#in new york and not doing four walls promo... they have to have his ass WORKING
charmac · 1 month
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This must be why Glenn's been so quiet & hasn't been seen in the writers room yet—his Netflix series "Sirens" is filming out on Long Island this month (in which he plays a "life long bachelor" with a trust fund and a yacht)
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Coffee and Blood or Coffee with André, Bleeding with Piper
Quick Tag List: @kuruumiya @spacelizardtrashboys @enigmaticandunstable @nattinngrst @amyofaquitaine
This passage contains potentially: drinking (recreational), sexual 'jokes', swearing, violence.
Summary: In this 'chapter' Kirby hangs out with both André and Piper, sharing drinks with the giant and sparring with the Scotsman. We also get more of an introduction to the rest of the Daughters of Darkness and Damien.
Kirby’s POV:
I woke up earlier than expected on the following Thursday, around four-forty-five in the morning, before sunrise. I decided to get a head start on my usual morning routine, brushing my teeth, showering, washing my long blonde hair and brushing it whilst drying it with a hairdryer.
I have decided that the moment I get enough money, or the moment it gets too unmanageable, I will cut my hair and possibly dye it. I remember back when I was a teenager I had dyed my hair all sorts of crazy colours. When I won the tag tag titles back as a part of the Celtic Warriors, my hair was a dark green, in contrast to Erik's (My tag partner's) ginger locks.
I managed to find a black shirt and some sepia hued trousers in the mess that was my suitcase, having let Holly borrow my old graphic band tees a couple days ago meant that she had rearranged my stuff in a way that no human would think possible. By the time I had gotten dressed the hotel landline next to the bed started ringing, hesitant at first, I decided to pick it up.
"Hello, Mademoiselle Lucifarian?"
"Oui, uh, I was wondering if you would like to get breakfast together, around six?"
"Oh, uh, Oui, I would love that, where should I meet you?"
"The hotel lobby, the sooner the better, people are staring at me."
André hung up the phone and, after putting my hair up into a ponytail and a watch on my wrist, I headed down to the hotel lobby, the ideas of where André could possibly take me ranging from quaint cafe's to any bar or pub that would be open this early.
By the time I got down to the lobby I could see a small crowd around my fellow giant. He waved me over and said his goodbyes to the gaggle of fans and we left.
Somehow, in the middle of New York, André had managed to find a quaint little café. We found a small table at the back and got to talking, and eating. I had taken my mask off and placed it beside the small sugar bowl on the table. André ordered our food and then starts the conversation.
"So, uh what did you do before you came to America?"
"Oh, I wrestled in a tag team while in England."
"What did you do before wrestling?"
"I can't remember much, I think just school. Kid stuff. You?"
"I wrestled in France under many names. Before that, I was schooled until I was fourteen."
"You left school at fourteen?" I took a sip of the coffee he had chosen for me, tasting a hint of whiskey and cocking an eyebrow at him.
He smiled and nodded, taking a swig from the pint of beer in front of him. André is known for his drinking, although I am also a giant, the fact that he's paying for the two of us to drink so early in the day makes me cautious of how much he drinks, or am I more afraid of how much he'll make me drink. I shake the thoughts from my mind and take a larger sip from the Irish coffee he has blatantly ordered me.
"Drey." I look over at his plates, unlike my one plate, a full English (minus the black pudding) André has a whole side of the table covered in food.
"Drey," good lord, I've already given him a nickname, "Drey, how can you eat all of this? A lesser man would have no chance to get through that."
He puts a hand over his mouth to stifle his laughter and our conversation continues for a while until André brings up an uncomfortable subject.
"Why do you hide your face?"
I shift in my seat and André's brows furrow slightly with worry. He picks up the mask before I can put it back in it's rightful place, turning it in his hands, examining it in all it's small details.
"I guess it drives up my asking price." It's a bold-faced lie and I know it but it's better than revealing all my insecurities before I even have my first match, or even cut my first promo in the WWF.
André nods solemnly, he can tell I don't want to talk about it any further. He pays for the meal, I put my mask back on and we parted ways. I went back to the hotel, changed into my work out gear, grabbed my gym bag and headed to the nearest gym.
I set myself up at a heavy bag and begin my usual workout after warming up. Punches, knees, kicks. And right when I'm in the middle of my workout I feel a tap on my arm. I whip around and whip my hair into my arm.
"Oh, it's you, Roddy," I try to get my breath back in-between words, upon regaining my breath I continue, "What d'you want?"
"I just wanted to say, you have excellent form." The smug smile on his face tells me everything.
"I'm not in the mood, Roddy, bugger off." I growled at him.
Roddy scowls before continuing the conversation, "Alright missy, those are fightin' words"
"Oh really?" I challenge.
We begin walking over to the makeshift ring.
"Really Roddy?"
"Really Gluttony."
Out the back of the gym, open air but clean of any twigs or bugs, simple but sturdy. The Squared Circle.
Piper gets in the same way as last time we sparred as do I. I get a quick glance at Piper's reaction, his eyes widen slightly, he's still surprised by me jumping over the ropes.
"You must have a thing for proving your agility, Gluttony," He stops momentarily and it's as if I can see the cogs turning in his mind, "What is your name?" He finally says after a minute of silence.
"I'm Kirby Lucifarian," a white lie but technically whilst in the ring my surname becomes 'Lucifarian' and no longer am I a 'Trevor', "Most people know me as Gluttony, however."
"Even with that mask on?"
It's honestly a good question but I don't want him knowing every little detail of my gimmick.
"Even with the mask on."
At this point he's taunting me and so I put my fists up to start the sparring session, "Really really."
During the sparring session he questioned me on my work with the WWF.
"When's your first match?"
"Saturday, West Milford, New Jersey, Why d'you ask?"
"Can I watch?" He smirks before trying to Irish whip me into the corner and failing.
I stop, making myself a dead weight in the middle of the ring, "What!?"
Rod takes a couple step backwards, I follow him, backing him into the corner of the ring.
"What did you just ask me, Piper?"
He puts his hands up over his head, "Hey, I'm just messin' with ya."
"No, no no no, what'd ya jus' ask me? Ya dafty, what'd ya jus' ask me?"
Now fully backed into the turnbuckle, Rod puts his hands on my shoulders to keep me out of his face, "I only asked if I can watch you wrestle."
Upon hearing a lack of fear in his voice, I cock an eyebrow, confused and take a step back.
Upon realising that he's stunned me, Roddy takes his chance and punches me in the gut.
I double over, winded but not too hurt.
When Roddy gets close enough I hit him with the Vampire's Bite.
He falls back, slamming his back into the mat.
I get up and check him, unknowingly letting him kick me in the groin, hard.
"Ya hit," I heave, "A little low, Roddy."
He lets out a laugh and reaches out a hand.
I help him up and he pulls me into a hug, "I'm sorry about that, ya dafty."
I glare at him and he lets out another laugh, I fail to keep my composure and laugh with him. I look over at the building, a clock on the outside wall reads four-thirty, pm.
"Another time, Roddy?"
"Ya gotta go somewhere?"
"Yeah, I'm supposed to meet Damien and the girls for dinner at five." I point the clock out to him.
He looks at the clock and once again I see the cogs turning in his mind, "Maybe the clock's wrong."
I laugh and he shrugs.
"Ya never know, d'ya. Kirby?"
"Yes, Roddy?"
"Ya never said if I can watch ya wrestle on Saturday."
I give him a glare before sighing out a "Sure, Roddy."
He smirks, his dumb face making me want to punch him in the mouth."
I slip on the wet grass, getting out of the ring and fall over onto a jagged rock, splitting open the palm of my left hand and the my right shin. I yelp out a quick 'shit' and Rod rushes over to me, helping me up.
He grabs my stuff whilst I clean myself up in a nearby bathroom. When I get out of the bathroom, Rod walks over to me with a roll of gauze.
"C'mere," He grabs my wrist and wraps the gauze around my hand, wrapping the bandage around two or three times before cutting the gauze and tying it off and moving to wrap the gauze around my leg.
He rolls up the right leg of my leggings and I give him a look of 'Do you really have to do that' and as if he can read my mind he mutters out a small 'shut up' and continues to bandage my leg.
Piper gives me my gym bag and lets me walk back to the hotel. I reach the hotel with a slight limp from the pain now coursing through my leg every time I take a step or put my weight on the leg.
I take the elevator and reach my room, hearing Sam's voice already in the room, "God, she's got a spare key, hasn't she." I whisper to myself before opening the door.
Sam, already dressed in a suit, springs off the bed and runs to hug me.
"Hey, Fireball."
"Hey, Tall-ass."
Sam lets me go before noticing the bandages.
"What happened?" Her voice instantly turning from 'Cute Little Sister' to 'Italian Mafioso Interrogator' in an instant.
"Me and Piper were sparring, I slipped when gettin' out of the ring, why?"
Her eyebrows raise and I can immediately tell what she's thinking.
"You were, 'Sparring'?"
"Not like that, Sammie, actually sparring, he kicked me in the groin, we weren't 'Sparring' like Billie does, alright?"
"Alright," she looks down at her wrist watch, moving her leather glove to do so, "We've got three minutes."
Putting the final flourishes of my suit, which matches Sam's, into place, "Let's go then, Sammie."
We leave the hotel, Sam helping me lessen the weight on my leg and head to what we both would call 'The Fanciest restaurant in New York'.
The table Damien has reserved for us, under the 'Lucifarian' name, is bigger than expected.
"It's as if Damien's expecting more than just the eight of us." Billie points out, smoothing out her short, midnight blue dress.
"Good evening ladies." Damien brings Sam, Billie and myself over to our seats.
As per usual, I am at the opposite end of the table to Damien, he always keeps an eye on me but keeps me at arm's length.
"How did you get hurt, Kirby?" Damien brings up the injuries I sustained earlier yet again.
"I fell over earlier while at the gym."
I don't want Damien knowing about me and Piper sparring, he'll admonish me for hanging around Piper without him there. He looks at me with a slight suspicion in his eyes.
I order a glass of Rosé wine and a bowl of French Onion Soup.
"So, Sam's said you've been 'Sparring' with somebody." Holly asks.
"Actual sparring Hol, not 'Sparring'." I clarify, taking a moment to size up Damien and make sure he doesn't question me further.
When the food finally arrives I shift my focus from Damien to the food. The fact that the last time I ate was this morning finally hits me and just looking at the bowl of soup makes my stomach growl ravenously. Upon hearing this, the rest of the girls struggle to contain their laughter.
"I know, I know." I shrug off the humiliation of my loud-ass stomach and manage to finish my meal and wine before the rest of the table.
After the meal, Damien makes us (except for Vickie) pay for the cheque. We go our separate ways. I go back to the hotel and sit on the edge of the bed, still in my suit.
"Man, I gotta wrestle with injuries now, how's that for a debut." I mutter to myself and shift my focus to getting out of the suit so I can sleep.
I take a long look at myself in the mirror and sigh, before questioning myself, "Why am I so afraid of Damien knowing I sparred with piper?"
And with that question still in my mind, I go to bed and quickly fall asleep.
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