#in my mind buttle just went to jail but he did NOT get sent to skandia
eugene-hoe · 2 months
idk why everyone agrees that what will treaty did to john buttle was so amazing and petty of him (giving him to the skandians, making sure he’s doing the yard/ice break thingy)??? like??? did we read the same books? it is SO out of character for will to have done that. yeah buttle was a horrible, awful person who deserves horrible, awful things but i just can’t see will giving him into the slavery that nearly killed him??? the skandia/slavery arc was dehumanizing and again, nearly killed will— it definitely traumatized him 100% (even though flanagan is a shitty author who obviously did not address will’s trauma at all) !!! it took will MONTHS to stop begging evanlyn for warmweed, MONTHS for him to even recognize evanlyn and snap out of the mindless zombie haze, MONTHS for him to build up his strength again, etc etc. and that’s not even including how long it took him to fully recover from that experience (again, flanagan did not write about this, but we know). he definitely still has nightmares and triggers from slavery. AND! he was alone for a while before horace or alyss showed up to help him w the mission. all this to say that the will treaty we know— fair, just, kind, awkward, humorous— would NOT have sent someone to slavery willingly, even if that person is john buttle who’s a terrible terrible terrible person. THERE i said it i’ve spoken my mind!
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