#in the heights ghost sonny au
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in the heights au where sonny is a local ghost myth told by grandparents to scare kids so they dont go out during blackouts and 17 year old benny asks him for dating advice
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"The father, son, and holy ghost. What Coltrane was talking about there - maybe it was a biblical term: he was the father, Pharoah was the son, and I was the holy ghost. And only he could tell me things like that."
- Albert Ayler Né le 13 juillet 1936 à Cleveland, en Ohio, Albert Ayler était le fils d’Edward et Myrtle Ayler. Albert a grandi à Shaker Heights, une banlieue de Cleveland. C’est son père Edward, un saxophoniste et violoniste semi-professionnel, qui lui avait appris à jouer du saxophone alto. Issus d’une famille très religieuse, Edward et Albert jouaient des duos de saxophone à l’église, et écoutaient souvent des disques de jazz ensemble, plus particulièrement de swing et de bebop.
La fréquentation de l’église avait eu une grande influence sur la vie et sur la musique d’Albert. Tous les albums d’Albert étaient d’ailleurs une façon d’exprimer sa spiritualité. Son disque de spirituals, ‘’Goin’ Home’’, comprenait des solos qui pouvaien être interprétés comme des méditations sur des textes sacrés. Le passage d’Albert à l’église et sa fréquentation du jazz de type swing avaient aussi eu une influence sur son jeu. Le large vibrato d’Ayler était similiaire à celui des saxophonistes de gospel qui tentent d’imiter la voix humaine sur leurs instruments, et à celui des joueurs de cuivres des groupes de la Nouvelle-Orléans.
Après avoir fréquenté le Adams High School situé à l’ouest de la ville de Cleveland, Albert avait obtenu son diplôme en 1954. Ayler, qui avait aussi joué du hautbois au secondaire, avait seulement dix ans lorsqu’il était entré à l’Academie de Musique de Cleveland avec le saxophoniste Benny Miller. Durant son adolescence, Ayler s’était mérité le surnom de ‘’Little Bird’’ en raison de sa connaissance du bebop et de de sa maîtrise du répertoire des standards. PIONNIER DU FREE JAZZ En 1952, à l’âge de seize ans, Albert avait commencé à jouer du Rhythm n’ Blues avec le chanteur de blues et harmoniciste Little Walter, avec qui il passait ses vacances d’été. En 1958, après avoir obtenu son diplôme d’études secondaires, Ayler était entré dans l’armée. C’est à cette époque qu’Ayler était passé de l’alto au ténor. Durant son service militaire à Fort Knox, au Kentucky, Ayler avait commencé à improviser avec d’autres soldats comme le saxophoniste Stanley Turrentine. Il a aussi joué avec le groupe de son régiment, notamment avec le futur compositeur Harold Budd.
Ayler était basé en France en 1959 lorsqu’il avait été davantage exposé à la musique militaire qui avait eu une influence majeure sur sa future production. Après sa démobilisation, Ayler avait tenté de se trouver du travail comme musicien à Los Angeles et Cleveland, mais en vain, car son style avant-gardiste avait tendance à rebuter les éventuels employeurs.
Ayler avait effectué ses premiers enregistrements en Suède, où il s’était installé en 1962. Pendant l’hiver de 1962-63, Ayler avait dirigé des groupes suédois et danois à la radio et avait participé à des improvisations comme membre non rémunéré du groupe du pianiste Cecil Taylor. Des enregistrements posthumes de la collaboration d’Ayler avec Taylor ont été publiés dans un coffret de dix CD en 2004. Rentré aux États-Unis en 1963, Ayler était allé vivre à New York où il avait continué de développer son style personnel et de jouer à l’occasion avec Taylor. Ayler était arrivé dans le Big Apple à une époque-charnière de l’histoire du jazz. Comme le rappelait le saxophoniste Sonny Simmons,
“We were all in New York during the revolution. And all them bad motherfuckers were rebelling against all that old, tired shit. We had Duke Ellington and Count Basie and all them swinging, jamming and jumping off of the rafters. Here comes the Beatles, and here comes James Brown talking about ‘Give it up.’ Here comes Marvin Gaye, all these people—Smokey Robinson, Janis Joplin and Big Brother And The Holding Company. The brothers changed things, but Albert Ayler was the only brother I know, other than (alto saxophonist) Eric Dolphy, who shook Coltrane up. I was there. I witnessed it.”
Le batteur Rashied Ali confirmait : “We were all in the same place at the same time. It was so strange how we all were thinking about playing something different as far as the music was concerned. Everybody was so compatible. We were into the same kind of a groove, and it was great.”
1964 avait été l’année la plus productive de la carrière d’Ayler. À l’instar d’Ornette Coleman, Ayler évoluait souvent dans des formations sans piano afin de disposer d’une plus grande liberté créatrice. Au cours de cette période, Ayler avait enregistré plusieurs albums. Le premier de ces enregistrements était un un album intitulé ‘’Spirits’’ (qui a été réédité plus tard sous le titre de ‘’Witches and Devils’’), qui avait été publié en mars 1964.
C’est aussi en 1964 qu’Ayler avait inauguré sa longue collaboration avec les Disques ESP, pour lesquels il avait enregistré son album-phare ‘’Spiritual Unity’’, son premier véritable disque de jazz qui est aujourd’hui considéré comme le premier album de free jazz jamais enregistré. Les Disques ESP avaient plus tard joué un rôle essentiel dans l’enregistrement et la diffusion du free jazz. L’album ‘’Spiritual Unity’’ mettait en vedette le trio qu’Ayler avait formé au cours de l’été 1964, et qui était composé du contrebassiste Gary Peacock et du batteur Sunny Murray. L’album ‘’Spiritual Unity’’ avait été enregistré le 10 juillet 1964. On pouvait lire dans les notes de pochette de l’album: ‘’Just before 1 PM, Sunny Murray arrived, a large, genial walrus.…Gary Peacock was next, tall, thin, ascetic looking, and soft spoken.…Albert Ayler was last, small, wary, and laconic.’’
Une semaine plus tard, le 17 juillet 1964, les membres du trio d’Ayler avaient collaboré avec le trompettiste Don Cherry, le saxophoniste alto John Tchicai et le tromboniste Roswell Rudd dans l’enregistrement de ‘’New York Eye and Ear Control’’, la bande sonore improvisée du film du même nom du réalisateur canadien Michael Snow. À cette époque, même si Ayler avait commencé à attirer l’attention des critiques, son nombre d’admirateurs avait continué d’être limité. Plus tard en 1964, Ayler, Peacock, Murray et Cherry avaient été invités à se rendre en Europe dans le cadre d’une brève tournée en Scandinavie. C’est lors de ce séjour qu’Ayler et ses camarades avaient enregistré les albums ‘’The Copenhagen Tapes’’, ‘’Ghosts’’ (réédité plus tard sous le titre de ‘’Vibrations’’) et ‘’The Hilversum Session.’’
Le 1er mai 1965, Ayler avait enregistré ‘’Bells’’, une longue suite improvisée d’une durée de vingt minutes. La pièce était basée sur les marches militaires qui étaient devenues de plus en plus caractéristiques de la musique d’Ayler. L’album ‘’Spirits Rejoice’’ a été enregistré le 23 septembre 1965 au Judson Hall de New York. Le disque mettait en vedette un nombre de musiciens beaucoup plus imposant que celui de son album en trio ‘’Spiritual Unity.’’ The Encyclopedia of Popular Music avai plus tard décrit l’album ‘’Spirits Rejoice’’ comme "[a] riotous, hugely emotional and astonishingly creative celebration of the urge to make noise."[13] Les deux disques mettaient en vedette le frère d’Albert, le trompettiste Donald Ayler. Donald, qui était alcoolique, avait continué de jouer avec son frère jusqu’à ce qu’il soit victime d’une dépression nerveuse en 1967.
Sur l’insistance de John Coltrane, Ayler avait signé en 1966 un contrat avec les disques Impulse. Le passage d’Ayler chez Impulse ne lui avait toutefois pas gagné davantage de partisans. Ayler avait enregistré son premier album pour Impulse quelques semaines avant le jour de Noël de 1966. Le disque était intitulé ‘’Albert Ayler in Greenwich Village.’’ Participaient à l’enregistrement le frère d’Albert, Donald Ayler, Michael Samson, Beaver Harris, Henry Grimes et Bill Folwell. Sur une des pièces intitulée ‘’For John Coltrane’’, Ayler avait joué du saxophone alto pour la première fois depuis des années.
Lors de l’enregistrement d’une nouvelle version de ‘’Ghosts’’, à Paris en 1966, Ayler avait également chanté pour la première fois de sa carrière. Jusqu’à sa mort, Ayler avait d’ailleurs continué d’expérimenter avec sa voix. Sa façon de chanter sur ses derniers albums (notamment sur ‘’New Grass’’ et sur ‘’Music Is the Healing Force of the Universe’’) avait cependant été tournée en ridicule par certaines personnes, comme le photographe Val Wilmer, qui l’avait décrit comme ‘’tortueuse.’’
Lorsqu’en 1967, Coltrane était mort d’un cancer du foie, on avait demandé à Ayler de jouer lors de ses funérailles (l’un des derniers souhaits de Coltrane était qu’Ayler joue avec Ornette Coleman lors de ses obsèques). Lors de sa performance, Ayler aurait retiré son saxophone de sa bouche à deux reprises: une première pour laisser échapper un cri de souffrance, et la seconde afin d’exprimer sa joie à l’idée de voir son ami et mentor accéder au Paradis. Ayler avait expliqué plus tard: "John was like a visitor to this planet. He came in peace and he left in peace; but during his time here, he kept trying to reach new levels of awareness, of peace, of spirituality. That's why I regard the music he played as spiritual music - John's way of getting closer and closer to the Creator."
Dans les notes de pochette de son album ‘’Love Cry’’, l’historien Frank Kofsky avait écrit qu’Ayler avait déclaré après la sortie de l’album ‘’Meditations’’ de Coltrane: "The father, son, and holy ghost. What Coltrane was talking about there - maybe it was a biblical term: he was the father, Pharoah was the son, and I was the holy ghost. And only he could tell me things like that."
Durant les deux années et demi suivant la mort de Coltrane, Ayler avait commencé à abandonner l’improvisation en faveur de ses propres compositions. Cette évolution était en grande partie le résultat des pressions exercées par les disques Impulse qui, contrairement aux disques ESP, accordaient beaucoup plus d’importance à l’accessibilité qu’à l’expression artistique.
En 1967-68, Ayler avait enregistré trois albums sur lesquels figuraient les chansons et la voix de son amoureuse Mary Maria Sparks. L’album comprenait également de nombreux changements d’accords, ainsi que des rythmes funky, en plus d’être marqué par l’utilisation d’instruments électroniques. Ayler chantait d’ailleurs lui-même sur son album ‘’New Grass’’, qui lui avait permis de se réconcilier avec ses racines R & B. Malheureusement, l’album avait remporté un faible succès commercial. Accusé de s’être laissé ‘’acheter’’ par les puristes du jazz, Ayler s’était défendu en affirmant que son virage vers le R & B et le rock n’ roll était son désir personnel, et qu’il n’avait pas succombé aux pressions des disques Impulse ou à un quelconque besoin d’accroître sa propre popularité. En réalité, selon le critique Gary Giddins, Ayler n’avait laissé aucun doute dans les entrevues qu’il avait accordées sur l’identité du véritable responsable. Giddins expliquait :
"In interviews, Ayler left no doubt about who was responsible for New Grass: 'They told me to do this. Bob Thiele. You think I would do that? He said, "Look Albert, you gotta get with the young generation now."'"
L’album ‘’New Grass’’ commençait avec la pièce ‘’Message from Albert’’, dans lequel Ayler parlait directement à ses auditeurs en expliquant que le disque n’avait rien en commun avec ses albums précédents. Ayler affirmait que "through meditation, dreams, and visions, [he has] been made a Universal Man, through the power of the Creator…"
À l’époque, certaines rumeurs avaient laissé entendre qu’Ayler était devenu psychologiquement instable, et qu’il se reprochait la dépression nerveuse de son frère.
En 1969, Ayler avait rédigé une lettre ouverte au magazine The Cricket intitulée ‘’To Mr. Jones – I Had a Vision’’, dans laquelle il décrivait ses visions apocalyptiques. Le saxophoniste Noah Howard avait expliqué plus tard qu’Ayler avait eu une vision d’une nouvelle planète Terre ‘’coming out of Heaven," et implorait les lecteurs de partager son message de Révélations, en insistant sur le fait que c’était ‘’very important.’’ Il avait ajouté: ‘’The time is now." Howard se rappelait avoir vu Ayler cet été-là, portant des gants avec un manteau d’épaisse fourrure sur le dos en dépit de la chaleur accablante, son visage couvert de Vaseline en expliquant qu’il devait commencer par se protéger lui-même.
Dans son dernier album intitulé ‘’Music Is The Healing Force of the Universe’’, Ayler était accompagné à la fois par des musiciens de rock comme Henry Vestine du groupe Canned Head et par des musiciens de jazz comme le pianiste Bobby Few. Pour Ayler, il s’agissait d’un retour à ses racines de blues mélangées à des influences de hard rock. Ses solos étaient aussi beaucoup plus énergiques que sur l’album ‘’New Grass.’’
En juillet 1970, Ayler était retourné vers le free jazz dans le cadre d’une tournée de quelques concerts en France, mais le groupe qui l’accompagnait (formé du pianiste Call Cobbs, du bassiste Steve Tintweiss et du batteur Allen Blairman), n’avait pas été considéré comme étant de calibre équivalent à celui de ses groupes précédents.
Disparu mystérieusement le 5 novembre 1970, Albert Ayler a été retrouvé mort dans la East River de New York vingt jours plus tard. Il avait seulement trente-quatre ans. L’enquête avait conclu à un suicide (certains témoins prétendaient qu’Ayler avait sauté dans la rivière depuis le traversier de Staten Island).
Pendant un certain temps, des rumeurs avaient laissé entendre qu’Ayler avait été assassiné par la mafia qui l’aurait attaché à un juke box en signe de dérision. En absence de signes de violence, la police n’avait pas vu la nécessité d’ordonner une autopsie.
Même si la musique d’Ayler était loin de se limiter au free jazz (chansons enfantines, marches militaires, hymnes gospel, etc.), son énergie débordante et ses improvisations pour le moins intenses l’avaient souvent transformé en quelque chose de difficilement reconnaissable. Ayler avait adopté une approche ‘’déconstructive’’ de la musique, conformément à l’optique préconisée par le free jazz.
Si Ayler considérait Coltrane comme son mentor, ce dernier avait aussi été influencé par Ayler, comme le prouvent des albums comme ‘’Ascension’’ et ‘’Meditations’’. Les deux musiciens s’étaient d’ailleurs mutuellement influencés dans leur façon de jouer. Ayler expliquait : "when he [Coltrane] started playing, I had to listen just to his tone... To listen to him play was just like he was talking to me, saying, 'Brother, get yourself together spiritually. Just one sound - that's how profound this man was…" Selon le photographe Val Wilmer, "the relationship between the two men was a very special one. They talked to each other constantly by telephone and by telegram and Coltrane was heavily influenced by the younger man."
Coltrane avait entendu Ayler jouer pour la première fois en 1962. Après sa performance, Coltrane avait affirmé à Ayler que c’était comme s’il s’était écouté lui-même. En février de l’année suivante, Ayler et Coltrane avaient joué ensemble pour la première fois lors d’un concert au Jazz Temple, à Cleveland.
Albert Ayler est aujourd’hui considéré comme un des principaux créateurs du free jazz avec Ornette Coleman, Sun Ra, Cecil Taylor et John Coltrane. Inspiré par la musique d’Ayler, le réalisateur suédois Kasper Collin lui avait consacré un documentaire intitulé ‘’My Name Is Albert Ayler.’’ En 2005, on a tourné un autre documentaire en hommage à Ayler intitulé ‘’Spirits Rejoice : The Life And Legacy of Albert Ayler.’’ On a récemment mis en marché un coffret de neuf CD intitulé ‘’Holy Ghost’’, qui comprend des enregistrements rares ou inédits d’Ayler réalisés entre 1962 et 1970.
Plusieurs musiciens ont également rendu hommage à Ayler. Le guitariste et auteur-compositeur Roy Harper a écrit la pièce ‘’One for Al’’ en son honneur. Harper, qui considérait Ayler comme un des plus importants musiciens de jazz de son époque, l’avait connu lors d’un séjour à Copenhague. En 1990, le pianiste Giorgio Gaslin avait enregistré ‘’Ayler’s Wings’’, un album composé entièrement de versions solo des compositions d’Ayler. En 1999, John Lurie, du groupe Lounge Lizards a enregistré une pièce intitulée ‘’The Resurrection of Albert Ayler.’’ En 2005, le compositeur et guitariste Marc Ribot a consacré un album complet au disque ‘’Spiritual Unity’’. Participait également à l’enregistrement l’ancien bassiste d’Ayler, Henry Grimes.
La pièce la plus célèbre d’Ayler, ‘’Ghosts’’, a été enregistrée par plusieurs musiciens, dont Gary Lucas, David Moss, Lester Bowie, Eugene Chadbourne, Gary Windo et le groupe Crazy Backwards Alphabet. Le saxophoniste ténor David Murray, dont Ayler avait été une des plus importantes influences, lui a consacré une magnifique pièce intitulée ‘’Flowers for Albert.’’ Le personnage d’Albert Ayler figure aussi dans le roman de science-fiction de Maurice G. Dantec intitulé ‘’Comme le fantôme d’un jazzman dans la station MIR en déroute’’ (2009).
En 2018, le saxophoniste de Chicago, Mars Williams, a lancé une série de quatre CD intitulée ‘’Mars Williams Presents An Ayler Xmas’’. Enregistré à Chicago, Vienne, Cracovie et New York, l’album intercalle des standards de Noël avec la musique d’Albert Ayler. c-2023-2024, tous droits réservés, Les Productions de l’Imaginaire historique SOURCES : ‘’Albert Ayler.’’ Wikipedia, 2022. ‘’Albert Ayler, American Musician.’’ Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2022. COOKE, Mervyn. L’Histoire du Jazz. Grund, 2014. ‘’Spirits, Ghosts, Witches & Devils: The Life And Death Of Albert Ayler’’. Magnet Magazine, 31 mars 2021.
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So for the Dead Usnavi thing, I have an idea. My friend Sofy made this Hamilton au where everyone who dies is assigned to an alive person as a "haunter." The haunter can protect, haunt, or neglect the live being. I saw the Dead Usnavi thing and immediately thought "holy shit what if usnavi was a haunter"
Oh geez, I don’t know who Usnavi would be assigned to haunt though! I imagine his death would’ve been a freak accident so there’s not really anyone he can haunt for revenge. I think Usnavi would PROBABLY be assigned either Sonny or Vanessa. If he stuck with Vanessa he’d probably make sure she moves on and finds a lover worthy of her. But I’m leaning more towards Sonny because for one thing, I think being haunted by the ghost of your dead lover would be PAINFUL beyond belief and kinda awkward when you move on to a new one, and also Sonny’s still young and Usnavi’s one of his best role models, and Usnavi probably would want to stick around and make sure Sonny made the right decisions. Plus, I feel like if he stuck with Sonny it’d be easier for him to also check on the other barrio dwellers since Sonny would DEFINITELY take over the bodega with Usnavi gone, probably with Pete helping him too. Sonny would make sure Vanessa’s okay and he and Nina would probably tagteam as the Vanessa Defense Squad while she’s still mourning over Usnavi ad some asshole decides to hit on her.
Bonus: Sonny accidentally having arguments with Usnavi in public so it looks like he’s shouting at nothing in the middle of the street cause no one else can see Usnavi.
(In other news, this is eerily close to this old Ghost The Musical AU featuring Ghost!Vanessa)
#in the heights aus#ghost au#ghost usnavi#sonny de la vega#usnavi de la vega#barrio fam#vansnavi#we have quite a few different ghost aus now#pretty soon EVERYONE in the barrio will have died at least once#i think benny nina dani and carla are the only ones left#let's see who's the last one standing >:)#XD
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Hey Jane! I want more headcannons for the ITH Twisted Wonderland AU! Basically, how would Sonny and Usnavi go about the special events? (I can imaging a scenario Happy Beans Day where Usnavi is somehow roped into the game on the opposing side and helping them win by tackling Sonny at the last minute.)
I feel like for the majority of these events, Usnavi would just be...there. He's not exactly a student nor a staff member. But i can think of some scenarios...
Happy Beans Day/Beanfest; Usnavi would just stay in Ramshackle and witness all the chaos going on. At some point Usnavi would bravely sneak in cause NOW he's starting to get worried for Sonny and hopes some kid doesn't hurt him. Meanwhile Sonny is just having the time of his life, shooting beans and having fun.
Fairy Gala; of course Sonny and Usnavi would be roped up in this fancy heist. Usnavi would be...super confused on the whole "there's magic stone that gives fairies the power to change the seasons" thing, even more so than Sonny (who's like "I get this world has magic and stuff but WHAT???"). Sonny and Usnavi would be dressed up for the gala and they helped out on getting the crown. Frankly, being in those fancy fairy outfits is like...the only time in their lives where they dress up in expensive clothes.
Wish Upon A Star; Sonny gets his Wishing Star and later tells Usnavi all about this holiday, which he describes it as "they made Pinocchio a holiday!". I feel like Sonny would make his wish for Usnavi, his wish being "I wish Usnavi lives the best life he could get"
Ghost Marriage; Sonny would obviously try to encourage the students to AT LEAST try to be civil and save their fellow student, but of course everyone is like "nah, let that shut in die" all it took for these guys to budge is Ortho threatening to plaster their faces on TV if they don't do it. Usnavi would try to persuade the princess (since he DOES fit the height requirement) but ultimately failed, so the poor man is just stuck there with all these other kids who tried until Eliza and the other ghosts leave.
Halloween; Sonny would absolutely have a BLAST during NRC's Halloween Week, the whole event would remind him of the various Halloweens in Washington Heights, just good ol' spooky fun (until the Magicam Monsters/clout chasers ruined that). Usnavi would tag along with Sonny, since he can't exactly hand out candy around here, that's the Halloween Committee's job. But in the Endless Halloween Night story? Oh. OOOOH. I got some slight angst for the two of them. When these ghosts snatched Sonny and Grim and whisked them away to the ghost world, oh Usnavi just PANICS. His poor boy is possibly in danger and he needs to get him back. When everyone enters the ghost world, Usnavi is paired up with Riddle, Ruggie, and Ortho, and out of all of them Usnavi is the only one frantically looking for the missing kids. His worry for Sonny gets WORSE when they find out some students are possessed by ghosts, so NOW he worries that a ghost possessed him. When they find out that this WHOOOOLE thing started because of some out of country ghosts wanting to experience Halloween, oh Usnavi would be PISSED, especially at Sonny and asking him why he even AGREED to that. Even though they got to dance at a ball, as soon as everything was said and done and the sun rises on November 1st......Usnavi grounds Sonny for a month.
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rewatching The Grinning Man once again,,2am edition,,just through Beauty and the Beast bc i had to give up and go to bed. @past me you really thought you were gonna. ha. haha. who ever said you’re not a funny clown.
‘ye gods’ is fully a tagphrase of barkilphedro’s. bc saying it at least twice makes it definitely a Thing.
josiana says Bark looks like a...~bug~...and ngl the cut of his coat + those limp antenna things on his hat do actually kinda create that effect. they really did make him look like a skittering creature
accidentally paused at such a moment where his head is angled just so and it’s so weird bc u can’t see the paint on his nose at this angle what
i could play barkilphedro. it would be a ghastly shame but i. no. i could though. no i couldn’t. but
everything bark says just sounds very...Like That.
gonna start doing eye makeup like bark’s
i have so many feelings about the fact that Mr. Maskell’s ensemble(?) character and Ms. Obianyo’s ensemble character stand beside each other for this scene
au where Gwyn’s mom lives and the two of them work as performers
no but fully that Green Cowl but also like. Ms. Obianyo’s entire outfit??? that is a Fantastic Look right There right There.
i like how Bark points at an audience member when he says “whose life is even worse than yours”
okay so the mist that comes up when Bark first says “laughter is the best medicine” plus the way Ms. Obianyo’s ensemble character Looks At Him plus the way Ms. Obianyo’s Ensemble Character and Mr. Maskell’s Ensemble Character stand next to each other plus the fact that this is all Barkilphedro telling the story of events he perpetrated and whatnot just generally the whole look of the bit gives me Feelings like these particular two ensemble characters are almost sort of the ghosts of Gwyn’s mom and kinda sorta who Gwyn could’ve been but also not but also Kinda
i’m just so very emotional and love seeing these two together they look amazing and i love them DX
Josiana’s Introduction/Portrait dress looks fantastic and im mad she doesn’t get to keep it
London!Jojo’s costume is better
genuinely still can’t believe Clarence is Ursus
but it’s kinda ironic tho since it’s by Clarence’s orders that Bark was ever in the situation where ‘hmm guess i havvvve to mutilate this kid’s face lol, that’s too bad” was a thought htat occurred to him so i mean both of Ursus’ characters had a hand in what happened
clarence is like “look at my unhappy children/what a tonic for my pain” ursus is like “...” and dea’s like “look at your unhappy children father i dare u”
the lords on palace hill are a gift
Ms. Brisson is just a truly adorable individual i love her ensemble character
also the material on the sort of dress/aprons the Lords wear? the print kind of looks like a map to me but idk if that’s what it is?
Osric’s “Welcome to the Stokes-Croft Faire” is like. one of the top 10 most iconic moments of the show for me negl. maybe even top 5. It’s got this particular energy i can’t describe but it’s So Good
i feel like in this scene like the top half of Mr. Maskell’s face is painted white(er) which looks fabulous once the bandages + cowl are added like heavens above but also with the whole “ooooh that’s the ghost of pre-barkilphedro!Gwynplaine” angle it’s interesting w/how Jojo’s got that bit of white paint/powder as well and it looks like Dirry-Moir’s whole face is painted at least for this number like Ooooh Is That A Lord Thing idk but it’s a Vibe
i once again think it’s interesting that it’s the actors for Angelica and Jojo who are in the picture frame for “Chained Beasts Fighting” considering how Jojo and Angelica seem to for real not get along so well during the play’s events
i’ve another theory abt mr. hubert
bark’s really like all up on Mr Maskensemblecharacter for the “stab an old man with a needle” bit.
i’ve tried so hard to figure out what the heck that could mean but all i can find is “they’re probably referring to murdering ppl with hat pins” u-u
yo the artwork on the walls behind them Wowie
gosh i love Osric
the little dance thing they do after “I’ve got the misery” is something i yearn for like. pls.
idk if anyone gets more into that last Laughter is the Best Medicine choreo than mr. Dirry-Moir like. he is positively Aggressive with it
the drum or whatever makes that little repeating like, three-point, one-two-three over and over toward the peak of this song is like. i don’t know what i was about to say but I Like This Part Of The Song Even Though It Is Very Stressful And Intense
idk man gwyn just looks Really Good when ursus pulls back that curtain like idk if it’s the way he’s standing or the way he’s moving however slightly or what he’s doing with his hands but like. A+ Gwynlit you look fantastic right here
i like how initially he looks just at Ursus but then kind of looks directly into the camera. sort of fancy the notion that in order to get through shows Gwyn’s kind of particular about where he looks and will try to focus on Ursus and Dea as much as possible but otherwise kind of just tries to not really See the audience maybe or something
oh hey that’s Born Broken that’s music boxing hangon lemme go back what plays for
i don’t reckona- give me a minute - i don’t. recognize. there we go. the music box sound that plays for gwyn
dea is So Pretty
“I shall put my money where my mouth is” dirry-moir that is a most unfortunate turn of phrase
ngl gwyn always looks like he’s having a good time doing up the Drama for his act as Clarence
shadow!gwyn’s hair is next level kinds of floofy magnificence
even his bandages look amazing
“Sonny” :}
no but when Gwyn walks little puppet!Gwyn up the ramp to the ship but Dea’s helping and so they wind up standing Very Close and there’s Height Difference i’m sorry but they are Adorable
i reall like the ocean effect they do
Dea’s cowl look is Exquisite
can’t actually remember for real for real but i’m fairly confident that Mr. Maskell’s “MOTHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER MOTHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER” was at least 67% of what initially forced me to fall in love with this show so Thank You Mr. Maskell For That
the cowl + bandages just looks so good i don’t know what to say. that’s a Look right there. the eye makeup? the hair? The Bandages and Cowl? I’m sorry who says this is not a handsome boy?
he looks amzing
puppet!gwyn constantly looks like he’s got one eyebrow raised thanks to how the eye area is carved
i want to know how Ursus thought he wasn’t going to wind up with a couple of the most dramatic chidlren on the earth like when did he think there was a chance they wouldn’t both turn out Dramatic
high note hazlit has arrived
i wish that in the Osric Raises Gwyn au there was some way for Osric to meet like Ghost!Hazlit or i don’t even know but. they need. to meet each other.
Osric’s got vibes and i don’t know what they are but they’re so powerful and they move me to intense affection
it’s Ridiculously Tall-looking Gwyn time. he goes to stand up straight and keeps on Extending
he really just keeps his eyes on the puppet at all times tho
“your little hat can find out what it means” i know he said ‘heart’ but he said ‘hat’ gwyn needs a hat send tweet
book gwyn got to have a hat
don’t worry gwynlit osric’s gonna take care of that in the au
dea’s so cute
so when Ursus says “for certain, it would be no man” is that like a heads-up that they changed the wolf’s name bc now it isn’t Homo anymore or
it’s 3am now and im only 20 minutes in help me dea
the “No” “Yes, yes” when Ursus first gives him the Crimson Lethe kills me every single time bro.
how long is this post do i need to shut up yet
i’ve babbled for longer before i think we’re good
And Ursus Gave The Boy A Name. A Cruel Name. A Name That Means “Wow That Debilitating Wound Carved Into Your Actual Face Must Hurt Pretty Bad Huh Kidlet”
still mad about the fact that Ursus mentions “Melt into mist/no longer exist” and Barkilphedro uses those Exact Words
i always assume they’re talkin about going to Murca but i mean technically anywhere could be the ‘new world’ huh
see the one thing i
when he says “we’ll come back to the place where once we were lost in the snow” now im thinking about adult!lord!Gwyn revisiting like. the actual place. where it all Happened like. imagine adult!Gwyn going back to the gallows-site and just.
under angelica’s reign it’s probably converted into a memorial instead ofc and is no longer a gallows-site but still
puppet!Dea doesn’t wear shoes
when puppet!Dea first goes “Mojo?” puppet!Gwyn kinda reaches toward her for a sec like he’s Concerned
Dirry-Moir waving at Dea like he’s trying to figure if she really is blind smh
cowl gwyn is such a phenomenal look
puppet!Gwyn fiddles with his shirt/vest a lot
the lil motion with his head after the Kiss tho rlly does look suspicious like the “twinge (of unspeakable agony)” motion tho
love how Osric just runs along to go with to see the rest of the show like. he’s into it.
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Undertale Heights Au
Okay. I know there’s literally a million ways that an Undertale/Heights Au can go, so I figured I’d work out my own ideas for it. So here it is.
First, let's clear up some things: Sonny is a child (9-10 years old), Nina and Vanessa are 13-14, Usnavi and Benny 17-18, Daniela's in her mid-twenties (I put the dot on 25-26) and Carla's around 19.20. The Rosarios are in their late thirties. Now the way this goes, seeing that the world is a "game," the following events take place in "runs," like plays through a game. This "game," unfortunately, starts with a Genocide run. Now the first half is constant; it remains the same whether it's a genocide or Pacifist. It will be divided at the line break (you'll know when you get there), and it will be explained again and maybe more in depth if I can pull this off right. This is the beginning: So, let's say the country got into a war (cause like that happened right) between magic and non-magic users (the non-magic users won and sealed magic away); the barrio fam and population of Washington Heights gets booted Underground, but in all the chaos Sonny and Usnavi get separated. A few years later, Sonny's going out to find them based on rumors of an entrance to the Underground. He doesn't pay attention and ends up falling down the hole, hitting his head and losing his memory. He meets Camila, who gives him the name Sol (cause all Sonny can remember about himself is something relating to sunshine, and Camila could use a sun in her little home in the Ruins). Sonny manages to convince Camila to let him out, her giving him a warning not to go to the capital. On the way, he runs into basically a recreation of the barrio, not exactly the same but close enough, and he meets Benny, and boy is he surprised at this person who strangely looks like a Sonny. Benny has the Sans intro where it's basically like "Holy shit if Usnavi sees you and you're not his cousin that'll fuck him up here hide behind this conveniently shaped lamp!" So like the whole time Benny's like, "Oh my god you look so much like Usnavi's little cousin are you sure you're not him" and Sonny, of course, is like "I don't even know who I am." (Now Sonny is suspicious according to Benny). So maybe we ought to take him to the Rosario's, Kevin might know how to deal (cause yeah he's been doing a great job so far; he's bitter about the people living on the surface and ya know he does the whole Asgore thing with doing the murdering to collect souls to bust down the barrier after the incident). Everything's fine until Usnavi comes in. Usnavi:"Holy shit it's Sonny it's my little cousin!" Benny:"Usnavi..." Usnavi:"Mijo I thought I lost you forever!" Sonny:"...I don't know you." And BOY does that fuck Usnavi up. Convincing Usnavi to let Sonny go to the capital is... difficult, to put it lightly. Usnavi, understandably, doesn't want to loose Sonny again and is afraid that maybe this kid without a memory really isn't Sonny. And you know you got royal guards walking around if they see Sonny that won't be good, not to mention if Mr. Rosario doesn't believe Sonny IS Sonny, the little boy's lifespan is going to be cut considerably short. Benny's the one who's the most doubtful of them all, saying that Sonny should go, which doesn't go over well with Usnavi. So after some compromise, they convince Usnavi to let Sonny go, but only if Usnavi is there the whole time (time for cousinly bonding which is painful because Usnavi's trying to get Sonny to remember something but Sonny can't and they both feel guilty, Usnavi for pushing the subject and Sonny for not being useful. Usnavi insists on calling the boy Sonny, but Sonny always says it's Sol, so eventually Usnavi calls him Sol too (ouch)). They end up losing each other at Waterfall. What probably happened is that they were running from a royal guard, Usnavi trying his best to keep Sonny safe but they end up being divided at a bridge and the guard breaks off the section Sonny's on sending him falling, Usnavi crying out "Sonny!" as he falls (Sonny does get a brief flash of his memories before he hits the flowers because a fall was how Usnavi and Sonny got separated). He hits the ground and keeps going forward. This is where Sonny meets Pete; Sonny almost gets caught by one of the royal guards until Pete comes and saves him. Pete doesn't refer to Sonny as 'Sonny,' and treats him as a new person who kind of resembles a person Pete knew. They both end up going through the rest of the way together, Pete telling him what he remembers about his time here, the story with Usnavi, and Sonny remembers bits and pieces, but no definitive names or experiences. At another bridge they're running from a guard and Pete almost falls over but Sonny saves him (and now they're even). They get to Hotland (or the equivalent thereof), and they meet Daniela and Carla, the most popular television duo ever to grace this planet (I believe in them, they got the charisma and chemistry) and of course they want to know what the heck is up with there being a Sonny right in front of them. Sonny, feeling pressure from everybody to remember a life he just can't; runs off. He wishes he could remember who he was, who all these people who clearly know him, and he feels a slight tugging at his soul, a voice promising him all the memories he could ever need. Now Sonny has two choices: accept the voice's offer, or deny it.
Everything before now is set in stone; it is not affected by the choice Sonny makes. From now until the next line is the genocide route, where Sonny decides to listen to the voice in his head.
Of course, you listen to the voice inside your head, you're not going to be yourself. So Sonny goes back the way he came, and he runs into Benny (Usnavi was freaking out so he's looking around Waterfall while Benny was looking around Hotland). Now Benny had grown a little fond of Sonny seeing how much Usnavi cares for him, and tries to get Sonny to follow him. And then Sonny tries to straight up stab Benny. He misses (thank god I guess? I mean it's not like he's going to be around long enough to thank him) and of course Benny's like "wtf this kid legit cut up my arm was I right the whole time is Usnavi in danger?" Benny manages to get away and later finds Usnavi, telling him what happened. Usnavi doesn't believe him, and at this point Benny is done with Usnavi thinking the kid is Sonny. "No there's no way Sonny-" "Usnavi stop it with the "Sonny" thing! That thing is not Sonny, and it straight up tried to kill me!" "You've been against Sonny since the beginning Benny! Don't you dare say those things about him!" "You know what, fine! But if people start dying, it's your damned fault for letting it happen, Usnavi!" (Oooo bad call Benny). Usnavi goes back home, kinda creeped out that no one's around; normally the barrio's filled with chatter and people are in the streets, but literally it's like a ghost town. Then he sees the blood; first in drops, then in small puddles, and he's following them mindlessly until he spots a body and he's sick and disgusted only a monster could do something like this. So Usnavi decides to go to the capital to warn Mr. Rosario and Sonny (he still has faith in his baby cousin). But first he decides to make a stop at Camila's place, knocks on the door, and doesn't get a response. He knocks again, and again, and no one opens the door. Turns out the door was already open, and inside there is nothing but darkness. Usnavi sits down, holds his head and cries. Meanwhile, Benny's trying to get to the capital himself, and ends up running into Carla, Daniela, and Pete. And oh who's that way over there oh shit it's not-Sonny. Pete's trying to talk Sonny into putting down the knife, Daniela's holding Carla back from running up with them, and Benny's like "Dude get the heck away from that thing!" But then Benny sees that Sonny's not holding the knife at Pete, he's holding to his own throat. There are tears and everything running down Sonny's face, and Benny carefully walks up, shushing Daniela and Carla when he passes them. Pete's holding Sonny's arm, pulling it away from his throat. And the most terrifying smile spreads across Sonny's face, a smile of pure evil, and he stabs Pete in the chest. Benny backs up, and Daniela's the one who runs up ready to smack Sonny, and they end up fighting. Carla joins on Daniela's side while Benny pulls Pete away from the action, trying to reassure the kid everything's going to be okay, trying to stop the bleeding but it's not enough and Pete dies (I'm legit shaking from here on out). Benny's in shock but then realizes that the noise from the fighting's stopped. There, standing in the middle of a mess of destruction is Sonny, still smiling. Benny can't even see anything resembling Daniela and Carla. And Sonny just looks at him with a chilling stare, almost saying "Just you wait." Sonny keeps staring at him as Benny gets up, stumbles, and runs away. Usnavi gets to the capital, waiting for Sonny to arrive, but instead is met with Benny, who somehow looks even worse from when they last saw each other, and Benny's yelling at him to run. Now, Usnavi's still bitter, so he just kind of folds his arms and huffs, looking kind of annoyed, but then Usnavi sees a fucking blade go through Benny's chest and he just stares in shock as Benny falls over and there behind Benny holding a bloody knife is his baby cousin. BOY does that fuck him up. And he looks to Sonny with fear and asks "Sonny... what have you done?!" "I'm not Sonny. Don't you remember me, Usnavi? Don;t you remember those sunny days we'd go outside, laughing, and you'd always remember that I liked a little bit of cinnamon in your parents postres?" "Wha... what?" "You don't? That's okay. I'll make you remember me." Usnavi, at this point, realizes that the thing in front of him is in fact not his little cousin, and it hits him that this thing hurt and killed everybody; Benny, Camila, everyone in the barrio, God knows who else, and he feels so angry. How dare this monster use his baby cousin's face to do these horrible things? So Usnavi decides he's going to put this monster down. "I don't who you are, I don't care what you are, but I know you're not Sonny. You could never be my cousin." *megalovania blares in the background as this painful fight plays out* It's painful, to say the least, especially for Usnavi, having to hurt something that looks and sounds just like his baby cousin, but he pushes through, zoning out his emotions and just watching this thing move, intent on killing him. But Usnavi doesn't want to kill it; he plans on wounding it and giving it the most lengthy pain And then Usnavi stops paying attention and ends up shanking Sonny right in the chest. At first, he gives the thing this deadly look, taking in the terrified expression in its eyes, then turns to walk away and leave it to die slowly, when he hears the weakest voice come from the body he threw on the floor. "Usnavi?" He turns back to look at it, and hears it again. "Cuz..?" And it hits Usnavi that the weak body shaking, bleeding out on the floor is Sonny and it tears his heart apart. Usnavi runs over, cradling Sonny close to him, brushing back stray hair and sweat from his baby cousin's head, whispering "Oh my god Sonny. I'm so sorry mijo, I'm so sorry." And Sonny can barely speak, breathing unsteadily, but manages to get out "I'm sorry I made you do this cuz." "Sonny no it's not your fault it's mine I did this to you and-" "You have to stop her." "What?" "She's going to do something, cuz. She' gonna... she's gonna..." "Sonny? Sonny please..." And Usnavi holds his baby cousin, begging for him to stay awake as Sonny slowly fades away. When Usnavi finally notices that Sonny's not moving, not breathing, he holds Sonny's limp body, crying as he begs someone, anyone, to bring him back. But Usnavi's job isn't done yet oh no. He goes on to the garden to get to Mr. Rosario, and all he finds in a mess of blood, and a torn flower stem. He looks around and then sees Vanessa. She promises to fix everything, to bring everything back to normal and bring Sonny back. How can Usnavi say no to that? Her last words to him: "This is all just a bad dream." And then the "game" resets. Sonny's back at the point he where he has to make the choice.
Now this is a "new run." Everything connected to the Genocide route is "erased" (the memories are submerged, but they are still in the subconscious of everyone who had to go through it). Since the memories are in the subconscious, this explains why Benny is highly suspicious of Sonny at the beginning, even though he doesn't know why.
Sonny goes up to the capital by himself, and finally meets Mr. Rosario. Sonny's about to follow him until Usnavi appears to try and stop him. But this is something Sonny has to do, and even though Usnavi is begging because Mr. Rosario won't understand that he is Sonny and he'll kill you Sonny why? Sonny just hugs Usnavi. "I might not remember who I am, but I feel something right here in my heart Usnavi. You might be my cousin, we might not even be related, but that doesn't erase everything you did for me, keeping me safe while you could." Sonny follows after Mr. Rosario, where he's told the story of what happened to Nina and Vanessa, but he still can't remember; Sonny does feel this great pain in his chest, and tries to talk to Kevin, but says things that he probably shouldn't have, because he triggers a fight. Sonny doesn't react well and hurts Kevin. Mr. Rosario then goes on about how Sonny could never understand what it's like to lose everything you've worked for, angry at him; but Sonny does understand. And it's made clear, at the end of this whole misunderstanding. But oh no what's this Nina (who of course is a flower) comes in to crash the crucial bonding moment. Nina gets the souls and tries to convince Sonny to give her his willingly (she doesn't want to completely destroy the world; she wants to recreate it so that there's no violence or hate or anything bad, a perfect world where everyone she's loved and lost can live happily (I believe Nina, with or without a soul, would never want the ultimate destruction of the world)). And insert nightmare inducing boss fight here. Sonny won't give himself up easily, and Nina, though she doesn't want to, has to take his soul. Sonny ends up losing and is stuck in this state of limbo where he can feel himself slowly fading away. Until he thinks of Usnavi and Pete and Benny and everyone he's met. He can't leave them, he has to help them with his pure unadulterated determination. Then suddenly he's back in The Rosario's garden, alone (he appears after Usnavi had left, so Sonny's kind of just standing there). He takes a moment to let out all those pent up emotions before going to confront Mr. Rosario, this time taking a different approach. Sonny doesn't fight him; he lets Mr. Rosario smack him around, and Kevin doesn't understand why. Eventually, Camila comes in (because now Mr. Rosario can't be taken out in one hit now) and saves the day (almost) and everyone comes by and yay maybe everything's okay oh wait no Nina got the souls and is holding everyone hostage crap. Now Nina's bitter. Sonny didn't help her and he had to drag all these poor innocent people into this mess. Now she has to take your soul Sonny with everyone watching but look everyone is going to defend Sonny that's right we're not gonna let Sol get hurt you freaky plant. Well you know what Nina's gonna do she's going to take all your souls. Insert trippy as fuck boss fight here. The future of the world stands on this (no pressure) and everything is not working out. Sonny is, quite literally, powerless, and all hope seems lost until he hears the souls everybody calling and boom use that determination baby. We win and save everybody and it's great wait Nina. Sonny gets a moment with Nina, and she tells him about the life they had on the surface, and how when they came down she had Vanessa but she died and Nina was so angry at everything that she tried to bring Vanessa back. She knew Vanessa as someone who wanted to be remembered, to have her existence mean something, which moved Nina to decide on creating a new world where she would be around and they would be friends along with everyone else in the barrio and Vanessa could live the life she deserved and she thought that she could fix everything but she can't and Sonny just gives her a hug. "I'm just so sorry, I didn't mean to..." "Shhh. It's okay Nina." "I just wanted to- wait. Did you just call me Nina?" "Yeah." And he's got this goofy grin going on and he's crying but he's smiling and says "I remember. I remember everything. Nina, it's me, Sonny." As much as they'd like to just stay and hug and talk they can't, and Sonny blacks out. And of course he wakes up to mother hen Usnavi holding him, begging him to wake up and Sonny does and everyone's like "Sol are you okay?" and Sonny's like "My name's not Sol, it's Sonny." And you can see the hope in Usnavi's eyes and Sonny looks him in the eye and says "I remember, cuz." And yes big happy reunion full of fluff and tears and goodness and everything can be okay now. Except one thing; Sonny, with his memories returned, opened a "window" which caused him to also remember the Genocide route, which hits him as something more than a bad dream. He tells them about it and in turn they start remembering what happened, and Sonny beats himself down, blaming himself for everything he put them through, now and then. Benny is actually the person to pulls him out of that destructive train of thought, which means so much because he doubted Sonny. "Kid I thought you were gonna be the end of us, but somehow you were able to go back and change it. That's what's important." Hugs, tears, all that good stuff and what do you know the barrier's gone maybe we can fix what we all did wrong and maybe everything can be okay now? Yeah everything can be okay now.
Thank you @pika-ace for listening to me go on about this and for providing more ideas that have been added. Thank you @smoltinypumpkinchild and @the-alpha-flower for coming up with this Au that has fueled my midnight flame for the past week.
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This is the Au that no one asked for but here it is! (Some-what like sky high)
CONTAINS OCS, minor unless you want to know more
It’s a crossover between five musicals:
In The Heights, Hamilton, Be More Chill, Dear Evan Hansen, and the Heathers
Within the Au is a world filled with super powered heroes, villains and non-heroes. The setting takes place in a school which takes care of super powered pubescent teenagers. Our story focuses on Jeremy Heere, Michael Mell, and Richard Goranski.
Rich and Jeremy have not shown any powers and Michael is what they call a calamity. Calamities are people who can’t control their powers. The name comes from a flood/hurricane created by a younger Michael himself, of course he doesn’t remember the time at all. The only proof of him still having his powers is that water-based liquids float up when he sneezes. Other than that he too, is a normie.
The other characters powers:
Jake: Perfect Aim
Chloe: Illusions
Christine: Shape shifting&Voice Mimicry
Brooke: Hair Manipulation
Mr.Reyes: Super Hearing/Voice Mimicry
Jenna: Super Sonic Voice
Dustin: TBA
Madeline: Speak different languages
Mr. Heere(Joshua Heere): Elemental(used to)
Squip(Andrew): What a Squip does, space and matter manipulation
Ms. Heere(Nancy): Black Hole Manipulation, Absorb other powers
Mrs. Mell(Norielle): Weather Control
Mr. Goranski: Explosions
Rich’s Older Bro(Bryce): Bombs
Michael’s Older Bro(Manny): Earthquake
Jared: Technopath
Evan: Plant Manipulation
Connor: Ghost-like Powers
Alana: Temporary Power Absorption
Zoe: Telekinesis
Jared’s Mom(Lydia Kleinman): Technopath
Jared’s Dad: Metal Manipulation
Heather Duke: Spiderwebs
Heather McNamara: Empath
Veronica: Light Manipulation
JD: Smoke and Dark Matter Manipulation
Martha: Sparkle Manipulation/Light Bending
Kurt: Invulnerability
Ram: Super Strength
Ms. Fleming: Wings of a Flamingo
George Washington: He Has the Superman Set
Alex Hamilton:Telekinesis
Eliza: Fire Manipulation
Angelica: Weather Control
Peggy: Telepathy
Martha Washington: Heightened Senses
John Laurens: Earth Manipulation
Marquis de Lafayette: Healing Factor(But he can FIGHT)
Hercules Mulligan: Shapeshifting
James Madison: Mist Manipulation
Aaron Burr:(CALAMITY) Finger Lasers
Thomas Jefferson: Multiplying
Charles Lee: Stretching Powers
Phillip: TBA
Angie Hamilton: Melts Things/Fire Touch
Xander Hamilton: He turns things into ash
Jimmy Hamilton: Levitation(Only to himself)
Usnavi: Gravity Manipulation
Sonny: Flying
Graffiti Pete: Color and Art Manipulation
Piragua Man: He’s Just there(BEING AWESOME)
Carla: Detecting Lies
Nina: Wind
Benny: Attention (Can make people pay attention\look to him no matter what)
Vanessa: chaos magic (like Scarlet Witch)
Daniela: Changes Temperatures
Oscar Belldinger: Wind Manipulation
Austin Wade: Invisibility
Heather Flight: Wings
Devin: Autumn, Telepathy
Jerome: Spring, Telepathy
Misk: Cosmic Powers
Jack Dillinger (Jake’s twin): Pheromones&Hormones
Mr.(Raja) Bajwa: Acid&Poison
Ms.(Aliese) Kristenson: Crystals
Ms.(Alofa) Saiaana: Spikes
Megan: Reincarnation/Nature(Animal Communication/Plant Manipulation)
Zac Thunderous: Electricity
Abe(Zippy) Olson: Super Speed
Ellie(Younger Sister): Star Manipulation
Older Sister(Maria): Can create cyclones
Brother in-law(Allister): Can create weapons
Eli(Nephew): None (So Far)
Julio(Nephew): Acid Spit
Julia(Niece): Super Bite
#bmc#be more chill#bmc michael mell#bmc michael#be more chill michael mell#be more chill michael#oc#my ocs#michael mell#Jeremy heere#rich goranski#jake dillinger#chloe valentine#brooke lohst#jenna rolan#Christine Canigula#jeremy's dad#Joshua heere#Jeremy's mom#Kelly heere#heathers#Hamilton#Jason dean#veronica sawyer#in the heights#usnavi de la vega#usnavi in the heights#sonny de la vega#sonny in the heights#graffiti Pete
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AU where Abuela comes back as a ghost on Halloween night. Maybe she's the kind of ghost where no one can see her, but she can move things and stuff, so everyone's kinda freaking out but it was just her all along. (Sorry, I'm not into a lot of spooky stuff, so this is the best I got.)
Aaawwwwww that would be SO SAD!!!!
I feel like Nina or Sonny would be able to see her first and they would get Usnavi to see her and manage to get everyone else to see her (similar to the Ghost Sonny AU) and I feel like everyone would just start outright SOBBING just to see her and hear her voice again but Abuela would comfort them the way she always does, saying that she’s with God now and will always watch over them and will be waiting for them to join her.
Also, she totally lets out her mischievous side as a ghost, like making stuff float around the bodega and scaring Usnavi, Sonny, and any customers who enter X3
#in the heights aus#ith halloween#abuela claudia#barrio fam#oh and Abuela would just be so touched by the grate#she would praise Pete so much like she knew he was capable of great art#and she would be proud of sonny for his big heart for commissioning it#she would also be proud of Usnavi despite not going to dr#she would just be a happy and proud ghost#and she visits every Halloween
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So we've killed off a lot of in the heights characters, but have you ever played with ghost/dead usnavi
I have not, mostly because I don’t want to picture poor Sonny crying his eyes out that his cousin/brother/father is dead and he’s now alone (unless you have him in the universe where his mom’s still around, but he’d still be crushed)
But on the other hand, knowing Usnavi, he would TOTALLY stick around as a barrio ghost and keep an eye on everybody. He would make sure Vanessa moves on and finds either another boyfriend who treats her right or at least is happy on her own. And he would keep an eye on Sonny and I could see him planning to give up college and keep the store going in his cousin’s honor, but maybe Usnavi is able to get Sonny to see him and after a tearful reunion, Usnavi convinces Sonny to go further in his life and maybe saying that he’ll always watch out for him, and maybe in the end, Benny or Pete could take over the bodega. Something bittersweet like that.
#ghost aus are just not a fun time#they just put a damper on your day#in the heights aus#ghost au#ghost usnavi#sonny de la vega#those poor cousins#they deserve happiness#everyone in the barrio deserves happiness
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Ghost the musical au w/ usnavi as Molly and Vanessa as Sam?
Okay, other than the fact that this is JUST LIKE the Ghost Sonny AU, this is really cute and sad!! I’m thinking Nina or Benny could be the Carl figure (minus the whole extorting money thing to accidently get Vanessa killed thing) and Sonny could be there too, and I’m thinking he could be like Oda Mae in the sense that he can see and hear Vanessa, so he takes the opportunity to comfort his cousin using Vanessa’s words cause he wants to make sure he’s okay. And I could see Vanessa getting SO frustrated with Usnavi not seeing her and going somewhere empty to throw shit around when she’s pissed. But…just the whole Vanessa not really wanting to verbally say ‘I love you’ because she’s uncomfortable and finally being able to say it to Usnavi when she’s about to move on to heaven just…HURTS ME. IT’S SO SAD.
#HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME THINK OF THESE THINGS#it's hard enough when Sonny's the ghost#and it's somehow worse when it's vanessa!!#WHYYYYYYYY#in the heights aus#ghost the musical#in the heights#usnavi de la vega#vanessa otilia garcía#sonny de la vega#vansnavi
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ITH/Hamilton fanfic masterpost
Someone pointed out that I should make a post of all my fanfics for my munchkins, and I agree. You all shouldn’t have to scroll through my tumblr for hours to look for the story you want.
This list will only be for my Hamilton and ITH fics; if you want other fandoms, you can always go to my fic profile from there. I’ll also post fics I’m planning to write.
Complete stories
Flexibility, Love, and Trust: (Hamliza) A slight Steven Universe AU based on @exadorlion ’s AU. He was half-human and a Gem soldier; she was a human. Within the midst of war with both humans and Gems fighting to keep Homeworld from taking over Earth, Alexander and Eliza create something entirely new. A four shot story, about Eliza’s experience fusing with Alexander.
In The Heights
The Two Cousins: (Multiple canon pairings) Times can be tough in the Heights, and when it really comes down to it, all they have is each other. A series of one-shots about Usnavi and Sonny’s relationship from childhood to adulthood. Takes place pre, during, and post canon.
When the Sun Goes Down: (Multiple canon pairings) Based on Spirited Away. When moving to a new town, Sonny can’t help but feel down about the circumstances. But he and his cousin get more than they bargained for when they accidently stumble across an abandoned theme park that just happens to be where spirits and ghosts run and play when the sun goes down. When Usnavi goes missing, and Sonny finds himself alone and trapped in a world that hates humans, he comes across a boy named Pete, and it’s up to them to try and keep Sonny safe in this amazing and dangerous world. But can Sonny and Usnavi even get home? Can Sonny trust Pete to help him? …And why does he feel so familiar?
Since I Gave My Heart Away: (No real pairings) Based on Wolf Children. Usnavi was an ordinary boy with an ordinary life. But fate had other plans for him when his parents suddenly passed away. He is given to the care of his aunt and uncle and after learning that his uncle has a deep secret, he’s given a cousin that will carry the same secret as his father: being part wolf. But when his aunt and uncle die suddenly, Usnavi must raise Sonny on his own, embarking on the difficult but rewarding adventure of their lives, fraught with love, hardship, family, heartbreak, community, friendship, and tears. And through it all, the bond between two cousins from completely opposite words is tested as they go through the trials of growing up and finding their own path.
If It’s In a Word or It’s In a Look...: ...you can't get rid of the Babadook...' Usnavi's whole life has cycled in an endless loop of grief, and it all seems to circle back to his cousin, Sonny, who always insists that a monster is in their midst. But little does Usnavi know that this monster is more than just a being in a story book, and the more he denies its existence, the stronger it gets. (Based on The Babadook)
In the Life of What It’s Like: (All canon pairings) Multiple one-shots based on AUs from my tumblr.
Nightmares and Tribulations: (Do No Harm/ITH crossover) Five times, Ruben suffered terrible nightmares of his time in Jamaica, in his new home of Washington Heights. One time, he finally faced the cause of his fears.
In progress/Planned
* = Definitely / # = Started but unsure
In the Heights
*Hundreds of (Incredibly Unfortunate and Tragic) Stories: (No pairings as of yet) Based on Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events. An ordinary day becomes a nightmare, as Usnavi, Sonny, and Chip lose everything in a terrible fire. Family, friends, a home, they have absolutely nothing…except for a large fortune that’s not to be used until Usnavi turns 28 due to a specific will. Until Usnavi comes of age, the De la Vegas are taken to stay with a distant relative, known as Count Rodriguez. But they quickly discover that he’s only after their fortune, and will do whatever is necessary to get his hands on it. The small family of three must do everything they can to survive, as the madman chases them, as their shipped to relative after relative. But it seems that wherever they go, Count Rodriguez and a series of unfortunate events seem to follow, peppered with questions and mystery. Was the fire really an accident? Were there survivors? And just who is Count Rodriguez, and what is being kept from the De la Vegas?
*Who Keeps Our Legacy: (Canon pairings): Based on the musical Hamilton.How does an illegitimate, orphan, immigrant somehow become a hero and a scholar at the tender age of fifteen? Sonny De la Vega’s only goal in life is rise up and prove that he’s worth more than anyone bargained for, as he comes across friends, family, and enemies that will shape and define his legacy in the budding country that he plans to help create.
*I May Have Seen Yesterday/But I Do Not Fear Tomorrow: (Canon pairings) Two part story based on the films Alien and Aliens. In space, no one can hear you scream. No one knows that better than Usnavi. As a child, he barely survived when a hostile alien infiltrated his parent’s ship, killing everyone onboard, except for him and his infant cousin, Sonny. Fifteen years later, when the same aliens reappears, Usnavi must face his past fears if he wants to protect his cousin and get his loved ones out alive.
# Unnamed Moana AU: (Canon pairings) Based on Moana. Sonny leaves his island in search of the Demigod Pete, so as to not only prove his worth to his island, but to restore the Heart and bring life back to the ocean and islands.
# Unnamed Cat AU: (Canon pairings) Based on this masterpost. Usnavi’s life changes forever, when he imprints on a little newborn kitten. Now saddled with the responsibility of being a parent, Usnavi and rest of the barrio cats have to raise Sonny right.
# Unnamed Sickly!Sonny AU: (canon pairings) Everything is the same but Sonny is constantly sick. Financially struggling in the barrio is difficult, especially when you have a young cousin who desperately needs money for medical care to keep him alive.
# Unnamed Hamliza Childhood AU: Prompt: What if Alexander and Eliza met as children? When accompanying her father on a business trip to the Caribbean, Eliza’s life changes forever when she meets a poor, but intelligent, blue-eyed boy. Slowly travel through the lives of these two children as fate keeps bringing them back together, causing a strong friendship to slowly evolve into love.
# Unnamed Platonic Hamburr Dragon AU: (Hamliza and Burridosia). Aaron was born without a family or any knowledge of who he is. But when a young Alexander stumbles across him, Aaron slowly grows and learns the life of the humans he lives among. But can he keep his identity a secret from Alex, when he unexpectedly meets him again as a human?
And that’s all for now. I will obviously update this as life goes on with links and such.
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lovely bones au where sonny is susie
(When I first saw this ask): Hmm, that sounds familiar, where have I heard that before? *Types it into google* …Oh… *clicks on Wiki article*…Oh no… *reads book summary* …Oooh nooo… *reads movie summary* …Ooooooooooh nooooooooooo…
So yeah, helmets on, kids, we’re taking a hard angst bomb to the feels with this one.
So it’s a normal night. Sonny had stayed out late after school and hung out with Pete. Pete usually walked back with him, but Sonny said he was gonna take a shortcut (cause Usnavi was already gonna grill him for staying out so late) so they went their separate ways…and Sonny never came home (I’m already hating this AU D’: )
Sonny wakes up in the ‘In Between’ and slowly realizes what happened to him. He had been walking home when he ran into someone who he recognized, an old teacher from school. The teacher walked with Sonny for a while, making casual conversation, and when Sonny’s guard was down: bam. The teacher then proceeded to mutilate Sonny’s body and stash it away under the floorboards of an abandoned building near a dump (to cover the smell). Sonny, now in the In Between, goes home to find Usnavi worried out of his mind, texting and calling Sonny a million times and Chip lying by the door, softly whimpering. The next morning, Usnavi calls around the barrio to see if they’ve seen him, but no one has, and Usnavi’s panic REALLY sets in when Pete tells him that he had been heading home the last time he saw him. Usnavi takes the path that Sonny took and finds Sonny’s hat. Now we call the police. So while the whole investigation’s going on, with the barrio fam doing everything in their power to help, Sonny meets another boy in the In Between called Philip, who tries to persuade Sonny to let go and come to Heaven ‘If you stay here and watch, it will just make it harder to leave later!’ ‘I don’t care! I can’t leave them now!’ So weeks pass and while the police are still looking, they have told Usnavi that they may have to prepare for the possibility that Sonny’s dead. Now by this point, Usnavi’s been pretty numb to everything around him, but now he’s basically just shut down. The barrio fam do their best to keep him grounded, while Usnavi is just having MULTIPLE breakdowns and isn’t taking care of himself and poor Sonny is basically screaming and crying at him from limbo even thought Usnavi can’t hear him (I can’t believe there’s an AU more painful than the Ghost Sonny AU) and Sonny’s killer is still loose in New York. He’s not in the Heights anymore, but he’s still in Manhattan. Anyway, Pete’s been conducting his own investigation cause he suspects the teacher who killed Sonny but he has no evidence, so he takes Chip out on excursions with him to find clues. Pete’s also struggling with INTENSE guilt, cause if he had just gone with Sonny, maybe none of this would be happening. Cue Sonny screaming at him that he doesn’t blame him and to stop feeling guilty about something he couldn’t help. So more stuff happens and Sonny meets eight other boys including Philip who we find out have been the killer’s past victims (I’m gonna make a list here just to make this even more sad: Philip, Conner, Les, Angel, Michael, Justin, Kurt, and Arnold [name the musical and have more tears :’D] ). At the same time, Chip picks up a scent and leads Pete to the building where all the bodies have been stashed over the years…including Sonny which is still rotting but still recognizable. Pete heartbrokenly lets Usnavi know ‘Pete, what is it?’ ‘I…I found…I found Sonny…’ ‘YOU DID? Oh my god, is he okay?! Can I talk to him?! Where are you?!’ ‘Usnavi…’ ‘Tell me where you are Pete! Oh god, please, let me talk to Sonny! Put him on!’ ‘Usnavi…!’ ‘Pete put Sonny on, please! I need to talk to him! I-’ ‘HE’S DEAD, USNAVI! …He…He’s…he’s gone…’ Vanessa, who had overheard the conversation, lets the police know and Pete and Chip wait for them. At the same time, Sonny’s killer appears, having returned to see how Sonny’s body was rotting (one of his sick obsessions) and Pete and Chip hold him off, until the spirits of Sonny and all the rest of his victims are able to influence reality and trap the killer. They ALMOST kill him, but Sonny tells them that it would be too easy a way out for him. He needs to suffer, for all the families he broke. The police arrive and so does the barrio. The police identify all the bodies and take the killer into custody. The police cover Sonny’s body so Usnavi can’t see the damage, but he’s still just about broken. His baby cousin is dead. Sonny finally can’t take it anymore and possesses Pete so he can have one last conversation with Usnavi and his family (they can tell it’s him cause Pete’s brown eyes have turned green). He tells them that he’s sorry this happened and that he caused them so much grief and just about begs Usnavi to move on, because Sonny would never be able to forgive himself if he went to Heaven while Usnavi just suffered. Usnavi gives Sonny one last big hug, Sonny bids farewell to everyone, including Pete in his mind and leaves. Meanwhile, the killer is prosecuted, and all the families and friends of the deceased victims come to the court case as well as the execution. And the killer isn’t too freaked out about death, but that changes when he sees the spirits of all his victims around him, all of them bleeding and staring at him, as they slowly drag him into hell. Once it’s done, all the families come together to give their children proper burials, building a private cemetery just for them, and only after that, are the victims finally at peace, and ascend to Heaven.
#HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH#TOO MUCH PAIN#GOOD GOD#I EXPECT A BUNCH OF INBOX AND COMMENTS OF YOU GUYS EXPRESSING YOUR PAIN#CAUSE YOU GUYS NEED TO SUFFER WITH ME ON THIS ONE#in the heights aus#lovely bones#sonny de la vega#graffiti pete#chip the husky#usnavi de la vega#barrio fam#i think this one is a ringer for most fucked up au#or at least most emotionally painful au#i'm still just...just...#GAAAAAAAAAAH
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Danny phantom au?
Oh man I haven’t seen that show in FOREEEEVEEEER!! But YES!! Ghost Power Sonny!! Maybe the science lab made the whole portal thing and Sonny got caught in it and got his ghost powers and with the help of Pete and Nina (as Sam and Tucker) he has to beat other ghosts that come to Washington Heights!
Maybe eventually the rest of the barrio fam slowly learns Sonny’s secret and Usnavi’s the last to find out because Sonny KNOWS that Usnavi will be ALL OVER HIM if he finds out his precious baby cousin is fighting ghosts every other day. And I re-watched the finale just because and I realized that if we stuck to that, Sonny reveals his identity to Usnavi at long last, everyone accepts him, Sonny gets a freaking STATUE and the best part? Nina could become the new Mayor of Nueva York! It’s perfect!
#in the heights aus#danny phantom#i'm putting this as another super hero au as well#those are popular#sonny de la vega#graffiti pete#nina rosario#I love the idea of these three as a team#it's great
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ITH/Hamilton fanfic Masterpost
Someone pointed out that I should make a post of all my fanfics for my munchkins, and I agree. You all shouldn't have to scroll through my tumblr for hours to look for the story you want.
This list will only be for my Hamilton and ITH fics; if you want other fandoms, you can always go to my fic profile from there. I'll also post fics I'm planning to write.
Complete stories
Flexibility, Love, and Trust: (Hamliza) A slight Steven Universe AU based on @exadorlion 's AU. He was half-human and a Gem soldier; she was a human. Within the midst of war with both humans and Gems fighting to keep Homeworld from taking over Earth, Alexander and Eliza create something entirely new. A four shot story, about Eliza's experience fusing with Alexander.
In The Heights
The Two Cousins: (Multiple canon pairings) Times can be tough in the Heights, and when it really comes down to it, all they have is each other. A series of one-shots about Usnavi and Sonny's relationship from childhood to adulthood. Takes place pre, during, and post canon.
When the Sun Goes Down: (Multiple canon pairings) Based on Spirited Away. When moving to a new town, Sonny can't help but feel down about the circumstances. But he and his cousin get more than they bargained for when they accidently stumble across an abandoned theme park that just happens to be where spirits and ghosts run and play when the sun goes down. When Usnavi goes missing, and Sonny finds himself alone and trapped in a world that hates humans, he comes across a boy named Pete, and it's up to them to try and keep Sonny safe in this amazing and dangerous world. But can Sonny and Usnavi even get home? Can Sonny trust Pete to help him? ...And why does he feel so familiar?
In progress/Planned
* = Definitely / # = Started but unsure
In the Heights
*Hundreds of (Incredibly Unfortunate and Tragic) Stories: (No pairings as if yet) Based on Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events. An ordinary day becomes a nightmare, as Usnavi, Sonny, and Chip lose everything in a terrible fire. Family, friends, a home, they have absolutely nothing...except for a large fortune that's not to be used until Usnavi turns 28 due to a specific will. Until Usnavi comes of age, the De la Vegas are taken to stay with a distant relative, known as Count Rodriguez. But they quickly discover that he's only after their fortune, and will do whatever is necessary to get his hands on it. The small family of three must do everything they can to survive, as the madman chases them, as their shipped to relative after relative. But it seems that wherever they go, Count Rodriguez and a series of unfortunate events seem to follow, peppered with questions and mystery. Was the fire really an accident? Were there survivors? And just who is Count Rodriguez, and what is being kept from the De la Vegas?
*Unnamed Alien AU: (Canon pairings) Two part story based on the films Alien and Aliens. In space, no one can hear you scream. No one knows that better than Usnavi. As a child, he barely survived when a hostile alien infiltrated his parent's ship, killing everyone onboard, except for him and his infant cousin, Sonny. Fifteen years later, when the same aliens reappears, Usnavi must face his past fears if he wants to protect his cousin and get his loved ones out alive.
*Unnamed Hamilton AU: (Canon pairings): Based on the musical Hamilton. How does an illegitimate, orphan, immigrant somehow become a hero and a scholar at the tender age of fifteen? Sonny De la Vega's only goal in life is rise up and prove that he's worth more than anyone bargained for, as he comes across friends, family, and enemies that will shape and define his legacy in the budding country that he plans to help create.
# Unnamed Moana AU: (Canon pairings) Based on Moana. Sonny leaves his island in search of the Demigod Pete, so as to not only prove his worth to his island, but to restore the Heart and bring life back to the ocean and islands.
# Unnamed Cat AU: (Canon pairings) Based on this masterpost. Usnavi's life changes forever, when he imprints on a little newborn kitten. Now saddled with the responsibility of being a parent, Usnavi and rest of the barrio cats have to raise Sonny right.
# Unnamed Sickly!Sonny AU: (canon pairings) Everything is the same but Sonny is constantly sick. Financially struggling in the barrio is difficult, especially when you have a young cousin who desperately needs money for medical care to keep him alive.
# Unnamed Hamliza Childhood AU: Prompt: What if Alexander and Eliza met as children? When accompanying her father on a business trip to the Caribbean, Eliza's life changes forever when she meets a poor, but intelligent, blue-eyed boy. Slowly travel through the lives of these two children as fate keeps bringing them back together, causing a strong friendship to slowly evolve into love.
# Unnamed Platonic Hamburr Dragon AU: (Hamliza and Burridosia). Aaron was born without a family or any knowledge of who he is. But when a young Alexander stumbles across him, Aaron slowly grows and learns the life of the humans he lives among. But can he keep his identity a secret from Alex, when he unexpectedly meets him again as a human?
And that's all for now. I will obviously update this as life goes on with links and such.
#in the heights#hamilton#masterpost#fanfiction#when the sun goes down#snicket au#hamilton au#alien au#hamliza#hamburr#sonny de la vega#usnavi de la vega#in the heights aus#chip the husky
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Okay, I think I realize now how much of a blessing and a curse an overactive Au brain is, especially a brain on an In the Heights train. So hear me out: In the Heights/Ghost Trick Au. For those who don't know (tbh who does tho), Ghost Trick is a game where you have woken up to find yourself dead and there's a woman with a gun aimed at her. With no memory of who you are or what happened, you must save her and others to solve the mystery of you and your death before dawn. (Like seriously check it out the game is really good and it's so underrated. Be careful tho, anything can potentially spoil the entire game). Anyway back to the Au. The way I've thought of it, it more so takes place in the universe rather than following the plot of the game. (Spoilers for the game below, I guess. It might be it might not.)
Pete's the one who ends up dead (whoops) and has the cool ghost tricks, and he basically just follows Sonny around and keeps him from staying dead. And Pete doesn't remember who he is (his body was hidden from his sight when he woke up). Sonny doesn't know that Pete's following him until later, and even then he doesn't know it's Pete. (Silly boy doesn't make the connection).
The organization wants something very important and is willing to do anything and kill anyone who gets in their way. (Like Sonny has a little piece of Temsik that Pete found and gave to him before Pete got popped off).
And everyone get's kind of thrown into this mess of death and revival all for one night
And Sonny’s just dying every now and then and Pete’s like “stop dying”
Sonny ends up going to confront the Organization and Mr. Bushy Eyebrows and end up getting himself killed. But wait, he’s not dead yet, he’s back and he’s got ghost tricks. So he wants to go back to Pete and reverse his death, but oh no Sonny doesn’t have the trick go back to reverse Pete’s death
Pete just wants to bring Sonny back, but Sonny is like “ no no, we’re gonna fix this” and now more ghost shenanigans ensue as they figure what the heck to do now
And that’s what I got so far. I don’t think it’s much, but I needed to get it out. And like I love ghost shenanigans.
And you get gems like this:
Sonny getting progressively more energetic with each death it's like "dude chill you just died" "yeah but it was cool tho"
Usnavi freaking out cause stuff's moving on its own but not in a normal way and no can't be ghosts nope no matter what Sonny says holy shit the fridge opened
All the mishaps. All the fails. All the times Pete accidentally kills the person he's saving. "Welp that was my fault" "How do you accidentally kill someone with a bag of chips, a microwave, and a paperclip?"
(Almost) Every time Pete goes someplace he's greeted with dead body and it's time to get to work
You could even have Chip be a little ghost companion, like Missle.
#yeah#i need a break#I don't need to add to the 135839 things I think of#ghost trick/in the heights au#spoilers
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