#in the livestream you could see isaac just laughing at Louis
sunshineandlyrics · 1 month
The insects just want to love you Louis .. 😂😂😂😂 (I could watch this discourse all day)
Chicago, FITFWT Mexico City, 1 June 2024.
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louis-in-red · 3 years
Top ten AFHF moments, Steph go!!!! ❤️
Hi Sea! As the rest of the Louies, I’m still processing the whole thing. I woke up feeling so proud of this person I may never meet, but somehow feels like a friend from my childhood who I am watching grow up into this amazing performer and singer.
Here are my top ten moments (to be honest the whole thing is my favourite thing in the world right now)
1. His voice at the beginning: hearing his talking voice after so long, was so important. This year was hard, almost zero content, no interviews… so just hearing him speak (…I understood how important people are) was healing. I could honestly spend hours listening him talk 🖤
2. Him interacting with the crowd with the Spanish fans at the Madrid show 🔥 he looked so in his element and so proud (I felt like a fucking God). Kudos to the fan who said Louis is the puto amo 💙
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Credits to louisgalaxy for the gif
3. His little dance with Charlie when he arrives to film the Live From London Livestream 😭 I really like his relationship with Charlie and how Louis is always so silly with him. Plus, we get so see how Charlie is directing the whole thing which is HOT! Louis talking about how cool the livestreams are and a great opportunity for fans to see him for the first time… such a good soul that man 😔
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Credits to Sanju for the gif 💙
4. His little feet when he is jamming with his guitar 🥲 also him talking about the lack of inspiration and how difficult this time has been not just for him but for everyone else… it felt so human
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5. His excitement when speaking on the phone to Matt (I’m guessing it’s him) about the free concert. He said he wanted to be the first to doing one and being ahead of everyone else… 😫 plus he was so flirty, playing with his hair… 😮‍💨. I’m adding here as a fave bonus part, Louis being so involved in the whole process, choosing the venue, checking how the stage was going to be, also him being concern of respecting the distance with fans due to restrictions (the way he says Corona… 😳🤤)
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Credits to Sanju for the gif 💙
6. His relationship with Helene, from seeing how they rehearsed together, to knowing they have been working this whole last year through video calls (when the media and “his close friend from the band” said he was just drinking beer and probably chilling)… to know he was working during all this time into improving his voice because he is a perfectionist… I LOVE HIMMSO MUCH!! ALSO! Louis just LISTENS, doesn’t he? Like you can see how he listens to Helene. She could probably give harsh feedback sometimes and he would take it in the most positive way, because he knows Helene only just wants the best for him and her feedback will only be constructive. Her being a huge important part of his life, not just as vocal coach but as part of his support system makes me so emotional 😩 Louis my god! I’m watching again those clips and I’m crying again 😭 (PS: who is John??? wtf 😩 that name has been mentioned way too many times now and I’m clowning)
7. His confidence through the whole show but specially in We Made It??? Like he went out there to WIN!! He gave his all from the beginning to the end. I have to say I’m wasn’t a fan of 7 (😳) because I didn’t really listened to a cleaned version (only the ones from Madrid)… but NOW??? I’m a FAN! The band was so SICK and so INTO IT! It was hot to watch! They really killed it and it was one of my favourite moments from the concert 🤤 kudos to Charlie for capturing Louis’ beautiful eyes during DLIBYH.
8. The fans and how they reacted to everything Louis did or say! Him saying it’s fucking unbelievable and that it’s only posible for the fans 😪😪😪 what the fuck I was worried about? 🥲 and the fans during CHANGE… I don’t think they were expecting that quality of a song and you could tell in their faces that he exceeded their expectations (kudos once again to Charlie for beautifully capture the relationship between Louis and the fans). It was cute that Louis said the song it’s name CHANGE and not CHANGES 🙂
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Credits to setsfiretohistory for the gif
9. The band!!!! My GOD THEY ROCKED!!! They were so into it, they jammed through the whole thing and you could tell they really enjoyed it and that they love playing for Louis!! Steve was so 🔥🔥🔥 the drums were on FIRE!!! Michale and Isaac being a cute guitar duo during OTB and Matt being beautiful and cute during 7 just jamming and rocking 😫 Zak on the keyboards doing his little head movements 🥰 I don’t know what else to say I just love them and I love that Louis has them as a band. Kudos to the string ladies who sounded amazing and were so cool (drinking the encore shots)!!! I hope they go to tour with Louis 🥺
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Credits to Sanju for the gif 💙
10. The after show moments: From the group hug (that shot did some magic as well), to his family and his best friends being there, from Helene being the most proud (crying because Louis sounded amazing) to Louis talking about how he can get lost in his head sometimes but it was different during the festival and that he trusted Helene saying he smashed it… I think he truly felt it! He knew he gave his all and since it’s been a year and a half since he had that feeling… maybe he was afraid he wasn’t going to be that good but now he knows he was the best he has ever been and he feels more confidente than ever. I can’t wait for next year when will get the tour (please let him tour 😭) and probably (hopefully) we’ll get more bts footage since Charlie will be there with him for some dates (I hope).
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Credits to Manu for this gif 💙
Well… this was an emotional rollercoaster. I laughed, I cried, I was horny, I was sad, I was happy, I was proud… It was everything 😌😮‍💨 I’ll watch it again later 💙
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