#in my defense they're also slightly fucked up in game. not this bad obviously but. they are
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malleux · 4 years
idk if my request went through cuz my internet went weird just now-- but anyways, could I perhaps get a soft corpse x reader in which they're all playing among us and Rae or Sean invites (y/n), who none of them have every heard of, and she's just very shy but has an adorable childlike voice, and is an incredible imposter? Like she's just super convincing just like corpse, and can tug at the heartstrings with her voice? thank you!
spell. | corpse husband
part two ; part three
-> Pairing: Corpse Husband x Fem!Reader
-> Fandom: uhh youtubers? idk
-> Genre: Fluff, Crack
-> Warnings: Cursing
-> A/N: hi it’s a long overdue corpse fic :) it’s not the absolute best and for that i’m super sorry i’ve just got to get in the groove of writing for him!
corpse husband taglist is closed!
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You were never one to enjoy the spotlight. Instead, you were often found in the background of things, just observing the extroverts who managed to get themselves in the middle of everything.
You had a nerve to admire them- their ability to just get out there and show their true selves, despite so many people watching their every move. Just the thought of it made you shudder. Yet you couldn’t help but also be rather envious of them.
Them, in question, being Sean McLoughlin.
You weren’t quite sure how you became associated with Jacksepticeye himself, choosing to focus on the present and future with your friend rather than dwelling on your past. He was just Sean, your internet friend. And also Jacksepticeye- a famous youtuber with millions of followers.
Sean was who you aspired to be in life. Outgoing, happy, out there, everything positive in life that Sean had, you wanted.
He’d confided in you often about how nervous he’d get before streams or videos, fearing that he’d say the wrong thing or upset his fans, but he still put on a brave face and went out into the chaos. That’s what you admired. His ability to conquer those anxieties.
You wished you could do that. You were simply too nervous.
Which is why when Sean facetimed you one night- morning, actually, seeing as it was 3am in California, where you were- asking you to join a game of Among Us for one of his videos, you adamantly refused.
“Why? Please, Y/N, we need one more person.” Sean begged, “It’ll be me, you, Felix, Ethan, Corpse, Julien, PJ, and Dave. Not everyone’s playing today, it’s a smaller crowd.”
“But it’s still a lot.” You groaned, “I don’t even know them. I just know you.”
“They’re nice! You literally watch their videos.” He argued back.
“That’s the point, Sean! They’re famous, I’d just be some random chick in the game that everyone asks where the fuck she came from.”
“No, you’ll be the girl that everyone adores. Now get on, we’re playing in ten.”
You sighed as the phone hung up and turned on your computer. A Discord invite was waiting for you- Sean must have invited you for you to talk to everyone as you played. You accepted with shaky fingers and put your headphones on, pulling up Among Us and typing in the game code.
“Hello everyone- wait, who’s pink?”
“She’s a good friend of mine,” Sean explained to Felix, “Say hi Y/N. We’re streaming live right now.”
“Hello,” You couldn’t help the meek tone in your voice, smiling shyly as if you were actually on camera. “Wait, you’re streaming? Sean, I thought you said it was a recording for a video.”
“I, well. It’s a video all right.”
The group laughed, but you stayed silent, fixating your attention on a lower voice that chimed in at the end.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Y/N. I’m Corpse.”
“The King of Imposters.” PJ joked, making Corpse laugh.
You giggled a bit, “Hi…”
Felix gasped. “Corpse, her voice is like, the total opposite from yours. Her’s is so cute.”
Corpse laughed as well. “Agreed. I like it.”
As the game loaded, your heart practically dropped.
As if your nerves weren’t bad enough as they were. But, on the bright side, you were with Sean as the other imposter. At least it was someone you knew.
You both split up, you heading towards Electrical. Corpse and Felix were close behind you, Felix following you into the room while Corpse left. You pretended to do your task for a minute before moving to your left a minute and killing Felix.
You rushed out of the room and then headed to Navigations, making sure to avoid anybody who could have seen you leave Electrical. A few moments later, a body was reported.
“Where was it?” Sean asked Julien, the reporter.
“I saw Y/N go in there with him at the beginning of the game.” Corpse joined in, “I saw them as I was going to the Reactor.”
“I was in Electrical with him,” You admitted, still acting a bit shy. What could you say, deep voices and new people made you nervous. “But after that I left and went to do my task in Navigation. Felix was still alive and there when I left.”
“Did you pass anyone sus on the way there?” Sean asked.
“No, if they came in after I did it must’ve either been from the other way or after I was already in Electrical.” You started picking at your nail polish- a habit of yours when things got a little overwhelming.
“So you’re saying that it could’ve been from the direction Corpse was in?” You could hear the smirk in Sean’s voice.
“Whoa, whoa, hold up. Why are you so quick to throw me under the bus? I’m just a crewmate.” Corpse questioned, “You’re pretty sus if you ask me.”
Sean scoffed, “I’m just inferring that the culprit came from your direction. Never in my words did I say it was you. Sounds like you’re getting a little too defensive for someone who’s ‘just a crew mate’.”
“Uh, guys,” You quietly spoke up. You didn’t expect anyone to hear you, but Corpse and Sean immediately quieted down at your voice. “I hate to interrupt, but we’ve got to vote. I don’t want us to argue…”
Sean laughed. “Oh little Y/N, you’re too sweet. I’m skipping this round.”
As you voted to skip as well, your stomach clenched when you heard Corpse quietly repeat “Little Y/N”.
“It’s Y/N, I’m fucking telling you! Y/N!” Julien was practically screaming at this point. You tried to stay calm, focusing on keeping your voice steady.
The group had been calling you cute and adorable practically all night, so you were seriously about to put that to use.
“I was in Medbay with Corpse, isn’t that right, Corpse?” Your tone was sweet and slightly flirty- hopefully he’d get the hint.
Corpse hesitated for a millisecond- long enough for your breath to catch, but short enough for nobody else to notice. “Yeah, she was with me.”
“She was with you after she vented there!” Julien cried, “I can’t believe this- she killed Ethan and vented away right as I went into the room! You all are fucking nuts if you don’t believe me.”
“I don’t even know how to vent…” You murmured innocently, but in reality you were smirking. Julien was definitely telling the truth, and you were internally beating yourself up for letting yourself be so reckless after a kill, but nobody was seemingly buying his story.
There was only you, Corpse, Julien, Dave, and PJ left. Sean was voted off after fucking up his alibi, leaving you alone with the rest of the group.
Corpse sighed. “You all heard the girl. She doesn’t even know how to vent.”
“Wh- she just fucking vented!” Julien exclaimed, “Corpse, man, she’s got you under some fucking magic spell if you can’t see all the evidence. Guys, back me up here.”
“She’s sus.” Dave admitted, “And Corpse defending her makes it even more sus.”
“The spell she tried on him obviously got the best of him. I say we vote Y/N.” PJ agreed.
“There’s no spell, guys, oh my God.” Corpse laughed, “I just don’t think it’s her. I’m skipping.”
“I can’t believe you guys don’t believe me!” You whined, deciding to go further with your emotional tactics, “I’m literally about to cry. It’s not me!”
And yet, despite your protests, Dave, PJ, and Julien all voted you out. Crewmates had won the game and you were giggling nearly like a maniac as everyone gushed about how you did as an Imposter.
A bit later, you had to say goodbye to your new friends and face the reality that their fans would definitely find who you were by tomorrow. Or like, in a few hours, because it was already 4am. Corpse was in California as well, wasn’t he? He should be getting some sleep too, you thought. But maybe sleep schedules were different for Youtubers. You didn’t know.
You pondered the thought for a moment before the notification sound for Discord alerted you of a new message on your phone.
Just letting you know, your voice definitely had me under a spell. I’d like to hear it more often
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