#in my experience they are usually well-meaning and dont intend to come off mean-spirited
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pinkconkonut · 2 months ago
The only people I'm okay with 'um actually'ing me are autistics because, at least with them, I know its coming from a genuine desire to educate, rather than to be superior and condescending.
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britbrat95 · 5 years ago
I was reminded of the woman who washed jesus' feet today. Its starting to happen more, these people who always step in when needed in a certain moment. As i said, this is a Chicago thing for me. Its crazy, and they say go where the miricles happen your probably meant to be there.(not meaning easy, trials happen but good follows) Some are angels, many are just nice people. I try to be this way myself and i know that there's usually somone to help when i need it so i find these more and more.
For example last week a homeless stranger asked me for a dollar, or a peice of gum because their sugar was down. I started to snub her then God said dont be cocky give her some money! You wont die really you wont. I never give money to homeless. Its not me. Smallest amount i had wss a ten. I thought oh boy ok. Of course this person was surprised, they knew it was hard. They kept thanking me. And i was on the way to my job interview. I wasnt going to pass the drug test. But they forgot to do it. God said you would have failed, so because you gave that money i made you get the job without a drug test. Cool stuff.
So this week started with that dude saying lgbt goes to hell. And he added that its great to be sober, not steal, lie, cheat, to try and help people, to not sleep around, ect. But you will will still go to hell it doesn't matter and your lukewarm. Ok sir, by that logic id be stupid to live good at all. If hell is enevivible then shouldn't i just use drugs wreckelessly,sleep with every guy, cheat, lie, steal, and do whatever? Why even try to do better? No point.
I later was thinking he does drugs himself as a tweaker knows a tweaker. Hes questionable, and even coming out of a car reaking of weed and alcohol with people half his age. I'm sorry that didn't sit well with me. Horrible example for young people he is. Harder drugs though, he ain't honest, he's not 4 years sober, i don't believe it. The point is pharisees hide their sins but they do worse than they accuse of. That aside, as the night progressed things happened. Theres nothing more hurtful than you doing your best yet people mention the bad only. I was proud, a job, bills payed for the month, went grocery shopping for second time this month, ect. Those seem small yet they are great to me. Antonio and i had a fight. He was a dick, i was mouthy, people were instigating so after that it was over we thought. Worked it out like adults so now happy. Wasnt so hard.
So the lady whom i love so dearly. I met her first about 2 weeks ago. I came to this property. Ever have somone be so nice you think they are being sarcastic and insulting you? In Chicago we assume nice means it's a scam, but nice people exist. I just wasnt paying no mind really. She said she fogot her door code and asked if i could use mine. And she literally was stoked over it. She hugged me and said you answered my prayer your a life saver thank you so much! Mind you this was the day i overdosed. I wasn't feeling to great but she was refreshing. I thought, nah she's just mocking me cuz I'm high. Walked in and didnt see again her till this morning.
So knowing yesturday was rough i was crying and telling god my heart. And he answered so promtly. I walked into a bathroom as i had a schizo moment most would laugh at. Nothing so delusional, just bursting into laughter randomly, talking to angels, addressing things and being emotional kinda crying about things. Looked like a multi personality pshycopath or something. As i came out she pops out of NO WHERE! Are you ok? I thought, oh crap. This is embarrassing. I laughed it off and said not really but itll be ok. But i assumed she was being sarcastic. Like "Umm you ok? You need a mental doctor?" No she legit cared. And moments later she said im going to give you a massage. At first i thought huh? Then i thought, that's humbling. YES a massage is great please. A few minutes later she comes back with lotions and says "i know you! You saved me that day!" I still dont know how opening the door was so awesome but I'm glad she was happy.
So she gave my full body massage and it was wonderful. I didnt realize it was what i needed. So simple yet so perfect. We had a nice talk. Nobody likes being crazy. And when you have somone acknowledge your gifts as not crazy you feel happy. Especially coming from a far more sane sounding person. She mentioned her spiritual experiences. I shared some of mine. Somehow i ended up telling a bit more than i intended to yet i felt so comfortable around her. She mentioned how people won't get it but it's ok you can be active in your gifts and let people say things. Shes from portorico but her engilsh was fluent. She used words i rarely hear from most people and i thought, shes onto it, this lady knows her stuff.
It gets better. Sometimes the simplest thing said makes us cry as it touches that deep. "You have a great spirit you are so tender so fluid and you are clearly misunderstood. You can do much." She went on. But the thing that made me break into tears. She took my hands, she pulled back my hair, she looked in my eyes and said "your beautiful. You look like an angel. You have a glow and you look so angelic." I said thats the nicest thing anybody has said in so long and cried. And after she finished she said ill be seeing you soon. I was speechless. Been speechless ever since. I even started vibrating, which only happens when I'm having a high spiritual encounter. I love days like this i really do.
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thatjwguy · 8 years ago
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Spiritism And The World Around Us     
  Disclaimer: Like before, this is in no way officially tied to the JW (Jehovah’s Witness) organization besides the articles i may share, i do these as a way of exposing the false spirit of the world and how it deceives the masses. Along with just general educational purposes, if you wanna call it that, alternative research material is what i tend to call it. Keep on the watch tho, many people are out there trying to mislead and distract people from what the truth really is. Agape!
 Deuteronomy 18:10-13                    
10. “There should not be found in you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, anyone who employs divination, anyone practicing magic, anyone who looks for omens, a sorcerer 11. anyone binding others with a spell, anyone who consults a spirit medium or a fortune-teller, or anyone who inquires of the dead 12. For whoever does these things is detestable to Jehovah, and on account of these detestable practices Jehovah your God is driving them away from before you.”
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This could be added to one of my previous posts, since its essentially going through most of what i had talked about. I have left this picture linked to the article so all you gotta do is click on it to go to the page. I feel i have already done this topic to death, as well as the others online and offline. Anyone with common sense and a basic bible understanding should already understand these concepts, now im not sure how seriously they take the media they watch but i feel now its about as obvious as a person shouting in you face, so i feel its just more like they just dont WANT to believe it, or simply dont care.
Joshua 1:8
This book of the Law should not depart from your mouth, and you must read it in an undertone day and night, in order to observe carefully all that is written in it; for then your way will be successful and then you will act wisely.
Romans 9:20
But who are you, O man, to be answering back to God? Does the thing molded say to its molder: “Why did you make me this way?
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This is unfortunate, for many reasons but for the sake of this post im going to go into only one. Lets talk about the influence of this media we watch, the people who we let into our lives, informally maybe but still nevertheless a part of your life in some way. These personalities rub off on you, would you not agree? I mean, we dont really think about this when we are viewing something or playing something in a video game. We detach ourselves from it, we see it just as entertainment and nothing more, but is that really the case? Is it really harmless to watch graphic images in horror movies or pornography?
Amos 5:15
Hate what is bad, and love what is good, Let justice prevail in the city gate. It may be that Jehovah the God of armies Will show favor to the remaining ones of Joseph.
2 Corinthians 11:14
And no wonder, for Satan himself keeps disguising himself as an angel of light.
Proverbs 22:3
 The shrewd one sees the danger and conceals himself, But the inexperienced keep right on going and suffer the
I know i know, this is touchy stuff, when you go into subjects like these you gotta step lightly. Lets focus on the impact that it can have on your overall thinking patterns, the way you are wired. From birth, we are a clean slate, so throughout our lives we are constantly learning from the environment in which we live, our parents and those who we spend our time with will greatly impact our personality. Not always in a good way either, take for example, your best friend perhaps. Maybe you two hit it off like two peas in a pod, but i bet one of you might be more of a bad influence on the other, kinda like brother and sister relationships sometimes, one might be a little more rebellious then the others.
Acts 14:2
But the Jews who did not believe stirred up and wrongly influenced the people of the nations against the brothers.
1 Corinthians 12:2
You know that when you were people of the nations, you were influenced and led astray to those voiceless idols, following wherever they might lead you.
This is a good scene, movie called  Double Indemnity  which has a detective going against his morals, being seduced by a vixen.
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Might not be too bad but you might find yourself starting to take after them after awhile, not even knowing it usually. I should know, i have had my fair share of bad influences growing up, informally or formally. I have since separated from most of that scene, but still have some stuff to clear up. Anyway, the main point here, is we are all impacted by those around us, the world around us as a whole. So, with media, dont you feel that it would have the same effect? This is where common sense should kick in. Keep in mind, i love all forms of media (aside from the obvious garbage that goes against bible standards) for different reasons, so this in no way is an attack on media. Just to clear that up.
     Jeremiah 17:9                    
9The heart is more treacherous than anything else and is desperate. Who can know it?
    Proverbs 28:26                    
26 Whoever trusts in his own heart is stupid, But the one who walks in wisdom will escape.
What are some of the thoughts you have while listening to music or watching your favorite movie? How is it effecting your overall mood at that particular time? Some music might take you to a nice fairy tail land or paradise like setting in your mind. While others might make you think of dark and sinister settings, doom/gloom type stuff. Movies and tv provide the picture, no need for imagination, unless you tend to picture yourself in some of those movies or scenes with actors. See where im going with this? Our minds can go on tangents, one second we might be cleaning the fridge but our minds might be in lala land with our loved ones or thinking about a nice hot-rod you saw.
Romans 12:2
And stop being molded by this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over, so that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
So lets drive this point on home shall we? Think about the things you where exposed to when you where growing up, remember how it effected you? What about the kids you know in your life now? Do you do your best to be a good influence on the young ones of this generation? I would hope the answer would be yes, with no hesitation. If not, consider some more wholesome ways to spend time with your loved ones young or even old. Just because you grew up in a different generation doesn't mean you dont have any effect on someone elses life. In fact, we all can benefit from one another in a variety of ways. I have found knowledge in the young and in the old. Just depends on if you are actually listening and paying attention.
Proverbs 4:7
Wisdom is the most important thing, so acquire wisdom, And with all you acquire, acquire understanding.
Ecclesiastes 9:16
And I said to myself: ‘Wisdom is better than mightiness; yet a poor man’s wisdom is despised, and his words are not heeded.’
Just felt like putting in this pic, kinda liked it.
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I’ll leave off with saying that us as humans are very fragile and impressionable. We tend to overlook the real problems and overthink the insignificant ones. Spending more time in a fake world, rather than participating in the one right in front of us. We are shaped and molded by the world in which we live, what we see and do are a direct result of all our past experiences and the current situations we find ourselves in today. So, instead of listening to that rapper talk about how much money he has or playing that video game that comes out every year with the exact same premise as the last, shoot this guy to get to the next objective. How about we take some time to read a good book (I could think of a REAL good one) have deep conversations with people, go out sight seeing or just something that doesn't involve an internet connection/tv. Even if just for a little bit, to keep you grounded in reality, which is something im still trying to master too, so don’t feel bad lol.
Proverbs 24:19
Do not be upset because of evil men; Do not envy wicked people,
Ecclesiastes 8:14
There is something futile that takes place on the earth: There are righteous people who are treated as if they had acted wickedly, and there are wicked people who are treated as if they had acted righteously. I say that this too is futility.
One last thing, i will leave some links to other videos and websites that could give father info on the effects of the entertainment we watch. Keep in mind that this blog is only intended to help people discern or to challenge ones previously held beliefs, i feel that its good to keep an open mind about spiritual matters. Also, this isnt real spiritual food either, yes it might give you better perspective but you still should be getting your spiritual food from the bible (Intended for believers). Thanks if you have reached this point, if you like it, dont forget to show it some love. :) Jahbless
(Videos And Websites)
How Porn Affects the Brain 
How Violence in the Media Effects Children 
Part 1 of 4: ex Occultist, Secret Society, Psychic, New Age, Spiritualist, Witchcraft( Pennie Reese)  
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