#in order to ignore you i’ll just never fall asleep
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i can’t sleep / powfu
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strzlun · 1 year
// nishimura riki //
pairing: rebellious!ni-ki x class president!femreader
word count- 4.2k
genre/cw- fluff, slight angst, slice of life, tutoring sessions, arguing, reader and ni-ki are enemies(?), realization, confessions, school setting, falling in love, ni-ki hates everyone but reader
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summary- Ni-ki’s notorious reputation soon changed it’s course because of simple tutoring
You and Ni-ki could be considered as the cliche bad boy and good girl trope. He was the student that created nonstop ruckus which you always had to shut down. You were class president, so that meant having to keep everything in check during school hours.
It was no surprise hearing Ni-ki had despised you. You expected it but didn’t care enough to dwell on it. Simply, you and Ni-ki were never meant to get along.
So imagine the despair you had hearing that you would have to tutor Ni-ki in order for him to pass. You wanted to crawl into a hole and never show your face again, but you only gave a tight smile before being dismissed.
You wondered how you would even approach Ni-ki about his tutoring session, he was rarely ever in school and whenever he was he avoided you like you’re a plague.
You somehow wished for a miracle that Ni-ki would just be accepting of the tutoring session in order for him to pass.
When you walked into class, you saw minimum students still lingering in there. It was the end of the day so it was expected everyone would be out the door by the mere sound of the dismissal bell.
The few students greeted you before grabbing their own bags and leaving the classroom. You were going to grab your own belongings and leave but you gasped when you saw Ni-ki asleep on his desk with his headphones on.
No one had woken him up when school ended? You knew Ni-ki and the other students didn’t necessarily get along with each other but you thought they would have some decency and wake him up.
You gulped nervously before softly tapping his arms that he used as a pillow. When your attempt failed, you shook his arm hoping that would be enough to wake him up.
When you realized he was still fast asleep, you shook him a little harder while calling out his name. Even with those attempts, his sleeping figure never faltered.
You sighed before giving a shove to his body while yelling out ‘riki’ instead of the name he preferred. This was the successful trial as he groggily opened his eyes and raising his head to take in his surrounding.
He looked around the empty classroom but when his gaze landed on you he scowled. What a thoughtful response, after being the one who woke him up.
He didn’t even say a word, he grabbed his backpack and stood up from his desk to walk out of the classroom. You grumbled under your breath before calling out his name, you still needed to tell him about the tutoring sessions,
You knew he was ignoring you as he continued to walk away, you grew frustrated and you knew you shouldn’t do what you were going to do but it was the only way.
You followed Ni-ki out the classroom and pulled the side of his headphone off and he whipped his head at you as if you were crazy.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“Come tomorrow and stay after school. We have our first tutoring session tomorrow”
“Our first what?” He squinted his eyes at you to see if you were joking and when he realized you weren’t, he grew irritable
“I don’t need tutoring” He grumbled and was going to pull his headphone back onto his ear until you started to talk
“Your grades say other wise, you better come tomorrow Nishimura if you don’t I’ll hunt you down and bring you myself” After you were done, you gave a fake smile turning your back to head into the classroom to grab your belongings
Ni-ki scoffed at your actions, you had some nerve. You actually thought he would show up for a tutoring session, to hell he would.
Now Ni-ki didn’t actually anticipate for you to hunt him down. Before he could step a foot off of school grounds, he felt himself being dragged back into the school by his empty backpack.
When he turned around, you didn’t even pay any mind to him as you pulled his backpack to drag him back into the school.
You weren’t going to risk having your school record tainted because of someone like Ni-ki.
“I told you Nishimura I would hunt you down” You only ever called him by his last name whenever you were angry or annoyed with him which was almost always
“Alright I get it, just let go of my backpack” He yanked his backpack away from your grasp, you stopped walking as you could seem him readjusting it on his back
You could hear his grumbled but paid no attention to it. But what you did pay attention to was Ni-ki booking it down the hallway to get away from you.
You stared at him dumbfounded. He actually was going to make you chase him just to have one tutoring session, you felt yourself go crazy.
You scoffed before running after him, to hell were you going to allow him ruin your clean record.
And after much banter, Ni-ki grumbled in the chair in front of you. He had his arms folded already done with tutor session that’s yet to begin. You were humming softly as you organized the papers, you were too happy for his liking.
“Why are you so happy?”
“Oh I’m not happy, just trying to keep an optimistic attitude” You could see him rolling his eyes at you in the corner of your eye, you sighed before placing the organized papers in front of him, He looked at you confused with the stack of papers and you presented them to him
“This is all the work you missed” His eyes widen in surprise, there was no way he would be able to cram all this work into one tutor session
“This more than months worth of work, don’t tell me you thought it would be a one time thing” He sneered at you before grabbing the first paper and tried looking for a pencil, when you realized he didn’t even have one you sighed
You took out a pencil from your pencil case and placed it in front of him.
“Keep it, you need it more than me” Ni-ki looked at your pencil and felt anger, he didn’t know why but he did, he angrily grabbed your pencil and looked at the paper trying to figure out what was on it
You saw him struggling and sighed, this was why you’re here. You scooted your seat closer to his and he squinted his eyes at you before scooting away. You scooted again and he scooted away, now you were growing frustrated.
You glared at him and he glared back, he had no problem going up against you.
“I’m trying to help you” You seethed through your teeth, you were already having to take time out of your day to help him
“I’m not asking for your help” He bantered back, why was it hard for you to understand he didn’t need you help
“You’ve been staring at the paper for over 10 minutes, I think you do”
“I don’t, I was just analyzing it” You scoffed and nodded your head, you knew this would be harder than it seemed but you don’t know if you could hold on
“Fine, l only wanted to help you but I guess you don’t need it. So don’t make a ruckus when you finally realize you’re failing” You looked hurt before grabbing your all belongings and left Ni-ki, you had no energy to go against him when he clearly didn’t want you around, you would meet his wishes
Ni-ki didn’t look at you as you walked away from him, he kept his eyes on the paper, he felt relieved but for some reason he felt a gnawing at his stomach, he only discarded it as an uncomfortable feeling left by you that stuck to him.
He didn’t want you around, so he was glad you were finally respecting his wishes.
Now you would expect for Ni-ki to be pleased without your presence but it only made him angrier. You weren’t even acknowledging him anymore. When he did something, you didn’t even bat an eye and continue working or talking with your classmates.
You haven’t bothered him about the tutoring sessions after what happened during the first one. You were clueless by the way he was irritated by this, why was he always so angry because of you?
You two were the last people in the classroom, you stayed behind to make sure everything was where it was meant to be. Ni-ki on the other hand had no idea why he stayed behind, maybe it was the fact he stayed up until late at night trying to figure out one of the missing works or an unknown reason he didn’t want to pry open.
It’s been a week and you haven’t said a word to him. He was tired of it, and tired of not knowing what the stack of missing work was.
“We need to talk” No response, you began to pack up your belongings getting ready to leave him alone once again
He can’t believe he was about to do this, never in his life did he ever think he had to stoop so low especially for you. Just what had gotten into him?
“I messed up okay?” You still didn’t responded, you continued to hum for yourself and you were already on your way out the classroom door, Ni-ki followed after you, why was he doing this?
“I said I messed up, aren’t you happy that I’m admitting my defeat?” You continued to hum, you weren’t going to give him the time of day just like how he did to you
Suddenly you felt a tug at you book bag, you were pulled back onto a wall, he had you cornered and you shockingly looked at Ni-ki, who was beyond frustrated. Why were you ignoring him?
“How many times do I have to repeat myself? I messed up, I messed up and oh guess what I messed up” You looked at him unamused, it was the same treatment he gave you and now he didn’t like the taste of his own reputation
“Okay, what do you want me to do? Congratulate you?” You raised an eyebrow, Ni-ki was beyond shocked with your words, you always refrained from talking like that to him
“Help me” Those two words left Ni-ki’s mouth before he could even register what he said, his and yours eyes widen at the sudden plead of help
He didn’t have anything to say after that, he kept opening and closing his mouth to form some coherent sentence but couldn’t. You waited for any words to follow his previous statement before you spoke.
You gulped and nodded your head before pushing past him slightly.
“Alright, we’ll start tomorrow. I’ll meet you at the same place and this time I won’t hunt you down”
Ni-ki didn’t need to be hunted down by you. He was already waiting for you, the stack of papers in front and the pencil you gave laid ontop of them. You were shocked to see him already there, you really expected him to bail on you.
You were surprised when he gave you a head nod as a greeting. To others it may not have meant much but to you it meant almost as big as the world, he never greeted you without a comment.
“Let’s get started?” You sat down next to him and before you knew it, the first official tutoring session had already flown by like a breeze, Ni-ki was hesitant at first but soon warmed up and started asking for help on questions he didn’t know
You didn’t know that he had a side to him that he never showed. The quiet and concentrated side made you wonder what more was there to Ni-ki than what he presented himself as.
When you finished the tutoring session it was already late in the afternoon, the sun had already set as the sky was now filled with stars and the bright moon. You’d already bid goodbye to Ni-ki as you walked off, but you stopped when you heard him call you.
“Uh let me walk you home” His voice was soft, something you never experienced before, you almost let out a laugh thinking he was joking but when you realized he wasn’t you were quick to look at him surprised
“It’s late and it’s dark already”
“I’ve walked this plenty of times, I’ll be fine Nishimura”
“Stop being so stubborn and let me walk you home”
“I’m not stubborn, you’re being stubborn”
Ni-ki walked you home that night, you don’t know how long you two stood there bantering over nonsense until you were too exhausted to continue arguing. Ni-ki smiled with pride when you gave in and peacefully walked you home.
Ni-ki realized you didn’t talk much when you were alone, you seemed to have been in your own world admiring all kinds of different scenery during the walk. Ni-ki gave some space between you and him, he let you walk ahead as he walked behind you.
The walk wasn’t uncomfortable it was rather one of the most calming walks either of you have ever had. It’s just strange that it so happened to be together.
Over the course of the tutoring sessions, the two of you may had not noticed it but the people around you have. They way your banters have subsided and were now civil conversation and greetings, sometimes with smiles or chuckles.
People were surprised to see Ni-ki act different from how he usually is. He no longer created as much ruckus as he used to, he no longer missed school, Nishimura Riki actually started attending everyday of school after the tutoring sessions started.
People were shocked to say in the least, you had changed Ni-ki and you didn’t even realize it. Even Ni-ki himself didn’t realize the change he was going through.
The two of you were having a normal conversation when Ni-ki suddenly placed his hands onto your shoulder to move you out of the way before you could get hit with a flying ball. He still had his hands on your shoulder as he glared off at the student who almost hit you with the ball.
“Sorry, I should’ve seen where the ball would head to”
“Next time watch it” The person looked at Ni-ki, curious about his sudden care towards you but still just picked up the ball and walking away from the two of you
You didn’t realize Ni-ki’s hold on you until he asked if you were okay, when you turned to face him he held a worried expression. Now this was something you never ever experienced in the time you’ve been classmates with him.
You couldn’t trust yourself to make a coherent sentence so you only nodded your head, he sighed and let go of you. He bid you goodbye saying he needed to head somewhere and that he would meet you at the same place, same time for your tutoring session.
You felt a hard thump against your heart as he walked away, now that wasn’t normal for you.
Ni-ki and you were at your usual study session but you kept a little more distance than usual. When you sat down, you discreetly scooted your chair further from him but he still noticed either way.
He thought that it was because your seat moved by accident and that you would adjust it closer to him so he didn’t worry about it. But when you didn’t and only sat farther from him, that’s when he took notice of it.
He called out to you and you hummed, slightly turning your head to see what he needed help with. You let out a gasp when the bottom of your chair was dragged towards Ni-ki, when you were face to face with him you saw the stoic face he let on.
When you were close to him, he looked away and continued doing his work as if nothing happened. The same hard thump against your heart appeared again, and you only looked away but stayed where you were at.
After the tutoring sessions, Ni-ki always walked you no matter what the times was. It was habit of his that he couldn’t (didn’t) want to let go of, you didn’t mind but today it was different. You were walking further from him, almost as if you were trying to escape from him, he frowned at the sudden change in attitude towards him.
He wondered what he did wrong, he made sure he was in class, he did his work, he went to all the tutoring session, didn’t cause anymore ruckus, he even walked you home. So why were you running away him?
You know you were acting foolish but you couldn’t help it. You didn’t like the uncomfortable beating in your chest, and it only happened when you were with Ni-ki. So you thought it would be best if you decided to distance yourself, to get away from the uncomfortable feeling. You knew it wasn’t his fault, it was your own problem and you needed to resolve it fast.
“Are you okay?” His voice was soft, it was a voice that he only used with you (after thorough observation) You felt the same heart beat in your chest, you felt like you couldn’t breath and were on a cloud
“I’m fine” It was obvious you weren’t but you didn’t want to admit that, you didn’t want Ni-ki to know that there is a vulnerable side to you that you never show
You were the class president, you had to ‘set’ an example.
“Then why are you ignoring me?” Silence, it was almost unbearable, you didn’t know how you could respond without make it seem like you were losing your mind
“I’m not, I’m just tired” Ni-ki who only started to warm up to you recently could tell you were lying through your teeth
“Stop lying, it’s annoying” His choice of words weren’t the best but for some reason you were able to interpret it the way he meant it
You and Ni-ki were getting along and it seemed like you both molded to fit the other into your lives with ease. You gulped, this was dangerous and you were getting nervous.
“I’m not lying, I’m just really tired okay?” You gave a warm smile trying to ease the tension and you thought it did when Ni-ki didn’t speak and only stared at you
Ni-ki couldn’t speak, he doesn’t realize when your smile started to have effect on him but this was a moment of weakness. He admired your smile, even if it was forced, he still felt the effects from it.
He cleared his throat, ignoring the annoying thump against his chest. He nodded his head and took your word for it, if you didn’t want to talk about it who was he to pry it out of you.
You continued walking but you walked beside him, Ni-ki noticed this but didn’t say anything. He didn’t want to ruin it. So as the two of you walked side by side, your hands would softly graze each others.
You would glance at each other when you felt the soft grazes but decided not to do anything. The two of you afraid to instigate something and possibly ruin the progress you’ve made with each other.
But neither of you could deny the fluttering of your hearts as no words were exchanged between each other.
People noticed yet another change between the two of you. They saw the way you were more friendly with Ni-ki, you started to joke around with him. Ni-ki would genuinely smile more when he was with you, he even found himself trying out for extra curriculums.
When he would tell you any sort of achievement he accomplished, you would be proud of him and celebrate with him after school. The time you two spent together was becoming every hour of every day, you two became attached to each other and didn’t even realize it.
Now people assumed Ni-ki would be like this with everyone, they were wrong. He still kept his guard up and stoic gaze on whenever other people tried to act the same way you acted with him. He would glare at them and scoff, not giving them the time of day before setting off to find wherever you were.
Now Ni-ki found himself waiting outside the classroom door until you were done. After what felt like hours, when in reality it was 20 minutes, you finally walked out the door with a smile.
He smiled back at you before tilting his head to head out the school. You nodded your head and you walked next to him like you always did now, you both talked about random topics. It felt like the two of you were in your own world and that you didn’t have to worry about anything as long as you both were by each other’s side.
Now it took some time for Ni-ki to realize (actually just one google search) that he likes you. When did he start to like you was beyond him, but he couldn’t stay by you without feeling like he was about to explode.
So what did he do with this new found information? He did the only reasonable thing, he shoved it in the back of his mind and acted like the feelings didn’t exist. He tried his best to act as normal as he was before he found it, but he found it almost impossible. His mind only functioned if you were the center of his thoughts, his bright smile only showed itself when you walked into his view.
He was worse than he thought.
You waited for Ni-ki for the last tutoring session, he’s almost done completing his missing work and that meant these tutoring sessions would no longer be needed. It made you sad, you enjoyed spending time with Ni-ki but you hoped after today you both are still able to be friends.
You waited for Ni-ki but he was taking longer to arrive, you played with your fingers until you heard soft footsteps. You looked up to see a nervous Ni-ki, he had his hands behind his back as he walked towards you.
When you gave him a confused smile, he felt like he was on top of cloud nine. Yeah, he definitely liked you.
When he was infront of you, he didn’t sit down. He looked at you and his eyes were filled with temptation, he took a deep sigh before taking the single flower that he held behind his back. You looked at him confused but that soon melted away when you saw his soft smile.
He ushered for you to grab it and when you did, he sat down next to you. You watched his every move, anticipating what he was going to do next.
“I like you”
Now you didn’t expect that, you stared at him frozen at his words, what did he just say?
Ni-ki decided why beat around the bush when he can be straight forward with his feelings. He knew he liked you, so why would he want to drag it for longer?
“I like you” You thought you were hearing things, you blinked rapidly trying to have the three simple words progress through your mind
“You, Nishimura, like me?” Ni-ki nodded his head, he couldn’t lie that he felt nervous, he was starting to assume that you didn’t feel the same way
He was growing fidgety and you took notice of that. You realized this must have taken a lot out of him to do, you suddenly smiled before giggling.
You were just as swooned for him as he was for you.
“I was going to tell you about my feelings soon, guess you beat me to it” Your words were like fireworks in his ear, you couldn’t even register anything as you were suddenly tackled into a hug
Ni-ki held you tightly, he wasn’t one that enjoyed physical touch but in that moment he felt the need to have you in his arms. You were shocked by the sudden hug, but soon you hugged him back. He rested his head onto your shoulder as you softly rubbed his back.
“Does this mean you like me too?” His words made you laugh
“No, I just wanted to be tackle into a hug” Your tone was sarcastic but Ni-ki pulled away from you and looked at you dumbfounded, you laugh again before placing your hands onto his shoulder.
You decided to do something risky, you planted a soft kiss onto his cheek and when you pulled away, his eyes were in a daze of you.
“Yes Ni-ki, this means I like you too” He was quick to tackle you into another hug again, you giggled against the hug
Ni-ki wasn’t going to let you go after this. He could feel his heart pounding against his chest as you hugged him back. You liked him too and that was the best news that he had ever heard. Even though, he only ever shows it to you, you changed him for the better.
It’s weird to admit but he was glad he was failing because without that, you would’ve never been assigned to give him the tutoring sessions that change his life.
“One last tutoring session?”
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writtenfangirl · 1 year
Jealousy, Jealousy
I am cranking out these Charles fanfics left and right. I have never done this for any other fandom ever.
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Y/N was bored. It was the only way she could describe it. She was bored. With her boyfriend currently preoccupied with his phone, Y/N couldn’t stop the boredom that crept up her spine, numbing her body and dulling her brain. Her eyelids were beginning to shutter close and if there was one thing that could prevent her from falling asleep, it would be coffee.
“Cha?” She said, fighting back the yawn that threatened to escape.
“Hmm?” He hummed, his attention still wholly focused on his phone, his thumbs flying across the screen.
“I’m going to go get some more coffee, yeah?” Y/N said as she stood up from their table in the cafe that Charles and Y/N usually went to.
It was Y/N’s grocery day, which meant she was suppose to be in and out quickly but with Charles offering to come with her, her usual 2 hour errand had spilled over to 5 hours. With Charles receiving call after call from Fred and the rest of his race engineers, Y/N understood why he was easily distracted and she had exercised every bit of patience. Besides their day had essentially come to a close so it wasn’t like Charles was doing anything wrong by ignoring her. Their groceries were already loaded in the car and they were just meant to spend the rest of they day together.
Still, her patience was beginning to fray and she was getting sleepy.
Charles glanced at her before his eyes went back to his phone. “Sure, cherie. Can you get me another cup too?”
Y/N didn’t bother leaving a response, not when Charles was already preoccupied with whatever he was doing.
Instead she went to back to the counter, looking at their selection of pastries through the chilly glass window.
The cafe had one of the best pain au chocolate Y/N had ever encountered in her life and Charles was always partial to their eclairs.
“Back for part two?” The clerk, who had wide eyes and a kind smile, asked her French.
Y/N returned her smile and answered in French. “Oui. Can we get a refill on our drinks but this time with an order of pain au chocolat and an eclair?”
“Of course. I’ll bring your orders out shortly.” The attendant said before he disappeared behind the curtain that led to the kitchen to bring out their orders.
From the corner of her eye, Y/N could see that Charles was still distracted by his phone, his thumb tapping this way and that as he typed out a message to someone.
The door of the cafe opened and the little bell that was tied above it rang a clear and crisp note.
A man around the same age as Y/N approached the counter, a charming smile on his face. He was quite handsome with crystalline blue eyes and a chiseled jaw but he wasn’t the kind of man Y/N usually would have gone for. He had an air of arrogance that she wouldn’t have been able to stomach on a regular basis. Still, he was nice to look at.
“Where is the attendant?” The man asked as he looked around the counter for the clerk.
“He went to get my order,” Y/N replied politely, “I’m sure he’ll be out soon.”
The man’s attention locked on her, his eyes roving down her body before flying to her face, an arrogant smirk on his face. “You’re very pretty.”
Y/N tried not to roll her eyes, her previous politeness evaporating at the man’s words. “I bet you say that to all the girls.”
“Just the pretty ones,” he grinned. “You have a boyfriend?”
From the corner of Y/N’s eyes, she saw Charles look up from his phone, his eyes narrowing at her and the man before her.
“Why?” Y/N smirked, her demeanor instantly changing from mild annoyance to flirtatious as she became fully aware that her boyfriend was glaring daggers at them, “you’re gonna ask me out on a date?”
“Maybe. Do you have a boyfriend?”
Suddenly, Y/N felt a familiar weight around her shoulders and her smirk turned into a full blow grin at Charles’s arms protectively and possessively wrapping around her.
“She does,” Charles said with a glare, “can I help you?”
“No,” the man said as he looked at Charles with mild surprise, his eyes alit with recognition, “I just wanted to tell you that your girlfriend is very beautiful. You’re a lucky man.”
“I’m aware,” Charles said, clearly unimpressed, his eyes still narrowed into slits. “Do you need something else or are you ready to leave?”
“She didn’t tell me you were her boyfriend,” the man said defensively, raising his hands in an effort to show he meant no harm.
“Now you know. Do you want me to get the door for you or what?” This time, Charles’s tone held the undercurrent of a mild threat and his grip on her shoulder tightened.
Slowly, the man walked away, leaving the store with a tinkling of the bell.
Charles turned to her, the glare in his face never leaving. But rather than cower before it, Y/N simply grinned. “I think that might have been the hottest thing I have ever seen.”
“Stop provoking me, cherie,” Charles said as he slightly pinched her shoulder. “Why are you trying to make me jealous?”
She gave him an innocent smile. “It was the only way I could catch your attention. I was feeling neglected.”
Charles’ glare melted from his face, his face now looking mildly guilty. “Mission accomplished, you have my full undivided attention. I’m sorry for neglecting you, cherie.”
“Apology accepted,” Y/N said as she leaned up and placed a quick kiss on his nose before she grinned. “I was just kidding though. You can go back to work.”
Charles rolled his eyes. “You have my full undivided attention now. You can’t get rid of me that easily.” And then, as if to prove his point, he flicked Y/N’s nose.
“Well if this is how you react whenever you’re jealous, I should do it more often.”
“Please don’t. I might end up in jail or worse if you keep this up.”
“Really.” He deadpanned. “I can’t believe of all the men, you chose that guy.” He gave cafe’s door a pointed glare, as if somehow the previous man would suddenly materialize back into the shop.
“He was nice to look at,” she shrugged.
Charles scoffed. “I’m nice to look at!”
“Yes, you are. The best view in all of Monaco. I’d never go for a guy like that so you have nothing to worry about.”
Charles grinned at her and she returned it with a cheeky smile. “It’s hard to be mad at you, cherie, when you say things like that.”
“I know. It’s why I say things like that. Now, I am being serious. You can go back to work.”
“You’re sure?” He said, raising a brow.
“I’m sure.”
“You won’t try to make me jealous anymore?”
“Well, if someone handsome comes along, then I might not have a choice.”
“Kidding!” She laughed. “You know you’re the only one for me.”
Charles smiled, wide and genuine. The kind of smile that had Y/N’s toes curling in her shoes and her heart beating fast in her chest. “And you’re the only one for me.”
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theemporium · 1 year
Hello! I hope you're doing amazing!
I've been thinking about Remus x Reader smut, Academic rivals, who are assigned a Order mission by Dumbly and they have to stay in a hotel for the night due to some changes in plan. And you guessed it right with the one bed trope.
I can't get it out of my head!! Could you maybe write a fic about it? Pretty please? Thankyou so much! Have a beautiful day ahead!
thank you for requesting!🖤i hope you have a lovely day!
“You have got to be fucking kidding me.”
It had been bad enough that you had been stuck in a mission due to some last minute intel you had received overnight. 
It had been bad enough that most of the mission had gone to shit after a mistake from said intel that left you stranded in a some dodgy town you had never stepped into before tonight. 
It had been bad enough that throughout all this you had been stuck with Remus Lupin, the boy you had spent the last seven years arguing and bickering and fighting with since the day you first met. 
But the fact you had stumbled into the small motel, tired and drenched from the rain and in desperate need to just lay down, only to find one bed was the final straw that had you cursing whatever sick joker in the universe that had planned this night for you.
“Of–fucking–course,” you grumbled as you walked further into the room, glaring at the bed that was smaller than a double. 
“Are you already complaining again?” Remus commented, having followed you into the room, the door clicking shut behind him. 
“Shut up, Lupin,” you murmured bluntly, peeling away the layers of soaked clothing and unceremoniously dumping them onto the armchair in the corner of the room in hopes of them drying out enough before the morning. 
“Just go take a shower and stop whining,” he huffed out and gestured to the small attached bathroom.
And you were too tired to even argue with him.
Neither one of you spoke to the other as you sorted yourselves out. Remus contacted the Order and informed them of your situation, and as expected, they wanted you to pull out and return to Grimmauld Place in the morning. 
Meanwhile, you had managed to warm up a little in the shower before making your way back out into the room, wrapped in only a towel and barely glancing at the wizard before you grabbed your change of clothes as he disappeared into the shower himself. 
By the time he got out, a wall of pillows had already been set on the bed with a single look from you that warned the boy to stay on his side, not that he argued much on that matter. However, it was hard to fall asleep when he could feel your shivers vibrating that bed.
“Merlin, put a hoodie on or something,” Remus murmured sleepily as he glanced over his shoulder, peeking over the pillow wall to see you clutching the duvet close to you.
“I am,” you snapped back.
“And you’re still cold?” Remus asked, his brows furrowing a little in concern.
“No, I’m warm and fucking toasty,” you deadpanned.
However, Remus didn’t respond with a snarky comment like you expected. He instead started throwing the pillows off the bed, ignoring your weak attempts at batting his hands away before he could reach over to your side and pull your body close to him.
“What are you—oh,” you let out a small groan of appreciation when the warmth of his body was pressed against your own, settling something inside you. You eagerly wrapped yourself around him, nuzzling yourself further into his chest. 
“Fucking hell, you’re freezing,” he murmured as his hands rubbed up and down your back, the gesture slow and calming. 
“Thank you,” you spat out, even if it killed you a little to say.
Instead of being smug about it, Remus simply nodded in response. “Are you warm enough?” 
“I’ll be fine for the night,” you assured him.
“That’s not what I asked,” he pointed out. “Are you warm enough?”
“I’m still a little cold,” you admitted in a slightly sheepish tone.
“Do you want me to help?”
Something about his voice made you lift your head up from his chest, finding that the boy was already staring down at you. His eyes were dark and, for a second, you thought it was just because of the lack of light. But then his arms squeezed around you, his thigh slotting between your legs and his gaze dropping to your lips and suddenly you were wondering if your body could heat up that quickly.
“What do you have in mind, Lupin?” you asked, your voice a little breathy as his hands dipped under the fabric of your hoodie, his hands sliding over your bare skin.
Remus gulped a little. “Do you trust me?” 
Before you went on a mission, your mind raced through a million different outcomes on what you could possibly expect, just to prepare yourself so you were never caught off guard. 
Not a single one of those could have prepared you for Remus to kiss you until your lungs burned for air. Not a single one could prepare you for the dirty little phrases that slipped past his lips as his hands squeezed and caressed every inch of your body. Not a single one could have prepared you for the fact you’d be lying underneath Remus Lupin as he fucked you hard until the bed frame was banging against the wall.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you whined out, your nails ranking down his back as his hips thrusted in and out of you, at a pace you didn’t even think was possible. 
“That’s it, pretty girl, let it all out,” Remus groaned, his face pressed into the crook of your neck as your walls clamped around him. “Doing so good f’me, taking it all like such a good girl.” 
“Please,” you moaned, your legs winding around his waist to keep him close. “I–”
“Shhh, come for me,” Remus grunted, your breathy moans and pathetic whimpers sounding like a fucking symphony to his ears. “That’s it, just like that. Fuck, so pretty for me.” 
You felt him press encouraging kisses along your neck as you finally came for the third time that night, your shaking body held close to him as he came inside you, not letting you go as the warmth settled inside you and you finally fell asleep.
And not a single one could have prepared you to wake up the next morning, your body still tangled with Remus’, to find Sirius standing at the bottom of the bed with a shit-eating grin. 
“Sleep well last night?” 
“Shut up,” you grumbled, narrowing your eyes at the boy. “I was cold. We were just cuddling,” you said to him, though the sheet wasn’t enough to cover the fact neither you nor Remus was wearing clothes.
Sirius raised his brows. “And you both conveniently forgot about heating charms?”
Your face burned as you chucked a pillow towards his head, only for him to rush out the motel room, cackling.
“You have ten minutes to get ready before we have to be back for a debrief!”
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augustinewrites · 2 years
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alhaitham used to think that one of the most fascinating aspects of human life was how one chooses a mate.
you’re making it weird. just say lover, the voice at the back of his mind scolds– a voice that sounds eerily similar to kaveh.
but it’s not weird, it’s biology. it’s a selective, compensatory process in which individuals combine scores on several key attributes. such attributes include - but are not limited to - supply and demand, individual circumstance, biology, psychology, religion. it’s an exchange theory of sorts, in which humans pick mates based on who best benefits them. he’d always thought that, should he find ‘a lover,’ it’d be someone like himself.
alhaitham will always be a scholar first and foremost, but every academic thought, fact, and hypothesis disappeared from his mind when he met you. all it took once one glance in your direction and you challenged his every preconceived notion.
you studied under the amurta darshan. he studied under haravatat. you smile and greet every passerby who spares you a glance. he really couldn’t be bothered to lift his nose out of his book. your career in emergency medicine is loud and fast-paced. his job as the scribe (and temporarily the acting grand sage) is largely quiet aside from the occasional research outing or squabble amongst the sages. you voluntarily take extra shifts at the bimarstan all the time, whereas he walks out the akademiya doors at five and never looks back. you like dogs, he prefers cats.
there’s no denying that the two of you are different, and that’s why the outcome rejects his hypothesis. you’re nothing like him and he chose you anyway.
he chose you (even ‘put a ring on it’ as kaveh says) despite the fact that you arrange your books in alphabetical order rather than the dewey decimal system he’s followed since childhood.
which is why he doesn’t understand why you’re suddenly acting like this. if he could swiftly classify your behaviour, it’d be much easier for him to make adjustments to whatever it is he’s doing, but he still hasn’t figured it out.
you’re on the night shift today, which means you’re still asleep as he gets ready for the day. he presses a kiss to your temple, pulling the covers back up around your chin before heading into the kitchen.
kaveh’s already awake too, nursing a mug of coffee as he mulls over the blueprints spread over the dinner table. alhaitham pours himself some coffee, settling into a chair and ignoring his roommate’s protests as he pushes blueprints aside to make room for his mug.
“i was looking at those,” the architect grumbles. “can’t you sit somewhere else?”
alhaitham opens his book, flipping to the page he’d left off on. “it’s my table.”
“that i picked!”
“and i paid for.”
he knows that kaveh can’t argue with that. he smirks, crossing his leg over his knee as kaveh mutters curses, gathering up his blueprints and stomping over to the living room.
when he’s got a good book open, ignoring kaveh’s grumblings is an easy task. his eyes shift toward the clock, and when he sees it’s almost time to head to the akademiya, it’s his turn to grumble.
but then you saunter out of the bedroom, stretching languidly before shuffling over to sit in his lap, pressing various, sleepy kisses to his face. “good morning.”
“ugh,” kaveh scoffs from the couch. “so unbecoming.”
“move out then,” alhaitham suggests, gripping your chin and pulling you in for a proper kiss.
“i can bring you lunch today,” you suggest, hugging him tightly. “or we can go to puspa café and finally have our fortunes read in the coffee grounds!”
“no need,” he tells you. “i’ll just have amani bring me something.”
your face immediately falls, and he doesn’t need to be a scholar to know he’s made some sort of mistake. especially when you slide off his lap, picking up his unfinished cup of coffee and placing it in the sink.
oh it’s so awkward, he hears kaveh say from the living room.
“i wasn’t…” he swallows his protests when you turn around, hands on your hips.
“well, you can just have amani bring you a new one when you get to work.” you turn on your heel, heading off to the bedroom and slamming the shut behind you.
“you handled that terribly,” kaveh informs him. “clearly you’ve never had a woman scream at you with her eyes.”
alhaitham closes his book letting out a breath. “noted.”
after a beat silence, his roommate is the one who sighs, claiming the seat across from him. “alright, i’m going to help you now. because i know that your life has been one grand exercise in romantic self-destruction.”
“romantic self—”
“let me finish. between the job that you have and the one that you somehow got, how often are you home?”
“same hours as always,” he answers easily. just because he had two jobs now did not mean he had to work longer than his standard nine to five.
kaveh shakes his head. “yes, but you always come home too exhausted to do anything, and then she goes to work for the night.”
“that is typically what employed adults who pay rent do.”
he can’t help but chuckle when kaveh rolls his eyes. “okay, smartass. but do yourself a favour and don’t talk about the assistant that obviously has a crush on you. it’s always ‘amani’s this,’ and ‘amani that.’ next time your fiancee offers to bring you lunch, just say yes and absolutely don’t mention that your assistant can bring it to you instead. she’s jealous. you simply have to assure her that she has no reason to be.”
you’re not like that, alhaitham thinks. because he knows you. knows that you’d never be prone to something as cliché as jealousy. and of almani? whose face he couldn’t pick out of a crowd if he tried?
also, kaveh absolutely could not be right. he refused it.
alhaitham’s already at the bimarstan when you arrive, holding two to-go cups of coffee from puspa café. you roll your eyes as your coworkers and patients are whisper amongst themselves, in awe of the akademiya scribe/acting grand sage in their midst.
“you still have approximately ten minutes before your shift,” he tells you. “have coffee with me.”
“i need to get ready,” you huff, speed-walking toward the staff room. “why don’t you drink it with almani instead?”
it’s a low blow, and it’s punctuated by the flash of hurt that flickers across his face. he follows you, though, ignoring the ‘staff only’ sign and shutting the door tightly behind you both.
he opts to stay silent as you put your things away, letting you take the drinks from his hand, “you don’t have to drink it. caffeine intake can affect a person’s fine motor skills. such circumstances are unideal if you’re stitching together a wound or—”
“don’t tell me what to do,” you take the lid off one of the drinks, still glaring at him as you take a sip. “i’m not your assistant.”
if looks could kill, he’d be dead. usually, this is the kind of look you reserve for kaveh when he’s banging around building knick-knacks in the middle of the night.
“i don’t like amani.” alhaitham takes the cup from your hands, placing it on the bench. “i love you, and i don’t say it enough.”
you deflate a little, shaking your head. “no— i— i know. i guess it’s just been a little crazy with everything that’s been going on. you’re the acting grand sage now and you’re busier than ever. i should be more supportive instead of being crazy jealous of—”
“so you were jealous?” damn kaveh.
“well, if i started spending all my time with someone other than you, wouldn’t you be?”
“no,” he answers confidently, reaching out and pulling you in by the waist. “i’m kind of a big deal around here. you certainly can’t do better than me.
“doctor,” one of your medical students interrupts, poking her head into the room. “the general mahamatra is in need of medical attention. he’s asked for you, specifically.”
wait, cyno? asking for you?
this information doesn’t seem to puzzle you the way it does him, and you press a quick kiss to alhaitham’s lips, smiling. “i’ll be right there.”
and if alhaitham hovers a little too closely, shooting daggers over the top of his book while you clean up and stitch the wound on cyno’s unfortunately well-sculpted abdomen, laughing at his every awful joke— you simply smirk, choosing not to say anything.
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hereforhalstead · 1 year
CPD Gala
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*GIF NOT MINE, full credit to the owner*
Requested?: Nope! Wanted to get something posted now I'm back :)
• Warnings: N/A
• Summary: Jay reminds you of the annual CPD gala but knows it's not your idea of fun
Words: 1,321
• A/N : I’m not gonna apologise again for being gone as god knows how many of these I post with that intro but I’m hoping to be back in the swing of things as I have a tonne of requests to get through and I don’t want anyone thinking their request is being ignored as I promise it isn’t!
Meh I don’t love it as I defo need to get back into the comforts of my writing (its gone so downhill lmao) but here we are..
Hope you enjoy🥰
Jay knew you weren’t the biggest fan of social occasions, so when you happily agreed to attend the annual CPD gala he had invited you along to, he was beyond surprised.
“I mean, I’ll ask her but don’t get your hopes up” he had joked with Kim a few days prior, following endless begging from her after finding out Hailey wouldn’t be there and wanting a familiar female face there.
“Tell her I’ll by her drinks all night” she quickly exclaims as Jay chuckles, eyes still firmly on the road as they drive back to the district.
“You do realise it’s a free bar?”
“Oh” she huffs, “more reason for her not to say no then” she happily shrugs, sinking back into her seat with a look of confidence.
As much as Jay could go on for hours about how he knew you better than anyone, least of all Kim who you had only met on a few occasions it was like talking to a brick wall sometimes and he didn’t have the patience.
You and Jay were homebodies and this suited you perfectly, he would come home after long shifts and you would still more than likely be sat in the same spot he left you at that morning. Countless half empty mugs filled with coffee that was now ice cold, papers scattered all over the table and floor with your eyes pinned firmly on the screen in front of you.
He would convince you to call it a night, you’d either order in food or you’d wander into the kitchen together to whip up dinner whilst he told you about his day. Depends on what you had, you’d either quickly tidy up the table as best you could or you both just slumped on the sofa with the pizza box balanced on your laps as you watched some trash TV.
You would always fall asleep before Jay, he would get too into the show you had put on and then couldn’t finish until he had got to the end whereas you probably wasn’t paying too much attention in the first place so would easily doze off to only be awoken with a light kiss to your head when Jay has turned the TV off.
It worked like clockwork, some may say boring but it just worked for you and you couldn’t picture it any other way. You were each others comfort, the feeling of home.
Jay had bought up the idea of going with him to the gala the previous year but you had only been dating for a few months and hasn’t told many people so you decided against it in mutual agreement.
The truth was it hadn’t left you mind since that exact day he casually asked you over dinner last year
“would be fun you know? “ he raised his eyebrows as he took a sip from his drink “having you on my arm all nice and dressed up” he teased
No Jay, it wouldn’t be fun.
Social outings weren’t your thing, you had a close family and the relationship you had with Jay and that was more than enough. An evening spent in Molly’s was something you had to build yourself up to, let alone a huge party with tonnes of people you had never met before.
Every week the thought would re-enter your mind on whether or not he would ask again this year, secretly hoping he would’ve forgot or they had a case on which meant they couldn’t go. You knew it was in August as Kim had mentioned it one night at Molly’s so as the month got closer, the more it played on your mind.
You even forced yourself one weekend to go dress shopping for the occasion to try and get yourself in the right mindset of being there to support Jay, after all you were beyond honoured he would want you by his side but sometimes the voice in your head would have a way of getting through.
“You know the CPD gala is this weekend?” Jay broke the silence, still chewing on his pizza as he flicked through the channels.
“I know it’s not your thing so I’m thinking of just third wheeling Kim and Adam, do you think they’ll mind?” he joked but you could tell there was something in his voice that had a twinge of disappointment.
“I’ll come with you”
Before you could register your voice to your brain, the words came out of your mouth.
“Baby, you do-“ he began but you were quick to cut him off in reassurance, placing a finger onto his lips as you smiled
“It doesn’t matter, you want me to be there so I’ll be there”
You placed a light kiss to his lips, the confusion plastered across his face but the light behind his eyes showing through in a gleam.
“Just promise me you will think about it first, don’t do this for me. You know I’d rather stay at home with you anyway but there isn’t many of us going to Voight wants us to make our presence known bla bla bla”
“I’ve already bought a dress” you lied, knowing it would be the thing to distract him
The chewing on his mouthful slowed, scanning your face with a slight narrow to his eyes as he tilted his head “what does it look like?”
“It’s just a little black dress, that alright with you?” you suggested, playful tone as he pouted his lips and nodded with a sign of approval “how comes I haven’t seen this dress?”
You lifted the pizza box from his lap whilst you began to tidy, scanning down to see him lift his hips to get more comfortable, slinging one arm to rest on the top of his head whilst the other clutched at the bottle of beer.
The gaze that was piercing into your back felt like it could burn a hole, the extra swing in your hips and swish of your ponytail was giving you the confidence you needed.
Placing the pizza box down on the side you turned to see Jay towering over you, one arm resting against the door frame with the other resting low in his sweatpant pocket.
“Seriously, let me see this dress”
You tried to keep your composure, acting like you couldn’t see the smile he was trying to hide despite the corners of his lips already turning up with his every word.
His eyes were pinned to you as you picked off a piece off fluff from his tshirt, following each move as you let your hand rest onto his chest.
Gazing up at him, innocence in your eyes as you could feel his heart pounding beneath your touch amongst the silence.
“You’re not allowed to see it until the Gala”
He huffed, rolling his eyes whilst running a hand across his forehead in stress
“but the guy in the store said I looked like a million bucks”
His eyes widened, smirk spreading across his lips as you felt his hand drop to your hip as he cleared his throat “did he now?”
You nodded, feeling his grip tighten as he let out a huff in laughter which you knew he didn’t mean in amusement.
Before you could think of what to come back with, his arm was slung over your waist, picking you up like you were a piece of paper and tossing you onto his shoulder. Marching towards the bedroom, not letting the fists you were prodding into his back stopping him.
“Jay?! What are you doing!” you exclaimed, being laid on the bed as he pinned his arms either side of your head to stop you from getting away from him. Dark glint in his eyes as he roamed about your body, taking in every inch as he admired.
“I think you need to show me this dress baby”
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xfgpng · 7 months
Dr. Zayne’s office
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a hint of amusement glinted in his eyes as he watched her walk around his office as though she owned the place.
not even an hour ago, she had stumbled into the room, frowning as she held her arm tightly. she had gotten injured, again, and practically pouted and planted herself on his desk. she ignored the paper work he had been busy with or his laptop that sat open on an article about protocores he had been researching. for her sake but he’d never admit that to her or anyone.
“bored?” he muses, fixing his glasses as he flips through a patients files. a regular case for once, mild symptoms and that sort of thing.
“not at all” she shrugs, “i’m exploring”
“this is hardly the first time you’ve been in my office after hours” he rolls his eyes but he can’t help wanting to watch her closely, all the time. she was always so full of life and energy and he’d do just about anything to keep her this way..
only he knew that he couldn’t.
it wouldn’t stop him from trying.
“focus on your reports, dr zayne” she says dryly, plopping herself on the couch she often found herself falling asleep on. tonight would be no different even when she had a perfectly comfortable bed in her perfectly comfortable apartment.
“have you eaten?” he sighs, removing his glasses. he had already removed his white coat and was left in his grey slacks and a plain black shirt. despite his own body temperature being low, he had the first button undone since his office had heating and he knew she’d complain about it being too cold.
though zayne knew she never minded to cold, enjoyed it even.
“was waiting for you” she mumbles, glancing out the window as the rain began falling. it was still pretty light so she could make it home in time before it came down any harder but she also knew he’d never let her do that. not when he could drive her and not when she wanted to be with him for as long as the night would allow.
he grins, hiding it behind his hand as he walks over to sit beside her. he wondered if he should get a tv in his office just for times like these when she would insist on keeping him company. he already had an extra pillow and blanket for her.
“takeout is unhealthy but i wouldn’t mind making the exception tonight” he teases. he knew she had been craving fried dumplings all week and he could spoil her every now and then if he wanted to. it was his little secret anyway. “how about dumplings?”
her eyes lit up as she sat up straight and she smiled wider.
“you remembered!” she grinned
“considering you texted me all week about it” he laughs, “it would be impossible to forget”
he wouldn’t say that he’d never forget anything she did or said, even if it was in passing.
“could you get me boba too, please” she pouted, holding onto his bicep, “i promise i’ll be good and try not to worry you with my injuries for a whole week!”
“a whole week? wow that’s impressive” he mocks but he can’t hide his smile now even if he tried to and she knows she’s won.

she leans back and pats his back lightly as he places the order on his phone. it seemed she was happy to spend the night inside, in his office, at the hospital without any complaints.

he’d make it up to her when they both had free time. maybe the could take a few days to visit dr noah and see the snow again.
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notjuststardust · 5 months
Bucket Time Trafalgar LawxReader
Reader eats too much brownie batter and suffers. Inspired by me at least once a week :). Keep in mind this is not proof read and its literally the first forethoughts that belched from my brain rot of this concept so take it easy if there are grammatical errors, please. Might upload an edited 3rd draft once I get there but for now enjoy this fluffy slice of doctor Law taking care of his sweet tooth crewmate. Fluff and some angst if you squint.
TW: Mentions of vomit, hypersensitivity.
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“What did I say about consuming raw brownie batter?” Your captain growled, your locks in hand as you wretched into your bucket for the fifth time tonight.
 “Not to eat it in copious amounts..” you whine, giving him your best puppy eyes in hopes of some sort of appeasement.
 “No I said don’t eat it at all.”
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 “But-“ you’re caught off guard by another wave of nausea, dipping your head back over your bucket and spilling your guts. As irritated as your captain is, he can't help but feel a swell of pity about your predicament. You always licked some of the brownie batter from the bowl on baking day despite his strict orders not to but Shachi and Penguin had dared you to down the entire thing. You’d done it in 60 seconds.
 That had been the beginning of the end of your wellness.
 “S-sorry,” you sniff, tears slipping from the mere action of relieving your stomach, grabbing for the clean cloth on the sink to wipe your mouth. “Wont do it again.” You mutter weakly, head nearly drooping from tired yet Law knows one thing and that is that your sweet tooth always makes you a liar.
 Once your fever goes down and he discharged you to your quarters when next month rolls around you’ll forget all about this and indulge once again in the chocolate goodness.
 It’s too late for another scolding so he chokes back a comment, replacing your bucket with a new one. As the sink rolls on he watches you in his peripheral, barely upright from dehydration and exhaustion. He’s shocked you haven’t dropped by now. You’ve had a fever since 5 o clock when Shachi and Penguin had finally decided to relay your secret sickness to the captain. 
 You’d made them promise not to because you looked ‘gross’ and smelled bad but it was no worse then what he already was used to. Now it was 1am and you were barely upright, staring off in a daze of impending doom toward your bucket.
 “Go to sleep.” It sounds more like a threat than a suggestion. You huff and squirm. 
 “If I fall asleep I might miss the bucket. I’ve never missed the bucket before.” He freezes mid scrub, cranking his head to look at you. Sensing his stare you stare harder at the bucket, trying to ignore the intensity bubbling his steel gaze molten.
 “Your health is not something to make a gamble of,” more than anger is evident in his command, making you shrink. “If you miss I’ll just clean it up,” he gestures to the cot pulled out in his office for you. “Now sleep.” He gruffs watching you stand and sway out of the bathroom, careful to avoid even a glance his way.
 He relaxes once he thinks he’s won.
 That’s until he’s droning through paperwork only to find you wide awake at the crack of dawn, refusing sleep even still. “(Y/N)-ya.” Your eyes snap shut. He stands from his desk.
 “I haven’t missed the bucket before, I won’t miss it now!” You levy and that’s the hump that breaks the camels back. All the worry, stress and disrespect peaks spilling out of Law’s throat as projectile, emotion and tired clouding the real contents that spew fourth.
 “Are you that naive? I’m a doctor. Without proper sleep your body won’t properly restore your ATP. You’ll just keep getting worse,” he snaps, hackles raised as you turn up your nose in refusal. “If you’re really going to act like such a child I may as well drop you off with strawhat-ya! Tell me, is that what you want? You might fit in with the band of idiots..” The tension clenching his chest into what had felt like chronic hypertension eases with his outburst for only a moment. 
 There’s only the brr of the submarine and the shuffle of a body, yours, flipping over to face the wall. Law opens his mouth to take it back but you speak first. “If that would be easier for you, I accept your decision, captain.” Your body trembles and it’s not from the uptick of waves. Caging a hand over his mouth Law tries to concoct something to salvage his harshness with you. A snore graces your lips and whether artificial or not the doctor decides is best to simply say nothing for now.
 Law returns from breakfast to find your cot freshly made and… empty. Oh no. 
 He starts with your bedroom. You hadn’t been down for breakfast and he hadn’t taken your temperature just yet. Had you seriously left before he could make sure you were okay? No, you were sensitive, a bit silly but you were not an idiot. Not like he had said at all. After checking just about every room the doctor freezes something blatant clicking in his brain. He murmurs a quiet ‘shambles’ switching himself with one of Ikkaku’s trinkets only to enter as a closet door slams shut.
 “Ikkaku.” The ginger slowly turns her head, face pale as she giggles too much. He doesn’t need to say anything because he scanned the room the minute he’d switched. You’d been found a while ago.
 “H-hey captain, what are you doing in here?” He almost states his business fully but the only worry on his crewmates face is for fear of you being found. If you were sick Ikkaku would most definitely rat you out.
 “Tell (Y/N)-ya I need to see her in my office when you see her.” He flicks a telling glance toward the closet before hesitantly excusing himself and like clockwork he hears the closet reopen.
 “He wants to get rid of me. Doesn’t he?” He goes frigid at your words. You were notably the most sensitive of your crew members. Emotion and human behavior were your strengths so how could you think such a thing? Nevermind, of course you thought that, you’d thought he implied it last night.
 Law stands outside the door, frog in his throat when you open it. You don’t seem shocked that he’s out there but you don’t seem happy either, eyes scanning him over for any sense that he had in fact heard your words. “Sorry.” You apologize almost instantly, eyes set to the ground in silent shame. There was more color to your face and you smelled like waffles.
 You’d kept something down, good.
 “Room.” He murmurs, and you both reappear in his study. You blink off the still heavy nausea and plonk into a chair. He takes your temperature and administers a subcutaneous antibiotic. The silence is loud.
 “I left a note with my vitals for this morning.” He eyes his desk and sure enough there’s a note written in big letters, ‘Need some space. BPM 68….’ He swallows as he reads through your detailed note. You didn’t leave a single thing to the imagination because you knew he’d worry. Law nods, then he slides back into his chair.
 “I’m glad you’re feeling better. I know I might now show it but… you had me worried.” You nod but do not move, do not even offer a single joke. He feels his heart clench. “Do you remember much?” He offers as a transition, folding his hands together on the table.
 “Everything.” It’s not an admission but it sure feels like it. His tongue fumbles into knots and you notice. “You were tired.” You say so quietly, eyes set on the medicine cabinet for comfort instead of him.
 “That’s no excuse,” he counters just as quickly wanting so badly for you to just look at him, see his side. “You are not an idiot and you have no place on any other crew.” Your brows pop and you let out a low whistle.
 “That’s rich.” It almost sounds bitter but there’s the twitch of a laugh.
 “Care to let me in on the joke?” He inquired cooly, forcing himself not to take it personally, yet. You consider yourself.
 “Well,” you shoot a glance Law’s way. “I mean it would be great petty revenge to join Luffy’s crew.” Your captain facepalms.
 “If you wanted to visit me I’d make sure to get real cozy with Luffy so I didn’t have to talk to you.” You tease as he snorts. The thought of you and Luffy together gave him a headache, not to mention his stomach soured at the mere idea of you brushing hands and stolen glances at one another.
 “You hate me that much, huh?” He sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose. There’s quiet.
 “I could say the same thing to you.” You say it so casually he nearly chokes. He looks up to find your teasing feign gone. What was it you had said earlier?
 “He wants to get rid of me. Doesn’t he?”
 “I do not want to get rid of you.” There is conviction and then there is objective fact, this was that. Nothing you could say nor do could change the fact that even though you were sometimes a moron who ate too much brownie batter or an idiot that took bathes with electronics in the tub you were his problem and to be quite frank, his favorite problem.
 Though you were an inconvenience at times you were a comfort to just about everyone on board. You brought a content that hadn’t been here in your absence and a space for Law to be palpable despite his hesitancies. Not to mention you always followed through.
 A consistent chaos in a sea of abnormalities.
 “Are you sure?” You murmur, words unsteady as the sea of ‘want to says’ in his head. He nods and reaches onto the desk, open palmed and flicking his pointer. His cheeks heat as you stare at his hand. Then you put a pen where he’s requesting your hand.
 He about deflates.
 “Y-yes, I’m sure.” He puts the pen away when realization his you like a brick.
 “Wait-“ not wasting another second you take hold of his hand. He clears his throat as you stare at him for confirmation, gifting you a curt nod. Maybe he couldn’t say the words but you could read the in betweens.
 “You’re my problem. Do you understand?” Bravely, he lifts your hand bringing it to his mouth. He hesitates as you gulp, careful only to brush his mouth over a knuckle once he's certain you don’t want to protest.
 “Y-yes Captain!” You give him some sort of mock salute in the middle of your fluster, bashful as you realize what class of problem you were. He chuckles softly, releasing your hand.
 “That means no more brownie batter,” he stands at full height, leaning over the desk to take in all your bashful glory. “That way I can finally taste those beautiful lips of-“ That’s when Shachi and Penguin burst down the door, parting the anticipatory union and turning you both red with embarrassment. 
 “Too much cookie dough!” They grovel, sloshing to piles of green much on the floor.
 It’s bucket time again.
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angel-kyo · 9 months
Pay it no mind
Part VII
In which reader confesses their feelings to Gojo, but it seems these are not returned (maybe?).
Warnings: reader is on the receiving end of rejection (kinda), and the fact that I'm obsessed with unrequited love is a warning itself. Satoru is slightly inebriated in this one.
Previous: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI
“We are almost there.” You closed the door of Satoru’s apartment with your foot, trying to keep balance as he leaned on you.
Shoko’s birthday had been fun. She had not hated the sweater Satoru ended up giving her, and she had loved your present, so much that she had even shared a little with you after most people had left.
Although Shoko offered him some, Satoru had refused any wine. Normally, he would just not drink or have an alcohol-free (and awfully sweet) drink, but Shoko had then ordered something for him and insisted he tried it because it had almost no alcohol in it, and he should like it with how sweet it was. He had obliged.
“Just for the birthday girl,” he had said.
It was a terrible decision in your opinion.
“Can you at least try to walk properly?” You were on the way to his bedroom, but he was dragging his feet.
Turns out that 'almost no alcohol' is not the same as 'no alcohol'.
“Where… Where are we going?” His words were a bit slurred
You opened the door to his bedroom and helped him inside. “You are going to bed…” you made him sit on his bed, “and I’ll take these.” You took the sunglasses off his face and left them aside. He squinted and fixed his eyes on you.
He felt exhausted and his head was spinning. Before he knew it, he was lying down looking at the ceiling of his room.
You returned with a glass of water and made him drink it.
“What’s this?!” You rolled your eyes at the face of absolute disgust he had made after the first sip.
“It’s water, silly. Just drink it.” You sat next to him.
He did as you said and scratched his head, His euphoria phase had ended at the restaurant, and he was now feeling sleepy.
“Well, you look better now. I thought you where going to throw up on me for a second.”
Satoru grinned as response and looked back at you. Even with his thoughts scattered, you were beautiful.
“I’ll leave now then.” You were going to stand up when he grabbed your hand.
“Huh… Do you need anything else?” He was giving you a strange look. “I know you are not used to this, but you’ll be fine in the morning; hungover but fine nonetheless.” You smiled at him.
“Can you stay?” He was leaning closer.
I shouldn’t. This isn’t doing us any good.
“Please…?” Even in the dim light, his eyes were shining, and his voice was almost a whisper hard to ignore.
You sighed. “Just for a bit.” He made space for you to get in the bed.
You thought you could wait for Satoru to fall asleep and then leave, but as soon as you were within arm reach, he had wrapped himself around you and dozed off. You tried to loosen his grip but it only made him squeeze you tighter.
Should you wake him up just enough so he could let you leave? His breath on you neck was not helping you think. It was not like the position you were in was uncomfortable, but is this what you should be doing with the man you are trying to get over?
You mind returned to the Satoru of that morning.
“I had a rough night.”
He really has it rough, and he doesn’t sleep much; maybe I should let him be.
You yawned, a sign you were feeling pretty tired as well.
Your eyes closed. Maybe you could indulge yourself just this time too.
“Who are you?” Satoru was about to knock your door again when he had to look down at the small dark-haired girl that had made the question. She was probably four or five. He had never seen her before but he thought she might be one of your neighbors.
He was about to respond when the girl spoke again. “You are not their boyfriend.”
He blinked and a small smile formed on his lips.
Funny how we usually get the exact opposite opinion…
“Right, I am not.”
“There you are!” a woman walking up the aisle exclaimed looking at the girl. Satoru guessed it was her mother. The girl did not seem fazed by it, though, and she tilted her head looking at Satoru.
“Are you a homewrecker?” she asked him next in the most innocent tone.
That made the strongest sorcerer blink. “What?”
The mother, who had already arrived to where Gojo and the girl where standing, almost dropped her jaw. She apologized to Satoru, lifted the girl and walked away in embarrassment, scolding the kid.
“Where did you even learn that world?” her mother asked her.
“Grandma’s tv shows.”
Gojo smiled. Kids that age were funny; it reminded him of when he had first met Megumi, although he had never called him a homewrecker.
He was about to knock on your door again when you opened it. You looked like you had just taken a shower.
“Sorry, I thought you were coming later.” You let him in. “You could have used your key, though.”
Gojo followed you into your home and to the kitchen. “I thought you would like me to ‘knock the door at least once’.”
Right, you had told him to do it.
You grabbed a mug from the cupboard and poured in some water, and you were about to ask Gojo if he wanted something to drink, but he spoke first.
“I just met your neighbor’s kid. Kinda short, dark hair. Do they live on this floor?”
You looked at him. There were not many kids in the building, so you figured he was referring to the girl a couple doors away. Her mother seemed to have issues to keep her inside the apartment, and the kid was always wandering around the floor.
Luckily, it not really unsafe here, but still...
Satoru went on. “She called me a homewrecker.”
Your mug stopped mid way to your lips, and after the initial surprise, you laughed.
“She called you a what?”
“A homewrecker.” Satoru broke into a fit of laughter too.
“I wonder why she would get that idea,” he said still sounding amused.
You looked away from him. Actually, you had a theory. Ikeda had dropped by a couple times; once to lend you a book you had told him you wanted to read, and another time to pick you up to go out. Could it be that the girl had seen him and gotten the wrong impression?
“I’ll go change.” You left the mug on the counter and walked to your room.
As you changed, you were thinking of how to tell Satoru about Haruki. It had not been your intention to keep it from him this long, but the subject had just not come up, or rather, it had not seemed to be the right time before. In addition, you were not exactly thrilled about telling your best friend you were reconnecting with that old friend he had disliked so much.
You looked at yourself in the mirror.
I’ll just tell him after the movie. He will be cool about it.
However, as you walked back to the kitchen, Satoru’s bright smile took away your resolve.
“You look good.” He was resting his chin on his palm and looking at your clothes. You were not wearing anything he had not seen before, but his gaze made you self-conscious. You hated keeping things from him. It had never worked.
Nothing could have prepared Satoru for your next words when you stood in front of him and looked him in the eye.
“Satoru, do you remember Ikeda?”
Note: No notes from me today, just love.
Thank you for reading!
Next: Part VIII
@mavs-stuff @witchbybirth @crookedlyaddictedone-blog @tqd4455 @maybe-a-bi-witch @mo0nforme @maliakealoha @zacatecanaaaa @blushhpeachh @astriarose
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h0nology · 10 months
Falling For You
Miles finally takes you swinging with him
warnings: fluff, reader puts herself in danger (once), talk of family issues, not proofread
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it was around 1am when your phone woke you up out your sleep, you were about to ignore it, figuring it wasn’t anything important until it dinged again. and again.
it was your best friend, miles.
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you quickly hopped out of bed, knowing that if you didn’t you would’ve fallen back asleep. you wipe the sleep from your eyes, yawning as you unlocked the window and then plopped back down on your bed.
part of you wondered why miles was coming over so late. he’s never came over this late, let alone ask you to unlock your window. the other part of you was nervous, not too far into your friendship you had developed a big crush on miles. you tried to deny it at first, push it to the side and try to forget about it. but your feelings for him were too strong, and everytime you guys hung out it just got stronger.
you knew having a crush on your best friend wouldn’t end well, it never did. the second he finds out you like him, the friendship is awkward and pretty much over.
you were snapped out your thoughts when you saw his figure outside your window, quietly opening the window and falling into your room.
“hey, i’m sorry if i woke you up.” his voice was groggy, “can i crash here tonight?”
“yeah, is everything okay?” you asked.
he had a sullen look on his face, somewhat slouching over as he stood there.
“it’s a long story that i’ll tell in the morning. i just want to shower and sleep.”
“okay, that’s fair. let me grab you a towel and wash cloth.”
he enters the bathroom as you crept out to the hallway closet, quietly opening and closing the door trying not to wake up your household. you made your way back in your room, entering the now stuffy bathroom and placing down the towel.
“here!” you throw the washcloth into the shower, “thank you.” he slightly chuckles as you walk out the bathroom and shut the door.
you plopped down on your bed, pulling the covers over your body. you wanted to stay up and wait for miles to come out the bathroom but your eyes grew heavy as soon as your head hit the pillow. and next thing you know, you were drifting into your slumber.
when you woke up you weren’t expecting for miles to be right next to you, giving you no room to roll over and stretch. he was even under the same blanket as you, the blanket barely covering him since you’re known to hog the blanket.
“good afternoon.” miles yawns next to you, eyes still closed.
“how’d you know i was awake?” you raise a brow, “must be the spidey senses.” he shrugs, chuckling soon after.
“ok shutup.” you laugh, getting out the bed and walking towards your bathroom.
wow. so that happened. first sleepover with your best friend/crush. you were so ready to tell the group chat about this.
once you started brushing your teeth, miles joined you in the bathroom. washing his face and brushing his teeth with the extra toothbrush you had. once you two finished, you both made your way towards your living room. the house was empty so miles decided to turn on some music, his random ass playlist blaring through your speaker.
“so you gonna tell me why you showed up to my house past midnight?” you plopped down on your couch, “before you start interrogating me, can we at least eat?” he plops down next to you.
“i’ll order us something, there’s nothing in there.” you grabbed your phone, “now get to talking.”
“you didn’t even ask me what i wanted!”
“pasta! you always get pasta!” you say, you don’t understand his obsession.
“okay but which kind?” he raised his brow at you, a smirk creeping up on his face.
he’s stalling.
“talk, miles.” you look at him.
the smirk disappears from his face as he lets out a sigh, “my parents have been having some issues lately, so i just felt comfortable coming here instead of going home, plus i just knew that it would be peaceful here, with you of course.”
you didn’t know what you were expecting to hear, but it wasn’t that. that wasn’t really like his parents, they rarely argued with each other—well, at least you thought.
“i’m glad you feel comfortable here…” you slightly smile, “are you okay?”
“yeah. i just feel like i’m stuck in the middle of it. i just want to see my parents get along again, you know?“ he shook his head, for a second it looked like he was about to cry.
“miles? don’t cry.” you scooted closer to him, bringing him in your embrace, “i’m sure they’ll work out whatever it is they have going on.”
“you’re right, it’s not even my situation.” he pinched in between his eyes, “well, they are your parents so it’s okay to be emotional about it…” you tell him.
“i guess you’re right...” he sighs, sitting up.
“i’m always right.” you joke as the sound of the doorbell went off, “foods here!”
you pick the food up from the doormat and place the bag on the table, miles immediately opening it and taking out his pasta. you sat at the table with him and started eating your burrito, the both of you sitting in silence as you devoured your food.
“so…. i have a question.” you trailed off, you’ve always wanted to ask him this but for some reason was too nervous to.
“and you can say no if you want!” you assured him, “alright well that depends n what it is.” he laughs, “just ask it already." he was growing impatient.
“can you take me swinging with you?” you blurted out, “and by take me i mean i clutch onto you as you swing across the city…”
"you being for real right now?" he looks at you, “why?”
he was amused by your request, he wasn’t at all expecting for you to ask him that.
“i just wanna see how it feels.” you shrug, your cheeks hot as ever.
“uh…okay, yeah i’ll take you.” he shrugs, “really?” your face lit up.
“yeah.” he chuckles, finishing up his pasta, “let me change into my suit real quick.” he gets up from the table and disappears down the hall.
the suit. you remember the first time you saw him in it. you couldn’t believe your eyes but you also couldn’t help but admire how good he looked in it.
while he changed you grabbed a jacket out the closet and threw on your shoes, waiting for him to come down. once he did it only took you two a couple minutes to make it to the roof of your building.
“you sure you wanna do this?” miles looks at you as he steps onto the ledge.
“positive.” you smile up at him.
he smiled back, pulling you up on the ledge with him. he wrapped his arm around your waist as your arms wrapped around his neck, and without a warning you two were free falling. you couldn’t even process what he was doing, one minute you were swinging up, then going down again. your face was buried in his neck, you were too scared to even look at anything.
“hey! you wanted to do this, the least you can do is actually look!” miles yells over the wind, “i promise i wont let anything happen to you. you’ll never hit the ground when i’m around.”
his words somewhat reassured you, peeking your eye open as he swung around a building.
“one, that was corny.” you yell, “two, you really wouldn’t let me fall?”
“of course not.”
you two continued to swing, you had eventually opened both of your eyes, taking in the scenery around you. after a while he began to speed up slightly, the wind blowing against your hair harder now. you almost felt like falling a few times, but miles kept a firm grip onto you, never letting you slip once.
when you saw that you two were approaching the brooklyn bridge you had two thoughts. one, how did we get here so fast and the second probably wasn’t the best idea but you wanted to test out a theory, was miles really going to keep his word? you didn’t even give it a second thought, as soon as you two swung on the side of the bridge your grip on miles loosened and in a matter of seconds you were free falling.
miles looks back sharply at you when he feels your weight suddenly disappear.
"hey, hey, hey!" you could hear the panic in his voice.
okay maybe this was a bad idea.
please catch me. please catch me. please catch me.
you don’t know how he did it, but he had reached you right before you hit the water.
"mami what in the world is wrong with you?! ¿eres estúpido?! what if i didn't catch you?" he spoke quickly as he held you tight in his arms once again, continuing to swing, “you promised you’d never let me fall.” you breathe out.
"that was under the assumption that you would never jump out of my grasp! you’re crazy!" he continued to scold you like you were a child.
okay yeah that was stupid, but a little fun…
“never do that again.”
“i’m sorry.” you chuckled, “and your laughing.” he sighs, you didn’t even have to see his face to know he was rolling his eyes.
you two swung around for a bit longer, before stopping for a break after a while. he landed on top of a building, where you had a perfect view of the sunset. you two sat on the ledge of the building, feet dangling as you looked at the city in front of you.
“that was…” miles started, “fun.” you finished his sentence.
“yeah, it was.” he chuckles, “better with you by my side.”
your cheeks heated up at his comment. you couldn’t even bring yourself to reply, just sitting there with a slight smile on your face. was this the right time to tell him? to just get it over with and see what he says?
“i’m glad to have shared it with you.” you finally spoke, “well what other spider-man do you know that you can do that with?” he joked.
all you could do was playfully roll your eyes at him.
“i’m kidding!” he laughs, pulling you into his side, so your head was now resting on his shoulder and his arm was wrapped around you, rubbing your arm.
now was the moment, if you were reading the signs right.
“miles, i-i have something i wanna tell you.”
okay that was the easier part, but now you have to tell him.
“what’s up?”
you took a deep breath, it’s now or never. what’s the worst that can happen? he says he doesn’t feel the same way and you jump off the building? (not really yall ssksksk) he stops rubbing your arm, pulling out of the embrace to look at your face.
“what is it?” he was starting to sound worried.
“i like you, miles.” you blurted out. that wasn’t as smooth as you wanted it to be but it had to do.
miles goes silent as he hears those words come out of your mouth. he doesn’t even know what to say, he just stares at you in shock.
"you do?" was all he said, the smile grew on his face, almost making it look goofy.
“uh yeah, that’s what i just said.” you say.
the boy was flabbergasted. so many emotions ran through him at the moment…shock, excitement and happiness. your sentence just completely changed his world.
"i...i like you too..." he was a bit overwhelmed but was trying to play it cool, “i've been in denial about my feelings for so long, but...i can't lie to myself anymore."
your heart was in your stomach.
“oh. wow, i wasn’t expecting this.” you chuckled nervously, “yeah, me either.” he says.
“so….” you trailed off.
“does this make us a couple now?” he looks at you.
when you envisioned someone asking you out you never would’ve thought it’d be your best friend while you two sat on the ledge of building.
“i guess it does…”
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geekywritings · 1 year
Lipstick marks
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I did get one request done these days! As I said, I will try to get to the others at one point, but if I don’t get to your request, I am sorry! Sometimes, it’s hard to find a muse for certain scenarios...
The request for this one:  “Hii ♥️ Another cute blurb about our favorite redhead Jedi would be the cute Mantis crew tease about him having reader's smudged red lipstick on his face and neck! Would love to read that, thank you in advance :) “
You were supposed to be his secret. Not because Cal was ashamed of your relationship, but because he wanted to keep you safe. Not even the Mantis crew knew where he headed whenever they stopped on Koboh. They probably thought he was doing some patrol run or looking for a new sort of trouble again. Instead, he went to find you on your little farm on the very outskirts of the ever-growing little town.
Just like this time.
The moment the ship had landed, Cal was out and heading to your place rather than the Saloon. His last visit had simply been too long ago and he yearned to hold you in his arms again. To hear you whisper his name full of love and to fall asleep by your side.
“Cal?”, Bode called after him, but all the redhead did was wave, as he sprinted off.
He found you outside, bandaging the injured paw of a little Bogling and for a moment the Jedi slowed down to take in the scene. You were as gentle with the creatures in your little clinic at the farm as you were with everyone else. It was one of the many reasons why he fell in love with you.
“There, soon you’ll be running around again.”
Now he could hear your voice, gently speaking to the ball of fluff in your lap and his heart soared. It really had been too long.
The Bogling noticed him first and made a squeaky noise, trying to get away. You let him go and looked up, seeing Cal approaching with a smile.
“Cal!”, you exclaimed, running toward him and practically jumping into his arms. He welcomed you with a laugh, holding you close and just taking in the moment.
“I missed you.”, you said after a few seconds.
“I missed you more.” The standard reply every time, but you smiled regardless.
“Have you been well?”, he asked, putting you back down, but still keeping you close.
“Better than you, I assume. You look tired.”
He absolutely was, but tried to hide it behind a sheepish grin. “The last missions got a bit intense, yeah.”
You invited him inside to take a shower while you prepped a meal, which you could enjoy together. For Cal, this was true bliss. A home, he never expected to have again after the fall of the Order. Yet he couldn’t bring himself to stay either. The fight still called to him and you respected his choice.
Still, after being apart for a couple of months, you hoped that he would stay a little longer this time. Unfortunately, he could not and your last day together dawned sooner than you liked.
“Stay.”, you tried to coax him, your naked body on top of his in your bed, as you pressed soft kisses to his cheek and neck.
In moments like these, he wished he could stay forever. But the danger of the Empire showing up and taking everything from him again was just too real to ignore.
“I’ll come back soon.”, he promised, a hand gently brushing through your hair.
“You said that last time as well.”, you pouted.
“I promise, Y/N.”
Slowly you sat up, watching from the bed as he got up to get dressed. You joined him in the end, closing the vest for him and pressing another kiss to his cheek. “Be careful and come back to me.”
“I always will.”, he vowed and gave you one last kiss before returning to the Mantis where Bode and Merrin were already waiting for him, busy talking to Greez.
“Ah, there he is. We thought you got lost somewhere.”, Bode greeted him.
“Not on this planet.”, the Jedi retorted smugly, but the smile disappeared when his comrades’ faces changed. “What?”, he asked.
Bode was grinning now, while Merrin held back a chuckle, shaking her head.
“Nice new look, Cal. I gotta say, the little pink on your cheeks and neck really brings out your eyes.”, Greez teased with a laugh.
Confused, the Jedi’s hand went to rub at his cheek, before looking at his fingers. Remnants of your lipstick… Dammit.
“What’s her name?”, Merrin asked directly.
“I don’t know what you mean.” He knew he couldn’t get out of it now, but he still tried, as he rubbed the proof of your night together off his skin, even though he would have preferred not to.
“The pretty vet on the outskirts of town. We saw you together, dumbass.”, the nightsister clarified.
“You knew?”
“I also like to explore. And I have two working eyes.”
Of course. While Bode tended to happily spend his time in the Mantis or in Pyloon’s Saloon, Merrin was bound to grow curious about the area. And your farm wasn’t exactly hidden.
“We are happy for you, kid. But next time, bring her over for proper introductions.”, Greez spoke, making Cal nervously rub his neck to fight the blush creeping over his face.
“Will do, Greez.”, he promised. Surely presenting you to his closest allies would be alright. They might tease and joke, but they would welcome you with open arms, he was sure.
“While I’m gone, watch out for her for me, ok?”
The Latero nodded. “Of course, Cal. But maybe you should consider settling down now… You could have a normal life, kid. A home. A family.”
“He’s right. This could be your chance to find peace.”, Bode chimed in.
Instantly Cal remembered your body on his and your plea for him to stay. But something inside of him wasn’t quite ready yet. If there was still a chance to destroy the Empire, he needed to try.
“I’ll think about it.”, he said instead, heading toward the Mantis. “Now come on, the quicker we get this mission done, the quicker we can come back.”
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sturnioloisland · 3 months
Happier | M.S.
Hello everyone :) this is very much my first time posting on tumblr, and I quite literally have no clue what I am doing.
I’m also making this post from my phone, so if it’s messed up just ignore it. Let me know if y’all like this or hate it. Either one is fine.
Pairing: Matt x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None
A/N: I posted something similar to this on ao3 many a years ago when I was part of a different fandom.
Matt walked down the sidewalk heading towards his favorite coffee shop he used to frequently visit. Within the last month, he seemed to be living in a constant nightmare. He’d wake up everyday alone without her body next to him. He no longer got to see that warm and beautiful smile first thing when he woke up.
Every night was a battle to fall asleep and every morning was a struggle to get out of bed. He regretted his decision, and if he could take back everything he said, he would in a heartbeat. It was just a stupid fight because of his own insecurities. 
Matt remembers the look on her face after he spewed those hateful words. He remembers the tears in her eyes when he said he didn’t love her anymore. He didn’t mean to say it, but he did, and he struggles living with the consequences of his words.
The cold wind nipped at his nose as he approached the coffee shop. It had been a while since Matt had been there. This was the place where they had their first few dates. Melancholy was set deep in his heart, and he couldn’t shake that feeling away. What he would do to go back in time and change the happenings of that night.
He finally reached the shop and quickly entered, the warmth inside immediately thawing his shivering limbs. Matt was always cold, but the girl he once loved - still loved - was always warm, and Matt used to always melt into her embrace.
The line was rather short with only a few people in front of him. Matt already had his order in mind. It was the same thing he got every time. Soon enough he reached the register, immediately recognizing the barista as someone who used to work all the time when he came in with her.
“Hey,” He said with a warm smile, “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you in here. You used to come in all the time.”
Matt smiled timidly and gazed down at his feet. “Yeah, yeah it has been a while, but I plan on coming back more. I sure do miss the muffins you guys sell here.” 
The barista chuckled, “So I take it that you’ll be having your usual order then?”
Matt nodded.
“Okay, I’ll get right to it. It was good to see you again. You disappeared for a few months, so I hope you’re doing well.”
Matt once again flashed him a fake smile, “It was good to see you too.” He finished paying for his order and stepped to the side - secretly grateful he wasn’t asked about why he was there without her.
He messed around on his phone looking through messages from friends who were still checking up on him. He felt guilty for never responding to them, but he didn’t know how. All of them asked how he was or if he was okay or even if he needed anything from them. The one thing he wanted was something that they couldn’t give him.
He scrolled through his camera roll looking at old pictures, the guilt slowly creeping back into him as he looked at the old photos he never bothered to delete. Matt felt that familiar burning sensation behind his eyes and quickly closed the camera roll on his phone. He wouldn’t cry in public. No, he wouldn’t cry at all. He’s done too much of that.
“Matt?” A barista called out as his order was finished. He walked to the counter, grabbed his coffee and warm muffin and thanked the barista before turning to head out, pausing only to grab a few napkins.
On the way out, he saw a familiar head of hair that was styled in a way that he remembered seeing it. He stopped dead in his tracks as he came to realize who it was. The girl whose heart he shattered into a million pieces was standing in line just about four feet away from him. 
She looked as beautiful as San remembered her being. Her beautiful eyes, the small mole under them, her hair, and most importantly her smile. She was smiling brightly, and Matt felt the glass around his heart shatter because she wasn’t alone. No, she was holding hands with another man. A man that wasn’t him.
Matt was staring and he was sure the girl felt his eyes burning into her, for when the latter turned her head to face Matt, that enchanting smile faltered. They both stared at each other, both in disbelief of seeing the other. It was she who broke the silence between them.
“Hi Matt.” Her tone was bitter, and Matt didn’t blame her at all. He broke her heart into a million pieces and left verbal wounds that he knew he could never take back no matter how much he wanted to. He broke the girl’s heart, and Matt was in disbelief that she even acknowledged him.
He hesitated. He hadn’t said her name in so long, and he was trying not to choke on his words. It was a name he used to say full of love and passion. A name that was now just reduced to a memory of something good he once had, something good that he ruined. “Hi y/n.”
A/n again: sorry if this sucks. It was quite literally the one and only thing I have ever written.
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konigenblobbity · 1 year
It Wasn’t my Fault [Part 2]
Javier Peña x F!Reader
Warnings: Angst to Fluff, reference to cheating, sad Javi
—> [Part 1]
Summary: After you walked out on Peña, you tried to organize your thoughts, figure out your next move. While he did what he could in order to get you to talk to him again. After three weeks you finally decide to meet with him and talk about your relationship… he can only hope it wasn’t to end it.
A/n: Decided to give Javi a happy ending :)
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It’s been three weeks since you left Javier crying on the floor of your, then, shared apartment. You were staying at a friend’s place, whose been endlessly kind, giving you all the attention and care you need. Allowing you the time to recover while simultaneously reassuring you that you’ll be okay.
You were restless most nights, having gotten too used to falling asleep tangled up in Javier’s arms. Whenever that thought enters your mind you can’t help but cry. Curling up on your bed, hiding under your cover as your cries turned to sobs, draining every ounce of energy out of you until you finally fell asleep.
Javier was the same. That night, it took him an hour to get up off the floor, it finally sinking in just how badly he messed up. At first he obeyed and didn’t message you, it was after the first week that he finally caved and sent you a message apologizing profusely for what he did. From that day on he sent you a message each night, hoping each time that you’d finally respond.
He needed to do something, whatever he could to remind you that he still loved you endlessly. The first night he messages, you were drowning your sorrows in a tub of ice cream and rewatching your favorite show.
When your phone buzzed and you saw his message you immediately burst into tears. No matter how hard you fought the urge, you couldn’t ignore him… bawling more when you read it. From them on, whenever your phone buzzed you’d jump for it. Reading it immediately, but never replying, his hope growing when he saw that you read them. Knowing you weren’t fully ignoring him.
Javi 💋: I miss you Hermosa. I know you told me not to text you, but I just cant stop myself. I can’t stop myself from reading all our old messages, looking through all our photos together, walking around our apartment and being flooded with memories. Please don’t give up on me… on us.
Javi 💋: I should’ve pushed her away when she approached me. I shouldn’t have drank as much as I did, I should’ve done SOMETHING to stop myself from doing what I did. I can’t imagine how much that hurt you… seeing me at that bar. I messed up. And I can’t even begin to explain how sorry I am.
Javi 💋: You know you’re my entire world right? You’re everything to me! I can’t lose you. Please Princessa, I feel like I’m going insane the more time I’m away from you… I need you back in my arms.
Javi 💋: I know you’re reading these messages Hermosa… Just tell me what I need to do, I’ll do anything to get you back. Just please don’t shut me out… please.
And it went on like that for two weeks. You had a lot of time to reflect on what happened, think about how to approach your, now, fragile relationship. You love Javier, that was never a question, but you just didn’t know if you could trust him anymore. If you could ever trust him again.
But… you’re finally ready to talk to him, face to face. You take a deep breath, staring down at your phone where his contact was open. You press the call button and move your phone to your ear. You look over to your friend who was smiling reassuringly, having helped you in making this step.
The phone barely rings once before Javier picks up, his voice clearly raspy but his excitement clear. “HERMOSA! Oh thank god i tho-“ you cut him off, staying stern “We need to talk Javi. Meet me at the Cafe, I’ll be there in an hour” you make sure not to let your voice waiver. The sound of his voice making your heart sing.
Your words sent a shiver through Javier, your tone, and what you were implying had his heart beating faster. If he analyzed it any more he might’ve had a heart attack. His only semblance of hope was you calling him ‘Javi’, that had to mean something… right?. “Okay. I’ll be there.” He then heard the line click on the other end.
Leaping off the couch he went to take a shower, knowing that he hasn’t been looking his best since you’ve left. He had a lot to do before he left, shave, find some decent clothes that weren’t stained, try to find some way to get the smell of whiskey and cigarettes off his tongue… the more things he thought of, the more he rushed, last thing he wanted was to be late.
You enter the cafe exactly an hour after your call, looking around and immediately spotting Javier. He was sat in a very familiar spot. This cafe being the one right near your shared apartment, where you had spent most mornings together, sharing a coffee, holding hands, as each of you focused on your own work.
You take a deep breath, noticing how his hands were in fists, pressed against his forehead, his leg bouncing nervously under the table, he already ordered a coffee and you notice one sitting in front of him as well. You can’t help but smile softly knowing that it was for you.
You walk over and as Javier notices you from the corner of his eyes he looks up at you and immediately shoots up out of his seat. “Hermosa…” he couldn’t keep himself from smiling at the sight of you, his eyes welling up slightly as if he was about to cry. His bottom lip quivered and he opened his arms going to hug you.
You place a hand on his chest, stopping him in his tracks. “Sit down Peña… please” you could see his smile drop and he felt his heart drop. He nodded slowly and sat back down, his leg bouncing more as that fear comes back, the idea of losing you having him more anxious then any case he’s ever worked.
You walk over to your chair, sitting down before reaching to the cup in front of you. “First, I need you to listen Javi… then you can say what you want” you look into his eyes, noticing how his own are completely fixated on you. He nodded his head, willing to do anything you asked just to get to stay here with you another minute.
“What I saw that night… I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget. Or get that image out of my mind.” You take a sip from your drink, noticing how Javier fights the urge to say something, but silences himself remembering what you said. You go to continue but pause when you notice how your coffee was exactly how you liked it. A soft smile graces your lips and you put it back down.
“But I love you Javier. I love you more than anything and anyone. So I am willing to give you another chance” at those words you watched as Javier’s face lights up, he opens his mouth but you bring up a hand, silencing him with the gesture. “However… you need to win back my trust. Seeing you cheating on me… and the idea of what would’ve happened if I hadn’t walked in, it keeps me from fully trusting you”
He can only nod at your words, completely enamored in you, listening intently and waiting for your permission to speak. “Until I’m ready to trust you again, we need to step back. Go back to dating. Not being boyfriend and girlfriend, but just dating” you spoke sternly, there was no room for argument, it was a ‘take it or leave it’ deal.
When you pause he takes that as his sign to speak. “I understand that completely Princessa… I can’t put into words how sorry I am. She meant nothing, I was stupid for doing what I did and in those three weeks I couldn’t hold you… fucking hell, I have never wished to go back in time as much as I did then. I love you endlessly, and I am going to prove it to you. I swear” He reaches his hands forward, placing them in the center of the table, watching you intently, waiting to see if you’ll accept his touch.
You take in a long breath and give him a soft smile. You reach your hands across the table and take his hands in yours. At that simple gesture he can’t help but let out a soft exhale, grinning wildly and grasping your hands tightly. He clenched his eyes shut, clearly trying to hold back tears, overjoyed at the fact that you were giving him another chance, an opportunity to redeem himself.
“God I don’t deserve you… you’re my entire world, my guiding light. I’ll do whatever it takes to get your trust back, even if it takes months of dating, of small coffee dates, or walks in the parks, or gifting you flowers on special occasions… I’ll do anything if it means I get more time with you.” He continues to ramble and you feel tears come to your eyes, slowly cascading down your searing cheeks.
Every word he spoke was from his heart, there was no hesitation, he was completely sincere, by the way his head leaned down against the table it was clear he was willing to burn the whole world for you. And if the table wasn’t there… you were sure he’d be on his knees, praising you for allowing him a chance he doesn’t deserve.
“What I did… it was unacceptable, even if you forgive me one day, I never will. I hurt you… something I swore I’d never do. I’m sorry… I’m so fucking sorry. God Hermosa I-“ he didn’t stop talking, people began to turn their heads, spotting Javier practically praying to you as if you were a deity.
You grip his hands tighter before interrupting him. “Javi I understand… it’s alright. We’ll move forward, see whether this relationship can last. Give it another shot hm? But we have to do it together” he lifts his head and looks at you, his eyes red and streaks of tears visible on his cheeks.
“Together…” he repeated and smiled at you. After a while, you both stood up, but not yet leaving. Simply standing there for a moment, gazing into each others eyes. Then suddenly, with a soft sob, Javier couldn’t help himself and pulled you towards him. Wrapping his arms around your waist tightly, holding you close as if you would fade away if he let go.
“I love you so much Hermosa. I missed you so much. I don’t deserve an Angel like you in my life, but I won’t waste this chance, I promise you, I will give you the whole world just to see you trust me again”
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niki-phoria · 2 years
Can I request a Huening Kai x gn reader where y/n is friends with the txt members and they all know about Hyuka’s big crush on y/n and always tease him about it, until one day he finally confesses and they share their first kiss?
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he's so gender NSOINESLNS i love him
pairing: huening kai x gn!reader (they/them pronouns used) genre: fluff word count: 1.1k
includes: one mention of reader attending classes, blushy kai, teasing but supportive txt
again got a ton of inspo from this prompt list by @urfriendlywriter !!
a/n: thank you for requesting !! this idea is really cute, i love it sm <33 i hope you like it !!
requests open !! read my rules first
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kai’s body feels warm next to your own as you subtly shift a little closer to him. the vents above you blasting cool air down felt nice until you acclimated to the temperature of the room; now only serving to make you increasingly colder. 
“are you okay?” he whispers. his reddened cheeks aren’t visible in the darkness though he’s sure beomgyu and yeonjun are already aware of his growing embarrassment. 
“just cold,” you reply. you’re about to move away from kai when he reaches over, hesitantly taking your hand into his. he hopes you don’t notice how nervous he is to be so close to you. all of his senses feel heightened around you. 
you slowly move a little closer so your head is leaning against kai’s shoulder. the movie continues droning on in the background - even as your eyes grow progressively more tired and you eventually fall asleep. 
“cute,” soobin whispers. he’s the first person to notice you sleeping on him. turning around, he gently nudges kai before gesturing to you with a small smile. 
kai’s cheeks burn as his body unconsciously stiffens. you’ve never been this close before. “maybe you should move them so their neck doesn’t get stiff from sleeping like that,” taehyun suggests. 
“and try to relax,” beomgyu teases. “i’m sure y/n wouldn’t appreciate having a wooden plank for a boyfriend.” 
“let him be embarrassed,” yeonjun playfully swats at beomgyu’s shoulder. “they’ve never been this affectionate before.” 
“shut up,” kai whispers. he ignores their teasing to take soobin’s advice, awkwardly resting his arm around you as he coaxes your body down so you’re laying more comfortably in his lap. 
the movie is all but forgotten in the background in favor of watching you and kai. his cheeks burn as he avoids their glances, making a point of staring at the screen in front of you. 
“they’re such a cute couple,” yeonjun whispers. “i wish i had someone to cuddle with me like that.”
“i’ll cuddle you, hyung,” beomgyu says, dramatically pulling him into a hug. despite his playful protests, yeonjun lets beomgyu wrap him into a hug. 
“we’re not dating,” kai clarifies. 
soobin raises an eyebrow at him. “you’re not? but y/n flirts with you all the time.” 
“they’re not flirting.” 
“yes, they are,” taehyun chuckles. “they let you drag them around everywhere. they bring you your coffee order even though they have classes to attend. sometimes they randomly send flowers to the company when they hear you’re having a rough day. i’m surprised you haven’t noticed.”
kai holds his breath a little when you shift slightly from your position on his lap. he lets out a small breath of relief when you simply move a little closer to him. 
“let me ask this then,” soobin says. “do you like them?” 
kai remains silent for a few seconds but the growing blush on his face says everything he can’t. his ears are burning as he nods. “yeah. i like them a lot.” 
“you should ask them out,” beomgyu says. “you would be good together.” 
“he’s right, you know,” taehyun leans over to pat his knee. “y/n makes you happier whenever they’re around. you should consider it.” 
on the tv, the movie ends with a climatic sting before the credits begin to roll. soobin sits up to turn it off before standing up. he ruffles kai’s hair with a small smile before he leaves. “at least think about it.”
taehyun is the next to go, following after soobin to his room. yeonjun drags beomgyu up with him as they leave as well, leaving you and kai on the couch in the living room alone. 
you sit up once beomgyu’s bedroom door closes with a small ‘click.’ you blink the remaining sleepiness from your eyes as you shift to sit across from kai. “i didn’t know you guys talk about me.”
kai freezes as he looks over at you. his attention remains solely on you. in the dim light you can just barely make out his sharp features and the light blush on his cheeks. deep brown eyes stare into your own - almost tempting you to break the silence. 
“how much did you hear?” he finally asks. 
“not much.” your mind drifts back to the muffled conversation you heard in your sleepy state. it wasn’t much, but it was enough. you shift a little closer to kai. he licks his lips quickly - a nervous habit he had picked up over the years that never failed to fluster you. “so, you have a crush on me?” 
any anxiety that previously lingered immediately disappears when kai’s face flushes a deep red. you can’t help the way your lips quirk upwards into a small smile at how nervous he is. “well, i mean, i…” he sighs, eyes falling down to stare at his hands. “yeah. i have a crush on you.” 
you reach your hand up to cup kai’s cheek, gently stroking your thumb against his skin. you can almost feel the embarrassment radiating off of him as you tilt his face up so he’s looking at you. “i have a crush on you too.” 
kai’s eyes grow wide as he stares at you. silence lingers for a few seconds while he processes the information. you almost regret saying anything at all when he speaks again. “really?” 
his voice is so quiet you nearly miss it entirely. you lean in a little closer just in case. “i’ve liked you for years, kai.” your eyes drop from looking into his to focusing on his lips. they’re tinted pink - likely the remains of a lip stain applied for a recent comeback stage. 
you’re broken out of your trance when kai speaks again. “can i kiss you?” instead of answering verbally, you slowly lean in and pull him down to meet you in a sweet kiss. months of fantasizing about this moment will never live up to the feeling of actually kissing kai. 
he pulls away after a few seconds with a small smile. it feels surreal - cuddling together during a movie, confessing to him, kissing him. you almost feel like you’re simply waiting to wake up from a lucid dream when kai leans in to pull you into another sweet kiss. 
it’s longer this time. your bodies mold together as if this was always meant to be. “i like you, y/n.” kai’s voice is breathless when he whispers the words. “really,” he presses a kiss against your jaw. “really,” this time he pecks your cheek. “really like you. will you be mine?” 
you pull him back into a full kiss that you both smile into. “i already am.” 
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l-e-e-woso · 2 years
She’s My Mother - Mapi Leon
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Italics = Spanish
Mapi Leon/Maria Pilar Leon Cebrian = Ma
Mapi’s Adopted Daughter OC = Avery Cole Leon Cebrian
Today Avery was supposed to go out with Mapi for dinner but once again Mapi had text to say that she was with some of her teammates and that there was money on the counter in the kitchen for takeaway.
Avery sighs before opening uber eats on her phone and ordering a pizza with fries and a coca cola. She sits on a stool in the kitchen waiting for her food to arrive as she scrolls through tiktok.
The one thing that Avery hated was when Mapi would promise to do something with her and cancel at the last minute. She understood that she was busy doing interviews, training and playing matches but she never saw her Mama anymore and she was starting to miss her.
From Avery to Ma <3
When will you be home?
Read 8:45pm
From Avery to Ma <3
Read 9:00pm
From Ma <3 to Avery
There’s money for takeaway on the counter in the kitchen xxx
Read 9:27pm
From Avery to Ma <3
Whatever…be safe. I’ll be asleep when you get back, so be quiet plz?
Read 9:30pm
From Ma <3 to Avery 
Sorry. I’ll be home in an hour. I love you cariño xxx
Read 9:32pm
From Avery to Ma <3
Love you too Ma xxx
Read 9:35pm
Avery looks at the text messages in disappointment with her head in her hands and rubs away a tear that fell down her cheek. She didn’t want to seem too clingy because she knew that Mapi could send her back whenever she wanted to, which scared her a little.
This home was amazing from some of the others she had been in and not seeing Mapi as often as she wanted…she could deal with that. Just then the doorbell rang and Avery ran to get her pizza.
After paying the delivery guy she sat down on the sofa and turned on Warrior Nun, it was one of her favourite shows at the moment. I mean why wouldn’t it be? It's an amazing show and there are a lot of gorgeous girls in it as well which is a plus.
Avery finished the pizza and fries quite quickly before she headed to bed, she did not want to be awake when Mapi got home because she knew that they would have to talk and she just did not feel like it. 
Falling asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow at 10:30pm wasn’t something that ever really happened, usually Avery would stay up till 2am playing video games on her pc but for some reason she was very tired.
Avery woke up to her Ma shouting for her to come downstairs into the kitchen because she had made chocolate chip pancakes. Which made her groan in frustration, it was too early to be awake and functioning. 
Since Mapi didn’t get an answer she walked upstairs into Avery’s bedroom and sat on the end of the bed. “Cariño…come on. It’s 10am, you need to get up now.” Mapi says as Avery huffs and turns saw which makes Mapi sigh before sliding under the quilt with her and pulling Avery into her, cuddling her.
“What’s wrong?” Mapi softly says to Avery but she just pushes Mapi away from her and faces the opposite way. “I’ll get up now, just go away.” Avery angrily says not wanting to have to explain why she was angry and upset with her mother.
“Alright. I love you cariño.” Mapi says but Avery just completely ignores her while playing on her phone which causes Mapi to sigh sadly and walk off into the kitchen.
After a while Avery gets up to get dressed in a comfortable tracksuit and walks into the kitchen, grabs a few pancakes on a plate and goes to sit down in the living room to watch some tv as she eats.
“I have to head to training now. I’ll be back around 4:30pm okay? I’ll leave some money on the counter for you to get some lunch and I’ll bring us some dinner on my way home. Bye!” Mapi says giving you a quick hug before grabbing her training bag and running out of the house.
Avery sighs, yet another day she would be spending with her mother. She just decided that she was going to play video games until she gets back and leave her chores just to piss Mapi off a little bit when she gets home.
As usual Mapi was late and she had texted Avery earlier to say that some of her teammates were joining them for movie night which really annoyed her because movie night had always been their thing but apparently not anymore.
At 5:30pm Mapi, Alexia, Lucy, Ingrid, Keira, Jana, Aitana and Claudia came through the front door loudly while laughing as well causing Avery to groan. “Yo cariño! I’m home, I've got sushi and people.” Mapi shouted up to her and she slowly got up, walked downstairs and gave Mapi a hug.
“Oh, have you finally got out of your mood?” Mapi jokes causing the girls who heard to laugh as Mapi hugged her daughter tightly and kissed her head. Avery rolled her eyes, ignoring her mother before taking the bag of food out of Mapi’s hand and walking into the kitchen to put some on a plate.
“Don’t ignore me, Avery!” Mapi raises her voice slightly as she follows you into the kitchen and gives you ‘the look’. 
“Are you joking? You’ve ignored me for the past fucking 3 months! Everytime we plan something you just don’t turn up or cancel at the last minute because you are with your teammates. If you didn’t want to be around me then why would you adopt me! You obviously hate me! Tonight was supposed to be our night Ma!” Avery shouts at Mapi who just stands there shocked which causes Avery to just storm off to her room and start packing a backpack.
Alexia pops her head into the kitchen to talk to Mapi. “We are gonna go. You obviously need some alone time with Avery.” Alexia says before ushering the rest of the barca girls out of the house.
Mapi waits for about 30 minutes just to let Avery cool off before she knocks on the bedroom door, then enters and sees Avery curled up on the bed with tears streaming down her face.
Walking over to her daughter, she sits down on the bed next to her before wrapping Avery in a huge hug. “I’m sorry I made you that way bubs. Look, tomorrow I’m going to phone Jona and ask for a month off. We will spend everyday doing whatever you want okay? I promise.” Mapi promises Avery and rubs her back comfortingly as she nods into Mapi’s stomach where her head was laying. 
“Can we cuddle Ma?” Avery mutters but Mapi is just able to work out what she said and lays down so Avery can cuddle into her a bit more comfortably.  
“I missed you.” Avery says slurs sleepily as she drifts off into a peaceful dream filled sleep.
Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list.
Taglist:   @sofakingwoso @dutch-gay86 @gt713 @mmmmokdok @xxforeverinadayxx
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sageryuri · 6 months
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pairing kim seonwoo + reader.
genre fluff.
summary you’re feeling extremely under the weather, and you’re also the only person sunoo can deal with for longer than an hour.
word count 0.6k
warnings apart from some sickness, all good
an i don’t usually read anything for sunoo but he’s such a sweet boy and deserves so much more appreciation than he gets :(
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You're sure your body is beginning to overheat at this point. All day, your temperature has been through the roof and you can barely bring yourself to lift your body from your bed.
Dramatically, you had been moving positions every five minutes; lying on your back, sprawling out, curled up into a ball — but none of them were able to subdue the pain that you were feeling.
When you hear a knock on your door, you sigh and wrap yourself deeper into the duvet. Today was not the day for visitors and you had no planned arrivals, so you imagined it was nothing important. The door goes again, though you continue to ignore it due to how weak you were feeling, the aches in your body would only worsen if you decided to stand up.
Then, your phone rings.
"Hello..." Your voice cracks through the phone since you had hardly said a word all day, causing you to cringe at yourself. You hadn't even looked at the called ID, so you had hoped it was someone you were close with.
"Why do you never answer your door? I've been waiting for almost five minutes! Are you okay?" Sunoo's voice makes you feel the slightest bit better immediately, even though he's already judging you through the phone.
"I'm sick. Like- really, really sick. I can barely move, sorry for not coming to the door." You let out a small, rough cough, "You have a key, why didn't you just open the door?"
"I left it at the dorms by accident because Jay and Sunghoon were being idiots. I thought I'd come here since I prefer your company over theirs. You should have told me you were sick, I would have brought some medicine and soup." His voice becomes more concerned after learning about your illness.
You shake your head in response despite the face he was unable to see you.
"I don't want you to get sick, Sun. I would have rather you stayed at the dorms and deal with their shit instead." You reply, standing up from your bed with great persistence as you walk towards your mirror.
Sunoo doesn't care what you look like because he'll love you all the same even if you look a mess. Though, you do this for your own dignity, brushing your hair and teeth before you let him in your home.
"I'd much rather be sick with you than spend another minute with them when they've had too much sugar. Now, let me in. I'll look after you until you're feeling better." The softness in his speaking when he diverts the conversation to your sickness makes your heart swell happily.
When you open the door, he pouts at the sight of you. He enters your home, grabbing your hand and pulls you back into your bedroom and makes you get back into your bed. Sunoo doesn't say much, he leaves you in your room and disappears for at least half an hour.
Too tired to check on him, you fall into a deep sleep.
Meanwhile, Sunoo is cooking up a storm in your kitchen. He asks Jay for help on a phone call, receiving specific instructions in order to provide the best medicinal soup that was ever made, just for you.
Due to your stuffy nose, you can barely smell so you're still fast asleep when he comes up to your room holding a bowl of freshly made soup. He places it slowly onto the desk table and sits next to you on your bed, hands threading through the hair on your scalp.
He watches the way your chest rises, the slight pout on your pretty lips, and decides he wouldn’t mind letting you sleep for a little while longer.
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