#in regular conversation - ie not in greeting / phone / walking into a room just to get attention or have someone look up
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not-poignant · 1 year ago
226k in it finally happened, Ef called Gary by his name (in front of Gary)!!!🥳 And it was to APOLOGIZE my hearttt I thought maybe it was gonna be mid-sex fjfjfj. I know you said the hold off wasn't intentional and I might be thr only one who cares (I sent an ask abt it before🙈) but I *do* care so this was very satisfying😍 The apology felt more intimate and grounding bc of it. Ahh. (PS I'll still keep my fingers crossed for a spooked/alarmed/overwhelmed mid-sex 'Gary'🤭)
Ahaaa anon I haven't been keeping track of it at all, lol, so I had no idea it was the first time he's said Gary's name to Gary!
To me it just felt natural that he hadn't yet. He's really not likely to say it during sex (honestly I think it's extremely unrealistic tbh, most people aren't just randomly saying their partner's name during sex or even, frankly, pornography. It's really only in romance novels that it happens with any frequency, and well, I don't write typical romances! Unless someone has a personal kink for it, it's really not happening that often, but if someone does have a kink for it then like, good for them! They can live their best life :D - personally nothing makes me cringe more than 'oh Gwyn, Gwyn, oh GWYn, OH GWYN' and I'm sitting there screaming 'LEARN ANOTHER FUCKING WORD they're literally right there in the room with you' lmao. I hate it about as much as 'oh alpha alpha' and 'oh omega omega' - I know people have kinks for that stuff, but I'll be here firmly in the squick column.)
A lot of the time in my stories when a character uses another character's name, it's often as a show of power. It's why my top characters and dom characters do it so much more than the bottoms. It's a way of gaining someone's attention. In regular speech, people are often very rarely using each other's names to each other, but you'll actually find it happens more in some BDSM scenes, and it's a good way to establish a power dynamic.
The combination of 'people just aren't often doing this' and 'I often use it to signal a power dynamic' just means it really hasn't come up for Efnisien until now and likely may not at any other point, unless he's literally calling out for help, or wanting Gary to stop doing something. Names are an attention-getter, but frankly they're often very unnecessary, because you often have the attention of the person you're in the room with. Like, it did feel natural to write in the moment in that chapter (i.e. I didn't notice it), but it hasn't felt natural until now, and idk when it will again, and I probably won't notice when it happens!
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michelangelinden · 4 years ago
A coffee order doesn’t tell you someone’s sexuality (but it kind of really does)
this is a willex coffee shop au because there aren’t enough already! (Thank you @sunsetcurbed for beta reading ily)
(6.2k words, link for ao3 is in the reblogs)
„Honey, I’m home,“ Luke calls as he strides into the apartment.
Alex groans loudly as a greeting. He doesn’t want to get up from the couch. His position isn’t very comfortable – his face is pressed into the armrest, his neck at a very awkward angle – but he needs to lie like this to mope correctly.
“Why isn’t dinner on the table yet? What are you doing in the living room?” Alex lifts his head to stare at him. “Sorry,” Luke says quickly and comes over. He drops his backpack by the coffee table and Alex pushes himself up so that Luke can sit on the couch and Alex can lie back down over his lap. Luke begins to gently card his hands through Alex’s hair.
“Why are you moping?” he asks, scratching Alex’ scalp and he feels himself relax a little.
“You know how I work at the coffee shop down Wilshire Boulevard?” he begins and Luke chuckles.
“Yes, I am in fact aware of that job. Pays our rent.”
“Right. Get a job, by the way.” Alex turns his body so that he’s lying on his back and his face isn’t squished by the cushion.
“I’m working on that. Continue.” Luke starts pushing Alex’ hair out of his face.
“Anyways. So, you know how I meet a shit load of people every day. Like, we have our regulars, but we have a lot of new people coming in, too.”
“Let me guess,” Luke interrupts him, “cute boy?” Alex groans again in response and raises a hand over his eyes.
“So cute. You have no idea.”  
“You’re gonna tell me about him.” It’s not a question. Luke already knows what’s coming.
“I sure am, close your eyes.” Alex peers up at him but the angle doesn’t let him see if Luke actually did as he was told. “Are they closed?”
“They’re closed.”
“Alright, picture this.” Alex thinks back to the situation from this afternoon. “I’m just chilling behind the counter, wiping the same spot for like three minutes straight, ‘cause I’m so bored, it’s a Tuesday afternoon, you know the drill.” Luke nods. “Flynn said some stupid shit, as she does, I’m laughing, and the bell above the door rings. So, I whip around, a little surprised, because, you know, Tuesday afternoons are always super lame and no one gets coffee –“ there’s a bite of pain his side “– hey!”
“Get on with it.”
“Chill. Okay. So, I turn around and in walks this absolute god of a man.” Alex takes a moment to envision him again. “Long, dark hair, black shorts, a skateboard under his arm, tie-dye shirt that’s, get this,” Alex pauses, “cropped.”
“Oh shit,” Luke gasps, rightfully so, that has been a damn sight for Alex’s sore eyes.
“YES! And he just strolls into the shop like it’s no big deal, like I’m not dying behind the espresso machine just looking at him.”
“Did you greet him?”
“I didn’t, at first, I was too stunned by the inch of skin visible above the shorts.” Luke laughs because that definitely hasn’t been the first occasion that Alex has been stunned into silence by the looks of a cute boy. “But Flynn pushed me and I had to serve him.”
Alex frowns.
Luke sighs.
“What’s his name?”
“Oh. Yeah, I didn’t ask.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Luke looks down at him, his eyes now open and his eyebrows in a deep frown.
“It’s a Tuesday afternoon, the shop was empty! I can’t just ask him for his name if he’s the only one there,” Alex exclaims, gesturing wildly, before hesitating. “He’d think I’m a creep,” he concludes.
“But now he just thinks you’re not interested in him!” Luke counters.
“Good! He’s not supposed to.” He glares at him. “He’s a customer, Luke, I have rules.” He groans again. “Hell, I don’t even know if he likes men.”
“What did he order?”
“Vanilla cold brew.” Luke squints his eyes at him until he continues. “With oat milk.”
“He’s gay,” Luke says with a satisfied nod.
Alex scoffs.
“What? Luke, someone’s coffee order doesn’t –“
��Have you ever had a customer order a vanilla cold brew with oat milk that gave you heterosexual vibes?”
Luke raises his eyebrows at Alex, who frowns in concentration. Then he sighs.
“No, I haven’t.”
“Told you!”
Alex grumps.
“Maybe he’ll come back,” Luke offers, patting Alex’s chest consolingly.
“God, I hope he doesn’t,” Alex answers, but at Luke’s confused face he quickly adds, “I’d combust if I had to see him again.”
Luke makes his ‘that’s fair’ face. Alex drops his arm over his eyes again, trying to block out reality.
The front door opens again, a fresh gust of wind blowing over Alex’s face and he lifts his arm. Reggie’s face pops up in his vision, sporting a bright grin, but it turns into a concerned frown when he spots his roommates on the couch.
“Oh no,” he starts, stopping in his tracks, “why are you in the ‘Alex is sad’ position?”
“I’m not sad, Reggie, just gay,” Alex answers him tiredly.
“Oh my god, same,” Reggie exclaims loudly.
He lifts Alex’s legs and drops himself onto the couch next to Luke, draping them over his own lap. Alex turns so that his face is pushed into Luke’s stomach. Luke gives a small ‘oof’-sound in surprise but starts stroking Alex’s hair again.
“Bobby took me to the petting zoo to pet some goats and it was really cute and he was really cute and I was so excited and he took a photo of me and called me ‘Boo’ and –“
Alex closes his eyes. He really loves Reggie but he can’t really handle listening to him gush about his almost-boyfriend-but-also-not-really-boyfriend-but-actually-definitely-his-boyfriend while he’s still moping.
So, he tunes him out, presses his face further into Luke’s stomach, and lets him handle the situation.
 It’s another Tuesday afternoon and Alex is fucking bored. The shop has been a desert for the better part of his shift – he’s had like three customers and none of them wanted cool fancy drinks but instead something like ‘a coffee, black’ or ‘a green tea, please’.
Not that there is anything wrong with liking black coffee or green tea, but the least his three customers could do for him is ordering something fun for him to make that requires more than pressing a single button. Especially when it’s a Tuesday afternoon.
Flynn is on her break in the back, talking to her girlfriend Carrie on the phone, but Alex doesn’t mind that she left him alone; it’s not like they have anything to do anyways. And when she uses her break to talk to Carrie, the amount of time she spends to talk about her is much shorter, which Alex appreciates. He loves Flynn and Carrie both, but they’ve been dating for two years now and act like an old married couple which can get hella annoying hella fast.
He’s standing behind the counter, sharpie in one hand, drawing random doodles on the paper cup in his other. He’d started with a ghost, that’s his go-to drawing when he’s bored, but now it has four friends, three dogs, a small drum set, a microphone and two failed attempts at a guitar.
When the bell chimes and the door opens, Alex lifts his head and he almost drops his pen.
It’s the boy from last week – hair down, shirt cropped, a skateboard in hand.  And he’s headed his ways.
Alex looks over his shoulder to check if Flynn finished her break and magically appeared behind him but nope, he can still hear her giggling in the break room.
Fuck, he thinks as he turns back around. He startles when he sees the boy right in front of the counter, smiling at him.
He straightens up and clears his throat quickly, running a hand through his hair, almost tangling the pen in it. He drops it and it hits the counter’s edge before falling to the floor and Alex crouches down at rocket speed to pick it up. When he snaps back up he sees that the boy’s eyes follow every movement, his eyebrows quirked and his lips in a lopsided grin.
“You good?” he asks, his eyes scanning Alex up and down.
He clears his throat again, his mind scrambling for an answer for probably a moment too long.
“Yeah!” he settles on eventually, really rushed and with too much air to be too convincing. “Uh, yeah, sorry,” he continues, tucking the pen in the front pocket of his apron. “I didn’t have a lot of customers today, I didn’t, uh, I didn’t expect you.”
The boy chuckles and tucks a strand of hair behind his ear and Alex could combust right then and there. Who gave this man the right?
“Yeah, it’s not very busy right now,” he says, looking around a little. He turns back to Alex. “I was here last week, though.”
“I- yeah. I, uh, I just didn’t expect you to come back.” Alex is so sure his face his bright red from embarrassment. Why can’t he just hold a conversation like a normal person?
“Well,” the boy starts, leaning his board against the front of counter, “I liked your coffee.”
Alex stares at him for a hot second before clearing his throat a third time.
“Anyways, what can I get for you?”
The boy smiles again.
“I’ll have a vanilla cold brew with oat milk, please. The biggest one you have.”
Alex smiles a little at the order but nods, punching the order into the cash register and picking up one of the plastic cups. He contemplates for a second, before pulling the sharpie from his pocket again, starting to push the lid off with his thumb.
“Uh, what’s your name?” he asks carefully. God, he hopes he doesn’t sound creepy.
“I’m the only one here,” the boy answers and Alex half expects him to frown, when he looks up at him, but he’s sporting a small grin.
“Uh,” Alex just says again and mentally kicks himself for it. “Sorry, I-,” he continues, closing the sharpie again and beginning to tuck it back into his apron, when the boy speaks up again.
“It’s Willie,” he says with a smile shining through his voice and Alex blinks at him. “My name is Willie. With ‘ie’.”
Alex looks at him for a second longer than probably appropriate, studies his long, brown hair falling over his shoulders as if carefully draped there; the small golden earring in his right ear, glistening in the afternoon sun shining through the windows; the mischievous glint in his dark eyes as he looks back at Alex. He decides that Willie with ‘ie’ fits perfectly.
Alex smiles at him. He flicks the lid off the sharpie, careful not to send it across the counter, and writes ‘Willie' on the cup in his hand, adding a smiley face after another second of contemplating and deciding that fuck it, he deserves a smiley face.
He moves over to the coffee making station, flipping the lid of the vanilla syrup open and swirling some into the cup with a skilled motion. He adds a scoop of ice and then another, filling the cup almost to the brim. He’s just closed the fridge getting the cold brew when he hears the boy – Willie – speak up again.
“Is this yours?” he asks and when Alex turns to him, pitcher of coffee in hand, he sees that Willie is holding the paper cup full of doodles. “Did you draw these?”
Alex feels an embarrassed blush creep up his cheeks and he looks down again, concentrating on not missing the cup when he fills it with coffee.
“Uh, yeah, I was bored.”
“They’re cute,” Willie says and Alex feels that it’s genuine, the smile noticeable through his words. “I like the ghosts. And the dogs.”
“Thanks,” he answers, not looking up out of fear that Willie might notice his blush.
“What are they called?”
Okay, now Alex does look up, looking at Willie with a frown.
“You need to give them names,” Willie tells him as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
Really Alex, why haven’t you given them names yet, huh?
“Uh,” he just says, unable to form correct words in his head.
“Can I name them?”
Willie looks at Alex with his eyes sparkling softly, the excitement clear on his face and if the plastic cup full of coffee in hand weren’t for him Alex would crush it for sure.
Can Willie name the doodled ghosts and dogs on his cup? Of course, he fucking can, he can name Alex first born if he asks like that.
“Uh, sure, go ahead.”
He’s so glad he sounds so calm because he’s totally screaming on the inside.
Willie beams at him and turns back to the cup, holding it closer to his face and studying the drawings.
“I’ll call this one George, totally the vibe. And this one – oh, that’s a cool drum set!”
He’s turned the cup over looking at the other side and for a moment Alex feels bad that he has to see his ugly drawn guitars.
“Thanks,” he says anyways, because yes, his drum set did turn out pretty good.
“Do you play?”
Alex’s head snaps up from where he’s pouring oat milk into the cup.
“How- how do you know?”
“You do?” Willie's eyes widen as he looks up at Alex. “Really? That was a wild guess.”
Alex can’t help but grin back at him, Willie's excitement over that revelation infecting him too.
“Yes, I play,” he tells him happily, setting the carton of milk down to not spill anything. “I’m actually in a band too,” he adds because a little promo can’t hurt.
“Dude!” Willie almost yells, leaning over the counter to get closer to Alex. “That’s so cool! What are you called?”
Alex feels pride and excitement bubble up in his chest as it always does when he gets to talk about his band.
“We’re ‘Julie and the Phantoms.’ Tell your friends!”
“Oh, I will! Do you play gigs? Are you on Spotify?”
Alex chuckles a little when Willie pulls his phone out of his pocket eagerly.
“We are, we have an EP out. You should check it out.”
“I definitely will!” Willie taps on his screen before he gasps. “That cover looks so cool!”
“Thank you so much,” Alex says genuinely. “Julie designed it herself.”
Willie looks back up at him, the smile still stuck to his lips.
“Who’s Julie?”
“Oh, our lead singer. She’s honestly the best. You’ll be so impressed when you hear her, I promise.”
They’d all been there when they first heard her sing. That girl has a power that’s not to be underestimated.
“I can’t wait,” Willie answers and his clear voice accompanied by his honest eyes tells Alex that he means it.
For a moment they just stare at each other, both smiling, a blush high on Alex’s cheeks, Willie still holding his doodle cup in one hand and his phone in the other.
It gets awkward after another moment because Alex notices the ice in the cup in his own hand hurting his fingers a little. He pulls his gaze away from Willie and down at the coffee, busying himself with slapping a lid on it.
“Your, uh, your coffee.”
He walks back over to the counter and sets it down in front of Willie, pulling a paper straw from the tall glass next to him and balancing it on top.
“Thanks, uh,” Willie's eyes flick down to the name tag on Alex’s chest, “Alex,” he finishes with a smile. “What do I owe you?”
Oh. Right. Money.
He glances at the cash register.
“$4.55, please. Do you want a receipt?”
“No, thanks,” Willie says. He pushes his hand into the pocket of his shorts and fishes out a $5 bill, sliding it over to Alex.
“Keep the change,” he says while dumping another $1 bill into the tip jar. He grabs the straw and his cup and slowly walks back towards the front door. “I’ll see you around?”
Warmth spreads in Alex’s chest at the thought of seeing Willie again.
“Yeah, definitely.”
Willie smiles at him and salutes him with his drink before he turns and exits the shop.
Alex stares at the closing front door for a moment, watching Willie place his board onto the ground and step on it, pushing off and skating away out of Alex’s sight. When he can’t see him anymore and it doesn’t look like another customer will enter the shop, Alex places his hands on the edge of the counter and leans forward to let out a loud groan towards the floor.
What just happened? Where did Willie come from and why does he make Alex’s insides feel like mush?
This – this – is not okay!
“Ehm, what did I just witness?”
Alex’s head snaps over to Flynn standing in the doorway to the hallway, one hand propped up on her hip, the other holding her phone.
“How long have you been standing there?” Alex asks, not moving from his awkward position at the counter.
“Long enough to watch you fall head over heels for a skater boy.”
Alex gets up straight immediately, holding his hands up in defense.
“I – I didn’t – I’m not in – I didn’t fall – You can’t,” he starts to splutter, taking a step back and bumping his hip against the counter. “What?”
“Sweetie, you had a whole gay panic in the 30 seconds I watched you.”
“What?” he says, his voice raising at least an octave and he clears his throat. “No, I didn’t.”
Flynn doesn’t answer him, just tilts her head and raises an eyebrow.
He groans again because yes, she’s right, he did have a gay panic.
But who can blame him, honestly, when Willie exists with his beautiful hair and his beautiful smile and he’s just strolling into the coffee shop wearing a cropped shirt and –
His head snaps around to the source of the voice and his eyes lock with his friend Julie, Luke standing behind her.
“Are you okay?” she asks, one hand hovering in the air as if close to reaching out for him.
“Yeah,” he starts, but Flynn butts in and yells “gay panic!” over from where she’s standing behind the espresso machine.
Luke perks up behind Julie, his eyebrows flying up until they’re hidden under his fringe.
“Was it the crop-top boy from last week? Did he come back?” He comes up behind Julie to stand next to her, leaning over the counter to get closer to Alex.
“I –“ he pauses, glancing back at Flynn, who just raises her eyebrows at him. “Yeah,” he answers with a sigh, watching Luke gasp excitedly.
“Did you finally get his name?” Luke asks.
“Wait, what? Who are we talking about?” Julie asks with a frown, looking back and forth between Alex and Luke.
“Alex has a crush on a –“ Luke starts to explain, but Alex cuts him off.
“I do not have a crush on him!”
“Then tell me why you were staring longingly after him just three minutes ago.”
Alex gasps dramatically at Flynn’s betrayal, turning back and glaring at her, but she just glares back at him. He sighs again, turning back to his friends.
“So, there’s this customer, his, uh, his name is Willie.” He pauses for a second for Luke to start vibrating out of excitement about the new information. “He came here for the second time today and – and he’s so beautiful, fuck!” He slumps forward, burying his face in his arms on the counter.
“Oh Alex,” Julie said consolingly but he can hear her smile. He feels her hand patting his hair gently and he lifts his head a little, setting his chin on his forearms.
He’s fucked. He’s so fucked. And Willie is so beautiful, Alex just wants to scream.
 “No- no Flynn, you can’t – don’t leave me!” Alex argues as Flynn struggles to release his grip. “It’s 3.30, he’ll come any minute now!”
“Exactly, which is why I don’t want to be here!” she argues back, softly punching him in the stomach to let go of her. It doesn’t hurt but he gets the message and releases her shoulders. “I don’t want to watch you simp over this guy for five minutes while you stretch making his coffee just so you can talk to him.”
She’s calling him out and she’s right. He does take way too long making his drink just to get him to stay a minute longer. But it’s not like he’s harming anyone with it. Most of the times Willie came in in the past month he’s been the only customer and he never seemed to be in a rush, so Alex doesn’t feel bad for pouring the milk in very slowly.
And yes, she’s also right about the simping part, even though he really doesn’t want to admit it. He keeps staring at him when he talks about a topic he’s interested in – art for example, he really likes art – and has to be careful not to spill anything when that happens. It happened once. He’s not proud of it.
But every time he starts to ramble about something he likes his eyes start to sparkle and it seems like he’s glowing and his hands are everywhere and he makes it really hard for Alex to look away.
Willie got him to ramble too, one time, about the band and their music and when Alex looked up from the cup in his hands and at Willie, he saw that he had the brightest smile on his face, teeth shining and his eyes crinkling. Alex had felt the punch in his gut before his brain caught up to him.
Yeah, he does have a crush on Willie, there is no denying it now, as much as he wants to. But there’s not really much he can do about it.
So, he can kind of get why Flynn tries to get on her break. Still.
“I don’t want to be alone with him, Flynn. He’ll say something cute and I’ll start crying.”
“Oh my god!” Flynn lets out an exaggerated groan. “Just – be the responsible one and start flirting with him or something. Tell him he’s cute.”
“I can’t!” he says loudly. “I have anxiety.”
Now it’s Flynn’s turn to put her hands on his shoulders, shaking him a little while she speaks.
“Alex. You’re 20 years old, you pay rent for an apartment, you’re an adult, you play drums in front hundreds of people! You can tell a boy that he looks cute!”
Alex opens his mouth to argue but she shushes him.
“I –“ he tries again but she cuts him off with a “nope” and when he opens his mouth again she finally asks “what?”
“This is different,” he says, very softly, hoping she finally gets his struggle.
She doesn’t.
“Okay, how is this different?”
He groans internally. How do people not get this?
“I – I don’t know, I –“ he breaks off to heave a sigh. “I really like him, okay? I don’t want him to think I’m weird.”
Flynn tuts. Not in the annoyed way, but in the way she does when Julie is being really dense about Luke’s crush on her or when Reggie hurts his foot jumping around while playing bass.
“Alex,” she says slowly, grabbing his face and making him look at her. It’s a little awkward, her being almost a foot smaller than him, but her grip is strong and her message clear.  “He wears crop tops and buys coffee with oat milk. I don’t think there is a single drop of toxic masculinity in him that would make him think it’s weird if you call him cute.”
He stares at her, his head unmoving between her palms, as she glares into his eyes, into his soul. She squeezes his cheeks a little and he chuckles quietly. She smiles at him and releases his face.
“Here,” she says, looking down at her chest and removing the small rainbow pin from her apron. “Maybe this can give you some emotional support.” She fastens the pin to his own chest, right next to his nametag, and puts her hand over it once she’s done.
“You got this!”
“Thank you,” he says genuinely.
The bell above the door chimes and Flynn’s eyes fly over to the entrance.
“Oh, he’s coming,” she whisper-yells, removing her hand and turning on her heel. Alex takes a step forward in panic, trying to get her to stay one last time.
“No, Flynn, please,” he tries but she shakes her head without looking back at him.
“Nope, I’m already leaving, good luck!” She throws him a thumbs up before she disappears around the corner.
Alex stares after her for a moment before turning around slowly, facing the counter and Willie behind it. Willie smiles brightly when their eyes meet, his gaze warm and Alex feels his stomach flip from that alone.
“Hey,” Willie says, “what’s up?”
Oh, nothing, I’m just hopelessly in love with you, Alex thinks but thankfully doesn’t say out loud.
“Nothing,” he answers instead. He steps closer automatically and props himself up with his hands on the edge of the counter, as he always does when Willie comes in. “Just, uh, life, I guess.”
Willie chuckles at that, a strand of hair falling in front of his face and he brushes it back with his hand absentmindedly. Alex follows the motion closely and hopes Willie doesn’t notice him staring.
“Yeah, I get it.”
They both stay silent for a moment before Alex remembers why Willie came here in the first place.
“Coffee,” he blurts before he can stop himself and he leans back to get to the cash register.
“Right,” he hears Willie say and then the sound of him setting his skateboard onto the floor.
“Vanilla cold-brew with oat milk?” Alex asks, his fingers already hovering over the buttons.
“Actually,” Willie starts and Alex looks at him, “I kind of want to try something new today.”
“Oh, sure. Do you already have an idea?”
“Hm, no, not really.” Willie leans forward, settling his palms on the counter, his face turned upwards at the menu above Alex’s head.
“Do you mind if I suggest something?” Alex asks carefully. Willie tilts his head to look at him and smiles.
“No, not at all, please.”
“So, you like sweet things, right?” Willie nods. “Okay, I’d suggest a latte and we got this cool new cinnamon syrup that makes everything taste like cinnamon buns. I can make it iced and with oat milk, too, if you want to.”
Willie's face lights up and he nods excitedly.
“That sounds great, thank you so much,” he comments. Alex bites at his bottom lip for a second but then he smiles, giving himself a second to appreciate Willie's smile before turning to make his drink.
Out of the corner of his eyes he sees Willie leaning forward, his elbows on the counter and resting his face in his palms. He can feel him watching him work, observing his motions of preparing the espresso, swirling the inside of his cup with the cinnamon syrup and filling it with ice. It’s not really something to show off with, but if he could he totally would. When he turns to get the milk from the fridge he catches Willie's gaze, head tilted slightly to the side, and he feels a blush creeping up his cheeks. Knowing someone is watching you is one thing, but seeing it makes it more intense.
“So,” Willie starts to strike up a conversation, “what made you decide to be a barista?”
Alex huffs a laugh, taking the espresso cup and tipping it over the plastic cup.
“It’s really not as exciting as you might think,” he says, setting the empty cup next to the sink and looking at him. “I moved into an apartment with my friends, needed a job, saw that the café was hiring and applied and thankfully I got the job.” He adjusts the straps of his apron as Willie takes a short look around the shop.
“Do you like working here?” he asks when his eyes have settled back on Alex, now slowly pouring the milk into the cup. He’s taking his time, not only to not overfill it, but also to get Willie to stay longer, talk to him longer, to look at him like that for just a little bit longer.
“Yes,” he decides, because it’s true. He does like working here. “Yeah, I really do.”
“What’s your favorite thing about it?” Willie asks, his gentle voice showing genuine interest.
“Oh, that’s hard.”
There are so many things to like about his job. He likes that it always smells like coffee and sugar when he comes in, he likes it when the sun shines in through the glass panels at the front and paints the entire café in golden hues, he likes having his regulars greet him like friends and tell him about their day. And he likes the work too, making coffee, preparing desserts, talking to his coworkers.
But then he knows what to say.
“Probably observing people,” he finally answers, causing Willie to laugh.
“Oh, no, I know how it sounds, but not in the creepy way.” He allows Willie to calm down for a second. “I like watching them being here as a part of their daily routine, you know. When they come here before work they’re stressed because they have somewhere to be, but when they come here after work they always stay to chat for a bit.” Willie nods. “And sometimes we have people come in here, order a hot chocolate and a croissant and then they sit here for hours typing on their laptops or writing in notebooks. And there are people going on dates here and there are many friends and families just spending their afternoon and –“ he breaks off, noticing how he’s rambling and spares a glance at Willie.
“Oh, please continue,” he encourages him, the smile on his lips warm and comforting.
“I – I don’t know, I just – I like the idea of being a part of their life, in a way. Giving them something nice to make their day a little better.” He looks down at the drink in front of him. “Even if it’s only an iced cinnamon latte. Do you want whipped cream? It’s vegan.”
“Yes, of course, thank you.” Willie straightens up, pushing his hands into the pockets of his shorts. He watches Alex add whipped cream to his drink, as well as another small swirl of the syrup and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
“Ah, look at how pretty that looks.” Alex carefully takes the cup and places it in front of him on the counter. “Please appreciate it for a second, before I slap a lid on and smush it.”
Willie laughs but leans forward again to take a closer look.
“It looks very nice, excellent swirl, chef’s kiss.” His eyes flick up at Alex and he feels the blush, that has never quite left his cheeks, darken.
“Thanks,” he says with a short laugh.
“I don’t think I need a lid,” Willie says as he leans back again, “but I do need a straw.”
Alex nods, pulling a paper straw from the glass and sticking it into the cup.
“Voila. Now it’s done.” He pushes it a little closer to Willie. “Please try it.”
Willie reaches for it immediately, picking it up slowly to not spill anything. Alex can’t help but stare in anticipation as Willie takes the first sip through the straw. His eyes flutter closed and he lets out a satisfied hum and Alex is too busy blushing hard to be proud to have evoked that reaction.
“This is really good,” Willie says after a moment, keeping his eyes closed and taking another sip. “Thank you for recommending it.”
Alex clears his throat, trying to get his brain to focus again.
“Sure. You’re, uh, you’re welcome.” He has to scrunch up his eyes for a second and when he opens them again he sees Willie looking at him with an eyebrow raised.
“You good?” he asks and Alex nods.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m glad you like it.”
“I do, really. How much is it?”
Alex’s brain jumps on again and he moves over to the cash register, tapping in the order.
“$5.20, please. Would you like a receipt?”
Willie shakes his head, setting the cup back onto the counter and pushing his right hand back into his shorts pocket. Alex fiddles with his apron straps again while he waits and adjusts his nametag, too.
When Willie hands him the cash, dropping $2 into the tip jar, his eyes settle on Alex’s chest and a smile on his lips.
“Nice pin, by the way,” he comments, stuffing his hands back into his pockets.
Alex, who thought it had stopped, blushed again, looking down at the rainbow pin still on his apron.
“Thanks, it’s my friend Flynn’s.”
He now remembers why he’s wearing it, too. Emotional support. For telling Willie that he looks cute. He can do it, he thinks. But he doesn’t.
“Here’s your change,” Alex says as he hands over a few coins.
Willie nods and a silence forms around them, while they both kind of stare at each other but also kind of don’t. At least Alex tries to hide it, but Willie's eyes bore into his face.
“So,” he starts and Alex can hear his foot scuffing the floor. He’s nervous. “Are you, like, an ally?”
Alex blinks.
Alex didn’t hear him correctly. He can’t have. That can’t be what Willie just asked him.
He blinks again and a concerned frown settles on Willie's face.
“Are you – not an ally?”
“I’m gay.”
Realization dawns on Willie's face. His frown loosens and he opens his mouth slightly.
“Oh,” he says softly. “Yeah, that makes sense.”
“Yeah,” Alex answers, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
“Cool.” Willie pauses, nodding. “Me too.”
“Cool,” Alex repeats, to seem causal, but inside his brain he’s yelling gaygaygay on repeat.
Willie stares at him for another moment and Alex tries his best to stare back.
“I’m gonna go now,” Willie says, grabbing his drink and taking a step back.
Alex’s thoughts are a wild mixture of no, please stay, you make everything feel warm and oh my god, please leave, this is getting too awkward, but he doesn’t want to say either of those so he just says “okay” very quietly and mentally kicks himself for it.
So much for telling Willie that he’s cute.
Willie walks backwards a few steps before finally turning, holding his board under his arm and his drink in his hand, to pull the door open. Alex watches him, unmoving behind the counter. Just as Willie's about to step outside, he turns again, still holding the door handle. He closes his eyes for a moment and breathes in and out.
“Hey, uh, if I were gonna ask you out on a date,” he pauses, “would you say yes?”
“Okay, cool.” Willie moves to leave again, before stopping once again. “When does your shift end?”
Alex can’t believe this is really happening. He glances back at the clock above the menu.
“In about an hour,” he answers, his voice raising at the end like a question even though he’s never been more sure of anything in his life.
“Okay, cool,” Willie says again and Alex laughs a little. Willie smiles at him.
“I’ll see you then?” Alex asks, just to clarify what Willie seems to imply.
Alex can’t help but grin back at him.
“Okay, cool,” he repeats Willie's words and this time Willie laughs a little.
Willie takes one last look at him before actually moving out of the door, placing his board onto the ground and stepping on it. He doesn’t push off right away, shooting one last smile at Alex and waiting for him to smile back and wave at him.
Alex’s eyes follow him rolling past the front of the shop. He’s still smiling when he disappears out of his sight and Alex feels like his whole body is glowing.
He grips the straps of his apron, biting back a laugh.
This can’t be real, he thinks, but the condensation of the drink on the counter is real and the tips in the tip jar are real and the blush on his cheeks is real and the date – date – is also real. So very real. Holy fuck.
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holdmekhh · 8 years ago
It’s Our Anniversary
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Artist/Person : Min Yoongi/Agust D
Group/Crew : BTS
Genre : Fluff
Word Count : 1986
Request :  Can I ask for some super fluffy fluff with Yoongi or Namjoon? (You choose) Maybe make it medium sized or long? (If that's okay) tysm💓
My gaze was focused on his hunched form, a smile on my lips as I watched his head bob to the music playing through the headphones that covered his ears. Slowly, I stood from my seat on the dark couch and crossed the studio to where he sat. Draping my arms over him, resting them on his chest, I buried my face in the crook of his neck and placed a soft kiss on it. He paused the current track, slipping his headphones off with a chuckle. “Yes, baby girl?” Yoongi muttered, looking over his shoulder and chuckling at my puckered lips. Turning a bit more, he connected our lips, for a moment, in a chaste kiss.
“Mm-how’s the beat coming along?” I muttered against his lips as we pulled away, looking over at the computer that glowed in front of him. A grin spread on his face as he nodded, taking the headphones from around his neck and placing them over my head. He quickly hit play, and the beat flowed through. I couldn’t stop the bobbing of my head, eyes shutting as I listened intently. It seemed to go by too fast, but I still opened my eyes and slipped the pair off my head. “How was it? Did you like it?” I giggled at his excited face as I nodded. “I always like your beats, babe.” My smile only widened, heart fluttering when his ears started to redden.
We’d ended up on the couch, curled into each other as we shared quick kisses and laughs. “Hey, babe?” He muttered, making me hum in acknowledgement. “Remember when we met?” I chuckled nodding, tightening my arms around him. “You wouldn’t even talk to me.”
It was a rainy day in Seoul when I finally agreed to meet up with Namjoon to hang out. We’d been friends for a while, but hadn’t met up in the longest due to his training. We’d agreed to meet at a nice café near his company building, opting for somewhere quiet and warm.
I’d arrived earlier than he did, deciding to order a large cup of hot chocolate. But, as soon as I sat down he entered. Two others at his sides, both looking just as cold as he did. Waving them over, a smile on my lips, I chuckled when Namjoon tripped slightly over his feet.
When they finally got to the booth that I sat at, I stood and pulled the much taller man into a hug. “Namjoon-ie oppa, haven’t seen you in forever.” I smiled, turning to the other two men and bowing slightly as I greeted them. One was tanned, a large smile pulled onto his face as he greeted me excitedly. The other, kept quiet as he bowed slightly before he sat down next to the other guy, Hoseok. Sitting back in my seat, I chuckled. “Do you guys want something to drink? I can go up and order.” I offered in a soft voice. Only for the quiet one, who Namjoon informed me was Yoongi, to shake his head and stand. After he got their orders, he turned and walked to the front. “Is he usually this quiet?” I asked softly, raising an eyebrow when the two nodded. “He talks more, but not much.” Hoseok stated, and I nodded in understanding.
He come back when we were laughing quietly, placing all three of their drinks on the table. Sitting back with a soft smile, I looked over them. “I see that you guys’ hair is styled in a cool way, you guys debuting soon?” I asked as I took a sip from my heated drink. Namjoon nodded, “In a month.” My smile spread as my eyebrows shot up. “Oh, congratulations!” I said excitedly, I leaned forward onto the table. “I’ll make sure to spread the awareness.” I giggled, when Hoseok and Namjoon started dancing funnily in their seats.
We chuckled at the story, “You know I thought you liked Namjoon for the longest because of that day.” He muttered, making me laugh. “I thought you didn’t like me. Well, until you finally spoke to me.” I stated, reaching up and pushing some of his hair back from his face.
It’d been a year since the boys debuted, their popularity was growing and they’d made friends in the industry. Making friends in the industry meant, more parties to attend. And that’s where we were now. They took me to damn near every party they went to, introducing me to countless amount of people, including ones that I listened to on a regular basis. But, just like every party ever, there were those people that make others uncomfortable.
There was a guy who would not leave me alone, and of course there was always someone who’d try and make a move on me but they’d give up if I added some firmness to my voice, not this guy. At first, it was kind of okay, but then he became aggressive and possessive. He just wouldn’t leave. But, finally after moving around the party, the guy right at my side, I caught sight of Yoongi. We made eye contact, and I tried my best to show my plead through my facial expression. It must’ve worked before his jaw clenched and he started his making his way over. The boys were next to him when we’d make eye contact, so naturally they followed him, but he was faster than them. He weaved through the dozens of bodies before he got to me. “Yah, what’s going on here?” He muttered, immediately getting close enough to me for me to feel safe. The guy towered over him, but he wasn’t intimidated. “Go fine someone else. She’s mine, I called her, so back off.” The guy slurred slightly, but that seemed to only anger Yoongi even more. “Called her?” He questioned with a rough tone. His accent coming to show, along with his dialect. His fists were balled up at his sides and he looked like he’d swing any moment, but I’d grabbed one of his fists before he could. “Don’t do it. Come on, let’s just go.” I muttered to him as tugged him back. He let me pull him away, until the guy said something making Yoongi charge at him. But, the other boys were behind us the whole time and two of the boys ran and caught him before he could do too much damage.
When we’d made it back across the room, where they were before, Yoongi grabbed my shoulders and turned me a few times, looking over me. “Are you okay?” He finally asked with a soft voice, our eyes locked in an intense stare. I nodded, and he let out a soft sigh of relief. “Good. From now on, you stay by my side. Okay?” I only nodded, and let a soft smile grace his lips as he clutched my hand. The night continued like that, me at his side and our hands still intertwined.
“That night was so overwhelming, to be honest.” I muttered, grabbing at his large hand. “Why?” “Well, the guy I liked was all protective, and it made my heart flutter. It made me fall for you even more.” I blushed, making Yoongi chuckle. “I didn’t you liked me for so long.” He muttered, brushing his nose against my cheek before kissing it softly. I merely nodded, before muttering in the softest voice. “I found you interesting when I first met you.” Again, a chuckle left his lips before he buried his face into my hair. “Do you remember when I confessed?” His voice was muffled, but I understood him perfectly.
It was a cold, rainy autumn evening, I was home alone. There was take out on my living room floor, television playing a re-run of Hello Counselor. It was relaxing, me being alone. It was the first time in a while that I could relax, with work and school.
It was perfect, until the doorbell rang, interrupting the commercial that was playing. My eyebrows furrowed as I grabbed my phone and stood, making my way to the door. Looking into the small screen next to the door, I saw the zoomed in face of Yoongi. I immediately opened the door, coming face-to-face with him. His hair was wet, falling over his face, and his clothes clung to his body. “Hey, come in. Oh my, you’re soaked.” I gasped, pulling him in. After he took off his shoes, I lead him to the bathroom. “I’ll get you some of my brothers’ old clothes.” I stated, turning to make my way to the guest room. Before I could walk away, his cold, wet hand wrapped around my wrist. “Wait…” I turned to looked at him. “I have get something dry to wear before you get sick.” I muttered, heart hammering against my chest as he stared at me. “Just-I have to tell you something first.” He stated, voice shaky. “Can’t it wait- ““It’s important, Y/N.” He stated firmly, making me nod. “I-um...this is hard…um-I have to tell you something.” He took a deep breath and shut his eyes, his hand falling from my wrist and running through his hair. “Um…ever since I met you, I thought you were the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. You’re funny, like you could make me laugh without even trying. Sometimes, your funnier than Hobi.” I giggled, shaking my head as a blush spread up my neck, a smile spread on his lips. “You’re so smart. Sometimes, when its only us and Namjoon in the room, I listen to you guys talk. I like watching you, though. Even if I can’t understand sometimes. Makes me want to learn about the things that you like so that I can have those kinds of conversations with you. And, god don’t get me started on how cute you are. I’ve never seen anyone, or anything, cuter than you. Especially when you smile. God, I’d do anything to see you smile.” I was speechless, staring at him with wide eyes and parted lips. “Fuck…okay what trying to say is, I like you. A lot, actually.” He breathed softly, eyes fixed downward and his body visibly tensed. I was processing everything that he’d said, eyes running over his form as everything settled in. “I-I like you, too.” I spoke softly before I could even think, watching as his head slowly raised up. “You do?” I nodded, giggling when a grin pulled onto his face. Before I knew it, he’d crashed into me. His hands were cupping my cheeks, slowly sliding into my hair as he brushed his lips against mine. “Can I kiss you?” He whispered, eyes flickering down to my lips and back to my eyes. With a slight nod, he crashed our lips together. His lips were still a bit cold, yet were so much softer than I imagined.
When we finally pulled away, our breathing was hard and rigid. Resting our foreheads together, we kept our eyes closed, taking everything in. “I can’t believe I was finally able to kiss you…” He muttered, pulling back as we re-opened our eyes. “I can’t believe you like me back…” I whispered, glancing up at his flushed face. “Me either…”
Giggling at the soft feeling of his lips brushing against the nape of my neck. I’d moved to straddle his lap, arms wrapped around his shoulders. “That was the happiest day of my life.” He muttered into my neck, pulling me close. I nodded, running my hands through his hair. “I never experienced a happiness like that, and I’m so happy that you were the one to make me feel that.” I felt him a smile against me, his arms tightening around me before he placed a chaste kiss there. “Happy 2 years. I love you, princess.” A smile pulled onto my lips, my heart fluttering at the words. “I love you, too, Yoongs.”
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