#in sky you can even unlock the bridal carry that I was so jealous of with that one smt online mount......
carcharsaur · 4 months
sky has me holding hands pilled I want to hold hands in xiv. multipeople mounts isn't enough I want to be clinging to you for life. make a 2 seater motorcyce where we're hugging. no I dont care about player size differences w *phone dial tone* hello ,do you hear me
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blkmxrvel · 6 years
Unholy (Cheryl Blossom x Toni Topaz) - Chapter 3
Request: NO
Words: 1.16k
Summary: Part 3/3 of the party. First time Cheryl helps out a stranger out of the goodness of her heart.
Warnings: Cursing, Underage Drinking, crappy writing (I’m so sorry)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Read it on Ao3 // Masterlist
Cheryl was standing by the alcohol table, no longer drinking. She sobered up about an hour and a half ago. She was waiting on Veronica, it'd been over three hours and she was this close to looking at her phone and finding her location. The party was practically over by now. Betty was slowly recovering from her hangover, downing continuous glasses of water.
Or is that vodka? Nope, that's definitely vodka. Wow...look at her go. She's gonna be in for a rude awakening tomorrow.
Cheryl crossed her arms, her head turning around for Veronica. She rolled her eyes when she saw the black haired girl passed out on the couch, fully clothed thankfully. Just looking dumb. Cheryl walked over to her and smacked her cheek lightly.
"Veronica, wake up. You must be really drunk if you think I'm going to carry your ass all the way to my car just to have you vomit on me half way there. No. Get up."   Cheryl kicked Veronica's foot hard. Still no budge.
"You fucking owe me a month of complimentary veggie grill." She put her and Veronica's phone into her back pocket. She ran and grabbed a black garbage bag from Betty's kitchen and opened it, slinging it over her shoulder.
She walked back over to Veronica, picking her up bridal style and walking towards the door. "Bye Elizabeth!" She called to her cousin. Cheryl heard indistinct language and laughed lightly, bouncing Veronica in her arms to get a better hold.
Once Cheryl got into the car, strapping Veronica in and  placing the trash bag in her hands (just in case) She walked to her side, grabbing her keys from her purse. Right when she was about to get into the car, she heard screaming. Not the good kind, but not the kidnapping kind either. Cheryl stood up, looking around for the owner of the voice. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw Antoinette, yelling at someone she was talking to on the phone.
"I can't fucking believe you Nick... I don't fucking care about the deal... you don't fucking own me anymore I'm done... I don't care if I said no or not that's still cheating... I swear to fucking God on everything that is right in the world if you contact me again I will personally end your life, that is a promise." Cheryl stood stunned, watching Antoinette hang up the phone and throw it in the grass. She balled up her fists and sat on the ground, grabbing her phone once more and calling someone else.
"Jug? Can you come pick me up? Nick left me for some bitch and I'm over it and him... I don't care about the deal, it's off... They can try it if they want to.... Yeah... Okay, no I get it. Yeah, see you, bye." Antoinette hung up the phone and let out a sigh of sadness, laying back on the grass, staring up at the sky.
Cheryl doesn't know what had gotten into her tonight, but she found herself sitting next to Antoinette before she even thought about it. She laid back staring at the sky.
"I wasn't eavesdropping, I swear. But I sorta, kinda, unintentionally, accidentally, overheard your conversations and-" Cheryl was cut off, noticing someone looking at her. She blushed once more, keeping her focus on the sky.
"You don't have to, I can walk home." Antoinette responded before Cheryl could finish her proposition; she already knew what she was going to say.
"No you can't it's..." Cheryl lifted her hips and grabbed her phone from her back pocket, "12:17." Both of them laughed at Cheryl's actions. "Not safe."
"Cheryl, I'm serious. I'm walking home. I live in Chino." Antoinette sat up, leaning back on her right arm while she stared down at Cheryl.
"Antoinette. I'm serious.  You aren't walking home, definitely not if you live in Chino. That's a far fucking walk and it isn't safe." Cheryl sat up, getting herself into a stare down with the mesmerizing girl sitting in front of her.
 Antoinette blinked first.  
"Ha!" Cheryl laughed and pointed at Antoinette, "you blinked which means I won, which means I'm taking you home, c'mon." She stood up offering her and to the girl below you. Antoinette looked up at Cheryl in awe. She took Cheryl's hand and stood up, both of them walking towards to her car.
Veronica was already in the backseat, not having moved an inch. Her chest was the only thing was moving, rising and falling with each breath.
"Wow, I'm so jealous of her." Antoinette said referring to the girl in the backseat. "I so need to be drunk right now."
"Yeah you and me both." Cheryl got in the car, fastening her seat belt and pressing the button to start the car. Cheryl turned up the radio just a smidge before pulling out of her space on the street and driving towards the highway that took her to Chino Hills.
"Uhm, actually I-" Antoinette started. Cheryl snapped her head towards her expectantly before focusing on the road.
"What is it?" She asked.
"Never mind, I don't want to be a bother. You're already being so generous I don't want to seem greedy."
"Antoinette," Cheryl looked at Toni when she came to a red light, placing her hand on the latter's hand. "You won't be a bother, I promise. Now, what is it?"
Antoinette sighed heavily. "It's a really bad idea for me to go home right now. I'd probably get kicked out or worse. Do you think you could drop me off at like a hotel or something?"
"No."Cheryl said simply. Antoinette's breath hitched. Fuck. "What's the point of having you pay for a hotel when you could just sleep at my house for free?" Cheryl shrugged like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Cheryl I ca-"
"I'm taking you to my house. My mind is made up, let me do this for you yeah? It's no problem at all. I promise. I know I may look icy, and trust me I have my days; But I'm not heartless."
Antoinette nodded her head, listening to Cheryl. "Thank you, Cheryl. I promise whatever favor you need, I'll be the first one there."
Cheryl chuckled, pressing the gas once the green light came on. "You don't owe me anything, love. My helpfulness is nothing but being helpful in your time of need. I don't want anything in return, okay?"
"Cheryl I have to-"
"Okay?"  Antoinette, immediately shut herself up, nodding and looking forward. "Good, we have a long way, I live south so it might take a while. Feel free to sleep if you want."
Antoinette yawned, not realizing how sleepy she was until Cheryl said something. "Yeah okay, she said in the middle of her yawn "Thank you again, Cheryl."
"Anytime, sunshine."
Cheryl pulled her car into the driveway of her house. It was nearly 2am and Cheryl was beginning to yawn herself. Her neighborhood was quiet. All you could here were the occasionally cars passing buy and the annoying sound of grasshoppers. She still hadn't gotten used to it. There was anything but peace at night when she stayed in Riverdale. She didn't feel safe there. Always having to bolt her windows and bedroom door.
She paused for a second, looking straight ahead before looking at Antoinette, and then at Veronica. They were both knocked out, rightfully so.
"Guys we're here, wake up." Cheryl said pretty loudly.
"Alright then, guys we're going to have to do this the long way." Cheryl got out the car, walking up to her door, unlocking it and opening it wide. She walked back to her car, deciding to start with Veronica. Cheryl opened the back door, carefully grabbing veronica, holding her how you would hold a baby. She closed the door with her foot before adjusting her hold-- bridal style. She quickly but smoothly walked into her house, up the stairs, placing Veronica into her bed.
She took out her makeup wipes, placing them on the bed. Not forgetting about the girl she had just met tonight, she went back to her car. Opening the passenger door, she smiled a little, growing fond of Antoinette. She put her other girl's phone in her pocket just for know, and grabbed her slowly. Cheryl closed the door, carrying her into the house the same way she carried Veronica.
Managing to lock the front door back, she trudged upstairs to her own bedroom, pushing back the covers and placing Antoinette on her side of the bed. Grabbing three pairs of sleeping shirts and shorts. She walked back to Veronica's room.
"The things I do for you, Lodge." She opened the makeup wipe and proceeded to wipe off Veronica's makeup, throwing the wipes away when she was done. She took of Veronica's jewelry and eventually her outfit. She changed Veronica's clothes, thankful she hadn't thrown up. Cheryl shuddered, placing a trash can on the side of the bed for good measure. She tucked in her best friend and kissed her head. "Goodnight, bitch. I hate you."
She walked out of Veronica's room, not forgetting to turn on her heater and closing the door. Cheryl arrived into her room once more, taking her time with Antoinette's make-up.  She admired her features, smiling slightly at what a sight for sore eyes she was. Cheryl threw the make-up wipes away. She changed Antoinette's clothes, feeling nothing short of a creep. She just didn't want to be rude and a bad house guest. She didn't know how much Antoinette drank, but she placed a trash can on the side of her bed. Tucking Antoinette in, she kissed her head as well. "Goodnight, Toni."
Cheryl exited her room with a smile on her face. Closing the door she walked downstairs, too exhausted to even bother brushing her teeth. She placed a bottle of extra strength Tylenol on the counter, along with two bottle of water. They'd need it.
Grabbing a comforter and two extra pillows from the storage closet, Cheryl walked over to the couch and removed the couch pillows. She moved the couch back some and pulled out the bed-couch. Making up the "bed" she hummed to herself softly. She then placed all three of there phones on a charger, setting them on the coffee table.
Cheryl flopped in her bed, thoroughly exhausted. She believed-- she  hoped, that she had made another friend on her own tonight. And she was surely proud of herself for that. She didn't need Jason as much as she thought she would. She'd never been this generous before.
 Tonight was definitely monumental.
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