#in the first draft of the dungeon scene he's wearing the same jacket bc he got ambushed by the guard on his way to Romania
fuckmeyer · 1 year
hello!! I just read the last CN chapter (for like, the 5th(?) time) and ahhhh it has me filled with so many emotions. The world building, the relationships, the consequences starting to come to fruition, the set up for eclipse!!! I will probably continuing reading it many a time just to continue filling my mind with it. truly, it makes me happy. I am dying to have one question answered: what happened with the drawing that Bella made for Edward? He says he didn’t pack before, so was it left there? how did he react to seeing it again? thank you for being amazing, and I hope you have a spectacular day!!! (p.s. I am the anon who sent you the immaculate hot cross buns vibes. I am glad you enjoyed it bc I nearly shrieked when I saw it.)
omg the Notorious H.C.B. anon, welcome back!! love seeing familiar anons in the inbox & not just bc i get to come up with a nickname :) so happy you love the fic & that it makes you happy aksdjflsdkj!!!!! knowing someone returns to your work is one of the best compliments & greatest joys about writing, thank you thank you thank you so much for being here!!! appreciate your time :)
funny you ask about this specific thing bc i've thought about it A Lot. sadly, i don't think i'll ever find a place for this lil detail
what happened with the drawing that Bella made for Edward?
he has it. he took it out of the frame & folded it into a tiny paper swan & carried it around with him everywhere. it serves as a reminder that she's alive & human & he can't go back home. (if he goes back he kills her. & then the little swan must die per the law of the cranes. lol)
if he left the drawing behind...
he would have stared at it. for hours. probably why he took so long to pack tbh
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