#in the midsts of suffering i had the genius idea that i want to draw cow as a bunch of different dinosaurs
girlboyburger · 9 days
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The Plan
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As promised for my Donatello girls hope you all enjoy (Had to use this gif cause our genius just looks too good in it)
@devilsnevercry1388​ @fyreball66​ @tmntwhat-you-get-is-what-you-see @tur-nerd-tle-girl @cats-eye-galaxy @bunnyboo9889
She wasn’t supposed to leave his side – Leonardo had ordered her to stay there with him while he worked to stop the device while the other’s had raced off to stop Krangg who had perfected the portals into opening up all at once wherever he wanted
This time he had no plans of bringing the Technadrome over first he was sending his troops to enslave the world before his ship would enter their dimension
In the midst of an invasion she had been teamed up with Donatello to watch his back while he was defusing the last device they had finally tracked down at a metal factory but half way through a portal had opened right in front of her and the energy serge had knocked her across the room she was left gasping as she forced her body to move choking as her lungs struggled for air past the toxic atmosphere filling the room before Donnie was at her side hooking up an air regulator to her as several robots filled the room finally getting air able to breath still choking as her throat burned pulling her weapon ready to hold them off “Go – I got them Don”
He moved when she pushed the purple banded ninja back before he was working fast as she kept them away from where he was “A few more minutes and I got it” looking back to him working as fast as he could she realized he was having some difficulty as another opened to the right getting knocked across the room hitting the wall looking over seeing he wasn’t done before her emerald green orbs flashed up seeing the metal door then the controls above her head meeting the genius’s eyes glancing to the large sky light above him making sure his eyes found where she was looking
The teen jumped up working out a plan in her head not seeing her going to be able to pull it off successfully without it going south but saw no other way around it needing to give him more time “HEY OVER HERE!”
She moved drawing the Krangg’s attention to her as she waved her arms stopping the robots from going after the busy turtle who was looking at her with wide eyes his tech trying to hack into the system “Wait – Raven what are you-?” she held her breath once all the machines were facing her partially regretting this decision but he needed to complete the mission and if this worked she might just live to regret everything
“Buying you more time” the laser guns all trained on her powering up before she ducked as they fired hitting the floor glancing up as the small controller box was destroyed hearing the door groan in protest before it dropped cutting them off from getting to him – but also cut him off from getting to her as he yelled hitting the door that locked shut once down screaming her name as he tried to get to her “Deactivate the beacon I’ll hold them off” she was running as they blasted the floor around her screaming out before bolting making sure they were following her hearing him yelling her name loudly still trying to get the door open but the girl was too busy getting away to answer him
She wanted to draw them away maybe give him a few minutes more and was in the center of the yard glancing over her shoulder to be sure they were following before the building exploded knocking her to the ground before a second blast echoed behind her getting up holding her head before her eyes widened breathing franticly seeing the building going up in flames “D-DON!!!” she had started to race back in before a blast flew past her face singeing her cheek as it passed seeing the Krangg bot coming through the flames her mind racing before seeing only half the building was in flames but the back were they had been was untouched
She needed to get to Donatello but if he was okay she still needed to draw them away so taking it all in and going of her gut feelings she spun on her heels and bolted for the roofs looking back seeing the sky light was still in tacked and far from the flames
He had to still be okay
Her feet pounded over the roof tops her lungs burning going to draw them off far enough she could lose them and hurry back to the purple banded turtle but she was getting tired having to stop running twenty minutes later instantly getting surrounded all at once holding her ground taking them out one by one until she could run again
Her chest was burning for air and her legs were killing her but she wasn’t going to stop until she could lose them telling herself she needed to get back to Donnie – if it was the last thing she did she had to get to him
She was sure she was going to get away upon getting over to a lower roof going to jump across the alley in hopes of disappearing into the shadows below when a sudden pain filled her shoulder screaming out as she hit the side of the ledge twisting her ankle as she landed wrong scrambling to get up before another searing pain shot through her as the smell of burn flesh filled the air around her looking down quickly seeing the blackened and bleeding skin under her disintegrated fabric of her pants reaching back finding they had clipped her twice with two blast unable to get up from her twisted left foot and the deep burn to her right leg groaning as she scrambled back looking up becoming surrounded crying out as she forced her body up
She couldn’t breathe her limbs pulsing with an agonizing heat whimpering as they closed in on her scrambling back again her back hitting the side as a metallic voice caught her ears forcing her to look up “~Those were to stun next shots will be fatal~” she snorted reaching back into her pouch with her good arm snatching the throwing stars she was carrying before tossing them fast taking out several but not enough “~Surrender and become enslaved under Commander Krangg human ~ Resistance is futile~”
A shuttered breath left her lips as she drew one sword holding it up at them shaking in fear not sure why she had ever thought this was a good idea slowly pushing her body up until she was standing forcing her legs to stay under her laughing as she lifted her blade higher “I’m resisting – what are you going to do about it?” she shifted fast reflecting the blast fired at her back at the robots grinning as one dropped
The teen was too tired to keep going but stayed put taking them out with their own shots, her limbs were killing her with every move she was making but couldn’t stop now shifting her blade in hand before another shot knocked it out of her grasp “~Surrender now or be destroyed~” her body dropped just as they started to close in kicking away from them screaming out as she hit her shoulder, she wasn’t letting them take her without a fight even if she knew the fight was long over she wasn’t going with them
One hand flashed down grabbing a sai throwing it the way she had been taught hitting the weak point in its chest inwardly musing she was just prolonging the inevitable closing her eyes seeing the weapons going up her eyes going wide shaking wishing the purple banded turtle was there as a shot rang out
A figure landed over her deflecting the lasers before three robots were being knocked away, a low growl drew her eyes back up as two were shorted out but the electric prods on the ends of a long staff her eyes lighting up as she dropped back against the ledge seeing who had arrived to save her
The final two bots heads caved under his bo as he turned to be sure there were no more “DONNIE!” he spun around as she slammed into him hugging him tightly laughing between pained sobs as he hugged the teen back sighing in relief that he had found her but was instantly panicking when the girl’s weak body was dropping against him before he was laying her down looking over the wounds she had suffered
He smiled seeing they weren’t life threatening and hadn’t bled too much knowing they would need to be cleaned really well once they got home chuckling when she grinned up at him letting him know she was going to be okay “Good plan – got it deactivated just in time” she laughed again as he tended to her wounds wrapping them tightly
Donnie lifted the girl into his arms kissing her neck once he was satisfied with the care he had put into her bandages taking off towards the lair going to call the others once they were safe in the sewer tunnels looking down at she held tight the him chuckling at her when he realized she was so relaxed she had dosed off
He couldn’t have asked for a better partner on this mission
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Miscommunication || Caradoc - Alecto
Usually when Caradoc Dearborn had a bad idea he had no clue that it was truly a bad idea until he was in the thick of it, fighting to undo everything he’d done. This bad idea? There was no denying that from the outset it had been a bad idea. Yet here he was, standing in front of a mirror trying to figure out how he could charm one of his suits from his early days of an auror - and believing that he’d needed to dress to impress for the job rather than to actually perform the job itself - so that he’d blend in with the purebloods he would be pretending to socialize with tonight. And why?
Cassandra Burke.
He was fixated by now. He needed to get to her. Things were only going to get worse before they got better, and he had to let her know that she still had him. She was what he wanted, and he was sure of that. He couldn’t remind her enough that no matter what she thought she was trapped in; she wasn’t. He would do whatever he had to to get her out. Including cashing in on a good number of the favours he’d acquired from people during his Auror days. He’d never planned on actually reaching out to those that had told him that if he ever needed anything he should just call, but he truly felt that he needed this.
The small twig was wrapped up into the bouttoniere he planned on pinning to his lapel, after charming his suit to at least look much more expensive than it actually had been. The mask he had on his dresser was charmed as well, once something worn during parties in the Hufflepuff common room as a joke, now charmed into a brilliant gold and bronze dragon mask that covered nearly his entire face. Purebloods were showy, particularly at events like this, and if he wanted to blend in he certainly needed to look like he had made some effort to stand out.
It didn’t take him long to make the few tweaks he needed to to the dark outfit, before he was grabbing the bouttoniere itself, clipping it to his lapel. He let his finger rest on the end of the small twig, grinning at his genius in even thinking of this. Was it legal? Probably not. But it would definitely prove to be helpful at the very least. Linked to an identical one in his pocket, and able to be transfigured into anything either of them needed it to be for it not to draw attention, it was the only thing he could think of that would give her the ability to contact him in an instant. If she ever broke hers, no matter what form it had taken on, his would burn to get his attention and then turn into a portkey, taking him to her. If she ever found herself in over her head, it was the only thing he could think of that would let him help get her out. The risk was well worth it. He needed her to have this. If he didn’t have anything else on the planet, he needed to have this.
The dogs had been fed, and he’d eaten half a tin of spaghetti before pulling on the ornate mask. His flask was secured in an inside pocket, unsure what kind of liquor they’d have for the guests at the ball, and sure that he needed a good buzz before he made it to the Diagon Alley party. He’d never exactly been to one of these annual balls before, though he was sure they weren’t nearly as fun as the parties he preferred to attend. He could count on her being there though, and that was good enough reason for him to suffer through it for an hour. To be able to share a dance with her and let her know he’d done everything in his power to help her. He’d nodded at himself in the mirror before apparating as close as he could to Selwyn Manor.
Getting in had been easy, and blending in even easier. It was picking Cassandra out of the crowd that was proving to be hard, and he hated that he felt that way. She ought to have had some kind of spotlight on her, at least that was how it had always seemed for him. Tonight in all of the gowns and masks, it wasn’t easy. These events seemingly drew a pretty good crowd, though he had a good feeling that there were a fair few in his midst that were on the same side as he was.
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And then he’d seen her, and he was sure that it was her. He’d approached her from behind, tapping her shoulder gently before bowing slightly, “You look beautiful tonight,” And she did, there was no denying it. Even with her face half hidden she was gorgeous. How could he not indulge himself in spending some time with her here, when nobody around them would ever be the wiser? “Might I have a dance?”
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