#in specific she encountered my Chevreuse muse
glaciescustodia · 3 months
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Survival HC.
Overall Death.
Everything can be viewed in the animated short where she did die, however Clervie did not perish because of Arlecchino who may had dealt the finishing blow. Nay, Clervie used her own weapon in a moment of turmoil, of not wanting to go on with her own mother's schemes.
To her, this was a means to an end. She saw Death as a form of freedom and chose this over hurting Perrie any more than she already has when they fought. Not just each to one's another but the other kids as well.
She caused her own end to dispel the suffocating shadows of the past or so she would have liked to believe...
What really happened.
Although left for death in the ruins, in her last moments alone, Clervie unconsciously activated her On/Off Healing ability, therefore recovering enough to stand back up. Only when she could feel that Arle left to finish everything for good, did she stood up.
Albeit, the noises was inevitable in attracing attention, in the form of exploring adventurers. They crossed path and with the state Clervie was in, she was brought to a Fontainian hospital in order to be tended to.
She stayed bedridden for a month or so, due to the gravity of injuries, needing surgery even. Past that, Clervie stayed under the radar for a year because with her recovery, came other little issues; her lack of official identification, moments of trauma and undergo physical therapy. etc.
Suffice to say, it was not easy to push past this anew feeling of being stuck in one place. She did not make it easier for the hospital staffs either.
In her time being bedridden, she came across Neuvillette & Chevreuse when it came to getting a piece of identity when so little was known other than her name. Her name that was not recorded anywhere, even as a Fontanian native.
Her year in such a place, eventually made her look different than she used to be, as a mean to let go of what held her back, as a mean to be nothing like her deceased mother.
Within the last month of recovery, Clervie saw no reason to stay and with some help, made haste to Snezhnaya.
In Zapolyarny Palace.
Needless to say, as soon as she got there, explaining herself was no easy shot but it was worth the travel.
For a time while assigned under no one in the beginning year, she used that year to rigorous training, learn abilities that would seperate her from Mother. Clervie essentially trained with/or fellow Anemo Elite Agents that were bound to be assigned under Arlecchino.
All this happened in the shadows as to not reveal herself till she felt the time was right.
Amidst her training, she was officially put under Capitano's command. Though all saw this as an honor, it wasn't anything for Clervie to boast about but for a chance of traveling the world, she will take that opportunity.
Their promise.
Not once, wheter as she awaited death to overtake her in the ruined landmark, her time spent in the hospital, in the streets of Fontaine among other situations, not once did she ever forgotten the promise made with Peruere.
Getting to Snezhnaya, at her lonesome, she was met with the veils of colors she always desired to see. However, that feeling could never truly to be completed alone.
With the one now known as Arlecchino, does Clervie hopes now to do so much more than taking the sight of auroras.
After all, many years has been lost on her....
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