?: Christmas.  
35. Are you a more go-with-the-flow type of person, or do you need to have things planned meticulously?: I need plans. I hate surprises. Depending on my anxiety level, I need anything from two days to an hour to prepare for small things.  
36. Is there something you loved so much you wish you could forget it and experience it all over again? (A tv show, book, series–anything.) : The Lord of the Rings hype when the movies came out. It was awesome, I loved every minute of it.  
37. What hobbies do you have?: Writing and playing otome games.  
38. If you could have a superpower, but it was only mildly useful, what ability would you want to have?: I’d like to keep house plants alive. Or have birds poop on nasty people.  
39. Something people are always surprised to learn about you: IRL people are surprised when I tell I play otome games. Some people find my profession surprising as well as if being a geek and beauty care are somehow exclusionary.
40. Something that took you way too long to figure out: That my body is good enough as it is. Somehow it needed +20kg to realise I wasn’t as fat as I thought I was.  
41. Worst injury you’ve had?: Tearing ligaments in my ankle. Twice.  
42. Any morbid fascinations?: Like everything? For example, I love songs that are supposed to be nice and calm but instead are about death and misery, like some lullabies and Christmas songs.
43. Describe your sense of humor: Sarcastic and pretty dry. But I also laugh at the stupidest memes.
44. If you had to be born in another era/place, which would you choose?: Good olden days suck. It doesn’t matter, I’d probably be dead anyway.  
45. Something you are irredeemably bad at: Time management.  
46. Something that sucked but you’re glad you went through: Pregnancy. It majorly sucked both times, but it was still worth it. Every other shit that I’ve gone through I could have lived without. It’s not true that “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. What doesn’t kill you may irreparably break and damage you and you might never be over some shit, no matter how hard you tell yourself that you are.
47. Would you rather have a really godawful ugly tattoo in a place that is only slightly inconvenient to conceal with clothing (upper arm, thigh, etc.), or the coolest, most beautiful tattoo ever in the middle of your face? (Neither tattoo can be removed or concealed with makeup, and the ugly tattoo will deeply offend anyone who sees it.): Facial tattoo.  
48. Are you more of an optimist or a pessimist?: Optimist, I think. I force myself to have an absolute faith that everything will work out, otherwise, I’d be an anxious mess incapable of doing anything.  
49. What would be the most flattering compliment someone could give you?: That they loved my writing. Or that I made them have feels and now they hate me ^^
50. Something you feel people often misunderstand about you: That I actually usually want to talk to them even if I seem standoffish or cold. I’m just not that good at talking to people I don’t know.  
Tagging @minnimay17 @i-dont-look-good-i-look-great @wonky-glass-ornament @thedaydreamingotaku @suzunesays
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