#in the hobbit it was said stans legs are short
cringelordofchaos · 3 months
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winter-is-ending · 7 years
Aesthetic asks: Flower crown, fairy lights, 1975, pantone, moodboard, converse, lace, cactus, oil paint, combat boots, pastels, tattoos, piercing, messy bun, grunge, space, white bed sheets, beaches, eyes, 11:11, painting, clouds, and coffee.
flower crown: when did you last sing to yourself?
Right now. I’m singing This is Life Mine from RWBY. I love it so much, it show Weiss’ character development and it’s amazing. 
1975: what is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise?
The memory of when my roommate broke my new mermaid wine glass. She had placed her hand on our kitchen counter and I guess it shifted a pan in the drying rack which then knocked the glass into the sink. She was apologizing so much and I was just laughing. Especially when she said “We can glue it!” I still laugh whenever I think back to it. I miss her.
pantone: describe a person close to your life in detail. 
Oh boy...this is something to think about if you want me to give a good description. 
@ssherlocke is my twin sister. She’s the friendliest person you will ever meet. She can make friends or start a conversation with just about anyone. An artist at several conventions we’ve been to remembers her, that’s how friendly she is. She has a big heart. She also has strong ambitions to become an actress or work in film in some way (she really wants to meet RDJ). She also started crafting weapons for cosplay and is starting to sell them on her Etsy. She’s made several keyblades from Kingdom Hearts like Ven’s, a Tron keyblade, and the Circle of Life Keyblade. She’s working on Qrow’s weapon from RWBY. She had it working too, where it shifts from a sword to a scythe! She’s freaking talented. She gets very excited over her ships and movies and tv shows that she loves. She’s a fangirl and an amazing person. She’s the best friend you could have and the best sister.
moodboard: do you feel you had a happy childhood?
converse: would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them? 
Definitely not some stranger on the street, but I’ve ranted to new friends on here before. Even if we’ve just met. @rebelcolumbia is an example, she was really sweet and let me rant when I was having a stressful moment. She’s so sweet (and I’m sorry for bugging you haha).
lace: when was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you?
My last 3 am conversation was with @puffandproud. Because of our distance from each other and time zones she’s awake and it’s well past midnight for me and vice versa. Em is one of my best friends I met on here and we are now co-writing a fanfic for The Hobbit. I love her haha.
cactus: what is your opinion on brown eyes? 
I think they’re beautiful.
combat boots: are you a very forgiving person? do you like being this way? 
I am. There was a friend I had in high school who I had a falling out with. I’m not sure what happened, but we stopped talking and she was one of my best friends so it was hard. Recently she messaged me on Facebook and apologized for how she acted and I had forgiven her a long time ago. I think it’s pointless to hold grudges on people and not forgive them for something. Unless it’s something unforgivable I usually have forgiven them in time. I think it’s important to give people second chances. And yes I do like being this way :)
pastel: would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel? 
I’d say a bit of both. I love pastels, but I also love my combat boots and dark colors. I think it depends on my mood really. I wouldn’t say I go full on pastel or full on punk, but I’m a bit of a tomboy and a girly girl. 
tattoos: how do you feel about tattoos and piercings? 
I think they are cool to an extent. I like looking at tattoos, I think they are beautiful. But I’m also like meeeeh when it comes to sleeves or sleeves on legs. I think they are really cool though, but something about them is just meh. If they hold a certain meaning to someone I love that. I think that’s incredible and powerful. Piercings are cool too, but I don’t like a lot of them. ESPECIALLY gauges (is that how they’re spelled?). I think those are gross. My opinions on these two things don’t mean I think the people who have them are bad people, in no way am I saying that. I have met plenty of nice people with sleeve tattoos or gauges. It’s the look of it all that I’m indifferent on. If its your thing go for it, but I hate needles so you’ll never see me get a tattoo haha.
piercings: do you wear a lot of makeup? why/why not? 
I do not. I actually don’t wear makeup that often. I just never feel the need to wear it all the time. But when I do I wear a good amount of makeup when I do wear it. I have no idea how to contour or highlight so you won’t see me with that. I love doing eye makeup though! I’m still learning how to blend eye shadow though.
messy bun: the world is listening, pick one sentence you would tell them. 
My mom told me this back in high school when I was feel self conscious about myself. I once asked her “am I weird?” to which she replied “Everyone is different. If everyone was the same the world would be a boring place.” I’ve lived by that for years now. 
Another sentence I would say is one I’ve come up with years ago. “I think everyone is beautiful. Its attitudes and personalities that make people ugly.” 
grunge: who in the world would you most like to receive a letter from and what would you want it to say?
I would love a letter from J.K. Rowling, Sebastian Stan, or Lady Gaga. I don’t know what exactly I’d want it to say, but I’d want it to be something inspirational that I could look at any day and be inspired to do my best. I think these three people (and so many others that I can’t list off and who aren’t coming to mind unfortunately) are some of the most inspirational people who tell their fans to be themselves and keep trying no matter what. 
space: do you have a desk/workspace and how is it organized/not organized? 
I do not have a desk or work space. I share a room with my sister so we don’t have room for a desk. If I did have a desk (which I want one once I move out) I would have it neat and organized so I know where everything is and have a couple fun trinkets like my funko pops and jar of seaglass and whatever else I’d want to decorate it with.
white bed sheets: what is your night time routine? 
Wash my face, take melatonin if I remember to or if its not too late at night to take it, brush my teeth, and either write a little bit or watch some YouTube videos. I will sometimes listen to ASMR videos because I find them soothing and they help me fall asleep.
beaches: if you had to dye your hair how would you dye/style it and why? 
I’d want the ends of my hair blue or ombre my hair. But mostly if my hair wasn’t so curly I’d have it cut short and I’d style it to have loose beach waves. Like Daisy Johnson or Jemma Simmons in Agents of SHIELD. Something like that hair cut. Or even Chelsea Kane when her hair was chin length. I love her hair. 
eyes: pick five people to go on an excursion with you. who would you pick and where would you go/what would you do?
I’d choose @ssherlocke @umfleur @booksthegreatestweapon @puffandproud and @herebesparrows. We would go somewhere that has beautiful nature or architecture. Somewhere I can take pictures. Maybe Hawaii, England, Ireland, Italy, or Australia. Something fun and where we can explore. 
11:11: name three wishes and why you wish for them. 
1. To meet the right guy because I keep having a fear that I won’t find someone who likes me for me and won’t judge me for the things I like. I want someone who doesn’t think I’m weird for writing fanfiction and doing whatever else I do on here. I want someone who I can have adventures with and watch shows and movies together that we can geek over. Someone to support me in what I do as hobbies and for work.
2. To be a popular fashion blogger. I want to be someone that people can go to to be inspired in fashion and life. Someone who lets people know it’s okay to be who you are and like what you like. I want to be someone who is well known in the fashion world and online world. I want to be able to share my style.
3. To explore the world. I want to be able to see things I don’t get to see on a daily basis. My dream is to go to the places I listed in the earlier question. I want to see the world. 
painting: what is the best halloween costume you have ever put together? if none, make one up. 
There’s a couple. I took an old color guard uniform and I was Alice for one year while a friend was the white rabbit. Another year I was Rapunzel. I wore a dark purple dress with gold embroidered flowers, wore a long hair piece from the color guard show that year, threw in some flower clips, and carried around a small frying pan. Right before my grandma died we went to her house for Halloween because I was on my fall break and she was getting weaker by the day. She wanted someone to hand out candy so my sister and I were Scarlet Witch and Rocket Raccoon. Granted no kids recognized us (unfortunately) but it was fun dressing up.
clouds: if you’re a boy, would you ever rock black nail polish? if you’re a girl, would you ever rock really really short hair? 
I’m not sure I have the face shape for really really short hair and my hair is too curly to do it so it would just puff up like a Q-tip haha.
coffee: what’s your starbucks order, and who would you trust to order for you, if anyone? 
My go to order is a chai tea or a chai tea frappuccino. I think I would trust my roommates to order it for me. 
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fangirlfanwritings · 8 years
Sebastian Stan Imagine
Hi darling!! <3 Could you please write an imagine where the reader is married to Sebastian Stan and he likes to tease her because she's way shorter than him? And some fluff, please :3
You were on the tip of your toes with your arm fully stretched out but you still couldn’t seem to reach the flour on the top shelf. A grunt left your lips as you lifted a leg up, trying to give yourself any extra height that you could get. An arm swooped in from behind you and grabbed the flour, lowering it onto the countertop. “Here you go, Love,” your husband giggled and walked to the fridge.
“Why do I feel like you put that up there to sabotage me,” you cut him a narrow glance. “You knew I was making cookies today, you could have easily moved the flour up there.”
“I had to make myself feel useful around the kitchen somehow,” he laughed at your angry stare. “I can’t help it, seeing you try and reach the top shelf always amuses me.”
“Don’t make fun of your wife being vertically challenged,” you quipped as you measured the flour. “I’m not even that short! You’re just a giant.”
“I’m six feet tall...hardly a giant.”
“That’s what a giant would say,” you muttered with a cocked eyebrow and added the eggs into the bowl.”
He laughed at his own joke before he even said it. “If I’m a giant does that make you a hobbit?”
You stopped whisking long enough to shoot him an applause look. “You cannot use The Hobbit against me, not when I got you into it!”
“I guess you’re right...plus your feet aren’t hairy enough to be a hobbit’s.” You had enough of him trying to be funny and scooped flour into your hand, flicking it onto your husband and his black t-shirt. “Ohhh,” he cleared the flour from his eyes and shook his head slowly at you. “You’re asking for it now,” he reached over and grabbed the flour.
You let out a squeal as you tried to duck around him and run out of the kitchen but he ran in front of you and grabbed you, holding you in place. A handful of white flour left your husband’s hand and covered your hair and shoulders. “Sebastian,” you yelled playfully.
“You started it,” he hardily laughed. “White hair is a good look for you,” he said trying to stop laughing with no success.
“Good thing you think so because, unfortunately for me, you’re stuck with me,” you said taking your thumb and removing the flour from his nose.
“I guess we did say ‘’Til death do we part’ huh?”
“Yeah,” you nodded and snuck a hand into the bag of flour. “I guess it’s only fair I see how you’ll look in 30 years,” you said quickly covering his head in the white powder. He smiled from the surprise and kept his eyes squinted shut. “Still cute.”
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