#in the ground outside. Hey dad why's it so cold in the house. Hey. Hey
bitegore · 10 months
i think its obvious that i dont live well, like, i eat spoiled food and don't take care of myself, my home, or my belongings, right? everyone can see that, i'm not subtle about it. i rarely clean, i'm cheap to the point of insanity about things like food half the time, i'm not living well.
so i hope it means something serious when i say i cant fucking stand the way my dad lives
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cavinginhisfvce · 2 years
Sweet Baby Billy gets the cuddles and affection he deserves.
Flurries of snow fell to the ground as Billy trudged up the walkway to Steve's house, the air was harsh when he breathed in. 
He wasn't sure which hurt more, the sting of his steadily bruising ribs, or the cold, sharp intakes of breath. It didn't matter in the end, because everything just hurt, his body was alight with different aches on a good day. 
Today wasn't a good day, the aches were replaced by searing pain, an unfortunate side effect of discussions with his father.
Neil was pissed at Billy because Susan gave Max permission to spend the weekend with her nerd squad. Despite having nothing to do with his step-mothers decision, Billy still found himself on the receiving end of Neil's anger. It was better him than her or Max, at least that's what he told himself as his dad rounded on him, swiftly knocking the air out of his body.
He was demanding Billy bring Max back home, however Billy had no intentions of doing so. 
It didn't matter if Max came home today, or Sunday, because in the end; it was Billy who would end up bloody and broken, so he opted out of ruining her weekend and subsequently his own any further than Neil already had.
 This meant he couldn't go home for the next few days as well, leaving him with nowhere to escape the storm that was rapidly picking up momentum. 
There was one place, though. One place he was always welcomed, always safe.
This is what landed him at Steve's front door, his eye was swollen shut, the right side of his face aches and burns from where his father's wedding ring undoubtedly made a gash, if the dried blood on his jacket was any indication. He should've called first, or even texted. 
Max and her friends were probably all in Harrington's den, playing that fucking fantasy game that she claimed was stupid, but he had found her learning more about in free time.
Any other time, Billy would've gone anywhere besides where Max was, especially with his face busted. Not to mention her nosy friends, but this time was different. He had nowhere else to go, not that he'd choose to be anywhere else. 
When he finally gathered the courage to knock, the door swung open and revealed a smiling Steve Harrington, though said smile quickly dropped as he took in Billy's appearance, his warm hands reaching out to pull the younger boy into the familiar household. 
Before the door had fully clicked shut, Billy was letting himself fall into Steve's embrace, a welcomed fog creeping into his mind as the other wrapped his arms around Billy. 
"Hey, Sweet Boy...I've got you…" That was all it had taken for Billy to dissolve into a heap of silent tears, his face pressed into the crook of Steve's shoulder, as he breathed in his boyfriend’s comforting scent.
It didn't take a genius to figure out Billy's father hurt him again, Steve could feel the anger shimmering inside of him, but he forced it down in favor of comforting the boy in his arms.
Billy had all but molded their bodies together with a pained whimper, his face pressing into the crook of Steve's neck.
Soft sniffles could be heard as Steve guided the smaller boy to the couch, his body shaking from the cold or maybe something else; Steve couldn't pinpoint. 
It had taken Billy a while, but his tears eventually subsided. 
He was situated in Steve's lap, wrapped in a fuzzy throw blanket as the elder rubbed soothing circles along his back; burrowing closer, he hid his face in Steve's neck with a small whine.
A whine. Steve knew that meant Billy had dropped, which would explain why the blond was attempting to turn their two bodies into one. It wasn't unusual for Billy in his regular headspace, he just approached cuddling differently. In little space, Billy was quick to manhandle Steve to get the position he wanted, but outside of it, he would just stare at Steve until the elder boy got the hint. 
"Hurts, Dada." Another whine left the boy, his fingers painfully curled into the fabric of the latter's shirt. Steve was quick to run a hand up the boy's back, softly cooing as he buried his nose into Billy's curls, "I know, baby. Can Daddy get up to get you some medicine?" Billy immediately shook his head hysterically, a small cry bubbling from his lips, "N-no, Daddy. C-can't leave Billy-Bee!"
Steve would gently shush Billy, his tone soft. "I'm not gonna go anywhere without you, Sweet Boy. You can always come with me." Billy looked up at Steve with watery eyes, his bottom lip wobbling, "B-Billy go wit' Daddy?"
Steve would hurriedly nod his head, and scoop Billy into his arms the moment his own feet hit the ground.
Billy's arms wrap around his Caregivers neck as he moves to bury his face in the crook of Steve's neck once more. 
It wasn't the easiest task, but eventually Billy was cleaned up, all evidence of a run in with his father washed away by soft kisses to his nose and cheeks, and the sting of antiseptics. Obviously, his eye was still swollen, angry reds and purples covering smooth skin. His lip, while no longer bleeding, posed the all too real threat of opening back up.
It wasn't until he had Billy dressed in a pair of fuzzy pajama pants and an oversized sweater, his pacifier dangling dangerously from his lips, that the kids had finally trailed out the den to find Steve and demand food. 
They found him rummaging through the freezer.
When Max's eyes landed on Billy, she immediately gasped and rushed over to him, her hand gently reaching out to cup his bruising cheek. His lack of resistance informed her that her brother had dropped, something she'd only witnessed twice since their parents had married. She didn't have a chance to speak before Billy was clinging to her, mindlessly nuzzling against her shoulder. "H-Hi, Maxie! D-daddy is makin' dinos!" To say Max was confused was an understatement, but she knew better than to let it show, if she'd learned anything about Littles in school, it was that their emotions were often a mess, and any signs of discomfort would weigh heavily on them. "Oh, really? Stevie knows how to make the best nuggets!" This had Billy nodding as he peered up at Max, his blue eyes wide and shining with an innocence she'd never known her abrasive older brother to have.
"N-not Stevie! D-daddy!" He spoke slowly, as if to emphasize that Max had called Steve by the wrong name, but a giggle followed his words. "He's your Daddy, Bubba. He's Stevie to us."
"Uh, what the fuck?" It was Mike who spoke, his confusion clear as day. Immediately Max whipped her head around to glare at him, her fiery locks all but slapping her in the face, "don't curse in front of him, idiot!"
At that, Billy giggled again, a finger pointed at Mike as he spoke, "i-idiot!" His smile after was so big, so warm, that neither Max nor Steve made any move to correct him, both in fact just let out a coo, ignoring the sounds of indignation from Mike.
The kids were all learning about Classification in school, though only Will had ever met a Little. His brother was a Little, but it wasn't often he saw him regressed. He was usually with Nancy. 
They were all shocked to learn Billy Hargrove was a Little, but the shock wore off the moment Billy began doling out nicknames for his new 'Fwends". 
Mike was Mickey, and when asked why the boy simply declared that he didn't like Mickey Mouse, and he didn't like Mike. Mike was upset, but quickly got over it when Billy gave him one of his nuggets.
Lucas was Lu-Lu. Billy seemed proud of himself for the name, especially when Lucas beamed at him, and reached over to high five him, stating the name fit him perfectly.
Dustin was Bunny, because he looked "'xactly like a Bunny! Jus' a Dust Bunny!" No one had the heart to tell him that dust bunnies didn't look like actual bunnies, especially with the way his blue eyes seemed to shine with something akin to pride.
Will was dubbed Bee-Bee, once Billy had learned they shared the same name and had then decided they needed a similar nickname.
Jane was simply Janey, but she had adored hearing the name from Billy, a lisp to his words when he called out to her.
Naturally, Max had become Maxie, but no one was surprised as he had yelled it upon seeing her.
Instead of returning to their game, everyone spilled into the living room, where Steve put on The Nightmare Before Christmas, and scooped Billy up into his arms, much to the displeasure of Dustin who had been curled up with Billy's head on his lap.
"Get your own Little, this one is mine." He punctuated his words by tightening his arms around Billy's waist. 
"Don't be an ass, Steve! You see him this way all the time."
From his place on Steve's lap, Billy peered up at Dustin and gasped, "N-no say that, D-daddy is not ass!"
Steve was torn between scolding the boy for cursing, and praising him for his quick defense. He hadn't needed to do either before Max was ruffling Billy's hair, cooing her own praise, and Jane was gently reminding him he shouldn't use bad words.
Dustin silently apologized to both Steve and the regressed boy, the latter leaning over to hug him in acceptance.
It was clear that Billy was tactile in his headspace, which came as no surprise to The Party as they knew Billy's father wasn't the warmest person.
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agaypanic · 8 months
hii im sorry if you're getting so many requests, but may I request Bernard and an afab he/they human reader? The reader is close friends with Charlie and once loved and adored Christmas but after their mom died they stopped believing altogether, so Charlie takes them to (i thinks its Christmas town??) and Bernard takes up the job personally to reignite the readers belief in Christmas. I hope this makes sense, I'm sorry if it doesn't!
Little Secret (Bernard the Elf X TransMasc!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: After losing your mom, Charlie notices that you’ve lost all Christmas spirit. Being the son of Santa Claus, he decides to bring you to the North Pole, where you meet the Head Elf.
A/N: could be read as platonic or romantic i think. mentions of death and grief
“Charlie, I really don’t want to intrude.” You protested as your best friend and college roommate helped you pack your suitcase. “I’m fine with staying here, I promise.”
“Y/n, there’s no way I’m letting you stay here. You’ll be miserable!” He looked at you, putting a hand on your shoulder. “Besides, no one should be alone during Christmas.”
“It’s just Christmas.” You muttered a bit bitterly. Charlie sighed, pursing his lips at you, but he said nothing.
This was the first Christmas you’d be celebrating without your mother, whom you lost earlier in the year. Christmas had been your favorite time of year, but with her gone, it felt like there was no point in celebrating anymore. You couldn’t wait for the holiday to pass so you could stop dreading it.
Charlie felt inclined to help you change your view on the holiday. He was your friend, and he hated seeing you so miserable, especially during such a happy time of year. But there, of course, was another reason he was so adamant about helping you get through the holiday.
You arrived at Charlie’s mom’s house late that night. She and Neil welcomed you with open arms like they always did, which made you feel a bit better than you had when you left campus. The four of you had dinner together before settling in the living room. Eventually, Laura and Neil went to bed. Feeling tired yourself, you wanted to do the same. But you didn’t want to leave Charlie or be alone in your shared room, so you stayed put, slowly falling asleep on the couch as some movie played in the background.
As you slowly woke up, you felt colder than you did when you fell asleep. It felt like someone had put a high-speed fan in front of your face, the cold biting at you no matter how you tried to shield yourself from it.
“Dad, I think they’re waking up.” You heard Charlie’s voice as you slowly opened your eyes. Suddenly, Charlie appeared above you, a dark night sky behind his head. This confused you even more, because you don’t remember falling asleep outside. “Have a good nap, Y/n?”
“Where are we?” You asked groggily, slowly sitting up. The sight of your surroundings almost made you faint. “Charlie, where are we?!”
You were thousands of feet in the air, flying over sea and ice. That explained why you were so cold. But what you didn’t understand was why the man flying whatever you were sitting in was dressed in red and white like he was Santa Claus.
“The North Pole!” Charlie replied with a bright grin.
Suddenly, you slowed down, reaching a vast land covered in snow. You were too scared to look down, but whatever you were sitting in, you were starting to guess it was a sleigh, lowered to the ground and then deep below it. The lower the sleigh went, the warmer you became, which you were thankful for.
As you went further underground, the man driving the sleigh turned to look at you. This must have been some insane, elaborate prank because he truly looked like Santa Claus.
“Hey, Y/n!” He said, and you recognized the voice as Charlie’s father.
“Mr. Calvin?” You said hesitantly, eyes flitting to Charlie, who nodded in confirmation.
“Come on, kid. I told you, you can call me Scott.”
“Or Santa,” Charlie added with a laugh.
The three of you jolted slightly as the sleigh finally touched the ground. As you looked around, you debated whether to jump out of the sleigh and start running, or to curl up in a ball and hope that this was just a dream. Seeing a crowd of kids around the sleigh talking loudly and staring at you made you lean towards the latter.
You were about to ask a million questions, but someone came up to sleigh, looking at Scott.
“Santa, finally, you’re back.” He said, staring at him sternly. He didn’t seem to be much older than you or Charlie. “You’ve only checked the naughty and nice list once; you’re supposed to do it twice. Christmas is in six days.”
“Bernard, Bernard, Bernard.” Scott patted the man’s shoulder. “You worry too much. I can check a list with two billion names on it before Christmas.”
“You brought guests,” Bernard said suddenly, giving a polite nod to Charlie before staring at you. It was clear that you were the odd man out in the sleigh. 
“Yes! Bernard, this is Y/n, Charlie’s roommate.”
Bernard gasped in horror, making you flinch. You wonder what Charlie and his father have been telling these strange people about you to warrant such a reaction.
“You brought a…” Bernard looked around at the rest of the kids in the room. They had started to disperse, but it was clear that some were still listening. He leaned in to whisper something to Scott before pulling back. “Here?!”
“Yes, yes, I did. But don’t worry, because you’re gonna help fix that!”
Incredibly confused by the conversation happening in front of you, you leaned over to Charlie.
“What the hell are they talking about?” You asked. “And what did that guy call me?”
“You’ll find out soon enough.” Charlie patted your back before getting his dad’s attention. “Dad, I’m gonna show Y/n around the workshop.”
“The what?” Your questioning was ignored as Charlie dragged you out of the sleigh. You quickly glanced back at Scott and Bernard, who was staring at you with a mixed expression, before being yanked out of the room.
It took a few hours to wrap your head around what was happening. Apparently, Charlie’s dad was Santa Claus. The Santa Claus, and had been since Charlie was a little kid. All the kids that had flocked around the sleigh when you landed in the North Pole were actually elves, all older than anyone you’ve known by at least five times. And Bernard, who was in charge of the workshop, was the oldest of them all.
You were still half convinced this was some weird dream.
But when you woke up to a knock on the door and realized you were still in the festive bedroom that Charlie had taken you to after the tour he gave you, it was clear that this wasn’t a dream. Weird? Yes. Dream? No.
Groggily, you stumbled out of bed and went to the door. You had no idea what time it was, but you were mentally cursing this mystery person for waking you up.
“Hi.” Bernard was standing in front of you, looking a tad bit impatient.
“Hi…?” You replied, wondering what he was doing at your door at… well, whatever time it was. “I didn’t order a wake-up call.” You tried to joke, rubbing some of the sleep out of your eyes.
Surprisingly, Bernard let out a little laugh. Well, it wasn’t much of a laugh. He just made a small sound as he exhaled through his nose, but you decided to count it.
“No, Santa did.” It was your turn to do a small laugh that didn’t seem much like a laugh. Already, this conversation seemed absolutely ridiculous. “He charged me with looking after you, showing you around, that kind of thing.”
“Looking after me?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. “No offense, but I’m a big boy; I think I can manage.” 
To be perfectly honest, you were planning to spend however long your stay was locked in your room. Wandering around a place filled with holiday spirit and festive decor didn’t feel very appealing to you.
“I bet you can, but I’m afraid he insisted. Charlie, too.”
You sighed. You didn’t really know what your friend was up to, but you knew you would have a few words with him when you got back to school.
Bernard seemed like he wasn’t going to budge on the matter, so you nodded.
“Fine. Lemme just…” You looked down at your clothes, deeming your loose pajamas a bit unfitting for the below-freezing temperatures of the North Pole. “I gotta change first.”
Without waiting for a response, you shut the door on Bernard. You made quick work of changing your clothes, making sure to layer up as much as you could without restricting your mobility. When you slipped your shoes on and opened the door again, Bernard perked up and smiled.
“So, what do you wanna do?” He asked you as you walked down a long hallway.
“I dunno; what is there to do around here?”
Turns out, there was a lot to do at the North Pole. You almost felt bad for the elves because they had to work until Christmas, but they somehow didn’t seem to mind.
You and Bernard started by walking around the town square, where he pointed out every shop and activity, hoping that something would pique your interest. The two of you went through various stores that sold candies, snowglobes, and loads of other Christmas-themed objects. Eventually, you got tired of walking around and were getting a bit chilly, so Bernard took you to what he deemed to be the best hot chocolate shop in all of the North Pole.
“Where are we going?” You asked, holding your giant mug close to your chest as Bernard took you out of the shop, heading out of Christmas town and close to a bundle of trees.
“I know a place.” He answered, sparing you a small glance and smile. “And being Head Elf, it gets to be my little secret.”
After a few minutes of trudging through snow, you found yourself at a small clearing. It was absolutely beautiful. Although you hated the chill of the heavy snow, it made the place look enchanting. Near you, at the edge of the trees, was a bench with an awning, so it was the only thing not covered in white. You could see a good-sized patch of ice on the other side of the clearing. It was probably a pond or small lake that never melted because of the constant below-freezing temperatures.
“I can see why you’d keep a place like this to yourself.” You say to Bernard as the two of you settle on the bench. You stirred your cocoa with the candy cane that came with your drink, sighing in contentment after taking a sip. 
“Yeah, I rarely ever come though.”
“Why?” You asked, glancing at him only to find that he was already looking at you.
“Too busy.” He shrugged. “Sure, December’s always the busiest, but it’s not like the workshop just stops working for the rest of the year.”
You nodded, and you fell into a bit of silence. Just drinking hot cocoa and watching snow fall.
When your mugs were empty and the sky started getting a bit darker, you decided it was time to head back into town.
“Thanks for showing me this place; it’s really nice.” You say as you try to step in the footprints you made on the way in. Something annoying about the winter snow was the way it clung to your shoes, and you’d have to kick against the doorframe to get it all off. “I promise not to tell anyone about your little secret.”
“I think it’s safe to say that it’s our little secret now,” Bernard said, patting your shoulder.
The next few days were better than you thought they’d be. You spent a lot of time with Bernard and Charlie, either in the workshop, having hot cocoa and cookies, or going to the clearing in the woods. Somehow, despite being surrounded by elves and Christmas decorations and such, you sort of forgot that Christmas was just around the corner.
Until you woke up on Christmas Eve.
Charlie was the one to wake you up, because Bernard had to do a final checklist on everything before Scott (you refused to call him Santa) took off for the night. You wished his holiday spirit could rub off on you a bit, because you were worried about bringing the mood down with your constant thoughts of loss. But with the elves’ franticness and Charlie’s sunny disposition, it seemed no one really noticed.
Before Scott had to go to the sleigh, you and Charlie said goodbye to him and wished him luck. Then, when Charlie asked you what you wanted to do, you told him you wanted to go for a walk alone. Knowing your feelings regarding the holidays, he nodded and said he’d see you later. Although he brought you to the North Pole to try to help you regain some of the Christmas spirit you had once lost, the last thing he wanted to do was force you into reliving memories that now felt tainted.
You found yourself at the clearing. Your and Bernard’s little secret. You bundled yourself up in a blanket you had grabbed from your room, watching the snowfall.
You were glad that Bernard showed you this place, grateful even. It was the one place here that didn’t make you feel too miserable. The memories attached to this place were filled with Bernard, hot chocolate, and laughs.
“Thought I’d find you here.” You were startled out of your thoughts by Bernard, who walked over to you holding two large steaming cups with candy canes. It had become your usual drink for the last couple of days. 
“I thought you were looking after the workshop.” You said, giving a quick nod of thanks as Bernard handed you your drink and settled beside you. “You know, having to get everything ready for… him and stuff.”
“He just left.” You noticed that Bernard had started trying to refrain from saying ‘Santa’ around you. Maybe because he knew how ridiculous the whole thing felt to you. Or perhaps he knew about your view on the holiday itself. Either way, you were a bit grateful for it. “Thought I’d try to find you.”
“Well, here I am.” You clinked your mug against Bernard’s, and the two of you drank. The hot liquid warmed you from the inside, and you closed your eyes, leaning your head back.
There was a beat of silence before Bernard decided to speak.
“I’m sorry about your mom.” It was quiet, but the last word made your eyes shoot open. You looked at him for a moment.
“Did Charlie tell you?” It was the only reason you could think of. Either him or Scott. Despite all the time you’ve spent with Bernard recently, you had never brought up your mother.
“Kind of.” Bernard tapped the side of his cup, leaning back in his seat and looking at you. “Being Head Elf and all, I check the naughty and nice list before it gets to the big guy. And… I saw what you wanted for Christmas.” You nodded in understanding. 
“I’m a bit surprised I was on the list at all.” You said. “I don’t think I’ve really believed in Christmas or magic or anything since she died. No offense.”
“Everyone’s on the list, no matter what.” Bernard gave you a tightlipped smile. “And none taken. I’ll admit I was a bit... hesitant about you being here at first. I wasn’t sure what a non-believer in the North Pole would do to the magic.” You nodded, now understanding why he acted the way he did when he first met you at the sleigh. “I got you something.”
“What?” You looked at him in surprise.
“I don’t really know where you stand on the holiday right now, but I figured you should at least still have a present.” 
Bernard dug into his pocket and held his hand out, covering the small object with his hand. When you grabbed it, he lifted his hand to reveal a snow globe. The inside was a tiny replica of the clearing you were sitting in now.
“It’s enchanted.” He said, looking at you looking at the globe. “If you shake it, it’ll show you a memory of your mom that you want to see.”
You looked at him suspiciously, but he looked serious. You figured you might as well give it a try. After all, you’ve seen flying reindeer and creatures that were a few hundred years old. You were starting to become a bit more open-minded.
Giving the snow globe a quick shake, you watched as the little white flecks swirled around. When they dispersed, you saw that Bernard had been telling the truth. You remembered this moment; it was one of your favorite memories with your mom. She was making frosting for Christmas cookies, and a younger you sat on the kitchen counter, swinging your legs. You talked about anything you could, and she did nothing but listen. Like she always did. The only times she tried to shut you up was so you could taste the frosting she made.
When the little snowflakes swirled back around and fell to the bottom, the memory had disappeared. You looked up at Bernard, only realizing a few tears cascaded down your cheeks when he lifted his hand to wipe them away.
“I know it’s not exactly what you had wanted, but I hope you like it.”
“I love it.” You insisted, setting your mug and globe next to you on the bench so you could wrap your arms around Bernard. He put down his mug and patted your back comfortingly. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” When you separated, you smiled at each other, and you opened your tightly wrapped blanket to put part of it around his shoulders. The two of you huddled together for some more warmth. “So, do you think you’ll come back to the North Pole next year?”
You glanced at the snow globe before leaning your head on Bernard’s shoulder. In turn, he rested his head on yours.
“I’d like that.”
Bernard the Elf Taglist: @katerinaval
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forrestfanfics · 2 years
So This is Love || Age of Ultron 7: “NEOMA’s First Friend”
“So This is Love” Masterlist
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
A big purple mass floating in space was what I had opened my eyes to.
My body spun slowly in front of it. Eyes, reflecting the bright hues of purple and tiny waves of black.
It was like the sun with its wavy exterior, buzzing the loudest buzzing I've ever heard. Although, it didn't affect me much negatively.
It was alluring… Enticing…
My hand reached out, only to find it was much further than I thought.
I couldn't move closer when I tried.
What was this?
Why was it here?
Why was I here in space with it?
Whatever it was, I found myself wanting to get closer. To touch it. I had to. Why wouldn't it let me?
Before I could further contemplate, my eyes blinked open.
The sight of my dad's face was the sole focus of my gaze as the rest of the world slowly faded into view.
“Hey, little Neoma, we're here,” he patted my knee which I fully felt. The numbing and the pain had gone away.
“Where?” I asked groggily, rubbing my eyes to help them adjust to the bright sunlight leaking through the Jet's opening.
“Come on,” a hand landed on the small of my back as I was led out of the ship.
I immediately stopped in my tracks at the scenery in front of me.
A small two-story house in an open field surrounded by nature.
Speaking of, instead of dirt, my feet were met with cold spiky stuff in the ground. I noticed the grass painting the land as far as the eye could see.
The sky was so clear and the air was so fresh.
My breathing hitched. It was so strange to see a normal-looking house. I'd been so used to living in a tall building surrounded by other tall buildings that seeing this small, secluded home generated an error in my system.
“What's up?”
I turned to my dad and shook my head. “Nothing… I just… This is very weird to me,” I admitted, looking back at the house.
“You got a thing for small, cosy houses, Rapunzel?” He joked, following the rest of the team as they walked in a line towards the door.
I wouldn't mind living like this…
I quickly shook my head before I got too comfortable and caught up with the group.
“What is this place?" Thor asked as we stepped onto the porch.
"Safe house," my dad answered.
"Let's hope," Clint, who had his arm around Nat's back, pushed the door open, allowing everyone to flood in.
My brain instantly shut down as I stepped into the foyer.
The wooden doors with the tainted glass were a huge contrast to the minimalistic, monochrome ones back at the tower. And the lamps and ceiling lights were much different than the built-in lighting, I simply clapped my hands to turn them on and off.
The space was much more cramped than the wide, spacious hallways and rooms that were a pain to forget something in.
It was so different… So small… So homey…
"Honey?" Clint called out. "I'm home."
A lady came into the kitchen we were standing in.
She dressed differently, too. Rather than the fancy suits, blouses, and dresses I'd seen, her clothes looked more comfy and loose.
"Hi," Clint greeted.
She looked confused. The materials in her hand were put down.
"Company. Sorry, didn't call ahead," Clint approached.
The lady met him halfway, greeting him with a quick kiss on the lips.
"This is an agent of some kind," my dad said, clearly in denial of Clint having a woman.
"Gentlemen, this is Laura," Clint turned to us.
The lady waved. "I know all your names," she chuckled.
I light up slightly. "Even me?" I asked with awe in my eyes. She lightly giggled and nodded. "Y/N, right?" It was the first time anyone outside the tower knew who I was, and I loved it.
Heavy footsteps echoed down the hall. "Ooh, incoming," Clint took his arm off his wife and knelt as two small beings came running in.
"Dad!" The smaller one hugged him.
I jumped back into my dad in surprise.
"Hi, sweetheart! Hey, buddy!" Clint lifted the little one and hugged the other one.
"Dad, those are tiny people," I whispered, reaching back to hit his chest.
"These are… Smaller agents," he coughed.
Children. Other than myself, I've never seen another child before. Let alone two of different ages.
All of this was a lot to take in.
How much else was I missing?
"Did you bring Auntie Nat?" The little girl asked as she was put down.
Nat's attention was called, and she smiled, "Why don't you hug her and find out?"
The little girl ran into her arms, lifted once again as Nat carried her away.
"Sorry for barging in on you," Steve spoke.
"Yeah, we would've called ahead, but we were busy having no idea that you existed," my dad commented.
"Yeah, well, Fury helped me set this up when I joined," Clint explained. "He kept it off S.H.I.E.L.D.'s files. I'd like to keep it that way. I figure it's a good place to lie low."
Thor's foot collided with something, shattering it into bits. It looked like a toy house made of colourful bricks.
"How come I never had any toys?" I asked, looking up at my dad, who met my gaze and shook his head.
"You have Pompom," he said.
"You mean the first and only toy you bought me in my entire life?" I deadpanned.
"What about the Stark bots?" He shrugged.
Banner laughed at that. "Those weren't toys, Tony. You gave your eleven-year-old daughter high-tech nanobots that could only do one thing," he chimed in.
I laughed with him. "Yeah, Dad. Tiny robots that teach me the periodic table every day until I could recite every element, it's atomic weight and number, and electron configuration is not a damn toy."
"Don't say 'Damn.' And you made sure it was a toy by fiddling around with the remote until it could make the bots take the shape of a sword," my dad countered.
"You really should be careful about what you teach your kids at a young age," Banner joked.
Our conversation was cut short when the sound of Thor's hammer whirred in the background.
We peeked out the window in time to see him flying away.
"… So… You got powers?"
I tore my gaze away from the window and shrugged at Banner. "Apparently."
●    ◉    ◎    ◈    ◎    ◉    ●
"And this is my newest. She doesn't have a name yet."
How exactly did I end up in Lila's bedroom playing tea party with her dolls? That I had no clue.
But I'd be glad to say this was better than helping my dad and Steve who were chopping some wood outside or sitting awkwardly as the third wheel with Nat and Bruce or Clint and his wife.
Cooper wanted a turn with me, asking me to race him on bikes, but I was too embarrassed to admit that I had no idea how to ride one in the first place.
So naturally, I went with moving shrunken plastic people and pretending to have a tea party with them.
"She looks like you. How about I name her Y/N?"
I almost dropped poor Lili with an I. Not to be confused with Lily with a Y as Lila scolded me earlier.
"That would be very confusing if we had the same name," I tilted my head at her, carefully setting down Lili against one of the chairs.
"But I really like your name. It's very pretty. Would you be angry at me if I named her Y/N?" Lila pouted playfully.
I shook my head with a small smile forming on my face. One that I struggled to hold back. "Fine. But if I ever get confused, that's on you, buddy," I pointed a finger.
"You already aren't doing a good job with Lily and Lili," she giggled, holding out the Y/N doll to me.
I took it from her grasp and looked down at doll Y/N.
She did look a lot like me. Same h/c hair, same pale —From the lack of sunlight— s/c skin, same e/c eyes. A ridiculous coincidence.
"This is almost creepy," I mumbled as I pushed the doll's hair back to see her clothes better. Not an outfit I'd wear.
I looked back up at Lila, who was focused on brushing Lily's hair.
Another smile crept up on my face.
Is this what it would be like to have a sibling?
My heart ached in my chest as I began to imagine what it would be like to live a normal life in a house like this and with a proper family.
I could already see it. Me, dad, Pepper if that works out, a little sister or brother, living in a house surrounded by nature.
I glanced down at doll Y/N.
Maybe if I grew up like that, I'd be wearing clothes like this, I'd let my hair grow like this, I'd wear makeup like this.
I internally scoffed at the idea, but it got me thinking regardless.
"Do you have any dolls? Or are you one of those girls who like boy things?" Lila asked, resting her elbows on the wooden table between us.
That was adorable. "I never had toys. I have one. A stuffed Pompompurin my dad got me in 2007. He's my best friend... My only one, actually," I admitted, putting doll Y/N down on the table.
"You only have one toy?" Lila groaned, laying her head on the table. "Your dad sounds boring."
I laughed. "Yeah. Richest man in the city and he can't even get me another toy. He's pretty lame, even for a superhero."
"You can have one of mine," Lila perked up, stumbling up from the floor and across the room.
"Wait, no, it wouldn't be very nice of me to take one of your toys," I said quickly as she rummaged through her things.
She paused and popped her head out from within her toy chest. "I can give you a small one!"
Before I could answer, she fished out a small yellow blob and climbed out of the chest.
A small bumblebee plush landed on my lap.
"It's an offering of friendship. Now we're friends," she smiled, holding out her pinky finger.
Something bloomed in my chest, making me feel something new. I didn't know what it was, but I knew I was happy at that moment. My first friend.
I held the bee close to my chest and reached out to link my pinky with hers.
"Yeah. Yeah, we are."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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wolfverse-stories · 11 months
Magneto's Kids
Chapter 6
     Pietro carefully snuck in walking past the kitchen. He was halfway through the living room when someone cleared their throat.
     "What are you doing sneaking around?" Pietro froze in his tracks, slowly looking back to see Wanda standing behind him.
     "I had a small accident" He sighed before pulling a piece of paper out of his coat pocket. Wanda took the paper reading over it very carefully. Peter peered into the room holding a bowl of ice cream, seeing that things were about to get interesting he quickly jumped onto to couch.
     "I can't believe you wrecked Dad's car!!!!" Wanda yelled at Pietro as she stormed back and forth across the room.
     "It was an accident I was driving as carefully as I possibly could" Wanda turned to face her brother, giving him the, you have got to be kidding me, look before continuing to yell. Peter sat on the couch with a bowl of ice cream enjoying the chaos.
     "You call going one hundred miles over the speed limit careful?" Wanda's eyes turn red and she put on her power restraint bracelets to keep from tearing down the house.
     "You have no idea what it is like having to live life in slow motion" Pietro wined. Wanda was glad she had her bracelets on because by now she would have knocked Pietro out cold.
     "You are literally the second fastest person alive why couldn't you just run" Pietro started to do the puppy face.
     "But then I'll be tired" Peter gave a small laugh. Pietro sent him a glare but Peter just continued to laugh.
     "You sound like an old man," Peter said stuffing another spoon full of strawberry cheesecake ice cream in his mouth.
    "I may not be as fast as you but I'm stronger and one hundred times better looking," Pietro said trying to make himself look more buff.
      "As if, you look like some kind of shield experiment gone wrong" By this time both speedsters were racing around the room. 'I hope I'm adopted' Wanda thinks as she tries to stop them.
     "Why you little-" Pietro tripped over his own foot crashing into the couch. Peter turned around to laugh and crashed into the wall. 'If I am adopted I'm so un-adopting myself' Wanda facepalmed.
      "Pietro this is serious, we need to figure out what to tell Dad that won't make him go on a rampage" Peter shivered.
    "Trust me that is something you never want to see" Images of Magneto attacking innocent people flash in his mind. Pietro started to look very worried as he thought of a way out of this "You know I could just 'borrow' a car that looks like Dad's"
     "We don't steal kid" Pietro reminded him. Wanda gave a disapproving look to her younger brother, which Peter just rolled his eyes at.
    "I know for a fact both of you stole stuff while working for Hydra," Peter said finishing off the last of his ice cream "Heck Dad stole an entire bridge and football stadium"
     "Okay I've got it we say that I got in a fight with these bad guys and they stole the car" Wanda rolled her eyes before walking outside.
     "This is bad what do I do dad will be home any second!!?!?"Pietro turned to see Erik getting dropped off by one of his friends from work.
      "Welp, dear brother of mine it looks like you're on your own" Peter zoomed upstairs. Pietro would have run too, if not for the fact that his feet felt glued to the ground. The first thing Magneto did before going into the house was check the garage.
     "Hey, Dadneto what's up?" Pietro asked nervously as Erik walked in the door.
     "Where is my car?"Pietro went completely pale as his dad turned to him.
     "Well, you see-" Pietro was cut off by someone beeping a car horn outside. He looked out the window to see Wanda driving a car that looked like their dad's but was not wrecked.
      "Sorry, Dad I had to go get some books from the library so I could study" Wanda tossed Erik the key as she walked in. Erik gave a small nod of approval before going to his room.
     "You owe me one," Wanda said a little annoyed. Pietro hugged her repeatedly saying that she was his favorite sibling and he owed her his life. "You still owe me seventy thousand dollars"
Prev. / Next
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daredevil-1910 · 2 years
Olympus Calling prologue
A/N: This is an AU where the characters are all aged up, there are all mostly in starting college, UA is a college, I will be adding my own spin by adding Greek mythology to the story, ships will change and ships will be added. pls keep this in mind while reading, and lastly, pls enjoy and feel welcome to leave your feedback.
“Mei, Did you mess with my socket wrenches again?!” Yori looked at his toolbox, he isn’t the most organized person but he does like a level of organization with his tools just so he can find them when he needs it.
“I have no idea what you are talking about.” Mei doesn’t even bother to look up from her table.
“Whatever, it’s getting late why don’t you head home, ill close-up shop.” Yori suggests, and watches as the pink haired girl stands up with her papers and heads outside mindlessly.
“OK, see you tomorrow” She walks out the door and the sound of heavy rain fills the shop.
“well tonight’s going to be cold.” Just then his phone dings and he picks it up to find his dad texting him.
Just got home.
Picked up a pizza, I’ll put it in the microwave for you.
Yori snorts, his dad always sounds robotic when he texts him.
Ok dad, thank you. Go to sleep, it’s getting late.
He sends the text message and hears the doorbells clanging together and the sound of heavy rain entering the shop again. He walks upfront to see who decided to come in the shop so close to closing time.
“Hey, we are about to close the sh-“ He stops in his tracks when he finds a small brown-haired Girl, walk into the shop, a sort of lost look on her face.
“aah, what can I help you with ma’am”
“um, my Bike, the tires are flat, I was wondering if you sold them here, I know its late, but I really need it it’s the only way I can get around, and with tomorrow being my first day of school and all.” She looks at him with her big brown eyes.
“Yeah, let me check in the back, what size tire are they?”
“I actually have no idea” She looks at the bike next to her, trying to see if it says it anywhere.
“You look about 5 feet tall; I think 23 is the tire.” Yori scurries to the back of the shop and finds a twenty-three tire.
“Here let me see.” he compares them and finds the tires to match.
“perfect I’ll get this sorted out for you and you’ll be on your way.” He stands back up and The girl hands him the bike. Which he picks up with ease.
“So, school tomorrow, are you excited?”
“Yeah, it’ll be my first day of freshman year.”
“Really, I remember my freshman year, I’m in my second year now”
“That’s awesome, what’s your name?”
“Yori, how about you?”
“I’m Ochako” she says excitedly
“Great to meet you Ochako, I’d shake your hand, but they are kind of dirty at the moment.”
They both chuckle, Yori finishes the tire, makes sure there is no leaks mounts it on the bike and puts it back on the ground.
“Ok, all set, here you go.” Yori smiles and heads to the sink.
“Oh, wow it’s still raining” Ochako peers outside the window.
“You know you don’t have to leave just yet; you can ride out the storm in here, I still have a few things to do before I leave.”
“Oh no, don’t worry, I have my handy dandy poncho” she smiles brightly.
“So how much do I owe you?” She opens her coin purse.
“Nothing, it’s on the house” Yori smiles again
“Oh, come on, for real, how much”
“I’m serious, you don’t owe me anything, it was a simple bike tire change, nothing too fancy. Are you sure you don’t want to stay I could maybe give you a ride.”
“No, I’m sure, thank you, you have no idea how much you’ve helped me.” She says throwing her poncho on.
Come on Yori, do something, ask her out, ask for her number, something.
“Well, ok then if you are sure, hey you think I could get your num..” he turned around to find that she had already left.
“Huh, well would you look at that, didn’t even ask her what school she was going to, Idiot” Yori talked to himself. He went back to cleaning up before leaving. Making sure the sign on the door said closed.
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passerine-writes · 1 year
Silent Sparks - Volt 11
Warnings: Medical talk, talk of insecurities and mentions of scars Word count: 2499
Notes: Italics - Tsukare signing Bold italics - Family member/friend signing 'Italics with apostrophes' - Thoughts Masterlist
Volt 10 | Volt 12
"Do you two want to help me clean up Dagobah Beach?" Tsukare and Shinsou were caught off guard by Midoriya's random question, not expecting him to offer community service as a hang out. "I-I thought it would be a good idea for training. Work out and clean up, it's a win win!" Tsukare shared a look with his brother and the two shrugged in response.
"Sure, why not. Let me just text our dad to let him know where we're gonna be." Midoriya nodded and hurried to get changed, grabbing spare clothes for Tsukare in the process.
"Here! I grabbed you a spare tank top that's a little big on me and some basketball shorts. Shinsou I grabbed you a pair of shorts too, since you already have a t-shirt." The boy with topaz hair froze up, forgetting that it was now nicer weather outside since it was May.
His friend knew of his scars, having accidentally seen them in the locker room at school and asked his fair share of questions later. However Tsukare was still nervous, the tank top providing little to the imagination of what happened to him. But he trusted his best friend. So he grabbed the clothes and changed as fast as he could, not wanting his back to be exposed for longer than necessary. Shinsou looked at him cautiously, silently checking to make sure his brother was okay before changing into the shorts and fighting to hide the small blush on his cheeks at the thought of changing in front of his crush.
"Okay, dad's informed, we're all dressed, let's get some water bottles and snacks and get moving." Midoriya nodded enthusiastically while Shinsou gave two thumbs up, the brothers following the green haired boy through the house they knew very well by now.
The walk wasn't far and then the work out began. The three lifted appliances, scrap metal, pallets. They stabbed trash and put it in bags. If someone could think of an item, that object was at the beach.
They worked for hours, and while they knew how much they had accomplished, it looked like barely anything was done. So after the fourth hour, they took a break, however Tsukare's was cut short.
He felt his blood run cold, then his ears started to ring, his eyes got heavy along with his limbs, his breathing grew shallow and his heart threatened to beat out of his chest.
"Toshi? I don- I don't feel.. so..." Anything else he had to say was slurred as his legs gave out and he greeted darkness. His brother barely caught him in time, gently setting him on the ground with his head resting on his abdomen.
"AAAH! Is he okay? He's not dead, right?" Midoriya started his rambling, concern taking over his mind while Shinsou worked to hide his. Thankfully, after an EEG, he knew the small twitches and muscle spasms weren't seizures but somewhat normal after a person blacks out.
"He just blacked out, he'll be okay. Midoriya, can you grab me my phone and water bottle?" The green haired boy ran back to their bags and dug out his friends phone and water, hurrying back to give them to him. Shinsou delicately poured some of the cool water on his brothers head, hoping to cool him down and get him back to reality sooner. "Midoriya. I need you to sit by his feet and hold his ankles up near your shoulders." Frightened for his friend, he quickly obliged and kneeled near Tsukare's feet, lifting his ankles up until the other told him to stop. Shinsou unlocked his phone and quickly called his dad, the hero answering on the first ring. "Hey dad."
"Hitoshi, are you and your brother alright?"
"I'm fine, Onryo kinda, uh, blacked out." He could sense the worry from his dad through the phone.
"Okay, Sunshine and I will be there soon. Hang tight. I love you both." Shinsou returned the gesture and tucked his phone away. "Sunshine, we have to go get the kids." Yamada looked up from the book he was reading towards his husband curiously, turning his hearing aids up.
Typically, lazy Sundays spent in the house were a normal event for the couple. The kids would go to the Midoriya household, no teaching, no patrols, and if the kids were home then they would all have a lazy afternoon at the very least.
"Is everything alright?" Yamada was already closing up his book and re-tying his pony tail.
"Onryo blacked out at the beach." That sentenced had Yamada near sprinting out the door, hurrying to get to the car and to his sons.
By the time the husbands got to the beach, Tsukare was up and conscious. Midoriya officially entering hero fanboy mode and mumbling about how Present Mic and Eraserhead were there before putting the dots together.
"You're Present Mic! The voice hero who can take down groups of villains quickly! A-And you're Eraserhead! The underground hero with an erasure quirk! Why are you two he- Shinsou said his dads were on their way, so that would mean..." Midoriya fell into incoherent mumbles, the heroes scarily impressed at the fact this fourteen year old could recognize the two out of uniform.
"Yes, however it's confidential, hence why Onryo and Hitoshi have different last names than us." Midoriya nodded, completely understanding the reasoning without it being stated. "We have to take these two home, will you be alright getting home?" Midoriya nodded haphazardly before the motion stopped and he patted his pockets, then checked his bag and face palmed himself. "What's the matter?"
"I forgot my keys at home, my moms with Auntie Mitsuki and won't be home for a few hours at least." He quickly back peddled and waved his hands with a nervous smile. "I-I should be okay though! It's not the first time I've locked myself out of the house on accident!" Aizawa gave him a lazy stare and nodded his head towards the car.
"Get in, problem child. If you'd like you can have your mom pick you up when she's done." Midoriya went to decline but froze under Aizawa's gaze and followed his friends to the back seat. "You're not allergic to cats, are you?" Midoriya shook his head rapidly, sitting stiff as a board in the back seat. "Relax, you're not in any trouble. Onryo, are you feeling alright?" The youngest stared out the window, watching the buildings go by to avoid meeting his dads worried gaze in the rear view mirror.
"I'm good, I think I just over did it or something." Mic looked back at his son with concern before looking to his husband.
"Okay, when we get home I'd like you to have something to snack on so you can get your blood sugar up. Alright?" Tsukare nodded, starting to space out as he got lost in his mind.
He felt defeated and troublesome. He hadn't blacked out for almost a whole year, he saw his Pops glance at his forearms to check that he hadn't relapsed lately, and to top it all off he pulled his parents away from their lazy Sunday just to worry over him.
The kids piled out of the car and into the house, immediately being greeted by Mittens and Spots until they noticed a new person and ran off. Tsukare, as asked, went and grabbed a snack and some chocolate milk to get his blood sugar up, just in case that's what made him faint. However after trial and error, the family has found that sugary or sour things help kick start his brain some more after a black out.
"You have a really nice house." He heard Midoriya say to his brother, the green haired boy looking around in amazement.
"Thank you, little listener. Sleepyhead over here wanted to stick with an apartment but I pushed for this house. I'm the one who decorated it, too." Midoriya looked at him with wide eyes, still awestruck that he was in the house of two pro heroes.
"You did an amazing job!" Half way through his sentence though, Mic got a confused and then a tired look came on his face. Most sound cutting out from the room except for the now muffled voice from Midoriya.
"Hold that thought." After years of knowing his voice so well, he had amazing volume control. "Sho! Where's the charger!" He saw his husband come out of the kitchen confused until the realization dawned on the tired teacher.
It's in your work bag, Sunshine. You put it in there yesterday.
Midoriya waved his hand to catch Mic's attention, which thankfully worked.
If they died or want to take a break from wearing them, I know sign language. His hands hesitated as he signed, wanting to ensure he got each motion correct.
"Perfect! So what were you saying earlier?"
Conversation flowed easily with the five from there. All of them being fluent in the silent language and Yamada was simply grateful that his children had a friend as great as the green haired boy. Aizawa was as well but he didn't show it. He did however, show his concern when his youngest child started fidgeting vehemently.
Onryo, is everything okay?
Aizawa was thankful that Midoriya was immersed in a conversation with his husband, asking him about his quirk and discussing theories related to it.
Yeah, I'm fine.
I forgot my meds this morning but didn't think they were necessary because it's a Sunday and I feel awkward wearing a tank top.
We'll talk more about it later, okay?
Tsukare nodded, content with talking about it later and excused himself to change out of the offending article of clothing. It took him only a moment to run up to his room and change into his regular long sleeve and joggers, but he took an extra moment to cool down. Opting to give Mittens a few gentle pets and head scratches before awkwardly joining everyone downstairs.
After another two hours though, Midoriya went home and Tsukare was left to have a family discussion.
"Onryo, if you feel comfortable, can we talk about earlier?" Aizawa asked gently, his husband having since charged his hearing aids and knowing this was an important conversation for the family to have, opted to put them in.
"I didn't take my meds because it's not a school day." Aizawa gave his son a deadpanned expression, knowing his kid picked up on his dry sarcasm throughout the years.
"The other thing." Yamada chuckled lightly as he watched his husband and son interact.
"I found out I hate wearing tank tops." This piqued Yamada's attention, a more composed and serious nature coming over him.
"How come you hate wearing tank tops, little listener?" Shinsou gave his Pops a deadpanned look now, thinking the answer was obvious.
"My arms." Mic felt his heart sink to his stomach hearing about his sons insecurities with his scars.
"Nobody’s judging you for your scars, 'Ryo. You don't have to hide yourself here." Tsukare nodded his head quickly, knowing that he didn't have to shirk away from his families love but that's not what he meant by being insecure.
So many words wormed into his mind all at once and it frustrated him not being able to voice them. His leg bouncing faster and faster, a hand moving up to run at his throat.
"Take your time, Onryo. There's no need to rush." Tears of frustration built up even though his Dads words soothed him a bit.
He raked a shaky hand through his hair while trying to find the right words.
"I- I just, I," Tsukare groaned in mild frustration in not being able to get out the words he wanted to, so he opted to sign.
I hate seeing them, they look horrible and they just remind me of where I messed up. Pops looked at my arms right when you both got to the beach and I don't know. I just, I don't want you and Pops to keep worrying about a relapse because I wear long sleeves all the time. I've been clean for a while now but I just, I hate seeing them. I know how gross they look and I know people see it and know what they mean, I know others are going to judge and worry but I don't want to risk that here. Being home is my safe place and I don't want to worry anyone.
"Onryo," Mic crouched down in front of Tsukare, a gentle tone in his voice, "I'm sorry for looking earlier. When you wear long sleeves all the time, I worry about the worst. I was more relieved then anything to see you wearing a tank top. But Onryo, I promise you, your scars are not gross or disgusting. They are not horrible. I have scars that I don't like too, but there's nothing wrong with them. Here, look," Mic pulled up the side of his shirt and exposed a few of his scars, "these ones are from hero work. And I have some similar ones on my back from bad foster homes." Tsukare nodded with teary eyes, he felt dumb for crying because he couldn't point out why he was.
"We all have our fair share of scars here. I have similar ones on my back from my birth parents. They didn't.. appreciate when I came out to them since I wouldn't be carrying on their bloodline." The teenagers went painfully silent before Shinsou sat forward.
"Since we're hosting show and tell, two sets of foster parents did the same to me." Tsukare couldn't help but laugh at his brothers initial dry sarcasm.
"Kiddo, would you say any of those things about our scars?" The child with topaz hair shook his head, his curls moving ferociously. "Then they don't apply to yours either. I know it's hard to put it into practice and believe it for yourself, but I promise it's true. Okay?" Tsukare nodded and wiped his eyes. "Alright, family hug, everyone up and bring it in!" Shockingly, everyone stood with no complaint.
Yamada and Aizawa pulled their children in close and smushed them in a hug. The parents giving each child a kiss atop their heads and one final squeeze before letting go, but the youngest held on longer and effortlessly dragging out the group hug.
"I'll start trying to wear t-shirts, or at least start trying to push my sleeves up more often. Baby steps I guess." Mic smiled softly and squeezed his kids a little tighter.
"Your dad and I love you both, so much." Tsukare let out a content sigh, taking a much needed breath of relief for the first time in a while.
"I love you guys."
0 notes
thebatfamfanatic · 3 years
Six Times He Met Her
Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, guy taking advantage of a minor in first chap, mention of underage smut in fourth chap, making out?, violence, mentions of blood/injury, main character death, adult language, angst
A/N: First thing I’ve written on Tumblr!! Tell me if anybody likes it, or if I broke your heart. And yes, I know I’m evil.
The first time he saw you was around 2:30 in the morning. Jason was squatting on the edge of a rooftop in Gotham, surveying the dark scenery below him.
Somehow, there was still plenty of traffic on the dirty streets, plenty of cars honking and driving around. Jason always wondered who the fuck needed to be somewhere at 2 am.
He fiddled with a loose seam on the Robin uniform he sported each night, hunting down the assholes of Gotham (pretty much 70% of the city) and putting them in jail, where they belonged.
At 16, Jason Todd technically should have been in bed, maintaining a healthy sleep schedule and doing some rich kid shit during the day. Of course, his adoptive (long story) father, Bruce Wayne, richest playboy in Gotham, employed him to be his little tweety bird sidekick at night, so here he was, at the rendezvous watching the streets. yay. A scream came from an alley nearby. Jason stood, stretched his legs, and leaped down from the roof onto the ground. He pinpointed the alleyway where the noise was coming from and raced into it. A girl, about his age, had been cornered by some bitch dude who thought he could take advantage of this girl. Not on Robin’s watch.
Before the girl could scream again, the guy was on the ground and Jason was helping her up. She shakily took the hand he offered her and looked him in the eye. Shit, she had gorgeous eyes. Jason froze for a second, lost in her beauty, before clearing in his throat.
“Hi. I’m Robin, uh, you probably knew that. Are you okay, ma’am?”
He hated the squeak that came out of his mouth. He sounded like a fucking 5 year old. The girl raised her eyebrow. She had recovered rather quickly. “You don’t have to call me ma’am. I’m not some rich-ass royal whatever from Britain.” Jason liked this one. Sassy, but just so. He inquired where she lived, and she gave him the address. With his grappling hook at the ready, Jason pulled her closer to him. She jumped at the sudden closeness, but seemed to enjoy it. Maybe? He didn’t know shit about girls.
Jason shot the hook, propelling them up in the air, and landed on a rooftop. They continued this routine until he got in front of her house. It was still several seconds before he released her waist.
She started to walk towards her door, before stopping.
“Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Sorry, what?” Jason blinked.
“I thought you were smart, Robin. Its my name, dumb ass.”
Then Y/N disappeared into her house. Jason stood there foolishly outside on her front lawn for a while, thinking about the girl he had just met. She was unlike anyone he had ever met, and he realized 10 minutes later that he had forgotten to ask about where her family was and everything.
Oh well. Bruce would be expecting him anyways. Jason shot his grappling hook and started home, still dazed from the encounter.
The second time you guys met was two weeks later. Jason was just Jason Todd, a normal 10th grader living in the shadow of his (adopted) older brother Dick Grayson. Nobody paid much attention to him, and he didn’t really mind. Mostly Jason focused on getting A’s in class and then retreating into the library until Golden Boy’s after school clubs were over.
That is, until you walked in. It sounded as if you had just moved here, and for a minute, Jason felt a little sorry for you. I mean, Gotham wasn’t the greatest place to spend high school, or any grade, in his opinion.
You looked at your schedule from across the hall and then up at the locker next to him. For a second, your eyes met his and Jason was content. Lost in those brilliant colors. And then you looked away and started walking towards him. He realized just in time maybe he should stop leaning over your locker as you stopped next to him.
“Hi. Y/N. Just moved here. Looks like we’re locker neighbors.”
Jason was about to reply with “I know” but restrained himself. “Jason. Nice to meet you. Congrats on moving to this shitshow.”
He managed to not grin like an idiot as you laughed. The sound was music to his ears, like beautiful bells. God, he was being sappy.
“It’s not much of a shitshow when you’re here.” Ooh, she flirts too. Jason smirked as you opened your locker and dumped your stuff inside, pulling out the things you needed for your first class.
The first bell shrieked just as you closed your locker. “See you around, Jason.”
The small smile you gave him made his day, and he almost forgot to get to class. Yes, you were certainly one of a kind, and yes, Jason wanted you. The question was how to get to that point.
You guys had a couple classes together, and frequently sat at the same table during lunch, so it wasn’t long before you were quick friends with Jason. However, the next notable time you met was a little while after he got your number.
Jason was laying on his bed, scrolling mindlessly through Tumblr as he thought about ways to ask you out.
Y/N, would you grant me the honor of going out with me? No, too Romeo and Juliet.
Hey, want to grab ice cream? He had to make it clear what his intentions were. Then it wouldn’t be weird if he kissed you, right?
Oh, god, if he fucking kissed you….what would that be like? Before Jason could start fantasizing, his fingers were flying across the keyboard and he had sent a text to you. What did he do, what did he-
Hey, I was wondering if you’d like to see that new movie this weekend. It seems like something you would enjoy.
Hm. That was actually pretty good. Where did he come up with that?
Jason had just started inspecting his fingers for some kind of sign of being possessed by smooth-with-girls-syndrome when you responded. He looked up and read it quickly.
Sure, I’d love that! Thanks for thinking of me ❤️
A heart. You had put a heart at the end of it. Did that mean you knew it was a date?
Jason sighed. He certainly hoped so.
The weekend date went good. By the end of it, Jason was sure you knew it was a date. The second one passed, and then the third. The third one was when you hesitantly pecked him on the cheek. The fourth was when he kissed you actually. It wasn’t a long kiss, but it was just enough for him to take you on a fourth date. An actual “will you go out with me on a date” kind of thing.
He took you to a restaurant in the fancy part of things. You two ate food that two broke 16 year olds technically shouldn’t have been able to afford, but Bruce helped Jason out.
Jason drove you home afterwards and discussed the topic of the upcoming summer during the car ride. What you were doing, where he was going. The entire time, Jason had butterflies in his stomach. He wasn’t sure how to act. Was he messing it all up, or were you actually into him?
Once he parked in front of your house and walked you up to the stoop, you looked at him. He noticed you were biting your lip nervously, and god, why did he think that was so hot? “My parents aren’t home.” It was the softest Jason had ever heard you speak, but he knew what you meant. He smiled gently, and kissed you again. This one was destined to last longer, and before either of you realized it, you had opened your door and you were leading him to your bedroom.
That night was one neither of you would forget, and by the end of it, Jason had officially asked out successfully.
You and Jason spent a lot of time together after that. You met his older brother, Dick (who was very happy for Jason, too happy in his opinion) and his dad, Bruce Wayne. Bruce was cool, but very busy all the time.
By two months, Jason still hadn’t told you his identity as Robin, and he was running out of excuses. One day, you confronted him, assuming he was cheating on you. He tried everything, but he had to go out on patrol.
Jason left that night assuming you were broken up. The entire patrol, he wasn’t himself. Truth was, he loved you so much he was afraid of losing you. That had become his greatest fear. It was that night everything went wrong.
You were out taking a late night walk. Down by the pier, a cold wind was blowing, and as you walked past warehouse after warehouse, you pulled your coat tighter.
You were affected as well, and confused about where you and your boyfriend stood. Did you guys just breakup? Did he love you? Did–
A scream echoed from one of the warehouses. You turned, afraid of stepping closer but afraid of leaving the person. Eventually, your curiosity won over and you climbed up several crates to peer into the window.
What you saw inside almost made you scream yourself. Robin, the hero everybody talked about, lay defenseless and bloody on the ground as a tall man-the Joker- whacked him over and over again with a crowbar.
You gasped, wanting to help, but you knew that would be foolish. You would just get in the way for a minute. Tears started to form in your eyes as Robin weakly cried out from the pain. He looked so…helpless.
Joker relentlessly beat him with the crowbar, and Robin’s mask began to come off. You rubbed the tears from your eyes just as the mask fell to the ground.
“No.” was the only thing that you could muster. Jason lay on the ground in the bloody Robin suit. Jason fucking Todd. There was your boyfriend, being beaten to death by the asshole of all assholes. That was why he kept disappearing at night, because he fucking protected the city!
You were mad at yourself for being so cruel to Jason without knowing what was really going on. You barely paid attention as Batman and Nightwing suddenly burst through the windows.
Joker laughed, and said something you couldn’t hear from the outside. Probably taunting Batman as he watched his apprentice get beat to death.
A fight broke out, Batman lunging at Joker as Nightwing rushed to Jason, laying broken on the ground. You had just enough time to duck as a Batarang came swooping out of the hands of the Caped Crusader and straight through the window you were looking through.
It was then you realized how close Jason was to death, and what you needed to do. The window pricked your jacket as you jumped through it, but you didn’t care. Gymnastics back in 6th grade helped when you landed awkwardly. Nightwing spun around, and it wasn’t hard to figure out that was Dick, which meant Bruce was Batman.
However, none of that mattered when Jason was half dead in front of you. Nightwing- Dick- made no effort to stop you as you knelt in front of Jason. “No, no, no.” You cradled his head in your hands, trying hard not to recognize how limp his body was, and how his chest barely moved as he struggled to breathe.
Jason’s eyes were closed, tears running down his face silently. You were crying as well, mumbling curses and things that made no sense.
“Please, don’t be dead. Please, I-I love you.”
You watched Jason make no acknowledgement he could hear you, watched him breathe once more. His chest rose and never fell.
You screamed and buried your head in his costume, not caring about getting blood on your face. Dick pulled you away wordlessly, out of the warehouse. You barely registered that the warehouse exploded behind you a few seconds later.
Dick let you sob into his shoulder for what seemed like hours. Him and Bruce exchanged a short conversation, both riddled with grief.
Six times you and Jason had met, and that was the last.
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recklessmark · 4 years
—mark lee x reader
pairings: police officer x gangster
genre: smut
words: 2586
warnings: unprotected sex (be safe guys), public play, oral sex, face-cumming, fingering, dirty talk, humilation, gun-play, mention of blood, mark slaps you once, a rough sex ig
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"we've got a possible suspect at 396 broadway st." the radio suddenly blares while mark is wandering around on the pathway.
he says into his portable two-way radio, "i'm on my way." shoving the device into his pocket, he decides to have a look since broadway st is only a couple blocks from his post.
he turns on his siren and lights, quickly speeds off to the scene. as he walks towards the house with the given address, hand on his gun holster. he can see through the window that there's some motions inside. carefully approaches the house, he kicks the door open.
“where the fuck is my money you-“
mark can see, with the the occasional street light through the window and the opened door, that the figure has long hair tied up in a ponytail. there’s also a man sitting on the floor.
the suspect turns around due to the sudden sound of the door banging against the wall. the cold air burns mark’s lungs, but that doesn't stop him from pushing through.
“hands up!”, he says while stepping towards the suspected criminal.
“hey hey calm down.”
you obediently drop the crowbar in your hand onto the floor, raising your hands up behind your head. you didn’t think that there will be any police around here. mark immediately runs up and kicks the crowbar away from you, holding you down as he puts you in handcuffs.
"hello this is officer lee, i've got the suspe- are you fucking kidding me?" he cuts off and absentmindedly clips his radio back onto his uniform.
mark realizes he knows this person when he gets to see your face clearly. y/n l/n. your eyes bring him all the way back to high school, which wasn't too long ago, but was long enough to see who got the short end of the stick. your eyes narrow when you also recognize mark, though still manage not to say anything. you two just look at each other for what feels like eternities. finally mark makes the first move.
"what are you doing here?" he strolls towards the man who is still sitting numbly with some blood on his forehead, helping him off the ground.
“this asshole took out a loan from me, that’s my money, you can’t just arrest me!”, you try to explain.
mark doesn’t say anything, once again takes out his radio to call someone else to take the man back to the office after he decides he will take you there alone with him.
you give the pathetically injured man the last warning stare before mark leads you outside the house. your start walking towards where his police car is parked, and from a distance you can see there’s already another police car pulled up. the walk is long and silent, only the sound of your footsteps fills the cold night air. you make it to mark's car, the blue and red lights still flashing. he shoves you on the car, pressing your back against the door.
"what the hell were you doing?" he asks, now sounding more like an ex-boyfriend than a cop.
"you know i never say anything twice." you roll your eyes, why should you explain what you were doing if he already knows?
"why?" he asks, yet it doesn't seem like a question.
"because that’s my fucking money!” you answer aggressively.
"that's not an excuse for terrorizing someone." mark coos.
"as if that’s your money, i worked my ass off for that shit, and he should be thankful that i came there alone." you reply, now excessively belligerent.
if it wasn’t for the handcuffs, you would poke his eyes out right away. mark is your ex-boyfriend, he’s not your dad to interrogate you. and for mark, even if you were lovers but he always dislikes the fact that you’re too stubborn to listen to anyone including your used-to-be boyfriend.
"so what now?" you annoyingly ask.
"shut your mouth." he replies, messing with his radio again, "why won't this thing work?"
"may be if you just fucking throw it on the ground, it should work then." you mumble under your breath. it’s literally night time, you really want to go home to take a good sleep, that’s the last thing you could do since you didn’t have your money back tonight.
"that wasn't a rhetorical question." mark scoffs as he quits trying to fix his obviously broken radio. "this has to be the worst situation." he thinks to himself.
you stare at mark, the street lights enhance his face features perfectly. it has been a long time since you last saw him, he was a good boyfriend when you were nothing better than a brat, and you have to ironically admit it.
"hey you look good." you say unexpectedly.
"t-thanks?" mark doesn't know whether he should take the compliment, but it gives him butterflies.
"to be honest, i would still date you." you blurt out, your voice almost flat with no emotion. you turn your head away, extremely embarrassed that you even said that, what were you thinking? you were just getting angry at him less than 5 minutes ago.
mark's mood shifts. "yeah? i wasn’t a bad boyfriend, was i? physically, mentally and..." he says, putting his hands on his hips, “...sexually.”
your cheeks flush. you didn't anticipate he would return the energy, you were just playing around.
his eyes become hungry, he checks you out up and down. something inside him awakens when he sees your flustered face. "get in the car." he demands, giving in to his thoughts.
you frown, giving him a befuddled look.
"backseat. now. or will i have to force you in?" he barks.
mark opens the door for you since your wrists are locked in hanfcuff behind your back. you climb in the back of the police car feeling so defeated, wishing that you have brought a gun tonight, you want to see whether your gun or his gun, which one is faster.
mark drives in silence until he makes a turn at the corner which is on the opposite direction of the police station.
"where are we going?" you notice he’s going somewhere. mark doesn't respond and you sigh, decide not to push it. soon the street lights disappear, only some are lefts as you turn into an alley. your are utterly confused. where are you?
he drives for a little longer before parking his car alongside the road. he comes around to the door to opens it and let you out, uncuffing you in the process.
looking up into the night sky, you try to point out constellations, trying to get your thoughts together. you suddenly feel hands tracing up from your hips to your shoulders. you fall back into mark's chest in surprise, eyes open widely.
"you like that? i knew you would." he breathes into your ear.
one of his hand make its way down your belly and into your box pants. mark cups your clothing core causing you to gasp. his hand is cold, but it feel good against your heat.
he gently pushes your panty aside, slips two of his fingers into your pussy while leaving kisses on your neck. he then urgently removes your shirt and pants, along with your underwear and bra, leaving you vulnerable and completely naked. embarrassment is running in your veins. you’re completely naked while mark his still in his uniform, making a good contrast as the street light illuminates you. he examines your body with lustful eyes, fingers playing with your cunt, and nipples.
mark unzips his pants, letting his cock through.
he doesn't have to say a word before your are on your knees. he leans up against the car and throws his head back in pleasure as you take his member into your hand, stroking it. you try to estimate how much has it grown because the last time you checked he wasn’t this big, he was still big though. he places a hand on the back of your head and pushes you further down onto his shaft. small gags and winces come from you and spit spills from your mouth, down to your chin.
“yeah suck it.”
mark missed the feeling of your mouth on his cock. your lips wrap around the officer’s dick so gracefully. you hollow your cheek, swirling your tongue around his tip. he thrusts harshly into your mouth, making sure he gets every last inch of it down your throat. "still the dirty little slut i remember." he growls when he’s about to cum.
he pulls away and you gasp for air as much as you can. he strokes his cock with his hand, directing his tip at your face.
“stick your tongue out.”
only few seconds later, thick loads of cum land on all over your face, some on your tongue, some in your mouth. you swipe them off your face with your fingers, shoving them in your mouth.
“good girl.”, he helps you to stand up and kisses you softly. mark then gestures to the car, specifically the back seat.
you bend yourself over in the backseat of the police car, ass up so he can have easy access. you turn your head to see mark undress himself. his biceps are much bigger than before due to his career of a police officer and his abs look like they were sculpted by god himself. his hair is messy and sweaty from getting worked up.
mark positions himself and lines his cock up with your pussy. he spits in his hand and smears it all over his tip.
"wait, you need a con- fuck." you hiss. now you’re sure he is so much bigger than he was, you were even always having a hard time to adjust with his size.
not letting you adjust, he eagerly bottoms out and starts moving. your struggle to stay up on your hands and knees. with every thrust of him, your vision becomes more and more blurry, your eyes tearing up from the mix of pain and pleasure. you let out lewd moans, each getting louder and louder as you approaches your orgasm, forget that you’re in public.
"damn, i missed this dirty tight pussy of you." mark groans. he puts his hands on the ceiling of the car, trying to get as deep as he could into his ex-girlfriend. with a loud breath, he gives some deep and slow strokes. you feel the urge to cum more and more with the pleasure. mark can sense this and he stops moving.
"are you gonna cum, y/n?" he leans in to ask you.
"n-no.." you say apprehensively.
"you know what happens when you lie." his voice goes deeper, his hand wraps around your throat.
"yes, mark! i'm close!" you cry out.
"you better not cum without my permission, fucking slut, always so desperate." mark scolds and chokes you harder.
he lightly rubs your back while he begins to fuck you again. your breathing is heavy, your eyes struggle to stay open, you feel like you could explode from the amount of pleasure he is giving you.
“who fucks you so good? can anyone fuck you like this?”, he yanks your head back by your ponytail.
“you mark! on-only you can fuck m-me this good!”, you babble.
his grunts fill your ears as you seemingly slip in and out of consciousness. your brain is so fuzzy that you don't even realize how close you are to reach your climax. he stops again.
"what did i say about you cumming?" mark asks.
"i'm sorry-." you explain, coming back to full consciousness
unexpectedly, you hear a click and a cold metal thing is being held to you head, which you assume to be his gun.
"if you cum without my permission, i'll blow your brain out. got it slut?" mark whispers into your ear, his other hand is wrapping around your neck. his words are bone-chilling.
you are filled with fear, you aren’t scared of the gun but it’s mark, since when he has a kink with a fucking gun, it’s quite outrageous, isn’t it?
mark traces the barrel of the gun from your ear to your chin, he flips you over onto your back. "open." he asks, calmly as you look up at him with unconscious eyes.
"open it." he repeats, agitated. you still do nothing. he puts the gun in his left hand and uses his right hand to slap you across the face, leaving the left side of your face with his handprint.
"are you gonna fucking listen now?" mark asks again, he looks like he’s really about to blow your brain out. you nod, still in shocked. your head is spinning and you can't even think.
"good. now open wide." you obey and he places the loaded gun into your mouth, shoving it as far back as he can.
mark slowly presses his dick back inside you and places his finger on the trigger. "be quiet, don't cum before me. understood?" it sounds more like a command than a question.
he begins fucking you again, causing you to gag on the barrel of the gun, but you didn't dare make a sound. tears streaming down your face as mark smiles down onto his poor slut.
before long, mark is telling you he's going to cum.
"fuck, i'm gonna cum so deep into that pretty little cunt of yours, i’m gonna fill you up." he growls.
as he approaches orgasm, he takes the gun out of your mouth and places it on your neck, using the barrel to tilt your chin up. you are terrified but turned on at the same time with the idea that your ex-boyfriend as a cop is fucking you in an dark alley where anyone can see you. however, can he completely control himself when he cums?
mark grunts and moans louder than ever and you can feel him unload into your hole. his cum is hot and feels like it's burning your walls. that’s when you give up, cumming on his cock.
he falls onto you, gun falling onto the floor of the car. his sweaty chest landing on your stomach. he springs up and tries to comfort you. "i know it was scary, but it's over now. don't worry, shhh." mark cradles you as you both sit in the backseat of the cop car. "i was never going to hurt you.", he helps you to put on your clothes.
“what the fuck are you talking about, i wasn’t that scared, not only you can blow my brain out.”, you bark as you pick up the gun, pretend like you’re going to shoot him.
he zips up your pants, there’s not even a small hint of fear, “okay, i know, ms gangster.”
you fully expected mark to put you back in handcuffs and send you off to the police station, but he drops you off near the center of town.
"hopefully we can stay in touch." mark says as you step out of the car.
you roll your eyes, "just say it if you wanna fuck me, that was fake as hell." you say as you give him a death stare
"in lieu of physically abuse someone, getting a good fuck is not that stupid, is it?" mark muses with a smirk on his face, eyes sparkling.
"fucking you was the only stupid thing, asking my money back has nothing to do with it." you say sarcastically, “and that asshole is not going anywhere, i’m going to take my money back at your very office tomorrow, see you.”
“i fucking know you want it either.”, mark rolls the car window up and drives away.
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mothra-mcyt · 3 years
☾ "Don't worry i'm here now." ☽
platonic!Philza x reader
!Trigger Warning: aftermath of physical abuse, blood!
After your biological angry father thought taking his anger out on you physically was the best idea, you ran out of the house. Not knowing what to do you called the person that would be able to comfort and help you most in that moment. Philza Minecraft.
2.2k words
Moving your legs as fast as you could you felt rainwater slowly drench your feet. With every sharp breath you took in you could feel your lungs more hurting. The tears streaming down your face blurred your vision making it hard to see where you're going but you could care less.
The only thing on your mind right now was getting away. Away from the danger that is at home.
What you didn't expect was to see your dad standing in front of you, brows furrowed in anger and beer bottle in his hand when you came home. You couldn't understand much about what he was shouting at you about but when he stomped down on your ribs while blaming you for loosing his job you began to understand what he was so raged about.
Thinking back to it you put your hand over where you know a boot formed bruise would probably form in purple colours.
You came back to your senses when you slipped in a puddle and slammed down onto the ground. A groan left your mouth feeling the already strong pain intensifying.
Trying your best at wiping away the tears forming in your eyes again to look around you saw where you ran.
The train station where you met Wilbur, Tommy, Phil etc. for the first time. Immediately memories started running through your head of seeing Tommy sprint out of the train, running up to you and hugging you as tight as he could. Or of Phil trying to hold you and Wilbur back from trying to steal a pigeon.
At the thought of Phil your eyes started to water again.
He always was there for you, always making sure you took care of yourself.
Never was mad at you when you made a mistake.
He was always so nice and gentle, you didn't want to bother him with your family problems.
None of you talked about it but both of you knew he was basically your father figure.
"Maybe i should call him...but wouldn't i just annoy him i did that... fuck it."
Thankfully you remembered to grab your phone when you started sprinting through the front door onto the sidewalk in a panicked state. Carefully taking it out of your pocket a curse left your mouth. The water of the rain soaked through your pants making your phone wet. Praying to whoever is out there you hoped that it wasn't broken.
A sigh of relief left your mouth when your phone screen lit up showing your familiar background image.
"Dammit. Only 23% left."
Unlocking your phone you immediately went to your contacts. Tapping on Phil's name you were about to press on the call button but you hesitated.
"Is this really a good idea...what if he's busy right now..."
Not realising it your finger accidentally pressed on the call button. Panicking you were about to stop the call but Phil already picked up.
"Hey mate what's going on. Why did you call me?"
Completely frozen you tried to think of a way to get out of this situation but before you could say anything Phil's voice started coming out of the phone again.
"Wait a minute. I hear rain. Are you outside?! It's in the middle of the night! Why are you outside?!"
"I- I'm sorry Phil. I don't know. I don't know anymore."
"Where are you, Are you okay?!"
"I'm at the train station Phil. The one where You, Wilbur, Tommy and the others met me for the first time."
You tried to your best to hide the fact that you were crying in your voice but apparently it didn't work well enough.
"Isn't that like really fucking far away from your home? Also are you crying? You sound like you're crying. Are you okay mate? Please talk to me."
Not being able to stop yourself a sob left your mouth. When you tried to open your mouth again to answer him just more sobs came out.
"Fuck shit okay i'll drive to you. Stay out of the rain and try to get somewhere warmer. I don't want you getting fucking sick. Just go to the toilets or something okay. I'll be there as fast as possible. Stay on the ca-"
It broke off before he could finish. Confused you looked down through blurry vision at your phone clutched in your hands. The screen was black. Frustrated you shoved your phone back into the front pocket of your hoodie.
"Of course the battery had to go empty at this exact time."
Mumbling to yourself you pulled the hood over your head before you went back into the rain to get somewhere warmer. Hoping that your memory for once wasn't gonna betray you you started to walk in the direction where you remember the toilets being.
Thankfully there was a single gender neutral bathroom stall so you don't have to worry about someone coming in and hearing you crying.
Pushing down the handle you stepped into the bathroom. It was bigger than a normal stall would be because it was also for disabled people. The floor looked like it was cleaned not long ago. There was some graffiti next to the door looking like someone tried to scrub it off but gave up.
Stepping to the sink you glanced up into the mirror to see how much of a mess you looked like.
There were obvious marks of a hand on your neck from where he choked you. It may have been only for a few seconds but it was still strong enough to make you shiver just from thinking back to it. Some dried blood that trickled down your forehead from where the green glass beer bottle crashed into your head. If you looked long enough you could see a fading handprint at your left cheek.
"Damn i look like a fucking mess."
Turning on the sink you looked down at your hands. There was some blood on your fingers from when you wiped away the blood running from your nose. Holding them under the water you immediately flinched away feeling how cold it was.
Taking a deep breath you put them under the stream again and started washing the blood away from your hands away first. Forming them to bowl you held them under the water. Knowing this is not going to feel great you splashed it on your face. Immediately regretting your decision you gasped for air.
Feeling it slowly running down your face you took some papers and dried the remaining water and blood off of your face. After throwing them in the trash can you looked back up into the mirror. Even without the scabs and dirt you still looked like a mess. With a sigh leaving your mouth you made your way over to the toilet and sat down on the closed seat. About to put your head in your hands you jumped when you suddenly heard a voice from outside the door.
Slowly starting to recognise the voice you quickly stood up.
"Da- Phil? Is that you?"
Raising your voice only a little to avoid other people other than him hearing it you stepped closer to do the door to listen more closely.
"Yeah it's me, i'm here now. Can you open the door mate? I wanna make sure you're safe."
Hesitating for a moment you slowly wrapped your fingers around the door handle. Carefully opening it you stared down at the ground making your hair shadow your face in hopes of hiding how much of a mess you are or maybe because you weren't able to look him in the eyes, too ashamed to let him see you in this state.
"Can you please look up at me?"
Tears started forming in the corners of your eyes when you looked up at him. You were surprised at seeing how much worry and concerned was showing on his face but also at how shocked he looked.
"Who . . . who did this to you?"
Not being able to hold it back any longer sobs started leaving your mouth. Tears started spilling when you felt Phil wrap his arms around you and pulled you in a tight embrace. Gripping the back of his shirt you felt him putting his hand against the back of your head. He pushed your head against his chest making your tears soak up the fabric of his shirt but he could care less right now.
"Take your time don't worry. I'm here for you and i promise i won't let go."
Slowly starting to calm down again, eyes dry from crying so much you still didn't wanna let go. This is the most comfort you ever felt in your entire life you were sure. But knowing you sadly couldn't stay like this forever you carefully pulled your arms back and stepped back a little. You tried wiping away the remaining tears but it only resulted in your cheeks getting even more wet from your rain soaked hoodie sleeves.
"Let's first get you to somewhere warm and safe. My house is closer so i'll just drive to my place if that's alright with you mate."
Seeing you nod was enough was enough of a response for him so he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and started walking to the exist. Or at least you thought it was in that direction. You don't really remember anything from before you went in the bathroom stall leading to you realising you probably dissociated the whole way here. Probably better that way.
After a while of just trusting Phil with where you two were going you stopped next to what you presumed was his car. Stepping in front of you he opened the door of the passenger seat and let you get in. Closing the car door you immediately relaxed feeling the warmth around you.
When he got in he quickly glanced over making sure you were okay before he started driving. You didn't really remember much from the car ride besides him asking you if you were okay every other 5 minutes to which you always responded with a small nod. Knowing at some point he's gonna want a better response from you but for now that was enough to satisfy him thankfully.
Slowly coming back to the real world you looked out of the window to your left and saw Phil's house. You don't really remember much from when you were here the last time one of the things that was still in your memory that it was bigger than you expected. But it felt comfortable and like there was put a lot of thought and detail into his home.
Jumping a little in surprise at Phil opening the car door he tried to help you out of the car but deciding to ignore him you started to get up.
"For fucks sake just let me help you you stubborn child."
A sigh of annoyance left you but you took his hand and let him take you out of the car.
"I'm gonna be honest Da- Phil i thought i was the one who was going to have to help you out of the car since you're becoming so old-"
A giggle left you making him give you an obviously joking annoyed look. God you missed these interactions so much. Not like you two stopped having them they just felt a lot better in person rather than over discord or when calling.
Letting him walk to the door you stepped under the roof and waited for him to open it. Glancing behind you one last time you saw that the rain was still going strong but now you wouldn't have to worry about it anymore. Cautiously you stepped into the warmth of what you would love to call home and let Phil close the door.
Bending down you took off your wet shoes. A feeling of disgust went through you feeling how soaked your socks were. Standing up straight again you looked around confused because you didn't see Phil anymore. Immediately panic started rising in you. Feeling your heartbeat getting faster you quickly stepped further inside.
Trying your best to hide the anxiousness you heard the quick footsteps of a concerned Phil letting you know you failed miserably at it.
"You okay? What's wrong? What happened i was just getting dry and more comfortable clothes for you."
Slowly tears started forming and when you tried to speak your voice cracked.
"I- I don't know. I just thought maybe maybe you left because i-"
Noticing you starting to panic he put his hand under your chin making you look up at him.
"I am not going to leave you. I am not going to hurt you. No matter what i will stay with you. If you need something i will be there to help you. If you're ever sad i'm there to comfort you. No matter how long you cry i won't let you go until you're feeling better."
Not knowing what to do you rubbed away the tears that were about to fall.
"Thank you. Thank you so much Da- Phil-"
"Don't worry you can call me dad."
Registering his words the corners of your mouth went up forming a smile.
"Now come on. Here are better clothes to wear. Don't want you getting sick."
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Family Cuddle Pile
a/n: I actually wrote this a while ago but it was perfect for the request. Theirs like, no content for this ship an I love it so much! Thank you for reading :) @arodynamic-enby
Pairings: romantic Anxceitmus and kid!Patton also super background Logince
Warnings: tattoos, less than ideal parent mentions, food mention, and light cursing
Word count: 1,844 
Remus flopped out of bed, throwing his body carelessly across the room. He hastily threw on his clothes. Short shorts, ripped fishnets, a vest that was more patches than original material, really big clunky shoes, and a ripped up band-t. He also hooked his favorite bone earrings in his tattered earlobes. 
He stomped into his apartment’s kitchen. He grabbed a stale piece of bread he soaked it in coffee. Yawned and grabbed his bag, racing out the door. 
His brother was waiting for him at the tattoo shop, sketching a new idea. Unlike him, Roman only had a few tattoos, including not one, not two, not three… but three Disney quotes, a frog on a mushroom, a rose on his arm, and a constellation. Most of his tattoos were covered by tasteful burgundy overalls and a white button-down shirt.
Remus’ tattoos were also mostly covered by his clothes. But he had a tattoo sleeve depicting the garden of Eden, a matching frog on a mushroom, a quote from one of Roman’s books, medically accurate bone structures on his hand, a realistic spider on his neck, and a snake wrapping around his non-sleeved arm. And those were just the visible ones. 
Suffice to say, the twins were very different. 
Remus threw his bag onto the floor in the backroom, “Ro, when’s the first appointment!!” he yelled. “Your’s? At 11. FYI, Jan n’ Pat are coming over at 12, for motivation” Remus smiled, fuckin’ superb. 
He busied himself in collecting the ink and preparing the tattoo gun. The client wanted a fucking orange on their wrist, it should only take an hour or two but Remus was not excited to do a frickin’ orange circle. 
The prissy orange bitch came in and Remus got to work. They didn’t move much and only cried a little bit when the needle started jabbing at their skin. Remus liked this part of the process, stabbing people consensually was his favorite thing ever… also the art part but stabbing people!
Almost exactly an hour later the door jingled open. “Dada!!” a tiny voice called back into the store. “I’ll be there in a minute patty-cake” Remus called from his spot hunched over the client's arm.
He added the final touches to the fruit and helped the orange bitch off the chair. Roman swept the client away, Remus practically ran to greet his partner and son.
Janus wore a leather corset over a black collared shirt and baggy pants, their long platinum hair framed their face under their signature hat. They were holding hands with a toddler wearing mostly pink and blue, his blond hair (that matched Janus’) was a mop of curls barely held together by a few butterfly clips. 
“Dada, Dada!!! I got you a flower” the little boy cried, letting go of Janus’ hand and stumbling towards the tall man who scooped him up. Patton giggled and held out a sweaty flower clenched in his chubby fist. 
Remus accepted the flower with a gasp, ”this is really for me?” he said joyfully. Adjusting the small boy in his arms Remus turned towards Janus who was looking at the pair with a disgustingly sappy expression. 
“What are you lookin’ at hot stuff?” Remus teased. “Shut it you,” Janus said, pressing a kiss to Remus’ check. Patton made a noise, “icky” he said pushing Janus away. They laughed, “yes darling, we’re very icky”. 
“When’s verge-“
“he’ll be home at 4” 
“Stop by the Sleepy Café before you bring Pat to the apartment?”
“Can do scootal-lo!” 
Remus turned back to the little boy in his arms, “looks like you're stuck with me squirt”. Patton beamed and snuggled into Remus’ chest. Janus smiled again, “I’ll see you, boys, at dinner,” they said, ruffling Pat's hair and peaking Remus on the lips quickly so as to not upset the toddler. “Bye-bye Janny!!” Patton called after Janus as they left for work. 
“Righty-o,” Remus said, carrying Patton into the back room. “I know Ro’s got a couple coloring books, wanna do those for a bit?” Patton nodded and reached towards the ground to be put down. Remus plopped Patton on the couch and pulled out the book and pens as well as a sketchbook off his own. They sat together coloring and drawing until Roman came back to hug Patton. 
“Ah, my favorite nephew!” Roman said, scooping up the little boy. Patton laughed and pulled Roman’s hair. “Roro, can I color your arm pictures??” he asked, pointing to Roman’s rose tattoo. Roman plopped the toddler back down on the couch and handed him a pen. 
Patton went to work on the rose, scribbling reds and pinks and greens across his arm. Roman gave him complements each time Patton paused, and each time Patton shushed him and went back to work. Remus finished up his sketch, adding it to the pile of tattoo ideas they were eventually going to put up-front, and sat next to the toddler. 
“That’s really good pat-” 
Remus nodded and mimed zipping his lips. He liked spending time with the kid. They weren’t biologically related but who gives a fuck about blood, unless it’s outside of your body, then it’s fun. 
“I don’ wanna” Patton wined his dad sighed “I know bubbles but we gotta go home to Papa and Janny, isn’t that fun” Patton considered this, “but Roro’s pretty arm picture” he argued. Remus scratched the back of his neck, “Pffffff- Ummm, how about this, we go home now and I’ll take you back to the shop tomorrow after pre-school” 
Patton brightened considerably, “ok” he chirped. “up please” the toddler’s chubby hands reached towards Remus who obediently scooped him up with a coo. After all who was he to say no to uppy hands. 
“See ya tomorrow, have fun on your date with the nerd” Remus sang as he snatched his bag juggling the still fussy Patton in his other arm. “Fu- Frick off Re. Say hi to your partners for me,” Romans said affectionately and waved as his twin left the building. 
Remus happily trotted out into the road. The tattoo shop was located on a quaint little street in the more commercial segment of their town only a short walk from Janus’ job. 
A light drizzle floated around them and the air was warm and comforting. Patton squealed as a large drop of water hit him in the head, prompting a laugh from Remus.
A jingle sounded through the peaceful cafe, the brown room was illuminated by those cool old fashion lights and a lovely array of pastries made the air smell of chocolate and blueberry scones. But the scones, as delicious as they were, weren’t the snack Remus was here for
“Hey babe- Remus why are you soaking wet”
“Puddle” Patton screeched. 
“Kid’s right, Puddle.”
Janus pinched their eyebrows, “ya know what, I’m not even surprised anymore. Just make sure Patton doesn’t catch a cold” they scolded. 
Remus nodded and saluted in mock seriousness, “yes captain” he said and pressed a kiss to Janus’ face over the cash register, “I’ll see ya in a bit” Remus grinned and led Patton back out of the cafe. 
Janus sighed lovingly as they watched their boyfriend and son turn to cross the street, Patton’s hand clasped around Remus’ happily. “Stop looking so happy, you're scaring the customers” Remy teased from across the counter. “Ha, Ha,” Janus glared and went back to work” 
Janus’ apartment was a cute two-bedroom space on the fourth floor of the building. The furniture was an interesting combo of vintage and things from the side of the road. The vintage parts came from their parent’s house, their father had died two years after Janus’ had run away and hadn’t thought to write them out of the will. 
The three of them had made a date out of customizing the few pieces that Janus wanted to keep. The customization mainly included darkening everything and adding more gothic touches. Virgil had done the fabrics, Remus the painting, and Janus moral support/ director. 
The three partners had also painted the kitchen/dining room/living room black with one yellow wall. Janus and Virgil’s room was dark purple instead of black with highlights in the same yellow. Patton’s room was the only one that didn’t  look marginally like a cave. 
The walls were a cream-yellow that lit up in the morning sunlight. After Janus announced that they were going to have a baby Remus had spent three hours painting the grey ceiling with white fluffy clouds. It was one of his favorite projects. 
Patton of course had no regard for the work put into the entirety of his home and was the usual menace of a toddler. And today a toddler with cheerios, truly a sight even god would tremble before. 
Remus plopped down next to Patton who was pushing cheerios around his highchair tray with an intense focus. He smiled at the little boy and flicked on the tv, “got any requests pip-squeak?” Remus asked. Patton looked thoughtful, “dead lady!!” he cried excitedly hitting the tray with his fists, cheerios flew everywhere. Remus nodded, understanding, “Corpse bride coming up!” he picked a few cheerios from the couch “you really are Verge’s kid” 
When Janus got home Patton was curled up on Remus’s chest. Both slept soundly despite the dead folk on the screen in front of them singing about the wedding. 
Janus smiled, their family was fucking adorable. They slipped off their shoes and snuggled up into Remus who hummed happily and pulled Janus into the hug still asleep. 
Three hours later Virgil trudged up the four flights of stairs huffing indignantly with each step. Of course, he could take the elevator… but it might break down and he would be stuck for hours. Or someone could get into the elevator with him and he would have to interact with a stranger. So stairs it was. 
He rummaged around his baggy hoodie, running his fingers through his dark purple hair in annoyance when he couldn’t find the key. Once he found it Virgil carefully (as he did everything) opened the apartment door. His combat books clunked satisfyingly against the hardwood floors as he entered his house. Virgil felt the tension leave his muscles, he was home. He glanced across the room, looking for his family. 
Virgil’s face lit up like a god damned Christmas tree. 
Across the room, both his partners and his son were curled up sleeping happily. Drool covered Remus’ face and Janus was snoring, they were the most precious thing Virgil had seen all freakin day. 
The three of them woke as Virgil wrapped his arms around them, Patton squealed in excitement. “Hello, darling” Janus mumbled sleepily into Virgil’s arm. Remus just groaned and nestled into the hug. The toddler wriggled between his dads squealing profusely. “Shhh, s’ sleepy time” Remus mumbled, rolling deeper into the cuddle pile and shutting Patton up. 
Virgil smiled and pressed a kiss to his partner’s cheek. “Mmm, love you” they purred. “Love you too Jan,” Virgil said, nestling his face in their neck. Virgil knew he would have to start dinner soon but that could wait, for now, cuddles.
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beautiful-songbird · 3 years
January Sky
Pairing: Dad!Namjoon x Mom!OC
Genre: fluff
Word count: 1k
Warnings: none
Summary: The Kim girls spend the day together as they wait to meet their little brother.
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It was a cold, quiet January morning. The snow was falling outside, blanketing the ground in a sheet of white. But Namjoon’s house wasn’t so calm.
“Hermione, don’t squeeze your hamster!” Elise exclaimed.
Elise had been woken briefly at four that morning with an announcement that her parents were headed to the hospital. Now she was in charge of both of her sisters for the day. Well, more like in charge of Hermione. The only rule she was given for Beatrix was to not let her out of the condo. Other than that, the sixteen-year-old could do whatever she wanted.
Elise was making breakfast currently, and Hermione was doing what Elise could only assume was trying to keep her hamster from escaping her hands. This was the third hamster she’d had in four years.
“Can’t I just put him on the floor?”
“No. I need to be in the kitchen when you do that, and I’m making pancakes right now. Go put him back in his cage.”
Hermione huffed and rolled her eyes, heading out to the living room to escape her sister’s scolding.
“Where’s Appa and Mum?” Beatrix asked as she entered the kitchen a few moments later.
“At the hospital. Mum’s having the baby.”
“Oh. Awesome.”
Elise took a momentary look up at her sister and immediately furrowed her brow. “What did you do to your hair?”
“Oh, what, this?” Beatrix pulled at her bangs that were now varying hues of blonde. “I bleached it last night. Gonna dye it today.”
“Cool. What color?”
“Not sure. I had the green from last time, but Haeju had some red she gave me that I want to try.”
“Whatever you do, just don’t dye the bathroom counter again.”
“No promises,” Beatrix winked.
“If you don’t promise, I’m taking the hair dye.”
“Fine. Why don’t you help me? I can do half of them red and half of them green.”
“You’d look like a Christmas tree. Don’t do that.”
“What? Don’t babies like bright colors or something? A Christmas tree is definitely the look I should go for.”
“How about you do blue instead?”
“Blue and green? Yeah. Sounds cool. Can we run down to the store and buy some dye?”
“Sure, I guess.”
Elise was questioning all of her life decisions up until this point as she stood in her bathroom helping Beatrix dye her hair. Beatrix had decided it would look better to get slap the dye into her hair instead of sectioning it out and using each of the dyes individually, so here they were each using a different dye to rub into her hair.
“Are we supposed to wash this out in half an hour?” Elise asked.
“Yeah. Hopefully we don’t mix the dyes too much. It would look better if the blue and green can both be seen individually.”
“Appa said Mum might have the baby in the next hour, so we should finish this quickly, so we have time to wash it out and dry your hair.”
“I’m sure they won’t want us there the second he’s born.”
Elise laughed. “Ok, maybe you’re right. We have a little more than an hour at least.”
“Where’s Mio? Still playing with her hamster?”
“Yeah. I told her that she could have her hamster in the pen. Let’s hope she actually listened to me. I don’t want her to lose it.”
“Why do Mum and Appa even let her have them? And two last time!”
“Beats me. At least they’ve all actually lived decent lives. Well…except Whiskers.”
Beatrix winced as she rubbed green dye into her hair. “Yeah. Poor guy. It’s weird to feel bad for a hamster, though.”
“Maybe one of these days she’ll decide she wants a normal pet. Like a cat.”
“A dog.”
“No, we want a cat.”
“Speak for yourself. I want a dog.”
Elise slapped her arm, spraying blue hair dye everywhere.
“Hey! You’re lucky this shirt is black!” Beatrix glanced down at the bathroom counter. “And that is your fault.”
When two rolled around, it was finally time to head to the hospital. Beatrix’s hair was fully dried, and Hermione’s hamster had been put away.
“I can’t wait to see the baby!” Hermione exclaimed on their drive to the hospital.
“Yes, we know,” Beatrix laughed.
“Remind me to take a few pictures. Chohui wanted to see him,” Elise commented.
“If you forget, I’ll take some for you,” Beatrix replied.
“Awesome. Just don’t forget to send them to me.”
When they reached the hospital, they were quick to find the room their parents were in.
“He’s so tiny!” Hermione exclaimed the moment she saw her brother.
“Do you want to hold him?” Esme asked.
“Yes please!” She was quick to seat herself in the chair, and Namjoon carried the little baby over to her.
Elise crossed the room and peered down at her little brother. His eyes were fluttering open a bit, and she smiled down at him.
“Hi there, Greg.”
The next few weeks were strange. It had been a long time since they’d had a baby in the house, and Hermione had never had a younger sibling.
“Mio, do you want to give Greg his bottle?” Esme asked as she entered the living room with her tiny boy cradled in her arm.
“Yes! I can!” Hermione was quick to seat herself on the couch.
Esme laid the baby in Hermione’s arms before handing her the bottle.
“When are we eating dinner?” the nine-year-old asked as she fed her brother.
“Lise said that Cho and Hyeon are bringing dinner around seven,” Esme informed her. “It was super sweet of the two of them to offer to make dinner for us.”
Hermione squeaked. “He’s holding my finger!”
Esme glanced down from the laundry she was folding to find Gregory holding tight to Hermione’s pinky. Hermione wiggled her finger.
“His finger is so little,” she grinned.
“That it is,” Esme agreed.
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This is part of the Dad!BTS series that can be found here
A/N: just had the random idea to give Namjoon and Esme a surprise baby boy so here we are!
It would be greatly appreciated if you reblogged the story if you liked it!
Taglist: @jiminie-and-his-pinky-finger @jinnie-forthe-winnie @taehoneycheeks @aianloveseven @bangtansjonas @fly-you-dam-fools
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fruitcoops · 3 years
okay so we all love dad dumo and he's an incredible parent but even dumo isn't perfect. Could we maybe have dumo snapping at logan (or sirius, if it strikes your fancy, but i love dumo+logan dynamics) and then apologizing for it like a parent actually f*cking should
Oof, yes. Combined with asks for Sirius and Logan bonding, as well as some pre-Cap and James. SW credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for parental figure disappointment
The car rumbled. Dumo’s hands squeaked on the wheel as he flexed his fingers. Logan felt like he was going to throw up.
Can we turn around real quick? No, too vague. Can we go home so I can use the bathroom? No, he’ll say I can wait another ten minutes. I forgot my phone at home? No, he saw me put it in my pocket. Logan ran through every possible way of asking to go back to the Dumais house without giving away his dilemma; with each scenario, they grew further from where he needed to be.
“Hey, Dumo?” he began quietly, swallowing around his dry mouth. What was it his father always said? Honesty is the best policy. “We need to go back to your house for a moment.”
“We’re already running late,” Dumo said, not even sparing him a glance in the rearview mirror. The traffic around them was a mess. “If we go back, we’ll miss the first part of warmups.”
“I know, but it’s kind of important.”
“So is the game. If it’s your wallet, you don’t need it right—”
“I left my skates by the front door.”
Dead silence filled the car as Dumo slowed to a stop at the fourth red light. Logan’s heart sank and his stomach crawled into his throat. “What?”
“I left my skates by the front door,” he repeated, staring at his hands. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking—”
“Tabernak, Logan!” Dumo snapped. He felt something inside him wither and die. “First the nap, then forgetting to wash your jersey, and now you left your fucking skates behind? What’s going on in your head? You are an adult now with responsibilities, and it’s your job to keep track of your shit.”
“I know,” Logan said quietly.
Dumo huffed. “Clearly you don’t! Do you just not care? Is that it?”
“I care.”
“This isn’t a college team, Logan.” Dumo’s accent grew harsh around his name. It had been a bad day for him—Adele came down with a nasty cold just after Celeste left to visit her parents for the weekend, and there was always an added pressure with home games. Logan knew that, and he knew he should have been paying better attention.
“I know.”
Dumo muttered a curse under his breath and pulled onto a side road, then swore again when his duffle bag slid in the passenger seat. Logan closed his eyes; there was no way they would make it all the way to the house and back to the rink in time for pre-game rituals. Damn it, Tremblay. What were you thinking?
They drove the rest of the way in silence. Dumo parked the car with a quiet “go”, and Logan hurried inside with a slight nod to the babysitter as he grabbed his skates before slinking back to the car with his head hung low.
“I’m really disappointed in you,” Dumo said when they reached the freeway again.
“I’m sorry.”
He received no response.
They won the game despite skipping all their superstitions, no thanks to Logan. He played like shit; Arthur barely gave him four shifts the whole night. Finn shot him a concerned look as he rinsed off and slipped back into his street clothes, but Logan didn’t have the energy to confront both his best friend and the upsetting feelings connected to the aforementioned best-friend-slash-secret-crush. If he tried, he’d certainly end up doing something stupid.
He packed his things, slung his bag over his shoulder, and followed Dumo out to the car like a stray dog with his tail between his legs. “I really am—”
“I don’t want to hear it,” Dumo interrupted as they pulled out of the parking lot. Logan pressed his lips together. “Are you hungry?”
Starving. “Kinda.”
“I’ll heat up some leftover lasagna when we get back to the house. Will you pay the babysitter and make sure the kids are in bed?”
“Thank you.”
Logan ground his teeth around the steady ache building in his chest—he hated disappointing people in general, but it was a whole different story with Dumo. He was his second father, the person Logan admired most on the team. He gave him a home and a substitute family to ease the homesickness, and was always there to cheer him on. And Logan let him down.
They went through their nightly routine silently, which was a sharp contrast to their usual banter. Marc and Louis refused to go to bed at first, nearly bringing Logan to tears in his frustration, but he eventually got them settled down and tucked in. By some miracle, both the girls were already asleep.
“I’m going to call Celeste,” Dumo finally said as Logan unloaded the dishwasher. He nodded without a word, not trusting his voice.
As soon as the dishwasher was full and running, Logan took his phone out and dialed the only person he wanted to hear from. It rang twice before connecting. “Hello?”
“Hey.” His voice cracked and he cleared his throat. “Hey, Cap, what’s up?”
“Not much.” Sirius sounded confused, and more than a little tired. “Ça va?”
Logan’s eyes burned. “Not bad. Do you have a minute?”
There was a rustling noise from the other end, followed by the clink of keys. “You’re at Dumo’s, right?”
“I’ll be there in ten.”
“Thanks,” he managed around his tight throat. “See you soon.”
Hushed voices came from the living room and Logan padded down the hall, knocking gently on the doorframe. Dumo looked up and furrowed his brow. “Un moment, mon amour. Are you alright?”
“Sirius is coming by in ten. We’re going to hang out for a bit, if that’s okay.”
“Tell him I say hello.” Without another word, Dumo uncovered the base of his phone and returned to his conversation. Logan nodded and headed back out into the hall, swallowing down the tears forming behind his eyes.
Ten minutes turned out to be seven minutes—Logan was simultaneously flattered and concerned—and a soft knock startled him out of his thoughts. Sirius already looked worried when the front door swung open. “What happened? Is everyone okay? Did something happen to Celeste?”
“She’s fine. Dumo says hi.” And he’s horribly disappointed in me. Logan took several deep breaths through his nose to control the tremor in his voice and Sirius gave him a worried once-over. “Can we drive around for a bit?”
“Of course.”
For all of his bluster and general brooding vibe, Sirius continued to be the king of empathy and (in Logan’s opinion) a secret mind-reader. The second his arm draped across Logan’s shoulders and held him close as they walked down the sidewalk, he felt some of the pressure in his chest release. “Sorry about the late call,” he sniffled. It was a cold night—the snot threatening to drip from his nose was frigid already. “I just—I needed to get out for a minute.”
“À tout moment.” Any time. Logan didn’t feel deserving of that kindness after the mess he had been on the ice. The heaters kicked on as soon as Sirius started the car and Logan closed his eyes, leaning back into the warm seat. “Can you tell me what happened?”
“It’s so stupid.”
“Doesn’t sound like it.”
Logan took a moment to breathe before shaking his head. “I forgot my skates. We were already running late, and I forgot my fucking skates at the house.”
Sirius hummed, but said nothing.
“It’s—Dumo has been having such a horrible day.” Tears clogged his throat again. “And I took a nap earlier because I stayed up late last night like an idiot, and Adele’s sick so he had all the kids and no help while he was trying to get ready, and then I overslept so it was already going to be rushed and forgot to clean my jersey and then—and then I forgot my skates. God, I’m so stupid.”
“Don’t say that.”
“It’s true.”
“It’s not.” Logan wanted to kick him for being so infuriatingly patient. Sirius glanced at him out of the corner of his eye. “That’s not why you’re upset, though.”
“He’s—” Logan broke off and swiped the first tear away with his sweatshirt cuff. “He said he was disappointed in me.”
“It’s such a stupid thing to be upset about.”
Sirius sighed through his nose and pulled into the parking lot of a 24-hour Taco Bell, then turned off the car and faced Logan with one eyebrow raised. “Stop doing that.”
“Doing what?”
“Belittling yourself.”
“Okay, Heather,” Logan snorted. Sirius reached over and flicked him on the forehead. “Hey!”
“You forgot your skates. Big deal. We’ve all been there.”
Logan shot him a glare. “You’ve never forgotten your skates.”
“Yes, I have. My very first game with the Lions, actually. Except I didn’t realize it until we were already at the rink.”
“Did Dumo drive you back?”
“The whole damn way. He was mad as hell, but he did it.” Sirius’ face softened, and he poked Logan gently on the thigh. “Stop kicking yourself for this one. It sounds like it was a bad day for you both.”
“I still feel like shit.”
Sirius shrugged. “I bet. Disappointing Dumo is the worst feeling ever.”
“He wouldn’t even let me apologize.”
“He will.”
They sat in silence for a full minute as Logan tried to find the right words. “How did you deal with it? Letting people down. It feels like I’m drowning, sometimes.”
“Really, really poorly,” Sirius half-laughed, crossing his ankle over his knee. “It wasn’t until I was named captain that I started accepting that people weren’t lying when they forgave me for fucking up.”
“Believe it or not, the people I was around as a kid didn’t make a habit of apologizing to me when they did something wrong.”
Logan looked up from the faded letters on his sweatshirt sleeve and sniffled. “Thanks for bringing me out here.”
“Pas de problem. I figured you could use some company outside the house.”
“You’re the best.”
“I try.”
“You succeed.” You’re like a brother to me, actually. “Is this what James did for you?”
“No,” Sirius laughed. Affection took over his face, bright even in the dim light from the streetlamps. “No, he snuck me onto the roof of the rink with massive amounts of junk food and stayed with me until the imposter syndrome faded. It was fantastic, but we nearly got hypothermia several times in the winter. This is much more comfortable.”
“Thanks for helping me keep all my fingers and toes,” Logan said wryly. He lapsed back into silence and folded his forearms on the dashboard, sighing at the pleasant stretch of his back. “I know I have to go back eventually, but I’m scared.”
“Honestly, Logan, I bet he’s already forgiven you. He knows it was an accident.”
“But what if he doesn’t?” The words came out as little more than a whisper. Sirius’ hand rested hesitantly between his shoulder blades until Logan leaned back into it, then began rubbing gentle circles.
“He does,” Sirius said softly. “And he loves you so much.”
Logan sniffed back more tears. “Really?”
“Ouais. You’ve been living with him for nine months now, and he’s so proud of how far you’ve come.”
“How do you know?”
“Because he told me. Last week, after your hat trick. People fuck up, Logan, but that doesn’t mean they’re unforgivable. You don’t need to flay yourself for one bad day.”
Logan shut his eyes with a slow exhale and buried his face in his forearms. “I think I’m ready to go back now.”
“Are you sure?”
“D’accord. Buckle your seatbelt.”
He straightened up and stretched, wincing at the crack of his back. Sirius drove out of the parking lot and hummed under his breath to the radio, but Logan didn’t miss the careful glances out of the corner of his eye. “You don’t need to worry about me,” he finally said. “I’ll be okay.”
“I know,” Sirius said casually, though he looked like he was holding something back. Logan didn’t press; Sirius would talk in his own time if he wanted to. He opened his mouth, paused, then sighed. “But I do worry about you.”
Thank you, Captain Black, for the most media answer of all time. “You really don’t have to.”
Sirius parked the car and leaned his head back against the seat. “You’re my friend, and I care about you, so I worry.”
Logan blinked at him. “You care about me?”
“Obviously,” Sirius muttered. Even in the darkness of the street, his cheeks were pink. “Now go on, you've got someone waiting for you.”
“I care about you, too.”
“Out of my car, Tremblay.” Despite his words, a smile quirked at the corner of Sirius’ mouth. Logan socked him lightly on the arm and opened the door, shivering in the night air as it bit through his hoodie.
“Drive safe, Cap.”
“I will.”
The walk to the front door felt less like a trip to the gallows and more like coming home; Logan felt his muscles relax, and saw the curtains shift as someone moved away from the window. Dumo opened the door before he could even knock.
“I’m sorry,” they said in unison. Logan raised his eyebrows and Dumo opened the door the rest of the way, ushering him inside.
The moment the door closed behind him, Dumo wrapped him in a hug. “I’m so sorry for what I said earlier, Logan. You made a mistake, and I shouldn’t have come down hard on you.”
“I’m sorry I made us late,” Logan said into his soft shirt. “And for not helping earlier. It won’t happen again.”
“All is forgiven.” Dumo patted him on the back of the shoulder and held him at arm’s length with a sad smile. “I should have kept a better handle on my temper. You don’t deserve to be spoken to like that.”
Logan bit back the urge to say it’s okay or I deserved it and instead pulled him in for another hug. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. I didn’t realize how much you’ve helped me until today.”
Dumo made a quiet sound and held him tighter. “It’s a gift to have you here.”
Logan squeezed his eyes shut as a wave of emotion rolled in his heart. “There is nowhere I would rather be,” he whispered. They stayed like that for a long moment, swaying slightly, before Dumo stepped back.
“Get some rest. We have early practice tomorrow.” He mussed Logan’s hair and gave him a nudge toward the stairs. “Bonne nuit, mon fils.”
Mon fils. Logan’s breath caught for a second and he smiled. “Bonne nuit.”
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raineydays411 · 4 years
Bruce Banner x daughter!reader
Summary: You are finally reunited with your father. 
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Your heart raced as you waited for Loki to return. 
Apparently, Thor escaped and took Hulk with him. You were happy that they found a way to leave this damn planet. Or at least get out of the vicinity of the Grandmaster. 
But now, the Grandmaster was upset, calling for Loki. Turns out, you’ve come to care for the man, more than you ever thought you would. 
So here you are, outside the Grandmasters throne room, ready to step in if needed. You have no idea what you’d do, but you’d step in. That’s when Loki came out. You jogged up to his side, not realizing that he was with someone else.
“Well? Are you alright? What happened?” You ask, looking at his face for answers.
“Darling I am fine. Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” He teases, then he turns his attention to the woman next to you. 
“What have you done?”
“I don’t answer to you, lackey.”
Loki grabs her arm, “It’s Loki, and you will answer to the Grandmaster.”
“Um hey maybe you shouldn’t” 
Then, she pushed his arm off her, the two of them hitting each other resulting in Loki getting punched in the face. 
‘Hmmph” The woman says smugly. Annoyed, Loki pulls out a dagger. 
“Why would you help my brother escape with that green fool” He asks pointing the blade at her threatingly. She pulls out her own knife.
“I don’t help anyone.” Loki lunges at her, the both of them swiping at each other trying to land a hit. You watch anxiously, debating on whether or not you would step in. That’s when Loki gets her arm pinned, seeing her tattoo.
“You’re a Valkyrie?” he questions, she breaks his hold, but he disarms her. She, however, doesn’t need a weapon as he lands several punches on Loki, managing to throw him to the wall.
“I thought the Valkyrie all dies gruesome deaths.” Loki taunted. It was surprising to hear him speak like this. He has always been so kind to you, you forget how cold his personality could be. He had a way to get under peoples skin, dig into their deepest insecurities. 
The Valkyrie knees him in the chest and hold the daggers to his face. “Choose your next words carefully.” She threatens.
That was enough to get you to jump in. You kick the back of her knee, making her loose her stance. Shocked at the sudden assault, her state allowed Loki to move in.
“I’m terribly sorry. It must be a painful memory.” Then he strikes, placing his hand on her forehead. It looks like she was forced into a memory. He face turning grim as she is forced to remember what, you assume to be an awful memory. 
She falls to the floor, shocked at what she had seen. Then she recovered. Faster than what Loki expected and pinned him on the ground, promptly knocking him out. 
You cringe, that punch looked like it hurt. Suddenly she stands up. Turning her attention on you.
“Hey, I’m no Loki but I’m pretty scrappy.” You say, tense and prepared to fight. She scoffs at your words.
“I’m not going to fight a child. You’ll either come willingly or face the Grandmaster.”
You sigh, gathering your bags. “ Yeah, yeah, I’m coming.” 
She drags Loki, who is still knocked out and leads you outside the castle. 
“We have to hurry before the streets get busy. The Grandmaster has already announced the disappearance of his champion.” She says, walking briskly as you follow along.
“So...you helped Thor escape?” You ask trying to keep up with her.
“More like he tricked me. Like I said before, I don’t help.”
“Then why are you taking Loki? You could’ve just left him.” You inquire.
Valkyrie huffs and turns to you, “ You ask a lot of questions, kid.” 
“I’m a curious person.” You respond. You look around, the streets are already filling with people. They all are so diverse. It was different out here, seeing them in green and parading around masks and costumes of the Hulk. On Earth, people feared him. But here, he was...praised. 
“I have a question.” Valkyrie says, “How did a Midgardian child end up all the way out here, with this.” She gestures to Loki.
“I was looking for my father.” You say shortly, “Loki saw me panicking and helped me out. We’ve been together ever since.”
“hmm” she hums, “We’re here.” 
She leads you into a house, it was green and white, kind of like the other room Thor was imprisoned in. 
“You stay here.” She says dropping Loki on a small stool. She tied him with a chain she pulls out from no where. “ I have to go find that idiot.” 
Then she leaves you alone with a passed out Loki. 
You sigh, taking a seat next to a window. You pull out your phone and start listening to music. You don’t feel like writing so you just stare out the window. You start to song to yourself lowly, already bored of just waiting here.
Then you hear a groan. You turn to look at Loki, who was waking up.
“Y/n? What happened” He asks wincing in pain
“You got knocked the fuck out man.” You tease. “ That Valkyrie lady brought us to her house or something.”
“Are you alright? Did she hurt you” He says struggling with the chains.
“No, just threatened me and made me come with her. I would’ve anyway, I wasn’t going to leave you. Besides, she’s kind of hot.” You say, getting up from where you were sat and grabbed a random bottle that looked like a drink.
Loki looks at you weirdly considering what you just said.
‘Here” you said, holding the bottle to his lips, “ You must be thirsty.”
He drinks from the bottle but spits it out, “Ugh that's alcohol”
You look at him and then the bottle. 
“Don’t even think about it.” He warns.
“Aw man.”
Thor had just made it to the quinjet. He’s relieved to find that the jet still works.
“Welcome, voice activation required.”
He places his hand on the scanner.
Access denied.
“Thor, Son of Odin.”
Access denied
“God of Thunder’
Access denied
“Strongest Avenger.”
Access denied
“Strongest Avenger” He emphasizes.
Access denied.
Thor grunts in frustration. Trying to rack his brain for any possible passwords or nicknames. He sighs realizing what it must be.
“Damn you Stark. Point Break”
All the lights turn on as the plane is activated. 
“Welcome Point Break.”
Thor rolls his eyes and starts working on starting the quinjet. 
That’s when the Hulk tears the back open.
“FRIEND STAY” He shouts, making his way inside the plane.
“Hulk no!” Thor shouts, trying to get him to stop wrecking the already damaged ship.
“ STAY!” Hulk shouts stubbornly. Thor starts desperately looking for a way to preserve the ship.
He clicks random buttons, in hopes of a miracle. That's when a video pops up.
“Nice work Big guy” Natasha's voice comes through, “ We don’t know where Ultron's headed but you’re going very high, very fast. We can’t track you...”
Hulk freezes. Then jerks around. He bangs his head against the walls, punches himself in the head. 
“NO BANNER.” Hulk shouts. 
Thor presses another button. And another video pops up.
“Hi daddy. It’s me.” Your twelve year old voice rings through the jet, “ Tony doesn’t know I’m in here, but I need you to hear this. Come home. Please, I need you. I don’t care if you’re the hulk or anything. I just want my dad…don’t leave me...” 
Thor can see emotion in Hulks eyes. He roars, desperate to stay as he is. 
He fluctuated between Hulk and Bruce. They both fight to gain control of each other. Till finally he collapses, shrinking down to reveal Bruce Banner, panting in exhaustion.
“Banner?” Thor says carefully, slowly placing a hand on the mans shoulders.
Bruce jumps, not aware of his surroundings. Thor hushes him, attempting to calm him down,
“Shh, shh the suns going down. The suns going down real low”
“Thor?” Bruce says panting.
“What happened to your hair?” 
“Oh some creepy old guy cut it off”
“It looks good.”
“Oh thanks” Thor says smiling.
“Where are we? Where’s Nat? How is she?”
Thor frowns, “Um, she’s good. I assume.” 
“What about Sokovia? Did we save the city?” Bruce asks 
“Banner, listen, Sokovia, Ultron. All that was four years ago.”
Bruce's heart dropped, “I’ve been the hulk for four years”
Thor winces, “I’m afraid so..”
Bruce looks down at the beads has wearing and takes them off. Then he freezes, “Thor, my daughter. Y/n..is she okay?”
“Of course, oh Banner she’s wonderful. She... she’s waiting for you.” Thor says, not knowing how to tell him that you were on the same planet. 
“I have to get home... I” Bruce stands up almost toppling over but Thor catches him.
“Banner there's something you should know...”
Bruce gets up and goes to the hand scanner 
“Bruce Banner”
Welcome, Strongest Avenger.
“What?” Thor says offended. 
Him and Bruce watch the footage from when he crashed on Sakaar. 
Thor sighs knowing that this was going to be hard to explain.
You sigh, after trying the fifth time to free Loki.
“What the hell are these chains made out of?” You grunt
Loki laughs, “Darling don’t stress yourself. We’ll escape in time.” 
You sigh and sit down next to Loki. 
“Was that you I heard singing earlier?” He asks, turning his head to face you. 
“Oh.. yeah, I do that a lot.” You blush, even though you’re a theater kid, you still get shy when singing in front of people.
“It was lovely.” Loki remarks not meeting your eyes. You smile, knowing not to make a big deal. You’re stomach growls. 
“There’s some fruit over there.” Loki says, “ They look about ripe.” 
You stand and walk towards the counter of fruit. It was just beyond the view of the door. You help yourself to the fruit. It was weird, like a mix of cantaloupe and a grape. You were about to offer Loki some when you saw him wipe his face of emotion and into an irritated look. Then the door opened.
“Surprise.” Loki said sarcastically. Then you see a can hit him in the forehead.
“Ow.” He says in a monotone.
“Just making sure.” you hear Thor say, walking into the place.
“Hello Bruce.” Loki says. 
You freeze, hearing your fathers voice for the first time in four years.
“So, last time I saw you, you were trying to kill everybody. Where are you at these days?’
“It varies from moment to moment.” 
You decide to make your presence known. You gulped and over your beating heart said, “ Don’t be such a drama king, you sound like an edgy middle school boy.” 
Loki smirks, looking towards you, but before he can say anything Thor cuts him off.
“Y/n! Thank heavens you’re alright” Thor says patting your shoulder. 
You smile up at him , avoiding your fathers stare, “Yeah I’m good, Lord of Thunder.” 
You take a deep breath, the room going quiet.
You slowly turn, facing your father, “Hi daddy...”
Bruce can hear his heart beating in his ears. He didn’t recognize you at first. He couldn’t have, the last time he saw you...you were a kid. This tiny little twelve year old that was barely in sixth grade. 
But here you are. His daughter, four years older. A teenager. He...He lost four years with you. He practically missed you growing up. Your first period, first day of high school. Here you were, on an other planet, dressed in some weird suit of armor, conversing with a man who tried to enslave Earth like he was an old friend. 
“Y/n?” He says in disbelief. You turn to him, slowly. Your face...you..you look just like your mother.
“Hi daddy” You say as your eyes start to water.
“Y/n” He says striding towards you and pulling you into a tight hug, “ Wha-what are you doing here? What are you wearing?”
“I came to look for you.” You respond, your face pressed into his chest. He pulls away, grabbing your face in his hands.
“God...look at you, you...you were just a kid..” He whispers tears filling his eyes. You smile sadly and nod. You really don’t know what to say, you’re relieved to finally see your dad but...it’s kind of awkward with all these people around.
“What is going on?” Valkyrie whispers to Thor as they watch the emotional scene play out.
“Oh, Y/n is Bruce’s daughter who hasn’t seen him for four years.” Thor simply says, “ Is that a dragonfang?!”
Valkyrie rolls her eyes at the topic change, “ sure is”
You roll your eyes, overhearing their conversation.
“ So, you were with Thor this whole time?” Bruce asks confused, “ why didn’t I see you?”
“Um actually I was with Loki..” you answer nervously, peaking over at Loki who looked annoyed to still be tied up.
“Did he kidnap you?” Bruce asks, “Thor, you let my daughter run around with your psychotic brother?!”
“ Hey!” Loki said offended. You giggle, always finding him being insulted amusing. You look at Loki's face, seeing an emotion in his eyes that you can’t place.
“Shh Banner stay calm” Thor says soothingly, “ in my defense I was enslaved and forced to fight.” He shoots a glare at Valkyrie who was drinking. She rolls her eyes and picks up another bottle.
“Can we get back to the plan?” Valkyrie, “ Sakaar and Asgard are as far apart as any two known systems. Our best bet, is a wormhole just outside of city limits. If we refuel on Xandar, and we can be back on Asgard in about...18 months.”
“Nope. We’re going through the big one.” Thor says, pointing at the large wormhole in the sky. 
“The Devil’s Anus?” 
You snort at the name as your dad’s attention is caught.
“Anus? wait, wait, wait, whose anus?” Bruce says, letting go of you and walking to the two Asgardians.
“For the record, I didn’t know it was called that when I picked it.”
You walk up to Loki, and sit next to him looking out the window.
“That looks like a collapsing neutron star inside of an Eisen-Rosen Bridge.” Bruce says facing the window. 
“We need another ship, that one would tear mine to pieces.” Valkyrie says drinking from another bottle. 
“She’s right, we’ll need one that can withstand the geodetic strain from the singularity” Thor says.
You make eye contact with Loki, both of you realizing that the Grandmaster has a bunch of ships. You have a silent conversation with him, trying to convince him to do the right thing. Considering that the time you two spent there, he had you steal the access codes to the security systems with his guide.
You look up at the right second to see your dad and Thor fist bump. Kind of awkwardly but its nice to see him get out of his comfort zone. 
“There are one of two ships, one of top of the line models and...”
“I don’t mean to impose..” Loki starts, but Valkyrie throws her bottle at him, nearly hitting him but smashing into the wall instead. Loki slightly turns his body to shield you from the glass, even though you were on the other side. You glare at her from where you are sat.
“The fuck...” You start, but see Loki's face telling you to stay quiet. 
“The Grandmaster has a great many ships. Y/n here, may have stolen the access codes to his security systems,” He says proudly glancing at you. You blush as the three glance at you. Your father looking at you in confusion.
“And suddenly you’re both overcome with the urge to do the right thing?” 
“Heavens no.” “I’m literally just vibing” You both say at the same time.
“We’ve run out of favor with the Grandmaster. In exchange for codes and access to a ship, I’m asking for safe passage, through the Anus. For the both of us.” Loki concludes glaring at you when you laugh at the wording.
“You’re telling us, you can get us a ship without setting the alarms?” Thor asks
“Yes brother, we can.”
“Why don’t we just take the girl? She’s the one who knows  the codes.” Valkyrie asks glaring at the both of you. 
“Y/n is not going back to that retched place.” Loki states, “We both know those codes, and she stays far away, where its safe.” 
“Okay, can we just,” Bruce gestures for the team to meet up, “just a quick fyi. Y/n you too.”
You groan, getting up from your spot as Loki rolls his eyes. You walk over to the 
“ I was just talking to him, and he was totally ready to kill any of us.”
“He did try to kill me.” Valkyrie says. 
“Yes, me too on many, many occasions.” Thor adds, “ There was this one time when we were children, he transformed himself into a snake, and he knows that I love snakes. So I went to pick up the snake to admire it.” “
no” Bruce whispers
 “ And he transformed back into himself and was like ‘blegh its me’ and then he stabbed me. We were eight at the time.”
Bruce looked back at Loki in disbelief, and when you looked at Loki you can see a small smile creep up on his face. 
“Well, he’s never tried to kill me.” You chime in, “ He made me some soup thing when I got sick. “
The three adults looked at you in disbelief. 
“Sweetheart, he’s murdered people.” Bruce said. 
“Okay?? He’s my emotional support murderer. He hugs me when I’m sad.” You say rolling your eyes. 
Thor and Valkyrie look at you in confusion. 
“That doesn’t sound healthy.” Bruce mutters
“Dad, if Bucky can get a second chance then so can Loki” You say stubbornly leaving the group to sit with Loki.
“Who’s Bucky?”
“Guys, if we’re going to boost a ship we have to draw attention away from the palace.”
“Why not set the beast loose?”
“Shut up” “That's a terrible idea.”
“Hey, why don’t you start a revaluation?” You say.
The adults look at you again in surprise. 
“I thought of that “ Thor says.
“Well I said it first.’ You snipe back with a smirk.
“...You’ve spent too much time with Loki.”
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
The 101 Deaths of Danny Phantom
AO3 link
One of the first things people learned about dealing with ghosts, other than not to try and date them, is to never asks about their death or obsessions. That doesn’t mean the citizens of Amity Park aren’t curious though, especially about their resident ghostly hero and the confusing and concerning comments he sometimes makes.
“Are you okay?” Phantom asked Maisie as she shook and tried to hold back tears after that car had almost slammed into her. She sometimes joked about getting hit crossing the street of her college campus to pay her obnoxious loans but it was another thing entirely to almost experience it herself. Maisie was nearly twenty, she shouldn’t be comforted by someone younger than her little step sister but here she was, shaking like a lead and leaning into Phantom’s comforting, chilly touch. 
“Sorry,” she stuttered, “thank you, I’m sorry I’m just-”
“Hey, it’s okay to be upset that was very scary. The thought of dying is very scary.” Through her adrenaline and her tears, she took in the ghost’s unnatural glow, his faded, barely visible appearance and the fact that he was floating a foot off the ground. Maisie knows this ghost, this boy, knows more than she ever could about death. 
“And getting run over by a car sure is a bad way to go,” the ghost kid chuckled awkwardly, taking his cold hand off her shoulder to scratch at the back of his neck. “You should see how my dad drives or my mom or my sister if she’s running late enough,” Phantom paused in thought. “No one in my family should have a license now that I think about it. Anyway,” he dismissed with a wave. 
“My sister and I were getting ready to head out to school and my dad was backing out of driveway too fast and didn’t see us and uh, luckily I got my sister out of the way in time haha,” Phantom trailed off awkwardly. Was it because of the uncomfortable conversation or because he noticed her dawning horror.
Her best friend ran the community college’s Phan club so Maisie was a member by default. Phantom’s death was sometimes talked about late at night, everything from wrongful murder to a freak accident. She never in her worst nightmares imagined being him being runover in front of his own house by parental ignorance. It was so normal, a quick mistake and a life lost.
“Oh my god,” he said with an adorable little green blush. “Why am I babbling about that? You almost got hit by a car, I’m probably retraumatizing you or something. I should probably go get the jerk who almost hit you,” he said before disappearing into thin air. 
“Tia is not going to believe this,” she whispered to no one. All she knew is that for the rest of her damned life she was going to look both ways when crossing the street. She’d seen first hand what a single moment of reckless driving could cause.
Matthew, not Matt or Matty or Hughie, Matthew shivered from the cold. He was only in his boxers with little Pacman on them. It had been fine when he’d gone to bed considering it was mid-August but Phantom and this stupid flaming mecha ghost had tussled outside the summer camp he was working at. He could see some of the kids snickering at his state of undress though he was just extremely glad they were alive enough to disrespect him like this.
“Oh man, I’m sorry,” the ghost kid said with big, sad eyes that looked so human despite the fact that they were literally glowing. He looked around at all the snow and ice left over from his fight. “Jeez you guys must be freezing, I wish I could warm you all up but all I can do is make things colder.”
“S’okay,” Matthew said through his chattering teeth. “Teaching the kids how to start a fire was supposed to be next week but we can get a jump on it.” That got a smile out of the ghost and within a half hour, the other counselors were distributing blankets and hot beverages to the kids clustered around multiple fires. They didn’t seem particularly upset by the potentially fatal attack, Matthew will breakdown about that at a later time when he was alone. For now, he just smiled as the children chattered happily with the ghost while he cleaned up as much of the damage as possible.
“So you spend all day fighting ghosts?” Zoe asked with stars in her eyes.
“A lot of the nights too,” Phantom nodded, “I do other stuff but yeah it seems ghost fighting takes up most of my time.”
“Where’d you learn those cool powers?” Zuri asked, miming a punch.
“Comes with being a ghost,” Phantom shrugged, “my ice powers came in later though so I still struggle a bit with them but I’m getting better every day.”
“Why ice though?” Morris said with his cocked curiously to the side. “I see some ghosts use fire or shadows, why do you have ice?”
“Ah that’s a little personal,” Phantom chuckled but his posture was easy despite the invasive question. “Specialty powers like my ice require special circumstances and a certain uh connection to the ghost. Someone like me couldn’t use fire or electricity or plants, ice is in my soul, it’s who I am.”
Matthew paused in drinking his lukewarm coffee as a horrible thought came to mind. He’s been an outdoorsman all his life, practically from the time he could walk. He’d been a deep woods camping guide for a decade before switching to working at summer camps. But the years working in the relative comfort of a stable camp didn’t erase his knowledge of how unforgiving and deadly the woods in the winter could be. A grown man, much less a young teen, would freeze to death in 20 minutes if it was cold enough. 
It made sense for ghosts to develop powers related to their deaths. Had Phantom been one of the dozens of unfortunate kids he read about every year who ran away in the middle of winter only to found later as a frozen corpse. He eyed the boy’s snow white hair and frigid aura he exuded with mournful trepidation. God, what a horrible way to die. 
“I’d get chilly with ice powers,” Tabby said with a shudder, she held out her cup of cocoa. “You want some of my cocoa to warm you up?”
“No thanks,” Phantom said with a soft smile that was warm despite everything. “The cold hasn’t bothered me for a while.”
Ghost attacks may be the norm but, if there was one good thing that came out of whole mess it was the fact that violent human crimes went down drastically. So when the rare murder did happen, the shock and fear rippled through the whole town. 
Stanford Newton had only been sheriff of Amity Park for eight months after the last guy had gone gray overnight and moved to Florida the next day. It was a daunting position but one he bore proudly. This wouldn’t be his first murder investigation having initially cut his teeth as a beat cop in Chicago but it would be the first in Amity. And it certainly was the first in which the dead served in an active capacity.
“Amanda Chastain, 27. Officially she was a waitress down at Spengler’s Diner but she’s been picked up for prostitution twice in the last year,” Stan said calmly, ignoring the cold, angry presence over his shoulder. “History of polysubstance abuse as well, not that either of those things mean she deserved this.” Used, beaten to death and then dumped in the trash like yesterday’s paper. 
He wondered if she’d come back a ghost or if she’d finally get some peace this world hadn’t offered her. “We don’t have many leads right now, I’m afraid. Acting illegally as they are, there’s not a lot of resources these poor girls have to turn to.”
“I’ll find them,” The Phantom said with blazing conviction, his voice thick and sharp as ice. “I’ll find and bring them to justice and make sure no one else is hurt again.”
“I believe you,” Stan nodded, shutting his notebook as he finally turned to face the teenage superhero haunting his town. He can’t say he liked what he saw. The Phantom looked even less human than usual, his aura flaring and flickering like the foggy mist before a heavy snowstorm. His unnatural green eyes glowered, painting his too young face in a terrifying light. 
The kid looked furious, clearly taking this death to heart. He’d read the Fenton’s memos about obsessions and such but this seemed beyond that. “But don’t hurt anyone to do it, or yourself while you’re at it.”
“I won’t, I’ll make sure they’ll face human justice and don’t worry,” Phantom gave a snarling smile. “No mortal can hurt me, not like this,” he growled causing the hairs on Stan’s arms and neck to stand on end. He flew off after that, presumably to track down Amanda’s killer.
“Not like this,” Stan mumbled to him, pulling out his handkerchief and wiping his brow where a cold sweat had broken out. “Jesus Christ that poor kid.” Stan had seen plenty of murdered and mutilated bodies in his lifetime, some of them even kids. He just never got to talk to them after they’d had their life forcibly snatched away. It would explain the ghost’s near fanatical determination to save others, why he took a stranger’s murder so personally. 
“I hope your own murderer is behind bars,” Stan said as he tucked his handkerchief back into his coat pocket. “Or even six feet under, for killing a good kid like you.” Stan made his way back to his squad car so he could head back to the station and move forward with the official investigation. But he’d eat his hat if there wasn’t a stammering lowlife there by tomorrow ready to turn themselves in.
 Maybe after all this was settled down, he’d delve into some of the cold cases stacked in the cellar. Maybe in there he’ll find a picture of a smiling, carefree teen who’d disappeared and returned with the power now to ensure no one else suffered as he had.
“Yes, I know about the Phantom,” Luis Oliveira will say to anyone who so much as brings up the ghost kid. Locals know better by now but the tourists eat it up every time. He twists his finely combed mustache and gestures to the floor where his audience is standing. “He died right there oh ten or eleven years ago.”
Luis has worked his way all across the the United States since he emigrated from Brazil in the 70s. He finally settled in Amity Park about twelve years ago. He’d never intended to stay in the small Midwest town but the fatal shooting of a young customer kept his little corner market open.
“He was a nice kid, always said hi to me and paid in exact change. Was big fan of the snacks I made, would stop by after school and take half my inventory. He had big brown eyes and a crooked nose,” Luis would smile at the memory before closing his eyes and frowning sadly. “One day, he came late. His teacher made him stay after to go over a failed test, I remember he complained. He was pulling out his money when robber burst in, demanding my money. I fumbled for the register key, dropped it. I bent down to grab it and I hear shots going off. Two over my head, another right into the boy’s throat.”
Luis will hear the sound of that sweet boy’s guttural choking sounds as he drowned in his own blood until the day he himself died. The robber left after the shot, Luis called the police and held the young man’s hand as he died. The would be thief were never found and Luis never did learn anything about the boy who’d died on his floor for getting hungry after school.
“As soon as I saw Phantom on the TV,” Luis would say, perking up after his moment of somber grief, “I knew it was that boy come back. Those kind eyes, I’d recognize them anywhere. He’s never come here but one day he will and I will be able to pass on my regret on not being able to save his life that day.”
“I think he killed himself,” Mikey whispered to Lester during lunch period, angling his voice low. “The jocks may love Phantom for his powers but I just know he was one of us, an unwanted nerd. I’ve seen him chatting up a ghost I’m pretty sure is Poindexter, Casper’s suicide kid. They’re probably bonding over their similar deaths and the circumstances that led to it.”
“That’s pretty dark,” Lester whispered back. “I also get unpopular vibes from him but I don’t think he’s the time do uh do that to himself; he’s too stubborn and protective. But I bet he was the victim of a prank gone wrong. Dash locked Fenton in the Janitor’s closet last Wednesday, he got out okay somehow but maybe something like that happened to Phantom. He always looks kind of annoyed at the A-listers, maybe they remind him of old bullies.”
“Nuh-uh,” Clara said, pushing up her glasses with her middle finger. “The ghost kid totally got electrocuted or something. He was fighting that weather ghost and he sent lightning bolts his way and Phantom flinched. He fought the Ghost King and yet a little electricity scares him? It might not’ve even been a lightning strike but something manmade like a machine backfiring or something.”
“Get real,” Mikey scoffed, sipping his milk with an eyeroll. “I’m sure we’d have heard about some poor kid getting zapped to death; this town isn’t that big.”
“We’d have heard about a suicide too,” Lester noted with a wry grin.
“Shut up Mr. I base my theories around Fenton who’s a known weirdo”.
“I’m telling you, the ghost kid died of some debilitating illness,” Abbie McMillian, retired school teacher and three year reigning champ at the Tristate area’s Daylily Competition. She sipped her tea and spoke with as much confidence as she had back in the day wrangling Amity’s impressionable youths. “The superhero thing is clear wish childhood fulfillment, a chance to live and be free like he never got to in life. You see how happy and carefree that young man looks while flying? Clearly he spent his formative years sick and weak.”
“No way,” Greta von Martin frowned as she aggressively stirred her own tea to show her displeasure. “I worked in a hospital for close to 30 years and I know what chronically sick kids look like and Phantom doesn’t fit the bill. I will agree he’s carefree when he’s not battling spooks but he acts like a stupid teen. I’m telling you, the boy got into his parent’s liquor cabinet or took a few too many of whatever pill was going around his school. Tragic but something that happens every day.”
“Greta, dearie,” Abbie said with a pinched frown. “We’ve been friends since grade school and I love you like a sister but you are wrong and until you admit it, I won’t share anymore of my recipes.”
“You’re just being stubborn because you can’t see what’s right in front of you even after working with kids half of your life, Abbie, love,” Greta sniffed. “And you can kiss my grandson’s help weeding you garden goodbye until you relent.”
Perhaps one of the most human traits is curiosity, especially about what comes after death. Now the good people of Amity Park know a great deal about the dead so the lives before is what attracts their attention and none so more than the ghost boy. Maybe it’s because he’s their hero or maybe it’s because he’s so young. Or perhaps it’s because Phantom is such a mess of contradictions that it’s very hard to guess how the unfortunate boy met his end. But everyone has their own theories, from the mundane to the fantastic, some with evidence backing them up and others pure poppycock. 
But for all their curiosity, as much as it burns them to know, they’ll never ask. They don’t want to risk the powerful ghost’s wrath but, moreover, it seemed in poor taste. The boy risked his afterlife to keep them safe, they couldn’t ask what traumatic and miserable circumstances had led to this point.
And besides, it was so much more fun to look up at ghostly figure as he sped through the skies and wonder.
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randomshyperson · 3 years
The Scarlet Witch Prophecy - The Third Year
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Series Masterlist ||  Read on AO3
Summary: As the youngest daughter of Howard Stark, you have ordinary expectations for your years at Hogwarts. Little do you know what adventures await you when your destiny is intertwined with the legendary Scarlet Witch.
Warnings: +16. Adaptation of the Harry Potter Saga, Magical Thematic, Prophecies, Mentions of Violence, Torture and dark magic, Language (swearing and minor/major offenses), manipulation of will, Underage kissing, insinuation of smut with minors, Smut (overage), descriptions of death, aggression, obscurity, angst, fluffy, soulmates analogies.
Chapter Words:  7.290K 
Chapter Notes: Wanda x Reader friendship is here. And more about the world history. I’m pretty sure this is the last chapter where things are easy going. Just like Harry Potter, things start to get dark during four year. Good reading to everyone, i hope you like the story so far.
Tag list ( let me know if you want to be tagged or removed idk haha) @mionemymind​ / @abimess​ / @stephanieromanoff​ / @yourtaletotell​ / @tomy5girls​ / @justagaypanicking​ / @thegayw1tch​ / @idek-5​ // @myperfectlovepoem​ // @helloalycia​ // @ENSORCELLME // @AIMEZVOUSBRAHMS // @imapotatao​ / @aimezvousbrahms​/ @ensorcellme​/ @helloalycia // @ichala
//-// x //-// //-// x //-//
Your list of materials is much longer in the third year.
Tony complains that you shouldn't have taken so many classes, but you are so curious to explore the areas of magic that you can't help it.
This time, Mantis meets you in the diagonal alley. You were hoping to spend some time with Gamora and Nebula as well, but once you get a glimpse of their father, you know that's not going to happen.
Thanos is a tall, muscular man, and has a permanent aggressive look on his face. He also kept his hands on the shoulders of his two daughters while they were waiting to be attended to at Flourish and Blotts. You also noticed that your friends were wearing very beautiful and remarkably expensive dark green capes, and just like their father's outfit, they had a bundle of a silver snake. That was the first time you understood what Slytherin pride meant.
"He's scary." Mantis commented softly beside you. You nodded in agreement. Groot, who was a little bigger since you saw him last year, jumped on your shoulder, sitting next to your ear. You smiled at the creature before looking forward again.
You and Mantis were standing at the entrance of store, and saw your friends through the window. You gave up the idea of complementing them when you saw their father.
"Let's restock the potions list first, Mantis." You tell her. "Then we'll buy our books."
You meet Tony again at the Leaky Cauldron after you finish. He hides something from you quickly, but you are distracted by an apple muffin flying towards you, and you don't ask.
Bucky was staying at the Leaky Cauldron because his house had a magical accident. His father said something about a persistent spell flood. Since the rest of Bucky's family were muggle, only he and his father were staying there, solving the problem while Bucky's sisters were at his aunt's house.
Since everyone needed to buy the materials for the new school year, Tony asked you to join his friends when you were done buying your stuff.
After lunch with everyone, Mantis said goodbye to you, and you returned Groot to her hands.
You led her to the exit of the bar, but as you walked back to the table, a conversation caught your attention.
"I'm telling you, they saw him in Sokovia." A bearded man whispered. He looked so nervous, you couldn't help but pay attention. The woman standing next to him, a cup of a strange liquor in her hands, rolled her eyes.
"That's miles away, Thomas." She said. "If Korvac gets anywhere near London, the ministry will send him back to Azkaban in two seconds."
"He's already escaped once, Sara." You rebut the man. 
You frown at the conversation. Walking back, you have a thoughtful frown on your face, and Tony teases you.
You get distracted by Steve's jokes about the coming year, and forget all about it.
It's only after you've packed your bag, during dinner, that you remember.
"I heard something strange today." You say casually as Tony and your father dine beside you. "Some folks in the Leaky Cauldron were talking about someone escaping from Azkaban."
Your father chokes. Tony stares at you, and ducks his head when your father looks at him angrily. Howard gaze softens when he looks at you however.
"Honey, who told you that?"
You shrug.
"No one told me dad." You reply. "I ended up overhearing two strangers talking about it. I never knew about anyone escaping from Azkaban before, it seemed important."
Tony kicks you under the table, and you frown in confusion. Your father takes a deep breath.
"Honey, listen to me carefully, will you?" He begins, and you worry at his serious tone. "There are important things going on at Daddy's work. Things that could be dangerous." He says and you look at him in surprise. "You and your brother are too young to be getting into such matters, and I hope you will trust me to keep you both safe."
"Yes, dad." Tony assures, but you remain silent. A moment later, you add: 
"Daddy, is there anything I can do to help you?"
"No honey." He says taking back his fork. 
"It's okay to tell me what's going on, I won't be scared. I can help..."
"Enough!" He exclaims angrily punching the table. You jump lightly in your chair, startled. Your father doesn't look at you. "I don't want you to hear anything about this anymore. You two are children, and it's dangerous. Have I made myself clear?"
You look at Tony, but he is glaring at the plate in front of you. 
Swallowing the urge to cry, you get up, hurrying to run to your room.
Your father calls you several times, but you don't answer. 
A few minutes after you are in your bed, he appears in your room. His posture is much gentler than before, and he kneels down beside your bed.
"Honey, hey." He calls to you. You keep your face in the pillow, and he sighs. "I'm sorry for yelling at you." He says, and with your silence, he continues. "Can you forgive me?"
It takes a few seconds, but you look at him, and nod. Howard smiles faintly.
"You and your brother are the most important things in my life." He says fondly. "And I would never forgive myself if something happened to you because of me."
"Dad, you can't control what is in the rest of the world."
Your father chuckles lightly. 
"Yeah I know." He says. "Damn, I wanted you to stay a little girl forever, so you wouldn't be so smart."
You laugh, pushing his shoulder lightly.
"You're not going to tell me what's going on, are you?" You ask and your father sighs, looking away.
"It's nothing that will affect you honey." He says. "It's just problems of the magical world. I don't want you meddling in something like that. Not at this age."
You sit down on the bed next, raising your pinky to your father.
"I swear I won't pry into such business if you promise to tell me if things get serious enough for me to know."
Her father laughs, raising his own pinky then.
"I promise, kiddo."
You both laugh as you take the oath, and your father hugs you next. When he lets go and stands up, you pull his hand away.
"Apologize to Tony, Daddy." You ask surprising him slightly. "He doesn't like it when you yell either."
Your father sighs, bending down to kiss your forehead. He asked you to go to sleep before he closed the door.
It is very cold when you arrive at Hogwarts.
But you don't care because all your friends link arms and walk together, making you laugh at the confused looks you get when the other students notice the small row.
Over dinner, your mood changes quickly however.
"I imagine it has come to the attention of many students here, especially the older ones, the recent untoward events in the magical world." Principal Harkness began during the announcement of the new school year. She had a serious and authoritative tone, and deep dark circles under her eyes. You have never seen her like this before. "But for those of you who are not aware, the dark wizard known as Korvac escaped from Azkaban a few months ago." The hall exploded into murmurs at the mention. You saw Professor Strange lock his jaw, probably disagreeing that such a topic should be broached with eleven-year-olds. "After much consideration, the Ministry of Magic thought it best to apply additional security to the castles."
"So, starting next week, we will have special guests at the Hogwarts castles; The ministry has determined that aurors and Azkaban guards will be guarding the outside of the grounds."
The crowd erupted in boos as soon as the words echoed in the hall. Your Hufflepuff colleagues remarked in horror that the dementors, the guards of Azkaban, were terrifying, and you sought your brother's gaze at the Slytherin table, but he was looking earnestly at the principal.
Agatha sighed impatiently, and the hall fell silent. She asked everyone to be careful with the guards in Azkaban, not to give them reason to fight back. And then she returned to the daily announcements as if nothing had happened.
You didn't eat very well after that.
History of Magic with Professor Okoye was one of the hardest classes in school.
You were hoping to get decent grades this year, but you were assigned to be with Peter as your pair, so you knew you would have to work for two, as your friend had no interest at all in that subject.
"Why don't you try to pay attention?" You asked slightly annoyed as you made your notes. Quill was drawing small dragons in his notebook.
"I want to be a famous Quidditch player, I don't need to know the history of the Goblin revolution for that."
You sighed, turning your attention back to the blackboard. Several minutes after class had begun, a Gryffindor student raised his hand.
"Professor Okoye, may I ask you a question?" it was Thor Odinson, and he seemed to have grown at least twenty inches over the summer. You noted that his hair was also longer when you looked back, wondering who was speaking.
"Of course, Odinson." The teacher said with a gentle smile. Thor cleared his throat as he lowered his hand, seeming to hesitate.
"Could you tell us about the Mephisto followers?"
The room fell absolutely silent at the mention of the name, and many students looked at Thor with wide eyes. The smile on Professor Okoye's face completely disappeared.
"Where did you hear that name, boy?" she asked sternly, Thor swallowed dryly.
"M-my father, ma'am." He replied. "I heard him send a bawler to the ministry quoting that name. When I asked, he told me to study the history of the wizarding world. I thought I would ask you because I couldn't find anything in the books."
The room looked at the teacher expectantly. Okoye sighed, seeming to decide whether to talk about it or not.
"Listen to me carefully please." She asked as she walked around the tables. "Some years ago long before any of you were born, there was a sorcerer who made all the wrong choices. He sought immeasurable power, and was never satisfied with his own abilities. And many other wizards believed that the quest for ultimate power was something worth dying for. When this wizard became a symbol of power and cruelty, he named himself Mephisto."
Her classmates exchanged startled looks, but the teacher continued to tell.
"The dark wizards and witches who supported this quest became known as the Followers of Mephisto, or Walkers of Death. The magical ministries around the world banded together to put an end to the group, and there was a great battle, where most of these wizards were imprisoned or killed in a duel."
"What happened to Mephisto?" Thor asks suddenly, interrupting the narration. The teacher hesitates, but then gives a reassuring smile.
"He's dead, of course." She assures.
"My mother says he was never found." Added another classmate, you think her name is Valkyrie, but you've never talked to her. Much buzz runs through the room at her utterance, and Professor Okoye twists her fingers nervously.
"When the Walkers of Death were eliminated, Mephisto lost his power." She tells seriously. "The last person who faced him is related to someone in this room actually."
Professor Okoye turns to you, and you want to sink into your chair, feeling your heart soar.
"Auror Howard Stark was the last sorcerer to fight Mephisto before his demise. Thirteen years ago." She says and you feel all the stares on you. "But that's enough from this matter for today, students. Mephisto's story is taboo in our witch community because of the thousands of lives that were lost during that period." She adds, "I hope you will be respectful about the memory of those victims, and not comment on such a thing, or mention the name of this despicable wizard again."
The teacher closes the subject after that, looking upset. You can't pay attention to the class again when she goes back to talking about the magical revolution.
"Did you knew about that?" You ask angrily when Tony looks unimpressed when you approach him in the third floor hallway, after searching all over the school for him.
He looks tired.
"Stop talking so loud, will you?" He asks looking around. "Of course I knew, I've been researching this story for months."
You frown in confusion, and Tony rolls his eyes leaning against the bookshelf next to him.
"I didn't tell you anything because you're only thirteen!" He adds nervously. "That's not children's business."
"It is my business if it involves our family!". You retort angrily. A group of students walk past you, looking at you curiously, but Tony just pretends to be admiring the trophies until they leave.
"Look, I don't really know what happened, but dad used to be an auror when mom was alive." He recounts. "And then he took on this powerful sorcerer, and mom died when you were born. He became an inventor, switched departments in the mystery, and nobody talks about this Mephisto guy nowadays."
"Do you know what this has to do with the wizard who escaped from Azkaban?" you ask with your arms crossed, Tony gives a chuckle.
"Isn't it obvious, sis?" he retorts wryly. "Korvac was Mephisto's greatest ally at that time. And he escaped from the most secure prison in the world. A lot of people think that means the walkers are getting back in business again."
"My god Tony, why didn't dad tell us any of this?" You ask worriedly and Tony laughs humorlessly, looking upset.
He straightens his posture and points to the glass on the trophy shelf that was propped up. 
"And there's more." He says. "Take a look at that."
You turn your face to stare at the objects that were stored there. Most were trophies, but there were also pictures of the Quidditch teams from previous years. Tony is pointing to one of those.
"No way." You whispered as you see it. In the caption on the board, it read "Howard Stark and Erik Lehnsherr receiving awards for their honorable service to the school." It was your father and your teacher, probably in their senior year, and they seemed both content. The magical photograph showed them hugging each other by the shoulders, huge smiles on their faces, and two golden cups in their hands. 
"Yes, little sister." Tony said also looking at the picture. "Dad and Magneto were friends in school days. I wonder what happened to Professor Lehnsherr to make him so bitter. He looks happy in that picture."
The sound of the bell announcing the next period makes you jump in fright, as you were completely distracted by the photograph in front of you.
"Let's talk about this later, Tony, I have charms now and..."
"No way, Y/N!" Tony interrupted frowning. "That's none of your business. Dad told me that you promised to stay out of it, and I agree with him. You're too young!"
"Oh and you think he'll like knowing you're investigating this whole story?" You retort and Tony sighs, looking away, "That's what I thought.
"I'm not going to get you mixed up in this story."
"Fine, I'll find out on my own, then."
"See you, Tony."
Having dementors in the castle is really scary.
It's been two weeks since classes started, and with the first Quidditch game of the year approaching, you're pretty anxious.
You didn't make much progress in your research during those days. None of the professors wanted to say anything about Mephisto's time, and you lost fifteen points when you tried to ask Professor Lehnsherr about his school days, for being a snoozer.
The only things you found out other than what Tony told you were what Gamora and Nebula shared with you. They mentioned that Thanos was particularly busy during the summer, and that they had never seen him go to the Ministry so often before. 
You also started reading the Daily Prophet, and every day they would publish something about Korvac's escape, even if it was only to say that there was no news in the case. 
When the day of the first match arrived, you ignored the strange feeling that settled on the edge of your stomach as if something bad was going to happen.
You are overjoyed when you are in the air, waiting for the match to start, and notice that all of Tony's friends, including yourself, have yellow flags in their hands to cheer you on.
Everything goes well until the end of the first half.
You noticed a bludger almost reaching your chaser team mate, Clint Barton and moved forward to defend him many meters above the stadium. Because it was raining, your visibility was very poor. You knocked the ball away, but lost sight of Clint, although you heard him shout a thank you. As you dived down again, lightning exploded beside you, and you jumped in fright, feeling your ear whistle as you became completely disoriented.
As you began to get used to your surroundings again, you felt your body become completely tense. The cloud in front of you was almost a face shape, it looked like someone with horns or maybe wearing a tiara. The image dissolved in the next second, and you felt a strange chill run through your body. Releasing the broom handle only to hug your arms, you looked down, the whole team many meters away. 
When you tried to join them, something came in your way.
Dementors must have been the scariest thing you had ever seen in your life. And there was one of them right in front of you. You widened your eyes in shock, and the creature looked straight at you.
Losing your strength quickly, you felt yourself slipping off the broom. A feeling as if you had been wrapped in a very painful spell overtook your body as you fell. 
You woke up in a jolt, and warm hands pushed you back into bed.
"Relax, kid." Your brother spoke with a smile. "I swear I'll actually forbid you to play at some point."
"What happened?" you asked confused. All of your friends and Tony's friends around your bed.
"You fell off the broom, damn it." He retorted and you rolled your eyes.
"Yeah but there was a dementor up there..."
"Yeah, everyone saw it." Tony interrupted looking annoyed. "Professor Harkness kicked everyone out of the stadium after Professor Strange conjured up the patronus."
"I have never seen Professor Strange so angry." Gamora remarked next. 
"Oh, there's something else." Natasha warned moving around the crowd to stand beside you on the bed. "Your broom fell into the Whomping Willow, and well. It' s right here."
In Nat's arms were the remains of what had once been your Nimbus 2000. You sighed in displeasure, but at least you could ask Jarvis to buy you another one.
After you were released from the nurse's office, Principal Harkness was waiting for you in the hallway. She waved for all your other colleagues to go their ways, as she escorted you to the Hufflepuff common room.
"Tell me, dear, are you feeling all right?" She asked tenderly. You nodded in agreement as you walked.
When you reached an empty hallway, she stopped walking, and touched your shoulder so that you would do the same. She knelt at your height and looked deep into your eyes.
"Tell me what you saw up there."
" Professor, I don't remember..." You started to say, but then fell silent, immediately recalling what you saw as you gaze the purple glow in front of you. It was as if your thoughts came out of your lips before you even thought to say them. "I saw an image in the clouds, it was like a horned creature or someone wearing a crown. Then the dementor reached me and I felt an immediate chill and unhappiness. I had the feeling that I was wrapped in a sensation of pain as I fell down."
The professor seemed to absorb every one of your words. She smiled then, her eyes returning to their normal color quickly, making you believe you had imagined the whole thing.
"Thank you dear." She said. "Let's keep this between us, okay?"
When you two walked back, you didn't remember any conversation at all.
Your first trip to Hogsmeade is amazing.
You buy two bags full of candy at the Honeydukes, and then you and your friends go to the Three Broomsticks, to have some buttery beer.
Quill seems to have become friends with Pietro Maximoff during Quidditch practice, because as soon as they see each other, they greet with a hug.
You ignore the feeling of nervousness that settles on the pit of your stomach when your gaze meets Wanda's.
Your friends don't mind sharing a table with the Maximoff twins, and that's how you end up sitting a few feet from Wanda, Gamora's watchful eye on you trying to understand why you're so quiet and flushed.
"Everyone is so nervous about the dementors at the castle, that I think we should try to do something fun. Like throw a party." Quill suggested to the group. Mantis looked excited.
"I think we could do something before Christmas." Gamora suggested and the group agreed.
"Does anyone have any idea where we can have this party? Quill asked." Since we are from different houses, maybe the common rooms are not a good option. I heard that the Slytherin kids don't really like the Hufflepuffs.”
Quill's teasing makes Wanda roll her eyes, but the rest of the table giggles. You look away to your cup.
"We could use some empty room on the seventh floor." Pietro suggested, and Quill gave an excited exclamation.
"This is a great idea." He said. "If the older students are going to participate, we can get some prefect to cover for us."
Quil looks at you and Mantis has to poke your shoulder for you to notice and pay attention.
"Sorry, what is it?" You ask when you notice all the looks on you.
"Can't you convince Steve Rogers to join us? He's your brother's boyfriend."
You laugh, nodding in agreement
"Okay folks, I'll try to call them all."
On the way back to the castle, after you spent the afternoon talking about the most diverse random subjects and telling jokes, you leave your hands in your pocket, because it is very cold.
Quill and Pietro start playing tag, and Wanda walks alone. You hurry up to join her.
"Hey." You greet with a smile, Wanda also has her hands in her pockets.
"Hey". She responds kindly.
"Is everything all right?"
"Are you asking me?" You say back with humor and Wanda laughs, looking at the floor as she walks. "I… I thought it was cool this afternoon." You confess the next moment, feeling your face get hot. "With everyone together, I say. And you and your brother, it's ... you two are nice."
"Thank you, Stark." She replies with a smile. You move your fingers inside your pocket before you speak again.
"If we're going to be friends, you can use my first name". You say and Wanda looks at you, but you keep looking forward.
"Are you sure?" She asks after a moment. You frown without understanding. "Are you sure you want to be my friend?"
You look at Wanda in surprise. But then your expression softens.
"I thought we were going to be friends last year, but you looked angry every time you saw me."
Wanda laughed lightly, looking ahead.
"Yeah, I… I'm sorry about that." She says. "It wasn't something you did. It was just a few things I heard. And I ended up thinking that you were judging me like everyone else at that school." She tells you. "It would make sense since you saw me face the troll." Wanda whispered the last part. You bit your bottom lip before speaking again.
"You could have talked to me, you know?" You say. "I kept thinking that I had done something wrong."
Wanda said nothing, and you sighed, running your hands through your hair.
"We can forget about it and be friends now, what do you think?" You then suggested a smile on your face.
Wanda looked at you, and her green eyes cause something in your stomach to sink.
"I would like that."
"Cool." You comment breathlessly.
Being friends with Wanda is so natural that it almost surprises you.
Now whenever you sit down at the Slytherin table, there are two new members in your group of friends.
Eventually you discover that it was Quidditch that build Quill and Pietro friendship, as they stopped fighting because they were spending a lot of time training together.
At the Slytherin table, you know that Pietro and Quill receive angry looks because they are from Gryffindor, but no one has the courage to say anything to you, perhaps it is the deadly stare that Wanda gives anyone who dares to look foully at her brother.
You also succeed in inviting Steve and Tony, in addition to your brother's other friends, to the party before Christmas. Steve says that you all can use the old Astronomy room on seventh-on Saturday, and that the curfew would be at ten o'clock. The news of the party ends up spreading quickly around the school, but your friends don't seem to mind that it stopped being something small just between you guys.
When the day finally comes, you wear a comfortable jeans and sweatshirt set, realizing that it is a choice of clothes much more similar to Muggle-borns than pureblood but no one seems to care.
"Hey, you took so long" remarked Gamora as soon as you went up to the seventh floor and met her at the door of the room. "Come on, everyone is already in there"
As you took some of the non-alcoholic fruit drink that Mantis helped Quill make, you looked around the room. You waved sheepishly when your eyes met Wanda's, who was coming in. She looks very beautiful in her wine red sweater, and she smiled at you, and you didn't understand why you felt your stomach flip.
Soon everyone were all together, talking animatedly on various subjects. When Quill and Pietro started doing a dance competition, you laughed so hard that your belly was aching when they were done.
You have your first Divination class that week.
Professor Heimdall was already waiting for the students while he was sitting on a kind of ivory throne in the corner of the room, which smelled of incense that made your head spin slightly. It really was a remarkably mystical and mysterious environment, even for a magic school. The illumination was limited due to long white curtains on the walls, and there were many candles scattered around the room. Mantis whispered that this kind of thing was done to increase concentration when working with this kind of magic. 
"Welcome to our first meeting on Divination, students, the most complex and unstable of magical arts." began the professor as soon as everyone was seated at the tables spread around the tower. "I must warn you that if you seek answers to your most personal questions here, you will most likely not find them. There is no stability in this subject."
Some students commented softly among themselves, but no one seemed willing to contradict the professor, his yellow eyes roaming over everyone in the room.
"Let's begin today's class with an introduction to the basics of study in divination." He warns, and with a flick of his wand, the cupboards at the back of the room open, and from there several sets of cups fly out to all the tables. Then the professor touches his wand to the teapot on the table, and it multiplies into four pairs, flying around to serve everyone.
When everyone has their cups full, Professor Heimdall goes to the small blackboard, and begins to explain how divination works. You hurry to start writing it down.
Many minutes later, when you have finished your tea, Mantis pokes your shoulder.
"Let me look at yours and you do mine?" she asks and you nod, handing her your cup. You clear your throat, looking intently at the dregs of tea in Mantis' cup.
"I don't see anything." You grumble, trying to concentrate. The powder doesn't seem to form anything. 
"Remember to check the symbols in your books." Warned Professor Heimdall aloud the next moment. You took a deep breath, running your fingers across the paper as you tried to identify the images.
"Mantis, let's switch, I don't think I'm getting anything..." You start to say softly looking at your book, when you glance at your friend however, you frown in confusion. She has her gaze glazed on your cup, one hand covering her mouth, "Mantis, what happened?"
She gasps softly, and you straighten your position as you notice a thick tear running down her cheek, feeling your heart soar with worry.
"I'm... I'm so sorry." She sighs breathlessly, dropping her cup on the table. The noise attracts everyone's attention, but Mantis is getting up the next moment, and running out of the room. You stand up, but Professor Heimdall puts his hand on your shoulder.
"Don't worry, miss Stark." He says. "It's common for those more sensitive to divination to have that kind of reaction in their first contact with the spirit world." He explains with a tender look. You don't understand why, but his voice calms you. "Go back to your activity, I will talk to your friend."
He waves to the rest of the room next, and then leaves. You sit back down, exchanging worried glances with Gamora and Nebula who are at the table in front of you. 
Your first action is to look at the cup that Mantis has thrown on the table, but the impact has broken it at the bottom, and the liquid has run down the cloth. You sigh in dissatisfaction, using your wand to clean up the mess.
When class is over, Gamora and Nebula quickly join you.
"Any idea what that was about?" Gamora asks as you walk together through the castle. 
"No, she just got a glazed look in her eyes, and then she ran off." You count. "I'll try to ask her in potions class."
"Maybe she saw some evil omen." Nebula comments, and Gamora elbows her in the stomach. "Ouch."
You frown worriedly.
"Does that mean something bad is going to happen to me?"
Gamora denies with her head, forcing a smile as if trying to reassure you.
"Bad omens can be many things, even something silly, like losing a sock in your room." She says and you leave your hands in your pockets, not feeling reassured by this information.
"Yeah, but Mantis wouldn't cry over a sock." You retort and Nebula nods in agreement, but Gamora has a serious expression.
"I'd rather think it's nothing bad." She says. "Professor Heimdall said it's normal for sensitive students to have that reaction, isn't it?" She adds and you shrug. "Maybe she's just been watching you lose a game or something, but she was so overwhelmed with having seen something, that she got emotional."
"I hope you're right." You grumble as you reach the stairs. You sigh. "See you at lunch, girls. Have a good History of Magic class."
Gamora and Nebula wave goodbye and head in the opposite direction from you after they watch the staircase move.
You hurry to avoid being late for potions.
Mantis doesn't come to the dungeon either. You poke Quill in the back as he sits down in front of you, and ask if he's seen her anywhere, but he shrugs, worried that you don't know either. You just sigh, telling him what happened in class.
"I'm glad I didn't take that subject." He says as he hears the story. "I've heard that some people learn to see the day that the other person is going to die. That's scary."
You laugh incredulously.
"That sounds like a lie."
Quil shrugs his shoulders. "That's what I heard."
You wish you could talk more, however Professor Erik entered the room the next moment, and everyone fell silent. You tried to forget about the divination class by concentrating on making your poison antidote correctly next.
You only found Mantis at lunchtime.
Or rather, she found you.
You had just come out of charm class, and she was waiting for you outside. You looked at her with surprise and concern, but she just smiled, looking much more relaxed than earlier.
"I'm sorry I disappeared." She says. "Professor Heimdall thought it best that I get some rest, and then he taught me some things about aural sensitivity."
"I don't know what that means." You comment making her smile. 
"It doesn't matter." She says. "I'm sorry for scaring you earlier."
You shake your head.
"Mantis, come on, no need to stress about it." You retort. "I was worried about you, and I'm sure it wasn't your fault." 
Mantis smiles, looking forward. You bite the inside of your cheek, finding her strangely calm and distant.
"Do you remember what you saw in my cup?" You ask hesitantly, and a small glint passes through Mantis' eyes, but then she smiles quietly, denying it.
"It was no great thing, I believe." She says. "Professor Heimdall has assured me that it must have been just a bad memory, and that there is nothing to worry about."
You frown, but something in Mantis' expression tells you that she just won't talk about it anymore. Not wanting to make your friend uncomfortable, you don't press the issue again.
It's Christmas again, and you don't go home.
This year Hogwarts is much emptier than it usually is, and you know that it's because of the dementors. 
The vast majority of the families, even those who usually leave their children at Hogwarts, have asked the students to return home. Your father briefly mentioned in his last letter how there were many requests for shift changes during the holiday period.
Tony also stayed in the castle, you knew he was planning to enter the forbidden section of the library, and he had told you to mind your own business when you asked if you could help.
Surprisingly, Gamora and Nebula returned home. It was very unusual because Thanos didn't like parties, but they promised to write to you. Mantis always returned home, so you just handed over your present before hugging her goodbye. Quill and the Maximoffs stayed with you.
"You know you're losing right?" you remarked with amusement as you were spending time with your friends in the Gryffindor communal room, a wizard chessboard in front of you. Quill let out an annoyed groan. 
"That game is harder than it looks." He grumbled looking at the pieces. " Knight move to E3 please."
The piece moved, cursing softly that Quill was making a stupid move, and you laughed.
"Can't you see her bisbe right there you idiot? "Squinted the black item, and Quill sighed in irritation.
"You want to play by yourself, do you?" He retorted, and Pietro and Wanda who were watching you two, giggled.
"Are you talking to the game, Quill?" Pietro teased as if the boy in front of him was crazy. 
After you beat Peter, it was your turn to face Pietro. He was a much better player, but he still made a lot of thoughtless moves.
Someone walked past the door, and you heard noises of footsteps, and then there was a girl joining you all.
"Hey, Monica!" Pietro greeted the girl cheerfully as soon as he saw her. The girl smiled at him. "Guys, this is Monica Rambeau, she is..."
"Professor Rambeau's daughter." Quill completes as if it is obvious. And you and Wanda smile at the girl. "Everybody knows Monica, man."
"What are you guys doing?" The girl asks curiously.
"Playing chess."
"Losing at chess, you mean right?" you tease with a smile. Pietro and Quill laugh in agreement, Wanda is distracted by the book in her hands.
"Do you want to hang out with us?" Pietro asks.
"Actually, I'm going to go outside." Monica says excitedly. "I just went in to get a coat. Darcy and I are going to make a snowman. Why don't you guys join us?"
You exchange glances with your friends. They all seem to think the same thing. And that's how you end up in the outside yards, in a snowball war.
" Back off, Pietro, I'm on your team!" You yell at the older Maximoff who has just hit you with an icy snowball to the chest. Pietro laughs.
"In war it's every man for himself!" He shouts running toward you. You laugh as you run away from him, preparing to hit Quill who is in the opposite direction.
"Hey, get down!" You heard someone shout and you turned around, obeying the order as soon as you noticed Darcy's raised arm toward you. She threw a snowball at someone behind you, and you laughed when Pietro let out an exclamation. Running toward the girl, you thanked her with a wave of your hand before running back. 
After hitting Monica and Quill twice, you ran out of Pietro's reach when he appeared at your side, laughing. Stumbling, you ended up miscalculating your speed, and knocked Wanda down next.
"That's a foul." Joked Pietro as he watched you two fall, laughing along with both of you. Before he could throw a snowball at you, Quill was back and he ran. You helped Wanda up as you apologized for knocking her down.
"One point each." She says holding the snowball at chest height. You smile, and wait for her to throw the snow at you. She laughs when she has done so gently, pushing the ball against your shoulder, the icy liquid running down your blouse making you shiver slightly. 
You pick up a snowball from the ground next, but when you look at Wanda, her face flushed with cold, and emerald eyes sparkling with amusement, you don't have the heart, and just smile wryly, making her look at you curiously.
"What is it?" she asks confused by the way you are just looking, making no mention of throwing the snow at her.
But the moment was broken next, when you all heard an animalistic noise nearby, and turned your heads with curiosity.
A few meters away was the guardian of the lands, Drax, leading a line of winged horses through the snow. You and your friends let out a chorus of excitement.
"Wow, look at the size of those horses." Pietro commented looking in the same direction. 
"They're not horses, people!" Monica exclaimed excitedly. "They're unicorns! Mom said we were going to study them next class don't you remember?"
Only when Monica said this did you squeeze your eyes shut to get a better look, and you could see the white horns in the distance. Drax waved at you from a distance when he noticed that you all were looking. He led the horses to the area where the class on Magical Creatures was usually held, and you saw that Professor Rambeau was waiting for him.
After that, it seemed to get colder. And you all decided to go inside and have some hot chocolate, as you took your friends into the kitchens. The elves were happy to serve you sweet breads and cakes, even outside of dinner time.
On Christmas morning, all of your friends, including Tony and Natasha who was Tony's only friend to stay at Hogwarts, gathered at the same table in the main hall for the gift exchange.
"Stop fussing, boy, you'll mess up the presents!" You heard Darcy complain to Quill. She and Monica were also with you because Pietro invited them. Neither of you guys minded, because they were very nice.
"I'm just trying to get a peek." Retorted Peter raising the gift package in the air out of Darcy's reach.
"It's not your gift, so you can't look!" 
You laughed at the interaction, finishing opening the package in front of you. Natasha had given you a new collection of wand care products and you loved it.
"You do need to take better care of your wand indeed." Teased Tony when he saw the gift. You laughed while waving a middle finger at him, and stood up to hug Nat in appreciation.
Most of the gifts were clothes, and candy. You bought a collection of exploding snap cards for Quill, and he was very pleased, already throwing the cards on the table to play with everyone. Pietro and Monica eventually agreed to participate, while Darcy watched them.
"That's mine right there." You said shyly to Wanda as she picked up one of the packages from the stack. "I hope you like it."
Wanda bit her lower lip in anticipation as she opened the package. And when the red scarf became visible, she fell silent, and it was your turn to be nervous.
"I know you're from Slytherin and all, but I've noticed that you really like red." You hasten to justify. "And then I saw this scarf in Hogsmeade and I remembered that day after charms class that you forgot your scarf and Pietro lent you his and so I thought it would be a good idea and..."
"I loved it." She interrupts looking at you. Her cheeks redden and a tender smile on her lips. You relax with relief immediately.
"Oh, right." You say. "Good, then."
You think you've been looking into Wanda's eyes too long, because your face is starting to heat up. But Peter gives a celebratory shout for getting the card move right, and you and Wanda look away quickly. She puts on her scarf next, and you look down at your lap to hide the silly smile that insists on escaping your lips.
When classes at Hogwarts return, the Dementors leave.
Apparently there was a big commotion in the Ministry of Magic. You hear many students commenting on this during the class break. And then there is a story in the Daily Prophet saying that Korvac was killed in combat with aurors in London, but there are also many people saying that this is a lie, and that he has run away again and the Ministry of Magic doesn't want to assume to the public.
Anyway, Headmistress Harkness removes the dementors from the castle and the atmosphere in the school improves considerably.
Nebula has a large purple mark on her left eye when she returns. Gamora tells everyone that she fell off her broomstick. You choke when she tells only you that it was Thanos who did this after he caught her snooping in his office.
"You can't tell anyone about this, okay?" She asks tearfully and you nod frantically, hugging her to calm her down. "I've never seen our father like that."
"It's okay now, Gamora." You say tightening in your embrace. "I will help you."
When you write to your father, asking what to do in a situation where the dangers are indoors, he says that Stark Mansion is big enough to accommodate your friends.
When you come home for the vacations after doing very well on your final exams, Gamora and Nebula are with you.
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