#in buck's mind they're married
alienoresimagines · 18 days
Bucky: *sees Buck wearing fancy clothes* Bucky, sad: I see you have a date. Who's the lucky person? Buck: … Buck: I forgot to ask you, didn't I?
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queers-gambit · 6 months
Adore Her, Dior Her
prompt: ( requested ) what good is having all that money if he can't spend it on the woman he loves?
pairing: Mafia!Bucky Barnes x female!reader
fandom masterlist: Marvel
word count: 4.3k+
warnings: author foams at the mouth for Mafia AUs, overwhelming fluff, cursing, not edited.
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"That's the one. That's one we should get!"
"You've said that about the past three dresses, Buck!" You groaned, smoothing your hands over the skirt. "We need to narrow this down, okay? The wedding's in a month!"
"Why did we even agree to go?"
You glared, "'Cause we love my brother and we're supporting him."
"But she's just so - "
"Jen. Her name's Jen."
Bucky nodded, leaning back on the cushioned chair, "Well, Jen's just wrong for him. Literally the definition of toxic."
"Does it count if they're toxic together? To each other?" You sighed, standing on the pedestal and turning to look in the three mirrors beside the dressing room.
"Of course it does," he stood, buttoning his suit jacket out of habit. He approached you, head cocking as he looked your body up and down to get the full view of the gown you tried on. "You're really okay letting him marry her? Turn this way a bit, baby, lemme see the front."
You scoffed, but took his offered hand and twisted on the small platform towards him, "You were there at Christmas, he doesn't listen to reason. So, if Daniel's convinced Jen's for him, as his sister, my only job is be supportive."
"They literally abuse each other," he pointed out.
"Well, he's not changing his mind. Okay? It's been three years, he won't budge, whenever someone brings up them breaking up, he goes into hiding - so, I don't know what else I can do," your hands slapped your thighs when you shrugged, "except just be there for him. Now, focus, please, help me narrow a dress down."
He shook his head as you turned to face the mirrors again, "Actually, you know what? I don't think anything in this store is for us."
The attendant perked up and scurried over, rushing, "Oh, well, we have a much larger selection in the back, Mr. Barnes - "
"That won't be necessary, Barbra, thank you, though," he nodded. "Doll," his hand planted on your waist, head over your shoulder as you still looked yourself over in the mirrors, "go get changed, I know where we need to go."
"Bucky, no, there's plenty of options here," you argued, twisting on the wee little pedestal to face him again. "We don't need to drop a stack on a dress - "
"You let me worry about the price tag," he smirked, leaning in to peck your cheek. "Just go change, pretty girl, c'mon. Step-to!"
You offered Barbra, the attendant, an apologetic smile as you shuffled back into the changing room; quickly stripping from the dress. When you exited in your street clothes, Bucky was tipping the aged woman for her effort in gathering your options, but the moment he saw you, his hand was extending to hold yours tightly.
"What was wrong with that store?" You asked when you stepped onto the noisy and busy street to approach the sleek, tinted car Bucky drove for day-to-day errands.
"We're not shopping at David's fucking Bridal."
"You literally drove us here," you laughed.
"Yeah, and then I had a much better idea," he smirked at you, unlocking the car and opening your passenger door. "C'mon, princess, just gotta trust me."
"Last time you said that - "
"That wasn't my fault," he groaned, cheeks flaring red in embarrassment. When you opened your mouth to retort, he rushed, "Aht, nope, don't say shit. C'mon, I'm taking you somewhere special so get that pretty ass in the car."
He grinned when you laughed and did as bid, feet safely inside when he closed the door after you were settled. Bucky easily jogged around the back of his car, New York busy this time of year as traffic flew past on the street and forced Buck slow. He dropped into the driver's seat, sniffling slightly.
"Reminds me," Bucky smirked as he pulled onto the street, "how would you feel about us going to Aspen this winter?"
You sighed, "Why?"
"You wanna stay in New York for Christmas?"
"Well, yeah! It's so magical."
"Okay, so, we can go over New Years?"
You sighed, "You know, we don't have to go anywhere..."
"Sweetheart," he cleared his throat, "I actually have some business in Aspen, this will just help determine when I schedule the meetings for."
"Oh," you nodded slowly.
He sighed, "I know my job isn't orthodox, but business is business, right, sugar?”
"No, yeah, yeah, I get it. It sounds kinda nice, maybe we can go skiing."
"You know how to ski?"
"No, but I'm sure someone in Aspen could help teach me."
Bucky grinned. The drive was full of easy conversation, neither you nor Bucky dwelling on his business dealings, always feeling as if it was taboo given his station in the Mafia. So when he pulled up in front of a designer store, you gawked. "Now, if we can't find something here - "
"Um, absolutely not," you laughed. "Bucky, I can't even afford to walk into a place like that!"
"Good thing I'm paying," he smirked. He assisted you out of the car, tossing his keys to one of his security guards who had been following in a separate, tinted vehicle. When you both entered the dimly lit store, you were blown away by the gorgeous minimalist design; warm lighting, open floor space, and racks of different clothing options.
"Ah, Mr. Barnes! Hello, hello, hello!" A new attendant greeted with more enthusiasm than you would've greeted any of your clients, approaching you two. She shook your boyfriend's hand vigorously, "To what do we owe this pleasure?"
Bucky wrapped his arm around your waist, "Looking for a dress to wear to a wedding."
She offered you a forced smile, telling your boyfriend swiftly with her teeth on full display, "You came to the right spot!"
"See?" Bucky smirked at you. "All right, Valeria, what's first?"
Valeria waved you both onward to a private changing room, offering complimentary sparkling waters, coffees, teas - even offering to go retrieve anything you two would want from the Starbucks down the block. Valeria took your measurements and dress size, making idle chit-chat with Bucky and making it obvious he was a regular in the store, then scurrying off to collect an armful of options.
"This is - wow," you nodded in impression, petting the material of the display dresses hung along the wall.
"Like it?"
"It's growing on me," you eased with a small shrug, hearing Bucky chuckle and for his phone to chime. You perused the place as he became glued to the little device, sat in front of the dressing rooms.
Valeria returned with another attendant carrying coffees. "Right this way, Mrs. Barnes," Valeria directed you into a changing room, missing the giddy look you sent Bucky over your shoulder at being called his wife. "All right, so," she sighed, hanging up the dresses she selected, "I think these are modest enough for a wedding, but still glamorous to turn a few heads."
You hummed, "They're kinda short, don't know if that's the energy I want to be giving off at my brother's wedding."
"They'll fit differently once on but we can always accommodate," she assured, pulling one from the hanger. "Here we go," she assisted you, zipping you in and looking you over. "Oh, it's just darling on you! Look at that, not a single hair outta place, right?"
You giggled lightly, "It's certainly pretty."
"Shall we show Mr. Barnes?"
You nodded, following her out to reveal Bucky sitting on a plush loveseat, sipping his coffee. His eyes widened when he saw you, nodding, "Oh, yeah. This is what I'm talking about."
"Hush, we're only buying one."
His eyes rolled, "I'll buy the whole damn store if I want."
"You don't own it already? Hm," you teased, perking your brows.
"Keep sayin' shit, I'll cut a check right now - "
"Bucky," you tisked, moving to the runway mirrors. "It's a little tight, isn't it?"
"It's snug," Valeria agreed. "Is there a color scheme for the wedding?"
"Um," you paused, "I'm not sure - I just know it's in winter, like, in a month."
"Maybe a pretty powder blue?" She looked to Bucky, who nodded. "Or how about a pale green? Like an olive tone?"
"She looks gorgeous in anything," Bucky smirked from behind you, taking another pull of his coffee.
"What about that brown number?" You asked, ignoring the way his compliments made you feel like the only girl he's ever seen in the world.
"You have a very good eye, Mrs. Barnes," Valeria nodded. She asked her coworker to go find your size, taking you back into the dressing room. You narrowed down the options without changing again, not wanting anything black or dark since it was a wedding and not a funeral. Though, you knew Bucky would disagree.
You showed your boyfriend a pretty little green dress, but he shook his head. "I thought the black was nice," he told you.
"I'm not wearing black to a wedding," you laughed lightly. "It screams bad luck to me, don't you think?"
"Think it's more of a statement, sayin' the entire event is a sham and they shouldn't be doing this," Bucky snickered, the other attendant, Laura, returning with a pretty brown dress. "That satin?" He asked, rubbing the material when it was presented to you both.
"It's very fashionable now," Laura nodded, "and it's not too dark."
"Since when is it a rule to not wear dark colors to a wedding? I miss the memo?" Buck leaned back to his seat.
All three women offered him a small look, you chuckling under your breath before Valeria was leading you back into the changing room. "If I may, Mrs?" She spoke softly, "I've known Mr. Barnes for a number of years but he's never brought anyone into the store. Then, one day, he tells me he needs a new suit because the 'girl of his dreams' had agreed to a date, and every time since then?" She smiled softly at you, "He's sang your praises. I'm very honored you're trusting me with helping you today."
"Oh," you blinked in shock, giggling nervously, "well, thank you very much, Valeria, now I know why his suits are always top of the line." She waved you off, making you add, "And for the record, I'm not Mrs. Barnes, guess that'd be his mother, wouldn't it?"
"Oh," her eyes widened, gasping softly, "oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't know, I just - he talks so highly about you - "
"No, it's okay, it's okay," you rushed, patting her arm. "I actually kind of like it..."
She hummed, zipping you into another dress, "You know, he's the reason my girl and I are together."
"Really? How'd that happen?"
Valeria chuckled, "He's very bold, your man. We were getting coffee one day, discussing his wardrobe for a business trip he had in Hong Kong, when my lady walked in. I went all silly and stupid, and Mr. Barnes just," she shook her head with a fond smile, "brazenly asked her out for me, in front of the whole shop."
"Oh, Jesus, yeah - sounds like him."
"Well, luckily, it worked, else I don't think he would've come back for my assistance. I was so embarrassed, you have no idea, but my lady - Charlie - thought it was charming and cute. Mr. Barnes hasn't let me live it down since. Says he demands an invite to the wedding." She met your eyes through the mirror, offering, "And I'd be really happy to give him a plus one, hmm?"
"You're so sweet," you whispered, turning to survey the dress. You spent the better part of three hours there, trying on dress after dress, nitpicking almost everything as you just weren't sure what to wear. Bucky wasn't much help, he just approved everything.
So, it was up to Valeria and Laura to help you; bringing out iPads and design books, trying to piece something together that best fit your comfort and the vibe of the wedding. You didn't want to look like a walking money bag since your family wasn't by any means wealthy, thinking it would be a slap to their faces since your boyfriend could spend his money without ever thinking about it. You didn't want to give your family any reason to talk behind your back.
"I like the brown satin," Laura offered softly, looking you over in the mirror. "But the blue is just wow, it really looks like it was made for you, doesn't it?"
"Yes, but I think the green compliments her eyes more," Valeria cocked her head in thought. "Are you wearing your hair up or down?"
"Up," you answered, trying to mimic the look by pulling your locks off your shoulders, "with thin jewelry, I think."
"Pearls, if I can find a dress that looks nice with it," you smiled, seeing Bucky's reflection in the mirror watching you with a soft smile on his face; head titled in thought before his phone chimed again and warranted his attention. "Maybe we could try the pink dress?" You looked to the two women for an opinion.
"No," Valeria shook her head, "it washes you out. And pink in winter? Oh, sweetie, I'd lose my job if I let you leave here with that. Guess that means you'll have to come back in the spring, right?"
You grinned in response as Laura chimed in, "The green's actually really nice, but the brown looks much better with your body type." Then she turned to Bucky, prompting, "Mr. Barnes? Final decision - which dress?"
Bucky paused, musing, "Lemme see them all again, get one last taste. It's between the green and brown numbers?"
"Or the blue," Valeria nodded. "C'mon, sweetie," she offered her hand to help you off the wee runway you were perched on in front of the magnificent mirrors.
"You look sensational in them all, doll, how the hell am I supposed to choose just one?" Bucky teased, his canines on display from the broad grin that stretched his lips.
"You'll find a way," you answered.
"Awh, telling me Mr. Big-Tough-Manly-Business-Man who makes impossible decisions everyday can't choose a simple piece of fashion?" Valeria tacked on.
"You guys can't pick either!" He laughed, "And you do a helluva lot more shopping than I do!"
Laura, Valeria, and you paused to exchange looks, you pointing at Bucky and relenting in a drawl, "Touché."
When you were escorted back into the dressing room, Laura waiting outside the door for your privacy with Valeria, Bucky sat back on the plush loveseat and extended his one arm over the back of the seating. He smirked to himself, shaking his head as if in disbelief - but he was. Bucky was in disbelief.
How did a rugged Mob boss find himself here? Watching his girl like a private fashion show?
His whole life, all he knew was turmoil, pain, drama, and fear. He knew he would inherit his father's well-built organization after he passed and knew what this life would entail; having no preconceived notions about a quiet life. He knew he would have to be tougher than tough, adaptable, intelligent, and confident in his role as the head of the 3-6 Brooklyn Mob. Knowing the idea of a family was farfetched, knowing he'd never know the simple pleasures in life, that he would constantly be on the move - in-able to form real, sentimental, emotional connections. He knew, in this life, he'd remain alone for everyone's best interest and safety, indulging in a series of flings and one-off relationships that couldn't haunt him.
Yet they did. These encounters reminded Bucky how alone, how stranded, how isolated, how different he was. Instead of satisfying an unquenchable thirst, these fleeting partners became heavy anchors to Bucky's reality and reminded him that there was no such thing as love - nor was there any room or logic.
And then... He met you. Bucky's lips silently spread in a grin as he remembered meeting you at a bakery; purchasing the last slice of coconut cream pie to your absolute chagrin. He thought you were gorgeous, something ethereal and unobtainable; authentic, raw, and unfiltered - things his one night stands could never measure up to. So, he offered you the slice of pie if it meant giving him your number as currency.
After that, it was impossible for Bucky to consider ever being alone again because you were the sun; center of the universe that drew everyone into your orbit. He was smitten, content, excited to date you, turned on by the fact you had no idea who he was - a rare occurrence in the city. You were pure as fresh snow; sweet, kind, affectionate, attentive, and borderline overly empathetic.
Bucky knew he was in love with you after only a few weeks when he had shown up at your apartment, dripping in blood. You didn't panic like he feared you would, just checked up and down the hallway before yanking him into your home. You cleaned him up, tending to wounds, offering a safe space for him to relax in; making mindless conversation to help distract him from the pain he endured.
And now? Now, Bucky was sat in Dior, giving his opinion on your wedding guest dress; wondering how he allowed himself to get to this point of being domestic. Bucky wasn't a man to give his opinion on dresses, what color nail polish you should use, to send fresh bouquets of flowers every other week. Yet here he was, sipping too-expensive coffee, deciding between brown, green, and blue dresses that he never would've batted an eye at.
However, that was just the domino effect you caused in his life. You were sweeter than apple pie, becoming Bucky's one tether to reality that saved him from losing himself in this dark, criminal mindset he adopted. You didn't know it, but you had transformed Bucky from a brooding asshole into a boyfriend; someone you were proud to claim and never hid from - never shied away from. He admired the way you came to terms with his job, knowing it was a hard pill to swallow and yet noting the way you just accepted him as he was.
Bucky realized in that moment that he adored this new aspect of life after thinking it was impossible to obtain. He adored sitting here, offering opinions on dresses, his security left outside instead of hovering over him like a brutal reminder he was seedy. He loved having you to come home to, he loved being part of your mundane world - a person who went to weddings, who drank Starbucks, who asked her boyfriend his opinion about how she looked in dresses. Who thought bouquets of flowers were romantic, who baked him homemade cakes for his birthday, who worked overtime in order to afford his Christmas or birthday presents, who walked to the takeout place instead of paying for delivery.
All that you are, Bucky adored deeply; falling in love with you each and every single day. All he wanted to do was protect you, share his life with you, even pick out outfits for weddings you would attend. He knew if any of the men in his organization knew the extent of his affection, they'd surely weaponize it against him... Or at the very least, tease him relentlessly. Yet he never cared, knowing you wanted to be loved out loud instead of hidden away in a storage closet; but did care if it meant his enemies could use you to get to him. It was a risk, an occupation hazard for loved ones to become targets, but that only made Bucky so much more protective of you.
Laura glanced at Bucky and saw the fond smile soften to let his teeth trap his bottom lip, smiling at the Mob boss looking soft, content, smitten being there. She knew most boyfriends would never put this much effort into helping their girlfriends in the fashion department, thinking he must've been truly in love to look so at-ease. Plus his enthusiasm through the entire ordeal assured her that Bucky was genuinely enjoying himself.
Once again, you slipped into the blue dress and showed Bucky. He hummed and snapped a photo, asking you to turn this way and that. Then you tried the green dress, him taking another photo, and finally, you changed into the brown satin dress, facing Bucky for his final verdict.
Bucky hummed in contemplation, swiping through the photos. "You know what?" He asked, looking at you with a grin. "You look delectable in everything, I can't decide - so, let's just get them all."
"Bucky, no - "
"We'll take all three, Valeria, please," Bucky interrupted you.
You waited until the attendants left you alone with a knowing look shot in your direction to ring up the desired purchases, hip cocking and hands to your hips. With an underlying exasperation, you questioned, "What the hell, Buck?"
He grinned and stood, again, buttoning his suit jacket, "C'mon, princess, this is fun, right? Being spoiled?." His arms wrapped around your waist, looking down at you as if you hung the very sun that sucked him into your orbit. "What's the point of all my money if I can't spend it on you? Huh?"
"You can save it for a rainy day?"
He shrugged, "Not necessary."
"Maybe pay to send some underprivileged kids to go to college?"
"Well, there's a thought," your boyfriend mused, "but I already do that through the Stark Foundation. I sponsor a few scholarships."
"Okay, well, buying all three still doesn't help me decide what to wear," you chuckled, you mimicked his action and wrapped your arms tightly around the base of his ribs. Due to his height, your head had to tip backwards to meet his eyes with a small smile.
You could look at this gorgeous man all day, everyday if God ever permitted such an act. Why wasn't dating a paid activity? You'd be the top earner with the way you were absolutely enthralled with all Bucky Barnes was. And what an honor it was to earn his mutual adoration.
"We'll figure it out at home. Gotta get you moving in the material to make an honest judgement," he offered softly. "But you look gorgeous in all of them, baby, seriously. Like, drop dead gorgeous that makes every girl brim with jealousy. Shit, doll, you're gonna run the risk of outshining the bride."
You sighed, "Look, Buck, I appreciate what you're doing, but three designer dresses? Where the hell am I ever gonna wear them? What kinda event calls for overpriced fashion statements?"
Buck eased with a soft expression, "Guess I'll just have to take you out so you can put them all to good use, huh?"
"That's not a solution!"
"Is to me," he let a hand drift to roughly palm the meat of your ass cheek over the brown satin; another symptom of him being whipped, his comfort over public displays of affection. "Seriously, doll, how the hell did I get so lucky?"
"Just look at you, my girl," he chuckled lightly, "radiant in anything you put on. It's almost unfair, makes me wonder what I did so right to have someone like you I can call my own. I can't wait to show you off in those dresses, just look so Goddamn tantalizing. I mean, damn, baby, I'm gonna have to fight off men with my gun and the jealous women with a stick."
"You do realize we're already dating, you don't have to lay it on so thick."
"And you do realize being with you makes me the luckiest bastard in the city, right? Least I can do is spoil you, I've already got everything else I've ever wanted."
Your heart swelled at his words, sighing gently as your chin rested on his chest to keep your head tilted. Softly, you admitted, "I don't think you're the lucky one, pretty sure the honor's mine. I couldn't ask for anything more in a man - in a partner. I'm so fucking in love with you, Bucky, it honestly doesn't make sense."
He nodded, asking, "Know what else doesn't make sense?"
"What's that?"
"You refusing those dresses, I mean, c'mon!" He laughed, you groaning and releasing your hold; making his tighten to prevent you from escaping. "Those dresses look phenomenal on you, you really gonna reject my gift? C'mon, you know the rules, doll, if you adore her, you Dior her." You were ready to retort, but Bucky smiled, "For the record, I think you should wear the blue dress to the wedding."
"Blue it is," you smiled, lifting onto your toes and hooking a hand around the back of his neck to meet his lips in a scratchy kiss. "Thank you so much, baby," you whispered, feeling his lips spread against yours before he brought you back in for a much-more passionate kiss. "Hm!" You hummed, pulling away to scold, "But no more, all right? You spend too much money on me - I mean, who the hell needs three designer dresses?"
"You do," he whispered, "you deserve all of this, sugar, and I'll do what I can t'spoil you the way you should be. Might as well get used to it, I got no plans on stopping."
Your eyes rolled in good faith, excusing yourself, "Yeah, yeah, all right. Lemme get changed and we can - "
"Nah," he shook his head, petting the skin of your back exposed from the brown satin dress with his fingertips, "know what? Stay in the dress, I wanna take you out and show you off."
Your lips found his in a breath-sucking kiss, trying to convey your appreciation and giddiness over never having been spoiled like this in your entire life - feeling grateful, refreshed, and privileged for a man like Bucky in your life. Whatever greater force there was in this world, you thanked repeatedly for choosing you to love this man and for this man to love you. There was no telling what you did to deserve him, but blessed be those heavenly powers.
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requesting rules and masterlist
MCU masterlist
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nigellica · 5 months
I love the big, ridiculous, dramatic disasters on 9-1-1, but I'd really love to see an episode where they don't go to a single call.
And I don't mean, the focus is elsewhere and we just don't see the calls. I mean they don't get a single call. Like the opposite of the quiet episode.
I want like, Buck climbing the walls, Eddie trying to pretend he isn't also bored out of his mind. Hen trying to be responsible and do responsible things but getting sucked into shenanigans. Bobby suspicious he gets to cook and eat an entire meal. Maybe Chim trying to avoid a conversation with someone and having to find excuses around the station to escape. Or begging Maddie to send them literally any job so he doesn't have to listen to Buck whining (especially when Tommy can barely respond to his texts because he's so busy).
And maybe they get one call and everyone rushes to get ready, gets in the trucks to go and then.... Slowly and sadly reverse back into the shed when they're stood down because another unit is closer.
I want them running out of things to clean, playing stupid games like fuck, marry or kill, doing personality quizzes ('Which animal are you? Buck and Cap both got golden retrievers!'). Just... The levels of stupidity they could get into with nothing else to do.
(And Bobby somehow gets an entire month's worth of paperwork done before he emerges into the disaster that is the firehouse, smoke alarm going off, feathers everywhere for some reason and just the entire 118 looking like guilty puppies)
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prazinos · 2 years
Ghost in the Austrian Asylum
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Pairings ~ Ghost x You x König
König had a crush on both you and Ghost, but he would be surprised to learn that the two people he was practically infatuated with were married. Lucky for him, the two of you want him as well.
WC : 3K
Warnings ~ Oral {F&M} | PiV | Anal {M} | Toys | Masturbation {M} | Threesome | Unprotected Sex | Sub!König Switch!Reader Dom!Ghost | Descriptions of violence (just a little not a lot) | Creampie |
No use of Y/N (i don't think, there isn't supposed to be)
Not proofread (yet)
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When König joined the 141, he was terrified. He knew of Price's habit. Picking some of the most lethal men in the military.
So he was surprised when he met you. The notorious 'Asylum', greeting him with a smile and a hug. Talking about how she had seen his file. Really impressive work.
König knew about your file as well. Knew that most of it couldn't be seen as it was marked as 'confidential'. So, why were you called Asylum?
When he asked Soap about this, the Scotsman merely laughed, telling him that he'll find out soon.
Find out soon he did. You were on a mission, and the team had a guy kidnapped for questioning. Nobody could get anything out of him.
'We should send her in' Price stated, lighting a cigar.
Ghost merely chuckled while Soap went white.
'Put König in with her. He should see what she's capable of' Ghost suggested.
Price nodded and motioned for you both to head into the room.
König followed you closely. Curious as to what you would do.
The man tied to the chair lifted his head, smirking when he saw you.
'And what are you gonna do pretty girl?' He asked.
You merely got closer to him, leaning down in front of his face.
'Listen, you could tell me what I need to know, or you can be in a world of pain' you said quietly.
'Fuck. You. Whore.'
You sighed, getting up and exiting the room, before coming in with a duffel bag? König stared at you.
Watching the way you dumped the bag on the ground. Grabbing a hammer out of it.
You gripped the hammer tightly before slamming it into the mans left kneecap. The man screamed out in pain, the sound of his knee cap breaking making König shudder slightly.
'Are you gonna tell me anything yet?' you asked, almost kindly.
the man kept his mouth shut.
you shrugged, reaching back into the bag, grabbing pliers.
'I'm gonna pull out your teeth one by one, until you give me an answer. If the answer you give me isn't worth my time or untruthful, I'm ripping out a nail' you said grabbing his jaw.
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By the time you had gotten your answers, the man had only 4 teeth and 3 fingernails.
König understood why you were called Asylum now.
And he hated to admit that the scene had him feeling things. Watching you make this man who was at least twice the size of you break and cry, had him thinking.
But what felt most unsettling, you were back to smiles and jokes almost immediately after the ordeal.
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König had a crush. He hated that word. He had a crush on you...and Ghost. But he couldn't help it. Ghost had this voice that drove him crazy, and your lighthearted personality compared to you on a mission had König's head spinning.
And what was worse? Soap knew.
'You haven't got a chance lad' he laughed.
'W-what why? I-I think I'm nice enough' König spluttered
'because they're married-'
'wait what'
'-to each other'
God that did not help König in the slightest. His mind now swarming with images of the two of you fucking. You pressed against a wall, Ghost fucking into you hard enough that picture frames were falling off the wall.
Images of you giving Ghost the most soul sucking head, Ghost fucking your face, tears streaming down your cheeks.
Images of Ghost biting your thighs before shoving his face into your cunt. You gripping his hair like a vice. Bucking your hips, practically riding his face.
But his mind crossed into new territory. Something he hadn't thought of before.
You and Ghost fucking him, together.
You grinding on König's cock as Ghost fucks him. Ghost grabbing your hair, pulling your head back to spit in your mouth.
You sucking König's cock, leaving a sticky ring around the base of his cock from your lip-gloss. Your ass in the air as Ghost fucks into you from behind, causing you to moan around König's cock, creating a vibrator effect.
The idea of you and König tying Ghost to the bed, teasing him, using a vibrator all over him, except the part he needs it most just to have his hard exterior crumble.
'König!' Soap said loudly, waving a hand in front of König’s face.
'Sorry, got distracted' König sighed
'I can tell' Soap chuckled.
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Thankfully, Soap didn't bring it up again. Merely throwing a glance when König would stare at you and Ghost for too long. To which König could feel himself burning up under the mask.
But one day Soap told König that you and Ghost were sparring. One of your guys' infamous sparring sessions. Everybody on base talks about them. Especially Soap.
As König and Soap walk in, already seeing the two of you in the sparring ring, König whispers to Soap.
'This is hardly a fair fight, they're gonna go easy on each other because they're married'
Soap just cackled, slapping König on the back.
König was so, so wrong. As soon as Soap said the word, you and Ghost were kicking, punching, König even thinks he see's you bite Ghost at one point.
König watched as you pulled Ghost's head down towards your raised knee. hearing the crack of Ghost's mask. Holy shit.
König hated how turned on he was. Watching you smile down at Ghost sweetly, before landing a punch on his jaw.
'I have to go' König mumbled
'Have fun!' Soap yelled
König got back to his room fairly quickly. rushing to lie down on his bed, his hands flying to get his belt unbuckled and fly unzipped.
Pulling out his painfully hard cock, he spat in his hand, stroking slowly, as his hand reached the tip, he swiped his thumb over the slit, causing himself to whimper quietly.
He couldn't get you and Ghost out of his head. What Ghost's cock would taste like, what you would taste like.
He imagined himself and Ghost, holding you, sandwiched between the two burly men, Ghost fucking into your ass, König fucking into the tight heat of your cunt. Your head lolled onto Ghosts shoulder, unable to hold in the whimpers.
And then his mind flew to having you sit in front of a full length mirror, Ghost devouring your cunt as you sat between König's legs, watching yourself come over and over on Ghost's tongue as König sucked hickeys and tweaked your nipples.
König was so close to his release. His eyes shut in pleasure, one more swipe of his thumb over his slit, he knew he would be done for.
But König was suddenly grabbed by his shirt, and slammed against the wall. His eye's shot open, to see Ghost, his piercing eyes, full of anger. König whimpered, he was fucking terrified, but he couldn't help the feeling of arousal that flooded through him and down to his cock.
Ghost looked ravishing. His balaclava not covering the chest that peaked from his tight fitting shirt, his chest (of what König could see) was sweaty, and König wanted to lick the beads of sweat that were probably running down Ghost's face.
His cock jumped at the thought, and that didn't go unnoticed by Ghost. König was roughly pulled from the wall before being slammed back into it
'You like getting off to the thought of fucking my wife?' Ghost practically growled.
'N-no! I swear, I swear I don't! Please!' König exclaims, tears filling his eyes.
'He's right honey, he wasn't getting off to the thought of just me' you giggled from behind Ghost.
Oh fuck, this was so much worse. So, so much worse. You were here too.
Ghost huffed letting go of König
'Are you okay König? Hope Simon didn't hurt you too badly' you asked, moving in front of him.
What was going on? You should be terrified, disgusted, mad, furious. But you're caressing König's face instead.
König swallowed thickly, looking down at you.
'We know about your dirty little thoughts König' you smile.
König wanted to die. Right then and there. How? How did you know?
'You aren't very quite soldier' Ghost said gruffly. König's eyes widened as he looked between the two of you.
König couldn't get the two of you fucking him senseless out of his mind. His hand moving at an almost inhumane speed, he tried covering his moans. But some slipped through.
'Scheiße! Bitte! Asylum, Ghost please, please let me come! oh Scheiße!'
Fuck. That was a week ago. König could've sworn he heard footsteps outside his door. But he couldn't care less as his orgasm rocked through him.
'König~' you said, his eyes snapping back to you. You reached down and gripped König's cock.
And König came.
König fucking came.
From your hand merely grasping his dick.
König could hear you and Ghost laughing together as he rode his high, bucking his hips into your hand.
As he came down from his (mind-blowing) orgasm, whimpering as he felt a hand stroking him still.
He looked down to see Ghost's gloved hand, König's head shot up, looking at the only slightly shorter man.
'Ha-ah~ Ghost, please~!' König cried out
'König, sweetie, you don't have to call him Ghost anymore. Call him by his real name, he'll go feral' you voiced from the bed.
'Si, Scheiße, SiMON~!' König wailed as cum spurted from his cock again.
König felt like he was gonna pass out, he felt tears under his hood.
The fabric sticking to his face was annoying him, and he wanted it off. He looked between the two of you, before yanking it off; hoping it wouldn’t ruin what was happening.
'Oh Köni~ you're so pretty' you smiled walking up to him, grabbing his face, pulling it down and inspecting it. Rubbing your thumb over the scar on his cheekbone.
He could feel the rush of blood go to both his cheeks, and cock.
'Isn't he pretty Si?' You asked the masked man now behind you.
'Real pretty' Ghost agreed.
You pulled König towards the bed, pushing him to lie down.
'Already hard again Big Boy?' Ghost asked. And König nodded pathetically.
'He has good stamina Si' you said, straddling König.
'God look how deep he's gonna go sweetheart, he's thick too. Have to stretch you out doesn't he' Ghost chuckled darkly.
He wasn't wrong. König stared at how you held his cock to you, seeing how far he would go. He would reach so far into you, the thought making his cock jump.
König moved his hands to your waist and moved you, so you were lying underneath him. He sat up on his knees, turning his head to Simon.
'Are-Are you sure this is all-um, okay?' he asked.
Ghost removed his balaclava, and grabbed König by his chin, locking their lips.
König gasped as Simon slid his tongue into his mouth. Moaning into the kiss.
They broke apart, a string of saliva connecting their lips still.
König could really admire Simon now, his blonde hair and sharp jawline. Something he thought he would only dream about.
König heard you whimper underneath him.
'She's so fucking impatient' Simon whispered. To which you groaned.
Simon helped König to his feet before practically tearing his clothes off. Doing the same to himself. And both men looked at you hungrily.
Fear flooded you but also flooded your hungry need.
König got back on the bed and pulled your pants along with your panties off. As Simon helped you to remove your shirt and bra. König settled between your thighs.
He wet his lips, moving forward to lick into you, but before he could he felt Simon grab his hair. Pulling him just enough so he wouldn't be able to taste you. No matter how hard he tried.
'Beg for it' was all Simon said. Staring directly into König's eyes.
'Please? Pleasepleaseplease, wanna taste her so bad, know she'll taste good, she'll taste so good. Please Simon!' König asked.
Simon shoved König's face into your dripping cunt. Almost immediately you arched your hips. König's large hands gripping them, and pushing them down.
You writhed in his iron grip. The pleasure overwhelming as he sucked your clit, moving his tongue to lap the juices practically pouring out your cunt.
You were close. Your hands pulling harder on König's hair. Moans moving to a higher octave.
Your thighs started shaking, so, so close.
Simon pulled König up from between your thighs. König's whines being louder than yours
'Please! She was so close to cumming! Please just need to feel her come on my tongue. Please!' König whimpered.
God he needed you to come more than you did it sounded.
Simon shoved König's face back into your cunt. König whimpering happily as he lapped up your juices.
König was gripping your hips and thighs like a lifeline. Something to keep him grounded.
'What's this?' Simon asked amusedly. König's eyes shot open and saw Simon standing next to his bedside table. Dildo in hand.
'No need to be embarrassed baby. Something we can have even more fun with' Simon said grabbing the bottle of lube from the bedside table.
König focused back on your clit, sucking on it like a lollipop, and your thighs started shaking again.
König removed his right hand from your left thigh, his finger dipping into your cunt, curling to hit the spot that would have you falling over the edge in no time.
König focused back on your clit, moaning as he felt Simon push a thick finger into his ass.
Simon moved his finger trying to find the spot in König that would make him-
'Mmmph!' König moaned around your clit, causing you to cum all over his tongue and finger. Pulling at König's hair and hips bucking sporadically.
König was addicted to your taste. His tongue lapping at your abused cunt.
You whined, overstimulated as König kept moaning around your puffy clit.
You shuffled out of König's grip finally. and motioned for Simon to remove his finger from König.
Simon did so, and flipped König over, smiling at his red chest and face.
'More' König moaned pathetically.
'Greedy' you laughed.
Simon squeezed a glob of lube onto the toy, pushing it slowly into König's hole. König let out a soft moan at the intrusion before relaxing into the pleasant sensation.
'How close were you? Huh König?' You questioned, letting a glob of saliva fall from your lips and onto König's cock.
You leaned down licking at his tip.
'So, so close!' König moaned.
You smiled, sucking on his tip. Causing him to buck his hips into the sensation.
You pulled off him, Simon pressed a button on the toy, a loud humming sound filling the room.
König moaned loudly, and you covered his mouth.
'König honey, I love your sounds but you don't want to get us caught do you?' you asked sweetly.
König shook his head no. And you started fingering yourself with two fingers, stretching yourself out. Watching as König's eyes rolled in the back of his head.
'Sweetheart, get on his dick' Simon said.
You smiled at him, before looking at König, his eyes almost comically wide.
You moved over and positioned yourself over König's large cock, sinking down slowly, your mouth falling open at the stretch, König moaning as you slid down his cock.
'Si-Simon' you moaned, swallowing before continuing 'fuck him'
You saw König's eyes widen again and he whimpers quietly from the feeling of Simons fat tip nudging at his hole.
You started bouncing on his cock, moaning quietly, and König moaned very loudly at the feeling of Simons cock entering him.
You leaned down quickly, covering König's mouth. Still bouncing on his cock.
'We gotta buy him a gag Si' you smiled
König nodded enthusiastically at the idea.
'He's such a slut' Simon commented.
You continued bouncing on König's cock, grabbing his hand and guiding it to your lower stomach.
'Feel that Köni?~ you're so deep' You moaned.
König’s eyes widened as he felt the bulge that disappeared and reappeared as you slid up and down him, and you grabbed your panties that were discarded to the bed and shoved them into König's open mouth.
His eyes opened widely before rolling to the back of his head, the taste of you invading his mouth, only adding to the mind blowing pleasure he was feeling.
'Fuck I'm gonna cum!' you moaned, reaching your fingers down to your clit, rubbing messy circles.
'Me too lovie' Simon groaned, fucking into König relentlessly.
König whined around your panties as Simon’s cock pounded directly into his prostate, sending shockwaves of pleasure up his spine and adding to the coil that was rapidly tightening in his abdomen
König still couldn't believe this was happening. Watching your tits bouncing in front of his face, his eyes couldn't stop glancing down to the bulge that continuously appeared.
'I think Köni has a size kink Si' you sighed softly
König heard Simon chuckle, his hips somehow pounding harder into him.
'Gonna cum!' König moaned, although muffled.
'Come for us Big Boy' Simon moaned, and König was gone.
His vision went white, he doesn't think he has ever come this hard in his life. And then he felt you clenching around him, your juices covering his cock, he also felt Simon shoot his cum inside of him.
He doesn't know if he came again or if his last one never ended. He swears he passed out.
He actually passed out.
He woke up to feeling a cold sensation on his dick, he whined but heard your muffled voice tell him that you were just cleaning him up.
He relaxed soon after, but not for long because he felt a water bottle be pushed against his lips.
König's tired eyes opened and saw Simon mouthing something to him, no he was saying something.
'come on, you gotta drink König' he said.
König gulped down the water, and pushed it away.
He felt somebody's warm body next to him but he couldn't care less who it was, he wrapped himself around them and judging by the size, it was Simon.
He soon felt your body on the other side of him and he didn't know what to do, did he hug Simon? Did he hug you? Should he have just left? It was his room though.
'You guys don't have to stay, I know this was probably a one time thing' König whispered.
'We're not going anywhere Köni, and this is totally not a one time thing'
'definitely not' Simon agreed.
König felt you pull his shoulder and he let go of Simon.
He felt you hug his side as Simon hugged the other, the sounds of soft snores quickly filling the space.
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HI BOZOS!!!!!!!!
Longest fic in a while goodness me
I did this in one sitting jesus.
Anyway hope ya'll liked it, lmk if you did by liking, commenting, reblogging, or maybe even following idk.
oh also that little title i did, i thought it was pretty funny
I think i'm gonna start writing more COD stuff just for funsies
Ok it's 3:19am and im tired
BYE BOZOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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writing-for-marvel · 11 months
Day 16: Massage
Mob!Bucky's Kinktober Honeymoon
Mob!Bucky Barnes × Wife!Reader
Summary: A relaxing day on Bucky’s private yacht turns into a sensual massage.
Warnings: strictly 18+, smut, sex on a yacht, oral (male receiving)
Word count: 1.6k
A/N: dividers by me, please do not use. Banners by @vase-of-lilies
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“Buck, baby, can you please rub sunscreen on my back?”
You feel Bucky’s private yacht fluctuate as the swell of the water flows beneath the hull. It’s easy to see, as Bucky hops out of the glass-bottom pool, that he’s found his sea legs, walking over to you with that sexy strut as if he were on steady land. Something you haven’t quite mastered yet.
His eyes are hidden by his custom Gucci sunglasses, but you’re absolutely positive that his gaze is roaming over your body in the designer swimsuit he picked out as you lay sunbaking on a sun lounger by the pool.
His toned, tanned body looks like that of a Greek God, firm enough to have been carved from stone, and now droplets of water running in rivers through the canals between his abs which makes you drool. There are some days where you don’t quite understand how you managed to convince a man with a body like that to marry you.
You squeeze the tube of sunscreen lightly, so that a couple of drops land in the centre of your chest, flowing down between your breasts. A cheeky smirk curves at your lips as you rub in the lotion over your entire chest, all the while maintaining eye contact with your husband.
He tugs the sunglasses down his nose, peering over the top of them as you spread the cream over the top of your breasts. Those spellbinding eyes are the colour of the vast ocean beneath you, a deep lust swirls in his pupils and he bites the inside of his cheek, a telling sign his mind is billowing with lascivious thoughts.
This is his ‘two can play at this game’ face. Just what you were hoping for.
Once your skin has absorbed all the sunscreen, you pass Bucky the tube, adjust the sun lounger so it’s lying flat and flip yourself over so you’re laying face down, ass up. Bucky’s fingers graze your skin as he slowly unties the knot of your bikini top. Though there is not a cloud in the sky and the sun shines warm and bright, a shiver flurries down your spine.
As Bucky begins to rub the sunscreen onto your back, you feel the tension in your muscles melt away under his skilled touch. His hands expertly work out all the knots and kinks in your back, those that remain from the stress of planning a wedding to the King of New York's underworld, moving in slow, relaxing circles that make you want to moan.
Bucky's hands roam every inch of bare skin he can find, tracing the curve of your hips, kneading your uptight shoulders and stroking the tension from the back of your neck. The pressure of his touch is so soothing that you almost forget where you are until you feel the sweltering rays of the sun on your skin.
But then something changes.
As Bucky continues to massage the lotion into the expanse of your back, his fingers continually drift lower until they're brushing against the top of your swimsuit bottoms. At first you consider it accidental, but this is Bucky Barnes you're talking about, he knows exactly what he's doing with those adept, calloused hands. No touch is incidental with him.
You feel Bucky's hands slip under the fabric, his fingers now exploring the curve of your ass. Biting the inside of your cheek, you try not to let out a wanton moan as he nudges your thighs apart and fingers begin moving in patterns over your clothed pussy.
His touch is gentle at first, playful even, but then he finds the sweet spot that sends an electric current racing through all your nerves. You let out a whimper, unable to hold back any longer, and that's when he firmly grabs your hips and flips you over onto your back.
“You like these hands, don’t you baby? I can practically smell how wet you are.”
You stare pleadingly into Bucky's eyes, silently begging for him to continue touching you, to satisfy you in the way only he knows how.
You're addicted to your husband, to how he touches you, the tenderness in his contact even as he is about to ravage you, to how his eyes brim with a devotion you have never known another man to have for his partner, to how he makes you feel so loved and as if you are the beginning and end of his entire existence within the span of a single breath.
With the assistance of you lifting your hips, Bucky slides the swimsuit off your body, maintaining piercing eye contact with you the entire time. He flings them somewhere close to the pool.
His gaze carries an intensity you’re familiar with by now, and you can feel the throbbing pulse within your clit in response to it.
“How about a simultaneous massage?” Bucky’s roguish voice breaks through the calming sound of the water splashing against the side of the boat.
Your husband steps out of his swimming shorts to reveal just how worked up he became while massaging your body. His dick stands tall and ready for you, and a characteristic charming smirk curves on his menacingly beautiful face as he saddles up beside you, hand reaching to find the wetness pooling between your legs. Two fingers trail gentle paths through your folds, gathering arousal, as you curl your fingers around the base of Bucky’s length, twisting your wrist as you begin jacking him off.
He swears with a sharp exhale, twinkling blue eyes looking deep into yours as you pump your hand with the rhythm you’ve learnt he enjoys. But Bucky knows your body like the back of his hand, he doesn’t need to look between your thighs for the pads of his fingers to locate your clit and continually toy with it. No matter how many times he touches you, it never feels any less magical, the way pleasure surges in the pit of your stomach, ballooning to the point where you’re anticipating the moment it will pop and fill your entire soul with sparking satisfaction.
“Mmmm Buck, that feels so good. I love your fingers.”
As you begin rolling your hips to meet the dexterous movements of his fingers, you sit up further in the lounger so you have the leverage in your body to lean over towards Bucky and swirl your tongue around his bulbous tip leaking precum.
When you take him in your mouth, a strained gasp falls from his lips, the sound sending tingles straight to your core. He’s thick, long and heavy - the first time you ever attempted to suck him off had been a challenge to fit even half of him down your throat, but now, after a lot of practice, it’s like second nature.
“Look at you, baby, doing so well for me.” Bucky concurrently affectionately swipes his thumb over your cheek as you gag on his cock with one hand and continues to stimulate the sensitive bundle of nerves between your thighs with the other. He’s simultaneously the sweetest, most devoted life partner, and the filthiest, prurient personification of sex on legs you’ve ever laid eyes on.
How did you get so lucky?
You moan around his cock as Bucky finds the perfect tempo, pattern and pressure on your clit which has stars exploding behind your eyelids.
“Fuck darling, your mouth feels like heaven.” Bucky begins rutting his hips into your mouth as if he can’t help but want to feel even more of you.
Ecstasy blooms in the pit of your stomach that only Bucky has ever been able to give rise to - he can make you feel unimaginable pleasure with just the sound of his voice and the pads of his fingers that no one else has ever been able to show you.
You choke on Bucky’s length as your orgasm washes through you like a warm wave, your back arching off the sun lounger and eyes fluttering shut with the ferocity of your climax.
Bucky’s hands coax you through your high, and you attempt to continue to stimulate him while your body seizes. Once the world around you comes back into focus, your senses seemingly heightened, your attention hones in on Bucky’s pleasure.
You swallow as much of his shaft as you can whilst reaching up to cup and fondle his balls in that rolling motion you know absolutely does him in. Tears spill from the corners of your eyes and saliva messily coats Bucky’s length as you gag on his whole dick, challenging yourself to take as much of it as you can.
The guttural groan which comes from his lips only encourages you to work him over quicker, and all it takes is for to look up at him through your lashes, meeting his vulnerable gaze, for you to feel his balls tighten under you touch, his cock to twitch and his warm spend shoot down the back of your throat.
You don’t stop bobbing your head along his shaft until his entire release coats your tongue. When you pull back, you make a show of displaying this to him before swallowing all of it in one gulp.
“My perfectly filthy wife.” Bucky beams even though you look completely dishevelled, before cupping your face in his hands and capturing your lips in a devoted kiss.
You scoot over on the sun lounger to create space for your beefy husband to slide in beside you. His embrace is almost as warm as the bright sunshine coating you both as the sway of the yacht lulls you both to sleep.
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Mob!Bucky’s Kinktober Honeymoon Taglist: @tilltheendofthelinepal13 @kandis-mom @buggy14 @opheliastark @auntiegigi @alovecraft @cinnxbunny @zincxxx @cultofcarter @rose-alyssa @kaitlin013106 @wandas-gurlfri3nd @beautifulrare4leafclover @queenyamimarrero @littlerya @noobzandboobzandhooz @wanda2themax @lonelywolfheart @Kbananaclip14 @depressed-gays-of-marvel @ur--mommy @jollyfirebattrash @lauratang @casa-boiardi @raging-panda @nicoline1998enilocin @melsunshine @stinkerbelle007 @mememe7147 @happycat547 @matchat3a @Sirmeowertheruthless7 @Inlovewithficnalmen @katiemarsblog @irienanicole @buckyisveryhot @littleravengirl @whyamireadingthis @vase-of-lilies @Mrsrogers77 @saltyshluts @Wwhitewolff @buckysdogtagss @mylastnamesyuh @alexandria-fandom @andth3ywereroommates @avalongreene-09 @sargentbarnxes @keira324 @cherryschaos @missus-shadowsinger @cherriesnwinee @Ellieangelbee @Shirayukiuzukaze @goldylions @elacinnamoon @buckysdollx @mrsmischief209 @capsbestgirl77 @its-just-smut-haha @ironmansson29 @Slutforderekhale @otome-loves-what @jacesswifey @winterslove1917 @black-mistress-of-evil @buckyscumwhore @purple-vegan
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exhuastedpigeon · 7 months
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Buddie Hiatus Fic Recs - Month 5 Sept 16 - Oct 15
my all time favourite buddie fic is on this list. can you guess which one? 😂
Morning After by glorious_spoon / @glorious-spoonTeen | 1k The bed is empty when Buck wakes up.
you’re looking like you fell in love tonight by devirnis / @devirnis Gen | 1.1k Eddie is on top of him, clinging to him like a koala bear, snoring softly into Buck’s collarbone.
Buck’s traitorous heart soars in his chest.
Through The Open Window by inkinmyheartandonthepage / @inkinmyheartandonthepageGen | 2.1k At the reception of Maddie and Chimney wedding, Eddie stumbles across a Buckley sibling moment and overhears something he probably wasn't meant to hear just yet.
and i always will by Maira / @carrierofthepaperclips Mature | 2.3k the one where Eddie answers the wrong phone
The Night Shift by Veronae Teen | 2.3k “I think I’m in love with Eddie.” Heart pounding against his breastbone, Eddie gripped the handrail of the staircase so hard his fingers turned numb. Buck. That was Buck’s voice.
and all of my peaches are ruined for you by oklahoma / @sunshinediaz Explicit | 4.1k Buck asks to breed Eddie one morning and, well, Eddie isn't going to say no.
reassure me with your praise by honestlydarkprincess / @honestlydarkprincessExplict | 5.3k the one where Buck is concerned he might be bad in bed and Eddie has a solution.
hope is a sword by jeeyuns / @jeeyuns Teen | 5.4k “Did it nick the femoral artery?” Eddie mutters to Chim, hands gentle as he cuts through the fabric of Buck’s turnout pants to get a better look. Buck has a glimmer in his tired eyes as Eddie looks up and catches his gaze. He can hear the bright laughter in his mind as Buck relays a dirty joke about getting into his pants with a twitch of his lips and a scrunch of his nose.
Make So Much Smoke it Sparks a Fire by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels / @letmetellyouaboutmyfeelsExplicit | 7.2k Incubi and succubi are not about sex. They're about lust. Desire. The build up. Driving you so insane that sex is all you can think about, all you want, all you need. Pushing you right over the edge.
Something Dumb to Do by glorious_spoon / @glorious-spoon Explicit | 8.5k Buck and Eddie try something out together.
Hot and Heavy by 42hrb Explicit | 9.4k Five times Eddie had casual sex with someone who wasn't Buck and the time they finally got their shit together
baby, you drive me wild by wikiangela / @wikiangela Explicit | 10.9k Buck and Eddie have car sex on the side of the road.
it still beats steady (this heart i handed you for free) by oklahoma / @sunshinediaz Mature | 12.8k “Have you seen Eddie?”
Albert looks up at him, frowning. “Did they not tell you?” he asks, wrinkling his brow. He wipes the back of his hand over his forehead, smearing soot and sweat and wet ash like watercolor paint. “He’s on his way to the hospital. Jonah’s with him.”
It’s Not the Roaring Dream, It’s the Silent Lightning by giselleslash / @gigi-gigi Mature | 15.2k the one where Buck is married to Eddie in a coma dream and he doesn’t want to let the dream go.
20k - 30k
Four Can Keep a Secret by Daisies_and_Briars / @cal-daisies-and-briars Teen | 20.1k When Ravi and Hen accidentally see Buck and Eddie, who are trying hard to keep their new relationship a secret, in the middle of a romantic moment, they try to make them confess without the rest of the station finding out. Shenanigans ensue.
but i can see all along, love (it was you all the way down) by diazchristopher / @captain-hen Mature | 28.8k eddie confesses his feelings for buck. buck is absolutely, a hundred percent sure that he does not feel the same way.
the universe has different plans.
30k +
Claim Your Ghost by Daisies_and_Briars / @cal-daisies-and-briarsTeen | 32.k After a near death experience on a call, Eddie starts having strange hallucinations of people who have died. There’s definitely no way he’s seeing ghosts, right? Because Eddie doesn’t believe in ghosts…
Hot Ghost Problems by ebjameston / @ebjameston Teen | 40.9k The ghost would prefer to go by Buck, if Eddie wouldn’t mind.
Even in Winter There is Eranthis by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels / @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels Explicit | 45.4k Buck is supposedly a god. Supposedly. But he's got no idea what his domain is or what role he plays in Olympus. When he meets Christopher, a young boy lost and trying to find his father, he helps Chris get home - and ends up accidentally binding himself to the Underworld.
Pick a Star on the Dark Horizon (Follow the Light) by Bob_loblaws_lawblog / @buddierightsExplicit | 57.4k When Eddie learns that he's getting stationed on the other side of the country, he's faced with a reality where Buck isn't a part of his daily life. Neither of them are prepared for a life without the other. Their solution? To get married.
Month 1 (May 15 - June 15) Month 2 (June 16 - July 15) Month 3 (July 16 - August 15) Month 4 (August 16 - September 15)
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mytvjunk · 6 months
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I love that 911 is finally allowing Buck to explore his sexuality. I was hoping that it would be with Eddie first, but I guess we're starting things off with Tommy.
I don't know how to feel about Tommy tbh. He seems like a nice enough guy & from the small interactions we've seen between them, they've got some decent banter. In the next episode, they're going on their 1st date, so that's going to be interesting to see how Buck navigates it. I'm trying my best to be open minded and give this ship a chance, but a big part of me does not care about it; so i'm hoping this is a quick fling.
The elite end scenario would be that Eddie eventually gets jealous because he's realized his true feelings for Buck and confesses his love to him. Buck ends things with Tommy. Buddie has their 1st kiss and go on to live happily ever after!
I also understand that we're supposed to play along with believing that Bucks feelings for Eddie are platonic & vice versa, but we've BEEN known what's up between them for 7 SEASONS. They need to lean into it already. They've dragged this ship for way too long. This is not even a slow burn anymore...which makes it that much more frustrating. Because in my mind they've been married for several years now. These writers have played with our feelings for far too long!
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firewasabeast · 3 months
how do you feel about people saying buck and tommy won't last? do you think they're endgame?
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, so I do like to say that I'm not here to try and change anyone's mind about whether or not tommy and buck will stay together. That's my disclaimer! Here's my answer:
I think we've gone through seven seasons of Buck struggling with himself and his love interests. There was always a disconnect between him and the person he was with; something always missing.
The disconnect is gone with Tommy. He's a firefighter, is close with the 118, understands the job, is settled in his own life, isn't working against Buck, and is kinda the yin to his yang. The things Tommy lacks, Buck has, and vice versa. They've got the cat/dog dynamic down.
I think, show-wise, there are certain characters who you don't need to see settled down when a series ends. Buck is not one of those characters, and the show is entering its 8th season. I'd love if the show ran for 20+ years but it's not really realistic anymore (ncis and l&o svu are outliers that should not be counted). It's time to have Buck in a forever relationship.
The only way I don't see Tommy and Buck lasting is if Tim decides that Buck and Eddie should be a thing, and I feel like the interviews that have been done over the last few months are their way of subtly telling us that's not going to happen. I could be totally wrong, but it feels like they're saying the words without actually saying the words.
I personally love Buck and Eddie as friends/platonic soulmates. I don't think them not having a sexual relationship actually impacts their relationship at all. I love seeing the dynamic of two guys, one bi and one (presumably) straight being best friends who love each other with their entire hearts. You'll see me reblog stuff with them all the time, and I often refer to them as a family, because they are.
The only other scenario would be Lou getting another, better paying gig that takes him from the show, or Oliver leaving, something like that.
tldr; I don't know if they'll last cause I don't write the show, but I hope they do. I desperately want to see them get married and have a family.
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half-bakedboy · 6 months
Hi! I saw that you were asking for Tommy/Buck prompts! What do you think about: "You're allowed to be happy, y'know."? With Tommy continuing to be just as gentle with Buck as he was with that kiss! I'm still not over it 🩷
Tommy kisses Buck on a Thursday and takes him on their first date the following Saturday. They go on two more official dates before Tommy reminds him his sister's getting married in a few weeks. They're five dates into their... well, whatever they are, when Buck watches Tommy dance with his newly married sister.
There's something so gentle about the way Tommy holds Maddie's manicured fingers delicately in his own. He has what can only be described as a gentlemanly hand on her waist and he's almost letting her take the lead like he's making sure he doesn't scare her away.
Maddie doesn't get scared anymore, not like she used to, but the fact that Tommy can put that amount of care into someone just in case makes Buck's eyes water. Even though he tries not to show too much emotion in public, he doesn't put any effort into holding the tears back. His sister just got married! He's allowed to feel.
"Buck!" Chimney shouts. He's running toward Maddie and Tommy with a faux scowl that couldn't reach his eyes even if he tried. "Get your man before he woos her with his fancy helicopter license."
"Pilot's license," Buck says as he stands, wiping subtly at his eyes. A smile tugs at the corner of Tommy's lips because he knows that's his influence. Buck had called it a helicopter license approximately five times before Tommy finally taught him how it all worked. 
“There’s only one firefighter for me, Howie,” Maddie says dreamily. Buck can’t remember a time he’d ever heard her so wistful, not since she was a kid reading him fairytales when they were both supposed to be sleeping. 
“And there’s only one Buckley for me,” Tommy adds, winking at Maddie dramatically before placing her hand in Chimney’s, “but I always have a plan b. Isn’t that what you taught me, Han?” Chimney swats at him half-heartedly, his attention already back on his bride. 
Buck watches them for a few moments, reveling in the sheer joy that illuminates between them like no storm cloud in the world could cover the sunshine they feel. He's struck by a stray bolt of lightning--pun only partially intended--when he thinks about what she's gotten through to be here, but it settles into calmness when Tommy clears his throat from beside him.
Buck snaps from his thoughts and realizes he's been ignoring Tommy's outstretched hand. He clasps their hands together, fully intending to drag them back to their table, when Tommy clicks his tongue and pulls him close.
Then they're dancing underneath a backyard tent surrounded by their friends and family, and Buck thinks that he's never been as happy as he is right then.
There's guilt in the feeling, as there almost always is. There are people in need of saving, people who are hurt or scared or lonely, and here is Evan Buckley--happy. He can’t begin to comprehend why or even if he deserves that. He's made mistakes, he's lied to himself his entire life without intention, he never protected his sister or his team well enough, and now he's with a man who he really likes but isn't sure exactly what it means.
He doesn't deserve--
"You're allowed to be happy, y'know." 
Tommy says the words like he's reading Buck's mind.
"I am happy," Buck says instinctively. Tommy chuckles and nods.
"You are," he agrees, "but you need to stop feeling so much shame about it."
His large palm presses against the small of Buck's back, leading him into a slow sway. He dips his head the few centimeters between them and rests their foreheads together like he's trying to keep Buck's attention. Like Buck's attention could be anywhere else when he's being held like this, with such tenderness that he feels weak in his knees.
"You're going to find happiness that you don't need to feel guilty for one day, Evan."
It feels like a promise, and Buck only hopes that Tommy's the one to keep it.
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
I know I wrote a whole essay on why Eddie fell first and how you can track down some level of awareness all the way back to the tsunami if you try and all that, but I'm having let's recontextualize season 3 and 4 thoughts so... Here's the thing, Eddie's relationship with Shannon was defined by Christopher (and hypothetical child #2), right? He proposed because she got pregnant, he wanted to propose again when he thought she was pregnant again, he brought her back into his life because Chris needed something from her even though they had been living in the same city for a while and he had never tried to contact her for himself, he uses bringing Shannon back into Chris' life as a statement about their marriage until Shannon pushed him into the corner again asking what they're doing. So the one relationship ever had at that point in his life was defined by Christopher. And the way we witness Eddie struggle to trust Shannon adds to things. They're married, she's Christopher's mother but he's not all the way in unless when he's pushed into the corner. So when you look at all that, and the choice Eddie makes of looking Buck in the eye and say "there's nobody in this world I trust with my son more than you" means a lot given the circumstances. Christopher almost died while on Buck's watch. No one in their right mind would blame Eddie for being cautious. But not trusting Buck doesn't occur to him. So he makes a very definitive statement about the space Buck has in his life using Christopher. I hate making the explicit comparison because a lot of the way Eddie doesn't trust Shannon comes from the fact she didn't choose to come back while Buck keeps barreling his way in, but he tells a Shannon begging for forgiveness that he's not sure he can trust her and then he turns around and pushes his way in to make sure Buck knows he still trusts him. Eddie might not understand all the implications of the way he still trusts Buck that much, but the implications are there. Then we have the lawsuit of it all. The lawsuit is categorically NOT about Eddie. But Eddie makes it about himself because he can't understand the way Buck wouldn't consider him while deciding he didn't have the 118 anymore when he thought he was being clear about what Buck means to him. Buck made it legally impossible for Eddie to talk to him and Eddie does not know what to do with not being able to talk to the one person he relies on even more with the way Chris is also struggling. So dude makes a statement about his relationship with Buck using Christopher yet again. "Do you have any idea how much Christopher misses you? How could you? You're not around." We don't know that for sure but I think it is safe to assume that Eddie did not find out about the lawsuit directly from Buck so all of a sudden, he was not allowed to talk to Buck and he took that very personally, but he uses Christopher as a shield for how the thing makes him feel, but he's still very much talking about himself because the second Buck offers a solution so he can see Chris, he turns around with "it prevents me from reaching out to you, I couldn't even call you to bail me out of jail," so even though Eddie is hiding behind Chris, everything is very obviously about their partnership. But it's Buck who forces him to talk about them. And Eddie let it go because he wanted Buck to consider him and Buck basically promises he will from then on and he keeps that. The thing is, Eddie is in therapy at this point and while Eddie is good at repression, it's not like the dude is unable to name the shit he's repressing. That man has to have thought about why Buck leaving him made him that angry. He has to have thought about why one of the fights he starts is with Buck. He might've not connected the dots, but he has to have realized there are dots to connect. Even more, considering the way Eddie shuts down Buck's attempt to get him to open up about why he was so angry. He's all things got out of hand, let's not think about it because he does not want to open that can of worms.
Then we have the Christmas and the way Buck adjacently fixes a problem by helping organize the party and making so Chris can be with Eddie and the skateboard incident where again, Buck is part of the solution. Those are situations that show that Buck and Eddie have similar parenting styles. And all of that leads us to the well. Eddie's I need to keep fighting montage is very interesting because of the amount of Buck in it, so Buck is in his mind. But also because the well prompts Eddie to change his will. Something became clearer while he was down there because it's not like Chris wouldn't be well taken care of by his parents and he has sisters, he has a lot of blood relatives who would make sure Chris was cared for. He's known Buck for what? A year and a half? And this is maybe 6 months after the lawsuit? And the guy is like "yeah, I'm gonna make this dude responsible for my kid and I am absolutely certain he'll do everything he can for me like I would" after almost dying. Mr defines relationships using his kid gives his kid to someone after the type of experience that makes a human take a deeper look into their lives and I need to believe Eddie doesn't know? He might've not named it in his head. He might've not looked at it head-on and accepted what it truly means. But he has to know something. There's no way that man thinks that what he has with Buck is just a regular friendship. Especially because he hides it. He could've asked Buck, taken Buck with him to talk with his attorney, Buck would've said yes. But he hid it because he didn't want to answer the "why me" question because even during the will reveal my man is in deflection mode and does not fully answer why he did it, he just answers the "why are you telling me" question. He needs Buck to understand he matters and he pulls the will out of his pocket. He goes "here's a reminder you're loved" with something that's one hell of a statement for Eddie. It's the thing Shannon asks for as a statement about their marriage that he couldn't give until he was pushed to it. The idea that he doesn't have some level of awareness he's in love with Buck is... He has to know and just have accepted he is gonna take that to the grave because Buck doesn't want him like that because the way he acts is very specific for me to believe it's fully unconscious. Dude repressed the shit out of it, but he knows what he's repressing, there's no way.
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peppermintquartz · 1 month
Bucktommy prompt
Unexpected Visit
The doorbell rings just as Tommy is about to go out for his run. When he opens it, he's startled to see Chimney, who looks just as surprised that he didn't have to wait more than ten seconds.
"Hey. Can I come in?"
"Uh, sure."
"Is your Friday evening free?"
"This Friday? Yeah. I'm on shift tomorrow till Thursday." He plans to veg for Friday and Saturday before going back to work Sunday; Evan said he may be able to come over on Friday after his shift ends.
Chimney heaves a sigh of relief. "Alright. I'm booking you."
"The Buckleys. Maddie's and Buck's parents. They decided to, quote, drop by this weekend to visit Jee, unquote, but Maddie says they're really here to suss out how you and Buck are doing, and you need to prepare your boyfriend for that."
It's a big piece of info to drop on a guy before his morning run, and Tommy just stares at Chimney for a long beat. Finally, he says, "Are you saying they're gonna want to meet me and Evan?"
"Yes! God, how are you both so cool and so dense? Yes, they'll want to see you and Buck sometime this weekend, and I know Buck and I have Friday night free. Maddie's calling Buck right now, and I don't want to be anywhere at home when they talk about their mom and dad." Chimney grips Tommy's forearms. "Anyway, I wanted to warn you."
"They seemed nice enough at your wedding," Tommy ventures.
"Oh, they seem so," says Chimney darkly. "But I was warning you about Buck. He has a lot of conflicting emotions about them, and I'd rather you be ready for a thousand mixed signals that are not your fault, than for you to assume you pissed your boyfriend off when it really isn't anything to do with you."
He sounds like he's talking from experience. Tommy wrinkles his nose wryly and says, "Thanks for the heads-up, Howie."
"Mind if I stay at your place for a bit? If I go back right now, I'm just gonna be in the way while Maddie works through her emotions." He checks his phone. "Just for another fifteen minutes, and then it'll be just the right time to grab her flowers and favorite beverage."
Tommy thinks, You are so married. He says, "Sure. I'm gonna go for a run, just let yourself out later."
And then he thinks about the fact that he wants to have this, too, to know when to give Evan space and when to pamper him, when to let him rant and when to offer comfort. Maybe Chimney can help teach him how, in the future. The support team for the Buckley siblings. An alliance of brothers-in-law. (If Evan says yes. He probably will say yes. He hopes Evan says yes.)
Tommy really likes that.
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bcolfanfic · 6 months
What was the wedding like? I bet Curt was Bucky's best man? Was the bachelor party messy? Meatball was ring bearer??? LOL
#young vets au
first of all s/o to @swifty-fox who came up with a good chunk of these. i've been so focused on poor bucky's mental breakdown that quite honestly a part of the "they get married on paper and say they'll have a wedding...eventually" was me putting off figuring out that lore LOL. but here thee go.
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they start planning it after bucky is out of the hospital and doing better. gale brings it up first- and bucky is so 🥺. obviously gale never asked for a divorce but, he still feels a little insecure about things/how much he put him through. so knowing gale *does* still want to marry him good and proper makes him a lil emotional. sweet boy.
they try to surprise each other with engagement rings and end up clashing with each others surprises bahaha. me thinks gale gets bucky a celtic eternity knot ring. bucky gets gale something like this.
big crowds/travel is still a bit of a rough spot for bucky, so it's in wyoming. in my mind they have a hugeee backyard. so cutesie homey backyard wedding it is.
curt is 1000% bucky's best man. that's his best friend and curt (this hasn't really been explored a great deal yet but it will be) quite frankly did about as much for him during his big ol breakdown spiral as gale did.
hmm idk who gale's is. choose your own adventure, its whoever you want it to be.
wearing their air force dress uniforms comes up briefly but bucky hates it so it’s tabled. gale asks the guys not to wear theirs either.
all the guys come into town, of course they do. they're *so excited* not just because it's their buddies getting married but bc this is the first time all of them except for curt and kenny have seen bucky in person since his attempt. so seeing him so happy and doing better makes them happy.
demarco does indeed bring meatball.
i think since they essentially share all the same friends they have a joint pre-party a few days before. maybe the first night everyone is in town. a reunion party of sorts.
i need to do a hc list explaining all the curt/kenny lore as it exists in my head but this is maybeee the first time everyone is seeing the two of them since they aren't (badly) trying to keep that they're involved on the downlow. which everyone gets a kick out of just as much as they do bucky and gale.
both of them cry during their vows.
and, my favorite thing @swifty-fox and iame up with last night:
i know its hinted at in a few of the phone povs about bucky wanting to get sober but in my mind that's closer to when they have josie. so when they get married there is alcohol abound (lol). and gale, because hey it's his fucking wedding after all- partakes this time.
he sees bucky playing with croz's kids in the yard and gets so emotional because he just loves him so much, wants that with him and now they *can* have that together even after everything they've been though.
curt sees this and is like awww, i see that look buck! and sweet drunk gale just starts blabbering about how he's gonna put babies in him- he's gonna figure it out, JSTOR hasn't failed him yet.
to demarco, who is running around with his camera, this is the best moment of his life.
asks gale to run that by him one more time with the camera in his face.
"i said, you see my husband over there?" gale says seriously into the camera, holding himself up on curt with one arm around his waist and gesturing to where bucky is deep in drunk conversation with kenny "'m gonna figure out how to put babies in him. JSTOR hasn't- hasn't failed me yet. gonna figure that shit out and we're gonna have more kids than- than croz n' jean."
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diazsdimples · 5 months
What do u say about these supposed hard core fans that are shipping buck Tommy? They gonna make the writers keep that homophobe around 😰
I am entirely the wrong person to ask about this.
Firstly, I ship Bucktommy AND Buddie. And this is possible! You are allowed to see Buck be happy with a man for the first time (how fucking good!!) but also wish upon the nearest star that he ends up with Eddie in the end. I truly believe Buddie is endgame but at the moment, I am more delighted at the fact that Buck is happy, with a man, experiencing a positive queer relationship.
The reason I ship Bucktommy is because look! at! how! happy! this! boy! is!!! I will ship ANY person that makes my little blorbo as happy and blushy and giggly as Evan Buckley is when he's with Tommy Kinard. He is SMITTEN. Do I think they're endgame? Not at the moment, no. Would I be upset if they were? I'd mourn the fuck out of Buddie, but I would be glad that Buck is finally happy and comfortable in a relationship. His happiness is paramount.
For the reasons why Buck's bisexual arc is more important than a ship, please read this post. It talks about the importance of representation in current media, and my own experiences of coming to terms with my bisexuality just before this arc was aired. What we're seeing with Buck's story is revolutionary, really. We haven't seen this kind of thing happen in media much at all and it is so important to show.
For any issues regarding Tommy, please read this post by the lovely @slightlyobsessedwitheverything. They beautifully go through all his appearances and break them down for us and I would urge you to read it with an open mind.
Now, about Eddie. I am an Eddie girlie (gn) through and through. That is my babygirl and I adore him with every fibre of my being. I would love nothing more than to see him go through a queer arc. However, right now, Eddie is not in the place to do so. We saw from the last episode that he's an untapped reservoir of Catholic guilt, and it's gonna take a lot to work through that, before he can have any kind of realisation re: Buck. He's very much in his comphet days but is starting to take some steps towards undoing some of his old habits, like getting Marisol to move out when he realises they're moving too fast.
With this in mind, I think it would be too rushed and too early for Buddie to get together right now. Yeah they've had many seasons of being married and living out of one another's pockets but given the stages of life they are both in, I feel it wouldn't end as well as we'd like it to. Eddie isn't in the right place for it. Buck is exploring his sexuality. They need time to learn and grow and do some serious thinking and realising before they can even begin to contemplate a relationship together.
Regarding the "homophobe", I am assuming this is referring to Edy Ganem and not Lou Ferrigno Jr. I would like it noted for the record that I cannot stand Edy and therefore cannot stand Marisol. If Meddie were to be endgame, I'd fume. They have no chemistry. They do not suit one another. And I don't believe Edy should be given a platform to spread her hateful rhetoric, and I hope the last we see of her is 7x07. I'm a little mad it wasn't 7x05 but there we go.
However, Tommy and Buck's storyline and Eddie and Marisol's storyline are entirely separate. The only thing that links them are Buck and Eddie, and their friendship. I don't believe that Tommy's existence means Marisol is going to stick around and I find it a little odd that you do. Buck can and has had relationships that aren't Eddie. Eddie can and has had relationships that aren't Buck. Buck being in a relationship does not mean Eddie will also be in one. Tommy's existence does not confirm Marisol's continued existence.
My current best case scenario is Eddie being single by the end of 7x07 (please god), and Buck and Tommy continuing their relationship, so Buck has the opportunity to learn and experience same-sex relationships while Eddie has the time to deconstruct his true feelings, get therapy, work through 30+ years of repression, and then they'll be ready.
Best case scenario, sometime towards the end of s7 or beginning of s8, Buck and Tommy decide that they both want different things out of life, have an amicable split that doesn't leave either of them hurt, Tommy sticks around as a recurring character because he's ingrained in the 118 again, Eddie's doing his therapy thing and then maybe mid s8 him and Buck can start coming to some realisations with a potential for Buddie moments towards the end of s8. Honestly anything else would seem too rushed.
The final point I'd like to make is that I find it extremely odd that you call people who ship Bucktommy "supposed hardcore fans". Shipping anything other than Buddie doesn't make you any less of a fan. Actually, I'd argue it shows a bit more commitment to the characters as you're willing to be open to them growing as humans and expanding on the personalities that we love. If Buddie is the only reason you watch the show, I feel you should re-evaluate your motivation. This show has so many great ships, such as Bathena, Henren and Madney, as well as Buddie and Bucktommy, and considering this is an ensemble show, we should show all of them as much love as the other. These characters are so intertwined with one another and that's what makes this show so worth watching. Watching for 2 characters and 2 characters only is not getting the full enjoyment out of it.
I hope this answered your questions and gave you something to reflect on. As I say, I'm not the right person to ask about this as I too ship Bucktommy, currently have 2 Bucktommy fics in my drafts and watch them kiss at least 10 times a day. And for future reference, I will be unfollowing/blocking people who throw tantrums about not getting Buddie so far, or who believe you can only ship Buddie and feel superior for doing so. Have a good rest of your day.
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kinardbuckleys · 3 months
I think when if Tommy and Buck get married it's going to be an accident but they won't care.
Tommy takes Buck to Vegas or something for a monster truck rally or a major league baseball game and they just have way to much to drink and they wake up married; twist tie rings on their fingers and the marriage certificate slightly wrinkled under the hotel room pillows. But they don't get divorced or an annulment, no they just shrug it off.
They'll get it done eventually. They're both happy and stable in their relationship so they aren't in any rush. And eventually they just forget, they don't mean to it just happens. Life just continues to move and it get's swept to the back of their minds.
Then, months later, buck or tommy get hurt and they're there for each other, never leaving the other's side. A nurse makes an off hand comment about the husbands sitting in 118 room -it's theirs now, the nurses and doctors have it reserved at all times just in case- and the team catches it but doesn't think much of it. Maybe the nurse is just new or something.
Chim or hen bring it up as everyone's laughing and joking and doing their best to not let the latest injury get them down.
Instead of just brushing it off and laughing like everyone else Buck and Tommy just pause and share a look before just Buck says, "I knew we forgot something."
Later the two are forced to have the ceremony that no one got to see with Bobby and Athena and they just go along with it to make everyone happy since they're just happy to be together and that their found family cares enough to plan a ceremony for them.
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disasterstans · 5 months
I am a DIE-HARD BUDDIE SHIPPER!!! in my mind they've been married for 4 years, but anyone with eyes can see that BuckTommy/Kinkley😂 are sort of cute together, and while yes I think Tommy isn't Buck's forever (that's Eddie's job! Thank You!) I still think they should have some time together and be happy during that time, it doesn't mean I hate Buddie, or I'm jumping ship, it just means I think they're great for now. I think it's more genuine for Buck to explore his bisexuality with Tommy before he ends up with Eddie (he deserves to be taken care of for once), but I also just think Tommy would be a good fucking boyfriend to Buck and that's enough. I think 911 is one of the first fandoms I've been in where shipping the same character with different people is an act of treason, like it's normal everywhere else😂😂. Also are we forgetting that when Mr. Eddie 'panic attack(anxiety and overthinking extrodinaire)' Diaz has his queer awakening someone will need to anchor him. So since Eddie will probably have his realisation with Buck.....
Buck needs to already have some things figured out before he gets with Eddie, so that when Mr. Edmundo 'Catholic Guilt' Diaz kisses a boy and likes it, Buck can ground him.
If they're both having their queer freakout (for lack of a better word) at the same time, it'll take away from the foundation of their relationship and it might bring doubt or issues down the line, because they're both rookies when it comes to queer relationships so...
You don't have to like Tommy, but if nothing else appreciate what his service now will do for Buddie's relationship in the future. 😂
Also HOT TAKE! but I think they'd make a cute throuple😂 just saying...👀
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luminouslywriting · 2 months
Hi, I'm here to make a request, first of all I AM OBSESSED WITH RONALD SPEIRS!!, so I was wondering if you could make some headcanons about what it would be like to marry him, basically what the wedding day would be like and everything it would include, (please Let it be a big wedding...I think I have a problem with exorbitant celebrations 😭😭)
You could also add about what role each Easy boy would take at the wedding and everything. Also that the reader there was part of the company
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^^Gif not mine^^
A/N: Love, this is a wonderful request and I'm so sorry that it's taken so long for me to get to it. I'm sick so I'm taking my sick day to respond to a few of my requests haha!
Cut for length, paragraph form, more below the cut, some light spice included:
-Ronald Speirs and a wedding is a surprising match made in heaven and you can't convince me otherwise. He's happy to go to a courthouse and elope if that's what you want. But if you want the whole white wedding in full tradition? He's also happy to oblige such a request. I think that in general, he's the type to let you plan to your heart's content, but if you want him to be involved, he will in fact, have an opinion about the color of napkins and the amount of flowers haha.
-If you're stressed out in the days leading up to the wedding, rest assured that this man is a GREAT stress reliever. He knows exactly how to get your mind off of things—and if those wicked ways happen to include his fingers or his mouth, then he's all too happy about it anyway.
-Knowing the fact that you want the full traditional wedding means that he is going to need some groomsmen and there's no way that he wouldn't invite the men of Easy Company to the wedding
-That being said, the invitations were out well in advance and while everyone was pleasantly surprised to be invited to said wedding, they're also very jazzed about the entire thing
-Lipton is obviously his best man
-Everyone else had to be fought over in a wild game of rock paper scissors to decide who ends up on what side of the wedding party
-Other groomsmen for him include Dick Winters, Babe Heffron, Perconte, Martin, Donald Malarkey, David Webster, and Joe Toye.
-Your side of the wedding party got Lewis Nixon, Bull Randleman, Joe Liebgott, Buck Compton, Eugene Roe, Floyd Talbert, Shifty, and Bill Guarnere.
-Put Nixon in charge of the bar for the reception, I beg of you
-Winters had a lot of fun getting to plan so much and being involved in everything
-The others were a little chaotic, to say the least
-The rings were held onto by Lipton
-Anywho, the wedding goes off without a single hitch (mostly because poor Dick Winters and Carwood Lipton are working overtime behind the scenes to ensure that it's the best and most smooth operation to date)
-The vows definitely make a few people shed tears (and yes, Speirs is all too pleased by that)
-The reception would last for hours and hours, well into the night
-And when the two of you slip away while everyone is drinking so you can leave to the honeymoon and the only two people you get to say goodbye to are Winters and Lipton, neither one of you truly mind haha
-10/10 would have these men assemble a wedding
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