#in lc and lor. my divorce from PJM was MESSY... (joke)
chikaoofka · 1 month
I didn't have a Tumblr until like
Yeah no I can't remember when I made it but I don't use it too much since my computer inside my computer is too weak to handle it It's a long story.
Anyway I am blaming you for the Project Moon obsession I developed since we last saw each other.
Tumblr was simply too powerful... Not that surprising considering how shitty it is. I suppose? But anyway BLAMING ME?!?!??! That's SO funny to hear if only because I haven't really touched PJM in a good year or so (sort of losing interest right as canto IV (a canto about one of my least favourite characters) hit was such an incredibly deadly combo... genuinely unrecoverable...)
anyway. who's your favourite characters? your favourite game? lol
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