#in fact the cringe is great. let 15 year old gay kids be cringe.
oatflatwhite · 1 year
so i'm reading the sun and the star and is it cringe? yes. did the conversation between will and persephone where she tells him that to some people love comes easy and some people will never experience romantic love at all but above all love in any of its forms is always a choice to cultivate it absolutely body me? also yes.
also will is trans btw.
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Sexuality: No More to say and so over it
A few months after my long term girlfriend and I split up, I ended up in bed with Phillip, A nice guy that I’d known for some time. During the post-sex talk, he turns and asks “So does that mean you’re straight now?” 
‘You’ve got a nice cock and I had a great orgasm, …..but you haven’t awoken anything in me that wasn’t already there. You cannot ‘make’ me straight and no one forced me to fuck you’ 
Infact, No one else would sexually awaken anything in me. Not the next guy after Phil, or the guy after that guy, or the girl after the guy after Phil. The list goes on and the list started waaaay back into my early teens. I've always been open, I was experimenting with drugs and people at a young age, I had a threesome with a guy and a girl when I was just 18. When I look back, I must admit that was very young for such an experience, but I just went with the flow. I don’t regret it, but I wish I had done it at a later age to really make the most of it and have the emotional maturity that you need to go with it. 
I’ve been listening to an interview with Kate Pierson (B52’s) and she has recently married her long term partner, a woman that she has dated for 15 years. She said that she had always dated men, and was even married before and that this lady came along and bang she was in love, just like that. Kate Pierson is now 71, So this is her 55-year-old self experiencing a major transition and shift in her life. Whilst trawling through the B52s back catalog online I read so many comments from random fans. ‘She's a lesbian’ ‘I never knew’ ‘But she was married to so and so’ and this is exactly the snooze fest that I am writing about today. Yawn...... If she spent 40 years with different men and now met a woman, perhaps shes just er just bisexual? And more importantly, shouldn’t we be interested in the music and her voice? As much as I love her, when all is said and done I don’t really want to think about the bedroom antics of a 71-year-old yknow.  
What is it with the labels?  
It’s like no one is comfortable until they know exactly which box you belong in, and if you stray from that box then their tiny minds scramble and system overload occurs. ‘ANNOUNCE YOURSELF AT ONCE’ ‘What are you?’ and ‘Don’t you dare have options or change, it doesn’t fit with the label I’ve prescribed you’.  
Before we label Kate a lesbian, how about we mention that she’s a brilliant talented vocalist with over 40 years in the band? Or is that how we are defining her now ‘The lesbian’?. *Insert laughing emoji here* 
“Bisexuals always get dumped on,” says Cynthia Nixon from Sex in the City...The Media has too labeled her a lesbian when much like Kate Pierson, she was in fact with men and entered into this new world later on in her life. It’s like now we must erase her whole previous life and deny that any man has ever come close to her! How dare she now turnaround and say she's’ attracted to men! How fucking dare she, she’s lesbian property now and she has no voice! She never said she was anything, You did!   
I thought, ‘I get it! I get You, I just get it’. She’s attracted to people, they may be male or they may be female yet shes being kettled to a place she never asked to be. It really is that simple. Should her current relationship end, nothing stops her going back to men, dating another woman or even staying single. Your past partners do not mean that your future self is set in stone. It’s not difficult to understand really is it?  
But! And there is a But!  
Say Cinthia and her gf/wife did break up and she dated a man. She won’t find it that easy, because of what I call, the whole ‘lesbian fragility’ - Gay women who pride themselves on being with women and only women and god fucking forbid should you show any interest in a guy. Well, You are now damaged goods my girl. A sell-out, banished!....exiled from the pride....like the Lioness in last weeks BBC Planet Earth. How can you and the gay community ever really watch the L Word again together or listen to Ani Difranco in the same way? ‘It’s just not the same’ they’ll whine.  
I’m being serious. There is a reverse discrimination within the gay community! I’ve seen it first hand. I’ve seen a few women in same sex relationships end, then go for a guy and their ‘friends’ no longer feel the same way about them, there’s no time to hang out anymore and she is “too busy with her straight friends”.  
Awwwww did someone emasculate you? 
I’ve never really enjoyed the company of gay women if I'm honest. I always found their friendships forged on sharing of sexual preference rather than common interest, views or hobbies. I usually think their haircuts are shit and they present me with this feeling where they are unsure if they want to fuck me or fight me. Very awkward, not to mention its a very childish and incestuous scene.  
I have seen this so many times with women, either in a same sex or opposite and then switch later on down the line which is what I mean about experience and just understanding those around you. I think a lot of women are on the bi spectrum. Not all, no, but a lot are, and sexuality is fluid.  About three months ago my cock hungry straight friend told me she’d met some woman online and is now having the best sex of her life! Great, wonderful, Whoppie.  So how do I label her? …....‘Err Mary’......... I label her Mary. I can’t really call her cock hungry right now, so I’ll just label her ‘Hungry Mary’. 
One of my oldest friends is gay – full blown lesbian, never been with a guy but totally cool with every bi girl that has. She and I sit on a different part of the spectrum, but she gets it and like myself she gives those around her that mutual respect and safe space to be who they are. If she turned around tomorrow and said she’s dating a guy, I wouldn’t be shocked, not because she has ever indicated that she likes guys, but simply because people change.  
I know three guys that have also experimented with other guys, would identify as straight and two of the three have long term girlfriends and kids. I just think at the time they took the ‘any holes a goal’ attitude and like my younger self, just went with the flow. 
As we age and grow the fuck up, this should be more accepted and we should just allow people to do who and what they want without the questions, especially the silly questions. It’s really mind numbingly boring, not to mention so nosey!? Jeez, get your own life in order. Despite my ramblings, I'm actually a pretty private person.  I just don’t discuss my private life or anyone I’m dating, I have so many transient non-committal interactions with people that I just don’t feel I need to. 
 I’ve been chatting to some people for ages, and I still wouldn’t discuss parts of my life with them. I keep my circle so small, and If we don’t click like that, we don’t click like that. It’s cool, because there is far more to me and far more to you than who we have in our beds right? I cant imagine meeting someone and asking them, “so what are ya?” CRINGE. I’d die. I’ve got some friends that I’ve spoken to for years, we’ve had really great conversations and it’s never occurred to me to stop and ask ‘do you have a partner? Are you gay?’  
The small circle of friends that I have know me, they get me and that’s my safe space.  
I do find some of the questions and statements really annoying, and if I’m honest just plain weird. I have an irritating male friend in that likes to continually remind me that I’m attracted to women, and of course, there is no way that I can be attracted to men, because I’m not attracted to him..... *eye roll* Dick! It’s like me saying to someone, ‘but you said you like mixed raced girls, so why don’t you like me’ it’s really really weird and it makes me feel uncomfortable. Its uncomfortable because he cannot address or acknowledge his own fascination with bisexuality and cannot stop mentioning it every time he sees me? He makes out he is cool and open-minded, yet I seem to be the topic of convo or butt of his jokes. Address your homophobia or your weird unrequited sexualisation of me whatever the issue is. Seek help mate, Your issue not mine. 
I cannot recall being asked what two women do in bed, but I have heard of it being asked to other people. It’s hilarious. I honestly believe that if you are over 25 and cannot work that out then you have a really dull imagination and I’d bet you are not very experienced. Not necessarily in bedding two women at once, but just in experiencing people; hearing their stories, watching porn, understanding their anatomy and physiology. OR You are being a menace and condescending..... I’ve never seen two men at it live, but I’m pretty sure I know how it goes down ;-)  
Sometime ago I spent a fair amount of time at a bdsm sex dungeon helping out an old friend. Id mostly film her sessions, and now and then Id help out by giving some guys the odd little kick in the nuts etc. Boy, I could write a whole new blog on that experience LOL! I saw some things!  
Meeting all the different types of people that came in the dungeon really opened my eyes to the world of sex and sexuality and just what turns people on. You really cannot judge what people are into, and you’d never know. It’s funny, the ‘geezers’ that make the gay jokes about bumming are often the same ones that ask the women to wear strap ons ;-). People have their quirks and their kinks, they just hide it well BELIEVE me. 
I’ve seen a lot and I’m very open and not much phases me, but because I’m not phased, or excited by the gossip or the fascination of it all I'm over it. …....over the labels, the questions, the presumptions, opinions and the basic inability to let people do what they want in peace. So because of this I decided a long time ago that I’m actually over my sexuality and stopped speaking about it  back in my twenties. 
No one owns me and no one dictates.
I’m not anything, I’m just me in that particular point of time. No path is set and I answer to no one except who’s in my bed. 
Keep your own truth
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loveraids · 6 years
advice for incoming freshmen
hey guys! here’s a list of some tips i made for incoming freshmen. i thought i’d share some advice/knowledge i’ve accumulated over the years too. everything’s under the cut. if you have any questions/concerns, feel free to message me! ☀️ (tw: long post)
1. one of the biggest fears many people have entering high school is not making friends. however, there are MANY opportunities where you can make friends! besides being friendly with who you sit with in class, try joining a sport, club, extra curricular, etc. i’m not saying making friends is the easiest thing in the world- i still struggle with it today. but don’t put yourself down if you’re not immediately friends with everyone in the school in the first week- it’ll take some time to develop. remember that everyone else is just as scared as you are, and they aren’t gonna come out of their shells until you do as well.
2. depending on your school, they may start throwing college shit at u on day one (although unlikely). no matter what, don’t stress right now!! the college process really doesn’t begin until the weeks leading up to the summer of junior year. you have time!! it’s ok to not know what you want to do. college has an “undecided” major for a reason.
3. V O L U N T E E R. i cannot stress this enough. it has soso many benefits and freshman year will most likely be the most time-free year you have. find a position at your local zoo, library, camp, hospital, etc. it’s a great resume booster and can aid you in the college application process (additionally, if you have an honors society that requires volunteer hours, you’ll need them anyways). also, you get to help people !
4. freshman year is going to teach you what real high school work is. you may struggle, and it’s ok! i was one of the “bright” kids that had their grades drop once i entered high school, and yeah, it did a lot to my self esteem. but throughout the years i picked myself up- i embraced help from my peers/teachers, i figured out what method of studying works best (pro tip: studying for math? look over the basic rules and do thousands of practice problems. science that isn’t math based? quizlet and khan academy. history? quizlet.), i learned that it’s OK to get a grade under a 90/A-. it’s going to seem tough at first, but just remember that you’re adjusting to a completely new environment and work ethic. you will get through it!! please shoot me an ask if you ever need help i’ll always answer. (edit: also do ur homework!!! it could be the difference between a B+ and an A-.)
5. imagine the crustiest person in your grade right now. now imagine them trying to hit on a kid that’s four years younger than you. gross, right? that’s exactly what a senior hitting on a freshman is like!! do not do that shit!!! there is NO reason why a senior should be trying to hook up with you when they’re 17-18 and you’re 14-15. that shit is NASTY. do NOT date seniors (even juniors are sketchy).
6. high school is where you will probably encounter alcohol/drugs/sex/etc at some point. do not be pressured!! if you don’t wanna smoke or drink then don’t do it (if you’re with the type of people who pressure, you better run). ive personally never had an experience where i was pressured, and people were usually respectful, but i can’t speak the same for everyone else. wanna get fucked up and party with your friends? be careful! i’m not promoting underage drinking but lets be honest a lot of kids do it. no sense in trying to pretend like that isn’t the real world. if you’re invited to some party by someone you KNOW has a bad rep, then don’t go!! you’ll have more opportunities.
7. if you’re worried about SATs/college admissions exams, you have a year. kids in my school are kinda crazy and were studying freshman year which made NO sense to me. end of sophomore year/beginning of junior year is usually adequate (plus- the main rule with SATs/ACTs is that you should take the test NO MORE than three times- that’s three chances!! i personally did well on my SAT, so if u have any questions feel free to ask me.
8. back to the point of pressure - if you’re going to a gifted and talented program/school, you will most likely feel academic pressure. with so many bright and smart peers, your standards will end up being much higher than the general population. i’m speaking from experience.
9. student government is usually a popularity contest. if you don’t win, don’t beat yourself up. if you do, congrats!
10. take pictures! save holiday cards! make memories!! i sincerely regret not taking photos (with me in them!!) during my freshman and sophomore years. there are a lot of great memories that i didn’t record because i was too embarrassed to get in front of a camera. i’ve learned that i’d rather cringe at a photo i look bad in in the privacy of my own phone, rather than not have a picture at all.
11. start developing good studying habits right away. what motivated me was getting cute/colorful pens, highlighters, erasers, post-its, etc., and making my notes look really pretty. i have my own personal post-it collection now. if you find ways to make studying even remotely fun/interesting, it will be extremely beneficial in the long run. i remember the summer before my junior year, i was excited to go back literally because i wanted to use my new pens.
12. this is a future piece of advice, but i would say there’s a 99% chance that you will be friends with mostly different people by senior year. you might have a core few, or a bestie, but myself and many others know that there are people who we were best friends with freshman year that don’t say hi to us in the halls senior year.
13. listen, there are gonna be some snake ass bitches. there’s no avoiding it. just don’t pay attention to them!! they get off on thinking they’re better than you. the best way to no longer deal with someone you don’t like is to just not associate with them. i’m obviously over simplifying these situations, but its usually not that deep. if it’s to the point where it’s causing you a great amount of stress, then it may be something you need to talk to a guidance counselor about.
14. please. do. not. run. and scream. in. the. halls. who do u think u are?? it’s 8 AM i don’t want to hear your screeching voice as you run into 7 people!!!!!
15. the freshmen are usually the joke of the school. you’ll hear you guys referred to as gremlins in some way, shape, or form. just deal with it, you’ll understand when you’re no longer freshmen (unless someone’s being unnecessarily mean!!).
16. make friends with your teachers!!!!!!!!! stay after class to have a little conversation with them. email them after school. bring them gifts on major holidays. IT WILL PAY OFF. letters of recommendation? done! need a teacher to sign off on something? done! minorly messed up in class? they’ll let it go bc they like you! this will also probably result in an increase in your character/participation grades.
17. make a travel pack that you keep in your bag - a few small bills,  pads/tampons (for those who need), pen, pencil, bobby pins, nail file, hair elastic, gum/mints, small perfume, band-aids, charger, etc.
18. thrift books sells books for really cheap!! also, ALWAYS check other places before ordering from normal bookstores (i’m looking at u barnes & noble)- they’re most likely cheaper.
19. i’m not gonna be one of those people who is like “school is the best!! it can be great for anyone if you just try!!” bc that shit aint true. it might suck ass for some of you. just know that high school isn’t your life. some people act like your life ends after high school. we’re 14-18 years old and still have so much to learn and see. if you set up a countdown to the end of high school your first day of freshman year, so be it.
20. your teachers are people too. they’re not there for you to use and abuse. they have families, problems, LIVES. they also have 3289472 students besides yourself, and assuming they should put you above the rest will only end up in disappointment.
21. social media is not all that matters. esp in this day and age, people will definitely be using snapchat and instagram (and hey! tumblr too). but don’t think you need social media to fit in. one of the most popular girls in my school literally made her instagram just the other day. to reiterate: it’s not that deep!!
22. you’re gonna change a lot (which is ok!!). freshman year i only wore hot topic and watched supernatural & doctor who. now, i just watch cooking vids and fawn over shawn mendes. it’s ok to change!! even just though freshman year you’ll change. i know i got like. super gay
23. if you find yourself having free time (or having study hall), do your homework!!! once you get home you’ll probably get distracted/lazy. what i used to do was go to my local library after school and get all my homework done so that i wouldn’t leave my school mindset and not wanna do anything. even if you don’t get everything done, you’ll thank yourself later.
24. there’s a difference between “forming your own opinion” on someone and completely ignoring their reputation/what your friends say. i can’t tell you how many people have gotten burned by the SAME guy in my school because none of them even kept in mind the warnings they had heard about him. it’s ok to give people a chance, but remember that most people’s reputations hold some truth (but not everyone!).
25. this seems pretty obvious but like. be nice. don’t talk mad shit about people you don’t know. rumors fly FAST in high school. what’s even worse is when they’re not true. fact check your shit if you ARE gonna gossip.
26. ok last point (for now). everything is gonna be new. there’s no getting around it. you WILL feel out of place. you’ll most likely be anxious. but everything will end up ok (cheesy, i know). the first week of high school is one the scariest weeks you’ll have in high school. things need time to settle. you’ll make friends, you’ll find things you like, you’ll be happy!! enter high school with a growth mindset. it may not seem like it, but your attitude WILL impact how things turn out.
overall, you guys will be fine. good luck to all of you !! if you have any questions or need advice on a specific thing, please feel free to send me an ask!! i’m always here. love u bbies
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shleezaemour · 8 years
Back at camp 20 years later ( part of the soangelo 20 years of marriage series)
Will and nico are back to their old ways at camp. Only now they can embarrass their kids! Memories of the old days resurface and they get wrapped up in eachother once more afraid to let go. I own nothing. Review at will. Enjoy!! Love the reviews so far guys! If you guys see something happening in the story that you might want to see let me know and I'll do my best to work it in! Nicos POV Getting ready to start training in the arena today was nerve wracking. I haven't trained actual students for going on two decades. My kids of course but the kids were easy to train and let's face it... naturals. With him and Will as parents of course they would be and of course with Reyna as their bio mom they were made for battle. I decided on my usual black in black. It was hot today so I went with a tank top in hopes to possibly catch my husbands eye. After last night I was feeling very sexy and I wanted to ride out that ego boost. Grabbing some gear I put my hair into its usual man bun and made my way toward the grounds. Will had already left for the infirmary to assess it and make plans for teaching the healers. My three glorious children were already at the arena albeit half asleep and looking like they could kill me for what I was wearing. Fucking teenagers I'm 38 not fucking dead!! A gathering of kids started to pile in as I set up practice dummies and targets. I walked up to the crowd as I finished to be met by a few wolf whistles from a few of the girls. Bianca and Naomi cringed at them. I may be 200% gay but wolf whistles were always appreciated. "Ok kids how many do we have?" "There's about 60 of us papa" Bianca answered for me, "Good ok well I'm going to show you guys a few blocks and strikes. Then I want you to pair off and practice. No holding back guys! War isn't practice and it isn't pretty. It's actually pretty serious. I've been through two of them by the time I was 15. Plus countless battles and random monster attacks. Ok Bianca your going to help me out showing striking and blocking " She rushed over happy that I'm using her as an example. I'm not supposed to say hat she's the best fighter out of the three but.. she's the best fighter. Naomi was gifted with more of my talents with shadow travel and hypnokinesis but Bianca was a great fighter and strategist. She had Geokinesis and used the earth as a tool and a weapon. So proud! Paul well... he was great at archery and a glorious singer and guitar player but he wasn't a fighter. Much like his father he would rather be on the sidelines catching those who fall. I could see Bianca trying to slip something past me. I heard it before I saw it. I caught the throwing knife before it hit my shoulder. My little show off. Trying to show the kids how tough she was. Ok that maybe my fault and I blame Reyna too. Not for the biological standpoint but I'm pretty sure she had a talk with her yesterday about asserting dominance over the other fighters. "Ah well nice try BiBi but no cigar" "Father !! Don't call me BiBi infront of the other campers !" She stressed between her teeth. Oh she pulled out the "Father" card. Not papa or dad but father which means she was pissed! Well then maybe she shouldn't be throwing Stygian knives at her "Father". "That was a great throw though! If you all were watching you saw that it was going for my shoulder. I promise this was not an accident or a miscalculation. My daughter was simply not wanting to hurt me to bad if I didn't catch it. Bianca here is an amazing shot and if she wanted to aim for my head or heart she would have nailed it!" She smiled. "Thanks papa" Great I'm papa again. "I think you should give a demonstration of what you can really do!" Someone shouted. Who was that? Mother fucking Jason Grace! My best friend. Godfather to my children was challenging me. "Put your money where your bolts are Sparky!!" Jason headed toward me. Of course son of Jupiter only got better looking with age. In his practice gear it looked like he was planning on helping out anyway. Jason had asked me to help him with Powers control classes he was going to be teaching later this week so I guess he thought that meant he was supposed to return the favor with battle practice. What the hell the more the merrier. "Let's do this Deathboy!" "Hey it's Deathman now!" "Oh someone's cocky!!" "Fine before Bianca and I demonstrate the strikes and blocks how does everyone feel about a full hand to hand demonstration?" The crowd cheered. I could see Will in the back. He must have walked here with Jason. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if he was the one who came up with this little challenge. My husband I swear always looking for a way to get me sweaty. Jason and circled eachother. I looked around the arena for spots with shadows. Luckily it was partly cloudy day even though the temp was up. Plus the trees and beams cast shadows as well. Not that I couldn't travel in pure daylight. I learned somewhere in my early twenties that I could use the shadows made by my own body to travel. I also learned how to grab the shadows and use them almost like they were ropes. Jason was sizing me up to. Checking wind and other factors. I picked up my Stygian sword as we circled eachother. Flipping his coin an imperial gold sword shot into existence. Clash! We shot at eachother so fast most of the kids bumped into eachother trying to follow our movements. A dance ensued of clashing metal. Jason tried to fly up to gain leverage but I used his own shadow to pull him back down. Wildly flipping and striking eachother the adrenaline of a real fight filled my ears. I loved this. Sliding between his legs I knocked him off balance and ripped the leg of his pants. Twirling around he hit the butt of his sword against my jaw catching me off guard. Blood filled my mouth. It was leaking down my chin. I smiled as I circled him again. That's what I'm talking about! Once again a dance of us playing off eachother ducking and twirling. Getting closer he kicked my legs out from under me and had me on the ground. Not going to lie it was a little sexy. Pushing my sword against his I felt he was gaining position. Fuck it I let him think he was winning long enough. I traveled and landed on his back my sword to his throat. Blinking sweat out of his eyes he tapped the ground and conceded. Applause rang out! I helped him to his feet. "Almost had me there old man!" "Who you calling old you little ankle biter?" "Yeah well Will is over there I think he's going to kill you when he sees my jaw" "Nah he can fix that in a millisecond." Taking off my shirt I wiped some of the blood off my chin. More wolf whistles. "Jason why don't you and Bianca show everyone the 3 strikes and blocks?" "Yes of course! Bi Bi my love come join me!" Bianca didn't bat an eyelash when Jason called her that. Figures. I saw my husband and headed toward him. --------------------------- Wills POV Most of the morning I checked out the infirmary. Everything seemed to be in order except that the kids seemed to not know how to properly make unicorn draught. As I taught them the proper measurements I saw that my father had been busy. I had atleast 15 new siblings and these were just this generation. Kayla was teaching a class on reattaching limbs in the back room and Austin was focusing on Apollo hymns. I was happy the siblings from my generation were here helping. Seems like a lot of us came back to help with this war. Drew Tanaka was in the infirmary heavily sedated. On her way here with her family they were attacked by the arai. Drew lost her son and her husband. 3 of her girls made it though. They were in the arena with Nico learning to fight. Piper was next to her half sister holding her hand. None of us liked Drew. She was a pain in the ass and always looking to tear someone down but she didn't deserve to lose part of her family like that. "Where's Jason?" "The arena helping Nico" "Where Percy?" "The beach. I think he's meeting his dad and Tyson. " "That's good. Stay with Drew will you I'm going to check in on Arena training see if they need an on site medic" "Good idea. You know how those two get." "Yeah. Where are your two boys?" "They are still at school for another week. My father is taking care of them and will send them along once they finish. Don't worry about them Will between Jason and Nico training them through the years and Marcus having my charm speak they will be fine. They will make it. Drews husband was mortal. He didn't have a chance. " "Sad. I'm glad the rest made it and you're right Marcus and Tom will make it here on their own. It's just hard to imagine the kids getting older you know?" "Gods do I. The worst part is the only thing I can think of is that the only way we could win this war is Annabeth. How are we going to win without her?" "Well we haven't truly lost her Piper. We have everything she knew in that library. The answer is in that building I'm sure of it." "Yeah your right. " "Ok I'm out. Send someone if you need me I'm ok to probably be patching kids up down there" "Hey Will! Take Raze with you !" Austin called out. Austins son Raze grabbed two medical bags and smiled at me. My nephew was going to be a great healer one day. He had the drive and was less musically inclined than his father. His mother was a child of Hecate so Raze had a special punch to his healing abilities. "Cmon Raze let's patch up some cuts!" "Yes uncle Will!" "Good man!" We headed toward the arena. Jason was coming up beside us. Guess Piper was wrong. "Hey Grace your wife thought you were at the arena!" "I'm heading there now I just had to deal with some stuff." "Stuff?" "Yeah stuff." He eyed Raze and gave me a look of I will tell you later. "So you going to help out my husband or just be a pretty distraction for the girls to swoon over?" "I'm a little to smart for the hot for teacher complex thank you and I wouldn't worry about me getting stared at. I saw Nico this morning heading down and he is going to break a few hearts fighting in that tank top. I don't know what diet plan you have him on but he doesn't seem to age or gain weight like the rest of us." "Yeah fucking bastard. I watch everything that goes into my mouth to the point of obsession. I've gained 10 pounds. Nico eats fonzis and drinks wine and keeps the six pack of a 21 year old Adonis. Makes me sick" "Yeah I'm sure it does. Except you get to touch that Adonis every night." "Do I ever!" Raze coughed and blushed. Guess that's TMI for a 13 year old. I stood in the back and handed Raze the bag and showed him the supplies we may need. Jason was challenging my husband in a "who had a bigger dick" contest. I hate to break it to Grace but I saw him naked once in the locker room at the gym. Nicos was bigger. Lucky me. Poor Piper. They began their contest in a whirl of limbs and metal. I was always amazed watching Nico fight. So fast even after all this time it's like he never left. The smile of his face while he fought was a bit frightening. His battle smile. Where I dreaded a fight Nico lived for it. To the point that I was afraid of him getting bored at home but his father kept him busy and once the kids were old enough to train he had them handling sharp objects. I was not happy about that but it was a battle I had to lose. Plus the kids were naturals. I wouldn't be surprised if they were the best fighters in the camp of their generation. Nico had them at it 5 nights a week for the last 8 years. Jason got Nico in the jaw. Blood stained Nicos teeth and dripped off his chin. Still smiling through it. I was both revolted and turned on at the same time don't ask me why it was always a confusing feeling seeing Nico in full battle mode. Sweat clung to him making his tank top look like it was painted to his skin. Damn I'm a lucky man. Nico finished Jason a lot quicker than I thought. Breaking up he had Jason do the first demos with Bianca and he headed toward me taking his shirt off. The wolf whistles started and I could see the hickey I left on Nicos hip. "Hey doctor could you help a damsel in distress!" "Oh yes you are so distressed!! I can practically smell the endorphins pouring out of you." "What no kiss!" "Not with a mouth full of blood like that babe. Come here let me check you out." I placed my hands on Nicos jaw and and sang. My hand glowed slightly as I felt his jaw healing and the bite mark he had on his inner cheek close up. "Thank you sweetie that feels better" he took a bottle of water and rinsed his mouth out and wiped up the blood. I kissed him after that. Paul came up to us while the others were watching Bianca and Jason. "Dad you should take papa to the infirmary he has some cuts on his back. And uhh the bruise on his hip maybe you could do something about that..." "That's not a bruise Paul that's a hickey I left of your papas hip from last night!" "Lalalalalalalala I don't need to hear this and I'm almost certain it's child abuse!" "What you don't want to hear about how your dad loves me?" "Love is fine! Hand holding and hugs not hickeys and blow jobs" Paul turned beet red. "Do you think he's jealous that we got laid last night and he didn't?" Nico chided "Maybe though he looks a bit red do you think maybe he might have got some too last night maybe one of the Aphrodite girls?" "Both of you!! I swear this is child abuse!!" He stomped off. "Why do you do that to him Will?" "Because it's soooo easy. I'm not condoning teen sex but that kid is wound so tight sometimes I kinda wish he would get a girlfriend and loosen up" "Teen sex? Hell we were only a year older than him when we started having sex and before that we were doing a lot of other stuff" "Exactly it's natural. He's smart and informed he's not going to knock up some girl to soon. I just wish he would let go a little." "You would not feel the same if it were Naomi and Bianca." "That's different they are girls and I don't want anyone to take advantage of them" In that same moment the girls took their opponent to the ground. "Actually maybe we should be scared for the guys they date? " "Oh I'd be terrified to date the Hades girls" "Hey! You dated the Hades boy!" "Yeah and the Hades boy was like 20 times more femme than those girls" "Are you saying I'm girly?" "I'm saying your delicate and do your make up better than Piper does" "Point taken" "But I like that about you" "If you like me so girly why didn't you just date a girl?" "I tried but their dicks weren't big enough " "Oh my gods you have to save that one to say infront of Paul " "He would die " "Yes he would. But I stand my ground I like you just the way you are. You may have a few femme qualities that I like but you never look more manly and sexy than when your fighting " "Careful Doctor Solace im susceptible to flattery." "Oh well maybe we should go back to the infirmary for these little cuts. We could make out in the storage closet like the old days." "Chiron was sooo mad when he caught us" "He wasnt mad about us making out he was mad that we were crushing the supplies" "Yeah he seemed to not care about us to much" "Well I think he was just happy for us. If it took me having my hands all over you to keep you from running away from camp than he was fine with it" I sat down on the bench and Nico sat on my lap giving me access to heal his cuts. "Speaking of having your hands on me" "Why are you so touchy babe I swear we have had more sex in the last week than we have had in months?" "I don't know I guess it's a combination of us having more alone time than usual and us being back at camp where it all started." "Oh I see. Well I'm not complaining I just wanted to know where your head was." "I guess it's been stuck in memory lane since we have been here" "What's on your memory lane now?" "You know just reliving all the firsts we had here. The hearth where we first held hands" "The capture the flag game where I first kissed you against that tree" "The first time you spent the night in my bed" "Oh yeah. Clovis came to get me you were having a nightmare. I came in and held you until you could go back to sleep. Then I fell asleep. " "You held me so tight" "I never wanted to let go" "You never did" "Do you remember the first time I told you I loved you?" "Yeah I broke my wrist falling out of a tree cause I miscalculated my landing spot when I traveled. I was trying not to cry when you were setting it. We were alone in the infirmary and you were whispering sweet nothings trying to keep me calm and distract me from the pain and you said "Nico it's ok baby I have you I'll make it go away. I love you I won't hurt you" and I stopped breathing" "I didn't even realized I said it. It just popped out seeing you upset" "When I started breathing again I told you I loved you too" "Yup and that's when I realized I said the L word" "You cried" "I did not!!" "You so did" "Well I did love you. I loved you then and every minute after that." "I'm so happy Will. You know that right ?" "So you still love me?" "I love you so much that the idea that we are going through another war makes me want to run away with you and the kids. Wrap you all in bubble wrap and keep us in s bomb shelter until it's all over" "We can't do that Will. We have to be here" "Oh baby I know. But the idea of waking up and not having you on the other side of the bed. That the spot next to me would be cold. That the smell of clove and lavender would never fill my nose in the morning as I bury my face in your hair. That I would never get to trace my fingers up your spine as you lay on top of me head against my heart. The idea that it could happen takes my breath away and ties my stomach in knots. The thought of it hurts so much that my throat feels tight whenever you leave my sight. I just want this to be over so that we can go home and sleep in our own bed and hell I would love nothing more than to send the kids to my moms for the whole summer just to make love to you at any given moment. " "Gods I love you William" he leaned into me and I settled my nose into the crook of his neck. "I love you too Niccolo" "Wanna go back to the cabin and wash up before lunch? Looks like Jason has the class?" "Let me check with him first. HEY JAY!! YOU GOT THIS?!" "YEAH BRO GO WASH THE BLOOD OFF!!" Nico gave him and thumbs up and we walked back to the cabin. --------- Nicos POV I started the shower. I really was covered in dirt and blood and sweat and it was disgusting. Will was back in our room laying on the bed with his eyes closed. "Hey baby?" "Yeah what's up neeks" "Come join me?" "Can't reach your back?" "Can't reach my heart actually thought you could help me find it" "Oh well that's not possible cause that's mine and I'm keeping it" "Well if that's the case then why don't you show me why you still have it" I pulled him up into a kiss that was so much more than a kiss. I could feel him pouring every worry he has over us being here into it. Conveying every ounce of love for me for the kids for our life back in Long Island. Shedding his clothes we tumbled under the water still his mouth on mine. I both hated and loved how much taller he was than me. The water bounced off of him and into me. Washing away the stress and heaviness. He grabbed the loofa and began to wash all the things that had marred my body from this morning. All while never having his mouth leave me. If it wasn't on my mouth it was in my shoulder or my neck. Moving his lips over me sometimes not moving them at all. Keeping them still but parted over me. Feeling him breathe over my skin as he lathered and soaped my body. Dropping the loofa he trailed his hands across my abdomen nuzzling the nape of my neck. "I love you " "I love you" Kneeling down he peppered kisses down me. Pulling my foreskin back he engulfed me in his mouth. Watching the water cascade over him as he bobbed his head reminded me of the first time we showered. In this very shower. It was less smooth than this was. *** flashback*** I was in the shower after a very hard day of training til I practically dropped. Will had convinced me to finally call it a day and half carried me home. I was rinsing my hair when I realized I had left my razor on the sink. My legs needed a good shave and I didn't want to get the floor all wet. Will was in my room reading yet another medical journal. Fuck it I'll get him to hand it to me. "WILL!" I heard the door open. "Yeah Neeks what's up?" "Could you hand me my razor it's just on the sink there." "Your shaving your face in the shower? How can you even see what your doing?" "I'm not shaving my face just give me the damn razor!" He opened the glass door peaking his hand through. Jokingly he said "Want company" he laughed. "Um yeah, yeah I think I do" Silence. Oh shit I went to far. We have only made out like twice and had about a few dozen kisses this was to soon. Fuck what was I thinking! Then I heard him taking his clothes off. Oh shit he was coming in here! He's going to see me naked! What if he doesn't like it! What if I don't like it! Opening the door again he came in with his eyes closed. He felt around til he found me. Good lord he was so much better looking without clothes! Freckles all over him and I do mean all over! "Will open your eyes" He opened them slowly. Looking me up and down the smile in his face grew. "Wow uh your.. your naked " "I usually am in the shower" "Yeah uh so umm what are you shaving?" He asked embarrassment coloring his face at the comment. "M-my legs actually. I don't like hair on me. It's just a thing I have." "Well um. Want me to help you w-with that?" "You want to shave my legs for me?" "Uh sure" "Ok" He took the razor and kneeled down (I have a large shower with a seat in it and everything) I put my leg up on the seat and he lathered my legs and with a slightly shaky hand he began dragging the razor over my leg. He was super focused. By the time he finished both legs his breathing had picked up a bit and he began to shake himself instead of just his hands. "Will are you ok?" "Yeah I just.. um.. Nico" he stood infront of me. Leaning down to kiss me he backed me into the stall wall. "Can I- can I touch you?" "Yeah I .. sure but only if I can touch you back" "Yeah yeah of course" Lowering his hand he kissed me and began to touch me. I thought my knees would give way. I had never experienced anything like this. My skin set itself on fire. I reached my hand to him in the same way and oh... I gasped "What?! Are you ok ?" "Yes it's just.. your bigger than I thought you would be I mean I didn't think you were small I just.. I don't know what I'm saying can you shut me up!" Cutting my rambling off with a deep kiss and a firmer stroke. We began a slow but steady rhythm between us. My breath was hitching against his mouth. He was gasping little noises of pleasure into mine. It didn't last long but gods was it good. He came first shooting it all down my freshly shaved leg. Soon after I came into his hand in a long shiver and deep moan that I didn't even know I could make. Breathing hard against eachother he said.. "So that happened" touching our foreheads together. "Yeah it did" "Was it ok?" "Yeah... yeah it was amazing " "Ok" "Ok" Breaking from my recollection I looked down at him there. We had come so far from that moment yet here we are. Same shower. Same feeling. I loved him so much and I wanted to feel his love on me. He got up and sat on the shower seat. Pulling me to him I could feel his erection on my back. Reaching his hand around me he prepped me. Feeling his fingers slide in and out of me easily. I explored his mouth with my tongue in long slow strokes. Grabbing my hips he lifted me into him. My back to his chest sitting in the shower. I set the pace with his hands on my hips. I took my time wrapping my arms around his neck from behind me. Keeping on arm wrapped around me he used his other hand to stroke me in time to my grinding. I love the fucking I do but I live for these moments. Me making love to him. Slow and steady. Being able to hear his breath and his little moans. I could feel him getting close and I was about to come way to early but I couldn't hold it. A string of Italian flowed from my mouth as my orgasam peaked. My words set him off and I could feel him pulsating against my prostate in little spurts. Still kissing him. Kissing my William. Feeling his heart settle from behind me. Holding me to him. Holding me never letting me go.
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speckeh · 8 years
2017 Book List
1. How It Works: The Cat. 2.5/5 stars. I read this at a book store in Bergen because my brother laughed while he read it. I picked it up and it was ok?? I don’t understand why people who write about cats always, ALWAYS talk about how much of an asshole they are and how they don’t truly love you. And I just sit there like, have you ever owned a fucking cat??? Some parts of the book was super cute but I hate the trope that cats are “assholes.” yeah they’re dicks sometimes. But they’re not assholes 24/7 unless you’re an asshole to your cat.
2. The Greenest Island. 3.5/5 stars. This is another small book that I’ve been meaning to read for a couple of months now. It was pretty interesting and like Mrs. Dalloway I read last year, I’m not sure if I want to sell it or keep it. It’s beautifully written, the story is strong, but some of the characterization is just sort of annoying. Like I get that it’s a very real sensation and issue a young couple who get pregnant WAY TOO SOON without knowing each other. But only a man would think of something so drastic as the end in reference to raising a child. 
3. Letters for Lucardo: 5/5 stars. I saw this comic advertised early in 2016 and I’ve been watching the project closely. I help funding the gofundme and I bought a download and a signed copy of the physical book. The story about a 60 year old man falling in love with a Vampire stuck at the age of 36 was SO INTRIGUING plus the artist had a webcomic which I absolutely adored so I knew not only would the art be excellent but the storyline would be solid. This is one of four volumes and I WAS NOT DISAPPOINTED. The story line was so cute, the art was beautiful, the smut was *mwah* beautiful. But the best part was that it left me wanting for me and I can’t WAIT until the next three volumes are here. Support your local tumblr artist and enjoy some gay vampire storylines with well drawn wrinkly aging men. 10/10, 100/100 please read and enjoy.
4. A Special Study Set of Fine Art Reproductions. 4/5 stars. A little black spiral bound book of black and white copies of famous art works. It’s cute, it’s a good bite sized art book to get the gist of Western Art history. I knocked it down because the art pieces are in black and grey when I know for a FACT some art pieces are in color. So that was a bummer. But overall a nice rendition of some of the classics.
5. Alphonse Mucha: Masterworks. 5/5 stars. I bought this book probably 2 years ago? I’m in a reading funk right now and flipping through art books seems pretty doable. This book is chalked full of history of Mucha while I will read later. But the art quality is excellent, the sizes are big enough to view with pleasure. This is a excellent excellent book full of his art work. I love it. It makes me feel better for the fact I’ve only been drawing girls for the last year because I love drawing delicate features and strong women. If Mucha can just draws women for most of his career, I don’t have to feel guilty in only drawing women for a year.
6. Assassin’s Creed: A Visual History. 5/5 stars. Ok I’m going to repeat this over and over again. But I’m such a fan of the AC series, even if the latest editions have been a u t t e r let down. But I have to admit flipping through this book I got emotional. AC was such a fun series for me when I started and it helped me through a manic depression I had after a very serious illness almost 3 years ago. I don’t pretend the history is accurate or the plot lines are all there, but they means so much to me. As a history lover to the point I’m getting a Minor in college in history. I’ll always enjoy my AC games, no matter how cringe worthy and disappointing some of them end up becoming. Shout out to my boys (and girls) of the assassin creed order. <3 
7. The Art of Howl’s Moving Castle: 5/5 stars. I’ve had this book for a long time, when my childhood best friend and I would hang out nearly every day and sleep overs every weekend. She gave me this book a few months after I watched Howl’s Moving Castle because I was so enchanted by the movie. Howl’s Moving Castle is a favorite movie, book, and soundtrack. This art concept book is beautiful, it’s like a novelization of the movie without any dialogue. The back is the FULL script, there’s concept art, and fully fledged art story boards. If you’re a big fan of Howl’s Moving Castle, this is a great book to have in your library.
8. Tango! The Dance, The Song, The Story. 5/5 stars. My father lived in Argentina for awhile so he would make dishes growing up of delicious food. I love the tango, it’s so beautiful and down right seductive. So of course finding this book for 4 dollars I had to have it. It has photography, drawings, posters, female tango singers, the history of the tango. It’s chalked full of excellent information and it’s really enjoyable to flip through. 
9. Why Cats Paint: A Theory of Feline Aesthetics. 5/5 stars. I bought this book for my birthday last year because it was absolutely silly. It features “Cat Artists” and their aesthetics and their art pieces. Warning there are mummified cats in the beginning of the book which can be upsetting. This book is really goofy and the people who write it are serious but in a fun way? It’s a great book to read like today when I’m stuck in the house because of bad weather and having my own two cats it makes me curious to see if I could make my kiddos paint like those kitties in the book.
10. Life: The Classic Collection. 5/5 stars. A decent sized photography book of the most recognizable Life photographs. Not to forget there are 25 extra prints available for you in the book you can take out and frame. I love editorial photography and seeing the most iconic photos throughout the century. Idk man if you like photography and Life Magazine this is a great book to have.
11. Fashion: A History from the 18th to the 20th century. 5/5 stars. Beautiful book. Beautiful clothes. 
12. The Pharos Gate. 4.5/5 stars. I saw this book at Barnes and Noble early in 2016 and the intrigue had me thinking about it for awhile. I bought it for christmas, waiting to read it in right time. Early on this week I went to my favorite second hand book store and found out it had 3 books before this one. The Pharos Gate is the final book in a series but it can be read by itself. To be honest I think if I had to read the three books before this I would have become bored. That’s three books worth of people trying to find each other but keep missing connections, that’s infuriating. But this book was lovely and the letter writing kind of reminds me of the letters my best friend and I send to one another. She just went back to school and I think she would really enjoy this book so I’m going to send it to her with my own letter attached. I think she’ll like that. 
13. Pirateology. 4/5 stars. These series were my SHIT as a kid. Dragonolgy, Greek Myths, Pirateology. While Hastings went under and into ruins, I found this book for super super cheap. I have certain niches I love to learn/read/aesthetic. Regency, 1950s murder mystery (Looking at you 007), Westerns, weird vintage novels, and pirates. I love the history the book gives you, but as an adult the information is sort of lacking. This is a book definitely for kids, the plot line throughout the guide book is meh it’s ok but it doesn’t capture you, and the interactive bits are the best. I just wish there was more about specific pirates but other than those complaints this is a great book.
14. Viking Poetry: Of Love and War. 5/5 stars. I went to Norway for New Years and I didn’t buy a lot of souvenirs. I mostly bought key chains. I think I only bought two books, maybe even just the one. I bought this viking poetry at THE famous viking ship in Oslo. It was very very cool. I read this book today because I don’t feel well, I want to go to bed but I know I shouldn’t. I have too much homework to do but I’m not motivated to read. The viking poems are unique as they are pretty. I was sometimes disappointed they didn’t have great rhyming schemes but you have to remember these were written in various old languages and then translated into modern day English. If you want to read what the vikings considered poetry, this is a great introduction without reading the giant lores.
15. The Elements of Style: 5/5 stars. Oh my god it’s been so long I completely forgot what my book tag was. February has been crazy for me. I got a internship, I dropped a class because of stress, I’ve been stressed out like crazy, I’ve been doing a lot of school work. I felt like I’ve had no time to read for pleasure. I actually didn’t read this book for please (half pleasure) but for work. It was actually a lot of fun. We studied this book in AP Literature when I was a senior in highschool and I wanted to have it for myself as a writer, but also it’s excellent for my ambitions to become an editor. The writing is a little hard, sometimes I’d read a whole page without really absorbing what was on it. But it was interesting and you can read White’s frustration with writers with certain rules they ignored. I actually loved the add on V chapter by Strunk which said that English rules are extremely important but take in mind the language of your time and how you write. Your voice is important. Which I found very important and also felt like an eye opener with Editing for my job. I’ve been wary of making sure not to change anyone’s voice but also trying to keep with proper English rules. It’s been a lot of fun.
16. The Last Wish: Introducing the Witcher: 5/5 stars. This book took me me almost 2 full months to read. I’ve been so busy. I first started reading this book before my trip to Norway, took it all the way across Europe, back and I finally finally finished it today. I don’t know why it took me so long? I absolutely loved it. I played Witcher 3 last semester and really really loved the story line and characters. My sister-in-law loves the books so I gave it a try! I would definitely recommend this book if you like spins on fairytales and medieval magical worlds. I had a lot of fun but I’m glad I can finally pick a new book.
17. Shackleton: Antartic Odyssey: 4/5 stars. Today has been a recovery day and I’m, emotionally dead/it comes in waves. So I spent like 5 hours in a bath today and read this comic. The art is really good, the story is super intriguing! I was in Norway this last December and we went to a arctic ship museum because Norway was the first to reach the South Pole. But the author even said himself the comic needs to be at least 300 pages but his hand would fall off. And I wish he did do 300 pages. The story was short and choppy. I know it’s selfish, but as a reader I wish he did do his main goal because he had the perfect art style for this comic. Either way, I did enjoy.
18. Creole Folktales: 5/5 stars. If you love mythology, this book is pretty great. If you love Louisiana, black folklore, this book is pretty great. It doesn’t have 5 stars on amazon or goodreads because I think people take issue with the writing or they’ve heard these stories before. This was my first introduction to Creole folktales and I have to say i loved it. The nostalgia of reading different myths is pretty great plus the storylines can be hilarious to kind of terrifying. The author says to read this story by night and I have to agree. I read it all in one sitting this evening and I wouldn’t change that experience. 
19. I Shall Not Be Moved: 5/5 Stars. It’s been awhile since I’ve read a poetry book. Since February I think. Sundays are usually my comic or poetry days and I was in the mood for some poetry. I was going to read this book for Black History Month for my book club (if you wanna join hit me UPP) but February was so crazy and stressful that I couldn’t read anything. So this time I did read a Black Poetress but just for National Poetry month. I loved this book, super powerful and moving. I’ll probably be thinking about this poetry book for a long long time. 
20. Artists and their cats: 3/5 stars. Being stressed out in my finals week means I want to do a lot of book things just so I can procrastinate. I bought this book as a Christmas present for myself. I'm slightly disappointed in it because the book is called Artists and their Cats, but it's really more like, A mini biography of artists and oh, some cat photos. I was expecting heart warming stories about their cats. But no. I loved the photos though which make this book conflicting for me.
21. The Monkees comic book: 5/5 stars. Super cute. I feel bad because Mickey was drawn pretty horrible. But I loved the art. The choppy scenes were kind of hard to get into and that 1960s humor can be kind of cringey but I really really enjoyed it.
22. The Art of Drowning: 5/5 stars. So I was thinking this would have completed my Billy Collin’s reading, but apparently I read this book in 2014! How crazy! Well I read it and enjoyed it. That’s all. 
23. A Queen’s Journey: 4/5 stars. I’ve been having a lot of heart ache for my birth state as of late. I visited Hawaii this time last year since moving when I was 2 and not remembering a single thing about it. Everything fit and I felt like I was home (when I was in the ocean) and it was such a strange feeling. I’ve been missing it hardcore this last month and so I decided if I can’t go to the Island I’d read a book about Hawaii or a Hawaiian. I’m also a book traveler, I bring books on trips and my favorite souvenirs are books. I’m a person who can remember times and feelings by looking at books. This is one of the books I bought while on the big island and haven’t read until now. For the story itself, I definitely give it a solid 4 stars like most people have. The book is unfinished as the author died while writing it. But I actually love how the book ended, the last chapter is perfect for a finale. But everything leading up is meh. Don’t get me wrong, I flew through this book and found it so much fun but it’s written from the perspective of a white entitled reporter who doesn’t really understand Hawaiians but “loves” them because of the Queen. I would have preferred to have a story told from Queen Lili’uokalani’s perspective but it was a nice read.  
24. Lights Out and Away We Go by @naum-e : 5/5 stars. I’ve been following Naume-e for at least a year now and they draw the absolutely cutest/breathtaking spirk doodles on tumblr. When I saw they put up their formula one au book up for sale, I had to get it. They even sent me a sheet of adorable spirk stickers. I love it. The art is so professional, the cover is beautiful! The storyline is short and I wish there was more background and developlement but that’s just me being greedy. Only criticism I would have is that one page would be crisp and saturated black and the next would have a grey tone to it so it wasn’t as sharp. I don’t know if that was due to printing costs or stylistic choice but sometimes it worked, other times it was kind of distracting. Either way I really enjoyed it and loved the art!
(I’ve actually read 44 books but 20 of those are yaoi mangas/I don’t have the energy to type up individual reviews) 
25. And Three Makes Tango. 5/5 stars. I’m doing a summer class and this is a book I picked for a 5-7 page project about censored books. And Three Makes Tango is the true story of two male penguins who fell in love at the New York Zoo. They made headlines when the zoo keepers gave them a fertilized egg which made them the first male couple to raise a baby penguin. It’s super cute and the art is adorable and I can’t wait to write this 5-7 page essay on it.
26. Goldfinger. 4.5/5 stars. I really enjoyed this book! Dr. No was kind of a hot mess with a huge octopus, guano, and the girl not being entirely likable. This book was definitely a treat! It may be kind of boring because the first 150 pages is a slow burn of James finding a guy cheating at cards and like 3 chapters dedicated to just him playing golf. But I really really loved this? The only reason why I don’t give this book 5 stars is because of Bond’s very sexist and homophobic views he suddenly stated out of no where. There were a TON of lesbians in this book, Pussy Galore, Tally, and he seemed ok with them except he was disappointed he couldn’t fuck them. And then said lesbians and gays were all sissies who he had no time for (even though Bond is like super, mega gay for James Bond. SUPER MEGA GAY.) and the ending they made the strictly lesbian badass gangster woman say, “Well I’ve never met a real man before.” and UGH. WHY. I would have given it 5 stars if they had just left Pussy Galore’s lesbian nature alone and not justify it with a “She just needs a strong man.” Also I apparently bought this book for me for Christmas 2015 ahah. 
27. The Mad Kings & Queens, History’s Most Famous Raving Royals: 4/5 stars. I enjoyed this book. It’s marketed as a reference book and it discussed the insane breeding of The Kings and Queens of Europe. This book should really be called, “Inbreeding fucked me up.” because most of the insane issues came from inbreeding lines and madness from parents and grandparents being passed down to their kiddos. But there were several monarchs where I didn’t believe they fit underneath the “mad” title. Like King Henry VIII was just a pissbaby. And there a handful of monarchs included who just had severe depression and anxiety which affected the way they ruled, it doesn’t mean they’re mad. Other than that, it’s a great little book for a quick overview of Europe’s fucked up royalty. 
28. Strike Through The Mask! 2/5 stars. It’s not my favorite poetry book, it had some poems I enjoyed! I bought this from the annual library book sale because it was signed by the author and was super cheap. Though after learning about Peter Viereck, I’m not really sure what I think about him? He’s super conservative and is VERY loud about people being extremist but is sort of seen as an extremist himself. Nothing wrong with that inherently but I’m still not super sure about these poems. A lot of them were about trees talking to humans or other trees. Debating on giving them poetry book to donations because it’s really not my favorite. 
29. For the King: 2/5 stars. The premise of the book is quite interesting! It follows the assassin attack on Napoleon in 1800 on Christmas at Midnight. It cause da wave of destruction, death, horror, and a huge police investigation which resulted in more death and conspiracy. The book did not live up the potential. It kept my interest and it had some great writing, but the characters were flat, the main character was whinny, and the plot was a little jumbled. It was also strange because it’s a historical fiction but also murder mystery but you know who did it by chapter 1 and you follow the policeman’s thoughts and instincts to capture the assassins. It’s weird, there were a lot of strangely written sentences, and it was over all a just ok read.
30. The Old Man and the Sea: 2.5/5 stars. There is a lot to enjoy about The Old Man and The Sea. The story is compelling, the relationship between the old man and the boy is pleasant, and Hemingway has a way of using metaphors and descriptions which are breathtakingly beautiful. But there is also a lot to be disappointed in. It’s a lot of rambling, several sentences could have been edited, and the old man was pretty much senile in the way that he fishes. I read it in one day and still processing it. I’m pretty sure there are a few pages that I didn’t really read, I fell asleep the first 60 pages, and the story doesn’t truly touch me in the way classics usually do. But there is also something oddly charming which makes rating this book more difficult than I thought.
31. The Lost Estate: 5/5 stars. This book has been on my shelf for awhile. I bought it because you can design your own cover once you finish the book, so I bought it not expecting the story to be great but at least I can art a book. This is one of the best reads I’ve read in several months! I loved the story! I loved the characters! It felt like a fantastical children’s story with romance, magic, and French school boys. The chapters were short and the main character has such a charm. The only downside is that the story has a weird time lapse where you’re not really sure how old the kids are or how many years have passed. All in all, I’m really thrilled with this book and it’s easily going on my favorite shelf after I draw the cover!
32. Lunch Poems: 4/5 stars. Frank O’Hara’s poetry isn’t like your classical poetry. He’s irreverant which makes reading his stanzas refreshing and different. There were some poems where they were too strange and convoluted for my taste, ones I wished I could be heard out loud, and there wasn’t anything that punched me in the chest with wowing words, but it did inspire me to write my own poem. And for me, that’s the highest compliment of a poetry book, to make you write poems. I really enjoyed 14 of the poems which is a pretty decent amount to like for me. Billy Collins has the highest likes of poetry for me, and Lang Leav having the least amount of poetry I liked in her book Love & Misadventure. Frank O’Hara was a decent medium for me and a nice introduction for anyone who doesn’t particularly care for “flowery” poetry. My favorites were: Cambridge, Poem (1959), How To Get There, Pistachio Tree At Chateau Noir, and Yesterday Down At The Canal. 
33. Howl And Other Poems: 6/5 stars. Very rarely do I hold a book to my chest after I finish reading it. The books I remember doing this were The Secret Garden, Shadow of the Wind, Pride and Prejudice, and Howl’s Moving Castle. I can add Howl to my list. I first heard of this revolutionary poetry book in one of my university classes about censorship and banned films and literature. We watched the James Franco movie about the whole trial over Howl, and I thought it was pretty, but I didn’t feel a great pull to the way he read the poems. I decided to pick it up for myself and I read it today all the way through. And reading it for myself was something magical and far more touching than the movie could ever produce. All of the poems were a punch to the gut, made me feel something, made me want to create art, and that’s what poetry is supposed to do for you. I may have found my second favorite poet in Allen Ginsberg. This is definitely on my favorite 2017 reads and also in my top 10 favorite books of all time. 
34. Monstress Vol 2: 4.5/5 stars. I agree with the main consensus that the second volume is way better than the first. I actually contemplated getting rid of and stop reading the series because the first volume was very bizarre. But now I’m super invested in it. The story line unfolded in an interesting and made more sense way. The art was gorgeous and dark. THERE WERE SO MANY BADASS WOMEN CHARACTERS. Plus I finally caught on that the cats are called Nekomancer and I’m in love. If you like dark, blood, gore, and creepy storylines, Monstress is a great comic to read. 
35. Furious Love: Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, and the Marriage of the Century. 5/5 stars. I picked this book up back in 2011. I was browsing Barnes and Noble, looking at their new arrival table. I was in 10th grade, newly in high school, and I had watched the movie Cleopatra in my western civilization class. I loved the writing, bought the book, I remember my mom saying “If I had known who the book was about, I wouldn’t have let you bought it.” and I was enjoying myself. Things happened shortly after that had me pausing from reading the book for 6 years. I decided to try to read it over the summer, had summer school, then my beginning of the semester was too crazy to read this book, and after I dropped from one of my classes, I found I had time to read it. I really loved this book. It’s heart wrenching, you feel the love they had for each other, but you also saw the abuse and tragedy that became their relationship. There are only two notes of importance I would say that is this book’s downfall: 1. The book has minor editorial flaws (commas outside of quotes, periods in parenthesis, Earth wasn’t capitalized). 2. The writers are very much infatuated with Richard and Elizabeth, coming to their defense about the scathing reviews. They did a great job, but it also brings into question just how accurate they can be when they’re so emotionally charged about Richard and Elizabeth. If you want to know more about Richard and Elizabeth, how they came to be, their marriage, and how the marriage fell, this is a great book. 
36 + 37: Maus I & II. 5/5 stars. I’ve been wanting to read this collection for years. It has everything I love, history, contrasting colors, and comics. But whenever I found the books, they were full priced and too much for my wallet. Well, a few weeks ago I found the boxset at my local second hand store for 22 bucks. I snatched it. I read the first book on the 29th and the second on the 30th. This, is a heavy story. It’s gut wrenching, it hurts, I nearly cried in book 2, and it’s a poignant story about surviving, the effects of surviving horrible situations, and how it affects your children. The art is beautiful, very symbolic, and doesn't hold back from showing the ugly of WWII. If you want a heavy read to make you think about history and humanity, 100% recommend this comic series.
38. Uncle Remus and Brer Rabbit: 4/5 stars. A classic fairy tale book that I read because one of my friends had it on her shelf and I wanted to read it. It’s very cute, very Peter Rabbit esq. but with more danger and violence to it. It’s not my favorite collection, I didn’t get the warm fuzzies from it, but I did fly through the stories. Though my book is so old that it doesn’t have a publication date and I’m slightly terrified that if it’s from the victorian era that it’s laced with arsenic to make the blue color ahah! But it was cute. A very short fairytale that is chalked full of mythologies of forest creatures and how their distinctive features came to be. 
39. Sword of Destiny (Witcher 1, but technically 2) 5/5 stars.  I’ve been reading this book since the end of October. I don’t know why, but short story compilation books always take me months to read while James Bond takes me 3 days. I think it’s to do with the pacing and the fact the stories tend to be more condensed and I need to think about a book for at least a day before starting a new one. I really enjoyed this book! Having played the games and adored them, I love the character building and foundations in this book! Baby Ciri warms my heart and I fucking called who her parents were in the prologue which I just realized I actually read this year. Much better than “The Last Wish,” and the angsty Yennefer romance just makes the book with its angst and Geralt just hating everything about his life except for Ciri and Yen. 
40. Bing Love: 3/5 stars. I saw a GoFundMe post for this comic book earlier this year and the art is adorable, the plot line got me, and I was so excited to get my copy of this book! I’m torn because on one hand, I love representation and the love story between Hazel and Mari, and the fact the writer took an approach that people had to settle for a fake happiness and how families can be torn apart when you realize they were built on a facade. But there’s a huge pacing problem with this story. It jumps, it skips details, I know this story would have been so much more vibrant with even 20 more pages added to it. Limiting it to 97 pages really killed the vibe of the story. The character development was lackluster, their reactions became unbelievable, and the ending felt so rushed. I would honestly probably give this story 2 stars if it weren’t for the art work making up for where the story lacks. 
41. Call Me By Your Name: 5/5 stars. @haremshame for those who don’t know, was my very first, serious love. They’ve been loving Call Me By Your Name and essentially has become the spokesperson on tumblr for the book. They told me to give this book a listen to (which is something I do not do on the regular), gave me a link, and but I was in the middle of the semester. I think maybe more than a week ago I finally started listening to it, how could I not when your first love tells you the story reminds them of us??? And I have to whole heartedly agree. Call Me By Your Name reminds me very much of the excitement of a first love and the everlasting long heart ache that comes when that first love inevitably ends. I loved this story. I wish I picked up the book and read along with Armie Hammer so I could mark all the passages I loved because there were quotations that made me shiver and hum and felt a literal twist in the gut. I’m not entirely sure how this book will go as an experience for other people since I went in to this reading with heavy expectations and knowing it would remind me of Percy and the specialness of our fumbly, young and naive teenage relationship, makes me heavily biased. But the writing is breathtaking, Armie Hammer does a fantastic job, and the story will have you aching in some form or another. 
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dailyokes4u · 4 years
People Are Posting Their Most Embarrassing Childhood Photos, And It’s Impossible Not To Laugh
People Are Posting Their Most Embarrassing Childhood Photos, And It’s Impossible Not To Laugh
All of us have one or two embarrassing childhood photos that we would go to great lengths to hide away from the world. But these people decided to brave the cruel waters of the Internet and share some of the most cringe-worthy shots from their childhoods and youth days.
Bored Panda has compiled a list of best throwback photographs for the ultimate cringe effect. From odd hairstyles and accessories to questionable fashion choices, the list contains each person’s bump (or perhaps even a trainwreck) on the road of searching for identity. So check them out and don’t forget to vote and comment on your favorites!
#1 My Parents Weren’t Surprised When I Came Out
Image credits: BoxBopChallenge
#2 My Legs And Feet Hit Puberty Before The Rest Of Me
Image credits: iamthedevilfrank
#3 Just A Girl On A Spring Communist Demonstration In Lviv, Ukraine, 1968
Image credits: xerurg
#4 For My 2nd Grade Photo I Vouched For The Satan’s-Child-Lawyer Look
Image credits: 17UglyBoobies
#5 Glamour Shot Blunder (7 Years Old)
Image credits: denovosibi
#6 That Time In The Early 90s When I Was 12 Going On 54
Image credits: sparkleplentylikegma
#7 In 5th Grade I Was Worried I Would Blink And Mess Up My Year Book Photo
Image credits: wholebunchofbees
#8 I Swear It’s Not Square Anymore…
Image credits: drshavako
#9 When You Look Over 40 But You’re Actually 12
Image credits: ThatSquareChick
#10 My Mum Advised Me Not To Leave The House Like This, Didn’t Listen. That Hair!
Image credits: chunky_rolls
#11 Give Me The Sassy Grandma Look
Image credits: dumbolddoor
#12 My 10th Grade Year Book Picture
Image credits: makemypenisworkagain
#13 This Surpasses Even The Fivehead
Image credits: proffllama
#14 2006 Senior Picture
Image credits: Super_Rosie
#15 A Friend Of Mine Gave Me Permission To Post This Gem. Circa Early-90s
Image credits: Sgt_Pepsi
#16 1996, Olan Mills Calls My Roommate Offering A Free Family Sitting. His Family Lived Two States Away, So We Went In To Mess With Them. I’m The Guy On The Right
Image credits: b34n0fd00m
#17 Me And All My Hair In 1988
Image credits: sheNANAgens
#18 Playing Starcraft On 56k, Strategizing With My Buddy Pre-Bluetooth/Skype
Image credits: RedBombX
#19 My (Conservative Christian) College Yearbook Photoshopped My Punk Rock Spikes Into A White Afro
Image credits: collarpoppppppin
#20 I See Your Uncle From The 80s And Raise You My Father’s Hair From The 80s
Image credits: GimmeThePizza
#21 The Blunder Brothers, Circa 1994. I’m In Purple
Image credits: dame_condor
#22 Look At Me! I’m A Real Fancy Boy!
Image credits: respectthet
#23 Why Yes!! My Vest Was Homemade! Pm Me For Orders!!!
Image credits: Hockeylove
#24 It Was 1996. I Was Obsessed With Vampires And Phantom Of The Opera…behold My Embarrassing Senior Picture
Image credits: TomPalmer1979
#25 Homecoming 2012. Yes That’s My Real Hair. Yes I Spent An Hour On It Every Day
Image credits: shortnblu
#26 1996 HS Yearbook Picture
Image credits: Moose336
#27 Recently, My Mother Found This Senior Photo Of Me From 1994. I Looked Like Nathan From South Park
Image credits: iheartbaconsalt
#28 I Was A 40 Year Old Woman At 13
Image credits: lacylove314
#29 My Uncle In The Early 80s
Image credits: lNoahl
#30 My Attire For Homecoming (Male)
Image credits: supercasey
#31 Everyone Knew Me
Image credits: Treklow
#32 Try To Contain Yourselves Ladies!!!
Image credits: boognish1776
#33 Two Questions: Have You Accepted Jesus Christ As Your Lord And Savior, And Are You Interested In The Deal Of A Lifetime On A 1987 Plymouth Mercury?
Image credits: OctopusSanta
#34 First Day Of High School, I Was Apparently Going For The 70 Year Old Man Look
Image credits: shrewlad_
#35 The Coolest Senior Picture Ever?
Image credits: woodler
#36 They Wouldn’t Take The Photo Unless I Smiled
Image credits: Patsatron
#37 The Triangle Hair And Fake Mole Completes My Senior High School Photo
Image credits: creepypeaches
#38 I Still Don’t Understand Why Girls Just Wanted To Be Friends In High School (2002)
Image credits: PatrickKelly2012
#39 I Had A Warhol-Esque, Pop-Art Phase In High School. Yes, I’m A Guy
Image credits: vaporsynthretrochill
#40 ‘Ginger Hair? Freckles? Pale Skin? This Kids Going To Be Too Popular At School. Can You Level The Playing Field A Bit?’ – Parents To Hairdresser
Image credits: LancingLad
#41 On My Way To Steal Ya Man
Image credits: getriebenheit
#42 A Little Known Fact That Prior To Keaton, I Was The Batman
Image credits: gingerbenji
#43 My Kindergarten Picture Is Definitely The Most Epic Of All My School Pictures
Image credits: manda326
#44 My 18th Birthday. I’m The Goth. Still Great Friends With The Beautiful Girl Next To Me
Image credits: GTBlues
#45 When My High School Marching Band Was Performing At The Liberty Bowl And I Ran Into Two Guys Who Looked Vaguely Like Me (I’m In The Middle)
Image credits: johnny3gud
#46 12 Year Old Me Thought This Was A Great Everyday Look
Image credits: sitonmytits
#47 When Your “Hardcore Tough Guy Gangster” Picture With Your Homie Turns Out To Look Like The Start Of A Gay Porn Film, But You Post It To Facebook Anyway… Millennial Blunder Years
Image credits: Souper_Troll
#48 I Wore This Everyday In Winter In 2013 The Worse Part Is Was 27
Image credits: Pigeonca
#49 I Was Surfing The Web Back In 2001
Image credits: Polensky
#50 I Grew Up In A Small Midwest Town, My Mom Convinced Me To Take “Urban Hip-Hop” Dance Classes
Image credits: poornose
#51 6th Grade Going On 60
Image credits: RICHB0YWINST0N
#52 Guitar Guy At Party: Check. Tortured Angst: Check. Wolf T-Shirt: Check. Ignored By Girls: Check. Hole In My Crotch That I Only Noticed Now: Check. Real Life, 1995
Image credits: mattjh
#53 Was Told You Guys Might Appreciate My Boy Greg’s 1992 Year Book Photos
Image credits: MaxwellSinclair
#54 I Went To School Like This More Than Once
Image credits: Redragon143
#55 Thought It Would Be Cool To Make Knex Body Armor
Image credits: mistermajik2000
#56 My All-Time Favorite Christmas Blunder (I’m Top Left)
Image credits: Chrismercy
#57 Just Found My Glamour Shot From 1995. I Was A Sassy 45 Year Old In 7th Grade, Apparently
Image credits: Boots525
#58 Nothing Says Cool Like Matching Sweat Suits And A Stuffed Whale On Your Knee
Image credits: Nemesis2772
#59 In 4th Good Grade, I Was Too Badass For Just One Wristwatch
Image credits: dcgrove
#60 My Very First Job. Spiderman For Kids Parties
Image credits: agentsblue
#61 Senior Prom 2006, Went Stag
Image credits: grassdick
#62 “Promo Shot” For My First Band’s Myspace Page. I Was 16 And Wore Women’s Clothing
Image credits: howliehowls
#63 Parents Thought I Was Gay. Can’t Say I Blame Them…
Image credits: mrjomanbing
#64 I Logged Into Myspace After 10 Years…
Image credits: SheTastesLikeTexas
#65 50% Khaki, 25% Weird Crinkly Tube Top, 25% Platform Sneakers: 100% Confidence
Image credits: tallnerfthis
#66 Visiting My Family After Several Years And Going Through Albums. Me At About 12. I’m A Girl
Image credits: Kaldea
#67 Titanic, Western, Newscaster Glamour Shots: 1998 In A Nutshell
Image credits: MunchZbae
#68 My Chemical Panic At The Disco
Image credits: aalexAtlanta
#69 I Was 11 Years Old. Too Old To Be Doing Stuff Like This? The School Project Was To Make A Mask, We Weren’t Required To Wear It, Or Make The… Rest…
Image credits: Lillianhom
#70 15-Year-Old Me Was Terrified Of Touching These Car Show Models. I Cringe Every Time I See This
Image credits: Rps99sho
#71 The Shirt Says, “Team Edward: Because Jacob Doesn’t Sparkle”
Image credits: halfarab
#72 Curly Mullet, Thrift Store Boy’s Anime Shirt, Inability To Look Normal For A Picture: 2003 Was A Cruel Year For This 11yo Girl
Image credits: mollieemerald
#73 They Called Me Professor Snape
Image credits: YYZeded
#74 This Is What Happens When Dorks With Cartoon Obsessions Are Allowed To Bring Props To Their Senior Photo Session. Loved Marvin So Much I Used To Joke He Was My Real Dad, The Cringe Factor Is Astronomical
Image credits: kellirose1313
#75 1990 And 11 Years Old. I Just Showed This To My 10 Year Old Daughter And Thought She’d Laugh. Nope. Only Fear
Image credits: swear_words_and_smut
#76 They’re Almost Texas Beauty Queen Bangs
Image credits: 3edgy5me
#77 I Thought Listening To Metal Made Me Cool In Middle School
Image credits: ryker002
#78 I Was About 18 Years Old, And Heading Out For A Night On The Town. Please Note The Nose Ring- It Was Stuck On With Superglue
Image credits: Frankie_Said
#79 I Thought The Other Kindergarteners Were Calling Me “Becky.” It Was “Bucky.” Thank God For Braces
Image credits: SunglowSky
#80 My Senior Pic Makes Me Cringe So Good
Image credits: kingmidusthetightest
#81 I Had To Bribe The School Photographer To Let Me Do This My Senior Year
Image credits: jaybeaster
#82 The Look Of Disappointment On My Mom’s Face As I “Egyptian Dance” With My New Haircut (Because Of Lice)
Image credits: vas-deferens
#83 Just One Of My Yearbook Photos
Image credits: 5in1K
#84 My Senior Yearbook Photo.. It Was 2002, Frosted Tips And N*sync Were Actually Cool…
Image credits: CatMaster3000
#85 America Was Always Great
Image credits: StumpyWombat13
#86 Nothing Smoother Than Singing The Quadratic Formula
Image credits: PutmickJ
#87 Why Why Why? Am I Boy Or Girl? Why The Balloons? I Made That Shirt. Holy Hell ??
Image credits: teatsfortots
#88 Since We’re Digging Through Myspace
Image credits: NIsaid
#89 I Was 12, Misunderstood, And Forced To Go To A Nascar Race With My Family. I Wore This In The Sweltering Heat
Image credits: enohes
#90 Caught Somewhere Between The “Emo” Phase And The Boy Band Phase- Here’s Me On My Way To A Jonas Brothers Concert (2008)
Image credits: theblushingwanderer
#91 Zing! (Made It Myself And Put It As My Fb Profile Pic)
Image credits: RandySNewman
#92 This Gem Is Hanging In My Mom’s Hallway, Reminding Me Every Time I Visit Just How Cringeworthy I Was In 2005
Image credits: HellBitch77
#93 Reel Me In, Boyz
Image credits: als_pals
#94 My Huge Pants Helped Me Sail Into Y2k, I Was 16 And I Should Have Known Better
Image credits: kittyshapes
#95 Painful To Share But I Thought I Was A Badass In Middle School
Image credits: aryafenrir
#96 My First Driver’s License Photo
Image credits: __rosebud__
#97 Senior Photo With Model Cars That Was Supposed To Be ‘Just For Mom’ – Ended Up In Widespread Circulation
Image credits: mozilathelaptopkilla
#98 My Nickname In School Was Spock ?
Image credits: Eraser-Head
#99 I Was 16 Years Old In 1987
Image credits: spinxter
#100 The Time In Sixth Grade When I Thought It Was Cool To Wear My Naruto Headband Everywhere – Even To School
Image credits: coreyk_21
#101 She’s A Maneater
Image credits: 0ldBloody0range
#102 Get In Line, Fellas
Image credits: sassuhhfras
#103 In Highschool, I Liked To Climb And Wear XXL Shirts Even Though I Weighed 120lbs
Image credits: thedailycheeze
#104 So, I Graduated In And On 92
Image credits: StriKamau
#105 Bowl Cut✔️ Gameboy✔️ Inflatable Furniture ✔️ 90’s Were Awesome
Image credits: ghornthewind
#106 This Is What Happened When Ten Years Old Me Started Watching America’s Next Top Model
Image credits: tuckermapocker
#107 This Picture Of My Mom And I. This Was 2000
Image credits: ginga_gingaa
#108 Summer 02 Was Hot Hot Hot!
Image credits: SnaxwellP
#109 Right Before A Brutal Transfer From Homeschool To Public School Circa 2007
Image credits: theflyingskunk
#110 That Time I Wore Moon Shoes Into Meijer
Image credits: fartybuttdart
#111 Last Time I Ever Went To Supercuts
Image credits: Tusklord
#112 For My 30th Birthday, Figured I’d Share My Senior Photo. Class Of 05 Represent!
Image credits: inablimp
#113 I Used To Wonder Why I Was Bullied So Much
Image credits: iTriggz
#114 Being A Rad Dude Is Serious Business
Image credits: dirk558
#115 Its A Pillow, Its A Pet, Its 8 Years Later & Im Full Of Regret
Image credits: UncomplimentaryBias
#116 My Friend When He Was Younger. Unfortunately He’s Lost His Sense Of Style Since Then
Image credits: Twoshae
#117 In Fourth Grade All I Wanted Was To Marry Jtt
Image credits: snarkyshan
#118 Had My Grandma Take This Pic Of Me In 99/00 For My “GF” I Met In An AOL Chat Room
Image credits: BushwickSpill
#119 Me (In Red) And My Much More Photogenic Older Brother. Probably Around 3rd Grade
Image credits: nathanfromtexas
#120 Age 13 And My Life Goal Was To Lead A Myspace Follow Train
Image credits: SoupPlox
#121 My Christmas Gift To This Group, My Pleather Jacket At Homecoming In 2002
Image credits: rfallon1
#122 My Mom Wasn’t Thrilled That She Had To Pay Lifetouch For This Documentation Of Her 8th Grader’s Pokémon Love
Image credits: chickenstripa
#123 I Thought I Was At The Peak Of Style. Tipping Fedora, ✔️. Orange Hair, ✔️. Plaid Trench Coat With Suit Jacket And T Shirt Underneath,✔️ . I Was A Female Neckbeard In 2007
Image credits: lizlemonkush
#124 Back In 2011 When I Thought Wearing The 3d Glasses Without The Lenses Was The Cool Thing To Do
Image credits: Raasiboi
#125 7th Grade With My Mom Glasses
Image credits: Poopsmash78
#126 Not Only Did I Take A Mop To Prom, I Wore Icp Face Paint On School Picture Day In 2002
Image credits: thelemonx
#127 I Took A “Photo Shoot” With All Photos Like This And Thought I Was So Cool, This Was Also My Profile Picture For Far Too Long
Image credits: maybrad
#128 Sup Ladies… Circa 1997
Image credits: gethuge
#129 1986 In Texas, Complete With Pinch- Rolled Jeans And Hi-Top Reeboks
Image credits: mcknazzy
#130 I Was Bernard The Elf In 9th Grade…
Image credits: schants
#131 As An Eighth Grader, I Was 2edgy4u
Image credits: assbuttsarecool
#132 My Fiancé Got This Leather Jacket When He Was 14. So Naturally He Got His Mom To Do A Photoshoot In His Room
Image credits: justinemelissa
#133 Double Trouble
Image credits: docellisdee
#134 Gloomy Goth In 2007
Image credits: ControlTheStorm
#135 12 In 1
Image credits: AdamLavigueur
#136 My Hillbilly Years
Image credits: criminy_crimini
#137 Myspace Was One Hell Of A Drug. 2007. Age 14
Image credits: kittenlomein
#138 I Captioned This “My Fricken Sweet Blue Hair” On Facebook. I Was 14
Image credits: thegeekman
#139 Me 16 Years Ago
Image credits: silence_the_reaper
#140 I Was Pretty Much The Typical Neckbeard In Middle School. Fedora, Bad Fashion Sense, Unironic Use Of “M’lady”, The “Inquisitive Mind” Pose, And Glasses With Flaming Skulls On The Frames. Yeesh
Image credits: TwinMonkeys
#141 2011. I Have So Many Of These… All On My Facebook
Image credits: EICzerofour
#142 My Wife Loved Aaron Carter [2002]
Image credits: empw
#143 Thought It Would Look Good To Have Cornrows But It Got Too Painful About Halfway Through
Image credits: jesser722
#144 Live Long And Prosper. I Was 14
Image credits: Seuix
#145 I Had To Dress Up To Do A Speech
Image credits: ZnKayy
#146 The Time I Went To Egypt With A Cleopatra Style Haircut
Image credits: hkfortyrevan
from https://dailyjokes4u.com/people-are-posting-their-most-embarrassing-childhood-photos-and-its-impossible-not-to-laugh/
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