#in celebration of getting my friend to finish blade and submit an application to the psych ward in my name
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maya5392 · 1 month ago
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happy 20th anni to kamen rider blade episode 49 one of the most heart wrenching finale i’ve ever watched homophobic bench/10 would do it again
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icefireeclipse · 7 years ago
Ice’s Annual Post for 2017
Below is a list of cool/important/interesting things that I did during 2017 in order of month. They’re mostly in order by when they happened but a few may be out of order. The list is long so I put a Read More underneath if you’re interested. Enjoy!
Played Home is Where One Starts on Steam
Started watching Sailor Moon Infinity Arc
Started playing Pokemon Moon
Finished Jumin’s Route on Mystic Messenger
Had to drive to work at 6am because I forgot to return a button
Finished Seven’s Route on Mystic Messenger
Started re-learning my French just in case I move to Europe
Started considering moving to Europe after I finish college
Started my 2nd semester of college
Saw Hidden Figures in theatres
Met the woman my father began dating (spoiler alert: I like her)
Helped my mom and sister with tearing out the carpeting in the living room so we can get new flooring
Got a Robin Amiibo for an early birthday present
Cooked something for the first time this year that wasn’t ramen or hot chocolate
Celebrated my 19th Birthday
Got locked out of my car for the 1st time, coincidentally on my birthday
Got Pokemon Sun as a birthday present as well as a water bottle and some gift cards
Ran into an old teacher of mine from elementary school
Visited the World Market for the 1st time
Tried a candy bar from Britain for the 1st time
Learned how to make coffee
Started rewatching Ben 10 Alien Force
Finished my training at my job
Went to a seminar about refugee’s for my Diversity class
Signed up for a college tour that I ended up not going to because of Mother Nature
Played Awkward Dimensions Redux for the 1st time
Finally got into the main story for Mass Effect
Went to see Logan in theaters
Saw Finding Dory and Sausage Party for the 1st time
Got my dad a jar of herring for his birthday
Finally made a playlist on Youtube just for music
Started playing Penumbra Overture
Got my first $2 bill this year, and frankly first one in Many years
Continued to play Mass Effect
Bought a hot chocolate at a gas station for the 1st time
Purchased Mass Effect 3 off of Origin
Got a Origin account just to get this game
Spent the 1st day of spring getting a car wash
Rediscovered my love for Halestorm
Started listening to more music by Set it Off (instead of just 1 song)
Pre-registered for KitsuneKon 2017
Went to a Transgender rally for the 1st time
Went to a rally of any kind for the 1st time
Wacked a pinata for the 1st time in a few years
Played field hockey in a college room
Attended a girl choir concert for the 1st as a member of the audience
Finished Penumbra Overture
Started watching Season 2 of Shingeki no Kyojin
Came out as Queer to my Diversity Class (1st time I came out in public not to friends or family)
Decided to minor in Political Science along with my History Major
Joined Reddit
Downloaded  We Were Here and Medusa’s Labyrinth on Steam
Finished Mass Effect for the 1st time
Played through Mass Effect a 2nd time as a Renegade Sentinel
Attempted to use my debit card for the 1st time
Finally visited my great grandma’s grave after 7 years
Started watching Clannad
Got a gift card for Easter
Got free food at work because of Employee Appreciation Day
Started a test draft for The Fire Underground
Finally finished Huniepop
Started playing Serena but didn’t like it
For the 1st time, I have a friend of mine who works at the same job as me :)
Finished my (technically) 1st year of college
Played Super Smash Bros in order from 64 to Wii U for the 1st time this year
Redid the floors and got the kitchen walls painted at my mom’s house
Started working on painting and adding new floors in the living room too
Purchased Alan Wake on Steam during it’s Sunset Sale
Watched Tom Holland’s Lip Sync Battle (Yes that’s important)
Stepped into a Spencer’s for the 1st time (though it was only at the very front of the store to look at posters)
Started planning for my new Yarny cosplay for Kitsune Kon
Watched Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 twice in theatres
Bought a bikini for the 1st time (I usually only wear a tankini while swimming so wearing a bikini is huge for me)
Watched Steven Universe: Wanted and fell in love with Lars all over again
Worked during Memorial Day, but got paid more because holiday :D
Got my 2nd smartphone ever, a Samsung Galaxy S7
Ate a sandwich with a square bun for the 1st time
Updated my blog theme for the 1st time this year
Witnessed a felony traffic stop with arrests and everything for the 1st time
Celebrated my cat’s birthdays by giving them catnip
My parent’s divorce was finalized, same day as my cat’s birthday
Played Emily is Away for the 1st time
Returned to Mirai Nikki, an anime I never finished
Only just figured out Patrick Swayze died via a documentary (oops)
Attended my friend’s graduation party
Finished my 2nd and 3rd simultaneous playthroughs of Mass Effect
Started playing Mass Effect 2 and Life is Strange
Finished Episodes 1 and 2 of Life is Strange
Found out what the Grapefruit Technique is for some reason
Donated to Markiplier’s Charity Live Stream for Ablegamers
Kathryn mentioned my name (Icefire), my comment and thanked me for donating! :D
Purchased over $59 worth of games during Steam’s summer sale including Bioshock, Mirror’s Edge & Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition
Finished Life is Strange Episodes 3, 4 and 5 in the span of a few days
Played Blade Ballet for the 1st time
Played Monopoly and hung out at irl friend’s house for 3rd of July
Purchased Gone in November on Steam
Started watching Big Brother with my sister
Made a Yarny doll for the 1st time
Used an ATM for the 1st time
Attended Kitsune Kon for the 7th year
Almost didn’t make it to the con because I had stomach issues the morning of the con
Bought a lot of buttons, posters and dvd’s, etc from the con
Debuted my Yarny cosplay at the con
Went swimming for the 1st time this year
Continued unpacking things from my dad’s apartment before he moves
Toured the college I’m attending in January for the 1st time
Had to redo my financial aid application
Learned how to transfer funds from savings account to debit card. Horray for adulting!
Discovered the joys of Etsy
Toured my dad’s new house for the 1st time
Attempted to expand my storage on my Mac as I’m starting to run outd
Discovered StoreEnvy
Finished Mass Effect 2 for the 1st time
Began my application for transferring to a 4 year college
Finally put my posters up in my room at my dad’s house
Went Up North with my mom’s family for a weekend
Wore a bikini in public for the 1st time
Purchased VIP tickets to the Evanescence Concert
Bought VIP tickets for the 1st time
Found out my dad got engaged
Found and caught my 1st ever Shiny Pokemon (Shiny Haunter in Moon)
Tried VR for the 1st time
Went camping with my dad, his girlfriend and her family for a weekend
Started my 3rd and last semester at the technical college I’m at
Purchased Layers of Fear, Bioshock 2 and Remember Me on Steam
Met my dad and his fiancee’s new cats Ying and Yang
Officially got Accepted into the 4 year college I applied to
Finished Mass Effect 2 for the 2nd time
Started Mass Effect 3
Downloaded Origin
Bought tickets to see Diavolo from America’s Got Talent
Suffered from allergies for most of September
Attended an Employee appreciation day at my job
Visited a Counselor regarding my transfer to a 4 year college
Ordered a Christmas gift from my job
Finished Mass Effect 3 for the 1st time
Pre-registered for Kitsunekon 2018
Ate a fried egg sandwich for the 1st time
Submited my AP scores to my new college
Found a spring jacket that I lost back in Spring
Found over $20 in said jacket
Got an unofficial tour of the campus I’m going to in January by friend
Went to see Diavolo on tour 
Played The Old City: Leviathan on Steam
My job got a bunch of renovations (paint, appliances, new products, etc)
Purchased Soma, realMyst, Plague Inc, Undertale and other walking simulators during Steam Halloween Sale
Attempted to play Penumbra Black Plague but dealt with screen resolution issues
Started playing Layers of Fear on Steam
Caught Primal Kyogre with just one quick ball in Pokemon Alpha Sapphire
Finally beat Pokemon Alpha Sapphire after over a year of not touching the game
Turned in my “final” report for my Technical Reporting class
Went back to playing Pokemon Moon
Signed up for my classes for January
Finally got to see Thor Ragnarok in theaters after 4 years of waiting!
Got my “final” report graded, 96%!
Got back into the Thor fandom
Got my mom some bubble wrap and salt water taffy for her birthday (she loved it)
Started playing Overwatch for the 1st time
Discovered You Suck at Cooking Youtube Channel
Purchased a bunch of games for Black Friday (Overwatch, Dragon Age II and Inquisition, indie games, etc)
Had my annual review at the Gas Station I worked at and got a raise!
Went to see Evanescence in Concert for the 1st time since 2011!
Went to Madison for the 1st time in about 4 years (last time was just a few days before I started my Tumblr account)
Tried sweet Sauerkraut for the 1st time, it tasted okay but it was kind of strange eating sweet sauerkraut
Got my best friend some bubble wrap as a gag gift for his birthday
Went to my sister’s holiday choir concert
Finished a final and got a 90% on it (Ethics Class)
Procrastinated on said final and other final project
Got introduced to Round Planet by BBC
Finished Season 7 of Overwatch Competitive with Silver Rank
Started getting invested in Yugioh (abridged and the manga) 
Got the Synthesis (Evanescence) album for Christmas
Also got Pokemon Ultra Sun AND Ultra Moon for Christmas
My dad officially got married so I now have a step-family as of this month
Didn’t get to go to their wedding (it’s a long story)
Worked in Receiving at my job for the 1st time 
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