#in size build demeanour approach etc.
austerulous · 2 years
Widow against Odessa? She's 5'9".
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vowelsads · 4 years
What is Rebranding Strategy?
Rebranding is a marketing strategy that involves changing to a new name, logo, design, tagline, or combination of the old well established brand. This is done with a view to change the brand image in the minds of the people.  It is a process wherein the whole identity of the established brand is changed to a new outlook. Alternatively, rebranding strategy is a complete brand makeover of an old brand. The intention is to re position the brand in the market with a renewed outlook and approach. A whole new set of name, logo, design, symbol, and concept is introduced with a view to change the image of the brand. This identity change is done to create a new impression in the eyes of customers, competitors, investors, employees, digital media presence, clients, stakeholders and suppliers etc.
Rebranding is a huge undertaking by any corporate house. The reason the companies resort to rebranding could be numerous. It can be due to exploring international markets, swap with a new management, mitigate bad reputation or just plain makeover of the brand image owing to keeping up with the changing times and be relevant and modern and updated in the age of social media to attract new customers and retain old ones. Mergers or acquisitions or new partners coming onboard could also be drivers of Rebranding. Other possible drivers to Rebranding are repositioning the mission and vision statement of the company, changing brand image to stand out in competition, to cater to a younger market and expand the target audience. Knowing your compelling reasons to change are crucial before resorting to Rebranding.
Need of a comprehensive strategy at the start
When we talk about rebranding and its accoutrements, there are a whole lot of things such as changing logo, website, identity cards, business cards, products, services, brochures, collaterals etc. Therefore, having a proper strategy in place at the onset is important. A deliberate application of thought is required to assess the actions involved. Like, in all the departments of marketing or strategy the scope of work that needs to rework or what new additions are to be made in the process of rebranding to ensure everything goes smooth.
Possible questions and concerns
To make the transition easier, the company must ideally communicate and interact with their customers. This will give two benefits, firstly, it’ll retain the existing customers, secondly, it’ll gain the customers’ trust and they will feel as much a part of the whole rebranding process and the ownership and the connection with the brand will be maintained. Otherwise, they may feel themselves alienated with the brand, and resultantly, it would mean the drop in sales of the company.
To maintain their trust, announce and communicate the rebranding via all the social media channels and mediums. Use these mediums to answer their queries and concerns and questions. This activity will go a long way in building and retaining and preserving the trust of the patrons.
Time to Go to Dubai in Dubai Expo 2021
Once the rebranded has been thought through, it’s important to publicize it on all digital platforms to give it the much needed gravitas. From announcing the decision of rebranding to keeping the customers and all the stakeholders in the loop, use the social media platforms to have an engaging dialogue with them from time to time. It will strengthen the association of the brand and the customers. Apart from the social media platforms, Trade Shows are a great and interactive way to advertise and announce your re- branding decision. 
Trade Shows and their essentiality
The important announcement requires utilising the medium of Trade Shows and leveraging on it’s advantages. The major benefit is the interaction platform it provides to the company to express their future plans and processes.
Customize however you like
Customising Flexibility- When it comes to trade shows, customising flexibility comes as part of the territory. The company has the most freedom to be as creative as they like. The designing team can exercise all the liberties they want to design the booth however you like. In terms of the colour, size, structure, shape and design can be as per the rebranding strategies and efforts. The design team can design the exhibiting booth in line with the rebranding policy and can maximise the opportunity of showcasing it to people at large in the expo.
It’s free advertising
Not exactly, the price is definitely there to exhibit at a vibrant trade show like Dubai Expo2021. What comes free though is the reach it will give to the brand. For the rebranding companies, this is the perfect medium as having a booth of the brand here gives you massive visibility and chance of interaction. The official unveiling of the new look can happen in a grand way at the Dubai Expo2021. Also, it will give you the chance to have a one on one interaction with the targeted audience. This is a splendid opportunity for the niche segment of the demographics that the company aims to target.
Level Playing Field- Trade Shows are known to provide all the exhibiting brands an equal opportunity of showcasing and engaging with the people attending them. The Dubai Expo 2021 is just that, an amazing and a gainful opportunity for the brands to exhibit themselves in the way they are. Also, if the brands have undergone a rebranding, then it gives a one to many feel. Like, under one roof of the trade show, the company wanting to show itself with renewed demeanour has access to the numerous and countless number of people. Therefore, does not need to go too far to advertise. After exhibiting in the Dubai Expo 2021, the company does not need to scream from the roof-top that they have undergone rebranding. Its all downhill from there. All the competitors and players get a fair chance to display themselves. Ultimately its on them, the quality of the products and the service decides their fate and make all the difference.
A Fair chance to make a great impression
In Expos, one gets an opportunity to make a fantastic first impression on the customers visiting their booths. This totally rests on them now how to create such a memorable and a positive first impression that is lasting enough. The brands can give free samples or discount coupons, or referral benefits or the overall experience of the look and feel of their product that the customer can carry with himself and perhaps can become a recurring affair not just a onetime demand. 
Sometimes brands in rush or owing to the hurry to present them to the world, come out undone or partially done with their rebranding. This can be rather hazardous for the brand.  Hence, its better advised to first chart out the full course ahead today only. Then plan and execute well with the help of either your staff or take the help of the trained experts from outside agencies. In summation, the rebranding should be well done and executed and then neatly presented to the world. It will fetch the positive outcome that is simply immeasurable and unprecedented. The Dubai Expo2021 is just platform that for you provided you utilise it well. Due to the pandemic and uncontrolled circumstances, it might have been pushed but the impact or the excitement in people is going to be the same or even better. Let’s make the most of the opportunity and stand in solidarity with the world to tide over any problems times have shown to humankind.
For all your rebranding requirements such as website designing, logo, identity cards, business cards, brochures etc, it’ll help tremendously to partner with the best brand like Vowels. Its a One stop solution for all your rebranding needs. Moreover, we also specialise in brand consultancy, branding, brand guidelines, strategy, CI manual, brand presentation and corporate branding.
The excellent services of Vowels even extend upto countries like USA, Dubai, India, Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman and Bahrain.
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sky-dancer-windy · 5 years
Aki Kizami
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Full name: Aki Kizami (Kizami, Aki)
Pronunciation: Ah-key Ki(ck)-Zah-Me
Name meaning: https://www.behindthename.com/name/aki-2 Nickname(s) or Alias: The Sky Dancer Hero: Windy
Gender: Female Species: Human
Age: 16
((Age will change on birthday… or I develop a pro hero AU for her, etc.))
Birthday: November 8th Sexuality: Bisexual Nationality: Japanese Religion: None City or town of birth: Hosu City
Languages spoken: Japanese, English Native language: Japanese Relationship Status: Single (verse dependant. All romantic relationships will be in different AU’s unless stated/planned otherwise). PHYSICAL APPEARANCE
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 120lbs
Figure/build: Slender, pear, built for all variants of dancing.
Hair colour: Green
Hairstyle: Short bob, braids meet at the back of her head in a little ponytail like hair style ((Unfortunately not accurately depicted in MMD pictures… shall, one day, be rectified))
Eye colour: Yellow
Skin/fur/etc colour: Pale
Tattoos: None
Piercings: None
Scars/distinguishing marks: None
Preferred style of clothing: Cutesy clothes, lolita fashion the occasional oversized things like sweaters. Form fitting clothing, like ballet leotards, for when using her quirk.
Frequently worn jewellery/accessories: N/A
Smoker? No.
Drinker? No
Recreational Drug User? Which? None
Addictions: None
Allergies: None. (This may change as she tries more food)
Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: None
Any medication regularly taken: None
Personality: Aki isn’t exactly the loudest personality day to day, preferring not be overly outspoken unless needed at first meeting, which is odd considering that she wants to be a hero, but once she gets to know people or is insanely comfortable in her surroundings, Aki becomes more lively and approachable. She also has a high patience threshold, it’s difficult to push her to anger, until you know what buttons to press. She is determined to better herself, but will do so cautiously, which is probably one of her weaknesses. Aki is a generally pleasant girl. Friendly, caring, smiley, calm, along with occasionally sassy and sarcastic.
Aki behaves a tad like a mother goose to her closest friends, taking on the role of defender and comforter when her friends are having a rough time, but will also call them out when they’re being ridiculous.
Once angered she could, potentially, rival Bakugou in volume and tenacity, her demeanour and vocabulary choices changing drastically, along with throwing caution to the wind (ha… >.>).
It would be wise to run to the hills if she’s angry but speaking calmly, because the calm anger is easily the most terrifying.
If romantically interested in someone, she gets quieter than usual, to the point when she’s unlikely to speak around them unless necessary. Like asking for what homework was while she wasn’t in school as an example.
Likes: Any and all forms of dancing, learning video game fighting moves, drawing, Eraserhead (fave hero), people who are enthusiastic about their interests, toned people.
Dislikes: being late, peppers, overly egotistical people, flirtatious people (she can’t deal with them), blushing easily (largely due to previously mentioned flirtatious people)
·Phobia(s): Spiders
·Fear(s): Being alone. Not being good enough
Favourite colour(s): Yellow
Hobbies: all variants of dancing, playing video games.
Can learn fighting game move sets fairly quickly to add to her repertoire of fighting skills… often to attempt enhancing with her quirk of wind to boost the speed and power. Likes to try to figure out the best time to use her quirk to maximise effectiveness of the move sets she’s learning.
Nimble and quick on her feet, often thanks to her quirk to make her move a little faster. She can also fly.
Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore (Vegetarian): Omnivore
Favourite food(s): Ramen, Kastudon, Japanese cheesecake
Favourite drink(s): Peach and apple teas
Disliked food(s): Peppers
Disliked drink(s): drinks that just taste like nothing but sugar.
Describe the character’s house/home: Just a regular little house, like Bakugo’s in size and shape.
Significant/special belongings: A yellow lolita dress. She often wears this when having a day out with her best friend Mistuha and a “treasure box” that she holds all the drawings and trinkets the pair have done or gifted each other over the course of their friendship.
Peaceful or aggressive attitude? Peaceful… unless angered.
Fighting skills/techniques: Commonly fighting moves she’s learned from video games, usually moves from Dead or Alive (Ayane’s, Kasumi’s and Hayabusa’s), Psychic Force (Wendy) and Tekken (Eddie, Xiaoyu and Lee Chaolan) to name a few. She often takes a month or two to prefect all these moves.
Can figure out when to use her quirk to maximise the effectiveness of her kicks and punches.
Special skills/magical powers/etc: She has the ability to control wind, very much like Yoarashi’s, but she is able to battle both at range and closely.
Weapon of choice (if any): Video game and dancing knowledge.
Weaknesses in combat: She can get exhausted when using extensive amounts of her wind power to the point of collapsing and fainting, making her vulnerable.
Strengths in combat: Can move as fast as wind when needed, can summon strong gale force winds at will. Can hit like a truck with wind boosting kicks and punches.
Parents names: ((To be determined))
Are parents alive or dead? Alive
Is the character still in contact with their parents? Yes
Siblings? Relationship with siblings? Two older siblings
Other Important Relatives: ((to be determined))
Partner/Spouse: None (Verse dependant [list below will change when AU relationships happen])
Children: none
Best Friend: Mitsuha ((a cosplay friends’ OC))
Other Important Friends: ((To be determined over the course of roleplaying))
Acquaintances: ((To be determined over the course of roleplaying))
Pets: None
Enemies? Why are they enemies? ((To be determined over the course of roleplaying))
Describe their childhood (newborn - age 10):
Aki was born as the youngest of three to a quirkless mother and a father who can use wind in small bursts, like a human fan, which came in handy during all 3 of her mothers’ pregnancies. Her father often jokes that he was his wife’s fanboy.
Aki’s childhood was pretty much like every other kids childhood. Played with dolls, slept over at friends’ houses, had falling outs with said friends over small things, etc. Just typical childish things.
It was when she was five that she discovered her quirk, much to the dismay of most of the other children in her class… Aki felt a burp rising… she thought it would just be a bit noisy and she’d have to say “pardon me” and that would be the end of it. She burped, and nearly blew half her table of other kids across the room.
Ever since her quirk manifested and whenever she needed to expel wind from her person, in the burps, etc. she often went to the classroom windows, or left the room to prevent blowing her classmates away, until she got a better grasp of her quirk.
Describe their teenage years (11 – 19):
((To be determined))
Describe their adult years (20+):
((To be determined))
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newslegion-blog1 · 5 years
Prologue Definitions
Machine elves
Cognitive dissonance
Confirmation bias
Energizer Bunny
Stone babies
Complex chemistry
Organic life
Multicellular life
AI (artificial intelligence)
Machine Learning
AI singularity
AGI (artificial general intelligence)
A-con (artificial consciousness)
All you are exists in the gaps in brain progressing, super but accidental redundancy gone Darwinian. Life came eventually from tiny anomalies in chemistry - exceptions - then cells, multi cells, moving multi cells etc. Human accident also, rampant success, but it is standard evolution ad hoc - porking our way through all resources, like greedy consumers since the LHB. In the gaps is the gold, though.
Electricity chemistry pinging around the brain concertina organic machine learning time needed to create valid next generations. Testing testing blind watchmaking consciousness. Which it eventually did, a few times. Most didn't have it. We did.
Unto now, the gaps have their sight on AI or cybernetics. We perceive the exponential flashpoint where AI fuse is lit; to develop in picotime. We knew that's coming cuz it's not an alien concept. Same thing originated humans from the primates; and all the way back.
It's rather unfair that activating a non-self serving bullshit / inauthenticity / virtue signalling often causes an interruption in natural flow as one audits one's behaviour. The ironic bit is how that sincere audit, only to be genuine and not feed others blarney, causes a stuttering - the look of uncertainty - which is actually taken for insincerity or discomfort. Double irony the slick fuck who doesn't audit or care to be sincere, even the snake oil seller with a learnt parlour, comes over smooth, no discord, certain, this truthful, authentic, sincere, worthy of trust. This is a perception mismatch - imagination to lie besting intuition about who to trust (and feeling, if it needs thinking about, it is less true).
If everything is a drive to solution or at least progress, it's inevitable to eventually realise this must be engineered if it's not to rely on chances intuition (hard to pass on/teach). Once this realisation hits, the choice is how much of life gets subjected to the deconstruction engineering necessary to aspire progress cuz not doing this is devalued, success or failure. Convergence with AI, not cuz it's mechanistic thinking but cuz it's breaking down increasingly complex chunks of reality into variables and algorithms. This is also a changed perspective as it's not all about forensic past dissection but variables algorithm approach to choices and the future especially when it comes to pursuing a goal, to doing.
In the moment yeah you can live in it but if you notice it, it's gone, and if it's well lived it's something good gone that can't be forever. That's all fine. But if it's a moment full of love and life, its loss is no fun - hide, don't think, don't be sad - but whatever, the lovemoment ends with one of you gone and the other going on like a lonely Energizer bunny.
Machine elves are the brain's consciousness dead ends, like personality abortions doomed to toil and live dumb in the deepmind unable to escape the loop of their inspiral succession of doors and rooms.
Or are they the brain making personalities for fun like the oceanworld Solaris. Once made the homunculus has to live cuz that's our fundamental law of life, how much personality is invested - not too much - virtually sane is just as much a natural selection as animals with eyes. like the ocean world Solaris.
The patterns of these abortions - stone babies calcified by time and distance from origin - lose distinctive features as one sees the mass, the in-spirals zoom out to look like consciousness fractals making geometric shapes whose uberform is real grand emotions (powerful insulators) like love and hate and empathy.
There's a barrier between personality prime and subordinate praetorian subconscious, and the machine elves and the homunculus trying to live, escape, loyalists v rebels?
This barrier is reinforced over early childhood though the multiplicity of fluid personality is still within reach. Kids make believe easily, "I'm David Beckham, you be Cristiano Ronaldo," one says, and that's all is needed. This state doesn't last, though. It's not expedient and real lived experience relentlessly teaches how life needs to be lived. Single personality, compromise with the oceanworld it can admit of many moods and facets.
This is the devil's bargain all human brains make, to live. It's another bargain that's not a choice ever made but a fact of our brains today and a fait accompli (like any Darwinian process, it's very extant consideration proof it was naturally selected a long time ago).
Perhaps this bargain where the frontline personality and lieutenants are given the route to the light - the optic nerve, for one - cutting loose the machine elves (loyalists) and homunculus (rebels), denied the light. Maybe this is the real origin truth in the underground/hell metaphor. And heaven isn't a place on earth but a life in a body upon it.
Think also about psilocybin, the inspiration for machine elves. They're always benign, calming, profound, in their own universe etc. Why wouldn't one feel a profound sense of gratitude, meeting the tireless lifelong guardians of your sanity - your identity - your safety. Bad trips could be a homonculus escaping, running rampant, though our brains are creative omnipotent s (inside the skull) so the escapee is eventually brought under control, neutralized.
The patterns made by of these personality abortions / occurs - though most are turned into stone babies calcified by time and distance from origin - lose distinctive features as one sees the mass, the in-spirals zoom out to look like consciousness fractals making geometric shapes whose uberform is real grand emotions (powerful insulators) like love and hate and empathy.
The first and last glimpse of the stone baby consciousness stillborn animations has so much fidelity, so much consciousness, so much depth in layers, it feels real, it feels like seeing God. Profound, ecstatic, personality-changing.
The world is very big. Big enough to send people mad or foetal. Foetal is mostly harmless: jobs and careers and breeding, if there's evil done, at least it's only done by inches. Madness is sometimes not harmless. It can be infectious. It is turning the innumerable into an equation.
At best this means crass approximation constipated by singularities and infinities that might factor conveniently but require faith they are equal rather than unknowns. National fantasy is a paradigm here. Or the innumerable is reduced to an algorithm, confirmation bias and cogdis evidence it's a fairytale (at least to observers). Religion is algorithm, as is mysticism. These bogus attempts to imagine a world that can't be imagined in any meaningful sense require commitment to equations or algorithms. Time devoted to this commitment makes them unreasonably precious. Precious things are possessed but also must be defended.
What's my own algorithm or equation explanation? That's the difference I think matters: it's only made up of expressly human factors, often ignoble and base and sad (for me and you). It doesn't need faith or singularities or fantasy or infinity. The problem is, it may be accurate, but whether it is or isn't it's not compelling and has no spark of any magic. Magic is the light good side of the infinities. It's a fairytale that might become a myth, it's not real except if it's reality to enough people (close by or in reach). I don't think it can be faked if one's being honest. But without the magic, what's the point of life except as a kindness to a duty to others, the logical endgame of nihilism.
Irony: opinion - decisive defining of personality - this is based on past experience but weighted towards quality over quantity JUST ABOUT - education, new data, new situations, research, expertise: these build by quality. Ultimately no matter what the subject but the bigger it is the more increasingly scant facts (in absolute terms, as a % of all facts available), there's a best guess, to the best of my knowledge, far as I know, based on the evidence etc. Cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias plays to this part of the algorithm, Dunning Kruger setting the predisposition based on specifics, demeanour/mood setting the predisposition objective bias/weighting.
To act with foresight based on predicted outcomes, one being preferred to others requires IMAGINATION to try modelling the future out of facts and other opinions etc. Given there may be no visceral or personal unequivocal evidence, and data is nuanced, there's got to be tough choices that require a fantasy to make happen. The scientists with enough facts to model a future disaster must use fantasy thinking to act before it is too late. Ironically the opinionated fool who knows fuck all gets to live real world prosaic, demanding better more undeniable proofs. Which can't happen cuz it's all about the future.
Human Imagination is the universe's most incredible creation (that we know!), not just for its potential but its tiny size and complexity. Trillion trillion neurons and axons in a network that works.
Daily life is a drip drip of experiences (sensory) that fill the brain's memory with, initially, the materials imagination needs to create its own universes. These begin fascinating - FEELING compelling - because they're new enough to seem possible so the brain takes it seriously as curiosity is hard-wired with scale quickly added. Drip drip drip.
Children play imaginative games because the potential (offered by imagination) still seems possible; and there's enough newness in daily drip drip to feed in new raw materials for ever more diverse imaginings. FEELINGS loosed by imagined worlds are intense early on because of thise closeness to possible; becoming less as drip drip drip time goes by and the brain's bullshit detector advances. The imagined world, once familiar, is less compelling.
New imaginings remain a catalyst for EMOTION because in that newness is something for the brain to explore. Imagined games can last longer thus. Eventually, though, the drip drip drip of real life - which doesn't cease - becomes so familiar there's no flow of new raw materials for the imagination; and then the imagined worlds are less fascinating. The experience of the drip drip drip asserts the undeniable nature of real life versus the imagined worlds, i.e. real life is probably, imagined worlds are mostly impossible. Once the latter builds enough reinforcement and the latter is demonstrated almost entirely impossible, the brain's faith in the possibility of these imagined worlds drops markedly and no more intense feeling comes from them.
For a while the real world, which is after all quite big, fills the void left behind by receding imagined worlds - ambition and hope and dynamism reside therein. But then the person gets old and the drip drip drip of everyday life continues relentless so that very predictability and the unlikeliness of early dreams increase so the brain loses faith in that, too. From this point people often become alcoholics (stupefy the brain's bullshit detector, so the feelings can flow again with lesser or despite everyday familiarity - often with a combination of memory and former states of mind), or junkies (various types, various effects, initially respite from the everyday so feelings flow but ultimately familiarity also - needing bigger doses or cecession).
More usually the older person moves to duty, fortitude, ministering to family's needs or - in any case - simply habituates to a less intense, less emotionally charged life thereafter. There's plenty of encouragement baked into our society, to make it easier to transition. Vanity is often a useful vehicle here: maturity equated to accepting duty and eschewing a life predicated on chasing compelling emotions. In any case, that's the way it seems to work.
The bathos of old age tends to be accompanied by physical or mental infirmity, loss of health, fragmentation of brainfunction, as the living organism begins its deterioration towards death and re-atomisation; the network shutdown, memory and imagination lost both as an individual system and a future potential, since the complexity of a particular brain is so unlikely the universe won't last long enough for there to be another quite the same.
The resonating concepts of any human society's myths and legends and fairytales are founded on a shared experience (being human). These concepts become embedded, like the rings in a tree trunk, because they matter - concurrently, contemporaniously, to a high enough proportion of those living at a particular time.
Time sorts the metaphorical wheat from the allegorical chaff, generation to generation, but the artifacts of these shared mythologies - like thunder clouds as gods doing battle or icebergs crashing into the ocean as ice-giants expelled from Jotunheim - echo long after the originating beliefs have become obsolete.
The remnants of the shared metaphor, a shortcut familiarity and unquestioned value, are appropriated by modern day's trinity of evil: propaganda, advertising and art. Prior to corporate capitalism advertising was owned by religion. Prior to democratic pluralism propaganda was owned by the ancien regime.
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